The state of not wanting to do anything is not uncommon. Many live life “through I don’t want to”, without trying to change anything. They go to jobs they don't like, live with the wrong person, wear clothes they don't like. And they are not going to fix anything. And sometimes you don’t even want to get up from the couch. In fact, there are always reasons for this.

What is the reason for apathy and unwillingness to do anything?

Analyze your quality of life. How do you spend your time, with whom. What do you eat? Maybe you spend your nights on computer games or useless communication on social networks? And for the day you, accordingly, simply do not have energy left for anything. Or maybe you are an owl, and you have to get up for work at 5 in the morning? Wrong daily routine, violation of the biological clock - sooner or later lead to psychological and physical problems.

Perhaps there are people in your environment who do not get tired of complaining about their lives, shifting their endless worries onto you. Which often stress you with their news, accomplishments, behavior. It can be the parents you live with (the most common case), or problems at school / work. To cope with stress, the body has to use large reserves of energy. And when such people are constantly around, you reach emotional burnout.

Think about what you eat? Healthy food contributes to health and increase energy reserves. Harmful - slows down the metabolism, causes diseases, takes away energy, disfigures the body. We ate hamburgers, washed down with cola, lay down on the sofa and wondered why I don’t want to do anything? Because all the forces of the body went to fight harmful food, to digest it. Therefore, when once again you want to eat delicious food in fast food restaurants, show your willpower and think of something else.

Or maybe the reason is that you are not doing what you want? A person is so arranged that he moves towards the goal rapidly, and only if he really needs the goal. It is to him, and not to the boss, parents, society, etc. Only if this goal evokes those feelings for which he is ready to go forward - joy, pride, satisfaction, etc. It happens that self-doubt, probably past failures or mistakes, hinders progress towards the desired goals. Such an experience weighs heavily on the shoulders and the person becomes discouraged, his hands drop.

Banal laziness is also inherent in people. For some this is a temporary feeling, for others it is a chronic condition. It is justified by the lack of incentive, emotional fatigue, lifestyle. And the question often arises - I don’t want to do anything at all, I rest all the time, but why do I feel tired at the same time? The fact is that in these moments you experience a lot of feelings - guilt, shame, anger from the fact that time wasted in vain. But they could do so many useful things. It takes a lot of energy to experience all these thoughts and feelings, hence the fatigue. To get rid of this stream of thoughts, you can practice stopping the internal dialogue, which the famous esoteric E. Tolle describes in his books.

Lack of exercise slows down the circulation of chemicals in the body. The longer a person spends time in a passive state, the less energy is produced in him. Therefore, a passive lifestyle also leads to apathy. Go to training at least twice a week to keep yourself in shape, and after a few months you will notice not only physical, but also mental results.

What exactly should you do if you don't feel like doing anything?

Try for a while to stop struggling with the state when you don’t want anything in life, and especially think about how to live if you have lost interest in everything that happens. Just imagine what your body would like. Where, how or with whom you can feel pleasant emotions, something that will awaken your energy, bring pleasure. What can inspire you? Often the reason lies in emotional exhaustion. Fatigue from the monotonous life... Sometimes it's enough just to relax in nature. Forest, sea, picnic on the grass in the park - it doesn't matter. The main thing is not to think about anything and just enjoy the gifts of nature.

The state when you don’t want anything can be a seasonal blues. In this case, meeting with friends (of course, if they are available) helps a lot. This is a great way to shake yourself up. Think about who you would really like to spend time with and most importantly - how.

Release the negative. Stay alone with yourself and "digest" your emotions, attitude towards yourself and others. Think about why such a feeling arose, when did it arise? What could influence this to resolve the situation? Immersing yourself in your true feelings, you can get rid of resentment and anger. Purified from negative emotions, interest in life itself will find its way back.

The apathy that has arisen in a situation where a person has to do something they don’t like will return again until you either change jobs or realize that this is actually an interesting activity and you don’t want to leave it at all. This happens when you start telling your interlocutor about your activities, you understand that in fact everything is not so bad, the work is interesting, the income is good and the schedule is convenient. And cons will be present in any job, this cannot be avoided.

Engage in a noble cause - it can be helping orphans or the elderly in nursing homes. When you share kindness and care, in return you receive a charge of positive emotions and energy recharge.

Banal laziness can sometimes be overcome by acting “through I don’t want to”. Gritting your teeth, through force, "scrape" off the couch and start working. Just as appetite arises during eating, so inspiration catches up with moments of activity. Plan your day, go in for sports, or at least start by exercising. I promise that you will enjoy the fact that you managed to overcome your laziness.

The husband does not want to do anything - what is the right thing to do?

