Subdivisions special forces internal troops MIA ensure the internal security of the country and protect the observance of the rights and wills of a citizen from criminal encroachments. In order to get into the special forces, you need good health, a crystal clear autobiography and ... success.


1. Enter one of the military universities of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. There are such universities, say, in Novosibirsk, Perm, St. Petersburg. However, before entering such a university, you need to unlearn for 4 years in one of the military schools (preferably the Airborne Forces or similar). In addition, you need to pass the entrance exams and demonstrate excellent physical fitness. However, upon graduation, you will be able to immediately apply for an officer position in one of the special forces units.

2. If you served under a contract later than the end of your military service, then your boss (leader) can recommend you to special forces if you showed high results in combat and physical training. But for this you need to be on an excellent account with the leadership and, preferring the moment, declare your desire to get into the special forces.

3. If you have a rank (not lower than the first adult) in wrestling, shooting, athletics, or have a high rank in martial arts, then it is possible that members of special commissions will pay attention to you even during military service. Such commissions from various special forces units visit conscript soldiers from time to time in order to assess their level of combat and physical training. If you're lucky, or if you genuinely show them the highest tier of spetsnaz readiness, they'll take note of you.

4. Upon admission to the special forces of the internal troops, you will be required to submit a detailed questionnaire regarding not only you, but also all your close and distant relatives, as well as friends. All of them are not required to have snags with the law. In addition, you will need to pass a polygraph test. Get ready to pass the standards for combat and physical training.

5. Please note: throughout the year, the data for admission to the special forces of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are being tightened. Therefore, first read the requirements for those who want to join the special forces.

The question of how to get into the special forces of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation worries not only experts, but also those who want to continue serving in similar units.

An approximate algorithm for the selection of employees in the FSB special forces units is divided into several stages. At the stage of primary selection, candidates are selected, which are represented by officers, ensigns and cadets of military schools. Only three percent of positions in spetsnaz are not for officers, they are reserved for ensigns. In order to get into the special forces, you need not only to be an officer or ensign, but to have a secondary, but an excellent higher education. In order to become a candidate for special forces, you need to have a recommendation from an active employee of the TsSN, as well as Alfa or Vympel. Preference is given to candidates from among the cadets of the universities of the Moscow Region if they have already been trained at special forces departments. Those who have passed the initial selection based on the results of comprehending personal affairs are required to overcome one more step, which is an interview. Special attention to physical data that consider height - not less than one hundred and seventy-five centimeters and age - not older than twenty-eight years. Candidates for special forces strictly undergo physical testing which, for workers of different management own different intensity. However, in any case, testing takes place in two stages, appointed for one day: standards for physical fitness and sparring in hand-to-hand combat. The requirements are high and candidates are required to show all their knowledge and ability not only to endure, but also to act energetically. Along with this, candidates are examined by psychologists, who, as a result of special tests, comprehend the figure of the candidate, reveal the features of his temper, character, moral qualities, and so on. At the next stage, a large medical examination will have to be passed, which allows determining the likelihood of admission to airborne training. A polygraph test is essential. The average passing score is eight hundred. If the qualifying tests were passed successfully, there will be an interview stage with relatives who are required to give their written consent to the candidate's service in special forces. And only after this is enrollment.

The military is allowed to become a vocation, but it is also allowed by profession. The main thing is to have a great desire and know in advance what documents you need to have with you and what tests await on the way to this difficult and responsible business - admission to service on contract .

You will need

  • - the passport;
  • - a questionnaire entering the military service under the contract;
  • – a free-form handwritten biography;
  • – certified copies of education documents;
  • - certified copies of marriage and birth certificates;
  • - a certified copy of the work book;
  • - photograph 9x12cm;
  • - a copy of the birth certificate;
  • - service collation from the last place of work or study;
  • - an extract from the house book.


1. Apply and submit all relevant military service documents contract to the army commissariat in which you are registered.

2. If you pass the 1st stage of selection, you will be sent for a medical examination, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 30 of the Federal Law "On military duty and military service", "for military service on contract A citizen who has been declared fit for military service or fit for military service with minor restrictions may be admitted.

3. After that, pass a professional psychological examination, as a result of which you will be assigned to one of four categories. The first and second categories give in fact one hundred percent probability of entering the military service on contract, if you were assigned to the third category, then the probability is small, the fourth category is assigned only to those who under no circumstances can be accepted into the military service .

