My grandmother always taught me that knives should be in their places.

I often remember how in my distant childhood my grandmother cursed at us if we threw knives on the table. During the day they could lie there calmly, but at night they should definitely be put on the table. Even now, after many years, her phrases “Take the knife off the table”, “Do not leave the knife to spend the night on the table” sometimes sound in my head. Why? Why clean it up? Let him lie to himself, but my grandmother carefully monitored this, and the question haunted me all the time - why can’t I leave the knife on the table.

Grandma's story

Once, unable to stand it, I asked her:
- Grandma, why does the knife need to be removed? He doesn't bother anyone. And most importantly - why at night?
Grandmother, looking at me carefully, replied:
- Put away the knife so that evil and grief do not come to your house. Now I will tell you one story and you will understand everything.
What I heard next sounded like a fairy tale, although my grandmother claimed that it was true.

“Once upon a time there was a girl - a slut, what else you need to look for. The dishes are dirty, all cutlery, including a knife, is on the table. People who sometimes came to her sighed and said: “Oh, girl. You would put things in order, but you would hide the knives. Why do you call misfortune and grief into the house? The girl only brushed it aside and answered: “Come on, you, with your inventions!”
And the slut girl had a habit of sleeping naked, well, she didn’t like sleeping in a nightgown. Relatives tried to reason with her: “Oh, beauty. If you hadn't tempted fate, you wouldn't have called trouble.
Everything was nothing to her, she did not want to listen to anyone.
Only, as they say: "No matter how much the rope twists, but someday the end will come." One night, she suddenly woke up and realized that there was someone or something in the room. She felt him pat her naked body, and then she heard: “There is a body, it’s a pity there is no knife ...”
By some completely mystical accident, there was no knife on the table that night. The night guest said: “I will come to visit again. There will be great fun."
In the morning, waking up, the girl decided that she had dreamed it all. But since that night, she began to wear a shirt or pajamas for the night, but to clean up the house - it was already too much for her.
Time passed and the night guest again came guests. I found a knife on the table, but I didn’t find a naked body. With bitterness in his voice, he said, “Sorry. There is a knife, but the body is gone. I'll visit another time. Everything in this house is calling me."
The girl woke up in a cold sweat. What it was, a dream or reality, she did not understand, but since then all the knives in the house have been hidden for the night and pajamas are always on the body. The girl was afraid that the mysterious guest would return again.

True or false, I don't know. Only I, after my grandmother's story, for many years, before going to bed, hide all the knives and sleep in a nightgown.

Signs. What happens if you leave a knife on the table?

Folk signs recommend always removing knives from the table.

The knife appeared two million years ago. During this time, people have noticed various cases that are somehow connected with him.
Back in the Stone Age, the first knives were made by Neanderthals. At that time, they were the first helpers: they cut meat, skinned a mammoth, and even picked their teeth. At the same time, for the first time, the knife was used as a murder weapon. The Neanderthal, having forgotten the knife on the table, fell asleep with his family. There were no doors at that time. Anyone could enter the cave. And so it happened. On one of these nights, another Neanderthal wandered into the cave, saw a knife and slaughtered all the peacefully sleeping owners.
So the first sign appeared - do not throw something on the table that can kill you.

  • If the knife is left to “sleep” on the table, then everyone in the house will constantly quarrel, argue and even fight.
  • Forgot the knife on the table - in the morning you will feel pain in your stomach.
  • A knife on the table - insomnia will torment or sleep will be restless.
  • A knife left on the table is a weapon in the hands of evil spirits, which can greatly harm the residents of the house.
  • The brownie can get hurt and angry with the residents, and instead of protecting and protecting the house, he will begin to do harm and harm. It will be possible to hear in the house: suspicious sounds, small objects get lost or fall.
  • Leaving sharp knives on the table, the owners can let in not only troubles, but also diseases that fall on the heads of everyone who lives in the house.

In omens, you can either believe or not. Of course, only you can decide what to do with this, but the signs associated with an abandoned knife on the table are all rather unpleasant. Maybe it's really better not to leave them overnight?

