To date, many gardeners and greenhouse plants are faced with the problem of growth and diseases of seedlings. Some buy various fertilizers and feeding in special stores, others prefer to use folk methods. Surely every good owner holds in the first-aid kit, which the wounds are treated.

Iodine for tomatoes and other melted crops is an excellent assistant and can not only contribute to the normal growth of seedlings, but also to deal with its diseases.

Properties of iodine

Iodine for tomato and cucumbers is an excellent antiseptic agent that is capable of fighting many malicious bacteria. It will excellently replace the usual fertilizers based on nitrogen and getting into the soil acts in the same way, accelerating the process of growth of cultivated plants.

However, each plant has its own approach, so in each case, iodine is used in different ways.

Iodine solutions are able to affect the process of developing seedlings, showing the following properties:

  • growth stimulation;
  • an increase in the ability to resist various infections;
  • accumulation of beneficial substances and vitamin C;
  • an increase in the yield and timing of plants
  • provide rapid appearance of uncess;
  • contribute to the absorption of nitrogen fertilizers;
  • have an antiseptic effect on seedlings and soil when landing;
  • promote the growth of fruits and increase taste;
  • help to scare harmful insects.

However, iodine can not only help, but also harm, so you need to know how to properly feed various plants. For this, there are many recipes and iodine solutions.

Facing and processing

Each plant requires an individual approach to himself, so for various kinds of cultures there are their rules for processing and recipes.

Treatment of seeds and soil

Before planting seeds in the ground, they must be processed. Many use a solution of manganese and soda, however, iodine is also great for these purposes.

To prepare the solution, 1 drop of iodine dilute in a liter of warm water. After that, you need to put the seeds there and withstanding about 10 minutes to rinse not with cold running water.

Raising seedlings are watered with iodine solution in the ratio: 1 drop on 3 liters of water. However, it is important here to ensure that the solution does not hit the stems or leaves of seedlings.

Undercaming cucumbers

The treatment of cucumbers is carried out for prevention or treatment from diseases such as "mildew", phytoofluorosis or "root rot". The feeder is done if the plant has little zerovy, or with its slow development.

To feed the cucumbers will need 10 liters of water, milk liter and 30 drops of iodine. All this thoroughly mix and insist 12 hours. The feeder can be used no more than two times a month.

Treatment and prevention of cucumbers from diseases

For the treatment and prevention of cucumbers affected by phytoophluorosis make an iodine solution with a greenflower. To do this, it is necessary to dissolve 20 drops of each substance in 10 liters of warm water, which spray plants. The procedure is carried out once every 10 days.

The struggle against the root rot is carried out during the occurrence of buds. For treatment, an iodine solution is used in a ratio of 5-10 drops of antiseptics on 10 liters of water. Apply no more than 3 times a month.

If the disease is launched and the leaves begin to yellow, it is necessary to lubricate the stalks of the plant with a solution of iodine with water in a 1: 2 ratio. The procedure must be performed daily for a month, missing about 15 cm above the soil.

When milderous dewing disease, cucumbers spray with the following solution: 30 drops of iodine on the water bucket, after which 1 liter of serum from homemade milk and finely grated economic soaps.

Important! It is necessary to remember that any processing procedure by iodine solution can be applied more than once every 10 days!

Treatment and feeding of tomatoes

Iodine for tomato is used in the form of solutions for the prophylaxis of phytoophulas, or to accelerate the growth of fruits.

Recipes for subordinate

How to feed the tomatoes with iodine? There are two ways to feed the tomato: root and extractive. In the first case, it is necessary to produce plants after the soil is dry after watering. For this, a drop of antiseptic in 3 liters of warm water is divorced.

The procedure is performed 3 times over the entire period - during the germination of the second real sheet, with the string of brushes and in the period of full ripening of fruits.

In the second case, only the foliage of tomatoes is sprayed. For the recipe, it will take 5 drops of iodine, a glass of milk and a liter of water.

From phytofluors

For the prevention and treatment of tomatoes from phytophors, the following solution is used:

  • iodine - 10 drops;
  • water - 10 l;
  • safety milk - 1 l.

Spraying is made 1 time in 2 weeks, and potatoes can be treated with this mixture.