If the husband says in plain text - I don’t want to achieve anything in life, try to talk and find out the cause of apathy. What could have influenced this? If a man does not need anything, only he himself or the advice of a psychologist can help himself. Still, achievements for a man are the basis of his activity.
In a family with a non-initiative husband who does nothing for the family, automatically all worries are shifted to the woman. Think it might be worth contacting a specialist? After all, in such a situation, help is needed not only for him, but also for you. Perhaps a change in your behavior will affect his condition.

Teenage child wants nothing

One of the most common reasons mothers turn to a psychologist is when a child or adult son / daughter does not want to do anything. Mom offers or even writes down on her own initiative in circles, sports sections, training courses - the child does not show the slightest interest.

Analyze the situation. When it started, did your child show desires at age 7? What did he want at 8 years old? Children are not born without an interest in the world. But often they do not want what their mother dreamed of. A child is enrolled in a music school, loaded with the study of languages, and he wants to play the drums, for example. Of course, mom is horrified by the sound presented in the house, the topic is closed.

Often the reason why a child does not want to do anything is because of too much initiative and participation of the mother. It happens that a child at the age of 10 simply does not have enough time to want something, he is busy with the things that his mother took him to do.

Also, the reason for the lack of interest is from permissiveness. The child wanted something, asked, he was immediately provided. He does not have time to live this dream, anticipation. Accordingly, getting what is momentarily desired, he cannot experience vivid emotions and quickly loses interest in this. And gradually become nothing more.

I don't want to do anything around the house. Talk about eternity.

The view of the same walls and furniture becomes boring, and you no longer want to do anything around the house. Try updating your environment. This is not about something global, you do not need to immediately rip off the wallpaper and disassemble the floors. Sometimes it is enough just to rearrange the sofa to another corner or hang a new shelf, change the tablecloth, curtain in the bathroom. And now, the house is already different, playing with new colors. A change of scenery in the house greatly changes thinking. Tested by experience.

The desire to do household chores also disappears due to constant stay in it. Staying at home is a way of life that many people like. And there's nothing wrong with that, as long as it's fun. And if not, it's time to get out of the lair. Think about it, maybe it's time to visit friends, parents, visit the theater or the dentist? Plan a week of trips, and you will not notice how you miss your home. And the question - “why I don’t want to clean the apartment” will disappear by itself.

So, summarize. Prolonged apathy turns into depression. This is a dangerous state, which is a complete loss of interest in everything that happens. From the side of physiology, this is manifested by intestinal upset, headache. Only an experienced specialist can prescribe adequate treatment for such a diagnosis. Inaction is dangerous serious diseases, suicide. Therefore, we recommend that you recapitulate your life and your habits, and if it is difficult for you to do this, contact a specialist. In today's time, the problem of laziness is solved quite confidently.

How to live if you don't want anything? One day a person realizes that nothing interests him in life. And a person doesn’t want to work and somehow doesn’t study very well, and in other areas of life there are complete seams. I even got tired of sleeping and having fun. It is completely unclear where to put yourself.

If you think you are alone in this, then you are wrong. Everyone feels this way from time to time. However, someone gets out of this state, and someone does not.

Let's look at why people get into this state and how to get out of it. In this article, we will consider the main cases when a person thinks that he does not want anything.

Reasons why you don't want anything

In fact, if a person does not have serious organic lesions of the nervous system (we do not consider this case), then in any case, a person wants something. For example, each of us strives to feel good.

Another issue is that not everyone sees the ways through which this “good” can be achieved. For example, a person wakes up and thinks that it would be nice to earn money in order to solve many of his life issues with the help of money. However, then the person thinks that for this he needs to do work that is disgusting to this person.

It is quite natural that people do not want to do what is disgusting to them. However, instead of finding something to their liking, a person begins to reproach himself for his laziness. Thus, he (or she) also lowers his self-esteem. Self-esteem is the fuel for our soul.

Low self-esteem

When our self-esteem is low, literally everything that surrounds us is difficult for us. A person begins to believe that he is not worthy to ask for something better for himself, and if he nevertheless dares, he does it so uncertainly that he is refused. When a person is in this position, then for him all the paths in life cause disgust.

Low self-esteem brings fear and insecurity into our lives. Faced with them, a person begins to confirm his low self-esteem. "Yeah, I'm really worthless."

Defeat in life

It happens that a person strives for a very long time and to no avail. It takes a lot of strength and energy, but there is still no result and no. One morning a person wakes up and says to himself: “And it all went!”. The man spent a lot of effort and did not receive anything in return. Then the person begins to think that something is wrong with him. This again reduces self-esteem.

After such a defeat, for a rather long period of time, a person feels a breakdown. He just doesn't have the energy to want something.

Underactivation of the nervous system

There may be a reverse situation, when a person leads a too calm lifestyle. He sleeps until two in the afternoon, then picks his nose for several hours, then gets ready for another three hours, goes to McDonald's, eats and trudges home to sleep.

