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Introduction ……………………………………………………………………… ... 3


1.1 The concept of the image, its tasks, functions and structure ............................ 5

1.2 The main stages and means of image formation ... ... ................. 12

1.3 Features of the formation of the image of a hotel enterprise ... 17


2.1 Characteristics of the hotel "Hotel Volgograd" …………………… 27

2.2 Analysis of the existing image of the Hotel Volgograd ... 29

Conclusion ……………………………………… .. ……………………… .......... 38

References …………………………………………………………… 40


The market transformation of the Russian economy, the saturation of the market for goods and services, the creation of a competitive environment actualize the need for firms to use marketing technologies, one of the elements of which is the formation and strengthening of the corporate image. It acquires particular importance for the service sector, because due to the specifics of the services themselves, consumers, when choosing their manufacturer, increasingly rely on his image and business reputation.

The problem of forming a corporate image is one of the least developed topics in the domestic economic literature. The works written within the framework of this problem by domestic authors are limited, as a rule, to the problem of the formation of corporate identity components, which does not reveal the depth and importance of this issue, as well as to the disclosure of the problems of political image-making or the image of an individual. There is no clear understanding of what a firm's image is, and what are its differences from related and similar concepts, such as the firm's corporate style, the system of corporate identification. The problems of the formation and unity of the external and internal image of the company are poorly studied. Therefore, the study is devoted to the analysis and generalization of the existing domestic and foreign experience in creating a company's image and developing recommendations for the formation of a favorable image for a particular enterprise - "Hotel Volgograd".

The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that the image of a company is a factor influencing its competitiveness; marketing position; pricing and image of its products; the attractiveness of the company as an employer; the quality of the clientele and partners, i.e. practically for all spheres of the company's life.

Along with actions aimed at creating a favorable external corporate image, the work emphasizes the importance of the internal image as an important stimulating and motivating factor in increasing the business activity of employees, which is also a poorly developed area of ​​knowledge in the domestic management theory.

The object of this work is the management of a service organization, and the subject of the study is the image of a hotel enterprise.

Therefore, the purpose of this work was the development of communication tools aimed at creating a favorable image of the hotel enterprise.

In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were set:

Study the theoretical aspects of the formation of an organization's image;

To study the features of the formation and management of the image of a hotel enterprise;

Study the role of PR in the formation of a positive image of the enterprise;

Analyze the image management activities of the Hotel Volgograd;

When writing the work, the works of foreign specialists in public relations and marketing were used - S. Black, L. Brown, B. Gee, F. Kotler and others. Also used were the works of domestic authors - V.G. Korolko, A.A. Meshchaninov, G.G. Pocheptsov and others, dedicated to the theoretical foundations of imageology and public relations. An important role in the writing of the work was played by the use of articles from specialized magazines on marketing, advertising and hotel business, as well as Internet sites reflecting a modern practical approach to the formation and management of the image of hotel enterprises.


1.1 The concept of the image, its tasks, functions and structure

One of the important aspects of the general perception and assessment of the organization is the impression that it makes, that is, its image (image). Regardless of the desires of both the organization itself and public relations specialists, the image is an objective factor that plays a significant role in assessing any social phenomenon or process. The concept of "image" comes from the Latin imago, associated with the Latin word imitari, meaning "to imitate." According to Webster's Explanatory Dictionary, an image is an artificial imitation or presentation of the external form of an object and, especially, a face. It is a mental representation of a person, product or institution, purposefully formed in the mass consciousness with the help of publicity, advertising or propaganda. B. Ji in his book "The Image of the Company" gives a broad and understandable interpretation: "... this is everything and everyone that has at least some relation to the company and the goods and services it offers ... This is a work that is constantly being created both in words and images", which fancifully move and turn in the consciousness of the public into a single complex.

G.G. Pocheptsov considers the image as a combination of a number of variables, with a form prevailing over the content, a self-presentation option that focuses on the best qualities that increase self-esteem and authority among potential consumers, as well as the key to success in the correctness of the concept of the development of public relations.

Speaking about the time and place of birth of serious developments in the field of image, the researchers name Western Europe, North America and Japan at the beginning of the 50s. Initially, only large commercial structures were engaged in the image, and it boiled down to a rather limited set of graphic elements of the graphic style combined with a unified approach to the design of interiors and products; to the creation of a complex of verbal techniques (name, slogan) in order to indicate their individuality. However, as the number of those wishing to become unique grows, a tendency is developing to move from obvious formal techniques to complex conceptual solutions, and the image from a design policy or an identification system is turning into total communication. Today it is used as such in the markets of the world. Why is communication accompanied by the word total? Because it is carried out in all spheres of activity, and not only in external design; takes into account the immediate and indirect, real and perceived, present, past and future factors that can influence the success of the company.

As a rule, when we talk about the image of an organization, we mean the corporate image.

The corporate image is the image of the organization that needs to be broadcast to potential customers (what kind of impression you want to make). An effective corporate image can only be built on the basis of a holistic microculture of an existing company.

Corporate culture is the internal state of an organization. In its most general form, it is usually defined as a system of collectively shared values, beliefs, traditions, stereotypes and norms of behavior. If we decipher this concept, we will get specific manifestations of elements of the corporate culture of a particular organization. For example, the thesis "quality service" can be adopted as a value, "the client is always right" as a formal philosophy, and calling by name or irregular working hours as group norms. In the course of joint activities in the organization, a system of assessments is developed that affect the perception of the situation, people and the picture of the world as a whole. There are corporate rules of the game, violation of which is considered as deviation and is assessed as “uncorporate behavior”. Mastering and fulfilling these corporate "rules of the game" is both a condition for corporate membership and, ultimately, a factor in career growth. Corporate rituals, corporate thesaurus, corporate symbols and metaphors - all these components outline the boundaries of a given corporation and form the basis of its identity. They create the basis for the formation of a community on the basis of the opposition "we - they", which, with a sharper polarization, is transformed into the opposition "ours - others."

Image is an image of an organization that exists in the minds of people. You can even say that any organization has an image, regardless of who is working on it, and whether they are working on it at all. In the case of letting go of the issue of image on its own, it will develop spontaneously among consumers, and there is no guarantee that it will be adequate and favorable for the company. Therefore, it is really possible to choose not in the plane “I want an image - I do not want an image”, but between a managed and an unmanaged image. And the formation of a favorable image for the organization is a more profitable and less laborious process than correcting a spontaneously formed unfavorable image.

A positive image is of the utmost importance for any enterprise. A strong corporate image becomes a prerequisite for a firm to achieve sustainable and lasting business success. And there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for this. First, a strong image of an organization has the effect of acquiring a certain market power by the organization, in the sense that it leads to a decrease in price sensitivity. Secondly, a strong image reduces the replaceability of services, which means that it protects the organization from attacks by competitors and strengthens its position in relation to substitute products. And, thirdly, a strong image facilitates a firm's access to resources of various kinds: financial, informational, human, etc.

G.G. Pocheptsov identifies the following tasks of the organization's image:

Starting to form the image, it is necessary to find out, first, the type of activity of the company at the present time and in the future; second, how the goods and services of the firm differ from the goods and services of competitors.

The corporate image must fulfill at least three functions. It is by the degree and nature of the performance of these functions that the image can be assessed as effective or ineffective.

Function 1. Make the desired (given, planned) impression. The "planned impression" is usually subordinated to a goal developed based on the corporate strategy. It can be an image of a conservative or, on the contrary, an innovative organization. It can be an image of a small and mobile or, conversely, a slightly slow, but "unsinkable" structure. This can be the image of a highly specialized or constantly expanding the range of its services of a company, following the path of diversifying its activities. In addition, it can be the image of an “affordable” or “elite” firm. These are perhaps the simplest but most effective ways of positioning.

Function 2. Position yourself in the market. The positioning of an organization in the market is, among other things, a question of self-identification: an organization, having realized its mission in the market, understands who it is, what it does and why, what are its specifics and advantages for the client, as well as who are its main partners ( including suppliers, consumers and anyone involved in the production, distribution or service chain).

Function 3. Encourage action. According to the laws of psychology, in order to form a person's readiness to act in the right direction (for example, buy a product, conclude a deal, etc.), i.e. to form an installation, a foundation is needed. This foundation consists of several components. First of all, it is the existence of a need for the goods and services of a given firm.

If an organization's product or service meets a specific need, the firm must clearly and confidently state that it can best meet that need. And the task at this stage will be reduced to building a competent advertising company. The more clearly defined the goals and objectives of the organization, the easier it is to translate this outward, creating a corporate image.

Carrying out the process of corporate image management, it is necessary to have a clear idea of ​​the structure of the organization's image and the peculiarities of the psychological processes of image formation in the minds of individuals. The image of an organization is a holistic perception (understanding and assessment) of an organization by various groups of the public, which is formed on the basis of information stored in their memory about various aspects of the organization's activities.

Let us consider in detail the various elements of the image structure that determine the perception of the organization by the individual. The structure of the organization's image is made up of people's ideas about the organization, which can be conditionally divided into eight groups (components):

1. The image of a product (service) is a widespread and fairly stable idea of ​​the distinctive or exceptional characteristics of a product that give a product a special originality and distinguish it from the category of similar products.

2. Image of consumers of the product. The image of users of a product includes ideas about the lifestyle, social status and character of consumers.

3. Internal image of the organization. The internal image of the organization is understood as the ideas of employees about their organization. Employees are considered here not only as a factor in the competitiveness of the organization, one of the key groups of the public, but also as an important source of information about the organization for external audiences. The main determinants of the internal image are the culture of the organization and the socio-psychological climate.

4. Image of the founder and / or key leaders of the organization. The image of the founder and / or main leaders (we are talking about the individual image of each leader) includes ideas about the intentions, motives, abilities, attitudes, value orientations and psychological characteristics of the founder (leaders) based on the perception of characteristics that are open to observation, such as appearance, social demographic affiliation, features of verbal and non-verbal behavior, actions and parameters of non-main activities, or, more precisely, the context in which the founder (s) of the organization act (s).

5. Personnel image. Personnel image is a collective generalized image of personnel, revealing the most characteristic features of it.

The image of the personnel is formed, first of all, on the basis of direct contact with the employees of the organization. At the same time, each employee can be considered as the "face" of the organization, by which the staff as a whole is judged.

6. Visual image of the organization. The visual image of an organization is an idea of ​​an organization, the substrate of which is visual sensations, which capture information about the interior and exterior of the office, sales and showrooms, the appearance of staff, as well as corporate identity (elements of corporate identity).

7. Social image of the organization. The social image of the organization - the perception of the general public about the social goals and the role of the organization in the economic, social and cultural life of society.

8. Business image of the organization. The business image of an organization is an idea of ​​an organization as a subject of a certain activity. The main determinants of the business image of entrepreneurial organizations are business reputation, or good faith / dishonesty (compliance with ethical business standards) in carrying out entrepreneurial activities, as well as the business activity of the organization, the indicators of which are: sales volume; relative market share; innovativeness of technology and the degree of its development; patent protection; variety of goods; flexibility of pricing policy; access to distribution networks.

The image of the organization is relatively stable. It takes a long time and a lot of effort to change people's perceptions, since a person always follows the path of achieving maximum internal coherence. It is very important that each element of the image structure is filled with information by the organization itself. Otherwise, the mass consciousness, due to certain stereotypes, will fill the missing element with content on its own, which may not always benefit the organization: later, introducing new information into the mass consciousness, it will be necessary to overcome the barrier of the already existing attitude.

Having revealed the concept of an organization's image, its tasks, functions and structure, it is advisable to describe the main stages and means of forming an organization's image.

1.2. Features of the formation of the image of hotel enterprises

The development of the hotel business is greatly influenced by such a factor as the hotel's image, which ensures a favorable perception of the hotel, which is known to customers. The image as a whole consists of the location of the hotel, the services and amenities offered, the external perception and internal atmosphere of the hotel, the level of qualifications of the service personnel, etc.

In the field of service marketing, four characteristic features of hotel services are distinguished: intangibility, inseparability from the source, inconsistent quality and non-persistence.

Inseparability from source and object. In the hospitality industry, providing a service typically requires the presence of both the provider and the receiver. Clerks who contact customers are part of the product offering. The inseparability of the service provided also means that the client is part of it. Another aspect of the concept of "inseparability" is that not only employees, but also customers must know the conditions under which a particular service can be provided.

Inconsistency of quality. Hospitality services are highly variable, i.e. their quality depends on who provides them, when and under what conditions. Such instability of service parameters is explained by several reasons. Services are provided and consumed simultaneously, which limits the ability to control their quality. In addition, fluctuations in demand make it difficult to maintain the same quality of service, especially during peak periods when demand becomes high. Finally, it should be specially noted that to a large extent the quality of customer service depends on the current state of the employee directly providing the service. The same person can serve you well today and badly tomorrow. The reasons for such fluctuations can be very different: from illness to family problems, thoughts about which are occupied by the head of an employee. In the hospitality industry, the main reason for the dissatisfaction expressed by clients against the host is precisely the instability of the quality of services.

Non-persistence. Services cannot be stored. Thus, a hotel with 100 rooms, in which today only 60 are filled, cannot put 40 unoccupied rooms in the warehouse and tomorrow provide visitors with 140 rooms for living. Losses from non-surrendered numbers are irreplaceable. Due to the fact that hotels sell such a "perishable" product, they are forced to charge guests for booking rooms, even in cases where they did not have to use them. To maximize revenues for its services, an enterprise has to maneuver between its capabilities and current demand, since it is impossible to compensate for losses due to the current lack of demand for services.

The appearance of the institution should correspond to its specifics. It is an integral part of the overall experience that must be retained in the client's memory. Branded sales promotions should emphasize the style and market position of the institution. All visual elements should be analyzed in terms of their relevance to the preferences of the impression they are intended to contribute to.

One of the attributes that make it possible to judge the quality of the hotel is the appearance of the staff. Naturally, a hotel whose employees have their own branded clothing, united by a single style, color, decoration and distinctive signs, leaves a pleasant impression on the client.

In the hospitality industry, employees are the most important component in shaping an enterprise's image and marketing means to influence the market. The marketing department must work closely with the HR department. He himself employs friendly and efficient employees and has a policy that promotes good relations between employees and customers. It is important to note that the marketing department is engaged not only in traditional marketing, focused on the sale of goods in the market, but also in the development of a customer-oriented mentality in all employees.

Nowadays, customers are becoming more and more demanding in terms of their service, and service is one of the most important factors in creating a favorable image of the hotel enterprise.

Recently, landscaping, both the interiors of the premises and the plots of land on which they are located, have been widely used as creating a positive image.

The category of the hotel consists of many constituent elements of the hotel complex and the services provided in it. Furniture, which often determines the level of the hotel's class, in the mind of the client, will play an important role in shaping the image.

