20.08.2014 10021 0

Goals:Determination of the value and composition of the machine-building complex. Studying the problems of mechanical engineering and ways to solve them.

Equipment:Map "Engineering".

During the classes

I.Organizing time

II.Checking homework

1.Tell about the composition and factors influencing the enterprises of the forest industry.

2.Why are forest industry enterprises located in the north of the European part of Russia?

3.Determine which forest industries are located in the following centers:

a) Koryazhma - (PPM);

b) Segezha - (PPM);

c) Syktyvkar - (PPM);

Moscow -(furniture industry);

e) Kirov -(furniture, match);

f) Ust-Ilimsk - (LPK);

g) Amursk - (PPM).

4.Check the scheme of intersectoral relations of the forest industry:

III.Learning new material

-Over the past 10 years, the output of engineering products has decreased by 6%. Mechanical engineering is the leader of the country's economy. Why? What do the formulas 1:2:4, and 1:0.98: 1. Why does a Japanese plow serve 40 years, and a domestic one 4 years? Do engineering workers need higher education?

So, today we will try to answer these questions and determine what the problems of domestic engineering are.

Lesson plan on the board:

1.Industry value.

2.Composition of mechanical engineering.

3.Problems of mechanical engineering.

4.Prospects for mechanical engineering in Russia.

-Does the country's economy need this industry? What is the importance of mechanical engineering?

Students can remember that many industries need machines. It is necessary to warn students that the word “machine” means not only a car, but also machine tools, tractors, televisions, ships, computers, factory equipment, etc.

-To determine the significance of mechanical engineering, let us find out its composition (account A. p. 141; account A. p. 95). Let's name the industries and products of these industries. (What the students do not know is called by the teacher.)

1.Power engineering produces equipment for power plants: turbines, reactors, transformers, generators, etc.

2.Construction and road engineering manufactures graders, asphalt rollers, etc.

3.Agricultural engineering produces combine harvesters, potato diggers, and hay mowers.

As a result of determining the composition of the industry, students can conclude that not a single branch of the economy can do without engineering products.

-Mechanical engineering is the leader of the economy, is one of the "vanguard three" industries (engineering, electric power and chemical industry), being the leading industry. 40% of all employed in industry work in mechanical engineering.

Consider the conditions that are necessary for mechanical engineering to be a leader in industry. The main condition for the successful development of mechanical engineering can be represented as a formula 1: 2: 4, where 1 is the rate of development of the country's economy, 2 - mechanical engineering should develop 2 times faster for this, and 4 - new and latest branches of engineering (electronics, instrumentation) should develop in

4times faster. For example, in 1990 this ratio was 1:0.98:1.

Therefore, mechanical engineering must solve a number of problems:

1.Low growth rates of mechanical engineering;

2.4/5 of engineering products are armaments;

3.Disproportions have developed in the growth rates of the engineering industries;

4.Low rates of updating of production;

5.Low quality machines;

6.Industry monopoly.


- What are the problems facing the domestic engineering industry?(Recession in production, low quality of machines, old equipment, outdated technologies, low quality of metal, low level of workers' qualification, high proportion of defense products and the need for conversion, monopoly of large enterprises.)

- What are the ways to solve the problems of the machine-building complex?(Conversion of enterprises of the military-industrial complex, raising the level of skill of working machine builders, leveling the disproportion in growth ratesengineering industries, creation of newtypes of machines, support for competition among engineering enterprises, etc.)

-What is the composition of the machine-building complex?

- What is a conversion?(Transfer of the defense complex to the production of peaceful products.)

-What is the importance of mechanical engineering?

-What does the formula 1:2:4 mean?


According to account D: §17. Make a diagram of intersectoral relations of mechanical engineering.

According to account A.: §31 (questions 2, 3,4, 9).

1. What regions of Russia stand out for the production of cars?

The automotive industry is concentrated in areas with a favorable geographical position in relation to numerous allied enterprises - suppliers of components.

