These are not the rats that nature once created. These are not white and fluffy pets of the century before last, and not even gray harmful rodents from your laboratory, these are different. They emerged from the darkest corners of our world - from underground sewers and damp basements. The mutant rats seem to view humanity not as an existential threat, but rather as a strategic food supply. Rats are practically harmless when there are only one or two of them, but if there are more than five of them together, they become aggressive. Especially dangerous are large individuals that have a highly developed intellect and are likely to be able to coordinate with their relatives. Rats can use different attack tactics - sometimes they attack in turn from different directions, and sometimes all at once, overwhelming with numbers. Eating a variety of waste products and being exposed to external radiation, rats become stronger and stronger every year. Their bodies are becoming more and more serious in size, and their jaws are able to bite through even powerful wearable protection. If you do not stop their development now, then soon the hordes of mutant rats will flood the neighborhood of the City and take up the destruction of mankind.

Known varieties:

gray rat- the most common subspecies of predators. Found almost everywhere. Small packs of gray rats are practically harmless, however, straying into large groups, they become deadly.
black rat- a rather rare species of predatory rodents, differs from its less mutated counterparts in larger dimensions and incredible vitality. The bite of a black rat will not be in vain even for a person in good armor - traces will still remain. They have partial immunity to certain types of psi-influence.
pale rat- an extremely small subspecies of predators, which has the properties of rapid healing of wounds received. Due to the peculiarities of the diet, the saliva of pale rats that gets into the wound can cause poisoning, even death. The skin of these creatures is much rougher and can only be compared with Gerbils in strength. They have partial immunity to certain types of psi-influence.
sand rat- large, but clumsy creatures with a very strong skin. The powerful jaws of such predators can bite even a human leg. Fortunately, such creatures are practically not found within human-inhabited lands. Due to the body's strange need for iron, Gerbils are able to eat and digest even small metal objects. They have partial immunity to certain types of psi-influence.
swamp rat- an exceptionally fast and agile creature, capable of attacking suddenly and deadly. Small bites from these creatures can cause hallucinations and convulsions in the victim. The poison they inject into wounds can cause a person to experience short-term paralysis of the bitten limb. Swamp rats are rare and prefer to hide from people rather than attack them.
pink rat- A very rare species of rodents, practically not found in nature due to the unique ability to accumulate various useful natural resources. The rat is not much inferior to the ordinary gray rat in mobility and strength of the skin. Her sharp and very strong teeth are her only chance for salvation.

Life in the dungeons of Moscow is not like the one we see on the surface. The complete absence of sunlight, electromagnetic and radiation emissions, wastewater from scientific laboratories and large industrial enterprises, containing all the elements of the Periodic Table... In such conditions, a new life is being formed here.

Back in the late 80s of the 20th century, the first rumors appeared about giant rats living in the underground communications of Moscow. At that time, the government strictly prohibited any publications on this topic in the media. Even professional scientists were not allowed to comment. Nevertheless, no one forbade the inhabitants of the city and writers to communicate and fantasize. Some so-called "eyewitnesses" claimed to have seen rats in the dungeons and in the dumps about a meter in length, and in various adventure stories their size generally increased from day to day.

More reliable data was obtained from the words of the head of the Moscow diggers, Vadim Mikhailov. For the first time, his group met with mutant rats in the tunnels under the zoo. The Diggers noticed about five individuals, threw their crowbars at them and fled without waiting for the animals to attack. This meeting was so unexpected that at that time the size of the rats seemed simply monstrous to them. However, later, after analyzing everything in detail, V. Mikhailov made an official statement that these rats were no more than 65 cm long (excluding the tail) and up to 30 cm high at the withers. Also, according to his description, these giant rats have similar body proportions to their smaller counterparts, with the exception of a more narrowed back.

A few days after the publication of this information in the media, a man anonymously called the diggers' headquarters, identifying himself as a former military man. He said that within Moscow there are several underground bunkers, next to which there are sedimentation tanks with radioactive waste from the reactors of city power plants. Anonymous claimed that he had repeatedly seen whole flocks of such rats there. And apparently mutant rats are born in these places.

Scientists explain the phenomenon of giant rats in their own way. They assure that these are not mutants at all, but a separate type of Indonesian rat, which is really much larger than usual. But the question immediately arises: how could Indonesian rats get into the dungeons of Moscow and successfully breed there? Apparently no one knows the answer.

A cocktail of various chemicals, radiation, and some isolation of underground utilities from the natural environment makes them a kind of huge laboratory for breeding mutants. Only one thing can be said for sure: such a fauna could not have appeared without the participation of reckless, and sometimes criminal human activity, and obviously contradicts the laws of nature. And while we close our eyes to many things, not wanting to believe in this horror, the process continues. Someday Pandora's box will open and spill its contents out, but then it may be too late.

No less unique fauna lives in Ukraine. In particular, the animals of Chernobyl survived despite the lethal dose of radiation and quite normally live in the exclusion zone. Such individuals are of great interest to science.