Stock Foto Undercaschi iodine tomato and cucumbers

All gardeners love to grow cucumbers in their sites. They are good fresh, in a salad, for the preparation of a cosmetic mask. This is an indispensable ingredient for vegetable cocktails, smoothie. A rare hostess costs without billets for the winter, the basis of which makes cucumbers with their own bed.


But far from everyone manage to grow rich harvest of this vegetable culture. Cucumbers impose great requirements for watering and feeding. During the growing season, the numerous army of pests and microorganisms begins to attack the plant from all sides. It is necessary to work well to go with cucumbers.

Some gardeners do not want to use chemical fertilizers and produced by industrial means of protection against pests, because they know how cucumbers love to accumulate them in their flesh. I don't want to give such a product to your children. Therefore, they are increasingly turning to the old recipes of their grandmothers, which from the misfortune will help, and will not harm their health.

One of these means is the processing of cucumbers with milk. It decides at once 2 tasks: protects the plant from pests, which in the summer is apparently invisible at every step, and is used as a universal feeding.

The healing properties of fresh milk.

When mankind had no artificial fertilizer, they used healthy products that helped grow vegetables more efficiently, and there were milk among them. Due to its rich nutritional composition, milk has a beneficial effect on plant growth, including cucumbers.


Milk contains a large number:

  • calcium, magnesium;
  • iron, manganese;
  • potassium, nitrogen;
  • phosphorus, sulfur;
  • copper and others.

In addition, milk has additional properties that make it very useful:

  1. Pests are not able to digest lactose (milk sugar) due to the lack of some organs in their digestive system. Therefore, such a treatment will be an excellent barrier on the path of pests who want to taste juice from cucumber weaves.
  2. The thin film formed when spraying does not give pathogens to penetrate the plant.
  3. With the help of milk, other useful substances contained in the soil and subcorders are better absorbed.

Let's bring a brief preliminary result:

  • milk is a table of nutrient elements for plants;
  • it plays the role of defender from pests and diseases of cucumber culture;
  • promotes the soil saturation with useful trace elements and strengthening its microbiological activity.

Which milk is used for feeding cucumbers.

It is best for treating cucumbers to apply raw milk. The product that has passed pasteurization, and even more sterilization, does not bring the desired result, because when it is heat treatment, all useful trace elements are completely destroyed. In this question, it is impossible to trust manufacturers that claim the opposite.

Depending on how purpose the gardener puts in front of him, the milk is diluted with water in proportion 1: 5 or 1:10.

Milk feeder recipe.

If there was a need to make feeding of cucumbers, then 1 liter of the mild of milk is divorced in 5 liters of water. Water so that each bush of the plant can receive an optimal dose of 0.5 liters of dairy feeding.

Remember! Do not water the cucumbers right under the root. This will lead to the development of gray rot - a disease that is very susceptible to cucumber culture. Follow our advice and do the following: before proceeding with the feeder, at a distance of 10-15 cm from the stem, do a small groove from the circle and evenly distribute the feeder evenly. This distance will be enough for the roots of cucumbers to absorb all the beneficial substances and trace elements.

The same solution can spray plants from above. In the process of spraying, the leaves will be absorbed by the milk solution, ensuring additional protection against pathogenic microbes and pests.

Using a solution for spraying.

Many milk solve is used as a preventive treatment for processing, because they know how difficult, and sometimes to no avail, fight the disease. Among the common diseases of cucumbers is a real and false torment. If the summer is issued rainy and cool, then these diseases are particularly rapidly starting their destructive activities.

Including excessive feeding nitrogen-containing Fertilizers is a provocateur of the disease. It becomes seen how the leaves of cucumbers are covered with white stains, as if they were sprinkled with flour, then they begin to shine slowly, become sluggish and die away.

The first processing of cucumbers with a solution should take place when 5-6 real leaves will be developed on the stem. Then the processing must be carried out regularly once every 2 weeks to avoid the disease. The outbreak of the disease can be prevented at all if you follow our advice.

Cucumbers feeding with milk with iodine: step-by-step instruction.

To prepare a solution for feeding the cucumbers, you need to dilute in 10 liters of water 1 liter of milk, add 30 drops of iodine, 20 grams of broke outhouse soap (it is best to grate it). The iodine here acts as a powerful antiseptic, and soap provides good adhesion of the solution to the sheet plate. All the initial ingredients must be mixed and immediately spray cucumbers immediately, because this solution does not need insistence.


