“Phoebe, what a beautiful name you have!” - "ABOUT! You haven't heard my phone number yet!" - something like this attracted men to the heroine of the series "Friends". And what female names really attract the opposite sex? As InStyle found out, it's almost a whole science.

warm sound

The sound of names can carry a certain emotional and sensual charge. And here everything is quite obvious: if women are attracted to male names, in which firmness and character are felt, then men, on the contrary, are attracted to the owners of “soft” names. A certain roundness of sound, warmth - qualities that increase the chances of success. True, there is still no consensus on this topic. In 2010, one of the network resources conducted a large-scale survey. More than 70,000 (!) men participated in it, and according to the results of this survey, it turned out that Ekaterina, Victoria, Elena, Maria, Natalya, Tatiana, Valentina, Xenia, Irina became the leaders among female names in terms of attractiveness. Almost ten years have passed since then, and it is difficult to say whether male preferences have changed. One way or another, but psychologists call other female names when it comes to attractiveness. More precisely, a little different - something is the same, but mostly not. According to experts, a strong (or they don’t say that anymore?) Gender distinguishes girls / women with the names Alla, Elena, Zhanna, Ksenia, Lilia, Marina, Maria, Natalya, Olga, Svetlana, Yulia. Now we will analyze why this is so, but for now, here is another scientific fact. A group of psychologists from the University of Berlin spent two years studying the compatibility of couples taking into account the factor of names and came to the conclusion that this factor is still worth considering. The more spell matches, the stronger and happier the union. An interesting statement, but rather controversial: the world is full of couples with completely different names, and at the same time happy.

From Alla to Yulia

But back to the sound of the most popular female names. What do men hear in this or that name?

Alla- this is energy, impulsiveness, fearlessness, brightness.

Elena it seems to men reserved, attractive, internally strong and willing to obey someone - but only to those who deserve it. And Elena is a very sincere nature, which captivates.

Jeanne- strong, but able not to show strength if not needed. She, like Alla, is a very energetic person, and this both attracts and worries men.

Ksenia- a true and devoted friend, knows how to love and knows how to communicate, she has a good social tact, but is always ready to leave the company for her beloved. In addition, Ksenia seems to men to be moderately romantic in nature, which is also a big plus.

Lily- coquettish, changeable, but at the same time knows how to love, and her coquetry is completely harmless.

Marina highly values ​​herself, and at the same time very friendly and open to people, she is smart and wants to be close to someone who will give her peace of mind.

Maria- sympathetic and caring, loves men, but is able to truly love and knows the secret of tying a man to herself.

Natalia- cheerful, charming, thorough in choosing a partner, not averse to taking the initiative into her own hands, and what many people like, she will never reproach a man for this.

Olga- this is intelligence, will, some rigidity, hidden tenderness and undisguised sexuality. She is afraid of falling in love because she plunges into relationships with full dedication.

Svetlana. They say about such people "interesting". She has a zest, and she is also open to the world, stands firmly on her feet and loves male attention.

Julia does not like conflicts, trusting, but not stupid, she attracts men, but she chooses them herself, and if something goes wrong, she breaks up without much reflection.

Emotion alphabet

There is a certain set of "trump" letters-sounds, the presence of which makes the names more attractive to men, and at the same time gives a certain characteristic to the owners of these names.

AI, EO, EA and other combinations of vowels give out artistry, a penchant for fantasies.

W, J, NN, LL, MM- a sign of passion.

KS, X- here we are dealing with women who are ready to commit spontaneous acts.

L indicates the softness of character, the habit of keeping raging passions inside.

M tells us about the ability to feel subtly and deeply, sometimes painfully experience.

H, C, W- gambling in everything.

Just don't think that men are drawn to Isabella, Isolde, Angelica and Lily. And also to every Brunhildam there. The more complex, exotic and fancy the name is, the less attractive it is. Moreover, life experience suggests that among the owners of unusual names, hysterics, psychopaths and ladies with all kinds of mental disorders are more common. Even if Brunnhilde does not have a manic-depressive syndrome, she will still turn out to be a difficult person in everyday life and cohabitation. It's like giving a drink!

