Soil mulching - what is it? Agrotechnical method in eco-farming and in classic gardening allows you to preserve moisture, increase productivity by 30-40%.

The meaning of the procedure is to cover the top layer of the soil with special materials - organic matter, compost, films. Natural components are introduced separately or combined, mixed with nitrogen fertilizers.

What does it mean in agriculture to mulch the soil? This is to cover the surface of the beds from heat and cold, from pests and pathogens. For this, natural or synthetic components are used.

The main task of mulch is to optimize air and water conditions.

There are 2 types of mulching - organic and inorganic.

Organic mulching, what is this cultivation method? Involves the use of natural degradable substances to protect and enhance fertility. As a coating, you can prepare:

  • Weeds that have been weeded and chopped must be without seeds, especially if these are grasses such as wheatgrass or a fire.
  • Straw and cut dried hay.
  • Husk from sunflower seeds, rice, buckwheat.
  • Wood shavings, sawdust.
  • Fallen leaves.
  • Chopped branches, small trunks of shrubs, trees.

Inorganic mulching is the covering of the surface of plots with artificial components. Materials are used:

Where to get soil mulch

As mulching agents, you can use a wide variety of raw materials from what is at hand.

In the summer, the following varieties are introduced:

  • Mowed and chopped green manures - phacelia, vetch, mustard, cereals.
  • The tops and leaves of plants with the C-4 type of photosynthesis, which are distinguished by an abundance of green mass. This is a sunflower, Jerusalem artichoke.
  • Mown lawn, meadow grass with a high content of a triad of important minerals - nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium.
  • Needles, cones of fir-trees, larch, which have a powerful protective effect, especially against slugs. They gather in woodlands, trying not to harm the natural litter.
  • Sleeping coffee and tea thrown out of Starbucks-style coffee houses in big bags.
  • Sunflower husk, flakes from various cereals. They are rich in potassium, magnesium, nitrogen components. You can get them at mushroom growing centers.
  • Seaweed, particularly valuable cover and fertilizer in coastal environments.
  • Shredded tree bark.

To shelter vegetable beds with the onset of autumn, autumn mulch is harvested:

  • leaf litter;
  • dried hay and straw;
  • humus and compost;
  • processed weeds;
  • sawdust and shavings.

To mulch trees and shrubs, use:

  • scraps of branches from raspberries, vineyards, waste from bushes and trees;
  • nuts and chestnut shells;
  • leaves of park and garden areas;
  • bark and chips;
  • crushed reeds.

Slugs prefer to settle in foliage, they are not used for strawberries and strawberries.

The paths and aisles are efficiently covered with paper and cardboard. Use on dry, hot areas to maximize moisture retention. Do not use newspapers, magazines (due to lead content).

Ways and features of mulch application

Mulch is applied throughout the summer cottage in protected and open areas. It starts in early spring and ends with frosts in the fall.

Mulch slows down the heating of the soil, therefore, in the beds with early crops - strawberries, radishes, materials are laid out when the soil warms up to 12 degrees.

For the fastest warming of the soil surface before planting, the mulch is raked for a while, placed in compost or left nearby to be used in a couple of weeks.

You can mulch in 2 ways:

  • Spread the material in layers. All types of organic matter are used.
  • Cover the surface. Apply film, roofing felt, and other artificial flooring.

Organic raw materials are kept in the beds all winter. Worms settle here, soil organisms multiply actively, turning mulch into humus.

Secrets of how to properly use mulch:

  • The thickness of the layers can vary from 3 to 8 cm in the summer. For the winter period, covers up to 15 cm are created for shelter.For tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkin, squash, the optimal depth should be 8-10 cm.For radishes, carrots, beets, celery, a layer of 4-5 cm is made.For dill, parsley, green salads mulch 3 cm.
  • Shaded areas are covered more thinly, a thicker layer is created for brightly lit areas.
  • During the season, mulch is placed several times, various substances are alternated to stimulate decomposition.
  • It is best to lay the first flooring after rain or watering after 4-6 hours. The ground is previously loosened with a flat cutter.
  • Small gaps are left between the cover and the plant trunks for air circulation. This is especially important for shrubs and fruit trees.
  • Finely chopped mulch is preferable to coarse residues. It turns into humus faster, pathogens and pests are less likely to grow in it.
  • It is undesirable to trample mulch.

The thickness of the layer should not exceed 3-4 cm on heavy loams, near groundwater, in wetlands. This can lead to rotting.

If weeds are used, mowing is carried out several times, always before flowering and ripening of seeds. Otherwise, the weeds will begin to actively sprout in the beds and multiply.

Soil mulching


A valuable property of sawdust is to repel pests such as slugs, midges, flies, ticks. Coniferous sawdust prevents the growth of pathogens.

Applied on poor, depleted soils. Mix with humus or manure before application. Alternatively, nitrogen preparations and resins are added.

This prevents overthrowing and loss of nutrients, and plant growth does not stop.

Depending on the type of crops, the following sawdust is used:

The layer thickness for bulbous crops is within 6 cm. Sawdust up to 4-5 cm is poured under carrots, strawberries.

What are the subtleties of using sawdust according to Kuznetsov:

  • Use a layer of sawdust 7-8 cm to cover the row spacing.
  • The beds are directly covered with biocompost.
  • In the berry fields, sawdust is used, which is poured regularly.
  • It is useful to put sawdust on top of the manure to preserve moisture.

Greenhouses and hotbeds are mulched with sawdust. For this, compost is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • 200 kg of sawdust.
  • 50 kg of rotted manure.
  • 100 kg of chopped weeds or green manure.
  • 30 kg of waste from fruits and vegetables.

The beds are filled with such a composition since autumn.


Hay is one of the best mulching compounds. It is valued for its high level of nitrogen and carbon compounds. Used lawn, meadow grass.

Due to its light color and long decomposition, it is suitable for crops such as:

  • potato;
  • pumpkin;
  • cabbage;
  • Strawberry.

Keeps the moisture and coolness of the soil well. Creates ideal conditions for the development of tomato and cucumber roots. Reflects the sun's rays in hot weather.