When a person can afford such a lifestyle, his nervous system “falls asleep”. Hormones and neurotransmitters begin to be produced more slowly, and a person loses the ability to take action.

By the way, the more a person does during the day, the more his nervous system is activated and the more he can do (if he sleeps enough). Here is such a vicious circle. The people who are the least busy have the least free time because they have the speed of a turtle's nervous system.


Maybe the reason is that the person is corny exhausted. This is due to lack of sleep, improper diet, improper daily routine.

All this reduces the ability of a person to take action. Gradually, the human brain starts to work worse and worse, until a person becomes like a vegetable.

It can also be the opposite situation, when a person sleeps too much. In this case, the person feels even worse. Physiology has not been canceled, it has the strongest effect on the human psyche.

How to live if you don’t want anything or how to get out of apathy?

Below I will write a series of practical steps that are guaranteed to increase your love of life and activity, if the cause is not serious hormonal disruptions or organic damage.

  1. Sleep normalization.You need to sleep for 8 hours, always at night. For example, from 23.00 to 7.00
    This is necessary to normalize brain chemistry.
  2. Nutrition normalization.Five meals a day, as in kindergarten. You can even copy the menu. Similarly, they feed in hospitals and in the army. It may not be very tasty, but it is very useful.
    Allows you to normalize metabolic processes in the body.
  3. Activation of the nervous system.After waking up, you need to go somewhere and do something. It doesn't have to be something complicated, even outdoor walks will do.
    This allows you to speed up the subjective time. Time stretches and there is a feeling that you can do a lot of things. In addition, the mood rises, positive thoughts begin to come to mind.
  4. Normalization of self-esteem. Raising self-esteem on your own is quite problematic. Why? The fact is that our self-esteem depends on the assessment of others around us.
    The problem is that others are often not up to us. You can wait quite a long time for someone to notice and appreciate us. It is much easier to turn to a psychologist who can quickly resolve this issue.

Good luck!

Often a lot of people are faced with indifference to any business. This is the norm until apathy sets in for everything. This condition is considered pathological and requires treatment by a psychologist. In these cases, it is necessary to find out: why apathy arose, what to do if you don’t want anything, how to deal with the problem? Only a specialist can answer these questions. After all, apathy refers to psychological syndromes. If left untreated, complications may develop. The most common of these is depression. And it refers to serious diseases requiring inpatient treatment.

What is apathy syndrome?

What if you don't want anything? In recent years, these questions have been asked not only by patients, but also by doctors. This problem is very common all over the world. The state of apathy can occur at any age. However, the syndrome is increasingly common among young people, children and adolescents. Apathy is expressed in the lack of interest in activities, events and everything around. Previously, it was believed that a similar condition is observed after provoked by serious problems. Currently, this syndrome occurs at first glance for no apparent reason. Nevertheless, it is necessary to fight apathy. Otherwise, it will lead to depression.

Warning signs are:

  1. Emotional disturbance. It is expressed in an inadequate reaction or its absence to any events.
  2. Decreased appetite.
  3. Slowing down of thought processes, memory lapses.
  4. Inhibition of physical reactions. Patients begin to perform more slowly.

The disease "apathy" - what to do if you don't want anything: reasons

Even though there are no obvious causes of apathy, this syndrome occurs for a reason. There are always factors that contribute to this. Therefore, before complaining that a loved one has apathy, laziness, do not want to do anything, you need to talk to him. In most cases, the cause of this condition lies in the unspoken experiences that constantly disturb the patient. Psychological factors include:

  1. Problems at work. Often apathy occurs if a person is not interested in his activity, and he is engaged in it only because of necessity.
  2. Love experiences. Often the cause of apathy is unrequited feelings or concern for loved ones.
  3. A serious illness, because of which a person suffers not only physically, but also psychologically.
  4. This category includes teenagers and the elderly.
  5. Loss of a loved one.
  6. Inability to realize your plans.
  7. Changes in life: change of sphere of activity, team, place of residence.
  8. Premenstrual syndrome.

It happens that all these reasons are absent, but the problem still exists. In these cases, patients are interested in: why is there apathy and do not want to do anything? If such a problem arose, it is necessary to find out what else can lead to it.