If a person hangs himself, then his relatives put a piece of bread on the grave and put water. Three days later, look. If there is no bread and water, then the Lord forgave the suicide.
If during fasting, at a feast, someone persuades a fasting person to eat meat, ridiculing him or fasting, then he will die hard and for a long time.
People with the same name should not give each other a light, as this will lead to disagreement. You should also not finish smoking bulls for anyone.
You can’t knock a spoon on the edge of a plate - there will be a quarrel or tears in the house.
If the fork and spoon lie crosswise on the table - this is to death.
You can’t take a brother and sister as godparents - this shortens the life of a godson.
You can not photograph a born child on the first day of his life.
Until the child is seven years old (change of guardian angel), you can not draw his portrait.
He who has the habit of exhaling sharply through his mouth exhales the energy of life from himself.
Whoever accidentally sat on his hat will have a weak memory.
If guests knock over a glass of wine during a feast, immediately remove this glass from the table. Otherwise, drunkenness will start in your house.
Do not pour the water in which you washed or rinsed your hands and feet onto the road - you can lose your health.
If you want to salt the bread, do not put it in the salt shaker, otherwise you will be poked with your nose and you will be to blame for everyone.
You can't chop wood at night.
If a seller sticks to you in the market, persuading you to buy a good product on the cheap, it’s better to leave. It is possible that they want to convey their misfortune to you, hoping that you will be seduced by a low price.
When entering a river or lake, step on your left foot with your right foot. This will save you from damage that could be left by those treated in this water.
If the hostess wiped her hands on the tablecloth, she can thereby bring poverty or lack of money to her house.
Old people advise young women not to sit in the forest or in the field on a tree felled by a storm, otherwise the offspring will be weak and short-lived.
According to the tradition, if in a family where three sisters grow up, the youngest will marry first, then the two older ones will not have suitors for seven years.
Who, during leaf fall, catches an aspen leaf on the fly, his hands will ache (ache).
So that you never have leg fractures, make sure that your shoes do not stand on opposite sides of the threshold, that is, one shoe in the hallway and the other in the apartment. In addition, you can not also walk around the room shod on one foot.
Whoever drops a log of firewood on his foot will soon have a failure in business.
A mother should not wipe the blood of her child with her hem (if he broke, for example, his nose), otherwise the child will live a very hard life.
If you are going on an important matter for you and during the preparations you accidentally break something, then immediately strip naked and immediately dress again, otherwise you will not see good luck.
Until a person has returned from a long journey, in no case should one wash and clean his shoes so as not to close his path.
Whoever remembers the devil at midnight will live in grief and poverty for three years.
Who, after sunset, throws a pillow above his head, he will have a weak memory.
Who loves to wave a rod, he wanders in the forest.
You can’t plant potatoes if the hostess has her period, otherwise the potatoes will be rotten, wormy.
Anyone who wears winter shoes on their bare feet will constantly lose money. You should not do this if you even jump out into the yard for a minute.
Whoever, by mistake or on purpose, put two knives instead of a spoon or fork when serving, he will be with everyone at the knives, that is, in swearing and quarrels.
If the owl sits on the window, wait for the dead person.
If a snake crawled across your path in the forest, then it is better to turn aside, otherwise the next snake will bite you.
There is such a sign. If a mouse gnaws through a shoe, the owner of that shoe will soon die.
A log with a knot that grows from the middle of a tree trunk should not be laid in the crown of the house, otherwise everyone in the new house will die within seven years.
A sleeping person should have an icon in their heads, and not in their feet, otherwise they will not live long.
You need to explain to your children that in no case should you play christening, funeral, and even wedding as a joke, because. this can impose a negative on the fate of the child.
If a person is constantly drawn to yawning, he is clearly spoiled.
Everyone knows that naming a newborn in honor of the deceased should not be. But if the child was also named in honor of the strangled person, then one of the children of this person will definitely be a suicide.