I want to emphasize the meaning of iodine in this composition. He has a beneficial effect on cucumbers, because Prevents the appearance of yellowness on the leaves, has a rejuvenating effect during the emergence of new bandy and kidneys. Leaves are preferably treated with both the top and bottom. During the procedure, spraying is subject to not only the leaves, but also the earth around the plants.

For spraying, it is desirable to choose cloudy weather or evening after sunset so that the leaves do not get a burn during the procedure.

Proved the effectiveness of the solution from bacteriosis and root rot, as well as from the invasion of the Tly, which sucks all the juices from the plants, which leads to his death.

The same effect can be obtained if it does not use milk, but its derivatives: Kefir, Prostokow, serum. To combat phytoofluoro, the gardeners often use the following means: 10 liters of water should be taken 1 liter of serum, 1 tbsp. lies. Hydrogen peroxide, 40 drops of iodine. This solution of gardeners handle cucumbers several times a season, considering it very effective.


All ingredients for the preparation of solutions, and this is milk, serum, iodine, soap, hydrogen peroxide, are always on hand. This is a great way to feed, prevent and combat diseases in the cultivation of cucumbers, to obtain consistently high yields. Following our advice, it is possible to avoid problems when growing this useful, tasty and low-calorie product.

With the opening of the dacha season, most of our fellow citizens appear a lot of problems. When to plant, than to cover, how to protect against diseases - all these questions to which you need to answer. This is not surprising, because everyone wants to get a shame with minimal use of chemistry. In order to grow their own, country vegetables so that they are as natural and useful as possible. Today we will talk about the use of milk with iodine for cucumbers.

Universal subchart

Are you puzzled? Indeed, many people surprise the use of such a valuable food product as watering. But it can not only provide a plant with almost all kinds of nutrients, but also to make it unattractive for insects. And often watering is the garden with cucumbers. Why is it paid so much attention? The fact is that good vegetables that are a source of potassium, calcium and phosphorus, are also quite whimsical. Therefore, without showing vigilance, you can stay simply without harvest.

Protection against disease

Milk with iodine for cucumbers is both a nutrient solution and an antiseptic. To understand well why this particular pair is chosen, let's consider their influence separately. And let's start with an inexpensive and affordable component called iodine. In order to prevent various diseases, the use of this antiseptic is justified. Its antifungal action allows you to quickly and efficiently destroy the exchange processes of pathogens.

But this is not all, otherwise, milk with iodine for cucumbers would not get such popularity. Active oxygen, which has a destructive effect on mushrooms, is produced during the iodine and water contact.

Time for processing

Now let's go further and consider the effect of milk on the plants, but so far another important point. The cucumbers begin to hurt enough early, pests love to destroy young plants. Therefore, preventive treatment must be performed before landing in the ground. And then the protection of plants must be maintained systemically. It is best to use biometowns than pesticides. Milk with iodine for cucumbers is the ideal "drug", which, on the one hand, effective, and on the other - safe.

The "Scientific Tick" method

I would like to note that there are no reliable studies that could confirm or disprove the data on the effectiveness of the fund. Moreover, the timing, the concentration of the drug and the form of application is selected at random. The use of iodine (in some cases of the green) gives a very short-term effect, and therefore, the procedure will have to repeat quite often. There is another moment, will you like the condition of the bed after such a procedure. After all, green bushes in the brown stains of iodine look completely unprepacently.

The effects of milk on plants

Spraying cucumbers with iodine with iodine is practiced by many gardeners. At the same time, the majority is guided only by the advice of comrades and neighbors in the presents. It is usually recommended to dilute 2 l of milk in 10 liters of water. Similarly, serum can be used, while maintaining proportions. What action they possess:

  • The protein film envelops parts of the plants and does not give hostile organisms to get inside the sheet or stem.
  • Serum and milk contain full-fledged proteins and minerals. All these elements contribute to increasing plant resistance, improving metabolic processes.

