State in South America. It borders with Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Bolivia and Chile. Washed by the Pacific Ocean....

State structure of Peru:

Presidential republic. The head of state and government is the president. Legislative power is vested in the unicameral Congress. Executive power is in the hands of the president and prime ministers.


The history of Peru goes back centuries. The powerful civilization of the Incas left here many monuments of their culture - the remains of grandiose temples and palaces, a network of magnificent roads, water pipes, etc. Since 1532, the Spaniards dominated the country, having taken out most of the wealth of the Inca empire. Only in 1821 Peru gained independence.

Peru weather:

Due to the complex topography of the surface, the climatic conditions in Peru are extremely diverse. In the coastal strip, the temperature stays within + 16-25 C all year round with very low humidity - no more than 200 mm of precipitation falls per year in the north and about 100 mm in the south, often in the form of the smallest drizzle ("garya"). In mountainous regions, at altitudes up to 3500 m, the climate is moderate, the temperature in winter (from June to October) averages + 4-6 C, in summer up to + 16-17 C, in the valleys up to +24 C. Above, the puna zone begins "("cold place") with a pronounced mountain climate - the temperature in winter is from 0 C to -7 C, in summer + 3-7 C with strong rarefaction of air and sharp daily temperature fluctuations (during the day it can reach + 22-28 C, at night - up to -12 C). The tops of the mountains are covered with snow and glaciers all year round. Precipitation falls no more than 700 mm per year ....

Peru language:

Official language: Spanish, Quechua and Aymara.
English is understood only in cities, good hotels, shops.

Religion in Peru:

90% of the population are Catholics.

Currency of Peru:

International name: PEN
1 salt is equal to 100 cents. In circulation are banknotes in denominations of 10, 20, 50, 100 sol, coins of 0.10, 0.20, 0.50, 1, 2, 5 sol. In the capital and in the areas of excavations, it is possible to pay with dollars and credit cards of the main world systems (in large stores and hotels), in the provinces it is impossible....


Easy entry mode
Citizens of Russia for a trip to Peru for up to 90 days, if the purpose of the visit is tourism, a visa is not required. You also do not need to apply for a transit visa in advance if the duration of such a trip does not exceed 2 days. In all other cases, a visa must be issued in advance at the consular section of the Embassy of Peru in Moscow....

Customs restrictions:

There are no restrictions on the import and export of local currency. The import of foreign currency is not limited, the export is limited to the previously imported amount. Receipts for the exchange of foreign currency into salt must be presented at the return exchange....

Representations of Peru in Russia:

Address: Moscow, Embassy Office: Smolensky Boulevard, 22/14, apt. 15
phone: 248-77-38, 248-67-94, 248-23-02
fax: 230-20-00

Russian representations of Peru:

The Consular Section
Address: Lima, Avenida Salaverry, 3516, San Isidro, Lima, Republica del Peru
phone: (8-10-511) 264-0404
fax: (8-10-511) 264-0130

Mains voltage:


Tips (approximately 10% of the cost) in bars, restaurants, hairdressers, hotels are already included in the bill. Tipping taxi drivers is not required - usually the cost of the trip is agreed in advance. Local guides are usually tipped at the rate of US$3-5 per day.

Office hours:

Banks are open on weekdays from 9 am to 5 pm, on Saturday - from 9 am to 1 pm (in summer the work schedule may change). Many banks in the province have individual opening hours.

Shops are usually open on weekdays from 9 am to 1 pm and from 3 pm to 8 pm. Some supermarkets in the capital are open without lunch until 21-22, many - around the clock. In the province, the opening hours of shops are individual.


The biggest problem when traveling in Peru is theft. It is not recommended to carry large sums of money with you, clothes and personal belongings should not be left unattended, and it is also recommended to refrain from visiting slum areas. Do not leave money and jewelry in the room (hotels are not responsible for the safety of things in the rooms) - for this purpose, special safes are provided at the hotel reception....

Code of the country: +51

First level geographic domain


Vaccination against yellow fever is recommended in case of visiting the Selva region and areas with an altitude below 2300 meters above sea level. Malaria prophylaxis is recommended. When traveling to Selva, there is a risk of contracting hepatitis B and D, as well as yellow fever. There are also natural foci of typhus and rabies.