You can’t wipe your feet first, and then your head. There will be no memory.
A person who has lost a pectoral cross must buy a second one on Wednesday.
Few people know that on Ivan Kupala the merman himself is considered a birthday man, and he does not tolerate a drunken body in the water. That is why it is on Ivan Kupala that drunk people most often drown.
To avoid quarrels in the house, change bedding only from Saturday to Sunday.
Fire from lightning is poured with milk. Whoever fills this fire with water will die early.
Whoever spit in the dam will have a drowned man at that house.
Do not put the keys on the table - otherwise there will be a quarrel.
Whoever eats catfish (fish), his hair will turn gray early.
If a spider descends on a sleeping patient, he will soon die.
Do not step on the place where there was a bucket of ash - your legs will hurt.
If a roast goose is served on the table, then the man should start eating it first, and if chicken is served, then the woman. Then there will be no quarrels in the house.
If there is a rumble and a howl in the chimney, this means that dead souls roam the house.
If a seriously ill person asked to be turned on his left side, this means that he is already moving away.
If a sick person speaks aloud to the dead, then he himself will soon leave.
It is impossible to sweep the floor for two people at once in one room - this is to the dead man.
Make it a rule not to leave traces of your blood anywhere, as well as blood stains: on scarves, towels, linen. If someone decides to kill you from white light, this blood will be very useful to him.
Bread crumbs are not swept away by hand - this is a beggarly life.
Whoever burns the tree cut down on the grave, he himself will soon descend into the grave.
Whoever mortgages a house on the 13th builds it to hell.
When undressing, things must be carefully hung up, and not scattered anywhere, as an evil spirit sits on thrown things. It is strictly forbidden to put a hat and a bag on the table.
Evil spirits act at night: "The sun has set - do not sweep the rubbish out of the hut" (you cannot take out the trash can), "Sweeping the floor in the evening is not good", "Do not leave at midnight - there will be no way", "You cannot remember the devils by night "," Do not leave a knife on the table at night - the evil one will slaughter. It is impossible to leave a dish with water open, otherwise the "unclean" will slip into it, especially if the water remains in this form overnight. Buckets of water are covered or two splinters are placed: "Cross - crosswise, so that the devil does not fit."
The thickness of the body copper cross must be at least 0.7 mm.
Washing floors on Friday is prohibited. It is also forbidden to wash and sweep the floors if someone from the household leaves the house for a while so as not to blur the way back.
In order for there to be prosperity in the house, bread should not lie with the bottom crust up.
When getting up and lying down, a wife should not climb over her husband, as by doing so she unwittingly spoils him. Also, a woman should not be on top of a man.
If a husband constantly takes off his shoes while standing, then his wife may die.
The mother should not be present in the church at the wedding of her daughter or son.
If you have aches in the joints, then the eldest of the family should bite the diseased place through the fabric and the aches will pass.
For a young month, children need to bite off their hair, then they will grow well.
So that your lips do not crack and your teeth do not break, when you hear the first thunder, kiss the earth.
If you say “Good evening” during the day, you will get lichen.
You can not sit at the table with your legs crossed.
You can not sweep the crumbs from the table with your hand.
You can not keep a fork with a knife on the table with a cross.
You can not put a fork (knife, spoon) so that one part of it rests on a plate, and the other on the table.
If a person starts to yawn for no reason, then the evil eye is on him.
If a person, having come home, felt an inexplicable malaise for no reason, then you need to rinse your face with water 3 times without wiping yourself.
If a leg or arm is cramped, it is necessary to sharply prick this place with a pin or needle.
If barley is ripening on the eye, then you need to show this eye 3 times the fig.
If a pregnant woman crosses your path, then this is a failure.
If a black cat or a white horse met you on the way, this is a warning about an unsuccessful road.
It is impossible, even in jest, to allow yourself to be spanked on the buttocks or on the back. Lose happiness.
If a person has barley, remove it as follows. It is necessary to eat 5 flowers of tansy 5 times a day until the barley passes .. You will forever forget about this disease.
To permanently get rid of a sore throat, it is necessary to cauterize the tonsils with hot badger fat.