As a rule, these are areas with a developed transport network and a high production culture: the Volga region (Volzhsky Automobile Plant, which produces 80% of cars in the country, Kamsky Automobile Plant in Naberezhnye Chelny, an automobile plant in Ulyanovsk, a trolley bus plant in Engels, Saratov region), Volga-Vyatka district (Nizhny-Rodsky GAZ produces more than 50% of trucks), factories in Saransk and Pavlovo-on-Oka), Ural (Izhevsk, Miass, Kurgan) and Central (Moscow, Bryansk, Serpukhov, Likino, Golitsyno).

2. Why do you think the automotive industry is not represented in the European North, Siberia and the Far East?

In the European North and in the eastern regions of the country there are no conditions necessary for the development of mechanical engineering (they are listed in the answer to the previous question), and there are few consumers there. Therefore, only auto-assembly enterprises are developed in these areas, for example, in Chita.

3. Explain the meaning of the new terms.

The main terms define such specifics of mechanical engineering as cooperation and specialization. The Geographical Encyclopedic Dictionary gives the following interpretation.

Production co-operation is a form of production relations between specialized enterprises that jointly manufacture certain products.

Cooperation is due to the growth of the social and territorial division of labor. On a territorial basis, it is divided into intra-district and inter-district; according to the sectoral — into intra-industry and inter-industry. In accordance with the existing types of specialization of production, there are three types of cooperation: aggregate, detail and technological. Depending on the duration of the terms of implementation, cooperation is divided into permanent and temporary.

Specialization of production is a form of social division of labor and organization of social production. Specialization reflects the process of concentration of production of certain types of products or their parts in independent industries, industries and specialized enterprises. Specialization promotes an increase in production and an increase in its quality, an increase in labor productivity.

In various sectors of the economy, specialization has its own characteristics. For example, in industry, a distinction is made between subject specialization (production of the same type of products), itemized (production of certain types of assemblies, parts, blanks), technological (performing certain operations or stages of production).

4. Make a diagram of the main intersectoral links in mechanical engineering. Do you think that mechanical engineering uses the products of other industries and sectors of the economy more, or does it supply its products to them in the first place?

Your scheme should include industries and complexes to which mechanical engineering supplies its products (fuel and energy complex, agro-industrial complex, complex for the production of structural materials - metallurgy and chemical industry, timber complex, infrastructure complex) and industries supplying raw materials for mechanical engineering (chemical and light industry, metallurgy, etc.). In most cases, the arrows on the diagram will show their mutual exchange.

5. Analyze engineering products at home. Where is it produced? Find her "homeland" on the map. Evaluate the quality of products. Which of these subjects did your parents not know when they were young?

Unfortunately, most of the household appliances in our apartments are of foreign origin. It was mainly produced in the countries of Southeast Asia, where cheap labor is combined with high labor discipline. Many of the devices you are familiar with today (eg computers, microwave ovens, air conditioners, cell phones) were not known to your parents as a child. Some of the appliances looked completely different (for example, TVs, washing machines).

6. Compare Russia with other countries in terms of car production. What domestic and foreign automotive companies do you know?

Russia is significantly inferior to the leading countries both in terms of the quantity and quality of cars produced. Japan is currently the leader in the automotive industry (Honda, Nissan, Toyota, Mitsubishi, Suzuki), followed by the United States (the world's largest American automobile company General Motors Corporation, Ford Motor Company, and Germany (Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Volkswagen). material from the site

In 1980, Japan overtook the United States in the production of passenger cars. Branches of Japanese firms have successfully launched the production of their models even in the USA and Great Britain.

In the USA, according to data for 2000, 28% of passenger cars are manufactured at local subsidiaries of Japanese firms. At the beginning of the XXI century. passenger car factories operated in 37 countries. They produced 42 million cars of 122 different brands per year. Among the Russian automobile plants, VAZ, GAZ, Kamaz should be singled out.

7. Do you think that the level of development of mechanical engineering determines the level of development of the country?

Mechanical engineering creates the means of production, therefore, it significantly affects the development of other industries, the pace and direction of scientific and technological progress, the growth of labor productivity and other economic indicators that determine the efficiency of social production and, therefore, the level of development of the country as a whole.

The correctness of this position is also proved by the fact that all the leaders in mechanical engineering are highly developed countries.

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On this page, material on the topics:

  • mechanical engineering in the European North of Russia
  • analyze engineering products at home
  • scheme of intersectoral relations of mechanical engineering
  • chart the main intersectoral
  • scheme of the main intersectoral relations in mechanical engineering

You have to find out: The composition of the machine-building complex. The composition of the machine-building complex. Classification of engineering industries. industries. The composition of the machine-building complex. The composition of the machine-building complex. Classification of engineering industries. industries. Where and why are machine-building enterprises located? Where and why are machine-building enterprises located. enterprises. Where and why are machine-building enterprises located? Where and why are machine-building enterprises located. enterprises. The value of the machine-building complex. The value of the machine-building complex. Problems of the machine-building complex. Problems of the machine-building complex.

Mechanical engineering is the leading branch of industry both in terms of size (about 40% of all employees and about 20% of gross output) and in terms of value: the technical level of all sectors of the economy, labor productivity in them depend on what devices and equipment their workers use. Mechanical engineering is the leading branch of industry both in terms of size (about 40% of all employees and about 20% of gross output) and in terms of value: the technical level of all sectors of the economy, labor productivity in them depend on what devices and equipment their workers use. Therefore, the development of mechanical engineering, the constant renewal of its products is a necessary condition for progress in the entire economy of the country. Therefore, the development of mechanical engineering, the constant renewal of its products is a necessary condition for progress in the entire economy of the country. What is mechanical engineering?

Composition of mechanical engineering The mechanical engineering complex is a complex cross-sectoral formation, covering mechanical engineering and metalworking. Mechanical engineering includes many specialized industries that are similar in technology and the raw materials used. (see diagram) diagram Metalworking includes the industry of metal structures and products, as well as the repair of machinery and equipment. The complex includes "small metallurgy" - the production of steel and rolled products at machine-building enterprises.

Machine-tool and tool industry Manufacture of oilfield and drilling geological exploration equipment Power automotive industry Mining and mining Mining and mining Aircraft industry Instrumentation Construction and road construction Manufacture of equipment for light and food industry Manufacture of equipment for light and food industry Metallurgical Mechanical engineering for animal husbandry and fodder production Electrical engineering Tractor shipbuilding Handling Agricultural Electronic Chemical Production of oil and gas processing equipment Production of oil and gas processing equipment Mechanical engineering

The main factor in the location of any machine-building plant is its position in relation to other machine-building plants. The main factor in the location of any machine-building plant is its position in relation to other machine-building plants. This is due to the fact that enterprises are characterized by a wide development of specialization. This is due to the fact that enterprises are characterized by a wide development of specialization. Specialization is the concentration of an enterprise on the production of homogeneous products. detailed - production of individual parts and assemblies; subject - the release of certain types of finished products; technological - execution of one or more operations of the technological cycle. technological - execution of one or more operations of the technological cycle.

Specialization is a necessary condition for increasing the efficiency of industry. Specialization is a necessary condition for increasing the efficiency of industry. In the modern economy, there are practically no enterprises that manage only on their own, without receiving anything from outside. In the modern economy, there are practically no enterprises that manage only on their own, without receiving anything from outside. The reverse side of this process is cooperation. The reverse side of this process is cooperation. Cooperation is an association of specialized enterprises for the production of finished products. Modern large automobile plants are associated with hundreds of enterprises supplying (“through cooperation”) individual parts, assemblies, materials, and shipbuilding and aircraft plants - with thousands of subcontractors. Modern large automobile plants are associated with hundreds of enterprises supplying (“through cooperation”) individual parts, assemblies, materials, and shipbuilding and aircraft plants - with thousands of subcontractors.

Branch Placement factors Large centers equipment for metallurgy and mining industry. power engineering heavy machine tools and forging and pressing equipment locomotive building tractor building agricultural machinery automotive industry (passenger cars) automotive industry (trucks) buses and trolleybuses Using the text of the textbook (p), maps of the atlas, fill in the table:

During the nineties, the decline in production in engineering was greater than in other industries. This is most often explained by the fact that machine-building enterprises suffered the most from the rupture of production ties with the former Soviet republics of the USSR. During the nineties, the decline in production in engineering was greater than in other industries. This is most often explained by the fact that machine-building enterprises suffered the most from the rupture of production ties with the former Soviet republics of the USSR. But no less important is another reason - the lower quality of many types of machines compared to imported ones (lagging behind in terms of technical level and reliability). This is especially true for consumer goods. But no less important is another reason - the lower quality of many types of machines compared to imported ones (lagging behind in terms of technical level and reliability). This is especially true for consumer goods. There are two ways out of this situation: There are two ways out of this situation: 1) You can demand that the government impose high duties on imported cars. (This, for example, was achieved by Volzhsky for imported cars. (This, for example, was achieved by the Volzhsky Automobile Plant) Automobile Plant) 2) Create competition, force domestic manufacturers to improve the quality of their products. tel to improve the quality of their products.

Repetition Determine which engineering centers are listed in each group: 1. Elabuga, Izhevsk, Kaliningrad, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Serpukhov, Taganrog, Togliatti, Ulyanovsk - ... passenger car industry 2. Miass, Moscow, Naberezhnye Chelny, Nizhny Novgorod - ... truck industry 3. Kurgan, Likino-Dulyovo, Nizhny Novgorod, Pavlovo, Ulyanovsk - ... bus industry 4. Kolomna, Lyudinovo, Murom, Novocherkassk - ... locomotive industry 5. Abakan, Bryansk, Tver, Kaluga, Nizhny Tagil, Novoaltaisk, Chita - ... car building 6. Vladimir, Volgograd, Lipetsk, Petrozavodsk, Rubtsovsk, Cheboksary, Chelyabinsk - ... tractor building

Practical work. Designation on the contour map of the main centers of the automotive industry, shipbuilding, machine tool building and railway and agricultural engineering. Progress. 1. Using the data in the table, put on the contour map of Russia: - the state border of Russia; - the boundaries of its economic regions; - designate the most important centers of mechanical engineering in Russia with different colors and sign their names. 2. Make a conclusion about the location of Russian engineering.

Car industry: Yelabuga, Izhevsk, Kaliningrad, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Serpukhov, Taganrog, Togliatti, Ulyanovsk. Truck industry: Miass, Moscow, Naberezhnye Chelny, Nizhny Novgorod. Bus industry: Kurgan, Likino-Dulyovo, Nizhny Novgorod, Pavlovo, Ulyanovsk. Trolleybus construction: Ufa and Engels. Locomotive building: Kolomna, Lyudinovo, Murom, Novocherkassk. Car building: Abakan, Bryansk, Tver, Kaluga, Nizhny Tagil, Novoaltaisk, Chita. Production of subway cars: Mytishchi and St. Petersburg. Shipbuilding and ship repair: Arkhangelsk, Astrakhan, Blagoveshchensk, Veliky Ustyug, Vladivostok, Zelenodolsk, Kaliningrad, Krasnoyarsk, Moscow, Murmansk, Nizhny Novgorod, Novodvinsk, St. Petersburg, Syktyvkar, Tyumen, Ust-Kut, Khabarovsk. Machine tool industry: Vologda, Voronezh, Ivanovo, Zlatoust, Kirov, Kolomna, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Orenburg, Ryazan, Samara, Ulyanovsk, Chelyabinsk. Tractor building: Vladimir, Volgograd, Lipetsk, Petrozavodsk, Rubtsovsk, Cheboksary, Chelyabinsk. Combine construction: Bezhetsk, Birobidzhan, Krasnoyarsk, Lyubertsy, Omsk, Rostov-on-Don, Ryazan, Taganrog.

Machine-building complex: composition, significance and technological features. First, we will give a definition of the machine-building complex. Then we will consider the sectoral composition of this sub-sector of industry, and discuss its significance for the life of the country. We will also learn what the technological features of mechanical engineering are.

Subject:General characteristics of the Russian economy

Lesson: Machine-building complex: composition, significance and technological features

Machine building complex - This is a set of industries that is engaged in the production and repair of various machines and equipment, as well as the production of various metal products and structures.

The machine-building complex is complex in its structure. It includes more than 70 industries, which are usually combined into groups depending on the purpose of the products produced, similar technology and the raw materials used.

Rice. 1. Composition of the machine-building complex

Mechanical engineering includes:

1. Heavy and energy (production of energy, mining and handling equipment, diesel locomotive building, car building, turbine building, nuclear and printing)

2. Machine tool industry. Manufacture of various machine tools.

3. Transport (automotive industry, shipbuilding, aviation and rocket and space industries)

4. Agricultural engineering and tractor building

5. Mechanical engineering for light and food industries

6. Precision engineering (instrument making, electronics, electrical engineering)

Mechanical engineering plays a very important role in the life of the country.

1. It provides equipment for all other complexes in the country

2. The development of all sectors of the economy depends on the level of development of mechanical engineering

3. Here, first of all, all the achievements of scientific and technological progress are introduced

4. It provides the country's defense

5. This is the largest complex in the Russian industry

6. Currently, mechanical engineering and metalworking account for:

7. 20% industrial production,

8. 1/3 employed in industry.

9. There are more than 50 thousand machine-building enterprises, which is approximately 1/3 of all industrial enterprises in Russia.

The technological process in mechanical engineering includes three stages: procurement, machining, assembly.

Rice. 2. Technological process in mechanical engineering

At the same time, the final product consists of a large number of individual parts and components that cannot be produced within the framework of one enterprise. Therefore, in mechanical engineering are widely developed specialization and cooperation.

Specialization - production at the enterprise of any one product, individual parts and details

Rice. 3. Types of specialization

Specialization happens:

1. subject- production of finished products, (production of cars, aircraft, computers)

2. detailed- production of separate parts and details, (production of automobile engines or metal products (hardware)

3. technological- production of semi-finished products, performance of individual operations of the technological cycle, (assembly production)

4. functional- production and provision of services (sale of cars by the manufacturer)

At large machine-building plants, specialization is observed at the level of individual workshops, even such an enterprise does not produce the entire volume of necessary components. Small enterprises are usually highly specialized and their work depends on the work of subcontractors. That is why cooperation is so important.

- this is the establishment of production links between enterprises jointly participating in the manufacture of final products.

Rice. 4. Cooperation

Cooperation happens intra-industry when enterprises of the same industry, one intersectoral complex interact.

Intersectoral when the production of different industries, different complexes interact.

Machine-building, electrical, tool, hardware plants that supply their products to a car assembly plant are engineering enterprises and cooperation with them is intra-industry nature, enterprises of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical, tanneries, glass factories, textile factories are enterprises of other intersectoral complexes. Cooperation with them is an example intersectoral cooperation.

During the 1990s, the importance of the machine-building complex in the Russian economy has decreased. A number of enterprises were closed, others reduced production.

The volumes of production of agricultural machinery, machine tools, and many types of precision engineering fell especially sharply.

The main reason for this was the low quality of manufactured products in comparison with imported ones and the break after the collapse of the USSR of production ties with enterprises of the former republics.

At present, the situation has improved somewhat thanks to investments. New factories have been built and are being built, many old enterprises have been reconstructed, new ones have been established and old production ties have been restored.


  1. Customs E.A. Geography of Russia: economy and regions: Grade 9 textbook for students of educational institutions M. Ventana-Graf. 2011.
  2. Economic and social geography. Fromberg A.E.(2011, 416s.)
  3. Atlas of economic geography Grade 9 from Drofa 2012
  4. Geography. The entire course of the school curriculum in diagrams and tables. (2007, 127p.)
  5. Geography. Student's handbook. Comp. Mayorova T.A. (1996, 576s.)
  6. Crib on economic geography. (To schoolchildren, applicants.) (2003, 96s.)


  1. Gladky Yu.N., Dobroskok V.A., Semenov S.P. Economic Geography of Russia: Textbook - M.: Gardariki, 2000 - 752 pp.: ill.
  2. Rodionova I.A., Textbook on geography. Economic Geography of Russia, M., Moscow Lyceum, 2001. - 189p. :
  3. Smetanin S.I., Konotopov M.V. History of ferrous metallurgy in Russia. Moscow, ed. "Paleotype" 2002
  4. Economic and social geography of Russia: Textbook for universities / Ed. prof. A.T. Khrushchev. - M.: Bustard, 2001. - 672 p.: ill., cart.: tsv. incl.

Encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books and statistical collections

  1. Geography of Russia. Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ch. ed. A.P. Gorkin.-M.: Bol. Ros. ents., 1998.- 800s.: ill., maps.
  2. Russian statistical yearbook. 2011: Stat.sb./Goskomstat of Russia. - M., 2002. - 690 p.
  3. Russia in numbers. 2011: Brief Statistical Collection / Goskomstat of Russia. - M., 2003. - 398s.

Literature for preparing for the GIA and the Unified State Examination

  1. GIA-2013. Geography: typical examination options: 10 options / Ed. EM. Ambartsumova. - M .: Publishing house "National education", 2012. - (GIA-2013. FIPI-school)
  2. GIA-2013. Geography: thematic and typical examination options: 25 options / Ed. EM. Ambartsumova. - M .: Publishing house "National education", 2012. - (GIA-2013. FIPI-school)
  3. GIA-2013 Exam in a new form. Geography. Grade 9 / FIPI authors - compilers: E.M. Ambartsumova, S.E. Dyukova - M.: Astrel, 2012.
  4. Excellent student of the exam. Geography. Solving complex problems / FIPI authors-compilers: Ambartsumova E.M., Dyukova S.E., Pyatunin V.B. - M.: Intellect-Centre, 2012.
  1. Draw a diagram of the connections of the machine-building complex with other industry complexes. Give examples of the products he supplies to them.
  2. Name the machine-building enterprises in your region. What, in your opinion, explains the specialization of machine-building enterprises in your region?
summary of other presentations

"Tatar culture and traditions" - Family traditions. Kitchen. Culture and life. National clothes. Traditional activities. Special rules for eating. The traditional dwelling of the Tatars of the Middle Volga and Urals was a log hut. Religion. communication traditions. Culture of the Tatar people.

"Moscow - the heart of Russia" - Administrative districts of Moscow. Station Moscow-Kurskaya. Moscow is cultural. Moscow is scientific. The university was founded in 1775 by academician M.V. Lomonosov. Moscow is administrative. Moscow is industrial. Moscow. The result of an express survey. Prosper with the glory of the eternal city of temples and chambers. Moscow is transport. Population dynamics in Moscow. Textile industry. The coat of arms of Moscow was approved on February 1, 1995.

"Agriculture and agro-industrial complex" - Sheep breeding. Russia's land resources are limited. Len is a dolt. Agro-industrial complex (APC). Sugar beet. Reports on fiber flax and sugar beet. Agricultural engineering. The basis of the agro-industrial complex is agriculture. branches of the agro-industrial complex. Rostov-on-Don. Livestock news. plan on the board. Agro-industrial complex: composition and significance. Cattle breeding. Goals. The basis of the agro-industrial complex is agriculture.

"Sectors of the economy of the European North" - Sectors of the economy. Sincwine. Branches of specialization. Pechenganickel. Composition of the European North. The study of the main branches of specialization of the European North. Skills in working with cartographic information. Economy of the European North. Arhangelsk region. Agro-industrial complex. Economic regions.

"Vilovatovo" - The first kindergarten. Vilovatovo. Success under socialism. Years of Soviet power. The building of the office of the state farm "Power". The development of the village before the revolution. History of the village of Vilovatovo. House of Culture. Vilovatovskaya secondary school. Central House of Culture. Pride. School project in Vilovatovo. Kindergarten "Petushok".

"John Booth" - Rumors of Booth's rescue have circulated for quite some time. Cottrell Anatomy of a Murder (London, 1966). Herold, taking advantage of the actor's passion for whiskey, poured poison into alcohol. Another attempt to reveal the secret was the book of V. Shelton. There was no shortage of impostors. I'm afraid that I might somehow become a scapegoat. The story is based on true facts and documents. You can't make mistakes here."