4. After that, pass an examination for compliance with the established requirements for the tier of education, as well as physical and vocational training.

5. Expect the result on your question from the commission of military commissariats for the selection of candidates entering the military service on contract .

6. If you are denied admission to service on contract, you have the right to appeal this decision to a higher authority, prosecutor's office or court.

7. If you are accepted, then you will need to work for three months on probation, after which you will be considered to have passed the test and be able to continue the military service .

In order to enter the military service under the contract, you must be between 18 and 40 years old. The 1st contract for military service under the contract is concluded for a period of three years. The decision to extend or terminate your contract for military service is made by the head of the military unit not later than three months before the expiration of the current contract.

Useful advice
At your request, you must be given a copy of the decision of the selection committee within three days from the date of the decision.

The task of the airborne troops is to conduct combat operations behind enemy lines, far behind the front line. They operate in the most important areas of the theater of operations, as usual, in the most unforeseen places. But a large-scale landing is permissible only if a thorough reconnaissance is carried out. To carry out the tasks of the intelligence plan, there are special units - Special Forces Airborne .


1. In addition to intelligence activities, Special Forces Airborne used for sabotage activities, destruction of communication nodes and lines, disruption of enemy headquarters, capture of prisoners, in order to obtain useful information, as well as for undercover work. Get to serve in Special Forces Airborne every young man dreams. But, in order to get into a prestigious unit, go through a medical commission for fitness for service in Airborne. The state of health must comply with the form A-1, or, as a last resort, A-2.

2. Submit a report to the military commissar, at the place of conscription, in which indicate the desire to serve in the airborne troops. At the credentials committee, where you will be present in person, make a similar statement. Your report will be filed in the conscript's personal file and it will reach the military unit with you.

3. Once at the assembly point of the military commissariat, try to get to know the officers Airborne who arrived for replenishment. In a personal contact, express the essence of your dream. Try to create a positive feeling about yourself.

4. Upon arrival at the place of service in the military unit of the airborne troops, submit a report on command with a request to be sent to the special intelligence unit for subsequent service.

5. Becoming a candidate for Special Forces you pass physical fitness tests. Competitiveness in selection for exploration is hefty high. You must be able to pull yourself up, make an exit with a force on two hands, raise your legs to the crossbar. Huge requirements for cross training. If you want to get into service Special Forces, then work out these standards in advance, before being drafted into the army.

6. Pass psychological tests for service compatibility in special intelligence units Airborne. At this stage, the temper, character and moral qualities of a soldier are studied.

7. Even after you are enlisted in the unit Special Forces but keep working on yourself. Acquire a military specialty, according to the position held.

8. Recently, with the transition to a contract basis of service in the army, selection in Special Forces is carried out from the soldiers who served on conscription. Preference is given to those who served in intelligence.

Useful advice
In order to serve in the special forces of the Airborne Forces, enter the Novosibirsk Higher Military Combined Arms Command School. It is in it that future officers of special intelligence units are trained. Graduates of this school are sent to the special forces of the Airborne Forces and the GRU.

Many books have been written about special forces, many films have been shot, and even more stories are circulating among the people associated with it. If you think that service in the special forces is your destiny, proceed to fulfill your desire.


1. Evaluate your physical fitness, for which try to complete an indispensable task for introduction to special forces. Pull yourself up twenty times on the crossbar, push up in the “lying emphasis” position sixty times, hold the “corner” for one minute. All tasks must be completed in twelve minutes. If you can’t do this yet, train right up to the sound completion of each test task.

2. Complete a full medical examination to make sure that your health condition meets the requirements of service in the special forces.

3. Send your resume to the email address [email protected], in which indicate your data: name, age, contact phone number. In addition, inform about the free time you have to participate in training and games, about the presence of camouflage and airsoft weapons, and about the presence or absence of the skill of participating in airsoft events. If you have a car (in which you will be able to go to the landfill), be sure to notify about it. Inform about yourself all the valid data that you consider significant for introduction to the special forces.

4. Appear for the interview correctly at the specified time, with the right decision, you will receive admission to participate in training with a trial period.

