A sailor from Murmansk, Roman Fedortsov, who works on a fishing vessel, continues to post photos of the fish he comes across on his social networks. The inhabitants of the seabed in his photographs are one more terrible than the other, although Roman sees a special beauty in each of them.

Now you can follow the fisherman on Telegram, where he publishes photos of not only fish, but also the insides of the ship.

Since Roman became famous all over the country for his shocking pictures, a lot of interesting things have happened in the life of a man. Firstly, Roman tries to keep up with modern trends, and therefore he got himself a telegram channel called Notes from a Bottle. There, now he publishes not only photos of terrible creatures from the bottom of the sea, but also talks more about life on the ship itself.

So, for example, the galley on their ship looks like.

And so is the daily workflow.

Roman started a telegram channel on January 1 and with the very first message he notified all his subscribers (and there are 1,626 of them so far) that he was forced to celebrate the New Year on a ship, all in work.

Admire, for example, the expressive eyes of this sea bass.

And in the eyes of this fish you can generally drown. After all, her pupil is a copy of Saturn.

The look of the fish below proves that not only cats can be unhappy. Even angry cat Merlin may still have to train to reach this level.

In the frilled shark, the chip is the teeth from which not a single prey will escape.

Some fish are beautiful in such a specific way that we will probably never appreciate it.

Halibuts, for example, completely break all stereotypes about the appearance of fish (just like body-positive models with a beard) and flaunt eyes that are not quite symmetrical.

Despite the fact that the fish and I are so different, Roman's photo shows how much we have in common. Isn't that what we look like when we've gone too far with the refreshing drink?

And this fish is clearly Monday, and she did not get enough sleep.

The American hydrolag, according to some users, looks like a rapper.

Some animals are more like some mythical characters. This is how, for example, a goblin fish looks (yes, this is its real name).

And so - the Japanese spider crab, which allows algae and small crustaceans to live on itself. Looks like Davy Jones from Pirates of the Caribbean.

And here comes the dragon. As Roman clarifies, there is no retouching in the picture at all.

It happens that cuties such as sea anemones, similar to persimmons, fall into the hands of Roman.

A resident of the Vologda region, who once caught a "hefty ide", has a serious competitor in popularity. The Murmansk fisherman has become famous abroad, and he has already been called an “Internet hit”. Major publications such as Mirror, The Independent, The Sun, Mashable and others have written about him and his catch.

Screenshot from "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them"

Let's not waste time and present the translation of the article Daily Mail about the fantastic creatures of the Murmansk fisherman. But I immediately warn you that these inhabitants of the water depths are not very photogenic:

Scary alien creatures from the depths:
Russian fisherman becomes an internet hit
after posting his weird catches on twitter

.Oleg Fedortsov from Murmansk unveiled a terrifying catch
. A fisherman works on a trawler in a port in northwest Russia
. The catch consists of eight-legged arthropods and fish with dagger-like teeth.

It's easy enough to forget that another world lives right below us - a mysterious deep ocean ecosystem that hides the creatures of your nightmares beneath its surface. But one Twitter account's feed will make you think twice before putting your feet in the water at the beach.

Murmansk resident Oleg Fedortsov showed a terrifying catch from eight-legged arthropod fish to fish with dagger teeth.
A fisherman who works on a trawler in a port in northwest Russia shared his amazing finds he found earlier this year, reports The Moscow Times. In addition to his Twitter account, Fedortsov also shares images of his catch on Flickr.

Among the many creatures was the frilled shark, an elusive eel shark with rows of fearsome teeth. Due to the presence of primitive features, the frilled shark is called a "living fossil". The angler also posted a photo of a chimera, a fish known as a ghost shark.

Chimaeras are known for their winged fins and long, whip-like tails - images taken by Fedortsov show their glowing green eyes. But this glow occurs only when exposed to light. In the dark of the sea, ghost sharks seem to have sunken, "dead" eyes.

Like sharks and rays, chimeras have cartilaginous skeletons. Fedortsov may be better than most in understanding deep-sea creatures, but some of the prey baffles even him.

Under a photo of a strange creature with a massive jaw and sharp teeth, the angler wrote: "People are still arguing ... who is this?"
On Twitter, many have joined the discussion. Many have argued that the specimen in question is the black malakosteus, a deep-sea fish from the genus Malacosteus.
But not all he catches are fish.

One photo shows a huge orange "sea spider" - a marine arthropod with long and thin legs, about the size of a human hand.

Similar creatures have recently been discovered in the Arctic and southern oceans, where their paws span up to 25 centimeters.
These sea "spiders" are actually pycnogons, a type of primitive marine arthropod. They grow to enormous sizes in a phenomenon known as polar gigantism, but scientists don't know why.

A frightening fish with large teeth is also on the list of amazing fish caught in the trawl. According to Fedortsov, this is a sablefish.

Another strange fish, with bulging red eyes and lips, has been identified as a species of longtail.

It is also known as grenadier and can be found deep underwater almost everywhere (from the coast of the Arctic to the Antarctic).
While deep sea creatures tend to have an alien appearance, changes in pressure have also been known to affect the appearance of some creatures when brought to the surface.

Thousands of feet below sea level, deep sea creatures are exposed to extremely high pressures.

Some of the creatures can withstand significant vertical migrations, but the lower pressure of the upper world is known to cause metabolic problems in other creatures, and may even affect their shape.

This effect is clearly visible in the example of the drop fish, a creature that has become the "ugliest animal" in the world according to polls.

The most terrible animals live at the bottom, the most bizarre - off the coast of Africa

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We are accustomed to this world. There is a lot of amazing and beautiful in it, but behind the everyday monotonous rhythm of life, everyday worries and difficulties, we do not notice anything around us. Let's calmly pass by a rare-colored bud and not pay attention to the northern lights above our heads.

Roman Fedortsov from Murmansk made a small revolution in social networks: he made thousands of people look at photos of unusual marine life and remember Mother Nature. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" talked to the sailor, whose pictures are known to the whole world. But few imagine who makes them and how.

"Not scary, but interesting!"

Roman has been at sea for 17 years. In 2000, he graduated from Moscow State Technical University with a degree in Fishing Industry Engineer, and then, by distribution, got into the Murmansk Trawl Fleet.

I always liked to photograph unusual underwater inhabitants, - Roman Fedortsov tells KP. - For a long time he worked in the Central-East Atlantic, off the coast of Africa: Mauritania, Morocco, Senegal, Guinea-Bissau. Those waters are rich in bizarre fish. Now I work in the Norwegian and Barents Seas. Here, too, sometimes come across interesting specimens. Photographed, sometimes posted on Instagram. But popularity came after he registered on Twitter and began to upload photos there.

Roman publishes many of his photographs directly from the ship, where there is Internet. Some pictures appear already from the land - so much material is collected in one flight that post it and post it. By the way, Roman himself is not photographed.

The popularity of photographs of unusual fish, which often look like aliens from other planets or come to life heroes of pagan legends and traditions, was like accelerating a racing car. Photos instantly scattered across the network, in a matter of days they were published by dozens of media outlets and thousands of users in Europe, USA, Asia. The Japanese and Chinese, who love everything unusual and creepy, were especially delighted.

- Roman, aren't you afraid and disgusted to take these fish in your hands? Some of them cannot be looked at without a shudder.

I'll put it another way, interesting! It used to be scary, but now it's interesting! The only thing I can say is that you need to be careful when processing the catch in the fishery off the coast of Africa. There are many poisonous fish in those waters.

By the way, some fish actually look quite normal. Just watch popular science films about marine life, for example, about game fish. Smooth scales, normal sized eyes, ideal body proportions for swimming. But when the fish are pulled by a trawl from the depth to the surface, a sharp and large pressure drop is obtained. The case when the eyes pop out of their sockets, the belly swells or, conversely, decreases. And it turns out to be a monster. As Roman says, even the usual halibut can be photographed in such a way that one does not recognize it as a valuable commercial fish. But many of the characters in the sailor's shots look alien even in their native habitat.

- Where are the most strange fish? In the northern seas or the southern ones?

The further south, the more amazing and beautiful fish you can meet. In my work, I met the most interesting specimens in the fishery in the Atlantic Ocean, in the region of Guinea-Bissau, Africa, - says the Murmansk resident.

By the way, sometimes other things get into the trawl. For example, whale bones or an empty 200-liter barrel. Sailors do not like such greetings from the blue world, because they can break the tackle, especially if the trawling takes place in bad weather, and it is not uncommon in the work of fishermen.

Throw away or eat?

Often Roman Fedortsov photographs the inhabitants of great depths. How do fish living in the realm of darkness and cold end up in the trawl on a par with those that swim almost at the surface? As Roman explained, fishing can also take place at great depths. For example, in the Irminger Sea near Greenland, trawling takes place at a depth of about 950 meters. Enough to hook monsters. For them, getting into the network is certain death.

Due to a sharp drop in pressure, almost all "monsters" do not survive, Roman Fedortsov explains. - Random catch such as chimeras are thrown overboard.

Fishermen don't taste monsters. Probably, their colleagues from Asian countries would not be against such a culinary adventure, because the fish that seems inedible to us may turn out to be a delicacy in Japan. But Russians have an appetite for familiar dishes.

Sailors are resourceful people! Roman laughs. - They can cook unusual fish if they want. But we haven't experimented. Although they ate grenadier and salted lumpfish caviar. There is more than enough food on the ship, and for fish soup there is no better perch, halibut and cod.

Where there is fame and talent, there is always dangerous mediocrity. As soon as Roman Fedortsov's social networks became popular (only on Twitter there are already more than 119 thousand subscribers, on Instagram - 190), people who want to cash in on it immediately appeared. The accounts of the Murmansk resident were hacked, and the network was flooded with fake pages.

It's unavoidable. It's unfortunate, but that's the reality. Much, by the way, depends on the support services of a particular social network. For example, on Twitter, it responds very quickly to requests to remove fake pages. Unfortunately, this cannot be said about the Instagram support service, - the sailor is judicious about the situation.

See the real accounts of Roman Fedortsov in "Checked KP".

There is no life without the sea

It is possible that someday our sailors' trawl, and at the same time into the lens of Roman Fedortsov, will fall into a fish unknown to science and considered extinct (read "Competently"). This has happened more than once when, for example, a prehistoric shark was accidentally discovered in the fishery. So far, the sailor has been able to recognize all his characters, including thanks to the users of the World Wide Web, among whom there are many specialists in marine flora and fauna.

Roman's subscribers are waiting for his new photos - the army of fans of fantastic fish is growing every day. And the sailor himself promises that there will be pictures.

For 17 years, I have become accustomed to this mode of work and lifestyle, and it is very difficult for me to imagine how I would work on the shore. More precisely, I have no idea yet, - says the Murmansk resident.

By the way, Roman likes to photograph beautiful fish and seascapes. So we will expect new pictures from him for an entertaining out-of-school lesson in natural history.


Photos of the sailor are viewed with interest even by scientists who, it would seem, have seen this more than once.

Roman may also come across a species unknown to science, the find of which will be devalued by the lack of information about the full appearance of the fish and its location, - says senior researcher at the Murmansk Marine Biological Institute (MMBI) Oksana Kudryavtseva.- Therefore, we would like the photographs of these rare or unusual fish to contain not only individual fragments of the body, but also the whole fish with straightened fins, from all angles.

When the fish is brought to the surface by a trawl, it often changes its appearance due to pressure drop and "crush". Photo: Roman FEDORTSOV

Many of the fish in Roman Fedortsov's photographs live at depths with high pressure, where there is little light, and the water temperature drops to -2. Because of this, they look so strange, but as Oksana Kudryavtseva explains, there are no "pathologies". All features as per the textbook:

Large head, but thin body, thinning towards the end like a tail;

Large teeth and stomach;

Muscles and bones are saturated with water so that it does not hurt from pressure (but if such a fish is pulled to the surface, it will swell, the eyes will bulge, and the insides will come out);


Official pages of Roman Fedortsov, where you can follow his photos.