For example, I noticed that all Veronikas have a very difficult character. And then I accidentally found a reference to this sign in a French book; even the French know that Veronica is not to be trifled with. Only Angelica and Jeanne will surpass them. Angelica, contrary to their "angelic" name, ladies with an incredibly complex and aggressive character. But here are Angelinas ... About them, however, later.

Want to be liked by men? Be simple! But this is advice to parents, not to the girls themselves. They don't call themselves. Therefore, dear parents, do not rummage through the Christmas time too deeply, do not call your daughter Perepetua, do not spoil the child's life!

Not only complex names are fraught with a difficult fate. There are those that initially carry a huge male energy and that is why they do not shine with femininity. This means that men are not attracted to themselves. These names make women too self-centered and independent. Who is left without a man? The one that easily survives without a man. The gentleman will stay with a woman whom he considers more unprotected, afraid to hurt. And you don’t need to feel sorry for the strong, she can handle it herself. This is how the strong stay alone...

The most "fighting" and courageous names:

  • Angelica,
  • Alexandra,
  • Hope,
  • Svetlana,
  • Veronica,
  • Zhanna.

Here they are, our "seven samurai". The names Nadezhda and Svetlana did come from male names. Like Yana and Alexander. Yes, there are double names that are suitable for both men and women. In Russian, all you need is to change the ending. However, the name Eugene, although it refers to double ones, does not promise anything bad to its mistress. On the contrary, Evgenia is a very happy and beloved young lady. But Evgenia's men, as a rule, are rare bores.

The cutest and most attractive names:

  • Angelina,
  • Irina,
  • Anna,
  • Maria,
  • Faith,
  • Nina,
  • Catherine,
  • Elena.

These women are willingly taken as wives. They seem to be persons with a good character, prudent, you cannot accuse them of self-centeredness, bitchiness, indifference to their neighbor. Calm and reliable, with a sense of dignity, they attract the same reliable men who are determined to create a family. True, Elena is very cunning, and not in a good way. Well, it's good for the family.

Women prone to polygamy

  • Ulyana,
  • Marina,
  • Natalia.

Yes, these are women with a temperament, they are often polygamous - unfaithful, in other words. They adore male society and do not limit themselves in love adventures. Of course, not all Marinas and Ulyanas are harlots, there are very reserved and strict girls with such names. However, among the reckless and broken persons, the percentage of Natasha, Marin and Ulyan is incredibly high.

Perhaps this is due to their stormy creative temperament, love of drama. And it is the Marinas who walk on such a scale that the rumor about them goes, if not throughout the city, then certainly throughout the entire district for sure. Dear Marinas and Ulyanas, direct your temperament into the sphere of real creativity. So both you and your husband will be calmer.

The most attractive female names for men

Yes, we finally got to the main list. In general, here psychologists conducted a study among men and found out exactly which women appear to them in their dreams in the form of the most desirable and sexual partner. 80 percent of men named two names at once:

  • Victoria,
  • Anastasia.

Here they are, the leaders in the list of sensual names. And their uncles dream of naming their daughters that way - Nastya or Vika. But they are hindered by aunts, that is, wives, who think that it is better to name their daughter somehow more intricately. Well, they ruin the lives of their daughters ...

But if you had named your daughter Vika, she would have grown up to be a light, charming and captivating creature. Vicki spend their youth rather frivolously, but then they always find a good place in life and never remain alone. They are happy in the family and in love, in creativity and work.

Or they would have called Nastya, and then the girl would have grown up flirtatious, but reasonable and practical. Very smart and friendly. Nastya are cunning and diplomatic, but their cunning is without meanness.

And now we continue the list of the most desirable and sexy:

  • Alice,
  • Allah
  • Alina,
  • Alyona,
  • Ksenia.

Have you noticed how this marvelous sound combination - “al” attracts men, and in any variants? Yes, it works amazingly. True, Alina sometimes seems silly, but they only seem. Because they arrange their lives and choose a partner very wisely.

Ksenia seems like a cute cat, although in fact she is a woman with a strong, creative character. However, her strength and creativity are not exaggerated, as in Marina, but are balanced by femininity and rationality.

Difficult and strange names

Elizabeth is a strange name. It seems that Lisa attracts and charms men, but they do not always know how to keep them. In Liza, you need to bring up practicality, independence. Wean them from whims and sharp, imprudent actions. Then everything will work out well for them.

