09.08.2017 23:06

In September, 31 folk-Christian holidays are celebrated. This list does not include international and professional holidays, only Slavic and Orthodox holidays. There are more holidays than every day.

September is the ninth month of the Gregorian calendar, one of the four Gregorian months with 30 days. September is the beginning of autumn in the northern hemisphere of the Earth and the beginning of spring in the southern.

It got its name from the Latin word septem, which means seven, since it was the seventh month of the old Roman year, which began before the reform of Caesar from March.

The Proto-Slavs called the month September from the name of the heather plant, which blooms in the summer-autumn period.
In the modern era, until September 16 according to the Gregorian calendar, the sun stands in the constellation Leo, from September 16 - in the constellation Virgo.

Holidays and signs for September

If on that day the wind was blowing from the south, then they said: “Father south let the wind blow on the oats.” Oats ripen. Beet harvesting begins with Fekla - the beet plant.

The peasants considered the prophet Samuel the patron and intercessor of peasants - peasants before the Lord. Samoilin prays to God for a man. On this day, they asked for good weather for autumn work. It is considered the day of the appearance of winter mushrooms.

If it is clear on Thaddeus, then there will be clear weather for another month. The last apples are harvested on Thaddeus so as not to deplete the tree. Flax was harvested that day. They said: "Baba Vasilisa cares about flax."

On Agathon, the goblin comes out of the forest into the field, runs through the villages and villages, scatters sheaves. On the night of Agathon, the peasants guarded the threshing floor in sheepskin coats inside out, with a poker in their hands, so that not a single goblin would dare to approach the fence.

First frosts. “Lupensky frosts sit down on oats, they are sweetened with lingonberries”, “On luppa oats are beaten with frost”. According to folk signs of peasants, flax blooms for two weeks, sings for four weeks, and flies on the seventh seed - “peel”. Cranberries and lingonberries ripen these days. Flax and oats ripen. They noted: if the lingonberries ripened, then the oats also reached. If there is no matinee on this day, it will not freeze in September. If cranes flew south to Lupa, then wait for early winter. If the cranes fly low, then the winter will be warm, if they fly high, it will be cold.

On Eutychius we watched the weather. This day should be quiet, windless, otherwise the flaxseed will be sprinkled: "Well, if Eutychius is quiet, otherwise you will not keep the flaxseed in the vine." If it rains that day, there will be a dry autumn and a good harvest next year.

The deadline for sowing winter crops: "Bartholomew has come, live for this winter!" The date of collection of the last mushrooms. Time to thresh bread. And there is a belief that those born on this day will have happiness in maturity.

The day is dedicated to the mountain ash - the mountain ash is the birthday girl. Collected mountain ash and viburnum. From that day on, they began to mow oats, and baked oatmeal pancakes: "Natalya carries oatmeal pancake into the barn, and Odriyan carries oatmeal in a pot." A cold matinee on this day portends an early and cold winter. If a birch and oak leaf has not fallen, there will be a harsh winter.

On this day, they begin to collect mountain ash. On this day, bunches of mountain ash are hung on poles under the roof. A large harvest of mountain ash - to frost. Birds are the first to feast on rowan berries. The winter will not be severe for the peasant if there are many berries left on the mountain ash.

Bread is put into stacks, sheaves are hastily removed before the onset of September bad weather. If you do not choose cannabis before Ivan the Lenten (September 11), you will spend the entire post without oil. The autumn fairs have begun. September 10 is also the day of vision and purification. Moses Murin is prayed for deliverance from smoking and drunkenness.

On this day, fasting lasts only a day, but it is usually strictly observed. It is not allowed to eat anything round, cook cabbage soup (from a round cabbage head), dig potatoes and pick apples. Autumn comes from Ivan the Lenten: "Ivan the Lenten has come, he has taken away the red summer." Ivan the Baptist chases a bird across the sea. If the cranes went south that day - early winter. The swan flies towards the snow, and the goose towards the rain. Starlings do not fly away for a long time - by dry autumn. Flocks of rooks stretch on dark evenings - to good weather. Memorial Day of John the Baptist is a significant turning point both in nature and in peasant worries; The harvesting of pickles for the winter began.

On this day, they prepared hearty (svytnaya) - barley porridge. Until that day, barley stalks had been left standing in the field since August. There was a custom to curl barley stalks with flax and oat, to speak a field for the next harvest.