Relationship of apathy syndrome with physical condition

In some cases, the patient is really not bothered by psychological problems. Then you need to find out: what is his lifestyle, are there also apathy often develops in people taking certain medications. Among the causes of this syndrome, the following conditions are distinguished:

  1. Chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system. Due to the fact that a person is constantly tormented by discomfort in the chest or high blood pressure, apathy often occurs. After all, almost everyone knows about the complications of these pathologies (heart attack, stroke). In addition to worries about one's health, apathy syndrome manifests itself as a result of lifestyle changes (quitting smoking, mental stress, playing sports).
  2. Transferred serious illnesses. In this case, the loss of interest in life is explained by the constant fear of a “new blow”.
  3. Oncological pathologies. A state of apathy occurs in almost every person who has encountered cancer. Indeed, according to the majority, oncological diseases lead to inevitable death. To dispel this stereotype, the coordinated work of doctors of several specialties is required.
  4. Diseases of the endocrine system. Often apathy is caused by hormonal dysfunction that occurs with pathologies of the adrenal glands, diabetes mellitus, pituitary adenoma.
  5. Chronic alcoholism and drug addiction.
  6. Taking hormonal drugs. Among them are glucocorticosteroids (drugs "Prednisolone", "Dexamethasone"), oral contraceptives.
  7. The use of antihypertensive drugs. These include drugs "Enalapril", "Clonidine", etc.
  8. Avitaminosis.

Social aspects of the emergence of apathy

Psychologists around the world are trying to unravel: where does apathy come from, what to do if you don’t want anything? After all, this problem has acquired enormous proportions today. Because of the syndrome of apathy, not only the patient suffers, but the whole society. Indifference to work, study and social progress leads to the loss of qualified personnel, improper education of the future generation, etc. In severe cases, this condition can even lead to suicide. Therefore, you need to know how to behave in relation to someone who has apathy, what to do if someone close to you does not want anything. The interest of society in such cases is of great importance. Often apathy occurs when a person believes that no one understands him. Also, the appearance of this syndrome is associated with the non-recognition of the patient as a valuable worker or a superficial attitude from others.

Why does apathy occur in childhood?

Unfortunately, apathy syndrome has become widespread in children. In this case, parents should definitely consult with a psychologist, ask a question about what can cause apathy, what to do if the child does not want anything? As you know, most of the time children spend at home or at school. Therefore, the cause of the problem must be looked for there. Indifference to the environment can be caused by upbringing. In most cases, apathy affects those children who rarely spend time with their parents. Also, indifference can be caused by the wrong approach to the child on the part of teachers. In both cases, it is necessary to have conversations with the baby as often as possible, perform some tasks together, interest him in games, etc. Another reason for apathy in childhood is the child’s inability to find a common language with peers. At the same time, you should try to organize joint events more often. This will help children to communicate with each other after school hours and find common interests.

Methods of dealing with the state of apathy

Before deciding what to do in case of indifference to everything, it is necessary to find out exactly: why apathy arose, what to do if you don’t want anything. The solution to the problem depends not only on the work of a specialist. To get rid of this condition, you also need the desire of the patient himself. Treatment depends on the cause of the apathy. In case of influence of psychological factors, it is required to seek medical help. Sometimes you can get rid of apathy on your own, but for this you need to recognize the problem and make an effort to solve it. Such methods include: changing the scope of activities, rest, talking with loved ones. If the problem is caused by physical factors, then it is worth fixing them.

Syndrome "apathy" - what to do if you don't want anything: treatment

A psychologist is in charge of apathy. The initial sessions are devoted to finding out the cause of indifference. If apathy arose as a result of stressful situations, not only psychological, but also medical treatment is necessary. Most often this applies to cases where the patient has lost someone close to him, his job. Prescribe drugs that calm the nervous system, antidepressants. Among them are medicines: Magnesium B6, Prozac, Persen. It is worth remembering that these drugs are not indicated in all cases. The main method of treatment is psychotherapy. In the case of drug apathy, it is recommended to replace drugs that provoke indifference. With hormonal dysfunction, consultation with an endocrinologist is necessary.

How to behave if apathy has appeared, what to do if you don’t want anything? The advice of a psychologist will help you regain interest in life. These include the following instructions:

  1. Find the cause of dissatisfaction with life.
  2. Relax in an unusual environment (go to the sea, spend a weekend with friends).
  3. Change the field of activity, if the cause of apathy lies in the work.
  4. Set aside time to do what you love.
  5. Change your habitual lifestyle.

Prevention of apathy syndrome in children and adults

To avoid apathy, you need to be in agreement with yourself. You need to be in nature as much as possible, alternate work and rest, get enough sleep. It is also important to improve nutrition: eat vegetables and fruits, take vitamins. If apathy is observed in a child, it is worth spending more time with him, more often interested in his thoughts, organizing a joint vacation for yourself and your children.

It seems that everything was just yesterday: the agonizing expectation of the end of the day, and the trembling from touch, and the sweet languor that rises from the inside at the memory of the past night ... Where did everything go? Why now thoughts about sex are not encouraging, and all this wants to be postponed for later, and even for later, and yet ...

According to statistics, more than 60% of middle-aged men and women who are married or just living together make love no more than twice a month. Moreover, men refuse sex even more often than their life partners.