The same can be said about Julia.


  • You should not call your daughters rare, exotic names. This beauty does not always bring happiness, but often - a difficult fate.
  • The most attractive female names for men are Victoria and Anastasia. That's who will definitely not be left without male attention.
  • And think a hundred times before naming your daughter Yana or Angelica. She may well live a happy life, but never an easy one.

According to the results of the survey, it turned out that men give the greatest preference to the female name Anastasia. The second and third places went to the names - Victoria and Ekaterina. This is the top three with the most votes. Right behind them are Tatyana, Natalya and Ksenia. And although during the survey, representatives of the stronger sex called a variety of names, it was these six names that received the most votes.

1. Anastasia

From the Greek "resurrected". Nastenka is a name from Russian fairy tales. A girl with that name is, as it were, predestined to be the most beautiful, the smartest, the most tender. Everyone loves her in childhood, and Anastasia will not deceive expectations - she will never be either malicious or vindictive.

2. Victoria

From the Latin "victory". Victoria chooses her husband for a long time. The reason for this phenomenon is not Victoria's bad character, as they might think, and not her high demands on her future husband, but indecision. She, Victoria, is always like that when it comes to some significant step in her life.

3. Catherine

From the Greek "purity, spotlessness." In the view of most people, the "royal" name. It seems that even in his sound there is a certain majesty and authority. Catherines are dreamers, they have a well-developed imagination. They usually do well in life, however, they are far from exemplary hostesses.

4. Tatiana

The name, according to one version, is of ancient Greek origin, in translation it means "organizer". Tatyana is quite stubborn and domineering, she knows what she wants, does not like objections and will always try to insist on her own. He will cope well with any work, especially if it happens in front of his immediate supervisor.

5. Natalia

From the Latin "native". Proud, stubborn, hardworking, straightforward nature. She can be quick-tempered and touchy, but outwardly modest and meek, even slightly frivolous. Natalia always strives for leadership and loves to be the center of attention.

He constantly needs praise and approval of his actions. This increases her strength and energy, gives self-confidence, which Natalya often lacks.Sometimes it is exalted. Naturally endowed with many abilities. Achieves professional success in music, painting, exact sciences and humanities, medicine.

6. Xenia

From the Greek "hospitality", "foreign". Sensitivity and susceptibility are characteristic of Xenia. She definitely lacks poise and stability. Xenia is more interested in the humanities than in technology, she has great abilities for languages, but most generously, nature endowed her with musical talent, and if she seriously begins to study music, she achieves great professional success in this area.

melancholiaphotography/ Pixabay

Psychologists Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima dedicated one of the books to revealing the secrets of the name. They believe that the sounds of a female name on a subconscious level arouse a man's interest in its owner. The names of women who are liked by the stronger sex should contain many vowels and “soft” consonants (L, M, N). These sounds give the word melody, smoothness.

If a female name has a paired male name (Alexandra, Evgenia, Valeria), the guys unconsciously perceive such a girl as a friend, or as a rival, but not as a beloved woman. The presence of many "hard" consonants in the name makes it sound harsh and asexual: Barbara, Gertrude.

Exotic, foreign names (Marianne, Angelica, Isabella) are considered by men to be very sexy, and their owners are suitable for a short-term romance. But they prefer to marry girls with simple names, so they feel more confident and reliable.

Names of women that men like

Elena - since ancient Greece, this name has been associated with beauty and charm. Modern Elena is a sincere, open, sociable girl whom men find very attractive. She is flirtatious, slightly capricious, but this only gives her additional charm in the eyes of her fans.

Elena is a symbol of femininity, she is mysterious and changeable, which attracts men. The owner of this name does not hide feelings, but directly expresses them. Love occupies an important place in Elena's life, but often becomes the result of compassion. She marries a man who causes her sympathy.

Angelica (Angela) is a sociable, charming girl. She does not try to stand out from the crowd - it turns out involuntarily. Angelica is sentimental, melancholic, as if detached from reality, thereby intriguing and arousing the interest of men. As he grows older, he becomes more temperamental and sensitive in nature.