Almost everyone agrees that when choosing a hotel, they are guided, first of all, by the price, location, size and decoration of the offered room. A study by a group of experts and consultants showed that the share of traditional hotel parameters - price, room and location in the aggregate of criteria that a person is guided by when choosing a hotel - is about 70%. there are other important factors, for example, the provision of high-tech services (primarily Internet access), cumulative discounts for regular customers, individualization of service.

Recently, many hotels have begun to provide new services and amenities to their customers in an effort to keep up with changing demand. The new motivators are very diverse - from online reservations and high-speed Internet access from rooms, to specialized programs for loyal customers and expanding traditional service packages.

An important element that makes up a favorable image of the organization is a conference room, which must meet all modern requirements.

In general, the share of hotel amenities, services and the availability of ancillary facilities in the choice of a hotel is 20-30%. Amenities inside the room (the researchers attributed the vessels to the bathroom and toilet, design and interior, as well as a minibar, a coffee maker, etc.) only in 5% of cases affect the choice of a guest.

For business clients, the most important is the transfer; followed by the presence of playrooms and other facilities for children, a swimming pool, a fitness center. For tourists, the most important thing is the pool, behind it are the children's rooms. The availability of a transfer for this category of clients is not so important.

For business clients, hotel loyalty compensation programs are nearly three times more important than for tourists. Most of all, they value such compensation methods as flying mileage and bonuses on purchases. For a tourist, the most attractive compensation method is hotel bonuses.

Consider nutrition. Those who go on business trips most of all appreciate the presence of a restaurant in the hotel, tourists - the availability of a free breakfast. The ability to cook your own food is almost as important.

The share of high technologies in the choice of a hotel, although it has grown, is only 5-10%. Business customers need high-speed Internet access most of all - this was indicated as the most important high-tech service by 54% of respondents.

A survey was conducted on the topic of hotel safety. Of the four security means - metal detectors, armed guards, round-the-clock video surveillance and the presence of photographs on documents - the overwhelming majority of respondents chose video surveillance and a photograph. About 70% were in favor of electronic surveillance, and about 60% were in favor of tightening personal control of guests.

Those surveyed agree to pay to improve security. Business customers are willing to pay an average additional $ 7.73 for a safer stay. Tourists agree to pay $ 10.75 more per day of hotel stay. For all respondents as a whole, this figure is $ 9.97.

The importance and usefulness of the data obtained is obvious. However, researchers believe this is only part of the equation. "To achieve real success," the final document says, "a hotel needs to identify its strengths and weaknesses, choose a marketing strategy that will not only satisfy the client, but also match the hotel's capabilities and the chosen market policy."

1.3. The role of PR in the formation of a positive corporate image

One of the important aspects of the general perception and assessment of the organization is the impression that it makes, that is, its image (image). Regardless of the desires of both the organization itself and public relations specialists, the image is an objective factor that plays a significant role in assessing any social phenomenon or process.

Image is an image of an organization that exists in the minds of people. You can even say that any organization has an image, regardless of who is working on it and whether they are working on it at all. In the case of letting go of the issue of image on its own, it will develop spontaneously among consumers, and there is no guarantee that it will be adequate and favorable for the company. And the formation of a positive image for an organization is a more profitable and less laborious process than correcting a spontaneously formed unfavorable image.

The corporate image appeared when people began to think about the existence of loyal consumers and their influence on sales results.Today, in the age of technology and progress, every modern person who strives for life in society thinks about the impression he makes on others.

Image is a tool for achieving the strategic goals of an organization. Strategic goals are those that affect the main aspects of the organization's activities and are focused on the future. The benefits of a positive image are clear. However, positive fame does not appear by itself and does not exist on its own. It requires purposeful, systematic work.

Corporate image is the perception of an organization by groups of the public. This is how the group or groups sees the organization. The corporate image arises as a result of the public perception of the complex of communication messages generated by the organization. The corporate image can be positive, negative, indistinct. Usually different groups have ambiguous, different perceptions of the organization. Achieving a positive corporate image and customer loyalty is the main goal of corporate identity management.

It should be noted that the corporate image is not only a means, a management tool, but also an object of management. A positive image is created by the main activity of the company, as well as by purposeful information work aimed at target groups of the public. This work is carried out largely through marketing communications (PR, advertising, personal sales, sales promotion). The work on the formation of a positive image is carried out purposefully for each group and by various means.
The creation of an organization's image is carried out on the basis of a strategic approach, using integrated marketing communications. It should be remembered that each of the marketing communications has its own strengths and weaknesses. The system integration of these funds (in terms of time and sequence of use, according to the distribution of the budget between them) enhances the advantages of each of the means and levels out their disadvantages.

  • corporate philosophy;
  • history-legend of the company;
  • corporate appearance (product quality, tangible image - 5 senses, advertising, social activities, relations with the media, investor relations, staff attitude to work and their appearance);
  • corporate culture (financial planning, personnel policy of the company, orientation and training of employees, employee incentive program);
  • development of relations with society (customer "I", customer self-image).

The image can be different for different groups of the public, i.e. one and the same organization may be perceived differently (or strive for a specific perception) by investors, government agencies, local and international communities. In addition, there is an internal image of the organization - as a representation of the staff about their organization.

We can say that the organization has several images: for each group of the public - its own. The synthesis of ideas about the organization of various groups of the public creates a more general and capacious idea of ​​the organization, the priorities in the organization's communications.
The image can be created anew (for a new organization), changed. The successful process of forming an image requires management (planning, organization, control). Image formation activities are assessed qualitatively (goals, structure, content, performers, technologies) and quantitatively (costs, terms, results, economic efficiency).

The image has its own structure, it is described and modeled, as well as the very process of its formation. Considering that the model is a reflection of the significant aspects of the object, it is possible to represent the image as a set of its various characteristics.

The characteristics of the image are: the group of perception, the set of perceived and measurable properties of the organization, the values ​​of the estimates of properties and their weights. The duration of existence, clarity and stability of the image, the level of positivity / negativity, optimality, directions of activity and the costs of creating and maintaining the image are also characteristics of the image.

Modeling the image and the corporate image management process is the basis of professional image-making. Such modeling, as well as corporate image management itself, requires fundamental and systemic knowledge of management and marketing.

Based on the foregoing, the next steps to form and confirm the image (internal and external) of the company, depending on the stage of development of the company, are reasonable.

Stage 1. The company is still in its infancy, the costs of image formation and general advertising are minimal.
The internal image of the company at this stage is also just being formed.

The main tasks that need to be solved at this time within the company:

  • determination of urgent and long-term goals of the company's functioning and drawing up plans of activities;
  • segmentation of the market in accordance with plans;
  • creation of a trademark, company logo;
  • selection and placement of employees who are adequate for their place and the general goals of the company;
  • development of the general style of the company, the concept of external decoration of the office;
  • conducting marketing research and making forecasts for the development of the company with the help of one-time involvement of experts;
  • creation of an initial database of real and potential customers.

The external image at the same time, due to the minimal advertising costs, requires the following actions:

  • distribution of newsletters about the creation, goals and general strategy of the company to potential partners and clients;
  • outdoor advertising focuses on the uniqueness of the services or goods offered by the company, thereby defining the company's future niche in the market. In case of claims of the company for a certain segment of the market, advertising should take into account the specifics of this segment, and, therefore, emphasize the quality of the services offered by the company. The trademark is still served very unobtrusively.

At the first stage of the company's existence and creating its image, it is important to strictly monitor compliance with promises and their implementation. The reputation of a newly created company should correspond to the saying: “Take care of honor from your youth”, since this stage only prepares the company for further popularity.

In accordance with a positive attitude, the behavior of the company's personnel should also be formed. Moreover, at this stage, the company can still afford the luxury of selecting personnel based on their behavior, rather than imposing the rules of business ethics on resisting company veterans who consider themselves outside the general outline due to past merits.

Compliance with the principles of business ethics is very important in the process of communicating with the client, as it serves for him (the client) the most reliable confirmation of the true image of the company. The first impression of communication with company employees is very difficult (and expensive) to correct. Hence - a special approach to recruiting personnel who directly communicate with the client.

Stage 2. The company has captured a certain niche in the market and established itself in it.

A company can afford to increase spending on general advertising and image advertising. The internal image of the company at this time includes work on:

  • Introducing and strengthening the traditions of the company among employees to create a corporate spirit is a very important part of the company's image, which is not given much importance. The presence of corporate badges with a trademark among employees (forms, in extreme versions), joint celebration of holidays, during which awards are given to the most successful employees, a flexible system of material and moral incentives, attention to personal holidays (birthday, for example), highlighting special holidays company (foundation day, etc.) - all this allows the employee to feel needed in this team and, on its part, will make him strive to correspond to this team. Respect for the customer may very well be one of the company's most acclaimed traditions;
  • Creation of the general style of the company's office - in accordance with the traditions of the company, with the peculiarities of the company's activities and its modern financial capabilities. This is also not as costly as it might seem. To begin with, it is enough to maintain general cleanliness in the service area. The style of the premises should match the function and be consistent with the overall style. The recognizable style of the company is especially important in cases where various premises are scattered over a large area - the style of the company will allow the client to navigate in the space. At the same time, the presence of style does not exclude, but presupposes the existence of a large number of competent pointers, so that the search for a company does not turn into an insoluble problem;
  • The activation of marketing research, the creation of predictive and innovative research structures at the company is a necessary condition for the company's transition to the next stage of development.

The external image of the company at the same time is aimed at the following:

  • emphasizing in advertising the stability of the company's activities;
  • constant communication (including feedback - for analyzing effectiveness) with existing customers - mailings for the holidays, notifications about the creation of new directions, a list of new services, etc.;
  • advertising of the company's technologies in advertising publications (yellow, gold, purple pages, reference books, household encyclopedias, etc.);
  • the beginning of social advertising, emphasizing the company's concern for various segments of the population, for the environment, etc. At the same time, this advertisement can be used to test the company's innovative activities;
  • active use of the trademark, logo, slogans of the company in all types of image activities;
  • start of public relations of the company - presentations, open days, charity sales, etc.

Stage 3: the "golden age" of the company.

Expansion of social advertising. The positive and beneficial image of the "father of the nation" or the face of the "benefactor" that has a beneficial effect on clients - which is closer, which is more consistent with the company's internal image and its objectives. At the same time, innovative moments can be traced in the image that organically fit into the overall style, but carry the "grain of change" - preparation for stage 4.

The internal image of the company is associated with:

  • stimulation of innovative activity, for which personnel are actively involved in various advanced training, re-profiling, project competitions, etc .;
  • the opening of branches of the company in the regions: the requirements for the image of the branch correspond to the basic principles of the image of the center, but take into account the local specifics (by no means everything that is popular in Moscow will be adequately perceived in the periphery);
  • creation of trial new directions of activity (practical application of the developments of research departments), both fit into the general style of the company (and actively pursuing it in this vein), and absolutely innovative (here two ways are possible: presentation of the new as a well-forgotten old, connection with traditions and etc., or advertising is innovation;
  • in the innovative directions of the second path, the development of the image goes along all the steps that were indicated above (in this case, the creation of an innovative direction should be considered as opening a new company);
  • constant maintenance of direct and feedback from clients.

The external image of the company at this stage assumes:

  • reducing the cost of general advertising, since the company's trademark already "speaks for itself";
  • the beginning of an advertising campaign for innovative projects of the company;
  • active participation in public life: public events at various levels - the level and focus of these events corresponds to the style and image of the company;
  • expansion of social advertising: charity, support as a "benefactor father" of some humanitarian organization - a university, theater, hospital. The people consider the company to be an integral part of their own spiritual life. If it succeeds, it would be good to make the principle of non-participation in politics a good old tradition of the company. At the same time, it is clear that the transition from stage 3 to stage 4 in our country, as a rule, is associated with power structures (overt or secret).

Stage 4 can not be considered separately, because if the company is developing in innovation, then the whole cycle starts again, but easier, since there is a base - reliance on old traditions. If the company is in agony, then you can try to play on a negative image and try to turn the fall into a rebirth.

Let's consider the main tasks of Public Relations and their correlation with the formation of the image.

According to I.L. Vikentiev. PR events have 5 main goals:

  1. Object positioning;
  2. Raising the image;
  3. Anti-advertising (or reduction of the image);
  4. Detachment from competitors;
  5. Counter advertising.

The formation of the image incorporates the elements of all the above tasks of Public Relations, but most fully meet the goals of image making 1, 2 and 4 points.

1. Positioning (from the English position - position, finding, state, position, etc.) is the creation and maintenance (reproduction) of an understandable image; clarification of existing problems to Clients. If the object is not positioned, it is simply incomprehensible to potential Clients, in which case the company's image will be formed spontaneously, and therefore uncontrollably.

2. Raise the image. After skillfully performed positioning, you can move on to raising the image.

4. Detachment from competitors. As a rule, this is a combination of raising the image while lowering the other. Or like this: positioning your PR object against the background of competitors. Tune-away can be explicit or implicit. A typical example of this technique is the pre-election slogan of one of the State Duma deputies: "Others promise, we do!"

The concept of feedback in the process of building an image deserves separate words. It is imperative that there is no significant difference between the image that the company wants to create about itself in the potential client and the image of the company that the potential client has.

Thus, there are two distinct parts in what constitutes the company's image: the first is the active actions of the company to form and adequately perceive its “face”; the second is the actual "reflection" of the company's face in the client's "mirror". At the same time, of course, the company's ideas about itself and the client's ideas about the company may not only differ, but also be extremely distant from each other.


2.1. Characteristics of the hotel "Hotel Volgograd"

Address of the hotel "Hotel Volgograd": Volgograd, Mira st., 12. The hotel is located in the central cultural and business part of the city. From the hotel to the airport - 18 km, to the railway station - 500 meters.

The Volgograd Hotel is rightfully considered the heritage of the city, a living legend. Located in the heart of the city, the hotel was built in the Rational Art Nouveau style.

Today the Volgograd Hotel has acquired a completely new look, preserving everything valuable that history has given it. Continuous striving to improve the quality of services is the firm position of the management of the Hotel Volgograd. The hotel offers 168 comfortable rooms of various categories for 286 beds.

Regardless of the cost and category, absolutely all hotel rooms have a bathroom and are equipped with modern high-quality furniture. All rooms of the hotel have telephone long-distance and international communication, satellite TV, mini-bar and other attributes of a modern three-star hotel.

The hotel has one of the best restaurants "Moliere".

The Volgograd Hotel offers a wide range of additional services. The hotel has a business center, which includes 2 conference rooms equipped with all the necessary equipment for successful and fruitful work. Any event can be held in the premises of the business center, from a small press conference to an international seminar.

For lovers of active recreation - billiards, gym, tennis. The Volgograd Hotel is part of the Best Eastern Hotels chain, which unites the best hotels in Russia and the CIS countries.