For six months of 2016, the population of the capital increased by 300 thousand. As of July 1, 12,418,600 people live here. Add three million visitors and get a figure of fifteen and a half million. A real human anthill. But in the white stone there is a population of other mammals. They are not so noticeable, active mainly at night, dangerous, intelligent and aggressive. But the main thing is that they are numerous. These are rats. Their number for the same six months increased by almost 900 thousand and approached 50 million. Of course, they are being fought. But rodents are resilient animals. It is impossible to exterminate them with poisons, it is impossible even to reduce their numbers.

Rat Zombie Invasion

They are not afraid of pesticides, heat, cold, radiation and various other factors unfavorable for life. Rats quickly and easily adapt to changing conditions and reproduce at an incredible rate.

Rats are creatures that can populate the whole world

Experts believe that this problem has no solution in the near future. Some of the employees of the Institute of Epidemiology say that smart animals are practically building under our noses.
And a person willingly helps them in this: he arranges landfills, throws away food supplies in huge quantities, builds underground communications, and so on.

In addition, the so-called myth about mutant rats bred in biological laboratories turned out to be not a myth at all.

Open social structure

Experts dealing with this problem claim that cunning, ruthless and insidious mutant rats exist quite safely in the dungeons of the capital, creating their own communities and even cities there.
And although scientists assure that these monsters of the mouse family, even in such quantities, do not pose a threat to the inhabitants of Moscow, not everyone shares their optimism.

And the point is not only that every year rats become angrier, smarter and larger, but also that they acquire life skills according to their rat laws, unspoken rules and norms.
And this already looks like a serious social structure.

One can only guess who will be their first victim in the struggle for food resources and urban areas:

Rats are the oldest mammals distributed throughout the planet. An interesting fact is that most people do not have a neutral attitude towards these smartest animals. Rat breeders, tenderly loving their little fluffy pets, begin to respect their wild relatives as well. But for the bulk of people, the mere mention of rats causes disgust and disgust.

The negative is warmed up by feature films and fantastic works about big rats with bright eyes burning in the dark and orange teeth. Following cultural figures, people actively retell each other chilling stories from real life about bloodthirsty giants attacking a person. But not everything is so scary. Wild giant breeds of rats are actually extremely peaceful and calm little animals that are not able to offend even a small child.

Many people with frightened eyes tell stories that the largest rats on earth can be the size of a cat, and ... are deeply mistaken. Wild large rodents recently caught on the island of Papua in New Guinea are almost 4 times larger than meowing mammals !!! An absolutely new animal, which still does not have an official scientific name, lives in the crater of the inactive Bosavi volcano.

The most interesting thing is that the largest rat on the planet was discovered in 2009 during the filming of the BBC channel, when a rodent of unprecedented size accidentally fell into the camera lens. The gray animal was caught in order to make body measurements and weighing, the animal had a size of 82 cm with a body weight of 1.5 kg. The tail of a wild rodent alone was 30 cm long, which is 2 times the size of the body of domestic ornamental rats.

Discovery of a new type of Bosavi rat right during the filming of the program

In addition to impressive volumes and body weight, a large rodent is no different from ordinary gray rats, common throughout the planet. The new mammal was named the Bosavi woolly rat before it was given the appropriate name after a detailed study of this species.

Nevertheless, a very large rodent still has a distinctive character trait. Despite its frightening appearance, the Bosavi rat is absolutely not aggressive and even peaceful, so it cannot be the hero of horror films about bloodthirsty gray mutants.

Although among the inhabitants of the capital there are legends about huge Indonesian rats living in the Moscow metro. This is just another myth, consisting of information about the discovery of a giant rodent in New Guinea and the wild imagination of the narrators.

Despite its large size, the Bosavi rat has a friendly disposition.

Woolly rat Bosavi is officially recognized as a rodent with a maximum body size. Although just a thousand years ago, perhaps the palm would have been given to another type of giant pasyukov. Recently, during excavations in southeast Asia, archaeologists discovered the remains of ancient rats, reaching a length of almost 1.5 m with a possible weight of 6 kg!!! Such giant individuals, apparently, are described by science fiction writers in stories about mutant rats.

The biggest rats in Russia

It is very far from Russia to New Guinea, but for some reason the Moscow subway drivers love to retell scary stories about huge rats the size of a large dog living in underground tunnels. These gray monsters have burning green or red eyes, are characterized by increased aggressiveness and complete immunity to all known poisons.

Officially, in Russia, the largest rats do not exceed 40 cm in size. Myths about mutant rats are still just myths.

The chilling ones are far from reality, since in Russia the largest gray pasyuki, when measured from the nose to the tip of the tail, have a length of no more than 40 cm, and sat down to measure to the base of the tail - even 25 cm. Therefore, all the stories about huge monster rats in Russia just a fantasy.

Gray rats weigh about 400 g, they live in sewers, basements, basement floors, eating leftover food in city dumps. Pasyuks can live in burrows along the banks of lakes and rivers in warm weather, invading human dwellings in winter in search of food. Predatory rodents can eat any kind of food, both animal and plant origin. The invasion of gray rats scares most people because of damage to property, aggression towards humans and dangerous infectious diseases that are carried by pasyuki.