On this day, root crops are harvested (except for turnips), potatoes, carrots, and beets are dug. Each spine is in its own time. On Kupriyanov day, the cranes are going to go. In the village they believed that those born on September 13 knew the way to the crane - a swamp with cranberries. On September 13, they harvested cranberries, which were called crane berries. Until that day, according to popular belief, it was impossible to go to the swamps.

Once upon a time on this day, according to the old calendar, which fell on September 1, they celebrated the New Year. Wedding day. Last thunderstorms. On this day, they moved to new houses and celebrated housewarming, while always observing the rite of “transferring” the brownie to a new hut, Indian summer is dry - autumn is wet. If the first day of Indian summer is clear, then Indian summer will be warm. The sowing of winter crops was completed. If the day is clear and warm, then the winter will be warm and the autumn dry. A lot of cobwebs - autumn is long and dry. If wild geese flew away on Semyon-day, wait for early winter. If the day of Simeon the Stylite did not fall on Sunday, then in the morning the women in every house were taken for a thorough tidying up. On this day, the housewives took care of all sorts of ways to lime annoying insects: flies and cockroaches.

On this day, from morning until late in the evening, they sorted out and threw out all sorts of junk and rubbish. Potato sacks, thin shoes were washed in the river, and what was no longer for the future - Domna burned on the ridge along with potato tops. It was believed that this is a sure way to acquire well-being and happiness for the whole family for the whole year.

On the Burning Bush, they begin to remove the late bow. The Burning Bush is considered the guardian from fires and lightning. Prayers are ordered to save houses from fire. Pitchforks are celebrated on Vavila - on this day the peasants went around the haylofts and haystacks and poked them with pitchforks - so that the evil spirits hidden in the hay would not harm the cattle in winter.

On this day, they predicted what winter would be like. The average period of yellowing rowan leaf. The leaves on the mountain ash turned yellow early - early autumn and early cold winter. Day of Predictions. Kumokha - fever was driven out with birch brooms, the bath was heated. The one born on the day of Kumokhi was hired as a shepherd, because Kumokhi could not touch him. It was believed that he owns conspiracies and has witchcraft power. On this day, they go to healers and fortune-tellers. Guessing fate, future marriage.

If aspen leaves lie face up - to a cold winter, inside out to the top - the winter will be warm, and if this way and that, then the winter will be moderate. If, after Mikhailovsky frosts, frost grows on the trees, we must wait for big snows in winter. On this day, secular gatherings were held, at which family matters were decided. After the meeting - reconciliation, mutual treats were offered, turning into a festival. You can’t work for Mikhail - God will punish.

From that day onions were massively harvested. Onions are harvested from the fields, stored for the winter. the abundance of husks on the bulbs portends a cold winter.

Among the people - the Lesser Pure. This is the time for collecting onions and working in the apiary. Autumn solstice. If the weather is good on this day, then autumn will be good. In the agricultural calendar, this day was called "autumn" and was celebrated as a harvest festival.

The Day of Remembrance of the Righteous Joachim and Anna, the parents of the Blessed Virgin, are considered helpers and benefactors of women in childbirth and the childless. This day was celebrated as Mother's Day. They congratulated young mothers with babies, baked pies, cooked porridge. On this day, it was customary to give polarki to loved ones.

Mass collection of mountain ash. On this day, mountain ash was harvested for the future, for compotes and making kvass. Rowan infusion was considered a good anti-inflammatory remedy for winter colds. They decorate windows for the winter with rowan clusters from all wickedness.

It starts to rain and sleet. On the day of Theodora, onions were harvested, beehives with bees were taken to the oomshannik. Theodora was considered the patroness of winter crops. On this day, we went to the field to look at winter crops. Strong and dense shoots promised a good harvest next year. By Theodorin's day, beer was usually brewed. With Fedora, cabbage evenings began, for which girls and women gathered. The women chopped cabbage, told jokes and stories. Such gatherings were called skits - hence the name of playful parties with parody numbers. Cabbage dishes were prepared on the cabbages.

This day was very important for the hunters. If on this day you kill at least a hare, then luck and happiness will accompany in all endeavors. From this day on, the life of animals freezes, autumn comes into its own. According to legend, snakes from this day move from fields to forests.