The Volgograd Hotel offers air and railway ticket offices, currency exchange, transfer, laundry, dry cleaning, clothing repair, service center (fax, copier), wireless Internet access, laptop rental, organization of excursions, booking tickets for concerts, booking tables in the city's establishments.

Cozy rooms, a hall for seminars and banquets, a business center, restaurants and cafes - all this is a very attractive background for a comfortable stay and solid business meetings.

Target audience of the hotel "Hotel Volgograd":

  • businessmen (mostly men 30-50 years old, with an income above average). This category of clients ensures the occupancy of the hotel mainly on weekdays. Such clients, as a rule, use the services of a conference room, service center, restaurant, cafe, casino, etc.
  • corporate clients (large groups of people, company employees). Clients of this category come to the hotel for business purposes - for conferences, seminars, presentations.
  • families with children / young couples without children. These clients usually use most of the hotel's services and stay for 1-2 nights.

The hotel staff are mainly middle-aged people (from 25 to 45 years old), 59% of women and 41% of men, 58% of employees have higher education, and some have a special education in the field of hospitality and speak a foreign language.

According to experts from the Volgograd Administration, Hotel Volgograd is one of the most popular hotels in the city. Convenient location relative to business and cultural centers, choice of rooms at affordable prices, traditional atmosphere of friendliness and respect for the client - all this makes Hotel Volgograd a permanent and favorite vacation spot for guests of the city from all regions of Russia and abroad.

The hotel "Hotel Volgograd" does not have a service that would deal directly with the image of the enterprise, the hotel does not consider it necessary to do this, because it has its regular customers. The hotel occupancy rate is 72%.

Hosting guests for many years, "Hotel Volgograd" has gained fame in the Volgograd region and beyond. For several generations of citizens of the USSR and Russia, memories of visiting the city are associated with this hotel. Hotel Volgograd is a successfully developing company that combines modern comfort and features of the past years.

Based on the data obtained in the course of the characterization of the Hotel Volgograd, one can proceed to the analysis of the existing image of the hotel enterprise.

2.2. Analysis of the existing image of the hotel "Hotel Volgograd"

According to experts from the Committee for the Organization of Consumer Services, the occupancy rate of Volgograd hotels on average in the city is 57%. The occupancy factor of the Hotel Volgograd is 72%. For our city, this is a fairly good indicator and the reasons for this lie in the following:

  • attractive pricing policy of the hotel administration;
  • improving the quality of services over the past years (call-center);
  • convenient location of the hotel building relative to the business and cultural centers of the city;
  • reconstruction of the building, carried out in 2004;
  • the fame of the company, acquired over many years of work;
  • the presence of friendly and professional staff.

By virtue of the established tradition, as well as by virtue of the peculiarities of the building, Hotel Volgograd is a middle class hotel. You can verify this by looking at the cost of living in the hotel, the price varies depending on the single / double occupancy.

When determining the prices of the room stock, the hotel administration is guided by the cost of hotel services in the world market, the limit set in Russia for hotel accommodation during a business trip and the average income of the Russian population.

The growing popularity of the Hotel Volgograd in recent years is a consequence not only of the price policy of the hotel administration, aimed at matching the price of goods (services) with the purchasing power of the majority of the population. In the last few years, there have been significant changes, both in the appearance of the company and in the quality of services provided, which attracted many new organizations and individuals to the hotel, who have become its regular customers.

Using the investments of the city administration, as well as its own funds, the administration of the hotel "Hotel Volgograd" carried out reconstruction in 2004, during which the facade of the building was repaired, renovated and a new design solution of the room fund.

As a result of the measures taken, the Volgograd Hotel acquired the status of an enterprise capable of adequately receiving guests of the city with different financial solvency.

The Volgograd Hotel is rightfully considered the heritage of the city, a living legend. For several generations of citizens of the USSR and Russia, memories of visiting our city are associated precisely with the Hotel Volgograd. Many of today's clients know about the hotel from their parents, who once stayed here. Many, having settled once, become regular customers of the hotel. People love this hotel. The quality and price of its services best meet the needs of the bulk of Russian citizens. The hotel often hosts foreign guests who are prone to spending money.

Among the means of external communication for the formation of the image of the Hotel Volgograd are advertising, social activities, media relations, participation in exhibitions, the favorable location of the hotel, its proximity to cultural and business facilities of the city.

The hotel produces its printed products in the form of brochures, business cards, letterheads, envelopes, etc. The brochures show beautiful and colorful views of the main areas of the hotel and are briefly described. Thus, having read the advertising brochure, a potential client can form a certain idea even before visiting the hotel. More often than not, the expected presentation coincides with the real one, since the brochure carries truthful, comprehensive information.

A mention in the media of such a fact as the hotel accommodation of famous people and artists can have a great influence on the image of the Volgograd Hotel.

Summing up the analysis of the activity of the Hotel Volgograd on the use of external communication means to form the hotel's image, we can conclude that work in this direction is being carried out, but it cannot be called sufficient and systematic. Today, for the successful development of Hotel Volgograd, it is necessary to create an appropriate service that would deal directly with advertising.

Among the means of internal communication for the formation of the image of the Hotel Volgograd, one can single out the corporate culture, the personnel policy of the company, the means of motivating employees and improving their qualifications, the socio-psychological climate of the team, etc.

The corporate culture of an enterprise can be defined as a system of collectively shared values, beliefs, traditions, stereotypes and norms of behavior. The corporate culture performs the function of internal integration of all employees of the company, both management and service personnel. The corporate value system depends on the goals and mission of the enterprise and is introduced into the team with the help of an internal corporate philosophy, designed in the form of a memo for employees. There are no reminders of employee behavior in accordance with the corporate philosophy of the enterprise in the Volgograd Hotel, and, unfortunately, verbal enunciation of the goals of the enterprise as a whole and the employee in it does not have the desired effect.

Despite the positive atmosphere that is felt within the walls of the Volgograd Hotel, a number of negative aspects can be identified in the formation of the hotel's image:

  • the means of managing employee motivation are not well thought out;
  • the means of disseminating current intra-company information for employees are not well thought out;
  • there is no memo for the hotel staff setting out the corporate philosophy and standards of guest service adopted at the enterprise.

Based on the shortcomings identified during the analysis in the formation of the internal image of the organization, appropriate measures should be taken to eliminate them.

Over the long years of operation, the Volgograd Hotel has taken its place in the hospitality market and has formed its own circle of clients, but the competition is growing today, and the hotel needs to improve its reputation.

Formation of a favorable image using external communication means:

  1. Clearly plan advertising activities at the beginning of each year and draw up an advertising budget.
  2. It is necessary to think over and prioritize the planned events that need advertising. For example, the emergence of new services; holding events dedicated to various holidays; advertising that promotes sales (for example, for many years there has been a low level of demand for placement services in January, so you need to take care of advertising placement in December in advance); advertising the stability of the enterprise ("80 years of effective work"); advertising of achievements (awards, certification); image advertising (advertising of values ​​and quality of service; mention of sponsorship in the media).
  3. Draw up a statistical report on the advertising campaign carried out and the funds spent on it at the end of each year.

This activity will allow tracking the frequency and effectiveness of advertising in specific means of its placement.

  1. To place advertisements not only in professional and business publications, but also in magazines containing exclusively information of an advertising nature. Such magazines (for example, "Choose", "Your leisure", "I buy", etc.) are distributed by mail in various districts of the city, in large shopping centers, business structures, sports and recreation centers and beauty salons. Advertising in such publications is effective because it is seen by a wide range of readers who watch these magazines during leisure hours and thus are already tuned in to the perception of information about an enterprise that provides ample opportunities for recreation.
  2. Timely place advertisements about entertainment events held at the Hotel Volgograd.

Advertising about these events can be brief and posted on radio stations, city banners, direct mail, on our own website. Informing the public about the ongoing events will increase the flow of customers and, accordingly, the profit of the enterprise.

  1. Increase the efficiency of the Internet site.

An Internet site should be an effective means of obtaining information. The site should promptly display information about events taking place in the hotel (entertainment events, thematic evenings in a restaurant, etc.). The site should contain information about the availability of free rooms, the possibility of their on-line booking, as well as ordering tickets for thematic events.

  1. Improve the quality of direct mail.

Registration of information for mailing to clients must be done on letterhead and sent in company envelopes, and not by fax. The newsletter is carried out to inform customers about new hotel services, conduct events of an entertainment and business nature, congratulate customers on calendar holidays or birthdays. It is also necessary to organize the distribution of advertising brochures "Hotel Volgograd" in places where the target audience is concentrated: shopping centers, restaurants, entertainment complexes, travel agencies, beauty salons. Also, mailing of advertising offers to large firms in the city and region will be effective, with an emphasis on the provision of business services and corporate evenings.

  1. To create a presentation video about the Hotel Volgograd. The video will help to visually present the hotel and its services at exhibitions, presentations, any other sale of hotel rooms and services. The film can be recorded on a CD, which can be sent in the mailing list to potential and real customers and partners.
  2. Creation of a database of real and potential customers and partners, which will help make targeted mailing more accurate and effective.
  3. Creation of new additional services. This will have a positive effect on the image of the hotel and influences the choice of the consumer in favor of this particular hotel.
  4. Expanding the distribution network of hotel services, and, accordingly, informing about it. A good effect can be brought by the conclusion of contracts for the sale of hotel services with local travel agencies. A client who comes to a travel agency does not always have the opportunity to leave the city for a long time, and at the same time wants to receive high-quality service and comfort. It is for such clients that they can offer rest in the "Hotel Volgograd".

The implementation of the above recommendations will help to increase the brand awareness of the Volgograd Hotel, thanks to effective advertising activities, the hotel will be perceived not only as a company providing accommodation, but as a complex with a wide range of additional services for leisure and business.

The intangible nature of hotel services makes it difficult to market them. Therefore, the hotel staff and their relationship with guests are of great importance. The communication strategy should be built on such a level that the hotel is “home” and its clients are “guests”, which entails a certain level of relations (hospitality). It must be remembered that what is being sold is, first of all, the competence and care of the staff, the comfort and variety of services provided in the hotel complex.

Implementation of activities to introduce and strengthen the traditions of the company to create and maintain the corporate spirit and corporate culture:

  1. Organize joint corporate parties on the occasion of calendar holidays and special company holidays.
  2. Holding a joint corporate party on the occasion of celebrating, for example, the New Year or the Foundation Day of the company, allows all employees of the company to get to know better in an informal setting, unite the team, and relieve the tense work atmosphere. At such parties, the company's management can present small gifts to employees or simply say a few pleasant words of gratitude to each employee.
  3. To develop a corporate standard of behavior for the employees of the hotel company "Hotel Volgograd".

The corporate standard reflects the mission and goals of the enterprise, its internal philosophy. Each employee of the hotel is obliged to study this memo and strictly observe all points included in it. Studying the cheat sheet is part of the on-the-job training of personnel.

Conduct activities to manage employee motivation.

  1. Conduct the competition "Best Employee of the Month", "Best Employee of the Year".

It is recommended to sum up the results of the competition at the end of each month; the best employee of the year is determined from the 12 best employees of each month. The criteria for selecting employees can be, for example, high-level customer service, compliance with the corporate standard of behavior, a safe and dignified resolution of a conflict situation with a client, recommendations of colleagues who observe the work of employees on a daily basis, customer gratitude, and so on.

  1. Introduce a system of material and moral incentives. Employees should be rewarded based on the results of competitions, work experience at the enterprise, at the discretion of the management, etc. Material incentives include bonuses, gifts, extra days off, a certificate for training, etc. Moral rewards include gratitude (and not only announced to the employee at work, but also a more effective way of gratitude - sending a letter by mail to the home address, where the employee's relatives can also learn about his achievements and are proud of him), congratulations on personal holidays and events ... These signs of attention allow the employee to feel needed in the team, and, on its part, strives to correspond to this team. The staff should feel that the hotel to which they are giving their energy is, as it were, an extension of their home, family, that the years they have worked here will always mean something.
  2. Establish channels for the dissemination of in-house information.
  3. Provide feedback between management and employees of the company. The management of the enterprise should attract the attention of employees and interest them in the activities and successes of the hotel by informing about the problems, actions of the management and their results. Employees need to know the real mission of the enterprise, this will help them to form an understanding of their contribution to the fulfillment of the mission of the organization.
  4. Select the means of prompt dissemination of intra-company information.

Internal communication channels are meetings and conferences, letters and announcements on a bulletin board located in the staff break room. The information board contains all announcements related to the organization of internal work, lists of VIP clients currently living in the hotel with their full names, room numbers, known preferences, etc., as well as the results of the "Best Employee of the Month" competition with his photograph and a letter of thanks from the company's management.


The first chapter of this work reveals the theoretical aspects of the formation and management of the image of a hotel enterprise. Based on the analysis of specialized literature, it was concluded that a positive image is of tremendous importance for any enterprise. A strong corporate image becomes a prerequisite for a firm to achieve sustainable and lasting business success. First, a strong image of an organization has the effect of acquiring a certain market power by the organization, in the sense that it leads to a decrease in price sensitivity. Second, a strong image reduces the replaceability of services, which means it protects the organization from attacks by competitors and strengthens its position in relation to substitute services. And, thirdly, a strong image facilitates a firm's access to resources of various kinds: financial, informational, human, etc.

Based on the analysis of the activity of the hotel "Hotel Volgograd" on the formation of the image, it was concluded that the management and employees of the enterprise are working in this direction, and most of the measures taken create a positive image of the hotel in the eyes of the public, but this activity cannot be called sufficient and systematic. During the analysis, moments were identified that could negatively affect the hotel's image. For example, the lack of a marketing planning system, insufficient use of the capabilities of the Internet site, the lack of a standard for corporate behavior of employees.

To correct the shortcomings that affect the image of the hotel company "Hotel Volgograd" through the means of external and internal communication.

Creation of new additional services. (A wide range of additional services enhances the company's image in the eyes of the consumer);

Expanding the distribution network of hotel services, and, accordingly, informing about it.

  • implementation of activities to introduce and strengthen the traditions of the company to create and maintain the corporate spirit and corporate culture;
  • carry out activities to manage employee motivation;
  • establish channels for the dissemination of in-house information;
  • provide feedback between management and employees of the company;
  • choose the means of prompt dissemination of intra-company information;

Summing up, we can say that the above means of external communication are aimed at forming a positive public opinion and creating the effect of brand recognition among potential consumers, as well as increasing their own prestige among regular customers. In turn, the means of internal communication lead to fostering the spirit of corporate unity and improving the quality of services provided.


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2. Binetskiy, A. E. Public Relations. Protection of the interests and reputation of business / A.E.Binetskiy. - M .: Ekmos. 2003 .-- 240 p.