Emergency Phones:

Rescue and emergency services - 105.
Police - 714-313 (Lima).

General information about Peru for those who have already begun to think about a trip and vacation in this country.

Geography. Peru is the third largest country in South America. The area of ​​the country is 1,285,216 sq. km, on the territory of which more than 23 million people live. As for the national composition, it is divided as follows: 50% are Indians, 35% are the white race and mestizos, and 15% are blacks and the eastern race. Despite the fact that most of the population are Indians, ITC "Expedition" warns tourists not to call locals "Indians" aloud because it is considered an insult. Peru borders Ecuador and Colombia in the north, Chile in the south, Bolivia and Brazil in the east, and the Pacific Ocean in the west.

Climate. There are 2 seasons in the country: dry (May-October) and wet (November-April). But in general, the weather conditions in different regions of the country are very different. On the coast, the air temperature during the year is within +16 - +25 degrees, winter falls on the period June - September. In mountainous areas in winter, the air temperature drops to 0, and sometimes even to minus temperatures, and in summer it reaches +7 degrees. The peaks of the mountains are covered with glaciers and snow all year round.

The capital is the city of Lima. Major cities: Arequipa, Trujillo, Cajamarca, Huancayo, Pisco, Cusco. The main tourist centers and resort areas: Machu Picchu, Lake Titicaca, Iquitos, Chiclayo.

Official language- Spanish and Quechua, other Indian dialects are common in some areas. If you speak English, you will be understood at the airport, hotel or travel agency, but in general it is hardly used here.

Religion in Peru- Most of the population professes Catholicism, but in general there is freedom of religion in the country.

Time. In Peru, time is 7 hours behind Kyiv time.

Currency- New salt ("nuevo sol"). $1 is roughly equal to 3.5 new salts. The main currencies of the world can be exchanged at banks that are open from 09:15 to 18:00 (Monday-Friday) and 09:30 to 12:00 (Saturday). The exchange of old and dilapidated banknotes can be difficult. As for credit cards, they can only be serviced in the capital or in major tourist centers.

Peru useful information, general information about Peru

Visa regime, customs regulations and fees. Citizens of Ukraine do not need a visa to enter the country for up to 90 days. On the plane, before boarding, you will be given border and customs forms that must be filled out. When passing through the border control, a copy of the card is issued, which must be kept for the duration of your stay in the country. We warn you that in case of loss, you will have to pay a fine. When filling out the declaration, you should not state that, for example, your video camera costs about a thousand dollars, because. customs officials may require payment of duty. It is forbidden to import non-preserved foodstuffs, drugs, weapons and, without special permission, objects and things of artistic, historical or archaeological value. When exporting leather, fur, wool, and jewelry at customs, you may be asked to present a receipt from the store where these items were purchased. Fees are paid before boarding for each flight. For domestic flights - it's 7 dollars, for international flights - 28 dollars.

Electricity. In hotels, the voltage is 220V, 110V sockets are less common. We advise you to bring an electric adapter for chargers with you on the road.

Tourists will also benefit from the following general information about Peru:

Shopping and souvenirs. Most shops and shopping centers in Peru are open from 9:00 to 20:00, seven days a week. Some supermarkets in Lima are open until 22:00 or around the clock. In the markets it is always necessary and possible to bargain. As souvenirs and gifts, vacationers bring various jewelry, handmade silver crafts, ceramics, pottery, inexpensive products made from llama and alpaca wool (ponchos, sweaters, national hats, blankets, carpets, wall panels).

Nutrition. Peruvian cuisine is the finest cuisine in all of Latin America. No restaurant in South America can set a table that is as rich and varied as the Peruvian one. The basis of Peruvian dishes are fruits, fish, seafood and spicy sauces. The signature dish of many restaurants is "sebiche" - fresh fish marinated in lemon juice, as well as marinated meat roasted over hot coals. When dining in a restaurant, pay attention to the following dishes on the menu: saltado, Peruvian rice in a pot, lentil soups, arroz con choclo, carapulcra, supa a la creola .

Peru useful information - tips in restaurants x, bars and hotels are, as a rule, 10% of the order amount, and often already included in the bill. Also, in high-class hotels and restaurants, various taxes are added to the bill, this is approximately another 28% of the amount. It is not necessary to tip in a taxi, but it is customary for guides to leave 3-5 dollars a day.

Keywords: Peru - general information, Peru useful information, general information about Peru

In Peru, tourists will see the ancient land of the Incas, temples of the pre-Inca period, the Amazon rainforest, the snow-capped peaks of the Andes, the relict Lake Titicaca, the mysterious petroglyphs in the Nazca desert, museums in Lima, which the locals call the "City of Kings", as well as condors majestically hovering over Colca Canyon. In this ancient country, there are also good beaches on the Pacific Ocean.

Geography of Peru

Peru is located in the west of South America. Peru borders Colombia and Ecuador to the north, Brazil to the east, Bolivia to the southeast, and Chile to the south. In the west, the country is washed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean. Total area - 1,285,216 sq. km., and the total length of the state border is 5,536 km.

In the west there is a narrow coastal plain, in the east there is a flat area covered with tropical forests (jungle), and the rest of the country is occupied by the Andes mountain system. The highest local peak is Mount Huascaran, whose height reaches 6,768 meters.

Most Peruvian rivers originate in the Andes mountains. They flow into the Pacific Ocean, into Lake Titicaca, and are also tributaries of the Amazon River.

Earthquakes occur quite often in Peru, however, most of them are not destructive.


Lima is the capital of Peru. More than 8 million people now live in this city. Lima was founded by the Spaniards in 1535.

Official language of Peru

Peru has several official languages ​​- Spanish and the languages ​​​​of local Indians (where they live compactly).


Most of the inhabitants of this country are Catholics.

State structure

According to the Constitution, Peru is a presidential republic, headed by a President elected for 5 years. The president acts as head of state and head of government. His functions also include the appointment of the Prime Minister.

The unicameral local parliament is called the Congress, it consists of 130 deputies, also elected for 5 years.

The main political parties are the Union for Peru, the Peruvian Aprista Party, the National Unity Party and the Alliance for the Future.

Administratively, the country is divided into 25 regions and one province with the center in Lima. Regions are further subdivided into districts.

Climate and weather

The climate in Peru is varied, ranging from subtropical and tropical to alpine in the Andes. It is the Andes, as well as the Humboldt Current, that have a decisive influence on the local climate.

The best time to visit this country is the Peruvian winter (June-September), when there is little rainfall.

During the Peruvian summer (November-March) it rains very often. The temperature is higher than in summer, but it can get very cold at night. The most unpredictable seasons are spring (April-May) and autumn (October).

Seas and oceans of Peru

In the west, the country is washed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean. The length of the sea coast is 2,414 km. The average sea temperature near the coast is from +14C to +19C.

Rivers and lakes

The sources of most Peruvian rivers begin in the Andes mountains. They flow into the Pacific Ocean, into Lake Titicaca or are tributaries of the Amazon. The longest local rivers are the Ucayali (1,771 km), the Marañon (1,414 km), the Putumayo (1,380 km), the Zhavari (1,184 km) and the Huallaga (1,138 km).

In the southeast, near the border with Bolivia, there is a mountain lake Titicaca with fresh water. Its area is 8300 sq. km.

Culture of Peru

The culture of Peru was formed under the influence of the traditions of local Indians and Spaniards. The traditions and customs of many ethnic groups coexist in this country. As in any other country in South America, Peru has a huge number of festivals, fiestas and holidays, most of which are, of course, of a religious nature.

In February, for example, there is a fiesta in Puno in honor of the Blessed Virgin of La Candelaria, in April there are fiestas throughout the country in honor of Good Friday and Easter, in July there is a fiesta in Paucartambo in honor of the Virgin of El Carmen, and in October in Lima - Fiesta of the Lord of Miracles.

On June 24, Peruvians celebrate the summer solstice Inti Raimi, which has its roots in Inca tradition.

Also very interesting are the Marinera Dance Festival in La Libertad, the Spring Festival in Trujillo and the wine festival of La Vendimina.