With Cornelius, the root does not grow in the ground, but freezes. Good owners removed the last root crops from the gardens (except for turnips), because from that time regular frosts began on the soil.

The Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, as this holiday is officially called. Exaltation throughout Rus' was considered a "cabbage day". Exaltation is a fasting holiday. Three days before the Exaltation, cabbage was harvested from all gardens. On Vozdvizhenie it is impossible to start important and significant affairs - everything will go to dust. The "Indian summer" was ending and the real autumn was coming. You can not go to the forest on this day.

On this day, the slaughter of geese, fattened over the summer, began in peasant households. There were goose fights. The goose raises its paw - to a cold, stands on one leg - to frost, rinses in the water - to warmth, hides its nose under the wing - to early winter. From this day on, wild geese fly to warm seas. By the cry of the geese and the flight, they judged the onset of imminent cold weather. Geese fly high to Vozdvizhenye - to a high flood, low - to a small one. If migratory geese often landed on the ground, if starlings were not in a hurry to fly away, then autumn was expected to be dry and warm. Gardeners were digging up the last turnips in the fields.

On this day they caught birds, guessed by the bird's bone what kind of winter it would be: with its hardness, fatty slough, the capercaillie and duck bones gave the answer. We continued to harvest cabbage in the winter. Thunder on this day - to an evil snowless winter.

Name days of many women. In Rus', all women on this day were congratulated on the holiday. Name days were usually celebrated for three days in honor of maternal Wisdom and female Virtues. On this day, it was supposed to be sure to weep for yourself, for your relatives and friends. After weeping and complaining, special birthday cakes and pretzels were baked with a bright soul. If the cranes fly that day, then there will be frost on Pokrov, if not, then it will come later.

A complete list of signs for each day can be read by clicking on the name of the holiday.

Signs, proverbs and sayings of September

  • We began to collect wild rose - autumn has come.
  • Ledum repels clothes moth.
  • Thick warm fogs warn about the beginning of the mushroom season.
  • If an owl often hoots on a rainy night, the weather will be fine tomorrow.
  • Frogs jump ashore and croak during the day, and fish jump out of the water - it will rain.
  • The leech lies quietly at the bottom - to good, clear weather.
  • With a north wind, the fish bite badly, another thing is the south or southwest wind.
  • Cirrus clouds are harbingers of close flights of bird flocks.
  • Thunder in September portends a warm autumn.
  • September will wait - to the delight of the peasant.
  • September is the evening of the year.
  • August cooks, September - serves to the table.
  • In September, hold on tight to your caftan.
  • In September it's nicer in the afternoon, but it's worthless in the morning.
  • In September, if the web spreads over the plants - to heat.
  • In September, even the leaf on the tree does not hold.
  • In September, the forest is thinner and the bird's voice is quieter.
  • Summer ends in September and autumn begins.
  • In September, it is not the hut that warms the peasant, but the chain (threshing bread).
  • In September, one berry, and that bitter mountain ash.
  • In September, the tit asks for autumn to visit.
  • Thunder in September portends a warm and long autumn.
  • A lot of acorns on oak in September - for a fierce winter.
  • A lot of nettennik in Indian summer - to a clear autumn and cold winter.
  • The breezes rushed from midnight, ah yes September!
  • September is never fruitless.
  • September tears off the caftan from his shoulder, puts on a sheepskin coat.
  • September sees off the red summer, welcomes the golden autumn.
  • September reddened the swamps - oats are threshed with frost.
  • September drove the birds on the road.
  • September is cold, but full.
  • The drier and warmer September is, the later winter will come.

It was the seventh month before the calendar reform of Julius Caesar, which occurred in 46 BC, after which it became the ninth, but did not change its name.

And in Rus', September was called leaf fall, in Ukraine - Veresen, in Croatia - ryuyan, which in translation meant a cold wind. In mid-September, "Indian summer" begins, the time when it is already cold in autumn in the morning, but in the afternoon the air temperature rises to summer values. In this month, it is customary to stop field work, since in ancient times it was believed that September is the beginning of the year of the new harvest.

We started collecting rose hips - autumn has come.

Early morning thick warm fogs speak of the beginning of the mushroom season.

If at night in the rain you hear the frequent hooting of an owl, then the weather will be good in the morning.

If frogs jump ashore and croak during the day, and fish jump out of the water, it will rain.