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4. Beaudoin, Zh-P. Management of the company's image. Public Relations: Subject and Mastery / J-P Beaudoin. - M .: Image-Contact. 2001 .-- 240 p.

5. Bortnik, EM Management of public relations: a tutorial / EM Bortnik, EM Korotkov, A.Yu. Nikitaeva. M .: ID FBK-Press. 2002 .-- 128s.

6. Brown, L. Image - the path to success / L. Brown. - SPb .: Peter. 2001 .-- 192 p.

7. Vasilenko, A. B. PR of large Russian companies / A. B. Vasilenko. - M .: GUVSHE. 2001 .-- 304 p.

8. Gerchikova, IN Management / IN Gerchikova. -M .: GlavIzdat. 1995 .-- 215 p.

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13. Zazykin, V. G. Psychological foundations of Public Relations / V. G. Zazykin, E. N. Bogdanov. - SPb .: Peter. 2003 .-- 196 p.

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20. Official site of the hotel "Hotel Volgograd"

21. Pocheptsov, G. G. Imagelogy / G. G. Podcheptsov. - M .: Refl-book. 2001 .-- 704 p.

22. Tesakova N. Do I need to work on the image? / N. Tesakova // Advertising laboratory. - 2001. - No. 5-6 (16). - S. 14-19.

23. Tomilova, M. V. Model of the organization's image / M. V. Tomilova // Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2008. - No. 1. - S. 26-29.

24. Labor Code of the Russian Federation - M.: Infra-M, 2006. - 203 p.

25. Utkin, E. A. Public Relations. Public relations in the field of business / E. A. Utkin. - M .: Ekmos. 2001 .-- 352 p.

Kotler, F. Marketing. Hospitality. Tourism: a textbook for universities / F. Kotler, J. Bowen, J. Makenz. - M .: UNITY-DANA. 2002 .-- 1063 p.

1. Vasilenko, AB PR of large Russian companies / AB Vasilenko. - M .: GUVSHE. 2001 .-- 304 p.

Zazykin, V.G. Psychological foundations of Public Relations / V.G. Zazykin, E.N.Bogdanov. - SPb .: Peter. 2003 .-- 196 p.

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Ministry of Education and Sciences

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Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education



Yerevan branch

Department of Tourism and Service


on the topic: Development of proposals for improving the image of a hotel enterprise on the example of the hotel "Zapadnaya" in Rostov-on-Don in the direction of training: 100200.62 Tourism Ruzanna Araikovna Tovmasyan Student Ph.D. Tigran Mushegovich Asoyan Head



Tovmasyan R. A. group T010 - 1, direction of training 100200. "Tourism". Topic: Development of proposals for improving the image of a hotel enterprise on the example of the Zapadnaya hotel in Rostov-on-Don. The volume of the FQP: 51 pages, tables 2, illustrations: 1.

The object of the study is the hotel "Zapadnaya" in the city of Rostov-on-Don. The main objectives of the FQP are: study of image technology used in hotel enterprises; analysis of the image of the hotel "Zapadnaya"; development of new methods to improve the image of the hotel "Zapadnaya". Relevance the topic is to study the possibility of using a favorable image of a hotel enterprise, since any hotel enterprise is obliged to form a favorable image for increasing consumers, since the image is an image of an enterprise that exists in the minds of people. You can even say that any enterprise has an image, regardless of whether they are working on it or not. In case of letting go of the issue of image on its own, it will develop spontaneously among consumers, and there is no guarantee that it will be favorable for the enterprise. When writing the FQP, the following research methods were applied: scientific literature, enterprise analysis, articles. In the practical part of the work, operating on the analysis of the company's image, we developed proposals for creating a favorable image, which included: participation in exhibitions, promotions, press conferences, as well as the creation of a letterhead, an envelope and a folder.

Key words: image, hotel company, corporate identity, formation, positive image of the company.


Tovmasyan R. A. Group T010 - 1, direction of preparation 100200. "Tourism". Subject: Development of proposals on enhancement of the image of the hotel "Zapadnaya". Volume of GQW (Graduation qualification work): 51 pages, tables, illustrations: 1.

The object of the research work is hotel "Zapadnaya" of city of Rostov-onDon. The main objectives of the GQW are: to study the image of technology used in accommodation establishments; analyzing the image of the hotel "Zapadnaya";

development of new methods to improve the image of that hotel. Actuality of the topic is to study the possibility of using a positive image of the hotel enterprise, as any hotel enterprise is required to form a positive image to enhance consumers, as the Image is an image of the company, which exists in the minds of people. You could even say that any company has an image, regardless of whether working on it or not. If you release the image of the issue to chance it will develop spontaneously among consumers, and there is no guarantee that it will be beneficial for the company. When writing GQW following methods of scientific research were used: scientific literature, company analysis, and articles. In the practical part of the work, basing on analysis of the company image, we have developed a proposal to create a favorable image, which have included:

participation in trade shows, promotions, press- conferences, as well as the creation of letterhead, an envelope and a folder.

Key words: image, hotel enterprise, corporate identity, formation, positive image of the enterprise.


Chapter 1. The theoretical basis of the concept of image …………………………… .. 1.1 The concept of image and its role in the activities of the enterprise ………………… .. 1.2 Formation of the company's image …………………………… ………… 1.3 Formation of the hotel company's image ……………………… Chapter 2. Characteristics of the activities of the hotel "Zapadnaya" ............... 2.1 General characteristics of the hotel "Zapadnaya" .................................. 2.2 Analysis of the image of the hotel "Zapadnaya" ... … …………………………… ... Chapter 3. Development of proposals for improving the image of the hotel “Zapadnaya” …………………………………………………………………… .. “Western” ………… …………… ………………………………………………. 3.2 Implementation of services via the Internet …………………………………………… 3.3 Proposals for the development of corporate identity ……………………… ....... Conclusion …………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. image of a hotel enterprise on the example of the hotel "Zapadnaya" in Rostov-on-Don.

The relevance of the topic lies in the study of the possibility of using a positive image of a hotel company, since any hotel company is obliged to form a favorable image for increasing consumers, since the image is the image of an enterprise that exists in the minds of people. You can even say that any company has an image regardless of whether they are working on it or not. In the case of letting go of the question of the image on its own, it develops in the consumer spontaneously, and there is no guarantee that it will be pleasant for the company.

The aim of the work is to develop pre-requisites for creating a positive image of the Zapadnaya Hotel.

In accordance with the goal set before us, it is necessary:


to analyze the image of the Zapadnaya hotel;

to develop new methods to improve the image of the hotel "Zapadnaya".

the subject of research in this case is the activities of the hotel "Zapadnaya" and the study of the existing image.

The novelty of the work is the development of provisions for the creation of a positive image of the hotel.

Practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the results obtained can be used in the work on the image of the hotel enterprise in various directions.

In the first chapter reveals the basic concepts of the image and its significance in the activities of the hotel enterprise.

In the second chapter conducted research of the hotel.

improvement of the image of the hotel "Zapadnaya".

Chapter 1. "The theoretical basis of the concept of image"

1.1 The concept of image and its role in the activities of an enterprise Image is an image of a particular enterprise or a concept that exists in the subconscious of every person. Every enterprise, without exception, has an image, regardless of who is working on it or whether anyone is working at all. If you let the creation of the company's image take its course, the result will be unpredictable for visitors, and there is no guarantee that it will be pleasant and appropriate for the company. Based on this, you can choose the following types of image:


Developing a favorable image for an enterprise is a process that is more profitable and also less labor-intensive when compared with correcting an existing unfavorable image of the enterprise. The development of an image, a kind of "face" of an enterprise is a matter not only of specialists in their field, namely advertisers, marketers, but also of specialists in another field - public relations. The image of the enterprise is formed not only by the activities and accents aimed at this.

In addition to presentation and advertising, the quality of the services provided and the goods produced, the attitude and behavior of the staff towards the employer, their own activities and the clientele are very important in shaping the image of the organization.

A favorable company image has its own criteria. It must be original, flexible, adequate and have its own exact address.

Originality is understood as the difference between this enterprise and others, A.S. Kovalchuk. Basics of imageology. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix 2004. Pp. 36.

especially of the same type. Plasticity - it means it - to be reborn, not to go out of fashion, changing, but to seem unchanged. Before you start creating an image, you must:

Reveal the type of activity of the enterprise for today and prospects for the future;

Find out how the services (goods) of the organization differ from the services (goods) of competitors.

Consider tasks enterprises for the formation of the image:

Since the development of corporate identity indicates the attention of the organization not only to production issues, accordingly, attention should be paid to increasing the prestige of the enterprise;

Improving the effectiveness of various events and advertising to promote the goods;

To make it easier to introduce new services (goods) to the market, since it is quite easier for an organization with a good image to enter the market;

It is necessary to increase the competitiveness of the organization, since if the services or goods produced are the same for all organizations, the struggle is waged here among the images of enterprises.

The image of an organization in the minds of co-workers is an internal image, and the image of an organization in the minds of clients, partners, competitors, that is, people who are not part of the staff is an external image.

Many business leaders in Russia believe that a few simple questions need to be answered for a successful business:

"What how?" and "For whom?" Most of today's successful businessmen know exactly the answers to these classic marketing questions. But the questions "Why?" or "In the name of what?" - superfluous, as Kabushkin N. I. Fundamentals of Management: Textbook. - Minsk: BSEU, 2005 p. the answer to these questions is often the same: it is metophysics and business is a method for making money or making a profit.

According to American researchers Peters T. and Waterman R.

enterprises that have formed a goal for obtaining finance, in general, do not achieve the set goal, in contrast to companies that have a wider range of value attitudes for themselves. More specifically, this broader range of values ​​can be defined as the ideology of the company, its internal and internal image. The image of an organization in the minds of co-workers is an internal image, and the image of an organization in the minds of clients, partners, competitors, that is, people who are not part of the staff is an external image.

An image is called an unambiguous and imprecise reflection of the characteristics and merits of an organization, namely a pre-designed image that is based on real and object features and features that were introduced to form the desired image. The image of the enterprise should be adequate to the existing image and be addressed to a specific group of consumers, but still remain dynamic and flexible. It should be noted that if the products are almost of the same type, then the competition is not so much between the types of products as between the images of enterprises. Products and organizations that do not have an established image of their own or a bad image cannot count on good results in the market. The positive image of the company, which is well planned and developed, is also gradually introduced into the minds of customers, supported by a high level of service and product quality, provides an opportunity for the organization to take a leading place in the service market.

T. Peters and R. Waterman "In Search of Good Governance", 1982 by Thomas J.

Peters and Robert H. Waterman, Jr .. Russian translation of introductory article, editorial and translator's notes, supplement, Progress Publishing House, 2003. Pp.

Zverintsev A.B. Formation of the image. - SPb .: 2008 .. 213 S. (Shepel V.M.) Introduction to imageology 2009. Pp. The importance and significance of a positive image in the market has sharply increased today. This happened for various reasons, and primarily because of the persistent increase in communicative flows on the life of any person. This situation was explained by Davis F.: "You can be as smart, honest and professional as you want, but you will become significant for society only when you can present you in the appropriate way." The concept of image includes a set of impressions and meanings, as a result of which the object becomes more famous, and thanks to which people describe it in one way or another, remember it and relate to them in one way or another. Note that representations due to which are formed by emotionally colored and confirmed variations and changes. 1.2 Formation of the image of the enterprise The image of the enterprise that exists in the minds of employees is the internal image of the enterprise, and the external image of the enterprise is the image of the enterprise in the minds of competitors, customers, partners, that is, people.

The formation of the image begins when the company enters the market. In many cases, managers have neither the money, nor the energy, nor the time to follow the development of the image and quickly adjust in the desired direction. In this case, the development of the image develops spontaneously, which very often has positive and positive features. Because of this, in such cases, we often hear opposite opinions about the same enterprise.

As soon as the head of the enterprise begins to ask questions:

what are we? what is our difference from competitors? in what ways can F. Davis "Your absolute image of Vneshsigma", 2005. P.43.

Aleshina I.V. Corporate image // Marketing, 2008, No. 1 Pp. 94.

attract the attention of other consumer groups? - we can talk about the beginning of a special formation of the image. This stage contains several stages: first, you should fix the already established image. To do this, they resort to various diagnostic methods, including opinion polls, filling out questionnaires, focus groups, observation.

At the next stage, the strengths and weaknesses of the existing image are identified. Based on the tasks, the positive features of the image are those that help to solve them, and the negative ones are those that interfere with the solution of the tasks. The next stage of working with the image outlines the finding of measures that neutralize negative features and enhance the influence of positive ones. At this stage, a project of work with the image is drawn up, which subsequently materializes.

The image of the enterprise in the mind of the consumer is formed under the influence of his various contacts with the organization, it can be considered, the main of which are, firstly, direct communication with employees, secondly, familiarization with advertising products and, thirdly, visiting various presentations and exhibitions ... Large, confidently “standing on the representatives, in the style of communication and behavior of personnel in contact with consumers. The goal that they strive to achieve is to smooth out the individual, one might say, distracting qualities of employees as much as possible and direct the entire attention of the consumer to the organization interacting with him. Advertising messages usually carry direct and indirect information. The subtext hidden from the consumer can be conveyed using symbols of color and images.

Working with the image is a very painstaking and delicate work that affects many processes, levels, and employees of the organization, but in our time, due to the current conditions of competition, without this Zverintsev A.B. Formation of the image. - SPb .: 2008 .. 213 S. (Shepel V.M.) Introduction to imageology 2009. P.407.

get along. That is why the artificial creation of an image should be entrusted to people with high qualifications. The image is only partially "owned"

enterprise - in the form of a visual company logo, another part of the image is created by means of studying and forming consumer opinion, and lives in the mass consciousness of consumers. If the company does not take care of creating a proper image, consumers can be content with their own imagination and achieve their version of the image of a particular organization, which is not always beneficial for the company. Figure 1.1 shows the main stages of image formation.

Fig. 1.1 - The main stages of the formation of an enterprise image Table 1.1 shows the main stages of the formation of an enterprise image.

No. Name Description of means of exhibitions, creation of layouts for announcements, creation is present, makes all layouts recognizable. Color Advertising In each case, use advertising means that will contribute to the formation of 3. PR activities to strengthen and establish mutual understanding relations) exhibitions, presentations, sponsorship events and Corporate Identity The corporate identity is a combination of technical and logo, business documentation, corporate block, branded clothing , advertisements, brochures, partners, customers, suppliers, banks, Table 1. To create any plan for a comprehensive, effective image, there are such key points as:

1. Laying the foundation.

2. External image - formed from public opinion about the campaign, product quality, formed by an advertising campaign, media relations and public work:

product quality;

social activity;

the attitude of staff to their appearance and work;

investor relations;

relations with the media (mass media).