The knife has always been the object of bad omens, because sharp objects in many cultures are associated with negativity. We have collected them all for you so that you can protect yourself and your family.

Most people simply do not pay attention to how to properly use a knife. As folk wisdom says, this item is very dangerous, not only physically, but also energetically. Folk signs are aimed at maintaining good luck and success in all areas of life, so do not deprive them of your attention.

Knife Energy

A knife is a negative item if used and stored incorrectly. In Eastern culture, any sharp objects are very dangerous and can cause negative emotions, which are often very difficult to suppress.

From time immemorial, a knife has been considered primarily a weapon, and only then an object of household utensils. This created a certain image of a two-faced kitchen appliance that requires special treatment. Folk signs will help you avoid problems.

Signs with a knife

Folk signs, which we will talk about, will greatly facilitate your life and tell you how not to bring trouble on yourself or loved ones.

Do not put a knife with a sharp end towards a person when you are sitting at the same table. This is how you turn him against you. You can quarrel in the process of eating, so it is better to put the knife so that its sharp end is not directed towards anyone sitting at the table. If there are too many people, it is better to remove the knife from the table altogether.

Don't leave a knife on the table overnight. He will accumulate negative energy, splashing out negativity on people in the morning. People quarrel more often when they do not attach importance to the knife lying on the table, they get less sleep and feel unwell. This will reflect badly on work, study and any other business during the day.

Don't eat with a knife. It is said that it is possible to become evil this way. Indeed, it affects a person in a very strange way. Even in ancient times, people noticed that eating with a knife, and not with a fork, is more difficult to control outbursts of emotions.

Broken knife. When a knife breaks, you need to be more careful and accurate in absolutely everything, otherwise there is a risk of an accident or injury. People believe that angry spirits break the knife. They also do all the evil that can be met by breaking a knife.

If you find a knife, then in no case do not take it as a trophy. History keeps many examples when a trophy blade became the misfortune of its new owner, and a kitchen knife can also become an unfortunate acquisition if you picked it up somewhere.

The blade of a knife should always be hidden. If this is not done, then negative energy will be in the air, preventing people from enjoying life and depriving people of financial and love luck.

If the knife fell to the floor, then wait for the guests home. In Eastern philosophy, it has always been believed that a knife that has fallen to the floor is a sign that trouble has bypassed you.

If you are given a knife, then it can cut your friendship or love, so always, when you receive a knife as a gift, give something in return or symbolically pay off with a small coin. It will be better this way, because you will get rid of negative consequences.

A knife can be an excellent talisman against evil spirits. To do this, you need to put it with a sharp end towards the street on the windowsill. So not a single evil entity will penetrate into your house, home comfort will be preserved. This is what our ancestors did in ancient times. They always had a special knife, which always lay on the windowsill.

A knife is not only a melee weapon and an indispensable item in the kitchen. This is a truly multifunctional item that has its own energy. Be careful and remember the signs so as not to bring trouble on yourself.

Improve your energy to be less dependent on signs that destroy and deplete it. You can do this in many ways, so you can always find a technique that will be closest to you. Good luck to you, and do not forget to press the buttons and

22.10.2016 06:20

What gifts can not be given and what needs to be done when receiving such a present. How to clean a gift from an evil...

Human life is shrouded in all sorts of signs. The knife on the table is one of the common negative symbols. It is believed that cutting objects must be cleaned in a cabinet or drawer after use. Why is there such a rule?

The practical side of the issue

The sign of a knife on the table is not only mystical, but also practical. You should not leave cutting objects in sight for the following main reasons:

  • You can get hurt. While doing household chores, you can not notice the blades and accidentally cut your hand.
  • The appliance may fall into the hands of children. Babies are very inquisitive and want to touch everything. But playing with a sharp knife is very dangerous.
  • Domestic quarrel. In a fit of anger, people often break dishes and grab everything that is at hand. Thus, a knife from a kitchen appliance can turn into a cold weapon.

Family scandals

According to popular belief, a knife on the table portends family scandals and quarrels. It is believed that a sharp kitchen appliance accumulates negative energy from the environment. If the knife lies on the table for several hours, and then the hostess starts using it for cooking, the negative will be transmitted to the food, and through it to the household. As a result, people begin to get angry at each other and swear. As practice shows, in families where housewives keep order and put things in their places, quarrels happen much less frequently.

Troubles and breakdowns

Surely everyone has heard that you can’t leave a knife on the table. The sign is associated with the belief about the existence of a brownie. As a rule, he begins to host in the dwelling at night, when the owners are sleeping. If there is a knife on the table, the brownie may get hurt and get really angry. He will begin to take revenge on the sloppy owners, arranging petty dirty tricks for them. Most likely, you will encounter breakdowns of household appliances or the loss of things.

Signs for young people

The sign of a knife on the table can be interpreted in different ways, depending on age and marital status. The interpretation for those who are not yet married is given in the table.

Family interpretation

It is believed that you should not leave a knife on the table. The sign has a separate interpretation for people who have already managed to start a family. Namely:

  • due to unforeseen expenses, the family budget will suffer;
  • health problems or troubles will overtake children.