The closest relative of gray pasyukov are black rats living in Russian dry cellars and attics. Black animals are much smaller than their counterparts and have a body length of 22 cm and a weight of 300 g. Neither black nor gray pasyuki can reach the size of a cat, and even more so a dog, therefore, it is easy to relate to stories about hordes of monster rats in Russia. irony.

Bred under sterile laboratory conditions, they have become very popular pets. Small rodents, unlike their wild relatives, are human-oriented and have a strong attachment to the owner. Decorative rats have a developed mind, a sense of humor, the ability to empathize and laugh.

Of course, sometimes amateur rat breeders boast of photographs of large domestic rats weighing about 500 g, but these records are the result of banal obesity against the background of overfeeding and lack of regular physical activity.

Large closest relatives of rats

On planet Earth, there are many wild rodents that look like pasyukov. Of course, fans of horror stories often photograph relatives of rats to confirm tales of aggressive gray mutants, but these mammals have nothing to do with the genus Rattus.

The giant marsupial or Gambian rat lives in Africa, a large rodent grows up to 90 cm in length, having a body weight of up to 1.5 kg. In appearance, the smartest mammal, indeed, resembles a huge gray pasyuk, but is a close relative not of rats, but of mice.

In addition, the marsupial rat in no way refers to the marsupial animals that have a bag for carrying newborns. Cubs of a huge rodent are born ready for life in the external environment and live with their mother in the nest.

The name "marsupials" was given to large African animals for large cheek pouches in which Gambian rats carry food like hamsters.

The giant rodent, like pasyuki, is an omnivore, using fruits, vegetables, termites and snails for food. Unlike rats, the African mammal suffers from poor eyesight, which is more than compensated by a very developed sense of smell. This feature of the African rodent is successfully used by the Belgian organization ARORO, which trains smart animals in search skills for detecting tuberculosis and anti-personnel mines. Thanks to its high intelligence and peaceful nature, the giant marsupial rat has even become a pet in southern countries.

Another large rodent that lives along the shores of African reservoirs. The favorite habitat of the big cane rat is bushes near rivers and lakes, swampy places, cultivated plantations and human settlements. The fluffy mammal has a very dense physique, with a growth of 60 cm, it reaches a weight of up to 9 kg. The local population successfully hunts cane rats, using animal meat for food.

A well-fed rodent swims very well, often spending most of its time in the water. Unlike the omnivorous pasyuki, cane rats are exclusively herbivores, feeding on sugar cane, corn, pumpkin, yams, and elephant grass. Attacks by numerous flocks of large rodents cause serious damage to agriculture, so African farmers use pest-eating pythons and mongooses to protect their fields.

Large fluffy rodent living in southern China, northern Burma and Thailand. A large animal grows up to 50 cm and has a body weight of up to 4 kg. The main habitat of a large mammal is burrows and long underground passages that rodents dig with their powerful claws. The animal feeds on plant foods: the roots and stems of bamboo, as well as the fruits of tropical trees.

A large bamboo rat has become the star of Internet videos after a Chinese resident caught a huge individual of this species weighing 11 kg !!! But, unfortunately, this record was not recorded anywhere, and remained only in the form of an impressive picture of a short Chinese man with a giant gray rodent in his hands.

The capybara or capybara is rightfully considered the largest rodent on the planet. Animals have a body length of 1-1.4 m with a weight of up to 65 kg. Outwardly, the capybara resembles a huge, well-fed guinea pig, but not a rat, so it is extremely difficult to mistake a waterfowl for a huge pasyuk. The mammal, unlike rats, has a large rounded head with a blunt muzzle, a massive overweight body with short legs with swimming membranes.

The capybara lives exclusively in countries with a warm climate: Argentina, Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Uruguay. Capybaras choose the banks of large rivers for their dwelling, but with a lack of food, animals move overland over long distances. For food, rodents use only plant foods. Due to their large size and tasty meat, reminiscent of pork, capybaras are bred on farms in Venezuela. The skin of a mammal is used for the manufacture of leather goods, the fat is used in the pharmaceutical industry.

The coypu is called the water rat for its bright orange fangs, like those of the gray coypu, but the coypu or otter is again not related to rats. The rodent grows up to 60 cm with a weight of 5 to 12 kg. Unlike rats, nutria has specific anatomical features due to its semi-aquatic lifestyle: swimming membranes on the hind limbs and a rounded hard tail used as a rudder.

A huge rodent lives in ponds with stagnant water, located along the banks of rivers, lakes and swamps. For food, the mammal eats reeds, water lilies and water chestnuts, but with a lack of food, it will not refuse leeches or mollusks.

Nutria is bred in fur farms to obtain valuable warm fur and meat. Recently, furry animals have been started as pets.

With a very big stretch, beavers, raccoons, mongooses and all other furry mammals can be attributed to rats, there would be a desire. But we repeat once again, these animals are not even distant relatives of pasyuks at all. Therefore, the widespread tales of huge gray mutants with burning eyes attacking people are just a figment of human imagination. Rats have nothing to do with it.

Video: mutant rats in the subway

The biggest rats in the world

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