5. Complete a full course of training and a trial period during which the presence of a uniform is not required. During the introductory course, you will have to overcome all the fears that a person can have: heights, fire, water, explosions, etc. To do this, it will be necessary to climb and get off the roof with the help of climbing equipment, overcome the fire-assault strip, crawl along the moat with water under the fire of bullets and the noise of explosions, get used to the sight of corpses.

6. After the introductory course, pass the credentials committee and, in case of a positive decision, become a real warrior of a pleasant special forces team.

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St. Petersburg Institute MIA trains experts for HR departments MIA, internal affairs bodies MIA, departments of psychological service MIA Russia. Studying in it is an elite and promising choice. Candidates for admission can be young people from 16 to 22 years old who have not completed military service. Also, those who have served or are undergoing military service under a contract, but have not reached the age of 24.


1. Submit a report to the head of the military unit at least 6 months before the start of the selection tests. Indicate in it your data, the name of the educational institution MIA, faculty and specialty in which you want to study.

2. Submit the required documents: CV; characteristics from the place of study or work; a copy of the document on the formation of the state example; results of professional psychological selection; three certified photographs sized 4.5×6 cm; special check materials MIA and FSB; medical documents (ECG, certificates from narcological, tuberculosis and neuropsychiatric dispensaries, certificate from an infectious disease specialist, radiograph of the paranasal sinuses, FLG in frontal and lateral projections, blood sugar, HIV, biochemical and general reviews, Wasserman reaction); if at the time of admission you are under 18 years old, provide a certified written consent to the admission of your attorneys - parents or guardians / trustees.

3. The following are entitled to benefits: orphans; children of police officers who have served or are serving under a contract; persons under 20 years of age with one parent - a disabled person of the 1st group; private and commanding officers who took part in hostilities; persons who graduated from Suvorov schools MIA with acceptable grades; military personnel who participated in hostilities in the North Caucasus; police officers who have served or are serving in the Chechen Republic; children of police officers serving in the Chechen Republic; persons serving under a contract, if the total term of service is more than 3 years.

4. The following are entitled to benefits: orphans; citizens under 20 years old, brought up by one disabled parent; citizens dismissed from service due to admission to the university; children of servicemen who died in the line of duty; children of military personnel whose parents were dismissed from service and have a length of service (more than 20) as a result of service in the Russian troops; children of military personnel whose parents serve in the army and have a length of service (more than 20).

5. Submit documents confirming the benefits: a certificate or an extract from a personal file confirming the death of one of the parents; a certified copy of a military ID and a combat veteran's certificate; a certified copy of a military ID with a mark of participation in hostilities; a certified copy of a military ID and a referral for training.

6. Provide original documents upon arrival at the university, but no later than 2 days later.

7. Pass a medical examination. It is carried out for the final confirmation of the results in the certificate you provided.

8. Pass a masterful psychological examination. It is carried out, as usual, in two stages - group testing and individual interview. Based on its results, you will be enrolled in one of 4 groups according to the recommendation. The best result is the first and second recommendation groups, because it is their participants who participate in the competitive selection in the first place.

9. Provide USE certificates in the required subjects: Russian language, history, mathematics, social studies. Pass an optional oral test in social studies.

10. Pass a physical fitness test. Pass the pull-up, 100m run, and 3000m run as tests.

11. Pass a screening test for the use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. It is carried out with your consent and the consent of your parents (guardians / trustees). Payment is made at your expense.

If you want to get on service in the airborne troops, you should pay special attention to your health and physical fitness even before being drafted or before entering the school.


1. Take care of your physical preparation. However, do not forget that the warrior Airborne must be not only powerful, but also hardy. It is consequently that classes in martial arts are impeccably suitable for such training. It will not be bad if you visit the athletics section. When selecting candidates, both the sports category and other achievements are taken into account. So do not feel sorry for yourself and train at full strength in order to get the maximum allowable tier. Your chances of getting into Airborne will increase if you also engage in parachuting.

2. Take care of your health. Do not acquire harmful habits at a young age. You must be in perfect health (category "A") in order to be taken into the airborne troops. It is consequently regularly undergo medical examination and harden.

3. Get mentally prepared. You must have a pretty serious motivation to serve in Airborne. So try to get a sober look at things and free yourself from romantic illusions. Any service (and even more so in these troops) is, before anyone else, significant work and continuous psychological pressure.

4. Doing physical training, do not leave school studies unattended. You may need skills in mathematics, physics, chemistry, geography, biology, foreign languages, social studies. Moreover, this must be real knowledge, and not the smallest course needed to pass the exam (even more so if you decide to try to enter the Ryazan Military School, where experts are trained for Airborne).

5. If you have close relatives with a criminal record, you will not be able to apply for service in the ranks Airborne. Do not try to hide this from the employees of the military registration and enlistment office or the admission committee of the school, because all the data provided by conscripts or applicants are invariably scrupulously checked.

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Get into the special forces: requirements
Regardless of what kind of special forces unit you like: grue, alpha, special forces of the airborne forces - how to get there, what is needed, what requirements will be presented - this is the main thing that those who want to join the ranks of special forces should think about. The first thing you simply must know for sure is to serve. Here is the first key to the spetsnaz ranks. For example, all elite units are formed from former soldiers who served in units of special forces military units. Pennant, GRU, special forces Alpha - how to get there? We go to serve, we achieve heights. Often, such units require the presence of a maroon beret. Let's talk about the general points that relate to service in special forces. For example, let's see how to get into the FSB special forces: what is the algorithm for recruiting candidates. Any selection consists of several stages. Primary selection In the FSB special forces, as a rule, ensigns and officers are taken. Cadets of military schools are enrolled as candidates for officer positions. At the same time, the ensign must have an education not lower than secondary, and an officer needs a higher education. Actually, about 97% of officer positions in special forces, the rest are ensigns.
The recommendation of the current employee of the CSN is necessary for the candidate to enroll. Or a recommendation from someone who previously served in Vympel or Alfa.
Preference is given to students of the Faculty of Special Forces (available at the Novosibirsk Higher Combined Arms Command School).
There is also a serious limitation in the matter of physical data - the candidate's height must be at least 175 cm (due to equipment - heavy armored shields of impressive size). However, if your professional merit can compensate for the lack of growth, an exception may be made.
Age must not exceed 28 years. Again, exceptions can be made for candidates with combat experience who come from other power structures.
Physical testing Spetsnaz of any direction: Vympel, Alfa, FSB, GRU spetsnaz - how to get there without the appropriate physical data? That's right - no way. So let's start training right now (if there is still time). Well, hold on.
In the special forces of the FSB, we can talk about Directorate "A" and Directorate "B". Physical fitness requirements for them are different, for "A", they are somewhat higher. By the way, rest between exercises is just a name. And the quality of performance is monitored very strictly, it will not work.
Candidates arrive, change clothes and run 3 kilometers in 10 minutes. 30 seconds (faster possible).
Five minutes of rest - and a hundred meters in 12 seconds, with which they will be allowed further.
Running to the gym, where pull-ups on the crossbar are waiting. Candidate of the Department "A" - 25 times for credit, "B" - 20 times. Then between exercises there is a rest of 3 minutes.
Flexion and extension of the body ("press") - 90 times in two minutes.
Push-ups: 90 times for "A", and 75 times for "B". There is no strict time here.
Next is a set of exercises. One complex includes: 15 presses, 15 push-ups, 15 jumps up from the "crouching" position, 15 transitions from the crouching position to the lying position and back. So for

Since we decided to find out how to get to serve in the special forces, we will tell the whole truth. Do not rely on easy ways, freebies or indulgences. Everything is serious, that's why it is the Special Forces Unit. Training of employees according to a special program, using special tools and tactics to perform special operations. Not everyone will be allowed to do this, a certain set of skills, abilities, and merits is already initially required. So, how to get into the special forces of various units (FSB, GRU, airborne, etc.).

Get into the special forces: requirements

Regardless of what kind of special forces unit you like: grue, alpha, special forces of the airborne forces - how to get there, what is needed, what requirements will be presented - this is the main thing that those who want to join the ranks of special forces should think about.

The first thing you simply must know for sure is to serve. Here is the first key to the spetsnaz ranks. For example, all elite units are formed from former soldiers who served in units of special forces military units. Pennant, GRU, special forces Alpha - how to get there? We go to serve, we achieve heights. Often, such units require the presence of a maroon beret.

Let's talk about the general points that relate to service in special forces. For example, let's see how to get into the FSB special forces: what is the algorithm for recruiting candidates. Any selection consists of several stages.

Primary selection

  • The FSB special forces, as a rule, take ensigns and officers. Cadets of military schools are enrolled as candidates for officer positions. At the same time, the ensign must have an education not lower than secondary, and an officer needs a higher education. Actually, about 97% of officer positions in special forces, the rest are ensigns.
  • The recommendation of the current employee of the CSN is necessary for the candidate to enroll. Or a recommendation from someone who previously served in Vympel or Alfa.
  • Preference is given to students of the Faculty of Special Forces (available at the Novosibirsk Higher Combined Arms Command School).
  • There is also a serious limitation in the matter of physical data - the candidate's height must be at least 175 cm (due to equipment - heavy armored shields of impressive size). However, if your professional merit can compensate for the lack of growth, an exception may be made.
  • Age must not exceed 28 years. Again, exceptions can be made for candidates with combat experience who come from other power structures.

Physical testing

  • Special forces of any direction: Vympel, Alpha, FSB, GRU special forces - how to get there without the appropriate physical data? That's right - no way. So let's start training right now (if there is still time). Well, hold on.
  • In the special forces of the FSB, we can talk about Directorate "A" and Directorate "B". Physical fitness requirements for them are different, for "A", they are somewhat higher. By the way, rest between exercises is just a name. And the quality of performance is monitored very strictly, it will not work.
  • Candidates arrive, change clothes and run 3 kilometers in 10 minutes. 30 seconds (faster possible).
  • Five minutes of rest - and a hundred meters in 12 seconds, with which they will be allowed further.
  • Running to the gym, where pull-ups on the crossbar are waiting. Candidate of the Department "A" - 25 times for credit, "B" - 20 times. Then between exercises there is a rest of 3 minutes.
  • Flexion and extension of the body ("press") - 90 times in two minutes.
  • Push-ups: 90 times for "A", and 75 times for "B". There is no strict time here.
  • Next is a set of exercises. One complex includes: 15 presses, 15 push-ups, 15 jumps up from the "crouching" position, 15 transitions from the crouching position to the lying position and back. So for Control "A" it is necessary to perform the complex 7 times, for "B" - 5 times. 10 seconds are allotted for each individual exercise of the complex. There is no rest between exercises.
  • For Control "A", an endurance exercise is sometimes given - 100 jumps up.
  • Next - hand-to-hand combat with an instructor or a well-trained employee.

Special check

  • Checking absolutely all relatives.
  • The work of the candidate with a psychologist, as a result of which a conclusion is made, a psychological portrait is drawn up.
  • Complete medical examination.
  • Polygraphic research ("lie detector").

Relatives permission

Since getting into the special forces is very responsible and serious, a conversation is held with the candidate's parents and his wife. Relatives are described the features of service in special forces, its nature. The result is the written consent of the wife and parents.

Here is an approximate algorithm for admission to special forces. Apparently, it’s worth getting ready from childhood, or at least not skipping physical education classes.

Special requirements are imposed on servicemen serving in the Vityaz special forces detachment, according to which a special forces soldier must be physically developed and ready to perform responsible combat missions, have excellent health and high moral and psychological qualities.

Therefore, in order to select military personnel for service in the Vityaz special forces detachment, an appropriate methodology has been developed to assess the physical capabilities of the candidate, where the test evaluates the endurance, strength, speed, flexibility and dexterity of the test subject.
Test results are evaluated by the sum of points.

TEST No. 1. Endurance is assessed

Continuous running for 12 minutes is evaluated by the distance that the subject covered in the specified time.

TEST No. 2. Strength endurance is assessed

A comprehensive strength test consists of sequentially performed exercises.

Exercise #1

Starting position stop crouching. Take a lying position and return to the starting position, repeat 10 times.

Exercise #2
Performed immediately after exercise 1.

From the starting position, lie down on your stomach and roll over onto your back (1), raise your legs without bending at the knees (2), touch the floor behind your head with your toes (3) (if there is no touch, the exercise is considered failed), return your legs to their original position.
Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercise #3
It is performed immediately after exercise 2.

Roll over from your back to your stomach, take the starting position lying down, bend your elbows until your chest touches the floor (ground), straighten your arms.

Exercise number 4
Performed immediately after exercise 3.

Take a position of rest-crouching, sit down on one knee, raise your hands up, put your palms on the back of your head. Jump up, straighten your legs, crouch on the other knee.
Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercises 1-4 are a complete cycle of a comprehensive test. The candidate must attempt to complete the maximum number of cycles.


Pull-ups on the bar from a hanging position. In the lower position, the legs do not touch the ground (floor), in the upper position, the chin should be above the crossbar. Not allowed: swinging and performing the exercise with a jerk.

TEST No. 4. Speed ​​qualities are evaluated

It is necessary to run ten segments of ten meters in a minimum period of time.

TEST #5 Flexibility is assessed

To assess flexibility, you need to perform 4 exercises.

TEST number 6. Agility is assessed

The test consists of five exercises consecutively following each other without stopping. Each exercise must be performed technically and correctly (for non-technically performed exercises, 10 penalty seconds may be added). The test must be performed in the specified sequence in the shortest possible time.

Exercise #1

You need a partner to complete the exercise. The partner puts his feet shoulder-width apart, tilts his torso parallel to the ground (floor). The subject makes a vault over the partner, crawls between the partner's legs and again makes vault. Repeat the exercise 7 times (i.e. seven vaults and seven climbs).

Exercise #2

Perform seven somersaults forward and seven somersaults back.

Exercise #3

You need to walk a segment of seven meters on your hands. If the test subject loses balance and touches the floor with his foot, repeat the exercise from the beginning.

Exercise number 4

Crawl 10 meters in a plastunsky way.

Exercise number 5

Starting position lying on your back. Perform kip-ups 3 times in a row. Each failed attempt is repeated.
Seconds are converted to points by subtracting the total number of points from 100 (100 - 1 = number of points).


The ability to show self-control and endurance in a training duel.

Training fights according to the rules of boxing
One against one: according to the formula of the fight 1 round - 3 minutes
One (Tested) vs. Two: 1 round - 2 minutes
just 5 minutes without a break

Expert evaluation of test results
Tested fight is passive - 0 points
The tested person is active - 20 points
1 x 2 Combat Tester Shows Initiative - 50 points

During testing, athletes with sports categories in boxing, karate and hand-to-hand combat are checked separately from the rest.

According to the proposed table, it is necessary to determine the total number of points by adding.

The lower limit is 295 points. It is not advisable to take a candidate who has scored fewer points for service in special forces units. Testing is carried out on one day, the sequence of tests must correspond to their numbering. The time between each test should not exceed 10 minutes, while assessing the ability of a person to endure various loads in a limited time.


Passed meters Glasses The number of cycles Glasses Number of pull-ups Glasses Seconds Glasses centimeters Glasses Seconds Glasses
2800 20 1 0 up to 8 0 30 25 Ex. #1 80
2900 30 2 0 9 27 29 30 over 20 0 78 5
3000 35 3 20 10 30 28 33 15 5 76 3100 39 4 30 11 33 27 36 10 10 74 3200 42 5 40 12 36 26 39 5 15 72 10 3300 45 6 50 13 39 25 42 Exercise number 2 70 3400 50 14 42 24 45 over 30 0 68 15 50 23 50 20 5 66 15 16 50 15 10 64 10 15 60 20 60 Ex. Number 3 58 25 over 10 about 56 30 5 5 54 35 0 10 52 40 50 45 0 48 50 Ex. #4 over 10 0 0 10


The credentials committee is held at the final stage of the selection of candidates for the special purpose unit "Vityaz", where the members of the commission talk to the candidates in turn, study the test results and performance characteristics, and hear the health worker about the health of the person being certified.
With high test results, a positive testimonial and medical indications, the candidate is enrolled in a special purpose unit. If the certified person has low performance in testing, then he can be enlisted in the reserve for service in special forces.

Special Forces is a profession for real men and exceptional women: strong, courageous, strong-willed.

Service in the special forces of the army, the FSB, the SBU, the prosecutor's office or the police is a prestigious and highly paid job, which, however, cannot be called easy.

How to get into the special forces? How to join the elite? How to get the opportunity to work for the good of your country?

It is not simple. You will have to go through a thorough screening and prove that you will not find a better candidate than you.

But can difficulties stop someone on the way to a dream?

What is special forces and how to get there?

If you dream of getting into the special forces, then you must first figure out what it is and who they take there.

It is possible that you simply do not meet all the necessary requirements of a special forces soldier.

1) Who are the special forces and what are their distinguishing features?

Behind the cool word “special forces” is a decoding: a special forces unit.

That is, it is a group of people trained under a special program (most often men, but can be of both sexes), which is part of the army, gendarmerie, police, internal troops, etc.

No wonder they say that one commando is worth a dozen ordinary people. Special Forces is an elite that has a variety of useful skills to perform special operations.

In addition to them, only the same commandos from other countries possess similar skills, and even then - not always.

That is why it is so difficult to get into special forces.

There are 5 distinguishing features of a special unit fighter:

    The highest level of readiness.

    It goes without saying that a commando must be in excellent physical shape, but his psychological, ideological and moral training, as well as the level of motivation, must also be high.

    Ability to perform complex tasks, including in extreme conditions.

    Special forces are needed in those situations that the regular army or ordinary police cannot handle.

    A commando must be able to perform the most difficult tasks, risk his life and work in extreme situations.

    Proficiency with a variety of weapons.

    Depending on what tasks a special forces soldier has to perform, his equipment, transport escort and weapons are formed.

    Since the special forces often work either in combat conditions, or in conditions close to combat, and take more risks, their equipment and weapons differ from those of the fighters of other units.

    professional status.

    Almost all special forces units recruit fighters under a contract, which is concluded for several years at once.

    This is due to the high level of danger of the profession (a person must understand that he is risking his life and go for it voluntarily), and the high costs that the state incurs when preparing special forces.

    A special legal status within each individual department.

    Since most special forces have a narrow profile, are sharpened to perform specific tasks, they need special equipment and weapons, their activities are regulated by separate legal acts.

2) Getting into the special forces means doing difficult and dangerous work

The work of a special forces officer is very difficult and dangerous, requiring enormous physical effort, good preparation, strict self-discipline and emotional stability.

If you want to get into special forces, then keep in mind that you will have to:

  • engage in sabotage and counter-sabotage activities;
  • conduct reconnaissance operations;
  • release hostages;
  • eliminate criminal gangs, terrorist organizations and other dangerous elements;
  • disperse mass demonstrations whose participants are out of control;
  • ensure order at the state border;
  • protect representatives of the ruling elite;
  • protect important state facilities;
  • capture and escort especially dangerous criminals;
  • perform other complex tasks that are different from the duties of ordinary military or police officers.

commando- this is not only a mountain of muscles, which is not capable of thinking itself, but only follows orders, which does not care who to kill.

Special Forces- this is the elite of any kind of troops and law enforcement agencies. And to join the elite, you have to work long and hard on yourself.

Requirements for candidates who want to be in special forces

A person who does not meet all the stated requirements will not be able to get into special forces. And the requirements for candidates for special forces are really serious.

12 general requirements for candidates who want to get into special forces

The first candidates for special forces are eliminated at the initial stage, because their physiological parameters, health status, age and other indicators are not suitable for service in the special forces.

  1. Be no older than 28 years old.
  2. Have a height of at least 175 cm.
  3. Weigh at least 75 kg and not be overweight.
  4. Do not have baggage in the form of bad habits.
  5. To be a completely healthy person (any chronic diseases can lead to the fact that you will be denied enrollment in special forces).
  6. Have an officer's position or the position of ensign.

To get into special forces, it is desirable (but not necessary) to have:

  • a diploma of graduation from a military school or university / institute of internal affairs;
  • recommendation from employees of TsSN, Alfa, Vympel and other special units;
  • combat experience;
  • sports title, for example, master of sports in judo;
  • special education, for example, the faculty of special forces is in Novosibirsk, Moscow and other military schools.

Often girls are interested in whether it is possible to get into the special forces if you meet all the requirements.

Actually, you can get into it, but not in every special unit and not every girl.

Do not rush to shout about the oppression of rights. The loads in the special forces are so colossal that it is difficult for the fair sex to cope with them.

If you still have excellent physical fitness, good health, strong character and superhuman endurance, then you can get into one of the special forces.

Start your journey as a special forces officer by serving in the army or joining the police, show all your talents and abilities during your service, and then the path will surely lead you to the realization of your dream, if, of course, you are suitable for this job.

Tests for future special forces

Almost all special forces officers who have passed the initial test are expected to undergo thorough testing, primarily related to physical fitness and endurance.

General requirements for physical training for a commando:

An exerciseThe time for which you need to complete the task, or the number of repetitions of the exercise
3 km running
10.5 minutes
100m run (this test takes place 5 minutes after the 3km run)
12 seconds
Pull-ups on the bar
20 - 25 times
Press exercises
75 - 90 times
Complex strength exercises (pull-ups, push-ups, twisting of the torso, crouching emphasis - lying emphasis, etc.)
15 times each

In order to prepare well for such tests and get into the special forces for sure, you can take tests during self-training that apply to candidates for the Vympel special forces:


    Run for 12 minutes. It is estimated not only whether you passed the test or not, but also the distance that you managed to cover during this time.

    Strength endurance.

    A number of different exercises are performed: reverse twisting of the torso, crouching lying down - emphasis crouching, push-ups, and so on.

    Pull-ups on the bar or exercises on parallel bars.


    The designated segment of the distance must be run in the specified time.

    For the best possible self-training, you can even take a few lessons from a running coach.


    Here they also practice splits (longitudinal, transverse), and inclinations of the torso to the floor from a standing position, and so on.


    You may be asked to do some exercises. For example:


    This quality is tested in different ways. They may offer to box with a sparring partner or pass some other test.

Anyone who wants to get into the special forces must pass a special test

But even if you managed to pass the preliminary test of a candidate for the special forces and prove that you are a strong, hardy person with excellent physical fitness, do not rush to rejoice.

This is not the end of your suffering. You are waiting for further tests before you can get into the special forces themselves.

Special training for those who want to get into the special forces:

    Biography revision.

    And get ready for the fact that they will check not only your biography for the presence of dark spots and compromising evidence, but also the biography of your close relatives.

    Psychological testing.

    Your emotional and mental preparation should be no worse than physical.

    Unstable individuals and individuals without a number of positive qualities in the special forces have no place.

    Lie detector test.

    Since you want to get into the special forces, into the army or law enforcement elite, you should not have any secrets from your homeland.

    Conversation with close relatives.

    It can be parents, husband / wife. They require a written consent to your enrollment in the special forces, so it is better to settle this issue with relatives in advance.

    Such measures are taken due to the fact that service in special forces is associated with a serious risk to life and loved ones should understand what you are doing and not later make claims to the state if you die or are injured during the performance of a special task.

If you successfully overcome the final stage of preparation, you can consider that you managed to get into the special forces.

The main thing now is to stay in it and prove that you were not chosen among other candidates by chance and you do not occupy someone else's place.

What are the criteria for selecting FSB special forces?

See details in the video below:

Even if you managed to get into the special forces, this does not mean that you will stay there.

Often on forums devoted to the question of how to get into the special forces, topics are discussed:

  • is it possible to buy a certificate that is completely healthy;
  • is it possible to become a commando if the height is below the required one;
  • is spetsnaz open to women;
  • who needs to be "greased" to be enrolled in special forces, etc.

Let's say you managed to somehow get into the special forces, deceiving the doctors and enduring the test with grief in half. But, if you are not suitable for this job, then no one will keep you in the ranks of the special forces. Sooner or later you will be expelled as unsuitable.

Another option is that you will leave on your own, unable to withstand the colossal loads.

For example, on the forum of the website, I read the story of a certain Alexander, who, by hook or by crook, entered the special forces because he dreamed of getting there since childhood.

He really worked hard and hard to improve his physical performance, endurance, to begin to meet all the requirements of the army special forces. And three weeks later he asked to be transferred to another unit, because he could not withstand such enormous loads.

Alexander says that he knew about the exhausting training and the difficulties of the profession, but he did not even realize how difficult it was, and that such work could be done by the really chosen ones.

Alexander advises everyone who, driven by romance, dreams of getting into the special forces, to realistically assess their strengths, and not try to jump above their heads. Dreams are dreams, but no one has yet canceled unsuitability.

If you are sure that this job is just for you, then the difficulties with how to join special forces, you will not have. Recruits to special units occur constantly. The main thing is to prove that you are exactly the candidate that they need.

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