The territory of Peru is geographically divided into three regions - the mountainous, the jungle and the coastal region. Peruvian cuisine can be divided along the same lines.

In coastal areas, fish and seafood dishes predominate. The traditional dish there is "Ceviche", which is fish marinated in lemon or lime juice with coriander, garlic and onions. Such fish is served with corn, potatoes or seaweed.

In mountainous areas, the emphasis is on meat dishes. The traditional dish of the Peruvians in the mountains is "Pachamanca" (meat baked in its own juice in a hole in the ground, seasoned with spices). Such meat is often served with potatoes.

In the cuisine of the Peruvian jungle, the emphasis is on vegetables, fruits and meat. In the jungle region, Peruvians eat a large amount of fruit every day, including the Camu Camu fruit, which is rich in vitamin C.

Traditional non-alcoholic drinks are coca leaf tea (it is not a drug, it is sometimes drunk cold, but most often hot), herbal or fruit tea "Emoliente", a drink "Chicha morada" from purple corn with sugar and spices.

Traditional alcoholic drinks are Pisco (traditional Peruvian vodka), Chicha de jora (traditional corn alcoholic drink), wine and beer.

Sights of Peru

Tourists in Peru are waiting for a lot of interesting sights. These are, for example, the relic lake Titicaca, medieval palaces and churches, petroglyphs in the Nazca desert, fortresses and cities of the Incas, temples of the pre-Inca period and much more. The Top 10 most interesting Peruvian attractions, in our opinion, may include the following:

  1. Inca Religious Center Sacsayhuaman
  2. Lake Titicaca
  3. Religious center of the pre-Inca period Pachacamac
  4. Petroglyphs in the Nazca Desert
  5. Sacred city of the Incas Machu Picchu
  6. Ruins of the ancient Indian city of Chan Chan
  7. Cathedral of Santo Domingo in Lima
  8. Megalithic sculptures on the plateau of Marcahuasi
  9. Capital of the Inca Empire Cusco
  10. Inca fortress Pisac

Of great interest to tourists are the Peruvian national parks and reserves - the Manu Biosphere Reserve, the Batan Grande Ecological Reserve, as well as the Bahuaha Sonone and Maididi National Parks.

Cities and resorts

The largest cities are Lima, Arequipa, Callao, Trujillo, Chiclayo, Iquitos and Piura.

Peruvian beach resorts are not as famous as resorts in Ecuador and Colombia, for example, but this country has some very beautiful beaches surrounded by the Andes. The most popular local beach resorts are Picasmayo, Chicama, Paracas, La Pimentel, Tumbesa, Trujillo and Lima. The best time to relax on Peruvian beaches is January-March.

Many believe that the best Peruvian beach is Punta Sal, located in the north of the country near the border with Ecuador. Another popular local beach is Mancora. Both of these beaches present excellent opportunities for water sports, especially surfing.

Tourists in Peru are also offered a large number of historical and ecological excursion tours. During these sightseeing tours, tourists visit the villages of local Indians, see ancient Indian archaeological complexes, observe unique animals and birds, get acquainted with the lifestyle of local residents, and try traditional Indian dishes.

There are many therapeutic thermal baths in the Peruvian mountains, which are visited by thousands of tourists with pleasure.


Tourists in Peru buy handicrafts, jewelry, clothes (sweaters, hats, scarves) made of alpaca wool, carpets, wooden chess with figures of the Incas and conquistadors, traditional Peruvian pisco vodka.

Office Hours

Mon-Fri: 09:00-18:00 (most banks close for siesta from 13:00 to 15:00)
Sat: 09:00-12:00

The shops:
Mon-Sat: 09:00-17:00/18:00
Some banks are also open on Sundays, but only until noon.


Ukrainians who want to travel to Peru for up to 3 months do not need a visa.

Currency of Peru

(Spanish Lima).

Every person, at least remotely, heard about the incomprehensible and amazing ancient civilization of the Incas, about the mysterious one, where it is unknown by whom and for what gigantic figures were created, which can only be seen from a bird's eye view. Surely, many have heard about the unexplored, full of secrets, about the marvelous relict lake and the captivating chocolate-colored Creoles. This is all - the extraordinary country of Peru.

Photo gallery not open? Go to site version.

general information

Peru is subdivided into 25 departments (+ Lima, which does not belong to any department) and 159 provinces, which in turn consist of 1833 regions.

State. device : Presidential Republic. The head of state is the president, who is elected for a term of 5 years, and ministers are appointed by him. The current president is (Spanish: Martín Alberto Vizcarra), who replaced him in this post in April 2018. Legislative power is exercised by a unicameral Congress of 120 congressmen. Executive power in the country is exercised by the President and prime ministers, judicial power is exercised by the Supreme Court and local judicial bodies.

Official language: Spanish, Aymara and Quechua. In some areas, Aymara and various Indian dialects are spoken. At the airport, in cities, travel agencies, large hotels and shops you will be understood in English, but in general it is practically not used in the country. About 2 million Peruvians do not speak any of the "European" languages.

Religion: The official religion is Roman Catholicism (90% of the population are Catholics). In general, there is freedom of religion here, the remaining 10% are Protestants, Christians, Adventists, representatives of Judaism and Islam. It should be noted that the local population is mega-religious! In kindergartens and schools, religion is studied as a separate subject. It is also customary in families to talk a lot about the "word of God."

Currency: Peruvian Nuevo Sol (PEN).

Favorite sports games: football, volleyball, basketball.

Time: 9 hours behind Moscow in summer, 8 hours in winter.

Population of Peru

The population of Peru is about 32.2 million people (as of 2018), of which more than 9 million people are residents of Lima. Today, the country is ethnically represented by 3 main groups:

  • Hispanic Peruvians;

Moreover, 47% of the population, that is, about half of the population, are Indians. Also here live "forest Indians" and foreigners - immigrants from Europe and Asia. Spanish-speaking representatives make up the majority of the population of the Costa and the urban inhabitants of the Sierra and. The rural areas of the Sierra and Selva are inhabited by Indians. The number of foreigners is relatively small, the largest groups - Chinese and Japanese - live in cities.

A bit of history

There are many different opinions regarding the education of Peru. The oldest excavations with traces of human activity date back to the 15th century BC. For many centuries before the birth of Christ, powerful civilizations flourished on these lands, after which cities and treasures of art remained in the form of ceramics, metals, fabrics and various objects that are today exhibited in the world's largest museums.

Of all the cultures of antiquity that existed on the territory of the modern country, one stands out (which flourished around the 15th century), which once covered almost the entire South American continent. Until today, the monuments of this mighty civilization are admired by countless tourists.

The new history of the country is connected with who landed in 1532 on the coast of Peru. The country was then in the recovery stage from the devastation and chaos after the civil war, which had been going on for 5 years. Instantly taking advantage of the situation, the Spaniards launched an Indian legend that predicted the appearance of high white gods - messengers of the Sun. The divinity of the Spaniards was confirmed by their outlandish weapons, beautiful sailing ships and "terrible" horses previously unseen by the Indians. On November 16, 1532, the treacherous Pizarro invited the Inca emperor to negotiate in the city of Cajamarca. This meeting turned out to be a trap - the Spaniards met the emperor with his numerous guards with volleys of cannons and a cavalry charge. Although there were only 180 people in Pizarro's detachment, thousands of Indians from the emperor's retinue were taken by surprise by firearms and an unexpected attack and ruthlessly destroyed.

The Inca emperor himself was taken prisoner. For the life of his life, the emperor offered the conquistadors an unprecedented ransom in history - to fill with gold to the height of raised hands a large room in which they kept the crowned captive! The ransom amounted to an incredible, fantastic amount for that time - about 60 centners of gold and 120 centners of silver. Europe has never seen so much gold before! But when the Indians brought the ransom, the emperor was immediately hanged. The death of Atahualpa led to the collapse of the Inca Empire. Having set off on a campaign, the Spaniards plundered everything they came across, destroying palaces, temples and beautiful works of art along the way. Enslaving the Indians, they forced them to work in the mines.

Machu Picchu. This ancient stone city in the sky is called the "Lost City of the Incas".

Forming the basis of the social structure of the Incas, agriculture fell into decay, and the ancient aqueducts suffered the same fate. The colonialists planted Catholicism everywhere, proteges of Europe kept the country in an iron grip, appropriating all the resources. Despite this, the culture of the Indians did not disappear. Having undergone some changes, the traditions remained alive. Surprisingly, in remote villages, most Indians still communicate in Quechua and Aymara languages. Of course, since the time of the Incas, the outfits of the Indians have changed significantly, but the holidays and traditional rituals have been preserved.

In the valley of the Rimac River, Pizarro founded the city of Lima. As Lima developed and prospered, religious fanaticism spread and strengthened. Together with the Spanish clergy, the Holy Inquisition invaded Peru, which rampaged from 1570 to 1761. If in the history of Lima the 17th century was a period of religious fanaticism, then the 18th century was the era of romance, in which poetry, fine arts and magnificent balls reigned. But at the same time, the anti-Spanish movement was gaining strength, calls for liberation from expansion were heard more and more actively. The Spaniards ruled the country for almost 300 years. The beginning of the 19th century was marked by a revolution, and on July 28, 1821, independence was proclaimed. But the Spaniards came back to power in June 1823. In 1824, troops from the north invaded Peru, who was an associate. They finally defeated the Spanish colonizers.

Bolivar divided the country into two states - Peru and (named after him). Bolivar ruled in Peru, and appointed Sucre as ruler of Bolivia.

The main changes among the Peruvians took place in the middle of the century, when Ramon Castilla became the president of the country. After all, it was during the reign of Castilla that utilities were founded in Lima, which were engaged in water supply and lighting of city streets, and the first railway on the mainland was also built, linking Lima with the port. The President of Castilla abolished slavery and prepared for the adoption of the Constitution of 1860. However, despite the chain of turbulent events of the 19th century, the majority of the population, the indigenous Indians living in the mountains, the way of life remained the same as in the 17th century. The two worlds existing in Peru, "Indian" and "European", were increasingly moving away from each other.

Since 1962, various military regimes have ruled here, coming to power as a result of coups. From the late 1980s, free multi-party elections began to be held, but this did not lead to civilian rule.

Geographic location and climate

It borders on the South American states: in the north - with and, in the south - with, in the east - with Bolivia and Brazil. The western border is the sandy coast of the Pacific Ocean. The Peruvian Andes stretching from north to south and the tropical forests that cover the Amazon Valley occupy a significant part of the republic.

The whole territory is divided into 3 natural and climatic zones:

  • : coast, 12% - a strip of sandy deserts (80 - 150 km wide), which runs along the entire Pacific coast.
  • : mountainous region, 30% - a zone located in the central region of the country, these are vast high-altitude plateaus and steep canyons.
  • : jungle, 58% - area of ​​moist forests covering the northeast.

The highest point is the peak of Nevado Huascaran - 6768 m.

The country is distinguished by a huge variety of climatic conditions (out of 32 types of climate on the planet, 28 occur in Peru), ecosystems, there are 3 different geographical zones.

The weather conditions of different Peruvian regions differ significantly from each other.

In the western regions, the tropical desert type of climate prevails, in the east - subequatorial, and in the mountainous regions, the altitude of the terrain affects the climatic conditions.

In the west, due to the cold Peruvian Current, passing off the coast of the country, the climate of the Costa is arid. Since the coastal plain, in fact, is a northern continuation, the average annual precipitation here falls from 10 to 50 mm. The driest and hottest season is December - April, during this period precipitation may not be observed at all. The average February t during the day ranges from + 26°C in the south (up to +20°C at night) to + 36°C in the north (+24°C at night). In winter (June-August), daytime air temperatures warm up to +19°C and +28°C, respectively, at night they drop to +13°C and +17°C.

The farther east, in mountainous areas, the more the temperature drops. On the slopes of the peaks, at an altitude of more than 4 thousand meters, frosts are observed at night even in summer. In the summer in the Sierra, the average daytime temperatures are +19-21°C (at night from +4 to +6°C). In the period June-August, the average daytime temperature is +16-18°C, at night - from +6 to -2°C. During the year in the Andes, 700-900 mm of precipitation falls on the western slopes, and up to 2000 mm on the eastern slopes. Here April-October is the dry season.

The Selva is always humid and hot. Summer daytime air temperatures reach +34°C, at night - up to +24°C. In winter, the air warms up to +30°C during the day, and drops to +20°C at night. The rainy season in tropical forests lasts from November to March, with an average annual precipitation of about 3800 mm.

Largest cities

City *According to the 2014 census.

Some interesting facts

Geography. Peru is the third largest country in South America. The area of ​​the state is 1,285,216 sq. km, more than 23 million people live on its territory. Chile borders Brazil and Bolivia in the south of Peru, Colombia and Ecuador in the north, and the Pacific Ocean in the west of Peru.

Capital of Peru This is Lima. Big cities: Cajamarca, Arequipa, Huancayo, Trujillo, Cusco, Pisco. The main resort areas and tourist centers: Lake Titicaca, Chiclayo, Machu Picchu, Iquitos.

Population. Regarding the national composition, it is divided in this way: Indians - 50%, mestizos and the white race - 35%, the eastern race and blacks - 15%. And although the Indians are the most here, Peru's general information of tourists warns that you should not call the inhabitants that way, as this is an insult to them.

Official language- this is Quechua and Spanish, in some areas there are other Indian dialects. If you use English for communication, then the travel agency and the airport will understand you, but in general, it does not apply here.

Religion in Peru- the vast majority of the population are Catholics, but the country is generally free of religion.

Time. In Peru, time is 7 hours behind Kyiv time.

Currency- this is "nuevo sol", that is, New salt. 1 dollar equals approximately 3.5 new soles. Important world currencies can be exchanged at banks (9:15-18:00) from Monday to Friday and (9:30-12:00) on Saturday. Peru useful information reports that there may be problems with the exchange of old and fear of banknotes. Regarding credit cards, they can only be serviced in the capital or large tourist centers.

Climate. Peru has two distinct seasons: wet (November to April) and dry (May to October). But the weather conditions in different regions of the state differ significantly. On the coast, the temperature during the year is +16 - +25 degrees, while winter falls on June to September. In mountain areas, the temperature in winter is below zero, and sometimes minus, while in summer it can be +7 degrees. The tops of the mountains are always covered with snow and glaciers.

Visa regime, fees and customs regulations. Ukrainian citizens do not need a visa to enter the state for 90 days. Before boarding the plane, you will be given customs and border forms to fill out. Passing through the border control, a copy of the card is given, it must be kept for the period of stay in the state. Peru useful information warns, in case of loss you will be forced to pay a fine. When filling out the declaration, you should not specify that, for example, your camera costs about a thousand dollars, because the customs officers will be able to ask you to pay a fee. It is forbidden to import non-preserved foodstuffs, weapons, drugs, and without the permission of things and objects that have archaeological, historical or artistic value. When exporting products and wool, fur, leather, as well as jewelry, you may be asked at customs for a receipt from the store where these items were purchased. Fees are paid for each flight before boarding. For international flights - it's 28 dollars, for domestic - 7.

Tourists will also benefit from the following Peru general information.

Useful Information Peru

Electricity. In hotels, the voltage is 220V, sockets for 110V are less common. Peru useful information advises to take with you an electrical adapter for chargers.

Vaccinations to this country are not mandatory. They are only advised when visiting the Amazon.

Nutrition. Peruvian cuisine is the best cuisine in Latin America. The basis of the dishes are seafood, fish, fruits and sauces. The signature dish of the restaurants is fresh fish - "sebiche", marinated in lemon juice, plus marinated meat grilled over coals. Eating in a restaurant, pay attention to such dishes: rice in a pot "in Peru", "saltado", "arros con choclo", "soupa a la creola", lentil soup, "carapulcra".

Purchases. Many stores in Peru are open seven days a week from 9:00 to 00:00. Some supermarkets in the capital are open until 22:00 or around the clock. Bargain in the markets. Vacationers bring jewelry, ceramics, handmade silver fakes, alpaca wool products, llamas, and pottery as souvenirs.

Tags: Peru useful information, Peru general information