For young couples, these problems are usually not relevant. They do not miss any opportunity to make love. But even with age, one should not underestimate a rich sex life as an important part of a happy marriage. Where did the desire go and how to live now?

Reason 1. Workaholics are not active in sex

This is only in early adolescence, when hormones are boiling, a busy schedule of life is not a hindrance to violent sex. In middle age, things are very different. If in the morning you are already counting the day in the shower in minutes, and in the afternoon you lose your appetite from nervous overload and psychological pressure from your superiors, then in the evening you will not want anything at all, just fall asleep to relieve yourself of all the stress of the working day. Even worse for those who are the owner of a business or the head of a large company. Not only do they have more worries, but the risks are higher, which means that the nervous load just goes off scale.

An intensive work schedule generally does not contribute to a fulfilling life in all its manifestations. If, apart from work, you don’t have enough time and energy for anything, then it’s time to think about what you even live for?

Reason 2. Catch the hidden ailment by the tail

If you get sick and lie with a temperature, then it is clear that you will not want intimacy until the very recovery. But it also happens that you still do not know that something in the body has gone wrong, or do not want to think about possible problems and brush them aside. This is where sexual lethargy, lack of desire, works like a red light bulb: something is wrong in the body!

Most hormonal disorders, diseases of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, and in general the failure of any system is inevitably reflected in a decrease in sexual activity and often lead to a complete loss of interest in the intimate sphere of life.

But not everyone knows that depression, including its light variants like the seasonal blues that are so common now, work in exactly the same way! So do not underestimate your ailments, even if you really do not like to be treated.

And it is equally important to realize that the reason for the loss of sexual interest is not that the relationship within the couple has gone wrong, but that one of the spouses has gone wrong with himself. A specialist psychotherapist and an attentive, patient attitude on the part of the second half can help to cope with this.

Reason 3. Look for the snag: food, movement, sleep?

For successful sex, you need to be healthy, we have already found out. But sex can also be disturbed by many other factors related to the state of the body. At a minimum, for the emergence of sexual desire, you need to get enough sleep. After all, if you can’t think about anything other than sleep, then what enchanting sex is there!

Less obvious is that intimacy can be influenced by diet. Moreover, both extremes turn out to be harmful - both overeating and a too strict weight loss diet. In the latter case, there is less and less energy left for sex, and the constant denial of small sensual pleasures like chocolate or ice cream dulls emotionality.

But it is also possible to regulate the intimate sphere with the help of nutrition. Activation of sexual energy is facilitated by food aphrodisiacs: oysters, chili peppers, asparagus, celery, bananas, walnuts and dried fruits: figs, prunes, raisins.

Harmful to the sexual sphere and a sedentary lifestyle. Working at a computer, sitting behind the wheel, sitting at the TV ... Gradually, muscle stiffness accumulates, congestion in the pelvic area accumulates. All this directly affects sexual constraint and lack of desire.

The advice here is obvious: move more, sit less. And best of all, move together: walk, jog, rollerblade or bike. Sport enhances muscle tone, activates blood circulation, awakens sexual energy, and a slender, trained figure has never harmed anyone in bed!

Reason 4. We are separated by technology

It would be funny if it weren't so sad. Social networks and computer games so successfully entertain us, adults, that often there is no time left for communication with the second half. I sat down after work for 15 minutes at the computer - and three hours were gone. Beloved is already sleeping, without waiting for you, and there is nothing left before the rise.

The most important thing is that only you can fight this situation. But those who are addicted to gadgets, as a rule, do not feel this, and are very angry when they encroach on their “freedom” and the right to relax the way they like.

The only way out here is to agree on a fixed time for gadgets and strictly comply with the agreements. Otherwise, technology will gobble up all the free time that could be spent together. Yes, and all the emotions too!

Reason 5. Monotony and predictability of family life

A monotonous, joyless life can lead to alienation in a couple and, as a result, to the loss of sexual interest. Work, all-consuming everyday worries, monotonous intimate life, endless TV for a snack - all this can kill the joy in any married couple and lead to mutual claims and conflicts.

Feed your love with new beautiful moments all the time! Plan specifically for overall positive experiences. The two of you must have time that you give only to each other, and not to business, work or children. Moreover, at this time, in no case should you talk about business and worries, but completely give them to your loved ones.

Do not become predictable for each other! Arrange romantic evenings, watch frank movies together, fool around and experiment in bed. Do everything so that your sex life does not become insipid!

Many people have periods of complete apathy. It seems like you don't want anything at all. What to do?

Probably, each of us at least once in his life experienced periods of “unwillingness”. When it seems that everything that is planned will lead to nothing, therefore there is no point in working. Or, on the contrary, when there were and are absolutely no plans, and even no desires arise.

It also happens that there is simply no strength for some “Wishlist” ... Why is this happening? And what to do with it?

When we say: “I don’t want anything”, most often we don’t mean desire, but motivation. How are they different?