In her appearance, angelic features really appear, attracting many fans. Angelica's popularity among men is facilitated by kindness and gullibility. But it is dangerous to underestimate her: she will never forgive deceit, and can take revenge in a sophisticated way.

Olesya is an energetic, cheerful, cheerful girl, distinguished by some eccentricity. Feels comfortable when she is surrounded by universal love and worship. Olesya is characterized by the desire to stand out against the general background, to be different from everyone else. Naturally, such a girl enjoys the increased attention of guys.

The impulsive nature of Olesya leads to the fact that she makes many life mistakes. But the girl does not worry about failures for long, because she is overwhelmed with optimism. The light nature contributes to its popularity among men. She marries out of great love. The husband sincerely considers her an unsurpassed beauty and exemplary wife.

Lilia is a charming girl, surrounded by universal love, over time turns into a flirtatious girl who loves to flirt. Even at school, she has many fans who are fascinated by her charm, the ability to carelessly have fun. Classmates envy such popularity, do not miss the opportunity to gossip about her.

Lily is amorous, but fickle, skillfully uses her beauty to keep several men near her. The choice of a spouse is approached seriously and thoroughly. As a rule, they marry well.

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Lyudmila is a gentle, kind, graceful girl. Her character combines strictness and gentleness, sincerity and some isolation, efficiency and a tendency to laziness. Sensitive, sophisticated men are drawn to her, while she prefers partners with a strong character. She needs encouragement, approval, admiration.

Women's intuition helps Lyudmila to successfully marry. In the family, she plays a major role, her husband considers her an ideal mistress. The house maintains exemplary cleanliness, knows how to create comfort.

Marianna - the owner of an exotic name is distinguished by an unusual charm that the representatives of the stronger sex cannot resist. A passionate, emotional girl from her youth comprehends the art of captivating men. It was created for fun, pleasure, a beautiful life.

Marianne is able to turn the heads of several fans at the same time, convincing everyone that he is the only one. Even having entered into marriage, she sometimes runs away on a date to arouse the jealousy of her husband, inflame his feelings.

Julia - endowed with a sharp mind, prone to adventures, prone to mood swings. The owner of this name is beautiful, graceful, has good manners. Softness and goodwill dispose to her men who fall in love with her at first sight.

Julia loves male society, flourishes from compliments and increased attention. At the same time, she is well versed in psychology, and, if necessary, manipulates men.

Catherine is a graceful, majestic woman with the behavior of a true lady. It gives the impression of a proud, impregnable, but a passionate nature is hidden under this cold appearance. The men surrounding Catherine are vying for the right to conquer the strict beauty.

The girl attaches great importance to fidelity, in marriage she dreams of finding reliable support. Despite the abundance of gentlemen, she does not get married for a long time, she is looking for a person who is close to her in terms of psychological makeup. As a rule, intuition allows her to choose the right partner.

Galina is a balanced, calm, friendly girl. From early childhood, he is aware of his belonging to the fair sex: he loves to dress up, spends a lot of time in front of the mirror. With age, she develops an exquisite taste, she knows how to impress in society. Galina does not lack male attention.

She does not doubt her influence on men, and most often she chooses her spouse herself. They become the most beautiful, economic guy from among her fans. He recognizes Galina's leadership in the family and is content with a subordinate position.

Alice is persistent and principled, unpredictable. Her main feature is sensuality, which she tries to hide under the mask of indifference. But men subconsciously feel Alice's passion and surround the girl with their attention. Over time, she begins to enjoy flirting and from her power over the opposite sex.

She gets married quite early. Alice's husband is sure that he got a real treasure, surrounds her with love and care.

Nothing sounds more pleasing to the human ear than a proper name. And what are the most beautiful female names that top the popularity ratings most often?

All diversity can be divided into several groups.

What name to choose for a daughter is a serious question, because fate largely depends on it. Popularity also matters a lot. Wanting to single out their beloved child, parents endow their daughter in an unusual way, forgetting about its compatibility with the surname and patronymic.

As a result, the child is ridiculed by peers. An adult girl cannot feel confident, getting used to a negative reaction, even wearing the most beautiful female name.

Beautiful modern options are determined annually. The list includes both domestic and English names, both French and Muslim.