3. Internal image is the environment within the company, which carries a negative and positive attitude of employees towards the manager and the policy of the company (the loyalty of the personnel to their company):

personnel policy of the enterprise;

financial planning;

staff incentive program;

employee training and orientation.

4. Intangible image is the consumer's response to the tangible, to the attitude towards it and the service of the company's personnel:

consumer "I";

self-image of the consumer.

Some of the design factors are obvious - for example, the tangible image of the business or product, the name, sign, and motto. But no less important are other elements that are often overlooked. For example, developing a company's philosophy. The philosophy and the motto that are born from it serve as the basis for building a plan for the formation of the image. Laying the foundation of the image - defining goals, values, philosophy and principles, on which the entire building of the plan will be built. Unsupported by strong beams anchored in a solid foundation, Gee B. Image is firm. Planning, formation, promotion. - SPb .: Peter, 2000. Page 103.

the plan is doomed to failure. Without a foundation, everything else is meaningless. Table 1.2 presents the characteristics of the main elements of the formation of the "foundation" of the image.

No. Core Element Characteristic Moral Principles are the rules that have stood in the Statement of Purpose The Statement of Purpose defines responsibilities.

creation of the company This is the guideline of the enterprise philosophy corporate philosophy, based on the first Standards of conduct Written statement of the standards adopted in the company and the appearance of the standards - this is the last brick Table 1. Neglecting the above listed components means only interest in building a positive business image, then you need to be aware of everything the properties of materials for the structure that need to be used when laying the foundation, to develop them, use and keep them faithful, although they can be changed somewhat over time. 1.3 Formation of the image of a hotel company The image of a hotel is one of the important factors influencing the formation and development of a hotel company as a business.

It provides a favorable and positive perception of the hotel for those customers who know it. The hotel's image is influenced by a number of specific factors, such as:

hotel location;

services and amenities provided by the hotel;

Felix Sharkov: Firm Image: Management Technology: A Study Guide.

Academic project, 2006 p. 84.

the atmosphere of the hotel;

the level of qualifications of the personnel.

In the field of marketing, the following characteristic features of the services of a hotel enterprise are distinguished:

Intangibility - such services cannot be tasted, touched, heard and seen until the moment of consumption. Hotel workers cannot take a hotel room for a visual display of goods during the sale, especially if they do not sell the room, but sell the opportunity to temporarily occupy it. After the guest has left the room, nothing is left from the hotel room, only a check with the invoice. Therefore, before placing an order and reducing uncertainty, the client is looking for something that will confirm the quality of this service. When a client arrives at a hotel, he is primarily impressed by the appearance of the hotel, the room, its neatness. In the hospitality industry, the provision of a service requires the presence of two parties, i.e. the one who receives and the one who provides the service. The workers who contact the customer are already part of the service. This means that the client is also an important part of this service. Another factor is that the client must also know the conditions under which this or that service is provided to him.

Variability of quality - the quality of hospitality services, how they are provided, when and by whom. Services are provided and consumed at the same time and therefore their quality is very difficult to control. When demand rises, there is also a problem of control over the quality of services in the hotel. A very important factor in the quality of services is the state of the employee who provides them. One and the same person on different days renders the same service in different ways. This can be illness, family problems, etc. In the hospitality industry, poor service delivery is one of the reasons for complaints.

Insecurity, namely, the hotel cannot store a certain number of rooms in order to double their number tomorrow for the provision of services. Due to the fact that hotels sell this type of product, they are forced to charge an additional fee from the client, even if he did not use this service. Note that the appearance of the hotel should correspond to its specifics. This is the impression that should remain in the mind of the consumer. All the little details of the appearance should be analyzed and should correspond to the preferences of the client.

The appearance of the staff is also the main factor in making an impression on the hotel client. A uniform that matches the style of the hotel will leave a good impression on the consumer. In the hospitality industry, people are the most important factor in shaping an enterprise's image and marketing means to influence the market. The marketing department is obliged to work very closely with the human resources department of the enterprise. He hires workers and maintains good relations between employees. The marketing department, in addition to focusing on the sale of goods, also focuses on the employee and the formation of a mentality in him.

Today, customers are becoming more and more demanding in terms of their service, which is the most important factor in creating a positive image of the hotel business.

To create a high-quality image today, landscaping, both the interiors of the premises and the plots of land on which they are located, is widely used.

The categories of hotels are made up of many constituent elements of the hotel enterprise and the services provided in it. Furniture plays an important role in shaping the hotel's image, as it determines the class of the hotel.

Each consumer agrees that when choosing a hotel they are guided, first of all, by the location, price, size and Zverintsev A.B. Formation of the image. - SPb .: 2008 .. 213 S. (Shepel V.M.) Introduction to imageology 2009. Pp. 405.

decoration of the proposed room. About 70% of hotel clients are guided by these criteria when choosing a hotel. Today, many hotels have begun to provide their customers with new amenities and services. The new elements of motivation are very different - from reservations via the Internet and high-speed Internet access from the rooms, to specialized programs for regular customers and expansion of traditional service packages.

A very important place in the hotel is also a conference room, which must be suitable. The significant weight of hotel amenities, services and the availability of auxiliary facilities in the selection of a hotel is about 30-40%. Amenities inside the room - these include a toilet and a bathroom, interior and design, a mini-bar, a coffee maker.

For business consumers, the transfer is important, the availability of game rooms, a swimming pool and a fitness center in the hotel is not so important for them. And for tourists, on the contrary, the transfer is not important, and the presence of all of the above plays an important role. For business clients, hotel loyalty compensation programs are nearly three times more important than for tourists. For the most part, they value compensation methods such as mileage and purchase bonuses. For a tourist, the most attractive method is compensation - hotel bonuses.

Food also differs for different categories of customers. For business clients, the availability of restaurants is important, and for tourists, free breakfast and the ability to cook for themselves.

High technologies and their availability are just as important, but their need ranges from 5-10%, in contrast to business clients.

Yankevich V.S., Bezrukova N.L. Marketing in the hotel industry and tourism:

Russian and international experience. Ed. V.S. Yankevich. M .: Finance and Statistics 2003. P.127.

Spivak V.A. Corporate culture. - SPb .: Peter, 2009. Pp. 205.

A survey was conducted on the topic of hotel safety. So of the four security means - metal detectors, armed guards, 24-hour video surveillance and the presence of photographs on documents - the overwhelming majority of the respondents chose video surveillance and a photograph. About 70% chose electronic means of surveillance, and about 60% - for tightening personal control of guests.

All interviewees were in favor of paying for security, of which business clients agreed to pay $ 7.73 more for safer hotel stays, while tourists were willing to pay more than $ 10.75 per day. On average, for all residents, the figure was $ 9.97.

The usefulness and importance of the data obtained is obvious. Thus, it is important that the hotel takes note of all the pros and cons and chooses a marketing strategy that will meet these necessary requirements and satisfy the needs of every client, regardless of class.

Chapter 2. Characteristics of the activities of the hotel "Zapadnaya"

2.1 General characteristics of the hotel "Zapadnaya"

Hotel location: Rostov-on-Don, st. Commonwealth, 66/110. The hotel consists of 9 floors and provides 106 rooms of different categories, with a capacity of up to 250 people.

railway station.

Hotel "Zapadnaya" is one of the largest hotel enterprises in the city.

Rostov-on-Don, which belongs to 3 * economy class hotels and includes a rich room stock of various categories.

The building of the hotel "Zapadnaya" was built in 1993. The hotel is located 15 minutes drive from the city center, in an ecologically clean residential area called the Western Residential Massif, hence the name of the hotel.

The total area of ​​the building is 6502 sq.m. The building has separate exits, underground garages on the back of the building.

There is a parking lot at the main entrance to the hotel, and in front of the building itself there are benches for clients to rest. There are also ramps for disabled people.

The hotel has 3 lifts (2 passenger, 1 service) and two stairs.

On the ground floor of the hotel there is a hall with a reception and registration desk, a restaurant with a banquet hall, a cafe, a dressing room for guests, a kitchen.

On the second floor there are: a conference room, a travel agency, a first-aid post.

The number of rooms starts from the third floor. The basement is occupied by warehouses, a utility room, a dressing room for staff, and a laundry room.

The hotel itself has been operating since 1993, has its potential clients, and develops every year.

Hotel "Zapadnaya" includes:

Rooms (of different categories);

Restaurant with a banquet hall;

The number of rooms consists of 106 rooms, of which 16 are standard single rooms, 59 economy rooms, 24 double rooms, 7 junior suites.

Single room Standard is a one-room comfortable room, which includes: double, classic furniture, refrigerator, TV, air conditioning. The bathroom is equipped with all the necessary modern plumbing.

Double rooms Standard is a comfortable and cozy double one-room suite, which has two separate beds, two tables with table lamps, table and chairs, air conditioning, TV and a bathroom.

Double room Junior suite is a spacious and cozy two-room suite that provides a homely atmosphere. The suite includes an entrance hall, living room, bedroom and bathroom. The living room has a soft sofa, table with chairs, TV, refrigerator, microwave oven, air conditioner, refrigerator, kettle and a set of dishes. The bedroom includes two beds, a TV set, two tables with table lamps.

Double room Economy class. The room is equipped with two beds, two pedestals, table, chairs, refrigerator and TV.

A two-room double room of the Economy class category includes a guest room and a bedroom. The guest room has:

sofa, table with chairs, TV and refrigerator. The bedroom includes wardrobes with two beds and two bedside tables with lighting. The bathroom is equipped with new appliances and has a shower.

Economy class two-room triple room. The room has three beds, three bedside tables, a table with chairs, a TV and a refrigerator. In this category of rooms, the bathroom consists of two washbasins, two toilet cabins and a shower.

All rooms provide free, wireless Internet based on Wi-Fi technology.

The Zapadny restaurant provides an opportunity to celebrate the opportunity to celebrate various holidays. The banquet hall provides up to 150 seats. The restaurant is equipped with the latest technology, has live music, and different national cuisines: Russian, European, Uzbek and the chef's signature dishes, which are the restaurant's card.

The restaurant also has a small cafe with 50 seats and a bar where you can taste exclusive drinks and signature cocktails.

the capacity is 80 people. The conference hall is equipped with the latest technology and makes it possible to hold conferences at a high level.

Hotel "Zapadnaya" also provides additional services:

Ordering railway and air tickets;

Taxi ordering;

Currency exchange;

Dry cleaning and laundry;

Repair of shoes and clothes;

Service center (copier, fax);

Booking tickets for concerts and performances;

Organization of excursions;

The hotel has its potential clients and is oriented towards clients of various categories:

Young couples and families with children. These clients often stay for two to three nights and enjoy most of the services;

Businessmen. These are regular customers of the hotel. They can be found on weekdays in the hotel. This category of clients uses the services of a conference room, restaurant and cafe.

hotels, as the hotel provides inexpensive economy class rooms for a minimal fee. We can say that this category of consumers lives in a hotel. They use the services of a restaurant, a taxi, train / air tickets, repair of clothes and shoes, etc.

The hotel staff are middle-aged people from 30 to 50 years old, of which 70% are women, and 30% are men. 80% of the working staff have higher education, 50% in the hospitality industry and speak at least two foreign languages.

Since the city of Rostov-on-Don is the southern capital, it has many tourists, and, of course, the city has many hotels of different categories. Hotel Zapadnaya is popular among tourists, as the hotel is one of the inexpensive in the city, while providing high-quality services.

a solemn conference was held, at which the results were summed up and the winners of the regional rating competition "Leaders of the Don Tourism Industry 2013" were announced, in which LLC "Rostov RUPK"

Zapadnaya Hotel won first place in the Best Economy Class Hotel competition. The hotel attracts consumers with its quality and inexpensive prices, which are shown in table 1.2.

amenities, TV, air conditioning, refrigerator, 1 category "Standard"

amenities, TV, refrigerator and air conditioning, 1 category "Standard"

amenities, refrigerator, TV, air conditioning, "Junior suite"

TV and refrigerator, 2 categories "Economy class"

refrigerator and TV, 2 categories of "Economy class"

Table 1. * In a single room of 1 category "Standard"

accommodation is provided for one person, in case of sharing on Official site of the competition "Leaders of the Don's Tourism Industry 2013"

extra bed the cost of a bed in the room is 1100 rubles. In this case, the cost of the room will be 2200 rubles.

** In a double two-room suite of the "Junior Suite" category

accommodation for two people is provided, in case of adding an extra bed, the cost of a place in the room is 1200 rubles.

Accordingly, the cost of the room will be 3600 rubles.

accommodation for two people is provided, in case of adding an extra bed, the cost of a place in the room will be 600 rubles.

The cost of the room will be 1800 rubles.

2.2 Analysis of the image of the hotel "Zapadnaya"

About a thousand people stay in hotels in Rostov-on-Don every year. There are about 100 hotels with more beds in the city, it also includes hotels of 3 * economy class and higher. 106 places offered by the hotel "Zapadnaya" make up 7% of the total number of places in the city.

According to experts of the Committee for Economic Development of Rostovna-Don, the hotel occupancy factor on average in the city is 49% .14 The occupancy factor of the analyzed hotel is 60%, which is higher than the average. The reasons are the following:

-attractive pricing policy of the hotel administration;

- the quality of services (call-center), which are constantly improving;

-convenient location of the hotel, which is located near the business and cultural centers of Rostov-on-Don;

-availability of professional and friendly staff.

-exterior architectural view that fits all Russian standards;

www.rostov – Official portal of the City Duma and the City Administration.

- good fame;

In accordance with the orientation towards a certain segment of consumers, i.e. for a group of people with similar needs, as well as the high cost of the initial investment that was invested in the construction and equipment of the hotel "Zapadnaya" amounted to 1 billion rubles.

Based on this, in the future, the following pricing policy of the enterprise was determined in the table:

Table 1.2: Pricing policy of the enterprise "Standard"

"Junior suite"

Double one-room "Economy class" 25 1500 * Double two-room "Economy 11 1700 * class"

Three-bed two-room "Economy class" 23 2000 * Note that the hotel administration, in addition to determining the pricing policy of the enterprise, is also guided by the cost of hotel services on the world market, the limit for hotel accommodation in the Russian Federation and the average income of the Russian population. Since its opening, the Zapadnaya Hotel has chosen an aggressive strategy that was aimed at winning new customers, while retaining existing ones, as well as using a whole range of attractive methods, including bonuses for consumers. Note also that the main pride of the hotel "Zapadnaya" is its direct appearance. It starts from the facade of the building to the interior arrangement of rooms and other premises. But the attraction does not end with one facade, there are also many changes taking place to improve the quality of services.

Hotel "Zapadnaya" is considered not only the property of the city, but also a new symbol of the city. The image of the city of Rostov-on-Don makes special demands on its appearance. Hotel "Zapadnaya" fits well into the area where it is located.