A few more interpretations

The interpretation of signs why you can’t leave a knife on the table is constantly expanding. Esotericists and ordinary people talk about such negative consequences:

  • insomnia will begin, or nightmares will occur;
  • the next morning there will be cutting pains in the abdomen;
  • a serious health problem that may lead to surgery;
  • the tip will open the way for evil spirits to the house.

Other signs about the knife

The sign about a knife on the table is not the only one associated with a sharp household appliance. Here are some other beliefs common among the people:

  • If the knife falls to the floor, it means that a guest will come to you soon. It will be a man.
  • If the knife is accidentally crossed with a fork, this bodes trouble.
  • If a person eats from a knife, he will become angry, irritable and grumpy.
  • Knives should not be given as a gift, as this may "cut" friendship ties or bring trouble to the recipient.

The knife "remembers" everything

When working with a knife, you need to be careful not only. And this applies not only to movements, but also to thoughts and words. The fact is that the blade of the knife accumulates negative energy. Therefore, while cooking, try to think positive. In no case do not throw a knife on the table or on the floor (especially with screams and curses). Also, try not to have negative conversations or use foul language when you have a sharp kitchen appliance in your hands. Otherwise, the knife will “remember” everything for you, unexpectedly “splashing out” a stream of negativity on you. This may be expressed in the fact that you cut yourself or face domestic troubles.

How to protect yourself from negativity

Unfortunately, a person is sometimes inattentive. Even the most accurate housewife can leave a knife on the table in a hurry or because of some surprise. To prevent this from turning into trouble for you, provide protection for your home, namely:

  • If you notice your mistake, fumigate the house with cleansing herbs. In Russia, sage, lavender, pine and St. John's wort were used for this purpose. With smoldering branches, walk through all the rooms, paying attention to the corners. You can also turn on the aroma lamp with essential oils of these plants.
  • Wash the floor with salt water. This will help you get rid of the negativity.
  • Hang a small oak branch above the entrance to the kitchen. Change the "amulet" as it dries out.
  • Let the cat into the house. Let her walk through the house, taking the negative with her. Be sure to thank the animal with delicious food.
  • Believers are encouraged to sprinkle their homes with holy water. You can also light a church candle and go around the room with it, moving in a clockwise direction.

At the word “Knife”, many immediately have a sense of danger. Perhaps that is why it is shrouded in various superstitions, myths, legends and mysterious stories. They wove such a twisting web around this symbol of protection and aggression that it is very difficult to unravel it and separate truth from fiction. Perhaps many signs and legends do not have any serious grounds, but it is worth listening to some beliefs.

Notes on knives

Due to the fact that a knife can cause serious harm to human health and life, the signs associated with it are mostly of a warning nature.

  • Usually they try not to give knives to relatives and friends in order to avoid a quarrel,
  • pregnant women are not recommended to sharpen the knife to save the life and health of the child,
  • it’s better not to eat with a knife, because. it makes a person angry and aggressive,
  • it is forbidden to say the word "knife" at sea in order to avoid a shipwreck,
  • you can’t turn the knife in your hands, hit it on the table or scrape it - to a quarrel,
  • you can’t keep two knives on the table near food - a quarrel will come out.

All these legends are still alive and probably many of them are familiar to you.

However, there were times when a knife was a vital item for a person, and then the signs associated with it were not so gloomy. A huge number of signs, where the knife is endowed with protective properties, is present in the life of the Slavic peoples.

In ancient times, a knife was carried with them as a talisman, and they even put it under the pillow and under the cradle of the baby. This, according to our ancestors, protected from the evil eye and the misfortune of a baby who did not have time to be baptized, a pregnant woman from complications during pregnancy, as well as from the destruction of the family happiness of the newlyweds.

In order for a child to become a carpenter in the future, a knife was placed in the cradle. Also, to protect the baby during someone else's funeral, a knife was put in his cradle.

To protect the child from evil spirits, going to church to christen the baby, the parents, leaving the house, stepped over the knife.

They drew a magic circle around themselves with a knife to protect themselves from witches, werewolves and other evil spirits. They defended their homes by sticking a knife into the threshold or crossing the windows and doors of the house with it.

It was also believed that a knife thrown into a storm could injure the devil.

To protect against storms and thunderstorms, a knife was stuck into the ground.