With the return of fashion for Slavic culture, Russian female names are becoming more and more popular. They are quite rare and beautiful to the ear. According to Slavic beliefs, the child was given 2 "nicknames".

It was allowed to call outsiders only the second, connected with emotions, nature and feelings of a person.

So, according to men, Snezhana is in the lead - snowy, Vasilisa - regal, and Svetlana - bright. The values ​​are intuitive. This explains the growing popularity of Old Slavonic roots.

The next place is occupied by biblical options, according to the holy calendar. The child is named after the saint on whose day the children were born. Therefore, many excellent modern options have a biblical origin.

The undisputed leaders were and remain such female Russian names as Maria and Anna. Representatives of the beautiful part of the planet's population, called so, most of all. Few people think about the origin: the sound attracts more.

The modern world owes a lot to Ancient Greece: achievements and inventions, discoveries. He also gave the most beautiful female names. Sophia, Irina, Ksenia and Angelina lead directly from that era. This list is far from complete.

Options can be as soon as gaining popularity in the world - for example, Kira, or already super-demanded, like Sofia. Not all of their bearers think about the "named meaning". But even for the sake of interest, it is worth finding out what “names” mean.

Sound and astrology: the "secret" of popularity

There are no boundaries for information. As a result, traditional variations in one corner of the world are recognized as the most beautiful in other countries. This happened to Isabella, Angela, Martha and Eleanor. English female names sound both beautiful and unusual for Russian hearing.

A lot of "tried" in the popularization of foreign "nicknames" serials. Thanks to them, Adele, Regina, Vivienne took root and became in demand.

The Italian language gave the world charming sounding Angelica, Silvia, Bianca. With their unusualness, such options attract parents who do not want their daughter to become another bearer of "consumer goods".

Feelings can be understood, but in the absence of harmony with the surname and patronymic, dissonance is created. The English name Olivia, combined with the patronymic Petrovna and the surname Kozlyak, is an occasion to sympathize with the girl, and not to admire the elegant choice of her parents.

There are options for more exotic, unusual female names, which owe their appearance to the favorite characters of books and films, there are also more familiar ones. The selection of the compatibility of various sounds gives unique options. As a result, such "names" are recognized as the most beautiful in the world, and their owners may not be afraid to become "one of the many": Irime, Ilven.

Astrologers have tried a lot in the selection of "ideal nicknames", since the opinion of such professionals is often listened to when choosing a name for a child. As a result, Alla, Marina and Margarita with Hopes were on the list of the most beautiful.

Muslim female names are named among the most beautiful. These are Yasmin, Aisha, Mariam. The popularity of international names is high. At the top of the list of "most-most-most" in Russia and beyond - Anastasia, Victoria, Ekaterina, Camilla.

Similar sounding options exist in other languages. And such neumes both have meaning and sound good, according to the interviewed men.

Tenderness and femininity are always beautiful

The absence of harsh sounds makes any sound gentle. So the most beautiful Russian female names Alena, Milena and Ulyana are recognized.

Options vary by season. So, spring - Diana and Tatyana, autumn - Zlata and Eva. And they are guaranteed to be included in the list of the most beautiful.

Since there is a tradition to call girls “by family”, it is likely that the Russian female name worn by great-great-great-grandmother will become one of the most beautiful this year.

How to name a newborn daughter, parents decide. In many ways, the bearers of the most beautiful variations owe them to being at the top of the world ranking. But it is very difficult to predict with full confidence which option will gain popularity in a few years - an English name or an Old Norse one. Yes, and often beautiful is not what caresses someone's ear, but what pleases oneself.

Many people take part in choosing the most beautiful names on the planet. Russia is far from the only country whose male part of the population took part in the survey. There are many reasons why they name their options.

As a result, it turns out that those previously recognized as the most beautiful in a year are not very popular. But this does not mean at all that there is an urgent need to change English female names to Old Slavonic ones.

Even the most unimaginable options are good in their own way.

And if the name is completely satisfied with its bearer, her beloved man is satisfied, then there is no point in changing the familiar sound to albeit a super-beautiful one.

Often the list of "most-most" is headed by the same leaders. But everything changes, and after some time the former outsiders may be recognized as leaders.