Most consumers learn about the hotel through their friends and acquaintances who have ever arrived at the hotel. In the future, they become regular customers of the Zapadnaya Hotel. This is evidenced by the data of the hotel administration. The consumers of the provided service have a positive impression.

At the same time, the hotel "Zapadnaya" is an economy class hotel, which is expressed in the highest level of material and technical support and the level of service, the hotel "Zapadnaya" also meets all the needs of most of the citizens of the Russian Federation.

If we consider the means of external communication for the formation of the image of the hotel "Zapadnaya", then we can note here social activities, advertising, participation in cultural events of the city, communication with the media, the favorable location of the hotel, and its proximity to the business and cultural facilities of the city is very important.

The hotel advertises itself with the help of printed products, such as: brochures, letterheads, business cards, envelopes, etc. The brochures show colorful and beautiful views of the main sections of the hotel and give a brief description of them. The brochures are created so that the client, who has never visited the hotel yet, could have some idea of ​​it. It is easy to imagine, since the real images of the hotel are expressed on the avenue. It so happens that famous people live in the hotel (Basta, the Zveri group, the Kasta group), they, in turn, are also those who indirectly through the media leave an impact on the image of the Zapadnaya hotel.

For the analysis of the hotel, one of the research methods of the enterprise was chosen - a questionnaire. The questionnaire is considered the main element of the survey, which is a sociological document that contains a structurally organized set of questions, each of which is associated with the objectives of the survey. This connection is expressed in the need to obtain information that reflects the characteristics of the object under study. The questionnaire assumes that the respondent fills out the questionnaire with or without the presence of the questionnaire, less often the questionnaire fills out the questionnaire according to the respondent's words. Individual in form, when a significant number of people can be interviewed in a relatively short time.

So, before you start drawing up the questionnaire, you need to accurately study the hotel company, know all its basic and additional services.

The main services of the hotel "Zapadnaya", which are included in the room rate, are:

Providing a room;

Daily room cleaning;

Meals (2 meals - breakfast and lunch) Provision of personal hygiene products;

Change of bed linen (every other day);

Additional hotel services are:

Taxi ordering;

Press delivery to the room;

Laundry service;


Repair of clothing and footwear;

Conference room services;

Ordering railway and air tickets;

Restaurant reservations;

Organization of excursions.

Having studied the basic and additional services, you can start drawing up a questionnaire. Initially, the main services provided by the hotel are entered into it, and only then additional services.

The questionnaire also included such items as:


The attitude of the staff.

The questionnaire was in the form of a table and was divided into three columns, which included hotel services, score from 0 to 5 points, and in the third column there was an opportunity to leave an opinion.

There was also an opportunity at the very end of the questionnaire to fill in the box of wishes and express your opinion on what is missing in the hotel.

Visitors of the hotel, its regular customers and working staff took part in the survey.

After the survey, all the questionnaires were reviewed and an analysis was made, which we will divide into two points, the positive and negative aspects of the image.

The positive sides of the hotel are:

1. Inexpensive and very comfortable rooms of different categories;

2. The location of the hotel also influenced the positive opinion, as it is located in a quiet residential area, not far from the city center.

3. Friendly and helpful staff who speaks two foreign languages.

The negative sides, according to the survey, are:

1. Lack of car rental;

2. Very small parking;

3. Lack of a sports hall;

4. The hotel does not have a children's room or babysitting services, but its clients are families with children.

Summing up the analysis of the activities of the hotel "Zapadnaya" for the formation of a positive image of the hotel enterprise, we can draw the following conclusion. Work on the formation of a favorable image of the hotel is underway, but it is not as effective as it could be. Today, for successful development, the hotel management needs a special service that will deal directly with advertising and promote the image of this hotel.

Among the means of internal communication to develop the image of the hotel "Zapadnaya", the following means can be distinguished:

corporate culture of the enterprise;

personnel policy;

means of motivating personnel and improving their qualifications;

the socio-psychological climate of the staff, etc.

The corporate culture of an enterprise is a system that collectively separates values, beliefs, traditions, stereotypes and norms of behavior. The corporate culture is a system that performs the function of internal integration of all personnel of the enterprise, both management and service personnel. The corporate system is a system of values, which in turn depends on the goals and internal organizational philosophy, designed in the form of a memo for the staff. There are no reminders of the behavior of employees in the hotel "Zapadnaya", and verbal articulation of the goals of the enterprise and the employee in it does not have the desired effect.

There is a rather positive atmosphere in the walls of the hotel.

Despite this, in this hotel, a number of negative aspects can be identified in the formation of the image of a hotel enterprise:

- the means of managing the motivation of working personnel are not well thought out;

The means of disseminating current intra-organizational information for employees are not well thought out;

There is no memo for the staff of the hotel "Zapadnaya", which sets out the standards of service for guests initially adopted at the enterprise.

On the basis of the found deficiencies in the development of the image of the hotel "Zapadnaya" and on the basis of the analysis of the hotel's work on the organization, appropriate measures should be taken to eliminate them.

One of the main remedial measures is to create a department of marketers who will deal with these problems.

Chapter 3. Development of proposals for improving the image of a hotel enterprise on the example of the hotel "Zapadnaya", Rostovna-Donu 3.1 Proposals for creating a positive image of the hotel "Zapadnaya"

Before embarking on proposals for creating a positive image of the Zapadnaya Hotel through PR activities, we will find out what it is.

PR is public relations. One of the most basic marketing communications tools is PR. It is used to eliminate and maintain communications with its target audience. This action is carried out directly by creating a favorable image of the enterprise. The main functions of the PR department are:

Formation of a good public image of the organization;

To improve mutual understanding between the company and its target audience, it is necessary to develop a system of methods and techniques;

obstacles that are a barrier to the dissemination of good information about the company and unnecessary interference in the communication process (false rumors);

By reducing the level of public misunderstanding of the company's goals and by achieving them, it is necessary to increase the influence on the recipients;

Development of necessary measures in conflict and other crisis situations;

Aleshina I. Public relations for managers and marketers. M., 2008.Page 84.

Tracking the situation that arises between the employees of the organization, as well as developing the necessary measures for its constant control;

Creation of an individual bright and impressive image of the company;

Optimization of relations with state authorities.

The PR system exists in order to form, strengthen or change this or that opinion about any product offered by the company.

Public opinion is a state of mass consciousness, which includes the attitude to social events of the activities of individuals and various organizations.

Public opinion is a synthesis of private opinions about any product or service that are on the service market, as a result of market research, information about the market situation and the market policy of competitors.

Since various goals, means, and techniques are used to achieve PR goals, the activities of the PR department can be divided.Work with the media is press conferences, briefings, press stories, press releases and writing various PR texts about the company, preparing a manual for an interview , the formation of a journalistic pool, etc .;

Organization of event events by the company;

Release of PR products - annual official reports on the activities of the enterprise, corporate magazine, propaganda brochure;

PR on the Internet - organizing the organization's web page, sending press releases by e-mail, transferring information materials through mailing lists, publishing their own electronic newspapers, opening a forum on websites, organizing Internet conferences on issues of interest to the communicator;

Other means of PR are presentations, open days, photo exhibitions. The main features of PR are:

The presence of a wide consumer audience;

Long-term orientation;


Low cost of one contact with the target audience;

The variety of forms used.

As a function of management, public relations must be continuous and planned. Public relations must also be forward-looking, which is one of their most important features.

Consider those PR functions that affect the creation of the image of a travel company:

The information function is aimed at studying the partners of the company, analyzing certain situations, making an assessment of public opinion, preparing analytical data that can be used to make effective decisions.

The organizational and technological function involves various measures and actions related to the conduct and organization of active actions, PR campaigns, business meetings, exhibitions, conferences with the invitation of representatives of the media.

The prestige function aims to successfully position the company as a result of outreach work, designed not only for partners, but also for the employees of the organization itself (to maintain the social and psychological climate within the company, adherence to official ethics, corporate identity).

The barrier function involves a set of measures to overcome Antipov K.V., Bazheno Yu.K. Public Relay: Textbook - A72 manual_2nd edition, revised. and additional 2011 P. 98.

obstacles associated with competition, harmful rumors, possible conflicts.

social responsibility, corporate culture, establishing an atmosphere of mutual understanding and harmony within the team, organization.

At present, it is public relations that play a decisive role in shaping the image of an enterprise, because the image of a company is a system of presenting target audiences about an enterprise.

All target audiences behave in relation to the enterprise in the way that they have developed as a result of the activity of this enterprise, as well as its reliability and value.

Suggestions for creating a positive image are:

1. Participation in exhibitions, seminars and conferences. This enables the company to show itself from the best sides and to acquaint with goods and services. Such events attract new clients as well as partners.

2. Press conferences - an organized meeting of the enterprise with journalists. The purpose press conference is to provide the media with information on various aspects.

3. Promotions. This is an event for the promotion of goods and services on the market, which is designed to generate interest in the product.

The source of profit is the buyer and that is why the image of the company must be viewed from his side of perception. Each enterprise has one goal - to make a profit. To do this, you need to call consumers.

The value of a business is its reputation, which is worth much more than monetary profit. By investing huge sums of money in PR technologies and at the same time creating only an artificial positive image.

You don't need to spend huge amounts of money on such actions. You just need to "give" part of the money to buyers in the form of lower prices for products, thereby increasing the turnover of the company with all the ensuing positive consequences. With the help of your partner enterprises, you can attract buyers and sell them your product. The buyer is always interested in knowing where he spends his money. The relationship with your consumer must be continuously developed and maintained. You need to take into account all the wishes, answer questions and be prepared for negative reactions to yourself.

Competent organization of the work of representatives can also improve the image of the company. The appearance of a representative at the right time at the right time will give you the opportunity to communicate directly with the buyer, inform about the company's innovations, and offer your brochures. At the same time, one should not forget about the appearance of the representative, it is desirable that the clothes are bright and wear the company logo.

Research shows that people are much more likely to share bad information. It is very good when an enterprise, in the presence of tough competition, was able to attract consumers. All of this is serious marketing work. If a buyer found you, became interested in your product, this is a very good result, where the work should not end, because you need to preserve the already created reputation. The image you have earned is now working for you. In this sense, you have a solid foundation for your business.

The main thing is to use it correctly and increase it.

Businesses (as well as goods and services) become more flexible and individual, more attractive when they appear on a computer network. Tourism and information are inseparable, so more attention should be paid to the development of information technologies in tourism. Development and promotion of your own website is a real art. It's like advertising and PR technologies combined. It is necessary not only to create a website, but also to make the visitor want to come to your hotel, to become a regular customer. The site is the face of the hotel company, its business card. It should be perfect, striking and unusual. It should not contain unfinished sections. When visiting a website, the consumer is primarily interested in prices and service.

It is important that the information in it is as accurate and accessible as possible.

It is suggested to have a section where the client can ask questions, leave their feedback.

operational. By visiting the site, the client expects to receive detailed information about the services offered. There is no point in loading a client with a large amount of regional geographic information, which he can get on other sites.

The problem facing the hotel "Zapadnaya" is the lack of attention to the hotel's website, and the impossibility of promptly reflecting on the website all its information about the hotel's services.

Site information should be updated daily or weekly, inactive information should be deleted.

satisfying the needs of the client. Thus, the consumer can, if desired, immediately send a booking request. And the manager can only process the requests for specific reservations coming from the site.

There are several types of site for the hotel:

A business card site is ideal for those hotels that have recently opened. Here you can place information about your hotel and services, Chumikov A.N., M.P. Bocharov Public Relations: Theory and Practice: Textbook.

Benefit. - M .: Delo, 2008. P.207.

contacts (phone, e-mail, address, opening hours, directions), customer reviews, documents, photos or videos, price list and more. The site visit is small (only 10-20 pages), very informative and contains all the information the client needs.

Online store selling goods and services. This type of site is for larger hotel companies that can afford to expand their project, organize the sale of additional services, book air and train tickets online. This is very convenient for clients, since they do not have to come to pay for services.

Accordingly, the cost of such a site is much higher.

Tourist Internet portal. A large portal consists of several hundred or even thousands of pages and has a high traffic. All tourist information is deeply covered here and, as a rule, it belongs to a very large tourist enterprise, since the cost of such a portal is very high. A website is one of the most powerful tools for shaping a company's image. The impact of website design on a company's image is comparable to the impact of corporate design or the appearance of employees. Significantly more visitors come to the site than to the hotel company. Many clients can decide to cooperate with an enterprise simply by visiting its website. Hospitality companies can find very good options among ready-made templates or create their own designs themselves.

It is advisable to arrange resources in bright colors (yellow, blue, green) and a beautiful pictorial photograph or photo slides can be placed in the header. It is not advisable to use too bright, annoying colors in the design; let the design be not only beautiful but also convenient.

As a background, you can use a gorgeous photo (reception, Chumikov A.N., M.P.Bocharov Public relations: theory and practice: Textbook.

Benefit. - M .: Delo, 2008, Pp. 309.

facade, etc.) to make unusual navigation, add memorable special effects. Then the design of the site will be beautiful, understandable and with its own flavor. Suggestions for improving the site of the hotel company Zapadnaya ":

You should place on the portal of your enterprise information about the history of the hotel, the city in which it is located, add a city map and a map of the hotel. You can also add customs and traditions, attractions, travel guides.

