February 21, 2018 FSBEI HE "Moscow State Pedagogical University" is holding an event dedicated to International Mother Language Day.

Proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in order to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism in the world, International Mother Language Day is held in universities and educational organizations of the Russian education system to support and promote the spread of the native language, affirm the importance of the state Russian language, support linguistic diversity and cultural traditions different peoples.

Students and teachers of Moscow State University are invited to participate in the event, including students of the Faculty of Russian Language and Intercultural Communication for Foreign Citizens, teachers and high school students of educational complexes in Moscow, representatives of interclubs and fraternities of Moscow universities.

The rich event program offers different formats of participation.

Exhibition. The concept of the exhibition is based on the task of presenting the languages ​​of different peoples of the world, including the peoples of Russia, spoken and studied by MSGU students. The exhibition is a development of the “Languages ​​of the country’s main pedagogical university” project, which was launched at the Mother Language Day 2017 event. The project is intended to present the cultural and linguistic diversity of the world and Russia as a multinational state, as well as the multilingual environment of the university, the development of which is one of the strategic objectives of the university. The exhibition is being prepared by the combined efforts of students and teachers of Moscow State Pedagogical University.

Operation of youth discussion platforms on the issues of International Mother Language Day. The work of students, graduate students and young teachers under the guidance of moderators on discussion platforms aims to discuss topical, including controversial, issues related to the functioning of languages ​​and the preservation of cultural and linguistic diversity in the modern global information space. The results of the sites’ work are presented for general discussion at the end of the event and are enshrined in the final recommendations of the participants.

Interactive program. The work of creative platforms in the exhibition space is considered as a form of manifestation of initiative and creativity of students, united by knowledge and interest in the topic of cultural and linguistic diversity of the peoples of the world and Russia. Any format of interactive activity in a single exhibition space is welcome: master classes, tests and quests, virtual excursions and competitions on the topic of diversity of languages ​​and cultures. Conducted by MSGU students for the event participants, including schoolchildren from educational complexes in Moscow and a wide range of guests.

Location: Building of humanities faculties of Moscow State Pedagogical University

Address: Vernadskogo Avenue, 88 (access to the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station)

Additional Information: The coordination of the preparation and holding of the event is carried out by the Department of Interregional Cooperation of Moscow State Pedagogical University.

Contact persons: Krivenkaya Marina Aleksandrovna [email protected](+7 916 678 4623), Nadezhda Borisovna Samoilova [email protected] (+7 916 158-8527)


holding an event,

dedicated to International Mother Language Day

the date of the : February 21, 2018.


Hold an event dedicated to the International Mother Language;

Expand the horizons of students;

Develop their creativity, ingenuity, dexterity;

Stimulate interest in learning your native language;

Instill a love for your native language;

Promote team unity;

Cultivate respect for the native language.

Location: Republican Center for Additional Education of Blind and Visually Impaired Children and Adults.

Room decoration :

- on the wall there is an inscription “February 21 - International Mother Language Day”,

-quotes from Russian writers,

-exhibition of books by Russian writers and books in Braille,

- flowers, balloons.


For blind participants:

Braille writing paper;

Lead for writing in Braille;

Writing instrument for writing in Braille;

For visually impaired participants:

Lined paper;

Black marker.

Progress of the event


Good afternoon to everyone present at our event dedicated to International Mother Language Day. What is “mother tongue”? The native language is the one , which learns from early childhood without special training, being in an appropriate language environment (in particular, in his family).

There are so many languages ​​in the world,
We don't even know everyone.
It is very important in this life,
Don't forget about your family.
And try to speak natively,
Never litter
Promote it again to the masses,
Read a lot of books!
Develop your knowledge
Rediscover yourself

And to help with this,
All family and friends.

There are countless languages ​​in the world. According to preliminary estimates, their number is about 6 thousand. Each language is an instrument for reflecting national culture, an instrument for the development and preservation of spiritual and material heritage. The language of each nation is unique and has original expressions that reflect the mentality and traditions of the nation. Language shapes a person’s consciousness; knowledge of a language helps to broaden one’s horizons and penetrate deeper into the culture of another country. Recognition and respect of all languages ​​helps maintain world peace. Since 1999, at the initiative of the General Conference of UNESCO, International Mother Language Day has been celebrated around the world on February 21 as a reminder of the need to promote the development of multinational linguistic culture, its diversity and multilingualism.

Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky very aptly noted that “it is necessary to study your native language... in order to be able to use it to express your thoughts.”

The vocabulary of the great writer William Shakespeare was more than 15,000 words, the Russian poet Alexander Pushkin used 21,000 words in his literary speech, the leader of the Tumba-Yumba tribe used 300 words, and EllochkaThe cannibal from the satirical novel by Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov “The Twelve Chairs” was easily dealt withthirty, but with them she could express almost any of her thoughts.

The native language is most valuable
There is no more beautiful person in the world,
We can only think on it,
It gives a wonderful light to the ear!
Sometimes we look for momentum,
In other beautiful languages,
We replenish our vocabulary baggage,
And joy glows in our hearts!
Language and culture are indivisible,
They are like one!

Keep your knowledge,
May the descendants be lucky!

To draw attention to the problem of preserving linguistic diversity established , which is celebrated annually on February 21. Why this day? We will learn about him further.


International Mother Language Day, proclaimed by the General Conference of UNESCO on 17 November 1999, has been celebrated annually on 21 February since 2000 to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism.

The date of International Mother Language Day was chosen to commemorate the events that took place in Dhaka (now the capital of Bangladesh) on February 21, 1952, when students who demonstrated in defense of their native language, Bengali, which they demanded to be recognized as one of the official languages ​​of the country.

Languages ​​are a powerful tool for preserving and developing material and spiritual heritage. According to UNESCO estimates, half of the world's approximately 6 thousand languages ​​may soon lose their last speakers. Attention to native languages ​​promotes linguistic diversity and multilingual education, promotes familiarity with the linguistic and cultural traditions of nations and peoples.

Each year, as part of Mother Language Day celebrations, events are held around the world to focus on the theme and aim to promote respect, encouragement and protection of all languages ​​(especially endangered languages), linguistic diversity and multilingualism. Among the most common topics of discussion are: the relationship between mother tongue and multilingualism; Braille system and sign language; raising public awareness of linguistic and cultural traditions based on mutual understanding, tolerance and dialogue; protection of the intangible heritage of humanity and preservation of cultural diversity; the role of the native language in preserving the original culture of the people.Thirty-three European languages ​​are at serious risk, including 13 that are on the verge of extinction. This data was taken from information from UNESCO, which named a list of European languages ​​classified as "endangered" and "endangered". The first are languages ​​that are spoken only by a few members of the oldest generation, while their children no longer understand them. The second are languages ​​spoken by younger people, but only occasionally and infrequently.

The most critically endangered language on the list is the Gottschian dialect of German, spoken by a little-studied ethnic group of Gottschian Germans living in the town of Kočevje in Slovenia. The number of surviving speakers of this language is unknown.

Only 6 people today speak the Galich dialect of the Karaite language, once widespread in western Ukraine.

There are only 20 native speakers of the Votic language left, which was spoken by the small Vod people living in the Kingisepp district of the Leningrad region of Russia.

The Kilda Sami language, widespread in the central part of the Kola Peninsula, is also under serious threat. According to UNESCO, 787 people speak it.

In total, both lists contain 8 languages ​​of nationalities living in France, 4 in Great Britain, 3 in Sweden, as well as languages ​​of ethnic groups in Croatia, Bulgaria, Italy, Greece, Germany, Finland, Norway and Latvia.


The Constitution of our Republic has two state languages: Russian and Ukrainian, but the majority of residents speak Russian.

She dedicated her poem to her native Russian languageauthor of the poem"Great and mighty, beloved and melodious" .

Great and mighty, beloved and melodious

I know other languages
And I always think in Russian...
The spirits of French words are light,
The reglans of English words are narrow,
And the Russian style is just right for me,
Fit in meaning and spirit:
The precision of the phrases is so organic,
The melodiousness is so
pleasing to the ear.
I've heard it around since I was born
I speak Tatar and Uzbek,
And Ukrainian is a friend from childhood:
The neighbor's yard was hanging out on it.
Often traveling around the world,
Friendly with English and French,
Bulgarian and German, I
I pray and dream in Russian.
So delicious phrases to savor
From Russian words, simple and juicy,
And braid rhymes into braids,
Combing strands of lines.
In Russian I laugh, I sing,
I'm sad, crying and jealous,
In Russian I whisper: “I love...”
And I kiss the world three times.
I'm Russian! And I'm proud
To the dear ones, the “great and mighty”...
The mother of language is Holy Rus',

The son-hero is beautiful and sonorous!


On February 21, many educational and cultural institutions of our republic host events dedicated to International Mother Language Day. There will be exhibitions of writers' books, drawing and poster competitions, poetry evenings and much, much more. And we propose to write a dictation about “Our native language.”

(The presenter reads the text of the dictation)

Our native language.

More than 120 nationalities currently live on the territory of our republic. Each of them has their own native language. But what unites everyone is the Russian language. In it lies our strength and unity!


There is, perhaps, not a single major Russian poet whose poems, set to music, would not be heard in concert halls, music salons or living rooms, in the houses of city dwellers who love singing or in a peasant hut, on the street or in the field. The fate of those poets is especially surprising - whose names in the history of poetry are almost forgotten, whose books have not been read by anyone for a long time, and of everything that was created by them, only those poems that have become winged songs are preserved.

At the end of our event, we invite you to listen to the romance based on the poems of the Russian poet Afanasy Afanasievich Fet “At dawn, don’t wake her up” performed by Victoria Ivanova.


Thanks to all the participants of our event. See you again!

The United Nations at the end of the 20th century established that World Mother Language Day will be celebrated on February 21 of every year. This holiday was created in memory of the tragic incidents of 1952 in Bangladesh.

In 1952, Bangladesh was part of Pakistan under the name East Pakistan. Most of the inhabitants of this region spoke Bengali, and in the western provinces Urdu was dominant, which in 1948 was granted by law the status of the only official language of the state. Following the passage of this law, protests began in the eastern parts of the country.

The government banned any rallies and actions supporting the Bengali language, and on February 21 a massive student demonstration took place in Dhaka. Dozens of participants died due to the actions of security forces. This tragedy became the starting point of resistance and mass protests.

Decision of the UN General Assembly

In 1999, the 30th session of the UNESCO General Conference established International Mother Language Day to commemorate the resistance. The first celebration took place in 2000. The purpose of the event is to preserve the diversity of world languages.

UNESCO experts believe that almost half of all languages ​​existing in the world are on the verge of extinction, 139 of them are the languages ​​of small peoples of Russia. The organization plans to create a monitoring system that will monitor the status of these languages ​​and take timely measures to support them.

The UN General Assembly calls on all member states to protect and preserve currently existing languages. The UN believes that steps towards their preservation and support promote cultural diversity and help strengthen community and solidarity based on tolerance and mutual understanding among the peoples of the world.

There are countless languages ​​in the world. According to preliminary estimates, their number is about 6 thousand. Each language is an instrument for reflecting national culture, an instrument for the development and preservation of spiritual and material heritage. The language of each nation is unique and has original expressions that reflect the mentality and traditions of the nation. Language shapes a person’s consciousness; knowledge of a language helps to broaden one’s horizons and penetrate deeper into the culture of another country. Recognition and respect of all languages ​​helps maintain world peace. Since 1999, at the initiative of the General Conference of UNESCO, International Mother Language Day has been celebrated around the world on February 21 as a reminder of the need to promote the development of multinational linguistic culture, its diversity and multilingualism.

Native language, native speech,
He has been with us since childhood,
He is in the gentle whisper of foliage,
In the words of father and mother.

He is in fairy tales, songs and poems,
In the oath and in the anthem
And without a native language
Any people will die.

Me on Mother Language Day
I wish you to keep it,
We could have children after us
Talk to your native land.

Happy International Day
Mother tongue
Congratulations to everyone
Living on the planet
On it the earth speaks to you,
And from the cradle his children hear him.
I wish you to take care of your native language,
In him is the strength and soul of the people,
Free song
Let the native speech flow,
Paving the way through centuries and years.