The knife was also used to protect pets. Leading the cattle out of the barn, they stuck a knife into the wall and said:

“Just as a bear does not eat meat from this knife, so do not eat our Pestruhonka.”

Then the cow was led through the knife. Some Slavs to protect pets got up at dawn, took a knife and ran around the barn three times, and then stuck the knife into the wall. To prevent the animal from falling into the clutches of wild animals, if the cattle were lost, a knife was stuck in the threshold.

As can be seen from these legends, the knife was of great importance to people. This is explained by the fact that in ancient times the knife could feed, protect and warm a person. Therefore, its role in folklore is often positive.

Divination with a knife

Since the knife has always been fanned with magic, folk fortune-telling could not do without it.

They took a wooden board, laid out pieces of paper with inscriptions around the edges. Also, sometimes the board was replaced with cardboard, on which they wrote the very inscriptions - the answers. A knife was placed in the middle of a board or cardboard. Fortune telling consisted in the fact that the fortuneteller asked a question and twisted the knife. When he stopped, he pointed to a certain inscription, which contained the answer to the question:

  • Be patient;
  • The enemy plots you;
  • Good news;
  • love message;
  • Luck shines;
  • Wait for guests;
  • Love adventure;
  • Tears will replace joy;
  • Wait for news;
  • A journey awaits you;
  • Important letter;
  • Don't rush into a decision.

Another variant of fortune-telling is fortune-telling with a freshly baked pie and a knife. In the evening they stick a knife into the cake vertically. So the knife stays all night. If in the morning he deviated to the side, then financial losses should be expected. If the knife remained standing straight, then this indicates good luck in money matters.

If a knife is seen in a dream, then this may indicate something not very good. Just a dream with a knife - to a quarrel or to deceit. Inflicting a knife wound in a dream may indicate that you will be insulted or abused. Sharpening a knife in a dream is a failure in business. If you dream of a lot of knives gathered in a heap - to an insult to someone.

Knife as a magical attribute

Magic knife (Atem) is one of the main attributes of the magician. With its help, the magician concentrates his internal energy, and direct it to solving the problem. This knife does not cut anything. Its task is only to concentrate energy in the right place. There is also a knife (Bulin or Bolline), which has magical properties, in order to cut herbs, cut matter and other material objects. It is also used to block the actions of evil spirits, remove a conspiracy, etc.

Thus, it is important to know that Atem is meant to open portals, cut channels, clear space, or summon spirits. And with the help of Bulin, magicians perform a specific physical action - they cut grass, branches, material and other components of a magical action.

How to endow a knife with magical properties

When choosing a knife for performing magical rituals, opt for a knife with a wooden handle and a steel blade. The wooden handle will prevent energy dissipation. The blade, in turn, must be sharpened so that the energy goes exactly as intended. The knife should be comfortable and clean. Use only new knives for this purpose.

When purchasing a knife, you need to follow certain rules:

  1. A knife purchased for magical rituals should only be used for that purpose.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to discuss the price or take change when buying a knife.
  3. If the knife is forged independently, then no one except you should touch it.
  4. In order for the knife to acquire magical properties, it must be placed under running water and left overnight so that the light of the moon falls on it.
  5. Then you need to organize a magical altar, put a knife on it and leave it on the full moon. Before that, wrap the knife in cotton cloth and keep it in a secluded place. If the knife “leaves” the altar, then it cannot be used in magical rituals. For the altar, choose a place far outside the city, hidden from prying eyes. Ideally, there should be a hill nearby, and a stream should run.
  6. To secure the knife to the owner, you need to drip blood on it. No need to cut your hand, you just need to put blood on the knife. You can't wipe it off.
  7. Before uttering a conspiracy, you need to stick a knife into the ground, kneel down, lean with both hands on the ground on both sides of the knife. Looking to the north, speak a plot.
  8. For three days, the knife should be carried with you, and at night put under the pillow.
  9. This knife cannot be used for sacrifices. It is intended solely for good purposes.

You can relate to the magical power of the knife in different ways. Someone can do this from a great desire to join the other world. Some people don't take these things seriously. But for believers, communication with dark forces and, moreover, attempts to influence the physical and spiritual state of a person, especially an outsider, is considered a very serious sin. In any case, rash actions of a magical nature can harm both your health and well-being, and the well-being of your loved ones. Therefore, before embarking on practical magic, it is worth thinking seriously.