Desire can be regarded as the desire to get something. And motivation is the same desire, but accompanied by an impulse to act.

Even the desire to do nothing is also a desire. Just not backed by motivation.

It is possible and necessary to work with desires and motives. How? We will talk about this further.

Before thinking about what to do with the "unwanted", it is necessary to establish a causal relationship. Find out where her "legs grow from."

Actually, there can be many reasons. And the way out of such situations will also be different. But, aggregating, we can reduce the reasons for "unwillingness" to the three most probable:

Yes, yes, banal, ordinary laziness, which ruined a huge variety of different plans. For example, when in the evening you outlined a large list of important things for yourself, and woke up in the morning ... well, in general, on the wrong foot. It's too late, and there's nothing to be done anyway. Or too early, and you can get some more sleep. Lie under a blanket, watch some TV series ... Will something change in just half an hour? Of course not. What about an hour? Why, there is still time - a carriage. And so a day passes, a week, a month… And nothing happens. Plans that have been made remain plans. Unrealized and empty.

In fact, this is a loss of motivation and a lack of interest in work and in general in life.

- a very serious disease, present in various forms in almost 20% of the population. Depression affects feelings, thinking, the state of the body, and social relationships. But, despite all its seriousness, this disease is often not diagnosed and not treated.

Since the reasons for reluctance are different, the advice for overcoming them is also different. Let's consider them in more detail.

1. Mother laziness and how to deal with it

Laziness is the simplest and most easily curable cause of “not wanting”. But don't underestimate her. After all, it interferes not only with the effective achievement of goals, but also with a fulfilling life.

Why are people lazy? Psychotherapists are likely to answer this question like this: “Because they don’t really want to achieve their goals.”

That is, in order to defeat laziness, you just need to want to achieve something, and not just declare it in words, but also wish it for real, on an emotional level.

And if you don't want to? What does it take to want?

We just talked about the fact that the first answer to the question: “Why don’t I want anything?” is: "I'm lazy!".

So, it turns out a vicious circle. Laziness - unwillingness - laziness - unwillingness. How to get out of it?

Of course, if we talk about work that provides a livelihood, then laziness has to retreat immediately. Everything is very simple: you have to get up in the morning for work - work to get a salary - you need a salary to buy food, clothes and shoes, and generally support life. In that case, you won't turn back. Yes, and the question of desire is not worth it: I want, I don’t want - I must!

On weekends and during holidays, this is more difficult. Often people, having worked for some time without a break, begin to use irrationally even a well-deserved rest. For example, watching ridiculous series or aimlessly “swimming” on the net. As a result, neither strength was restored, nor pleasure from pastime was received.

Are you familiar with this situation? Why not use that time to achieve your own goals? To get closer to your dream?

No no. The answer is simple “I don’t want to!”. And didn't want to at all. If at such moments you ask a person: “What would you like?”, Most likely, you will hear: “I don’t want anything!”. Read: "I'm lazy!".

How to overcome laziness, start wanting and achieving what you want?

1. Allow yourself to dream. The advice seems to be banal, but it works. And do not say that you do not know how to dream. This ability is inherent in all of us since childhood. When you close your eyes and just allow yourself to daydream, you immediately wake up with some desires. Perhaps long forgotten, muffled by the voice of the mind, seeming irrational... But they are. And this already means that you still want something! Even though you're afraid to admit it to yourself.

2. Make wishlists. This practice is especially necessary for women. According to the ancient Indian teachings - the Vedas - a woman must definitely want a lot. This is how she attracts prosperity to her family.

Of course, you can keep your desires in mind. But what is written with a pen ... you know, right?

How do you write these lists? Very simple - sit alone, take paper and a pen, and write whatever comes to mind. Write a lot. Even if desires seem too childish, ridiculous, naive to you, write anyway. No one will check your "test". This is only for you.

Psychologists say that you need to write at least a hundred wishes. After all, the first on the list will be socially expected, alien, imposed "Wishlist", and only somewhere after the fiftieth desire will the subconscious turn on and begin to give you the "truth".

3. Learn the art of small steps. When you know where you need to go, it remains to figure out how best to get there. Large and voluminous desires, most often, are not fulfilled immediately. Break down your goal into a large number of small actions that you can do right now and do it.

Do not believe it, but this way you can really deceive your laziness! For example, the mind tells you: “You have to go learn English!”. Laziness defends himself: “I don’t want to! It is pointless! We have already tried to learn a hundred words in a day - and what came of it? It's better to lie down for an hour ... ".

And if you say to yourself: "I have ten minutes to learn five words.". Just ten minutes! Laziness will “think”: “10 minutes is not a whole day. Yes, and it does not oblige us to anything ... Just a commercial break ... Okay!

And that's it! If the art of small steps becomes a habit for you, consider that you are firmly on the path to success! You will definitely succeed!

4. Track intermediate results. Be sure to see and celebrate your progress every day. Compare yourself to yourself. The present self with the past self. If this is not the case, the hands will quickly drop, and reluctance to do anything will appear again. Even if you were already just two steps away from the goal.

5. Give yourself gifts. The ability to reward yourself for a job well done is the key to a good mood and further motivation to achieve goals. Starting to do something, promise yourself a gift for the result. But don't forget to keep your promise!

6. Recall situations that have motivated you in the past. For example, when you got a job in a prestigious organization, got a promotion, graduated with honors from a university. Such memories can help raise your motivation levels and overcome laziness. After all, if you have already done it once, you can certainly do it again!

7. Visualize. You have probably heard of visualization boards. Make yourself a similar board. Just print out pictures, photos, diagrams showing in which direction you need to move towards the goal.

8. Stimulate yourself with music. Well-chosen music that you like sets you on the right wave and helps you move forward, it can motivate you well.

9. Get out of your comfort zone. It is she who makes laziness commonplace. Comfort is chilling. This does not mean that you should immediately distribute all your property to the poor and spend the night on a tattered sofa in the passage corridor of a communal apartment. Just do not be afraid of changes in your life, let them be - and everything will work out!

10. Sometimes arrange yourself "prophylactic days." During such periods, completely abandon any activity. You don't feel like working? Then do nothing at all! Don't surf the net, don't leaf through a book, don't lie down on the couch, don't close your eyes. Just sit on a chair, fold your hands in your lap and sit. See if you can last? Most likely, after some time, inactivity will become unbearable, and you will want to take on even the most hated and routine work. So with the help of the "wedge with a wedge" method, you will defeat your laziness.

Of course, not every method is right for you. Try and find something that will help you live a full, rich life again, want, act, achieve and not be lazy!

But often a person does not want anything not because of laziness. Now we will talk about a more serious problem - burnout syndrome.

Burnout Syndrome (BS) is a psychological fatigue associated with increasing emotional exhaustion.

One of the main signs of CMEA is a decrease in interest in work and in life in general, a lack of desire.

EBS is often confused with depression (we will talk about it later) and they try to treat it with antidepressants, but this does not bring relief, rather, it can harm health.

Indeed, both with CMEA and with depression, a person loses interest in the world around him, in his life. But with CMEA, he comes to this gradually, emotionally burning out, devastated and losing sensitivity to events.

Most prone to SEV are people whose profession is associated with constant stress, with continuous presence among a large number of people, as well as subtle creative natures who are used to keeping feelings to themselves. If you list professions, then these are: teachers, artists, musicians, psychologists, doctors, trade workers, etc.

With regard to age, people from 20 to 50 years old are most susceptible to SEV. At this time, a person is still full of ambition and expects an adequate assessment of himself by society.

The main symptoms of the syndrome:

  • constant fatigue;
  • very frequent bouts of despondency, from which it is impossible to get out;
  • feeling of emptiness inside oneself;
  • inability to feel the joy of a new day;
  • exhaustion;
  • lack of desire in life.

The characteristic differences of the CMEA:

  1. The feeling of fatigue does not go away even after a long sleep.
  2. Personal detachment, emotional coldness; inability to either positive or negative emotions.
  3. Loss of motivation. This causes a feeling of inferiority and worthlessness.

The CMEA goes through several stages in its development.

At the first stage, there is a strong emotional outburst, the mood changes dramatically, fatigue appears, and indifference to the previously beloved business.

In this state, a person forces himself to work, ignores his needs, loses normal sleep. And even vacation does not bring relief.

Also at this stage, anxieties, fears, obsessive thoughts begin to appear.

At the second stage of CMEA, the relationship of a person with society suffers. There is irritation to people, relationships where emotional participation is necessary. A person begins to show cynicism, causticity, irony, negativism. Relations become purely formal.

At the third stage of SEV, a person avoids contact with people, withdraws into himself. The surrounding people begin to be disappointed in him.

A person can stop taking care of himself, lose his job, family, looking for opportunities to retire. Smoking, alcoholism or drug addiction may develop. It is very, very difficult to get out of this state at this stage on your own.

At the first stage of the development of CMEA, a change of scenery can help, at the second - the support of relatives and friends. At the third stage, in fact, qualified psychological assistance is always needed. Indeed, during this period, CMEA can flow into more severe forms, for example, into depression or various phobias.

If you feel the approach of CMEA in yourself, be sure to take preventive measures:

  1. Don't forget to rest! Vacations and weekends should become a necessity. And do not neglect physical activity - it has the power to strengthen both health, and nerves, and intellect.
  2. Be offline more. Hypodynamia, which develops as a result of an unreasonably long stay in the network, can provoke CMEA. Try to replace long telephone conversations with pleasant personal meetings in a warm atmosphere.
  3. Get new impressions. Watch good movies, listen to quality music, visit beautiful places, communicate with nature. All this acts like a medicine on a tired nervous system.
  4. Minimize negative experiences. If you're feeling depressed, don't make it worse with dark movies and extreme news.
  5. Learn to enjoy again. Even when you're feeling desperate, find things that bring back fond memories. Look through good old photos, remember a forgotten hobby, treat yourself to a visit to a beauty salon or a hairdresser. All this will slowly teach you to rejoice over the little things again.
  6. Prioritize your activities: the most important tasks come first, and the secondary ones can wait. So you will be more in time and less mope about it.
  7. Do not perform "feats" to the detriment of your health. Do not forget about healthy sleep for at least 7 hours, limit coffee, tea, alcohol, excessive spices. Everything should be in moderation.
  8. Limit access to information you do not need. TV, the media often just clog up the brain and take time. Better read good literature.
  9. Don't be afraid to openly express your emotions. Allow yourself imperfection - and this will help you avoid SEB.
  10. Don't over-promise. Already they are able to poison the lives of those people who are accustomed to overestimate their capabilities, gaining responsibilities.
  11. Talk to yourself heart to heart. Ask yourself the question: “What do you want the most?”. And think about how exactly at the moment you can help yourself in the fulfillment of your dream?
  12. If necessary, have a mild sedative in the first aid kit. This will help not to go immediately to the next stages of SEB.

And, of course, if you do not feel the strength in yourself to cope with SEB alone, be sure to contact a specialist!

So we got to the most difficult reason for not wanting anything in life - depression.

Depression is a mental disorder characterized by a decrease in mood, loss of the ability to rejoice, impaired thinking, and motor retardation. With depression, self-esteem decreases, interest in life is lost.

This makes the patient and his loved ones suffer, worsens the quality of life in general.

Depression is a chronic disease that occurs as a result of stress.

This disease can have different symptoms, proceed with varying degrees of severity.

According to the criteria of the World Health Organization, depression is characterized by a bad mood for at least two weeks. Then they go:

  • loss of cheerfulness, interests and initiative;
  • loss of working capacity and ability to concentrate;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • loss of appetite and weight;
  • sometimes even the appearance of thoughts of death.

Thinking slows down, all thoughts revolve around one topic. A person begins to think that everything is bad, there is no way out and no hope.

Depression usually results from the interaction of several factors, plus an inborn predisposition. In particular, the causes of depression can be:

  • loss or death of a loved one;
  • chronic overexertion;
  • factors that require adjustment to new circumstances (divorce, unemployment, retirement, and even marriage).

But it is important to understand that hard blows of fate that cause sadness, grief, depressed mood and disruption of living conditions do not necessarily lead to depression.

Often stress accumulates for many years, and then one single last drop can provoke a disease.

What happens at the level of physiology?

During depression, there is a metabolic disorder in the brain. The neuro-hormonal regulation of the brain is deranged. The transfer of information between nerve cells is disrupted. This is reflected in feelings and thoughts.

Initiative decreases, appetite and sleep disappear.

Antidepressants are prescribed to treat depression, often in combination with psychotherapy. This way you can get the best result.

Additional non-drug forms of treatment:

  • “wakefulness therapy,” a sleep deprivation treatment that, paradoxically, can improve mood;
  • light therapy - daily sessions of bright light, especially good for the treatment of seasonal depression;
  • phytotherapy - herbal medicines;
  • hydrotherapy - water procedures;
  • thermal procedures;
  • acupuncture, qigong;
  • massages and aromatherapy.

How can you help yourself recover from depression? It is necessary to remember:

  1. Have patience. Treating depression takes time. But it's worth it.
  2. If your doctor prescribes medicines for you, take them exactly as prescribed. And be prepared for the fact that the effect will not come immediately. Do not stop taking your medication as soon as you feel better.
  3. Come to mutual trust with your doctor. Tell him all the changes in health, fears, worries, doubts. So the treatment will be more effective.
  4. Plan your day. Make a detailed schedule the night before, and don't forget to plan activities that are enjoyable for you.
  5. Set small, but specific, visible goals.
  6. Keep a diary.
  7. When you wake up, get up immediately and don't lie down again. That way you won't fall into the 'thinking trap'.
  8. Don't forget about physical activity. Movement helps the formation of nerve cells and suppresses depression.
  9. Consider with your therapist how you can reduce the possibility of relapse.

We examined three main reasons that answer the question: “Why do not want anything?”. I hope that simple recommendations can help you not to fall into the trap of emotional fatigue syndrome and, moreover, depression, and make your life richer and brighter!

Live, breathe deeply, enjoy life in all its manifestations, desire, achieve goals and be happy!