The main state exam in social studies is one of the optional tests that students can take at the end of grade 9. This subject is chosen by those students who decide to continue their studies in grade 10 with a humanitarian bias or decide to enter secondary specialized educational institutions for humanitarian specialties.

Also, the OGE can be the first stage of preparation for passing the unified state exam in this subject at the end of full education at school.


All items of the exam will take 3 hours to complete. In order for it to be read as completed, it is necessary to score at least 15 points - this corresponds to the "satisfactory" grade. 25 - 33 points is a range for a solid four. The maximum amount that can be earned is 39 (from 34 "excellent"). There are no permitted visual materials and aids for this type of OGE, only a form with texts and a pen can be located on the examinee's table.

The structure of the main state examination provides for the performance of tasks of two types - there are 31 of them.

The first part includes 25 tests (numbers 1-25), which require a short answer. Here you will find options in which you need to choose the only correct option from the proposed ones, correlate terms and their definitions, indicate the correct sequence of actions, and so on.

The second part is 6 tasks for which you need to give a full detailed answer. These are questions numbered from 26 to 31. For example, an informational text is given that must be read carefully and then answer a number of questions.

Algorithm of preparation

  • Repeat all sections of the school curriculum - for this you can use textbooks, teaching aids or your own notes;
  • Explore various demonstration materials and additional literature - they can be found in specialized stores or on the Internet;
  • Use the OGE online tests - they can be found on thematic sites, including ours. They will help to consolidate what was learned and simulate a work format that is as close as possible to a real exam. This will help you master the sequence of all actions and give confidence during the test itself.

How are the results evaluated?

From 1 to 21 numbers are estimated at 1 point, the same number in questions 23-25. For number 22 get 2 - if everything is correct, 1 - if there is one error, 0 - if there are two or more. The result of the second part depends on the correctness and completeness of the answers. Questions 26-28, 30 and 31 bring 2 to the maximum, with incomplete disclosure of the topic - 1. №29, if performed well, will add 3 points.

We present to your attention the section on preparation for the OGE in Social Science. This subject is the third most popular after the mandatory and the first most popular among elective exams. We are pleased to provide you with the most useful and necessary material for each assignment with detailed explanations and theory. We are sure that this section will help you pass the social studies exam in the 9th grade with excellent marks!

General information about the exam

The OGE in social studies consists of two parts, which in total contain 31 tasks.

First part contains 25 tasks with short the answer. Second part - 6 tasks with deployed the answer.

For the performance of examination work in social studies, 3 hours(180 minutes). Answers to tasks 1-20 are written in the form of one digit, which corresponds to the number of the correct answer. Answers to tasks 21-25 are recorded as a sequence of numbers in the answer field in the text of the work.

Part 2 includes the text and 6 assignments to it. To complete these tasks, you must:

  • select the information you want from the text
  • to disclose (including by examples) its individual provisions
  • correlate information from the text with the knowledge gained during the course
  • apply existing knowledge to analyze social situations
  • express and substantiate your own opinion.

Answers to the tasks of part 2 are recorded on a separate sheet. When completing assignments can use a draft. Draft entries are not included in the evaluation of the work.

Theory for the OGE in Social Studies

A brief theory for the successful completion of tasks (it is recommended to read it before parsing the options).

Topic # 1

Society and people


1. Society (broad and narrow understanding).

2.The structure of society

3. Spheres of life of society.

4. The stages of development of society.

5. Development of society.

7. Globalization.

1. Society.

Society - it is a community of people historically formed within a certain territory and reproducing itself, having its own control system. A part of the world isolated from nature, but closely related to it (in a broad sense).

The emergence of man and the emergence of society - it is a single process. If there is no person, there is no society. There is no society - there is no man.

Society (broad and narrow understanding)

Society in the narrow sense

Society in the broadest sense


Examples of


Examples of

Uniting people by interests, professions, joint activities

Society of Book Lovers, Pedagogical Society, All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation, Red Cross Society

Separated from nature, but closely related

a part of the material world with it, which includes the ways of interaction of people and the forms of their unification

Aliens discovered a complex and diverse society on Earth

Historical stage in the development of mankind



capitalist industrial

All of humanity as a whole, in its

historical and prospective development

Global problems of modern society

Social environment

Bad society

National state education

French society,

American society,

western european


2.The structure of society

Any society always has a social structure, which is understood as the entire totality of classes, strata, social groups, etc.