What do agrotechnologists say about spraying cucumbers with milk with iodine? The protein film is too short, it is washed off with rains and when watering. In order to provide the desired effect, you will have to repeat the procedure very often. Considering the cost of milk, as well as the time spent, it can be concluded that the procedure is too time-consuming. However, specialists in the field of agrotechnologies do not deny that the cucumber cucumbers with milk is an effective means of combating certain diseases, in parallel with the introduction of nutrients.

Against Nikunno Gnile

The pathogens are fungi, which live in the soil and multiply under favorable conditions. The rot is usually not immediately not immediately, but after time. The lower leaves are yellowing, the ovary dies, the roots become brown and the plant dies. In this case, the usual antiseptic solution will help. To optimize the processing procedure, it is combined with the introduction of nutrients. As a result, feeding cucumbers with iodine and milk is born.

To perform the procedure, you need to prepare a working solution. Take a liter of milk (suitable sink or kefir, serum) and add a tablespoon of liquid soap and 30 drops of iodine. Pour 10 liters of water, it turns out a working solution that can spray cucumbers once every 10 days.

Treatment or prevention

The advantages of the solution

As usual, the agrotechnikov is their truth, and the dacrooms have their own. And practical experience says that has pros and treatment of cucumbers with iodine and milk. The reviews suggest that the plants become greener, the trunks are thicker, and the crop is massive. At the same time, the cost of treatment is very small.

The means for spraying plants eliminates chemicals. It is this task that costs the majority of dachas, otherwise it would be much easier to buy a universal chemical bag in the store. Out of irrigation is recommended based on the following reasons:

  • These two substances can reduce the risk of some diseases, in particular, malievable dew.
  • Milk increases the immunity of green organisms, which contributes to the growth of yield.
  • The plant is saturated with useful trace elements.
  • When using this mixture, the cucumber should not turn yellow and does not fall.

This tool is natural and safe, prepared in counting seconds, and is inexpensive.


Peep the cucumbers with milk and iodine is quite simple, you only need to prepare a working solution and armed with a spray gun. So, take a big bucket, add 20 g of the household soap and liter of milk, warm water and 30 drops of iodine. If the processing area is large, then it is necessary to increase the amount of solution used.

The second version of the recipe helps in the event that the plant begins to turn yellow and covered with spots. Then, instead of the economic soap, added on a tablespoon of urea and food soda. The affected leaves need to be removed and is good to pour off from all sides. Literally in two weeks you will see that the plant produces new leaves, and will soon begin to bloom.

Expected Result

The treatment of cucumbers with milk with iodine is performed in good weather, without rain and strong wind. Finding on the leaves, the antiseptic manifests the properties, destroying pathogenic organisms. At the same time, milk forms a transparent protective film that prevents pest penetration. The only moment is: do not take homemade milk, or remove the cream from it. Excess fat will prevent oxygen penetration. You can replace the milk on the serum, but it contains less nutrients. Treatment of cucumbers with milk with iodine should not be carried out if the plant has already been subject to the disease. In this case, stronger funds will be required that you can buy in a specialized store. In the recommended quantities, these drugs are not dangerous.


Earlier it was said about processing to protect against phytoofluorosis. However, watering cucumbers with a milk with iodine differs from spraying, because the solution acts as a natural fertilizer. It is preparing a somewhat different way. For 10 liters of water, add four cups of low-fat milk and 15 drops of iodine. This is done in order to strengthen plants and early prevention of the incidence of fungus.

Watering cucumbers with milk with iodine is performed when disembarking into the ground, and then repeated with the beginning of fruiting. Now you can implement the procedure regularly, but no more often two times a week. The systematic use of this solution allows you to do without chemistry on your summer cottage and get the most useful vegetables. Have a nice harvest and delicious billets.

Usually at the end of the summer season, when the sun is not so high, plants lack natural ultraviolet to fight with many seasonal diseases, such as phytoofluoro, fungus, which is multiplied under conditions of low light and emergency air humidity. Therefore, the diseases are very common in garden sites on plantings with tomatoes, eggplants, peppers. How to protect your plantations and overcome a harmful fungus?

Features of the disease

It is possible to recognize the infection of the phytoofluoride by the following features:

  • The leaves on the reverse side have dark spotting;
  • Over time, they become brown and fall;
  • On the tops of the fruits appear black.

If tomatoes are already completely infected, then it is almost impossible to return them to life. Well, if the fungus just started to appear, then the affected areas should be removed and burn.