Our native, beloved language,
We can't live in the world without you,
That you are very great
Both adults and children know!

We should all love you,
Always express yourself with dignity
Keep your tongue like a diamond
And admire the beauty!

The people unanimously celebrate
We are Mother Language Day,
And congratulations to everyone today,
You should always teach it!

Do not forget, and always remember,
And repeat the rules all over again,
Our native language is very important to us,
We must respect him!

Your native language is your land,
It is spoken by forests and fields.
The river speaks smoothly on it,
The ship's whistle echoes her response.

On it my mother sings a lullaby,
The child learns his native speech.
There is no people without language,
I congratulate you on your native language day.

Peoples live on a large planet,
Let everyone take care of their native language.
To save it for the children
And talk to your land.

The native language is the most important
It has love, care, mother.
Remembering the native word,
We are turning back time.

Native speech hurts the soul so much,
When alone in a foreign country.
And it’s so invigorating when you’re standing there,
On our native Russian soil.

On this holiday I wish everyone
Don't lose your native word.
Mother tongue from the bottom of my heart,
Love, appreciate and praise.

International Mother Language Day
I congratulate you on this glorious date,
I wish you lexically always
Be literate, savvy, rich.

Let your speech always sound pure,
Don't let bad words spoil her,
Your native language will help you object
And insist confidently and firmly.

We need to value our native language
After all, we must take care of it!
Let's learn the language together
After all, this is important for the country!

May our speech be beautiful
Let's write correctly
And thoughts and ideas are clear
Always express to each other!

Mother Language Day
We definitely need it!
Let's speak Russian,
Let’s forget both slang and swearing for a day,
We know thousands of beautiful words,
Let's look for them in our heads -
A wonderful speech will flow, yes, yes!
Perhaps you won’t want another one then?

No native language
Life wouldn't be easy.
How then should we express ourselves?
How to confess your love?

We are lucky with the language
He's handsome to spite everyone
How should a diamond be protected?
We speak our own language!

Congratulations: 68 in verse, 8 in prose.

The existence of the planet is inextricably linked with the development of population and speech. Linguistic diversity is inexorably tending to decrease, which raises fears of the complete disappearance of most currently existing languages.


International Mother Language Day appeared in 1999 at the establishment of the General Conference of UNESCO and entered the calendar life of our planet in 2000. When proclaiming this holiday, the primary task was set - to preserve “endangered” languages, as well as to bring together the cultural and linguistic diversity of the peoples of the world.

A memorable day was chosen as the date for Language Day. In Dhaka in 1952, on February 21, during a demonstration in support of the native language, students who proposed raising the holiday to an official level were killed by police.

Every year this holiday takes on a specific theme, drawing attention to various problems in the linguistic field. The following questions are raised and considered:

  1. Sign language and Braille system.
  2. Promotion between mother tongue and multilingualism.
  3. Preservation of cultural plurality.
  4. Coverage of different cultural traditions.
  5. ·Quality of linguistic education, etc.

UNESCO staff determined that a huge number of languages ​​were used by the population on our planet, 200 of which have completely disappeared, and more than 2 thousand are on the verge of extinction, and only about 6 thousand languages ​​are used.

In every country there are languages ​​that may disappear with the death of their last speakers. The countries with the highest number of dying languages ​​now are Indonesia, India, China, Brazil, Mexico, and the USA.

The reasons for the disappearance of a language are varied:

  • decreased birth rate;
  • wars;
  • deportation;
  • migration;
  • epidemics;
  • language mixing.

In the modern world, these factors are also supplemented by the emergence of dominant languages, the knowledge of which is more profitable.

The disappearance of languages ​​is dangerous not only from a linguistic point of view. Entire cultural layers may disappear due to the loss of traditions and folk art, which are directly related to the history of the language.


On this day, employees of all UNESCO branches organize language events; various conferences, seminars, exhibitions, and concerts are held in all countries.

In Russia, many schools hold lessons that introduce children to the linguistic history of our planet and the topic of the disappearance of languages. Teachers tell why some languages ​​are being “erased from the face of the Earth” and teach children to love and respect both their native and foreign languages.