The structure of society is complex. It includes large and small social groups of people.

Social group -a really existing community, in which people are gathered together, united by joint activity or are in similar living conditions and therefore realize their belonging to this community.

Classification of social groups

Groups are divided into large and small.

Large groups

Large groups are divided into:

1. Unorganized, spontaneously arising

The first includes spontaneously emerging, short-lived communities:

Examples: crowd, audience, audience.

2.O organized, long-term

Examples: classes and social strata, various ethnic (nationalities, nations), professional and gender and age groups.

Small groups

M the scarlet group is calleda small group (from 2 to 20 people), whose members are united by common social activities. This is a group in which social relations are in the form of direct personal contacts.

Small groups are divided into:

1. Primary formal collectives:family, educational, labor, etc.

2.Informal teams(friendly company)

Public relations- these are interconnections and interdependencies that people enter in the process of activity.

Social relations are a characteristic feature of society. In the course of the development of society, social relations change.

Civilization - the integrity of the material and spiritual life of people in certain spatio-temporal traditions.

3. The main spheres of society

Sphere of life of society


Economic sphere (institute)

Industrial and agricultural production, relations between people in the production process, exchange of products of production activity, their distribution.

Social sphere (institute)

Layers and classes, class relations, nations and national relations, family, family and household relations, educational institutions, medical care, leisure.

Political sphere (institute)

State power, political parties, relations between people associated with the use of power for the realization of the interests of certain social groups.

Spiritual sphere (institute)

Religious organizations, cultural institutions and related activities of people. Science, morality, religion, language, art, scientific institutions.

All four spheres interact with each other.

Social norms are aimed at preserving the integrity of society and regulating relations between people.

Social norms- the rules of conduct, which were formed in accordance with the needs of society.

These norms can take the form of:

  • Permissions, i.e. permission to behave in a certain way.
  • Prescriptions, i.e. instructions on what to do.
  • Prohibition, i.e. indications of actions that should not be taken

Social norms show which actions the society approves and which does not approve. TO the most significant norms are moral and legal norms.Violation of any social norms in society is condemned.

4. The stages of development of society.

Stages of development of society


Traditional (agrarian) society

The dominance of agriculture, subsistence farming, rural residents prevail over the urban ones, the estate hierarchy, the decisive role in the life of society belongs to the keepers of the cult - the priests, or the church, and the army. Community principles, traditions and customs dominate.

The purpose of the society is to support the existence of man as a species.

Extensive development (quantitative), the spread of mankind and the collection of natural resources from a large area.

Industrial society of the XIX-XX centuries.

Industrial production predominates, with industrialists and businessmen playing a decisive role. This society is based on the development of large-scale machine production. The use of scientific achievements is characteristic. The urban population is growing. Consumer attitude to nature.

The purpose of the society:

Production of consumer goods.

Development is understood as an increase in the use of natural resources and the uncontrolled development of technology.

The growth of the educational level of the population, general culture, the development of science.

Postindustrial (information) society

Production is focused on product quality, on the consumer. The qualifications and creativity of people are of great importance. The main factor of production is scientific and technological progress, information technology. The production of scientific knowledge and scientific research are becoming the leading ones. Respect for nature. The role of the state in control over technological and socio-economic changes is growing.

It is currently beginning to develop in the USA, Japan, and a number of Western European countries.

Globalization, the existence of both national states and supranational authorities.

Formation of the rule of law and further development of democracy.

Man rules over the forces of nature.

Influence on nature:

Active intelligent exploration of nature. Minimal environmental pollution, waste-free production.

The purpose of the society:

Extraction, processing and storage of information. Development is understood as the development of technology based on scientific achievements and a deepening understanding of the laws of nature. Priority is given to science and education.

5. Development of society.

The driving forces of the historical process

Society as a dynamic system

1.Society as a whole is changing and developing

2. Its elements change and develop

3.Elements of society are interconnected and affect each other

4. Some elements cease to exist, others appear

Two directions of development of society

  • Progress

The movement of society: along the ascending line, from the lowest to the highest; from less perfect to more perfect;

Towards greater sustainability of the vitality of society.

  • Regression

The movement of society along a descending line from the highest to the lowest;

from best to worst; to instability.

The main forms of development of society

  • Evolution. Gradual and smooth changes in social life, occur naturally
  • The revolution. Relatively rapid changes, a radical revolution in the life of society.
  • Reform. A set of measures aimed at transforming, changing in society.

6. Science and Society. Scientific and technological revolution and its consequences.

Science and society

Science is a sphere of human activity, the function of which is the development and systematization of true, objective knowledge about reality, which has its own subject and its own methodology of study.

Scientific and technological revolution and its social consequences

  • The Scientific and Technological Revolution (STR) is a revolution in science.
  • Scientific and technical progress (STP) is the interaction of technology and science in a single process of improving production.

Labor, production activity of a person is inseparable from technology. Moreover, as you can easily see, the technique develops and improves over time.

Examples of technical progress

  • A leap in the development of technology in the Neolithic era - the appearance of tools made of artificial materials (ceramics made from natural clay, burnt in fire);
  • The transition from manual to machine labor during the industrial revolution;
  • The emergence of control machines.

Technical innovations not only influenced the production process, but also changed the appearance of the working man himself, his relationship with other workers and consumers of the produced product.

  • The emergence of certain technical innovations was often associated with the development of knowledge, the progress of science.
  • However, only in the middle of the XX century. technical innovations are a direct result of the development of scientific knowledge.
  • It is associated with the penetration of man into the world of microparticles and exit into outer space, the emergence of various artificial materials (including those with predetermined properties), and the widespread introduction of control machines into production processes.

Social consequences of scientific and technological revolution

  • Positive achievements

The growing role of scientific knowledge; the development of education, its transformation into a necessary and indispensable condition for a full-fledged human existence; man's mastery of high speeds, relatively safe opportunities to work in hard-to-reach or harmful conditions; the use of new types of energy, artificial materials that open up the possibilities of using natural resources in a new way, etc.

  • Negative consequences

Suffice it to recall environmental problems.

A person is becoming more and more dependent on technology, man-made disasters (failures and disruptions in the technical and technological activities of a person, which cause irreversible processes in the biosphere) cause significant damage not only to nature - people also suffer from them.

Manufacturing is becoming more complex and more and more stringent requirements for workers. Rapid renewal of knowledge requires mobility from the employee, and the one who loses in this race for new knowledge, scientific and technical ideas, turns out to be “superfluous”. Not all countries can bear the burden of spending on the introduction of modern technologies and the development of science, which is becoming more and more expensive. Many previously unknown diseases caused by stress claim millions of lives. You can continue this list yourself.

And yet, modern man cannot refuse the benefits of civilization created thanks to the achievements of scientific and technological revolution.

7. Globalization.

Globalization (problems appear in the 20th century)

This is a process of strengthening integration ties between individual peoples and states.


  • Promotes economic development
  • Provides greater tolerance (tolerance)
  • Warns states against extreme actions


  • Not always focused on the development of domestic production (a single consumption standard is being formed)
  • Rules favorable to developed countries are dictated
  • Far from the best ideals and values ​​are imposed to the detriment of national cultures (mass culture)
  • Global problems appear

Global problems

Threatening all of humanity. They are planetary in nature. They can be solved only by the joint efforts of all peoples and states.

The following global problems can be distinguished

  • The threat of a new world war.
  • Environmental problems (pollution and destruction of the natural habitat of mankind, climate change, the disappearance of various species of animals and plants, large rivers become shallow, etc.).
  • Uneven economic development of countries.
  • An increase in the number of man-made disasters.
  • The threat of world terrorism.
  • Population problem (threat of hunger).
  • Diseases.
  • Depletion of natural resources (search for new energy sources).
  • Spiritual crisis.

The presentation "The final lesson on the topic" Social sphere "is intended both for the current control of the knowledge and skills of students on this topic, and for targeted preparation for.

Target audience: for grade 11

The presentation "The final lesson on the topic" Sphere of spiritual culture "is intended both for the current control of students' knowledge and skills on this topic, and for targeted preparation for the OGE in social studies.

The tasks of the first part of different levels are presented. The answers are presented in the presentation itself. The work can be used in different learning situations.

The presentation "The final lesson on the topic" Man and Society "is intended both for the current control of the knowledge and skills of students on this topic, and for targeted preparation for the OGE in social studies.

The tasks of the first part of different levels are presented. The answers are presented in the presentation itself. The work can be used in different learning situations.

The presentation "The final lesson on the topic" The sphere of politics and social management "is intended both for the current control of the knowledge and skills of students on this topic, and for targeted preparation for the OGE in social studies, grade 9.

The tasks of the first part of different levels are presented. The answers are presented in the presentation itself. The work can be used in different learning situations.

Target audience: for teachers

The presentation "The final lesson on the topic" Economics "is intended both for the current control of the knowledge and skills of students on this topic, and for targeted preparation for the OGE in social studies, grade 9.

The tasks of the first part of different levels are presented. The answers are presented in the presentation itself. The work can be used in different learning situations.

Target audience: for teachers

Synopsis and presentation "The final lesson on the topic" Man and his rights "are intended both for the current control of students' knowledge and skills on this topic, and for targeted preparation for the GIA in social studies. Tasks of parts A, B, C of different levels are presented. Answers are presented both in the synopsis and in the presentation itself The work is focused on the textbook of AI Kravchenko, but nevertheless has a universal character and can be used in different educational situations.

Target audience: for grade 9

The goals and objectives of the presentation are to effectively prepare 9th grade students for the SIA in Social Studies, to consolidate the material.
How to work with a presentation?
The presentation details one of the sections of the SIA on social studies - "The Sphere of Spiritual Culture".
The presentation contains 23 slides. 22 slides are devoted to the topics of this section, 23 slide contains literature and Internet resources for the section.
1 slide - title slide - contains information about the author of the presentation
2 slide - contains a list of elements (topics) checked by the tasks of the GIA in this section
Slides from 3 to 22 clearly and easily explain the main terms, contain practical tasks of parts A and B from the book of P.A. Baranova “A complete guide to prepare for the GIA. AST. Astrel. M. 2013.

Target audience: for grade 9

The presentation "Law, Part 2" is intended to prepare 9th grade students for the State Institute of Social Studies. There is methodological support for the presentation (tasks, goals, main content, test tasks, sources). In the presentation, the following nine questions of the "Law" codifier are disclosed in a clear and accessible way for students. Test tasks from the official demonstration versions of the FIPI 2009-2012. The presentation contains a lot of illustrative material.

Topic: Society and people.

Scientists believe that social life began simultaneously with the appearance of man on Earth. Even ancient people united into a clan community, a tribe. The unification and interaction of ancient people helped the human race to survive in difficult natural conditions, to defend itself from enemies, and to develop new territories. This is where the concepts of "community" and "society" come from.

The concept of society is used in broad and narrow senses.

In a broad sense:

Society- it is a part of the material world, isolated from nature, but closely related to it, which includes the ways of interaction between people and the forms of their unification.

In a narrow sense:

Society is a collection of people for some reason.

The concept of society has many meanings:

Stage in the history of mankind

(primitive society, slave-owning, etc.)


A circle of people united

common goals, interests

(sport Club)

Region, country, state

(Russia, European Society)

All of humanity

(global community)


A question for the students.

Tell me, can a person develop outside of society?

Not only in society can a person satisfy his material and spiritual needs. And also in society, social relations develop between people.

Social relations are relationships that develop between members of various social groups.

Society not only arises with the appearance of a person, but also develops with him, and it means societyit is a dynamic system.

Characteristic features of society as a dynamic system .

Self-development, self-regulation, the ability to adapt and integrate, the withering away of old parts, the emergence of new ones.

Society has subsystems (parts of the system)

Spheres of public life


State and public authorities

(president, government, parties, army, police, tax and customs services)


(morality, culture, science, education, art and religion)


(goods, services, enterprises (firms), production process.


Interaction of various social groups, population strata, personality.

All societies can be divided into 3 historical types:

    Pre-industrial (traditional or agricultural) - people are engaged in agriculture, manual labor, primitive tools, communal way of life, low social mobility, cultural backwardness prevail.

    Industrial - people are employed in industrial production, the development of private property, machine labor prevails, the growth of cities and urban populations, collective values, average social mobility, social life and cultural development.

    Postindustrial - people are mainly engaged in the sphere of services and information, information technologies prevail, computerization and automation of labor, the value of the individual, human rights and freedoms, high social mobility, the influence of the media.

(social mobility -changing the position of a person or group in society)

Interaction between society and nature

It is important to realize that society and nature are interconnected and influence each other.

Nature- it is a natural human habitat.

Differences between society and nature

Creates culture

Develops under the influence of human activities.

The difference between nature and society

Able to develop independently of a person

Has its own laws that do not depend on the will and desires of a person


Human - a biosocial creature, i.e. the social and the biological are intertwined in it.

Individual is a representative of the human race with unique natural traits. (one of the people; single)

Individuality - uniqueness, originality, wealth of the inner world, features that are characteristic only of a certain person.

Personality - this is a person as a social being with his inherent features and relationships, manifested in interaction with people.

Socialization Is the process of becoming a personality

Socialization agents

    A family



    Social environment


    mass media


Stages of socialization


    Middle (adolescent)


The main differences between humans and animals

    Thinking and articulating speech

    Conscious purposeful creative activity

    Human creator of culture

    Ability to make and use tools.

Human activities.

Activity Is a human activity aimed at achieving a set goal. As a result of activity, he transforms both nature and society.

Activity structure

1. Subject of activity (the one who carries out the activity)

2. The object of the activity (what it is directed to) or (what your attention is directed to.

The object can be not only objects, but also people (the teacher teaches students).

A person starting any activity sets a goal for himself.

Target something that is expected by us as a result of the activity.

In order to reach the goal, we need :

1 .Funds

2 .Actions

3 .Result

Motive- what prompts us to action. (Vasya reads a newspaper (action) to find out sports news (motive).

Human activity is aimed at satisfying needs.

Three groups of needs (or classification of needs):

    Biological (food, sleep, air, water, etc. They are innate, they bring us closer to animals)

    Social (communication, self-realization, self-affirmation)

    Spiritual (needs for knowledge of the surrounding world and the person himself)

This classification is not the only one. American psychologist A. Maslow .

    Physiological (food, breathing, movement)

    Existential (in safety, comfort, confidence in the future)

(1,2 - congenital needs)

    Social (in communication, in caring for others, in understanding)

    Prestigious (selfish) - in self-respect, success, recognition

    Spiritual (self-actualization, self-expression)

(3-5 - purchased)

Main activities - Labor, play, teaching.

Activities - practical, spiritual (associated with a change in people's consciousness), destructive (wars, acts of vandalism, felling of forests), labor, educational, creative, etc.

Creative activity - aimed at creating something new.

(helps us to create - imagination, fantasy, intuition)

Labor activity - This is an activity that is aimed at obtaining a knowingly useful result.

Play or leisure activities - focused not so much on the result as on the process itself, entertainment, rest.

Studies is a type of activity, the purpose of which is the acquisition of a person's knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Social and interpersonal relationships of a person. Communication.

Social relationships - it is the relationship between the leader and the subordinate.

Forms of social relations: one-sided (hidden, open conflicts), mutual (accessible and clear social reality).

Interpersonal relationships - the relationship between friends.

Society is a collection of social groups.

Social group - a group of people identified on socially significant grounds.

Social group functions

    Instrumental - to perform any kind of work (department, dean, team of workers)

    Expressive - to meet social needs for respect, approval, or trust (Alcoholics Anonymous)

    Supportive - to ease unpleasant feelings. (protection of interests of social groups (trade unions, etc.))

Communication - communication between people as a result of which they exchange information.

Types of communication : speech (verbal), with the help of words and sounds

non-verbal (non-verbal), with the help of facial expressions and gestures

Forms of communication:

Service (business)

Everyday (household)


Ritual (the process of adhering to prescribed behavior)


By content and semantic focus:






Opinion exchange

Interpersonal conflicts

Interpersonal conflicts - it is a clash of different points of view.

Conflict Resolution Methods

1. Dialogue-communication between people.

2. A compromise agreement based on mutual concessions.

3. Consensus is a form of expressing agreement with the arguments of the opponent in a dispute.