FGBOU VPO Sakhalin State University
Yuzhno-Sakhalin Pedagogical College

service and tourism

Course work

Lee Young Ho
Specialty 100105.52
Hotel service
Course II, group 215

Yugay Olga Vladislavovna,

The defense took place on "___" ______________ 20___. Assessment ___________


Introduction 3
Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of the formation of the image of a hotel enterprise 7
1.1 The concept of "image", its tasks, functions and structure 7
1.2 The main stages and means of image formation 11
Chapter 2. Formation of the image of the hotel "Pacific Plaza Sakhalin" 16
2.1 General characteristics of the hotel "Pacific Plaza Sakhalin" 16
2.2 Analysis of the existing image of the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin Hotel 23
Chapter 3. Measures to improve the image of the hotel "Pacific Plaza Sakhalin" 34
3.1 Proposals for shaping the image of the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin Hotel using external communication means 34
3.2 Methods of forming the image of the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin Hotel using internal communication means 40
Conclusion 48
References 51


The relevance of research. The market transformation of the Russian economy, the saturation of the market for goods and services, the creation of a competitive environment actualize the need for firms to use marketing technologies, one of the elements of which is the formation and strengthening of the image. It acquires particular importance for the service sector, because due to the specifics of the services themselves, consumers, when choosing their manufacturer, increasingly rely on his image and business reputation.
The success or failure of a hotel company for a long time is determined by the sustainable receipt of profit through the sale of services to consumers and lies in the ability to ensure that customers in a competitive environment give preference to this particular hotel company. Loyalty of buyers depends on the subjective assessment of the hotel, which is formed in their minds. In this regard, any hotel enterprise must be considered not only from a functional, but also from a psychological point of view. First of all, this is the formation of the hotel's image, that is, its personal perception.
Having an attractive image helps the guest to perceive the hotel as something different from others, to see in it the advantages that competitors lack, to choose it as a permanent place of visit.
The relevance of the course research is due to the fact that the image of a company is a factor affecting its competitiveness; marketing position; pricing and image of its products; the attractiveness of the company as an employer; the quality of the clientele and partners, i.e. practically in all spheres of the company's life and, as a result, is a necessary condition for the firm to achieve sustainable and long-term business success. The image of an organization has the effect of acquiring a certain market power by the company, in the sense that it leads to a decrease in price sensitivity. Also, the image reduces the replaceability of goods, which means that it protects the organization from attacks by competitors and strengthens its position in relation to substitute goods. In addition, the image facilitates the firm's access to all kinds of resources: financial, informational, human, etc.
The specificity of the image as an attribute of a hotel enterprise is manifested in the fact that it exists regardless of the efforts of the enterprise itself and, therefore, needs constant assessment, correction and improvement.
Interest in the problem of image, especially the image of an organization, is associated, first of all, with the need to solve practical problems in the field of management and communications. The development of approaches to the formation of the image of certain objects has become one of the main components of the professional activity of specialists in the field of management, marketing, advertising, public relations, etc.
The high importance of the image for the success of the organization stimulates extensive research on this topic. Today the market does not lack the volume of literature on the formation of the image. Many provisions developed by foreign and domestic scientists in relation to the image are of practical interest in the field of the formation of consumer behavior through marketing communications. The main feature of most of the works, the authors of which consider the ways of forming the image, its typology and relationship with various social processes, is the focus on achieving utilitarian and pragmatic goals. The development of image problems is in a situation of the actual absence of methodological foundations for its study. The existing methods need to be revised and adapted to the peculiarities of a particular hotel organization, the perception of a certain “segment of buyers”. This largely explains the need for further development of this issue.
The purpose of this work is to develop measures for its improvement based on the analysis of the existing image of the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin Hotel.
The object of the study is the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin hotel; subject - the image of the hotel company.
To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
    Define the concept of "image";
    Study the tasks, functions and structure of the image;
    Consider the main stages of image formation;
    Analyze the existing image of the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin Hotel;
    Develop measures to improve the image of the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin Hotel as a factor in increasing competitiveness.
The goals and objectives of the course study "Features of the formation of the image of a hotel enterprise" were achieved through the following research methods:
Theoretical methods:
    theoretical analysis and synthesis;
    synthesis of the obtained research results.
The purpose and objectives of this study determined the following structure of the course study: an introduction, which reveals the relevance of the topic, purpose, object, subject, tasks, research methods, as well as practical significance; in the first chapter of the work, theoretical aspects of the formation and management of the image of a hotel enterprise are disclosed; Chapter II is devoted to the study of the image of the hotel "Pacific Plaza Sakhalin", and also describes the general characteristics of the hotel; in Chapter III, measures were developed to improve the image; the conclusion presents the main findings of the study; the list of references contains 35 sources, the application is terminated.
The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the research results can be useful to students in the process of studying the features of the formation of the image of a hotel enterprise, as well as to the management of hotel enterprises, which seeks to maintain a favorable image of their company and improve it.

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of image formation

hotel enterprise

1.1 The concept of "image", its tasks, functions and structure

One of the important aspects of the general perception and assessment of the organization is the impression that it makes, that is, its image (image). Regardless of the desires of both the organization itself and public relations specialists, the image is an objective factor that plays a significant role in assessing any social phenomenon or process.
The concept of "image" comes from the Latin "imago" associated with the Latin word "imitari", meaning "to imitate." In the course of studying the scientific literature, we noticed that the concept of "image" has many different definitions.
Image is an artificial imitation or presentation of the external form of an object and, especially, a person. It is a mental representation of a person, product or institution, purposefully formed in the mass consciousness with the help of publicity, advertising or propaganda 1.
The image of a company is everything and everyone that has at least some relation to the company and the goods and services it offers. This is a work that is constantly being created both in words and in images that fantastically move and turn into a single complex in the minds of the public ”2.
Image as a set of a number of variables, with a form prevailing over content, a self-presentation option that focuses on the best qualities that increase self-esteem and authority among potential consumers, as well as the key to success in the correctness of the concept of the development of public relations 3.
Based on the considered definitions, we proposed our own formulation of this concept - "image" is a kind of synthetic image that develops in the minds of people in relation to a specific person, organization or other social object, containing a significant amount of emotionally colored information about the object of perception, created mass media, social group or the own efforts of an individual (enterprise) in order to attract attention to themselves.
As a rule, speaking about the image of an organization, the corporate image is meant. Corporate image refers to the “image of an organization as seen by groups in the public. The purpose and main function of the corporate image is to ensure that the entities outside and inside the organization have a certain image of the enterprise, contributing to the achievement of external and internal tasks set by the management of the enterprise ”4.
The image can also be understood as a set of attributes of an enterprise: its goods and services, its advertising products, etc. (for example: slogan, logo, distinctive business ethics) 5.
You can even say that any organization has an image, regardless of who is working on it, and whether they are working on it at all. In the case of letting go of the issue of image on its own, it will develop spontaneously among consumers, and there is no guarantee that it will be adequate and favorable for the company. Therefore, it is really possible to choose not in the plane “I want an image - I do not want an image”, but between a managed and an unmanaged image. And the formation of a favorable image for the organization is a more profitable and less laborious process than correcting a spontaneously formed unfavorable image.
A positive image is of the utmost importance for any enterprise. A strong corporate image becomes a prerequisite for a firm to achieve sustainable and lasting business success.
Based on this, the following tasks of the organization's image are distinguished 6:
    increasing the prestige of the company, because the development of a corporate identity indicates the company's attention not only to production issues;
    increasing the effectiveness of advertising and various activities to promote goods. Facilitating the introduction of new goods and services on the market, because it is easier for a company with an established image to bring a product to the market;
    increasing the competitiveness of the company, because in conditions of equal goods, competition is at the level of firms' images;
    shaping and reforming public opinion about the company.
The corporate or organizational image is always functional, with its help certain pragmatic tasks are solved and it is precisely by the degree and nature of solving these tasks that the organizational image is assessed as more or less effective, based on their content, the functions of the corporate image are determined 7:
    Organization positioning. Positioning involves correlating the mission of an organization with the needs of its potential customers. The more clearly defined the goals and objectives of the organization in terms of customer needs, the easier it is to translate this outward, creating a corporate image.
    Motivation for action. This function is very important, since in order to form a person's readiness to act in the right direction, i.e. to form an installation, a foundation is needed.
Starting to form the image, it is necessary to find out, first, the type of activity of the company at the present time and in the future; second, how the goods and services of the firm differ from the goods and services of competitors.
Carrying out the process of corporate image management, it is necessary to have a clear idea of ​​the structure of the organization's image and the peculiarities of the psychological processes of image formation in the minds of individuals.
We examined in detail the various elements of the image that determine the perception of the organization by the individual. The structure of the organization's image is made up of people's ideas about the organization, which can be conditionally divided into eight groups 8:
    the image of a product (service) is a widespread and fairly stable idea of ​​the distinctive or exceptional characteristics of a product that give a product a special originality and distinguish it from the category of similar products.
    image of consumers of the product. Includes ideas about lifestyle, social status and the nature of consumers.
    internal image of the organization. The internal image of an organization is understood as the perception of employees about their organization. Employees are considered here not only as a factor in the competitiveness of the organization, one of the key groups of the public, but also as an important source of information about the organization for external audiences. The main determinants of the internal image are the culture of the organization and the socio-psychological climate.
    the image of the founder or key leaders of the organization. Includes ideas about intentions, motives, abilities, attitudes, value orientations and psychological characteristics of the leader based on the perception of characteristics that are open to observation, such as appearance, socio-demographic affiliation, features of verbal and non-verbal behavior, actions and parameters of non-main activities, or, more precisely, the context where the founder of the organization operates.
    personnel image - the image of the personnel, revealing the most characteristic features for it. The image of the personnel is formed, first of all, on the basis of direct contact with the employees of the organization. At the same time, each employee can be considered as the "face" of the organization, by which the staff as a whole is judged.
    the visual image of the organization - ideas about the organization, the substrate of which is visual sensations, which capture information about the interior and exterior of the building, the external appearance of the staff, as well as corporate identity.
    social image of the organization - the perception of the general public about the social goals and the role of the organization in the economic, social and cultural life of society.
    business image of an organization - the idea of ​​an organization as a subject of a certain activity.
Thus, we can conclude that "image" is a collective concept that develops in the minds of people in relation to a specific person, organization or other social object, containing a significant amount of emotionally colored information about the object of perception, which is created by the media, by a social group or by their own efforts of an individual (enterprise) in order to attract attention to themselves.
Analyzing the above, we came to the conclusion that the image of the organization is relatively stable. It is very important that each element of the image is filled with information by the organization itself. Otherwise, the mass consciousness, due to certain stereotypes, will fill the missing element with content on its own, which may not always benefit the organization: later, by introducing new information into the mass consciousness, it will be necessary to overcome the barrier of the already existing attitude.

1.2 The main stages and means of image formation

Formation of an image, a kind of "face" of an organization is not only a matter of specialists in this field (marketers, advertisers). The quality of the goods and services rendered, the attitude of the personnel to their employer, clientele and their own activities are of no less importance for the image than advertising and presentation.
On the other hand, the image only partially "belongs" to the company - in the form of visual attributes of the corporate identity, the other part is created by means of PR and lives in the mass consciousness of the consumer. If the firm does not take care of creating the desired image, consumers can get by with their own imaginations and come up with their own version of the image, which will not always be beneficial for the firm.
Based on the studied literature, we identified the following stages of image formation:
    determination of the purpose of image formation;
    defining the target audience, studying its age, occupation, etc .;
    development of the concept of the image (the main principles, motives and values ​​characteristic of the company and its products, as well as significant for the consumer);
    assessment of the capabilities (resources) of the company for the formation of the declared image;
    formation, implementation and consolidation of the image in the mind of the consumer;
    assessment of the state of the image, control over the implementation of the program.
The formation of the image is carried out in accordance with the master plan, which consists of 4 main parts:
    foundation creation;
    external image (formed by the advertising company, product quality, relations with the media and public work).
    internal image (atmosphere within the company, positive and negative attitude of employees towards managers and company policy, which is expressed, first of all, in the degree of loyalty of employees to their company).
    intangible image (the buyer's response to the tangible, to the service and attitude of the company's employees, service.
Intangible image is also the attitude of the staff to work and their emotional attitude, which affects the company's reputation as well as the more tangible, visible elements of the image. It is the employees of the company who present it to the buyer, create the most important emotional connection between the company and its customers.
So, creating a positive image is more than just a good advertising campaign, it is a complex and multifaceted plan, all parts of which are interconnected and interdependent. A plan is most effective when all of its sections work together.
Thus, we came to the conclusion that the master plan will help to assess the situation in the company.
The main means of image formation include 9:
    corporate identity is the basis of the image, the main means of its formation.
    visual means - design techniques for forming an image, including the creation of packaging, window dressing, offices, exhibitions, and the development of ad layouts. The original layouts can be different, but one element (detail), constantly present in all positions, makes a whole series of layouts recognizable. Color also plays an important role.
    verbal means - specially selected stylistics, focused on the needs of the consumer.
    advertising means - advertising means used in each specific case, contributing to the formation of a favorable attitude.
    PR events are thoughtful, planned, continuous efforts to establish and strengthen mutual understanding between the enterprise and the public. These are exhibitions, presentations, press conferences, sponsorship events.
Thus, we concluded that the image is not only a means, a management tool, but also an object of management. A positive image is created by the main activity of the company, as well as by purposeful information work aimed at target groups of the public. The work on creating the image is carried out purposefully for each group and by various means.
A corporate identity is a combination of artistic, textual and technical components that provide visual and semantic unity of the company's products and activities, information emanating from it, internal and external design.
The concept of "corporate identity" contains two components: the external image and the nature of the behavior in the market. External image - created by a single style design of a trademark, logo, business documentation, corporate block, corporate color scheme, corporate signage, branded clothing, advertisements, brochures, office design, etc. The nature of market behavior is determined by the relationship between the firm and its representatives with partners, customers, suppliers, banks, competitors. The nature of the market behavior is distinguished by a special style when conducting advertising campaigns and sales promotion activities, as well as working with the public, having a corporate spirit and corporate culture.
A favorable image must be adequate, original, plastic and have a precise address. To be adequate means to correspond to the really existing image or the specifics of the company. To be original means to be different from the images of other firms (goods), especially of the same type. To be plastic means not to become outdated, not to go out of fashion, by changing, to seem unchanged. Having an accurate address means being attractive to a specific target audience, i.e. for current and potential customers 10.
So, the process of corporate image management begins long before the development of the visual attributes of the organization (logo, letterhead, interior, appearance and manners of employees). It begins with the statement of the vision and then the mission as the socially significant status of the organization. The corporate identity, or "personality" of the organization is then defined.

Considering the above, we can conclude that the development of the hotel business is greatly influenced by such a factor as the hotel's image, which provides a favorable perception of the hotel, which is known to customers. The image as a whole consists of the location of the hotel, the services and amenities offered, the external perception and internal atmosphere of the hotel, the level of qualifications of the service personnel, etc.
Having considered the main stages and means of forming the image of the organization, you should also pay attention to the features of the formation of the image of the investigated enterprise.