Lay under tall plants with a layer of 10-15 cm, after a few months the thickness will decrease to 5 cm. During the season, you can add 2-3 times.


Among the advantages of the bark:

They usually mulch once every 2-3 years.

Pine bark mulch of all types is distinguished by the longest service life - it does not decay within 5-6 years. Larch material is suitable for decoration, at the same time insulates and prevents nitrogen losses.

The bark for mulching is removed from trees felled no more than 5-6 months ago. Grind with scissors or secateurs. The size of the pieces should be no more than 1 cm.

To disinfect the material, the bark is boiled for 10-15 minutes. Or calcined in the oven for up to 20 minutes at a temperature not exceeding 70 degrees.

Do not use bark:

  • from destroyed old trees;
  • infected with fungal spores.

They work with caution with oak due to the high content of tannins.

For mulching the soil, they choose May - the time when the earth is warmed up to 14-16 degrees. In autumn, work is also carried out at the beginning of September.

The thickness of the layers varies between 2-8 cm, taking into account the density:

  1. on loams and clays 2-3 cm;
  2. on the sand 6-7 cm;
  3. on loose light soil 5-6 cm.


For peat mulching, only low-lying peat from overfilled moss and reed grass is used, as well as an intermediate material.

Among the advantages of a peat substrate:

  • has the least acidity;
  • contains organic matter up to 70%;
  • rich in humins, minerals - iron, calcium, magnesium;
  • serves as a nourishment for young plants;
  • imparts porosity;
  • improves water permeability and aeration.
  • sandy;
  • loamy;
  • clayey heavy.

It has a free-flowing structure. Can be scattered directly on the beds. Does not lead to overfeeding.

Green plant residues

The tops and leaves of garden crops, weeds are also used. Free carbon-nitrogen organic matter from green plants forms a stable humus layer.

Green mulch attracts nitrogen fixers and soil fungi. Shredded tomato leaves and stems scare off the cabbage whites.

What is used:

  • all green weeds - dandelions, clover, nettle, quinoa;
  • tops of carrots, beets, corn, radishes;
  • mowed lawn grass.

It is undesirable to use freshly cut raw materials due to the high risk of debate or pest infestations. It should be dried and then only laid out under the plants.

What are the benefits

Covering the soil is comparable to the natural cycle. Grasses and leaves dry out, covering the roots and stems of plants with a carpet.

If the soil is properly mulched, this gives:

  • Retention of moisture in the layers of the earth and prevention of excessive perspiration.
  • Protection of root systems from overheating in heat and from freezing in winter frosts. Mulch works like an air conditioner.
  • Creation of the ideal pH for every type of crop.
  • Prevention of washout and weathering of useful elements by 70%.
  • Providing additional nutrition to soil inhabitants - worms, bacteria, fungi.
  • Increasing the level of fertility and the formation of a layer of humus.
  • Natural control of pests and their larvae.
  • Stopping the growth of weeds.
  • Preservation of the harvest in its pure form - strawberries, cucumbers, zucchini. And also the prevention of rotting.
  • Giving an aesthetic beautiful look to the beds and flower beds.


Mulching not only retains moisture, but provides plants with quick nourishment. Effectively improves soil structure and balance.

Mulched plants develop faster and better, less often they are affected by diseases and pests. The productivity of crops, the marketable and gustatory qualities of the crop are increasing.

There are a lot of opportunities for obtaining mulch, you can use it throughout the season.

In the process of growing various crops in the garden, it becomes necessary to protect the plant from weather disasters. To ensure resistance to the vagaries of the weather, it is recommended to prepare mulch. It can be used to treat the soil near trees, bushes, and especially at the root of small plants. In order to find out what mulch is and how to apply it, you should read the current article.

Soil mulching: what is it?

Mulching the beds is a way to improve the quality and quantity of the crop by covering the top layer with various plants, secondary raw materials from the woodworking industry or synthetic materials. The procedure can be carried out in areas with open ground. As a material, organic matter is preferred, which gradually decays and contributes to an increase in additional yield.

Mulching the beds is a way to increase the quality and quantity of the crop.

What is mulch and how can I separate it from the flooring? Mulch is a material of uniform consistency or a mixture of several components, which can create high-quality protection against harmful weather conditions of the top layer of the soil.

Knowing what mulch is, you can more accurately determine how to distinguish it from other protection technologies. All materials that cover the ground around the plants but allow the crops themselves to grow can be considered mulch.

Soil mulching is used to achieve several main purposes:

  • used as a top dressing for soil with low fertility;
  • preservation of moisture in the scorching rays of the sun;
  • providing quality nutrition for garden crops;
  • improvement of the gas exchange regime;
  • prevention of negative impact on the root system;
  • delay in soil leaching.

Before you start using the technique yourself, you need to know not only what mulch is, but also how to make it as useful as possible, as well as protect yourself from possible negative influences.

What are the benefits of mulching the soil at their summer cottage

Mulching the beds has a number of positive influences for summer residents, among the main ones:

  • prevention of evaporation of water in the area of ​​occurrence of the plant rhizome;
  • protection against high or low temperatures (in summer, mulch protects against overheating, and in winter against freezing of the soil);

Mulching improves soil quality

  • ensures the establishment or maintenance of the optimal acidity level;
  • saturates the upper layers of the earth with nutrients;
  • improves the quality of the soil, it becomes more crumbly and allows fertilizers and other important substances to penetrate to the rhizome in greater quantities;
  • prevents leaching and weathering of important microcomponents;
  • an organic variety of mulch allows you to accelerate the appearance and increase the number of beneficial microorganisms;
  • acts as a kind of protection against various pests;
  • improves the appearance of the suburban area;
  • inhibits the growth of weed plants;
  • prevention of soil splashing during watering, that is, the fruits are cleaner and healthier;
  • protects against contact of ripe fruits with the ground, respectively, the risk of rotting and pest damage is significantly reduced. These factors are especially common when growing pumpkins, strawberries and cucumbers.

Disadvantages of mulching

It should be remembered that mulching the land is not always required, as this can lead to negative consequences. Most often, the disadvantages are associated with the manufacturing process or improper use of the mulch:

  • an excessive layer of mulch when processing clay types of soil can provoke the appearance of rot, which is especially dangerous in rainy weather. For such areas, it is worth making a layer of organic matter no more than 3 cm;
  • an increase in yield does not occur in the first year, but only after 2-3 years;

Mulch prevents ripe fruits from touching the ground

  • in some regions, mulch can freeze plants during late frosts. The reason is that the mulch blocks the heat from below that could have been retained by the plant. When forecasts appear regarding the late onset of subzero temperatures, it is worth transferring mulching to spring;
  • when using grass, leaves, bark, etc., favorable conditions are created for the shelter of mice and moles. Often many worms and various insects are bred in the mulch, this attracts birds that can damage the plants. Slugs can grow in grass and paper mulch.

Types of soil mulching, what materials to use for the procedure

The main classification of mulch is based on its composition, so organic and inorganic forms are distinguished. Compost is organic, but it is often classified as a separate category. The organic form is always the preferred option, as it allows you to enrich the soil with useful trace elements.

Most often, wood mulch is used, namely leaves, coniferous needles, bark, shavings, paper, cardboard. Plant-based options are also helpful, such as hay, straw, freshly cut plants, etc.

There is a special concept of "active mulch" - this is a term that defines the laying of organic matter in order to obtain useful substances after processing the top layer by various earthen inhabitants. Active mulch means laying fresh organic bedding, it will be constantly eaten, and waste products are the best fertilizer for the soil. When using active mulch, it is worth regularly adding grass or other food for living organisms. Potatoes under such mulch yield up to 20 kg per 1 m 2, but this will require 30 kg of grass.

"Active mulch" is a term that defines the laying of organics in order to obtain nutrients


You can mulch in the traditional way - just loosen the ground around the plant. If you loosen the soil after watering, you can achieve a longer moisture retention and provide coolness. It is often used during dry periods when most of the water is converted to steam and the ground dries out quickly.

The traditional method of mulching the vegetable garden additionally allows you to eliminate weeds and provide a sufficient amount of oxygen in the soil. The positive side can be replaced by negative aspects - with frequent use, the structure of the land deteriorates, the technique does not affect fertility in any way.


Natural mulch is the best soil cover material. This category includes all types of agricultural waste. Mulching bark, like other woodworking waste, provides reliable surface protection.

Organics that are used as mulch also include:

  • straw, grass;
  • sawdust, wood chips and shavings;
  • leaves, pine needles and cones;
  • peat;
  • manure;
  • siderates;
  • eggshells, etc.

Natural mulch is the best soil cover material


The main task of this variety is to protect against heat, moisture evaporation and violent weed growth. Inorganic variants do not fertilize the soil and do not affect the quality of its fertility, but they can be used for a long time.

Main materials:

  • stone, crushed stone, etc .;
  • polymer types of films;
  • expanded clay;
  • sand.

When and how to mulch the soil

Mulching should not be carried out in early spring, as due to the lack of heating of the soil, sweetness and rot can form, which is often found in the rainy season. Frosts at night are partially compensated by the release of heat from the soil, and when the top layer is laid, this phenomenon is significantly reduced.

Mulching is recommended towards the end of spring or early summer season. Heat-loving crops can be covered with a layer of organic matter at the end of June after high-quality heating of the soil, then the mulch will help maintain a comfortable temperature.

To ensure healthy air circulation, you should not lay the mulch close to the stem, it is better to leave a small indent. This is especially important for fruit trees.

It is possible to increase the effectiveness of the procedure in the case of applying flooring to the beds after watering or rain. It is recommended to loosen the soil before applying mulch. It is worth laying organic matter with a layer of 30 to 80 mm. When using an organic type of flooring, it is possible not to remove it before the onset of winter, since worms can settle inside in early spring, which will warm the plant and accelerate growth. Due to the work of worms, high-quality humus appears in the middle of spring.

Rules and methods of mulching

If you follow the basic rules, you will be able to get the most out of your mulch:

  • weeds are preliminarily eliminated throughout the cultivated area;
  • the beds are filled with water;
  • the top layer of the earth should be loosened (from 5 cm);
  • leave the soil for a short time to dry the top layer, this will help prevent further compaction;
  • the procedure is recommended in late spring or early summer;
  • it is worth minimally using weeds for mulching or removing seeds from them. It is better not to use aggressive species at all;
  • there should be a small air gap from the stem to the cover;
  • do not lay too large layers, otherwise rotting may be provoked or pests will start.

There are many ways to mulch:

  • growing green manure;
  • organic mulching;

Daylily mulching is best done with organic

  • the use of textiles or film;
  • peat coating;
  • surface composting.

Use of sawdust

For farms in which the invasion of mucus is noted, it is recommended to use sawdust for plant protection, since pests can hardly move along them. The material is versatile, that is, it can be used on all types of soil.

Sawdust provides a number of positive effects:

  • maintain high levels of air permeability;
  • create a dense cover;
  • sawdust gradually turns into a fertile mass;
  • protection against overheating during dry periods.

Most of all, potatoes and tomatoes need sawdust, which are especially vulnerable to drought. It should be borne in mind that under the sawdust charm can appear, which damages the development of plants. To prevent such a phenomenon, it is worth monitoring the caking process, periodically spilling mulch.

Hay and straw

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Straw provides some protection from slugs. This material is one of the best and actively used as mulch. Initially, it is worth laying a layer of straw 15 cm, it will gradually shrink, tamp down and be processed, accordingly, it will remain about 5 cm.It has useful properties when laying mulch between rows, in open areas and under tree roots.

Straw provides some protection from slugs

Due to the availability of the material, it can be used on farms of various sizes. Mostly it can be obtained directly on the site, sometimes you have to buy it, but the cost is low.

The green mass (mowed grass, weeds, etc.) will also have a positive effect. When using weeds as mulch, it is recommended to remove the seeds first.

When using hay or straw while protecting the tree rhizomes, it is recommended to lay the layer in the place where the roots are supposed to be, but leave air access to the root collar, as it requires dryness. Superficial changes in microflora will not harm the root system of the tree. Accordingly, planting of various covering plants, including lawn grass, can be used as turf.

The use of peat for mulching

Peat has several key functions:

  • protection against the onset of erosion after a strong wind;
  • prevention of deterioration of the fertile properties of the soil due to the leaching of microelements;
  • reducing the risk of reproduction of pathogenic microflora.

When using peat, there is no need to harvest mulch, since the substance is gradually converted into soil and enriches its composition.

Peat when mulching

Peat supplements show themselves best when growing raspberries, since they need moisture, and peat retains it qualitatively. Peat mulch is used for tomato seedlings, but first it is recommended to wait 1.5 months for the plants to take root. Often, peat is used to create a decorative appearance, since a beautiful dump can be created from it.

Mulching technology with green manure and cut grass

Ordinary grass and green manure are mainly located under the scorching rays of the sun, respectively, they quickly lose moisture. Due to this property, decomposition is significantly slowed down. Under the influence of rains, they are intensified in the field, after the autumn harvest. As a result of autumn and winter decay, a good fertilizer is obtained.

As a standard, mulch is laid in summer or autumn, but early spring green manure technology can be used with the help of plants with rapid development. For mulching before the May planting of various crops, various green manures can be used, which, by the time the seedlings are introduced, have time to acquire a sufficient amount of greenery.

There are several rules for the successful use of siderates:

  • provide moisture and looseness of the earth during planting;
  • the seeds must be immersed in the ground, you need to roll them;
  • protect seeds from birds;
  • mowing should be done before flowering;
  • no damage to the soil will occur during the procedure.

Siderat mulching

Features of mulching with film and textiles

To protect the soil surface and roots, it is best to use inorganic materials, however, you will have to feed the plants separately.

Conventionally, 3 main types of material can be distinguished: film, textiles and cardboard, stones and expanded clay.

Today, mulching with cardboard is often used. It allows you to suppress the growth of weeds, but it will be quite difficult to create a dense layer without gaps. Mulching with cardboard allows you to create paths that will retain some strength even after heavy rain.

Important! Mulching with cardboard can only be made from a relatively new material, since products from 20-30 years ago contained lead.

Today, no harmful substances are used in the base of paper products, and the coloring pigment is ash. Cardboard mulching is one of the most convenient types of organic fertilizer that takes a long time to decompose.

Stones and expanded clay adorn the site, but worsen the quality and convenience of earthworks. Expanded clay also has low strength and decomposes over time. Films and textiles are optimally suited for mulching, as they do not require a preparation process. They perfectly retain moisture and prevent weed growth, but they can be used only once, as they become unusable during the season (depending on the quality).

Mulching plants with foil

Three main factors should be foreseen in advance:

  • irrigation method, the drip option can be used or through the holes left;
  • a method of pest control, especially slugs are often taken under the film;
  • whether the plant will be able to withstand the heat from the sun.

From above, you can cover the material with straw, the layer should be thin, then the film will serve for several seasons. Textile materials are becoming more and more popular, especially from polypropylene fibers. Such material has a low cost. Weeds under geotextiles die out quickly and reliably.

Mulching with bark and wood chips

The best mulch is obtained from the bark of oak and birch, but it cannot be used everywhere, since due to its chemical composition it leads to a slowdown in plant growth. The reason for the undesirable effect is the release of tannins. Accordingly, it is better to use other types of wood for the garden. The needles have useful substances, which do not lead to the release of tannins, but, on the contrary, accelerates the growth of plants due to an increase in the acidity of the soil. It is better to use it alive as a landing in the middle of the site.

The advantage of using bark is the ability to create a large layer with low weight. In addition, the bark has many phytoncides that cleanse the surface from harmful microorganisms. This material provides an attractive appearance to the site, especially when used in the garden.

The best mulch is obtained from the bark of oak and birch

If you choose wood chips, you should inspect the size of the raw material, since with an increase in the fraction, the period of transformation of wood into fertilizer is significantly extended. Chips provide looseness and sufficient moisture in the earth. It stimulates the appearance of beneficial microflora.

Mulching with leaf humus

Even without further processing of fallen leaves, it can be used to create a layer of protection. An important condition in relation to the material - the foliage must be completely healthy, the presence of lesions by fungus or diseases leads to the inability to use the material for mulch.

Foliage is often used in compost to increase nutritional value and prevent fungal growth. It is advisable to perform a preliminary antifungal treatment, it is carried out right before laying in the compost.

Leaf humus provides high-quality soil conditioning and improves its structure. It is allowed to use fresh, dry and partially rotted raw materials.

Using needles for mulching

The needles are often used to provide protection for flower beds and flower beds. Often the culture is used to create mulch in individual plants that periodically encounter a massive invasion of parasites. Small branches, bark particles and cones can be used as part of the cover. This option allows you to saturate the soil with a sufficient amount of moisture, ensure gas exchange and maintain the looseness of the surface.

Soil mulching is an agrotechnical measure, the implementation of which guarantees the better development of vegetable crops, an increase in yields, a decrease in the risk of infection of plants with infectious diseases, as a result of a decrease in the evaporation of liquid from the soil and limitation of the growth of weeds. Soil mulching material can be of organic or inorganic origin. This article is all about the advantages and disadvantages of mulching.

Strawberry bed covered with straw.

Mulching is an event aimed at maintaining moisture in the soil, protecting the beds from pests and weeds. To reduce the growth of weeds, mulching of row spacings between vegetable beds and fruit trees with various materials is used. It is difficult for weeds to grow through the thickness of the mulching material, in addition, the protective layer makes it difficult for the access of sunlight, without which weeds cannot develop favorably.

Mulching materials spread over the surface of vegetable beds successfully protect the soil from erosion, prevent the formation of a hard crust on the surface of the soil, which significantly improves the aeration of the root system of vegetable crops.

Mulching reduces the number of watering vegetables and berry bushes, saving water and energy for gardeners. Bacteria and small insects multiply under the protective layer covering the soil in the beds, improving the structure of the soil, creating favorable conditions for the reproduction of earthworms, whose vital activity contributes to an increase in air flow to the roots of vegetable plants.

In the presence of a mulching layer in the beds, vegetables develop a powerful root system, this has a beneficial effect on increasing yields.

Mulching methods

For mulching the beds, organic and inorganic materials are used, which are distributed over the soil surface in vegetable and berry beds, the combined use of different types of mulch is allowed.

Inorganic materials for the protection of beds include: crushed stone, granite and marble chips, pebbles, gravel, film covering materials.

Hay, grass cuttings, eggshells, green manure, leaf litter, needles, nutshells, chopped bark, cones, compost, peat - this is not a complete list of organic materials that are often used for mulching beds. Unusual methods of covering the soil surface, for example, mulching the soil with newspapers, can also be counted as this type of protection.

When choosing a mulching method, it is necessary to take into account the type of soil and climatic factors. Each type of soil surface protection has its positive and negative sides; it is worth choosing the most suitable materials for mulching for a particular vegetable crop.

Cones are the ideal material and are easy to collect in the forest.

To achieve high results, you should follow some recommendations that will allow you to carry out high-quality mulching of the beds:

  1. It is best to start mulching garden beds in spring, when the soil is warm enough, but has not yet lost moisture.
  2. If the soil is dry, before laying the mulching layer, it is important to moisten - they do this 1-2 days before covering the soil, after removing debris and dried plants from the surface of the ridges.
  3. The thickness of the organic mulch layer is taken based on the soil on the site.
  4. It is not recommended to cover heavy soils with a layer of more than 2-5 cm. Light soils can be covered with a layer of material up to 8 cm thick.
  5. It is not allowed to lay mulch near shrub branches and tree trunks, it is necessary to leave some distance between the plants and the layer of protective material.
  6. When mulching near-trunk circles of trees and shrubs, it is worth following the rule: the radius for shrubs is at least 0.4 - 0.5 m, for trees the radius of mulching is at least 0.7 m.
  7. You can use mulch throughout the season; during the autumn digging of the beds, organic mulch is embedded in the soil.

Inorganic materials

The berries in this film-coated bed remain intact and clean.

Inorganic materials are not capable of degradation, therefore they do not enrich the soil with nutrients. Crushed stone and gravel, as well as marble chips, have a solid structure, therefore, they are resistant to negative factors (low temperature, heat, high humidity). Colored stone chips serve as an additional decoration for flower beds, allowing you to decorate the garden in the same style.

Mulching the soil with a film is carried out according to a certain technology, which is worth talking about in more detail. It is not recommended to choose a transparent film for the protective layer, such mulch is not capable of suppressing the development of weeds. Sunlight freely penetrates through transparent film materials, which stimulates seed germination, and moisture and nutritious soil only aggravate the clogging of the beds with weed shoots.


The bed is prepared for planting seedlings.

Film for mulching is usually made of black polyethylene, sometimes colored opaque versions of film coatings are used.

Before mulching, the garden should be dug up, leveled, covered with a thin layer of straw or sawdust, and then laid on top of the pieces of cut film. Holes are cut in the film coating at regular intervals, moistening is carried out, and then the seedlings are planted in the slots. The holes in the material allow for unhindered watering of the beds and facilitate the application of fertilizer directly under each plant.

The film for soil mulching is used when growing strawberries, which perfectly helps to preserve the quality of ripe berries - strawberries do not come into contact with moist soil, so wetting and decay of the crop is excluded. Berries are more reliably protected from pests. Good results can be achieved when mulching beds with melons, cucumbers, ornamental flowering crops (roses).

A dark film coating on the beds reduces moisture evaporation, protects against temperature changes, relieves the soil from compaction and crust formation.

In areas with hot climates, the black film overheats greatly, which can cause decomposition of polyethylene. To protect the film from heat and exposure to ultraviolet rays, its surface is covered with a layer of straw or hay.

Organic mulch

Decorative chips, straw and hay are ideal materials for covering your garden beds.

Organic mulch has undeniable advantages - wood chips, bark, cones, leaves, rotting, saturate the soil with nutrients. When digging in autumn, these materials can significantly improve the structure of the soil.

Organic materials for covering the soil in the beds and near-trunk circles, very often solve a decorative problem - they are used to decorate the site. For these purposes, colored wood chips are successfully used to cover flower beds and paths.

The material is absolutely safe, decomposes without residue over time, serves as a breeding ground for plant development.


One of the most nutritious mulching agents is brown compost, which can be made from plant residues, straw, sawdust, leaf litter, ash from burning cut trees, as well as household waste and a small percentage of bird droppings and manure.

Compost can be prepared directly in the garden, for which all the ingredients are mixed in a specially dug hole (you can leave the compost to mature in the open air by collecting it in a heap). The composition is completely ready in 4-5 years, but this is a very long time for obtaining compost.

The compost mulch can be made a little faster using the hot method. To do this, you will need to fulfill several conditions:

  • Prepare fresh herbs (for example, weeds), as well as dry tops of garden plants, leaves, shavings, household waste.
  • In this recipe, it is necessary to use manure, green manure, Californian worms, which will speed up the process of composting the composition.
  • To supply the maturing compost with oxygen, it is necessary to periodically stir the mass with a pitchfork, and also to moisten it if the ingredients dry out.
  • It will be necessary to maintain a sufficiently high temperature (from 65 to 85C) so that the mass can mature in six months.
  • Using special containers for composting will allow you to prepare compost in 1 month.

The advantages of using compost are undeniable - the plants are nourished and protected. When we cover the beds in winter, perennial crops are reliably protected from frost by a layer of compost.

The disadvantage of this composition is the danger of contamination of the garden with weeds and diseases, especially if the technology for preparing the mass is not followed.


Peat crumb to protect tree trunks.

Peat soil is ideal for mulching orchards and vegetable gardens, because the natural composition does not contain any harmful substances, it is an environmentally friendly product. However, it is worth remembering that peat has a high acidity, which when used for mulching beds can change the acid-base balance and lead to acidification of the soil.

Peat crumbs can be used for mulching beds with plants that prefer soils with high acidity.

Natural materials do an excellent job of protecting garden beds. The material is breathable, lightweight, facilitates quick access of air to the roots of plants. When choosing a method for mulching a garden or vegetable garden, you should carefully consider the option of using this or that material.

What is soil mulching? This is an agrotechnical method of maintaining plants in optimal conditions for efficient crop growth and harvesting.

  1. does not allow weeds to germinate (inhibits their growth);
  2. retains soil moisture;
  3. attracts earthworms (loosen the soil, improving its structure);
  4. when decomposed, mulch turns into fertilizer;
  5. stabilizes the temperature regime.

This process is carried out by covering the soil with mulch, which protects and improves its properties. Various materials can be used for this. We present the main methods of soil protection with step-by-step actions for caring for various crops.

Process: features and impact

Mulching is the covering of areas of soil around plants with some material that creates a certain looseness of the soil in order to retain moisture and suppress weeds. What effect does it have on soil and plants? There are a number of negative impacts on the earth's surface that can be safely resolved with mulch:

  1. Overheat... In the hot and dry season, mulch perfectly retains the moisture formed after watering or precipitation.
  2. Temperature drop... Mulching the soil maintains the optimum soil temperature required for favorable plant growth. The difference in air fluctuations accumulates in the mulch, forming condensation: the daytime hot stream descends on the cool soil, and at night, the heat from the ground evaporates into the cold atmosphere.
  3. Top dressing... The use of mulch solves the issue of the need for frequent soil fertilization. Its composition is characterized by constant rotting, processing of microorganisms, the appearance of earthworms.
  4. Weeds... Soil mulching has a detrimental effect on weed germination.
  5. Infection of plants... Mulch reduces the number of pests and prevents the growth of fungus on plants.

It is very difficult for pests, especially slugs and snails, to move around the mulching material, so they choose an unprotected vegetable garden.

The mulching process greatly simplifies the gardener's work in caring for fruit trees and cultivated plants. With the help of it, in the future, you can get a rich harvest. The peculiarity of mulch is its beneficial effect on the structure of the soil, making it porous, in which gas exchange and saturation of the soil with moisture constantly occur.

Required material, fertilization methods

There are several ways to mulch the soil:

  • Covering - covering the surface of the earth with agrofibre;
  • Bulk - application of mulch over the earth layer;
  • With compost.

The choice of mulching method is necessary based on climatic conditions and the expected effect, for example, preventing weed germination or reducing the number of irrigations.

The third option is common, as it is suitable for all types of crops and can be used all year round. In terms of efficiency, it is compared with humus. Any type of compost can be used as mulch.

When introducing unripe compost, there is a possibility of introducing fungal diseases

Two types of materials are used to modernize the process: organic and inorganic.

For vegetable and ornamental greens, organic material is most useful. Often this mulching is used for cabbage, tomatoes, garlic, celery, radish, asparagus or strawberries. The following elements act as organics:

  • Shell;
  • Tree bark;
  • Grass (fresh, dry);
  • Peat bog;
  • Butcher;
  • Sawdust;
  • Leaves;
  • Husk of sunflower seeds;
  • Straw;
  • Cones of coniferous trees;
  • Shavings;
  • Bonfire;
  • Humus.

A very effective and economical way is green manure mulching. For example, mustard is rich in nutrients and phytoncides.

Inorganic material does not fertilize the soil, but only retains moisture and prevents the rapid germination of weeds. In the cold season, some elements protect the plants from frost. The materials used are:

  • Film;
  • Decorative rock;
  • Cardboard (decorated with dry grass or wood chips);
  • Expanded clay;
  • Newsprint;
  • Non-woven fabric.

Each type of coverage requires individual consideration.

Film as a ground cover in creating the best conditions for cultural landscaping

To cover the soil, a multi-colored or black film is suitable, in addition, you can use roofing felt, roofing material or lutrasil. They cover the beds, then strengthen and make holes for planting plants.

It is better to make cuts in the films along or across, thanks to this, moisture evaporates less, and water penetrates deeper into the ground.

Color film, depending on the color, has a beneficial effect on the growth of the following crops:

  • For zucchini and cucumbers, as well as berries, use black;
  • For tomatoes - red;
  • For cabbage - white.

Do not use a transparent film for mulching, as it causes active weed growth.

This method of shelter is suitable for the unstable climate of the middle zone, which is characterized by short summers. In the process, the material raises the temperature of the soil, reduces evaporation of liquid, and makes the soil cool on hot days.

This shelter is used to remove weeds without the use of chemicals. Thanks to him, any, even difficult to hatch, plants (for example, wheatgrass or loach) are displayed.

Advantages of black film:

  • Prevents the formation of a hard earth crust;
  • Retains a loose soil structure for 5 years;
  • Increases soil fertility;
  • Promotes the reproduction of microorganisms;
  • Increases humus content;
  • Keeps you warm in winter;
  • Prevents the formation of gray rot under strawberry bushes;
  • Decomposes weeds, enriching the soil with nitrogen;
  • Reduces the number of nematodes.

The film coating is suitable for garden trees whose frost resistance is very low. For example, dwarf apple trees or berry bushes, the root system of which is located close to the soil surface (for example, strawberries).

Due to the fact that it is not typical for the film to decompose and feed the soil, many gardeners pre-mulch the beds with humus, and then cover the surface.

Other inorganic materials

Heavy mulch - stones of various shapes and sizes. The most accessible representatives are pebbles or gravel. They act as decorative ornaments on the site. The stones are laid out around the trees in the garden.

To get rid of weeds and minimize watering, decorative stones are laid out on a layer of perforated polyethylene, in which holes are made for water to enter (rain or targeted irrigation).

Raspberry bushes and legumes increase yields if mulched with paper. The prepared bed is covered with newspapers in several layers, and then sprinkled with grass, earth, hay or straw.

Scientists have proven that modern printing ink does not pose any threat to soil and plants.

Cardboard and kraft paper can replace film mulch, if necessary, heating the soil. It is used a couple of days before planting seedlings in the garden. The bed is covered with kraft paper, which increases the temperature of the soil by three degrees.

Neutral material for mulching is expanded clay. It keeps the soil moist and protects it from overheating. Most often, expanded clay is used for decorative purposes. In conjunction with heavy soil, it gives it lightness and permeability. Expanded clay is suitable for all plants, as it does not change the acidity of the soil.

Non-woven fabric can be of three types, depending on the production technology: light, medium and dense. It can be used as a heating element in early spring. The latter type of nonwoven fabric is used for weed control. The installation principle of such material is the same as for the film.

Non-woven fabric is devoid of the disadvantages of impermeable films, but retains all their positive qualities.

Organic and its application

By its composition, organic mulch can retain its beneficial properties in relation to soil and plants for up to 5 years. This group includes pine nut shells and tree bark, which provide looseness to the soil. They are suitable for mulching shrubs and trees.

The bark can be used in large or small pieces.

A versatile and simple mulch - grass. She found her application in greenhouses, in flower beds, flower beds and paths. Also suitable for processing near-stem areas of fruit trees. In order for the grass to fully saturate the soil with nutrients, in each area mulching is carried out at different times: in the north, after sufficient warming up of the earth and the rise of seeds; in the south - before landing.

For mulching, only weed-free mowed lawn grass is suitable (dried out - this way it will last longer).

Hay during mulching will work as well, but it must be cut before seeds form on the stems.

Peat is suitable for sandy and clay soil. Berry bushes, tomatoes, peppers and eggplants grow well on it.

For mulching, only dark brown peat from the lowlands, which does not have large inclusions, is suitable.

Strawberry and eggplant bushes love twigs or fallen butcher needles. They perfectly protect plants and nourish them perfectly. Thanks to phytoncides secreted by needles, pathogens are unable to spread. The scent of the needles scares away insects, and makes it impossible to attack the plant.

The material decomposes quickly, is not durable, therefore it is rarely used.

In places where the earth is rarely amenable to digging (aisle, garden paths) sawdust or chips are used. This is due to the fact that it takes more than a year to completely decompose the material. Therefore, it is good to fill the soil in the raspberry with sawdust, and in late autumn - the beds with winter crops.

For mulching, do not use sawdust from trees containing resin. Before sprinkling, sawdust must be dried. Otherwise, they will acidify the soil.

To preserve moisture in the soil, seed husks are suitable, the main component of which is cellulose. It decays very slowly, therefore it is used throughout the season. Many gardeners use it on garlic and strawberry beds.

It is advisable to apply this mulch with a layer of 2-3 centimeters.

In the autumn, for shelter for the winter of a vegetable garden, leaves are used that have fallen off or rotted. In addition, this mulch is ideal for growing cabbage and beans. After the ground has warmed up enough, this material can be used for tomatoes, peppers and eggplants. The cast layer protects the soil from freezing, therefore it is often used for flower beds during early thaws.

Preference is given to healthy trees such as birch, linden and maple.

Straw is a versatile material, suitable for any greenery. It is best used for nightshade crops - potatoes, tomatoes. It protects fruits from pests, protects the plant from rot and anthracnose, and prevents leaf blight. Potato rows covered with straw scare off Colorado beetles, thereby reducing their numbers. The crushed mixture, in a layer of 10 cm, creates an insurmountable obstacle for mollusks that feed on strawberries and cabbage leaves. Light colored mulch is ideal in summer as it effectively protects the roots from overheating.

Cones (spruce, pine) are an option for conifers and those that like acidic soil.

The campfire is part of the hemp stalk. It is used for growing any vegetables, both for open and closed ground.

Campfire mulch conserves moisture, saturates and fertilizes the soil, and also inhibits fungi and bacteria.

Manure is one of the best mulching foods... It saturates the soil with humic substances and mineral salts as it decomposes.

Only fully or partially rotted manure that has lain for more than 4 months is used. Fresh humus contains high concentrations of ammonia, so it is not used.

Recommendations for applying mulch to the soil: favorable time and proper care

  1. Mulching the land is best done in late spring or early summer. During these periods, the soil has warmed up enough and still retains moisture.
  2. Layers of mulch should be placed around or between plants, avoiding contact with the bark of trees, the base of the bushes and the stems of the seedlings, so as not to rot the culture.
  3. It is better to water the plants at the root, while keeping the top layer dry, in order to avoid the appearance of snails and slugs.
  4. Previously, it is better to apply nitrogen fertilizers to the ground if the mulch is used without compost.
  5. If the grower wants to prevent weed growth, then the mulch layer should be thick (5-10 cm).


In the role of mulch, organic and inorganic elements are used. The first group is the most useful, both for the land and for plants. Some components are characterized by a long-term effect of preservation of nutrients, contributing to the high-quality and fruitful growth of crops. Inorganic elements cannot rot. They are used to maintain moisture, a barrier to weed growth, and to maintain an optimal temperature for fruit trees and some vegetable plants. It should be noted that most inorganic substances are considered decorative.

Depending on the material used, mulching is carried out in different ways. The most common of them are considered covering and bulk.

Components can be added at any time of the year, except for the winter period. The most successful is the end of spring or the beginning of summer. Many crops, like the summer cottage, remain to winter, so trees, beds and some cultivated plants are prepared "for hibernation" in the fall, using frost-resistant mulch for this.

For mulching, you can use almost any component. Therefore, if there is unnecessary garbage on the site, then you should not rush to throw it away, it may be useful for improving the territory or fertilizing the soil.

Many gardeners make a big mistake when they neglect to mulch the soil or use it incorrectly due to lack of knowledge. After all, mulching the soil surface is one of the main techniques that will help save time and effort when caring for the garden. With its help, moisture is retained in the soil, the temperature regime is regulated, the structure of the soil itself improves and the growth of plants increases. At the same time, the layer of organic material that you cover the soil with (mulch), helps control weeds.

Benefits of mulching

  • The characteristics of the soil are getting better in several ways at once: the content of humus increases, the activity of microflora, for example, earthworms, increases. The soil becomes looser and stops “clogging” after watering or rain.
  • Mulch provides erosion protection by keeping the topsoil from weathering, erosion and cracking.
  • In summer, mulch retains moisture - less water is needed for irrigation. Also, the soil covered with mulching material does not heat up so much, so that more favorable conditions for growth are created near the plants.
  • In winter, it is easier for the soil to keep warm.
  • Mulching in some cases helps fight diseases and pests: for example, it protects against moles and carrot and onion flies.
  • Suppression of weed growth. Separately growing annual weeds can be easily pulled out. Vigorous perennial weeds that grow through the mulch layer can be covered with a material that will completely stop their growth.
  • Mulching materials such as garden compost and well-rotted manure provide additional nourishment to the plants.
  • Plantings decorated with mulching material look more neat and finished, and with a successful selection of mulch for the environment, you can create a special atmosphere of the garden, express its style and emphasize individuality.

What mulch to choose

By the type of material, organic and inorganic mulch are distinguished. Organic mulch includes the following types.

  • Peat

This inexpensive and affordable material is suitable for mulching in a mixborder, in shrub curbs and in small areas. Using high-moor peat the acidity of the soil will increase. After drying, this material sticks together into dense lumps or forms a crust that hardly absorbs water, and is easily blown away by the wind. Therefore, it is better to apply low-lying peat: it has a lower acidity and allows the soil to be slightly acidified, for example for rhododendrons, azaleas, heathers and hydrangeas. If an increase in soil acidity is not required, then it is better to use low-lying neutralized peat, in the production of which the acidity is brought to neutral. For mulching purposes, it is best to use milled peat, broken into small fractions and due to this loose.

It's important to know

It should be remembered that peat is a very hygroscopic material, it absorbs a large amount of water and gives it away poorly, therefore, when watering, make sure that the soil under the layer of peat mulch is sufficiently saturated with moisture.

  • Bark and wood chips

Better peat: remain on the soil surface for 2-3 years... Pieces of bark and fractions of wood chips can be from 1-5 cm. Such mulch is not blown by the wind and will look attractive around trees and shrubs. The bark and chips of coniferous trees also acidify the soil, and although this process is longer than with peat, this property should still be taken into account and acidity should be adjusted when applying mineral fertilizers. Of the organic types of mulch, crushed bark and wood chips create, perhaps, the highest decorative effect, they look natural and harmonious in any plantings.

Wood chips can be painted in various shades, today their spectrum is quite wide, there are calm tones of chocolate, stylish black and interesting golden options. It is important to make sure that the manufacturer has used organic safe dyes for processing.

  • Sawdust and shavings

Can be used neat or mixed with peat or compost. When decomposing, such mulch also slightly increases acidity and absorbs nitrogen from the soil, so only a well-rotted layer should be embedded in the soil so as not to cause a nitrogen deficiency in plants. The situation can be corrected by the introduction of nitrogen-containing mineral fertilizers, especially in the spring. In general, this mulch does its job, but small sawdust can be carried by the wind, litter paths and stick to wet shoes. Therefore, more often such mulch is used as a heater for the winter.

  • Leaf and coniferous litter

It decomposes quickly and enriches the soil with organic matter. However, you should make sure that the foliage and needles used are free of pathogens and pests during the wintering stage. The needles of pine and spruce slightly acidify the soil, but the needles of larch do not affect the acidity of the soil and enrich it with nitrogen. It is convenient to use oak litter from hardwoods, due to the high content of tannins, the leaves do not sour for a long time and create a loose bulk layer, but you need to make sure that the material is not contaminated .

These types of mulch are most often used to insulate plantings for the winter.

  • Well rotted manure

Although not as attractive as peat or bark, manure is considered the cheapest and most effective material for improving soil structure. You need to use well-rotted manure without containing live weed seeds in its composition.

  • Garden compost

You can make it yourself - from cut grass, non-lignified shoots, old stems, etc. High-quality compost should not contain weed seeds, and the grass should not be subjected to herbicide treatments. In terms of its qualities, it is similar to manure: it also nourishes and improves the structure of the soil, protects against temperature extremes, although not as effectively as manure.

  • Straw

Mulching material often used in rural areas due to its readiness and low cost. However, it will look unattractive on a flowerbed or in the curb in front of the house. Has two disadvantages: it is necessary to additionally use nitrogen fertilizers, it can attract small rodents for wintering. Among the advantages, one can note good heat retention in the soil, but such mulch should be removed from under heat-loving plants in spring in time, so that it does not interfere with the heating of the soil.

  • Old compost for growing seedlings

The peat-based compost used for growing seedlings has both positive and negative qualities of peat. It also contains nutrients. Any compost containing seedlings of flowers and vegetables, as well as a nutrient mixture for growing mushrooms (can be scattered over the surface of the soil near plants that prefer acidic soils) will work.

  • Cut grass

With the grass obtained after mowing the lawn, you can mulch the trunks of trees and shrubs. To do this, the grass should be dried, since fresh raw grass in the lower layers will rot and rot, create a dense layer that impedes air exchange in the soil and prevents watering. The thickness of the layer of dry grass is on average 5-8 cm. Flowering weeds and grass from a lawn treated with herbicides cannot be used for mulching.

On a note

Inorganic mulch includes sand, gravel, pebbles, various nonwovens capable of transmitting water and air, but absorbing most of the rays of the solar spectrum (spunbond, lutrasil, etc.)... Non-woven materials covering the soil surface for mulching completely prevent weed germination, and cultivated plants are planted in the material slot. To increase the decorative effect, you can cover the non-woven fabric with, for example, bark, wood chips or pebbles.

Methodology and timing

Loose materials containing coarse organic matter will help keep the soil in the same state as at the time of mulching. They make good insulators. The soil should be warm and damp at the time of coating.

As a rule, mulching is carried out in May. The soil must first be prepared:

  • clean up debris;
  • get rid of annual weeds with your hands or a hoe;
  • if the area is heavily clogged, it must be sprayed with a fast-acting contact herbicide;
  • weed out perennial weeds. A few perennial weeds are removed manually. If there are many of them, the leaves should be treated with a contact herbicide Tornado, Lintour, Lontrel, Roundup, etc.
  • scatter compound fertilizer over the surface of the plot and lightly embed it in the soil with a rake.

The warm, weed-free and moist soil is then covered with mulch. For organic material, the layer thickness is 5-8 cm, for inorganic mulch the layer can be 3-5 cm, depending on the density.