But how is the fantastic tomato ash in greenhouse, and how easy it is to do, indicated

In most cases, infection occurs in poorly ventilated greenhouses, where there is stagnant wet air - the ideal environment for spreading spore phytoophulas.

On video - Undercalinking Tomato Milk:

To prevent distribution to other healthy plants, the fungus can be used by a combination of milk and iodine, the solution will protect the tomatoes from the lesion.


Features of dairy feeding

In all dairy products, there are many trace elements and useful substances that can act in the spores of the fungus, besides, it helps to get rid of harmful sucking insects, which devour not only the leaves, but also sleeping fruits, and the amino acid contributes to the rapid set of green mass So necessary for aging harvest.

After sprinkling with diluted milk, plants are covered with the protective finest film, reliably protecting against the penetration of the arrow in the leaves and stem. But it is used, and how to apply the tool is set out in the article by reference.

In addition, milk souls contributes:

  • Improving metabolic processes;
  • The rapid absorption of the beneficial substances in the ground;
  • More vitamins and nutrients are formed in the fruits.

In addition, milk is a food product, he cannot harm neither a person nor the more tomatoes. The best splashing solution of milk is carried out during the growth of the plant, the fetus tie - this provides protection against fungal diseases, and its saturation by trace elements and protective properties.

And if you add a little iodine into the milk, the effect will be doubly positive, the tomatoes form faster, and the fruits themselves are faster.

But if you tighten with spraying, the disease can destroy more than half of the harvest, so at the first signs of the settlement, the fungus should urgently apply active measures, that is, it is possible to carry out healthy spraying milk with iodine.

How to dilute, proportions

To stop the development of fungus, or even to kill it at all, you can use the following recipes:

On video - how the solution is prepared:

Dates of feeding with milk and iodine

The exact recipe for each site simply does not exist, but for the prevention of damage to the dangerous fungus, it is possible to start processing immediately after rooting the tomatoes in the greenhouse or in the open soil. Experienced summer residents advise the first processing to do after 2 weeks of the seedlings landing, but such a procedure is also suitable for other grades, then it is repeated after 14 days. Well, if the infection has already happened, you will have to spend daily spraying. But is it possible to spray tomatoes by ammonic alcohol, and how to do it right, indicated

Processing should be done correctly, following the following recommendations:

  • Watering with a solution follows cloudy weather, when there are no direct sun rays;
  • The best time is morning or evening, when the threat of burns from the sun is minimal;
  • If you need to process tomatoes in an open soil, then chosen dry and windless day when temperatures are higher than +20 degrees. But what are there, and how to apply them, it will help to understand the information on the link.

On video - Durations of feeding with milk tomato:

We want to draw your attention! If you catch the afternoon with a bright sun, then the solution that fell on the leaves can burn the plants, the drops will work as a lens, so cloudy weather should be chosen. The garden pulverizer is best suited for work - the processing will be more efficient, and the dispute will quickly die. But how many days to water the tomatoes in the greenhouse, and how to do it right, set out

How to process, feed

In order to avoid the spread of a dangerous fungal disease on tomatoes, each gardener must know simple methods for prevention and feeding:

  • If the land on the site is scaled, then before planting, the peat should be added, and some sand adds to the landing site;
  • It is necessary to withstand the distance between the bushes to ensure good ventilation;
  • The best time for watering the morning, so the plants will be wet all day all day;
  • Before falling into the soil, the seedlings are immersed in a solution of milk and iodine approximately an hour; But how to get rid of blackphids on tomatoes, and what funds are the best, indicated
  • Be sure to ventilate greenhouses and greenhouses, so the fact of distribution fungus is minimized;
  • Periodically feed plants with fertilizers with potash and phosphoric composition;
  • Planting tomatoes away from any Potato cultures6 of potatoes, eggplants, etc.;
  • Not to overflow with nitric fertilizers causing a rapid growth of green mass;
  • Try to clean the fruits in time, even at the stage of pink ripeness;
  • Observe crop rotation, not to plant tomatoes after legumes, onions or garlic;
  • Processing with a periodicity of 2 weeks with a milk with iodine on the leaves and the fruits. It will also be useful to learn about

On video - Treatment Tomato: