Very soon I am planning a small 4-5 day walk through the jungle to the top of the "home" volcano. While slowly working on preparations for this trip, I clearly realized that we, who live in a country of natural disasters, simply need to have equipment and a survival kit.
While purchasing camping equipment (which I will write about later in other posts), I also began to create our personal emergency reserve for use in extreme conditions, which I want to tell you about today.

In the common people, survival items are called "alarm suitcase", but I called my set "suitcase in case of a zombie apocalypse."

Survival equipment, what should it be? What should it include?
So, let's begin.
Firstly, what the fuck are fishhooks and fishing lines in a zombie apocalypse?!

I believe that, first of all, we need a powerful, deadly ax, weighing no less than 10 kilograms, maybe more. It is needed in order to shred insolent and raging zombies with one blow.
Roughly like this.

Such axes for "stereo" ax tricks will also do.

Friends, of course, with an ax this is a joke, but how you want to have it in your household. Someday I’ll buy it and I’ll definitely put it in a corner in my office, and I’ll also buy a chainsaw :)
Now seriously. There are no clear rules for compiling a survival kit, everyone selects it himself, based on local living conditions, skills and abilities to use certain items, as well as on the basis of all possible scenarios of disasters, whether it be military operations, natural disasters or zombie invasion.

So Philippines. Our days.
With military operations, everything is going well for us so far. There is no war, and it is not planned (unlike other countries more familiar to us). But all is not so rosy for us. Are there terrorists? Yes there is. The bloody war in southern Mindanao has been going on for 3 decades? Yes. During this time, a lot of people were killed? Yes. But this is not a man-made catastrophic war, but an underground and terrorist one, and it is unlikely that it will descend on our home, in our city and paralyze our usual life. Although with the recent capture by terrorists of almost the entire city of Zamboanga, it cannot be ruled out that this will happen in Dumaguete either.

But natural disasters in the Philippines, this is a reality! These are quite obvious, tangible things that happen here with constant regularity. Why it took me, a person who has experienced the power and horror of several earthquakes, typhoons and floods, two and a half years to realize that we simply NEED to have a survival kit, I do not know. But better late than never. Is it true?

The most obvious scenario for us is when water, food, heat, a roof over our heads and dry soil under our feet may not become available for several hours or even minutes.
Of course, you need to remember that the "set for the zombie apocalypse" is completed by 40% for a specific person. And it is quite possible that you will want to include some things for yourself that you consider necessary for you. This is normal and correct. The main thing to remember is that the "suitcase" is not rubber, it must be easily liftable and mobile, that the "suitcase" is not a suitcase at all, but a backpack. The backpack should be as little noticeable and comfortable as possible. Forget about camouflage, military colors, and generally any similar paraphernalia. Leave these show-offs for grandmothers, girls from social networks and comrades from the Maidan. Try to draw as little attention to yourself as possible. So that looking at you, the thought arose in my head: “yes, what can you take from him.” Remember, your task is to survive. I am telling myself as a reminder and to you about this, because after the terrible Philippine typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) in 2013, which paralyzed and destroyed many provinces in the country, people were ready to eat each other and kill for a bottle of water. And they killed. Maybe they ate.
With 5,870 dead and 1,005 missing, there's a lot to think about...

In general, no matter how cool a set you have behind you, if you are shot, then you will no longer need it.
Your task is to survive in the first hours and days, and not to be robbed and killed. The ability to work with your hands, think with your head and use the essentials, I think this is the main thing. But today's speech is not about actions, but about the set that will be required in order to stay alive.
In fact, survival consists of four main components: finding water, making fire, protecting from the weather and getting food.
So, below is a list and photos of what I have defined for myself as a set. The list and items are incomplete, I am working on it, improving it, supplementing it, excluding unnecessary things. He does not pretend to be professional army equipment. I don’t have a tactical flashlight, for example, or a super duper knife like Bear Grylls :) I will be glad for your advice, additions and wishes, let's pack our suitcase together. But remember that zombies are very insidious and dangerous creatures and you need a good suitcase.

Let's break it down into groups:

1 package.
- backpack; You will need to put all your belongings somewhere. So? For Dasha and I, I decided on a small semi-tourist backpack. It should have comfortable and durable straps, additional straps and a rigid insert for the back, with a volume of no more than 30 liters. I must say right away that I decided on a backpack, but I haven’t bought it yet, so temporarily things are really stored in a suitcase (see the header picture). The suitcase is also good, it is not unsinkable and not killable, but less convenient, so it serves as a temporary storage. The set also included a compact waterproof bag.

2. Documents.
- copies of documents packed in sealed bags; We keep original documents in our home safe.
- notepad with notes. Important phone numbers, addresses, full name, etc.;
- graphite pencil;

3. Money.
- cash;
With money, everything is simple, I collected different banknotes from different countries that were found on the farm + 3000 pesos (they are not in the photo). Packed in sealed bags. Many of you have seen these banknotes and used them, and many still use them. I understand that in the event of a real zombie apocalypse, they are of very little use, except for kindling, but with cash it’s still calmer, agree. And they take up very little space, unfortunately;)

4. Sharp objects. Everything with which you can cut, saw, plan, pierce, kill (do not forget about zombies).
- small functional folding knife No. 1;
- small functional folding knife No. 2;
- a large folding knife;
- wire saw;(buy)
- machete; If you have to go into the jungle or shred particularly stubborn zombies, then this is an indispensable thing.
- awl;(buy)
- stationery knife;
- scissors;
- surgical scalpel;(buy)

5. Items for making and maintaining fire.
- lighters; (6 or more pieces)
All these magnifying glasses and even ordinary matches are all garbage in terms of efficiency compared to ordinary lighters. Therefore, it is desirable to have a lot of lighters, it is advisable to store them in different places and it is advisable to buy real branded Cricket lighters (ordered in the Russian Federation). The bigger, the better. Pack them in pockets and protect them from water with waterproof bags. You will always be with fire. Although matches are also needed. In some cases, they are more effective and irreplaceable, for example, “crawl” under a fire, pick your teeth, etc. Matches can be "rolled" in liquid candle paraffin, thereby making them inaccessible to moisture.
- hunting matches; Very effective, but I don't have them yet, we'll look for them.
- a set of candles;
- dry alcohol;(buy)
- gas mini burner; Yes, yes, this little crap that folds up and fits in that orange box. It weighs nothing at all. The first time and in the wet season can help out well.
- conventional burner; It is also a foldable and rather compact burner, it is not necessary to take it.
- gas cylinder (2 pcs.);
- paper bag;
- airtight mini saucepan;

6. Items for signaling, communications, lighting and orientation.
- telephone;
- compass; (2 pcs);
- watch; I drowned my favorite watch in the sea two days ago: (thanks to the damn Philippine craftsman, now we need new ones.
- mini radios; Ordered a package on awaiting arrival, hopefully not lost.
- multifunctional whistle; Useful thing. 4 in one: magnifying glass, mini compass, thermometer.
- torch;
- Head Torch;
- mirror;
- a set of batteries;

7. Items for food and repair:
- fishing line (two types);
- a set of fishing hooks;
- two coils of rope of 15 and 20 meters;
- diving mask and snorkel; For me, a very important thing, having these “tools” for survival, I am sure that we will not be left without food.
- glue; (two types)
- electrical tape;
- scotch;(very effective tool)
- needles;
- threads;
- nails;(threads can be wound on them)
- pins;
- carbines; (two types)

8. Medicines, hygiene items and protective equipment.
- bandages;
- adhesive plaster;
- medicines (painkillers, "suprastin", "aspirin", "activated carbon", "imodium", etc.) Do not forget to monitor the expiration date of medical products.
- iodine;
- potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate);
- ammonia;
- salt;
- condoms;
- rubber tube;

- a set of containers for liquids (gasoline, alcohol, fuel, spray and liquid poison from insects, etc.);
- plastic bags, waterproof;
- goggles (two types);
- respirators;
- pepper spray (2 pcs.);
- microfilters for water, for rough filtration;

- personal water filter LifeStraw Personal Water; Very cool stuff. I ordered, waiting for delivery.

- socks;
- work gloves;
- ordinary gloves, "circumcised";
- waterproof capes, rain protection;
- Underwear;
- 2 pairs of T-shirts;

So far, this is all that has been collected to date. Friends, I will be glad to your additions, advice and wishes in the comments. What would you definitely take with you? What can you imagine your life without during the zombie apocalypse? Well, for example, maybe someone will definitely need a potato peeler :)

Update 1:
I remembered something and thanks to my friends for the additions! I'll add it here so I don't forget.
- multivitamins;
- radio receiver(acquire);
- manual charging for phone and radio(acquire);
- silicon;
- multitool(acquire);
- replenish the first-aid kit according to the recommendations. Write instructions in English. and Russian
- rocket launcher;
- food foil;

I hope you found this post helpful, stay tuned.
And yes, there are enough zombies for everyone.

It’s not for nothing that so many films about the zombie virus are being made! Remember that scientists in underground laboratories are constantly chemistry, so you need to be prepared for the most difficult consequences. And in this we will try to help you!

Even if you are lucky enough or have experience of survival in extreme conditions, you cannot do without everything at all. Remember, the most experienced survivalists, who are shown as “zomboyaschik”, always have a certain set of tools and tools with them. Well, our zombie apocalypse survival kit will help you survive the attack of the walkers.

Possibility of a zombie apocalypse

Usually the attack of the walking dead is imagined as follows: one fine morning you wake up and see a full Fallout outside the window with destroyed houses and crowds of zombies. With the thought “Well, I knew that sooner or later this would happen,” we pick up our zombie apocalypse kit, put our favorite weapon against zombies in our belts and set off to survive in the harsh post-apocalyptic world.

In the event of such a scenario of the end of the world, or in the common people of BP (Big Scribe), we have developed an emergency kit that can feed, drink, warm, orient, cure and even stop the blind man.

Survival kit, survival kit or otherwise NAZ (untouchable emergency stock) is designed for use in extreme conditions. Completing the kit, we took into account the possible conditions in which you will have to be, being attacked by the undead, and assembled a tool whose main goal is to help you survive!

It is worth noting that the zombie apocalypse survival kit will fit perfectly in any other version of the cataclysm, whether it be a viral epidemic, riots, an alien attack, an internet outage, or any other terrible combination of events. The presence of such a kit can play a decisive role in the issue of saving lives in any possible emergency situation.

Zombie Apocalypse Survival Kit Rules

Survival kits must follow two main rules:

The first rule is to be in the right place at the right time. Therefore, it must be sized to allow it to be carried with you.

The second rule is that it should contain only the necessary items.

How to survive during a zombie apocalypse

It is not for nothing that in all the memos on emergency situations, the advice is always in the first place: “Take everything you need: water, food, medicines, a light source, matches and other necessary things.”

The first paragraph from Max Brooks' The Zombie Survival Guide, an epic guide to the zombie apocalypse, reads: "Get ready before they rise!" For this very purpose, there is a zombie apocalypse survival kit from Vault Inc.

Buy a zombie apocalypse survival kit and you will have the key to survival among the hordes of the walking dead that may be crawling out of their graves right now.

The Mister Geek store offers a much-needed item. This is the 3 Day Zombie Apocalypse Survival Emergency Kit. No need to immediately smile skeptically. Of course, the likelihood of a zombie apocalypse is extremely small. But what about flooding? Hurricane? Earthquakes? Another natural disaster? Yes, it's much more likely. And you need to be fully prepared for such events. Our emergency kit will help you meet any disaster in full readiness.

Let's leave as the main model of the apocalypse - the spread of a zombie infection. In Russia, they keep quiet about this (isn't it reckless?), But the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued instructions for this case. And 3 years later, the Pentagon developed a plan to repel zombie attacks. Even Elon Musk invented and released special flamethrowers in case of a zombie apocalypse. By the way, they sold out in a matter of hours.

It seems that in Russia only the Mister Geek store is concerned about this issue. Phew, okay. We'll manage.

What is known about the hypothetical zombie apocalypse

Shot from the series "The Walking Dead"

To date, science does not know how infection can begin. But scientists from the University of Leicester have calculated that if a zombie epidemic starts and lasts 100 days, then humanity will be doomed to extinction. Even one infected person in a densely populated area is enough to cause a large-scale epidemic on the 20th day after his infection.

Meanwhile, mathematicians from the University of Ottawa come up with even more troubling calculations. We have to take into account such a factor: it takes precious time to realize the scale of the zombie epidemic, and by the time the epidemic covers a significant part of the population, the infection process will get out of control. Infection with the virus will occur exponentially. Mass evacuation will not help, but on the contrary, will accelerate the spread of the virus.

According to statisticians, countries and regions with a high population density, as well as giant cities, will be the first to fall from the zombie virus. Russia is in the most advantageous position. Here's a hint that can save your life later, remember: the most likely to survive during a zombie apocalypse are the inhabitants of Siberia and the Far East. In which case, you know where to go.

Scientists rationally warn that you will not necessarily be killed by zombies, most likely, it will be side factors like water pollution, lack of food, riots and looters. In general, before the general panic begins, it would be good to learn a few important rules. Go.

Fantom Survival Video

A brief guide to surviving the zombie apocalypse:

  1. Prepare in advance - get a survival kit.
  2. Don't be afraid of zombies. They're just stupid walking corpses.
  3. Don't wait to be devoured. Blow off the heads of the infected.
  4. Use melee weapons - they do not need to be reloaded and they do not misfire.
  5. Find a reliable car like a cash-in-transit car and stock up on gas.
  6. If you climbed a ladder, destroy it. Don't leave the path open for zombies.
  7. Do not relax.
  8. Don't make noise and don't lean out. Avoid shooting and light.
  9. Further from the city - further from problems.
  10. Nowhere is a completely safe place - there are places more dangerous and less.
  11. The danger will remain for a long time, even after the complete disappearance of all zombies.

The last rule reminds you why a zombie attack is not the worst thing. A man-made disaster, a natural cataclysm, a collision of the Earth with an extraterrestrial object, panic during the aggravation of a major military conflict - there are a huge number of potential dangers. And in every situation, the main reason is not the only one. She's just a catalyst for a snowball of problems.

Yes, even if you just go on a country trip, you can find yourself in a dangerous situation away from people and help. Maybe the zombie apocalypse will remain a horror story from the fantasy world. But the survival kit will remain a real set of physically useful things for any occasion.

What is included in the Survival Kit:

1. Nutrition. There are 3 energy bars in a sealed package. And sweetie - well, at least something should please, even in the most critical situations.

2. Water. Five bags of water (100 ml each), plus Aquatabs disinfectant water tablets.

3. First aid kit. You will definitely cope with cuts, wounds and poisoning.

4. Protective rescue blanket (protects from hypothermia or overheating) and a universal raincoat.

5. Vacuum-packed hunting matches (ignite and burn in any climatic conditions, even without oxygen), LED flashlight, two HIS chemical light sources (generate light up to 8 hours).

6. Tools: a folding camping knife, electrical tape, a compass with a whistle on a neck rope, a fastex survival bracelet (it is also a long paracord cable if necessary).

7. Two information stickers for marking safe and dangerous places.

8. Leaflet with a brief guide to survival.

As you can see, the VAULT INC Survival Kit is what any prudent person needs. And it doesn't matter if the zombie apocalypse comes, there will be an earthquake or a flood, or you just go on a long hike. The set will help out in any situation. And will help out within three days. And then ... and then we'll see. It may be worth buying several sets, providing yourself with everything you need for at least a week.

Why three days?

As practice shows, exactly three days are needed for rescue and other organizations to restore the supply of citizens with food, water and heat. If nothing has happened in three days and the supply has not been restored, it's time to do something on your own. But this will require a completely different set.

Instructions for using kit tools

  • Water. The supply of drinking water is designed for three days, intended for use in emergency situations. The first thing to remember and observe is do not drink water in the first 24 hours. Most likely, your body has some kind of natural water supply, so try to save it. The norm of water consumption in the following days is no more than 500 ml per day. Second - you can not drink urine or sea water - there is no point, and you can even get poisoned. Drink water in small sips, wet your lips, tongue, and throat well before swallowing water. After the supply of water runs out, you can drink water from a river, lake, pond - you first need to disinfect it with tablets (for 5 liters of water - 1 tablet). Dissolve the pill and wait half an hour. Water is considered disinfected if after 30 minutes a slight smell of chlorine comes from the water. If the smell is strong, increase the volume of water. After that, the water must be boiled or passed through activated carbon to remove excess chlorine. When using cloudy water from natural sources, it is pre-filtered (through a cloth). Water treated with chlorine can be drunk for 30 days. If you accidentally swallow a disinfectant tablet, induce vomiting. After cleansing the stomach, drink, if you find, a glass of milk.
  • Food . The set contains 3 nutrition bars, the energy value of each of them is 800 kcal. This is an emergency diet - that is, food is not for pleasure, but to maintain strength in critical situations, only with a strong feeling of hunger. Main components: wheat flour, sugar, vegetable fat. Do not eat bars if you do not have enough drinking water - you will not weaken from hunger, but from dehydration, and this is more serious. The shelf life of bars is 5 years.
  • First aid kit. Yes, there are no potent drugs in the first aid kit, but there is everything to save you from cuts, wounds and incoming infections. And from poisoning. You know, dying of diarrhea is not even funny. Although getting blood poisoning from a small cut isn't fun either. It is clear that the first-aid kit can be understaffed with drugs to your taste. But the main thing is already there. In the first aid kit: a sterile gauze bandage (5 m x 10 cm), several plasters, an anesthetic (analgin), an external antiseptic (chlorhexidine) and an enterosorbent (activated charcoal).
  • Warm and dry. The rescue blanket has two sides: silver and gold. The silvery side to the body of the cover protects from hypothermia. The golden side to the body can protect the cover from overheating. It can also be used to transport the victim by holding the cover at 4 corners. Bedspread dimensions: 160 by 210 centimeters. The versatile rain poncho, also included in the kit, turns into both a poncho and a raincoat, so you will be dry and relatively comfortable when it rains.
  • Tools. Tourist knife is the main thing. And for getting food, and for protection, and for building shelter. Yes for everything. You won't survive without a knife, that's for sure. With a blade length of 70 mm, it is not considered a melee weapon, but ... you yourself understand that this thing is indispensable in times of danger.
  • Rope. The second most important survival tool. It is also included in the set - this is a survival bracelet. The bracelet is a cable made of durable paracord with a core 3-4 meters long. If necessary, the bracelet can always be dissolved (a serrated blade is with it). The bracelet itself measures 25.5 x 2.5 cm.
  • Insulating tape is generally a universal thing, suitable for any purpose. Even for medical ones, for that matter. Fixes, fastens, isolates.
  • Matches. This is a special set for tourists, fishermen and hunters. There are 6 of them, all of them in reliable vacuum packaging. They will light up and will burn in any weather and even in the absence of oxygen. Duration of burning not less than 8 seconds. About what to light them - there is also.
  • Light. You should not attract too much attention to yourself, but sometimes you need to shine in the dark. The kit includes a flashlight with one diode, powered by batteries (not included). In case the battery runs out or you need a long light, use. It generates light when a chemical reaction takes place. The stick must be bent and shaken, and now you have a light source in your hands for 6-8 hours. For household HIS, you can get as much as 100 lux immediately after activation. But the luminosity will begin to decrease after 10-15 minutes. Count the time.
  • Whistle and compass will save you from disorientation even in unfamiliar terrain. If you are part of a group, you won't get lost with the help of a compass with a built-in whistle. The compass is hung around the neck. Arrange whistle signals with other people in advance. Be careful, sounds travel long distances at night.

There are 2 more items that we can't put in this set, but they are also included in the must-have zombie survival kit. You should already have them. This is the will to live and spiritual uplift.

We wish you to survive and pass all the tests as a hero. Stay close to other people, learn to negotiate, help out and insure each other. But be careful. At the moment of danger, your life is only in your hands.

P.S. Each instruction from the set includes a coupon code for a 10% discount. Share with family and friends - with everyone you care about.


  • in the set: food, water, medicines, tools, light sources, blanket, raincoat, instructions;
  • packaging: compact box with handle;
  • dimensions: 25 x 20 x 10 cm;
  • weight: 1.7 kg.

"RBC.Style" presents its version of the memo in case of a zombie apocalypse.

The essence of the invention LIFESAVER Bottle in multi-level water filtration, which reliably removes impurities, microorganisms and bacteria. This allows you to draw water from virtually any puddle. Such a 750 ml bottle can save the lives of victims of zombies or hurricanes, floods, which usually happen during the apocalypse. Or just help travelers who get lost far from civilization.


Learn to throw knives, because it can save you from zombies. Gerber knives can also be used for hunting or camping. The fixed blade is made of high-strength carbon steel, the handles are combined with different materials for comfort and safety in use.

Assault gloves S.O.L.A.G.

Sometimes you have to properly drive a zombie in its terrible face, so much so as not to damage the knuckles. Assault gloves S.O.L.A.G. Designed for use by professional military and adventure enthusiasts as part of personal protective equipment.

tactical flashlight

If the zombie has a strong skull, then to buy time, it can be blinded. A tactical flashlight can be used to temporarily blind and disorientate an enemy. Tactical flashlights are both hand-held and mounted on weapons. They can also be used as regular lanterns to illuminate the path.

Tactical assault crossbow

The best defense is an attack. And if you take zombies, then it’s better by storm, and the TAC-15 crossbow, which is usually used for hunting, will come in handy in this matter. Engineers have developed a crossbow upper module that can be attached to a standard M16 assault rifle lower module.

Tissot Tactile Watches

This is not just a watch, it is a device equipped with everything necessary for extreme conditions.

With light pressure on the glass, the digital chronograph, thermometer, alarm clock, perpetual calendar date display, compass and dive log functions are activated. In case you have to dive very deep and for a long time, the watch can withstand depths of up to 100 meters. Excellent visibility of the watch is guaranteed by the bright luminescent materials that cover the case and effective backlighting.

Protection (shell)

When choosing protection against zombies, you need to pick up something reliable, but not restricting movement. You must be more nimble, mobile than these clumsy creatures.

Body armor is too heavy, but Fox Racing's Titan Sport Jacket, designed for freeride and downhill skiing, won't make you look like a full-equipped hockey player.

first aid kit

It goes without saying that when escaping from zombies, you need to grab a first aid kit.

Search and observation thermal imager Thermal-Eye X50

You always need to know where your enemy is in order not to be taken by surprise.

The Thermal-Eye X50 thermal imager is designed for all-weather and round-the-clock monitoring of the location and movement of people and equipment, detection of hidden and camouflaged objects or targets in large areas, covert surveillance, pursuit, and so on. An excellent device for the apocalypse, because you can observe in any climatic conditions: in fog, smoke and complete darkness.

Tool Leatherman MUT EOD 850132N

Multifunctionality is what you need in a survival environment. Leatherman MUT EOD 850132N can be used as a tactical and practical tool in the fight against zombies. There is also a powerful field knife, and an awl, and wire cutters, and a scraper - in general, you can screw, unscrew and bite off anything.


If the zombies want to hurt their feet, the Steel Toe boots for American hard workers will protect them from falling and rolling objects. CarbonMax is a carbon toe cap that prevents damage to the foot but leaves the shoe lightweight and durable. The multi-shock system makes walking easy, you spend much less energy on walking and you can go 30% further than in regular shoes.


Melee weapons are also very effective against zombies - tomahawks and axes. The M48 Kommando Ranger Hawk Axe is a portable ax with a built-in compass. With it, you can not only defeat zombies, but also break open the door in an abandoned building.

Sleeping bag

Wherever you have to hide from zombies - on the floor in an abandoned building or in the woods on the ground - you will need a warm and comfortable sleeping bag. Given our harsh winters, you need to immediately take a sleeping bag for extreme conditions that can withstand -32 degrees. For example, Salewa weighing 2 kg with proprietary Silverized Down Technology, Chamber Construction and V-chamber.

Zippo bonfire set

Wild animals and zombies are afraid of fire. And, as Captain Obvious would say, fire warms and you can cook food on it. You never know when and where you will find yourself needing to make a fire in the conditions of the apocalypse - especially for such a fire case, Zippo has developed a set for making a fire. It includes a moisture-repellent tinder and of course a lighter, packaged in a stylish orange metal box.

Once upon a time, I wrote a comic article about how to survive a zombie apocalypse. Judging by the great number of serious comments, not everyone understood that this was more of a joke than a guide to action. But thanks to the abundance of advice received, I had an occasion to rewrite it. However, I still do not recommend reading such texts to people with no sense of humor at all 🙂

Hello, my little or not so fan of the post-apocalyptic genre. Today I will tell you about the things that every person who is used to being ready for any twists of fate should have. We will talk about items that are needed in case of a nuclear war, a flood, an epidemic of a virus unknown to science, an earthquake of over 9000 points, a volcanic eruption, a plane crash, a zombie apocalypse, an invasion of aliens or a Justin Bieber concert in your city. Well, or if you just got lost in the forest, or suddenly found yourself far from civilization.

So, if you are lucky enough to survive, save your eyesight and limbs in any global catastrophe, consider yourself lucky. But now humanity (and, therefore, you) do not have electricity, running water, the Internet and other benefits of civilization - at best. At worst, zombies ate all the food in nearby stores, and a complete lack of provisions was added to all of the above.

Do you already have a special set of things in the pantry of your hut in case of such troubles? Well done, don't read any further. And if you have not yet acquired a “universal kit for long-term survival in any conditions”, then this post is especially for you. What should be in this set?

The first and most important condition is that the entire set must fit in one backpack. Actually it is stored in it. Otherwise, you risk not having time to save your worthless carcass, spending time collecting luggage. Those. in which case you grab such a backpack and go to the nearest safe zone (bunker, high mountain, armored storage - depending on what you need to escape).

The second condition is that the set must be universal, and not include items that help you survive in only one kind of fucked up. For example, we do not need a gas mask in this set, because after a tsunami or earthquake it is useless.
Survival stores sell ready-made survival kits. And two-thirds of the contents of all such sets are useless trash, so we will collect our own.

Let's start with the backpack.

1) Backpack

The backpack should be durable, not too big, but not too small. It is not known how long you will have to carry all your junk on yourself, how often you will be able to take halts, etc. Therefore, you need a medium-sized backpack (not a small one for 30 liters, but not a giant for 100), with a good suspension system. A special tourist backpack of 40-50 liters is suitable. Something like this, maybe a little less:

After a while, you will want to eat. It is not a fact that you will be able to get food on the very first post-apocalyptic day, so you need a supply of provisions for 1-2 days. Since your favorite grandmother's pies in your backpack will go rotten without waiting for the apocalypse, we exclude them, and any perishable analogue. I needed canned food. And as you know, there is no better canned food for the "survivalist" than ...

2) Sublimates

A sublimate, also known as a sublimated product, is a product preserved by sublimation (preservation here means any processing of products for the purpose of their long-term storage).
Sublimation technology includes two main steps: freezing and drying. During vacuum freeze drying, moisture is removed from the product by evaporation of ice. But ready-made, "purchased" sublimates are too expensive, so you can supplement or replace them with other products that will be light in weight, will not spoil and do not require long cooking (dried fruits, soy meat, etc.). Let's take a look at it for a few days. You, as a true warrior and hunter, having assessed the situation and looked around, can you get provisions for yourself? Well, at least scam? Not? Well, then you will die anyway, and then you can stop reading.

It is not very convenient to walk on the ground wet or littered with stones and fragments of broken windows in slippers, patent leather shoes, or stilettos. Therefore, we need something super-convenient, reliable and versatile. And there is nothing more reliable and more versatile than ...