Chapter 2. Formation of the image of the hotel "Pacific Plaza Sakhalin"

2.1 General characteristics of the hotel "Pacific Plaza Sakhalin"

The hotel industry in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk today is one of the largest and most dynamically developing economic systems in the region and an important component of the regional tourism economy. This is evidenced by the opening of new hotels and hotel complexes in the city, due to the construction and operation of oil and gas facilities.
Currently, there are about 30 accommodation facilities in the regional center with a number of rooms of more than 2200 guests. The hotel market of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, as statistics show, is represented mainly by accommodation facilities of the middle and higher categories (3-4 *).
ZAO Pacific is located at Prospect Mira 172, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, 693000 Russia. Pacific Plaza Sakhalin, the form of ownership of the enterprise is a closed joint stock company. The form of enterprise management is contract management. The hotel officially entered the hospitality market in December 2006.
The hotel is located just a few minutes from the city's leisure centers (the International Theater Center named after A.P. Chekhov and the popular Sakhalin Regional Museum of Local Lore) and shopping centers ("House of Trade" and "Slavyanskiy"). Pacific Plaza Sakhalin is suitable for corporate clients and tourists. The hotel is located on one of the main streets of the city, just 8 km from the airport.
The hotel has 149 comfortable rooms. Of these: 85 standard single rooms, 24 standard double rooms, 35 junior suites, 5 suites. The cost of the rooms is shown in table 2.1.
Table 1.
The cost of living in the hotel "Pacific Plaza Sakhalin"

All rooms are equipped with individual climate control devices, several levels of security systems, safes, satellite TV. The hotel is equipped with an automatic control system, has a backup power supply, autonomous heating, hot water supply, a system of high-speed elevators, and the hotel is also equipped with fire and burglar alarms.
Accommodation service is included in the room rate of the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin Hotel. The room rate includes breakfast.
The hotel also provides such free services as:
    security service 24 hours;
    cable TV with news and entertainment channels;
    morning wake-up;
    provision of an iron and ironing board upon request;
    concierge services;
    confirmation service for booking air (railway) tickets;
    calling an ambulance emergency;
    room safe with individual code in each room.
    Paid services include:
    24-hour room service;
    mini bar;
    international telephone communication;
    laundry and dry cleaning services;
    watching video films to order;
    car rental;
    business center services (scanning, printing, lamination, faxing);
    high speed wireless Internet.
The list and cost of conference services are presented in Table 2.

table 2
Conference services of the hotel "Pacific Plaza Sakhalin"

Services list
Price, rub.)
Conference hall rental
3 000
1 hour
Internet services
1 Mg
1 p.A 4
1 p. A 3
Mineral water
1 bottle / person
Coffee break
400 to 600
For 1 participant (the price depends on the complexity)
Banquet, buffet, cocktail
Menu options are prepared individually

Hotel "Pacific Plaza Sakhalin" offers excellent service for conferences and banquets, a business center. Offices, halls and conference rooms are supplied with the necessary equipment. The hotel has 5 meeting rooms that are ideal for conferences, gala dinners, dance parties and can accommodate over 150 people. The rooms are ideal for seminars, conferences, informal and formal receptions with a capacity of over 100 people.
The hotel has 2 restaurants ("Aromas" and "Valentin", offering international cuisine) and 2 bars (Lobby bar and a bar on the eighth floor "Lounge 8").
Aromas is the main restaurant of the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin Hotel, located in the lobby. The cafe-restaurant is open 24 hours. Modern, lively atmosphere; varied buffet breakfast, lunch and dinner, modern Mediterranean and popular local cuisine.
The level of service at Pacific Plaza Sakhalin is evident in every detail. It is enough for the guest to dial the administrator's number and the qualified staff of the hotel will take care of his comfort. At the request of the guest, the administrator will order a taxi; the hotel administration provides guests with a transfer to the airport. The administrator can be entrusted with the order of air and railway tickets for any flights.
Consider the organizational structure of Pacific Plaza Sakhalin. The organizational structure of management is understood as a set of management links located in strict subordination and providing the relationship between the management and the controlled system. In the management practice of the hospitality industry, the following types of organizational structures are most common: linear, functional, linear-functional.
The organizational structure of Pacific Plaza Sakhalin can be classified as a linear-functional type. With such a management structure, the full power is assumed by the line manager, who heads a specific team. In this case, the general director is Evgenia Valentinovna Skomarovskaya. When developing specific issues and preparing appropriate decisions, programs, plans, she is assisted by a special apparatus consisting of functional units - departments, services. These divisions are headed by managers.
Figure 1 shows a diagram of the organizational structure of the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin Hotel (Appendix 1).
Thus, from the above, we can conclude that the hotel employs more than 170 people. The structure of the hotel is simple and straightforward, it includes all the units necessary for the effective operation of the hotel as a whole.
The Pacific Plaza Sakhalin Hotel has a very favorable location and good infrastructure, in addition, this is a business class hotel, therefore, a high level of service is required, which Pacific Plaza Sakhalin provides to its guests.
But to maintain the level of service, highly qualified personnel and a well-developed engineering service are also required. The hotel is threatened by difficulties and dependence on the regional authorities, as well as the unstable economic situation in the country. These threats are large-scale and are real not only for this hotel, but also for business in Russia as a whole.
After analyzing the external and internal environment of the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin Hotel, the principles of market segmentation by main competitors and by consumers were considered. Market segmentation by main competitors (data for 2011) is presented in Table 4 (Appendix 3).
Grades in points from 1 to 5 mean:
5 - a clear leader in the industry;
4 - above average, indicators are stable;
3 - medium level, full compliance with industry standards;
2 - deterioration in performance;
1 - a crisis situation.
The hotel "Pacific Plaza Sakhalin" is very profitable, for five years the hotel has been developing at a very fast pace, since the hotel, in addition to its basic services, has offered and still offers additional services to residents and guests of the city, which in turn bring additional profit and influence for its further development, which is a very positive factor in the development of the hotel services market.

2.2 Analysis of the existing image of the hotel

"Pacific Plaza Sakhalin"

To analyze the existing image of the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin Hotel, we conducted a survey of the residents of the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. The purpose of this survey is to identify the demand for the services provided by the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin Hotel, and as a result, to assess the existing image of the enterprise.
The study involved 74 people, aged 20 to 55 years. The survey revealed that 92% are aware of the existence of the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin Hotel; 49% visited this hotel; 41% used the services of the enterprise, such as: Aromas Cafe and Valentine’s restaurants, Lounge 8 and Lobby Bar, a shop and a conference hall; of all respondents - only 13% lived in the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin hotel, the majority - newlyweds; 20% - are among the regular guests of the hotel; service quality criteria for survey participants are friendly, helpful staff, reliable reputation, experience in the market, a diverse range of services, and an attractive design of the premises; the majority of respondents were satisfied with the quality of the services provided; 64% of the respondents saw the advertisement of the hotel at the gas station, at the airport, in the magazines of our city (“Yuzhny City”, “SakhalinTimes”, “Special Opinion”).
From the results of the study, we concluded that the services of the Yubileinaya hotel are in rather high demand among the residents of the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. This diagram shows that the respondents prefer additional services to staying in a hotel. For the most part, the restaurants and bars of the hotel are in demand. Advertising of the hotel is widespread, but the design requires improvement, sometimes it is simply not noticeable to a potential consumer. The survey participants rated the quality of the services provided by the hotel at a high level.
Based on the above, it is obvious that a positive reputation of the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin Hotel has been formed in public opinion, which in turn is a fundamental factor in the formation of the image. This survey served as another factor in developing recommendations for improving the image of the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin Hotel.
Through the method of observation during the period of internship, it was revealed that the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin hotel is equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay. The high quality of the services provided, the provision of a wide range of additional services in accordance with international quality standards, a high degree of comfort, coziness, reliability, high seismic resistance of the building, trained and friendly staff, convenient location create a favorable atmosphere for guests to relax and work.
The hotel building has an unusual structure in the shape of a ship. The landscaped adjacent territory has a parking lot. At night, the architectural appearance of the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin Hotel is emphasized by its lighting. In general, the created corporate identity of the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin hotel can be considered an effective component in shaping the company's image.
The lobby is cozy and decorated with flowers. The furniture in the lobby and in the rooms is elegant, light and graceful, making it comfortable to stay in the room and when cleaning it. Correct organization of the lobby: the location of the reception and seating area, the bar and the selected furniture have a positive effect on the hotel's image and guest comfort.
On the second floor of the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin Hotel, there are soft comfortable sofas with coffee tables, which disposes guests to informal communication. In addition, such an additional service as a buffet table, which is organized in the lobby of the second floor, is especially popular among newlyweds. During the buffet, the newlyweds are invited to hold a photo session in the hotel building. This brings not only profit, but also creates a beneficial psychological impact.
Among the means of external communication for shaping the image of the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin Hotel, one can mention advertising, social activities, media relations, participation in exhibitions. The print advertisement for the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin Hotel has artistic and textual expressiveness. It is located in places where guests are most often: at the reception, in the hotel lobby, in the halls, in the rooms. Colorful hotel brochures are an effective means of advertising. Each room of the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin Hotel contains - branded envelopes and branded letter paper with the logo of this hotel. The hotel emblem is located on a towel, bathrobe, toilet soap, shampoo and cream. The hotel is also advertised in the media - advertising on television, in the newspaper "SakhalinTimes", "YuzhnyCity" and "Minority Opinion", and on the popular Internet site
Thus, we can conclude that after reading the advertising brochure, a potential client can make a certain idea even before visiting the hotel. More often than not, the expected presentation coincides with the real one, since The advertising brochure of the Yubileinaya hotel contains truthful, comprehensive information.
One of the attributes that make it possible to judge the quality of the hotel is the appearance of the staff.
It should be noted that the employees of the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin Hotel wear uniforms, according to their position, united by style, color, decoration and distinctive signs. The administrator's uniform consists of a white shirt, a strict skirt and a vest. The maids wear a light shirt or T-shirt, as well as an apron and red trousers. Appropriate staff appearance creates a positive impression on the guests. At the same time, it is gratifying that the form of those employees who do not directly contact with clients differs from the form of those who carry out these contacts. This makes it easier to monitor hotel employees.
Room service is carried out constantly by all hotel services.
Housekeepers clean the room every day during the guest's absence. The set of towels is changed every day, and the bed linen is changed every three days (excluding check-out).
At the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin Hotel, the administrator meets the guest standing, smiling. During the internship at the hotel, the author noticed that the administrators, when welcoming a guest or answering a phone call, almost always say: "Good afternoon!", "Good evening!" and so on. We consider this to be correct, because after the guest has heard the phrase, and even said as if they were waiting for him, the morning, afternoon or evening will really become good.
As a result of observation, we concluded that the hotel staff are always friendly and polite towards the guest, ready to fulfill any request and show patience and restraint with respect to the residents. This certainly creates an atmosphere of hospitality.
At the reception there is a "Book of complaints and suggestions", which reflects the real impression of guests from staying in this hotel and allows you to identify the desires and needs of customers. Almost all reviews of the hotel are positive. The hotel is constantly working on the study of consumer demand.
Since the image of an enterprise is directly related to the quality of the services offered, when conducting a quality analysis, it is necessary to be guided by the principle that the client's opinion on the quality of the provided hotel services is fundamental.
For the quality analysis, we used the questionnaire method.
We studied 200 questionnaires that were filled out by guests of the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin Hotel. The results of the study are presented in the form of a table as a percentage

Table 5
Results of the questionnaire assessment of the quality of services in the hotel
"Pacific Plaza Sakhalin"

The results of the survey showed that 170 people assessed the quality of the services provided at the highest level; 22 guests rated it "good"; and the remaining 8 people were satisfied with the quality of the hotel services.
Based on the analysis of the questionnaires, we concluded that most of the hotel guests were satisfied with the quality of services; no negative opinions were identified; however, recommendations were made regarding the expansion of the range of services provided: to diversify the system of discounts for additional services, to expand the area of ​​the gym, to increase the number of simulators.
Based on the above, it will be relevant to develop measures for the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin Hotel, aimed at increasing the list of additional services.
Summing up the analysis of the activity of the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin hotel on the use of external communication means to form the hotel's image, we concluded that work in this direction is being carried out, but it cannot be called sufficient and systematic.
Based on the research carried out, it will be relevant to develop recommendations for expanding the range of services provided: diversify the system of discounts for additional services, expand the area of ​​the gym, and increase the number of simulators. In addition, it is necessary to finalize the design of the advertisement for the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin Hotel, sometimes it is simply not noticeable to a potential consumer.
Among the means of internal communication for the formation of the image of the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin hotel, one can single out the corporate culture, the personnel policy of the company, the means of motivating employees and improving their qualifications, the socio-psychological climate of the team, etc.
Thus, after conducting the research, we can say about the insufficient use of the opportunities of the employee incentive system. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a new incentive system for the hotel. During the internship at the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin hotel, it was discovered that the hotel does not have a reminder of employee behavior in accordance with the corporate philosophy of the enterprise, and, unfortunately, verbal enunciation of the goals of the company as a whole and the employee in it does not always achieve the desired effect.

Despite the positive atmosphere felt within the walls of the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin Hotel, a number of negative aspects can be identified that form the hotel's image:

    methods of employee motivation management are not well thought out;
    the means of disseminating current internal information for employees are ineffectively used;
    there is no corporate standard of employee behavior in accordance with the corporate philosophy of the enterprise;
    the hotel website must be supplemented with information;
    the system of discounts is not diversified enough;
    establish channels for the distribution of promotional products;
    the area of ​​the gym requires expansion;
    The packages of services available in the hotel are presented in a small assortment and are not sufficiently developed;
Based on the shortcomings identified during the analysis in the formation of the internal image of the organization, appropriate measures should be taken to eliminate them.

Chapter 3. Measures to improve the image

hotel "Pacific Plaza Sakhalin"

3.1 Proposals for shaping the image of the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin Hotel using external communication means

For a short period of its existence, the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin hotel has taken its place in the hospitality services market and has formed its own circle of clients, but the competition is growing today, and the hotel needs to constantly strengthen its reputation. As a result, we have developed proposals for the formation of a favorable image using the means of external communication of the studied enterprise:
1. Discounts for regular customers. When visiting the hotel not for the first time, you can encourage him with an additional discount, or a compliment from the hotel in the form of a Sakhalin souvenir, a gift with the hotel logo, a bottle of champagne, a box of chocolates, etc. Based on the analysis of the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin hotel, it becomes clear that the system of discounts at the enterprise is not well thought out. In our opinion, it will be relevant to provide a guest with 3% if he or she orders a hotel room using the room reservation system through the website of the Pacific Palace Sakhalin Hotel. Upon check-in, the guest is issued a regular guest card. Presenting a frequent guest card already at the first visit to the hotel will certainly increase customer loyalty. It turns out that the hotel immediately declares the importance of each client for it and makes the client a permanent one in advance.
2. Accumulative system of bonus points. The idea of ​​the campaign boils down to the fact that the more often the guest stays at the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin Hotel, the more discounts and benefits are available to him. Subsequently, on the card of a regular guest, points are accumulated, giving him additional discounts, privileges or the opportunity to become a VIP-client. For the fifth hotel accommodation with a period of more than 10 days, the guest is given 5%; from the tenth check-in - 10%. Such programs will emphasize the exclusivity of the hotel, make visitors feel welcome and special guests at the hotel, and contribute to maintaining a favorable image of Pacific Plaza Sakhalin LLC. In addition, a regular customer who is satisfied with the hotel and the service provided in it will speak positively about the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin Hotel.
3. Develop new service packages. Having studied the services provided by the Pacific Plaza Sakhalin Hotel, we have developed the following recommendations. In our opinion, the prepared special offers will not only be attractive to potential clients of the hotel under study, but will also turn into a highly profitable product. The relevance of the developed proposal is due to the fact that a modern person constantly experiences heavy loads from an intense rhythm and wrong lifestyle, bad ecology, a lot of stress, an excess of information. This condition leads to a weakening of protective functions.