3) Trekking boots

They are used by tourists (not by those tourists like Egypt, the beach, "Taaagiiil", but those that are mountains, taiga, backpack, on foot) as the main type of hiking shoes. They fix the ankle well, thick enough not to be afraid of pins sticking out of the ground, broken glass and crumbling stones. In general - a must have. The cost of a pair of such boots at the time of this writing is from 6,000 rubles and more.

You will not meet the post-apocalypse in a T-shirt and shorts, will you? This is at least inconvenient. Therefore, you also need to think about clothes.

4) Clothing

different for different climates. It was very unlucky if the Big Fuck happened in places with a harsh climate - you have to keep another set of winter clothes next to your backpack. But since at the beginning, we agreed that the set would be “universal”, I will describe only the standard set “autumn-spring-summer-mild winter somewhere near Moscow”:

  • Spare linen. Briefs, socks, a pair of sets.
  • Thermal underwear - underpants and a T-shirt, synthetic - more for moisture removal than for warmth;
  • Fleece layer - pants and jacket. Warm and breathable at the same time.
  • The top layer is a dense, fairly warm jacket with a long sleeve and a hood (ideally, a membrane, made of GoreTex), tight pants (the knees and the fifth point can be sealed by making patches of thick fabric in these places).

Everyone knows that the main companion of the "prepper" is a knife. It will be the next item in our set.

5) Knife
The so-called. survival knives - they have hollow handles that you can stuff matches, cords and other useful little things into. But it will not suit us, because it is designed for a one-time use in case you find yourself in a forest or mountains or somewhere else, for no more than a week. And we have to cut enemies with this knife and do a lot of interesting things for, perhaps, a very long time. Therefore, the choice of a knife must be approached more than responsibly.

The first thing to decide is a fix, a fold or a multitool (Swiss). Here you need to think hard, because. most of these knives have both advantages and disadvantages. Fix, or a fixed blade knife is the most reliable of all options, because. has no mechanical joints. But at the same time, it cannot be put into your pocket; you will have to wear it on your belt in a special case, or in a backpack. If worn on a belt, it will attract the attention of outsiders (we agreed that our set should be universal, and if in a zombie apocalypse a blade on a belt does not bother anyone, then in the case when the streets are flooded with military or police, it will be superfluous), and it is not very convenient to get it out of the backpack, because. a knife is a tool that is needed often. Foldable - can be put into your pocket, will always be at hand, while not noticeable. A little less reliable, due to the mechanical articulation of the blade and handle, but if you choose an expensive and high-quality one, then the difference in reliability will be insignificant. A multitool or a Swiss knife is a fold + a set of tools. Pros: multifunctional, not big. Cons: usually not very convenient, and the knife blade is small. As a result, it is worth choosing a good folding knife with a “liner lock” locking the blade.
One of the main parameters of a knife is the grade of steel from which the blade is made. Stainless steel is not suitable for us - too soft. You need to choose high-quality carbon steel. The simplest and cheapest: 440C, followed by 8cr12MoV, followed by Japanese Aus8 steel, everything that is more expensive has even better properties. I would not recommend taking a knife made of steel worse than Aus8.

The blade should be long enough, but not too long (7-11 cm). The thickness of the blade is not less than 3 mm. Remember - in our case, a knife is primarily a tool, not a weapon. As a result, something like this knife will do:

Well, the seller will tell you the brand of steel. The cost of such a knife (at the time of this writing) is from 5,000 rubles to infinity.

Will we burn fires? Of course we will - what a zombie apocalypse without a fire. And how to prepare firewood? And if you can still survive the loss of a knife, then losing the next item should be very upset ...

6) Ax

A small, long-handled, reliable tourist axe. The most “running” brands for today are the Fiskars brands, they are quite suitable:

You will need a lot of water - you won’t stock up, so you need to have some kind of cleaning agent (although you should still throw one bottle in your backpack).

7) Water purification tablets
Sold in tourist shops and in special shops for "survivors". I threw such a pill into a can of swamp water - and after a while you can drink it. Brands: Aquatab, Aquabreeze, Portable Aqua, etc.

And in what way is this water and other things to be transferred? And boil if necessary? And in general, if the matter drags on, you will have to cook food. It's time for dishes...

8) Dishes

The set of dishes should be minimal. Army flasks, "landing kits" and other nonsense immediately into the furnace. Again, travel utensils are best suited. A steel or titanium (steel is cheaper, titanium is lighter) pot with a capacity of 1.5 liters, the lid of which can serve as a frying pan or plate, and a small steel mug and spoon fit inside the pot. As for the spoon, I recommend ordering a special titanium “spoon-fork” on aliexpress or eBay, it is convenient and saves space and weight. Why not take a separate spoon and fork, you ask? Yep, and a dollhouse manicure set. You were going to survive, and not on a picnic with preference and ladies!

What are we going to cook? Do not carry a gas stove with you. You need a means to make fire. Firebox lighters are unreliable and short-lived. We need something more reliable, and something that will last a long time.

9) Matches, ignition tablets and flint

Why both matches and flint and flint? Let's take one box of matches (or rather, 30 pieces of special non-extinguishing ones) - it weighs practically nothing, for the first time, so as not to bother, and quickly make a fire. The same with tablets for ignition - let's take one package, for the first time. It is better to take ignition pills more expensive - because. of our production (the firm "Russian rest", for example) you set fire to horseradish in the wind - it's checked. Well, if the “campaign” to a safe haven drags on, then a steel flint will come in handy. A reliable and eternal means for making fire, but requires some skill. Nothing needs to be refueled, unlike lighters. By rubbing the rod against the armchair (one blow is enough), a large sheaf of hot (3000 degrees at birth) sparks is cut. In the picture, complete with a flint and flint, there is also a small multi-tool: a ruler + a file + an opener. It is better to immediately tear off - it will only get in the way. Why do you need a ruler after a disaster, bro?

At night, in caves and catacombs, you need something to light your way. Need a flashlight. But you won’t find batteries after a catastrophe during the day with fire. There is an exit…

10) Lantern-dynamo

There are two options: two-handed (dynamo with a twisting lever) and one-handed - as in the picture. We prefer the second, the right hand in the dark catacombs teeming with zombies and mutants should hold an ax or a machete, and not engage in twisting the handles of dynamos and other obscenities. The flashlight is exclusively diode - a hundred times more reliable than lamp ones.

In principle, if your post-apocalyptic everyday life goes well, then this is enough. What if there is an injury or infection? You need to have a minimum set of medicines for such a case.

11) First aid kit

What to put in the first aid kit? Everything you've ever needed in your life, bro:

  • Sterile gauze bandage, 1 roll;
  • Harness - a piece of elastic rubber tube or the same belt;
  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • A tube of iodine or greens;
  • Activated charcoal tablets - will help with mild poisoning, indigestion;
  • Citramon - 1 pack, 10 tablets. Antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent;
  • Ibuprofen or ketonal is a pain reliever.
  • Adhesive plaster roll, 1 pc.

Well, lastly...

12) Piece of rope

Fuck knows what it is for, it is always useful for some reason, take it. It doesn't take up much space and weighs almost nothing. Right now, it has become fashionable to wear a paracord bracelet - if necessary, it unwinds, and here you have 4-5 meters of strong rope. It will do.

Actually, the list of mandatory items that should be included in the universal survival kit has come to an end. Let's list them again:

  1. Backpack;
  2. sublimates;
  3. Trekking shoes;
  4. Thoughtful set of clothes;
  5. Axe;
  6. Tablets for water purification (throw a large bottle of clean drinking water in your backpack);
  7. Dishes (pot, mug, spoon-fork);
  8. Bonfire: matches, ignition tablets, flint;
  9. Lantern-dynamo;
  10. first aid kit;
  11. A piece of rope.

You can go stock up on all of the above - and you're ready for anything.

controversial points

We have already listed the basic set of the most necessary. But there are still some things that, perhaps, you can really do without, but they can still make your life easier if you survived after the Justin Bieber concert in your city. For example, I would add a travel mat to this. You've seen them on tourist photos online, they look like a yoga mat, rolled up and usually attached to the side of a backpack. Sleeping on it on the ground or on stones is much warmer than on a lining of some rags. The risk of freezing your kidneys at night is much reduced.

I really want to add a sleeping bag to the rug. And a piece of tarpaulin as an awning. And then no night cold and bad weather are definitely not terrible. Actually, why wasn't it included in the base set? And who the hell knows, maybe because not being a tourist you just get asshole to buy a normal sleeping bag 🙂

Firearms? Maybe. But, again, what if this is not a global earthquake or an invasion of zombies, but something, after which your city will be flooded with the military or the National Guard? Then you will most likely be shot with a firearm. For it is unlikely that you are a hardened Voroshilov shooter. Well, if so, then I think you have already decided everything on this score.

It also makes sense to throw some money into a backpack (and if it’s also in a different currency, it’s generally good), and keep your passport in it.

Will there be a “universal” addition to the kit with a minimum set of soap and soap accessories? Rather yes than no.

And now a little seriousness: nothing will help you like your own knowledge and skills. Learn to understand mushrooms and plants, provide first aid, set traps for animals, butcher carcasses, shoot, navigate the forest, and the most difficult and most important thing is to recognize human intentions. And then you are not afraid of any apocalypse.

That's all! All the best!