There will be good and clear weather if the leeches lie at the bottom.

If there are cirrus clouds in the sky, then flights of bird flocks are approaching.

Autumn will be warm if thunder rumbles in September.

If the cranes fly high, slowly, and "talk" - there will be a good warm autumn.

The web spreads over plants to heat. Autumn nettennik - for clear weather, for a bucket.

A lot of acorns in September on oak - for a fierce winter, and before Christmas there will be a lot of snow.

The drier and warmer September, the later the arrival of winter.

Until the cherry leaf has fallen, no matter how much snow falls, the thaw will drive it away.

The appearance of mosquitoes in late autumn - to a mild winter.

If the crows sit with their heads in different directions - the day will be calm, and if in one, but as close as possible to the tree trunk - you have to wait for the wind. If there is a lot of fat in hares, then the winter will be harsh. Hares do not turn white for a long time - autumn will be lingering and bucketful.

Squirrels make a large supply of nuts - to wait for the cold winter.

Moles and mice make large reserves - for a harsh and snowy winter.

If a mouse builds a nest in flax, then there will be big snows in winter.

If mice tear off holes on the warm side (south), the winter will be severe.

If the geese walk in herds, the starlings do not fly away, then the autumn will be lingering and bucketful.

The bird hohlitsya - before the cold winter. It will be a cold winter, if the bird has gone flying away together.

Migratory birds fly high in autumn, so there will be a lot of snow, and low - so little snow will be.

In the fall, bees wax denser than honeycombs - for a cold winter, leave them open - for a warm winter.

Damp summer and warm autumn - to a long winter.

If in autumn the leaves of birch trees begin to turn yellow from the top, spring will be early, from below - late.

September is also called yellow, yellow, as the color of plants this month is yellow-orange.

If on September 1 the atmospheric pressure is high and constant when the wind changes from southwest to northwest - to clear weather and to the same air temperature for 1-2 days.

If the morning of September 3 is gray and overcast, wait for a red day. If on this day at sunset the sky is covered with clouds from the north - to the winds.

If this day is high atmospheric and the pressure drops slowly, and the wind changes direction from the southwest to the northwest - to the bucket, the temperature will rise within 2 days.

If the low atmospheric pressure slowly drops on September 5, and the wind changes from south to southwest, good weather will last for several days in a row. If on this day peas bloomed in the garden - to a warm and long autumn. In case fog appears early in the morning, the weather will improve.

If it rains on September 6, this means a dry autumn and a good harvest for next year. If it is clear at night, good weather. If during the day the air temperature rises from sunrise to 15:00, and then drops until the next morning - to good weather.

If on September 8 frost on the trees means frost, and if fog means warmth. If the sound of a woodpecker is heard on this day, it means rain, and if the horse kicks with its hind leg, it means bad weather.

If there are a lot of acorns on the oak - to a fierce winter. The willow was covered with frost early - for a long winter.

If there are no mushrooms on September 10, this means that the winter will be harsh and snowy. If there are a lot of mountain ash in the forest, the autumn will be rainy, and if there are few, it will be dry.

If the cranes flew south on September 11, winter will come soon. Snails close the covers of their shells early - soon winter will make itself felt.

The frogs begin to hide deep in the water - it will soon become cold. But if a dandelion blooms at this time - to a warm and long autumn.

If there is a lot of cobwebs, then wait for a clear and cold autumn.

If the mole drags a lot of straw into the hole - to a cold winter. Waxwings fly early to warmer climes - to an early cold snap.

If fog is on September 16 in the morning - to clear and dry weather. There are a lot of cones on the fir trees - for a warm winter. During the transition from the full moon to the new moon, a circle forms around the moon - to the imminent bad weather.

If on September 17, after the rain, it quickly dried up - to a protracted bad weather. The charr fish rushes around the aquarium up and down, left and right - to the imminent bad weather.

Bulbs of vegetables and flowers have a thin peel - for a mild winter. Goats on a clear day suddenly began to hide under a canopy or hurried home from the pasture - to a sharp deterioration in the weather.

If on September 19 the young moon was born foggy and "littered" - to bad weather. The leaves on the upper branches of the birch remain green for a long time, while the leaves on the lower branches have already flown around for a long time - by early winter and fertile spring.

Cherry late leaf fall - to a warm and humid winter. Fir cones grew low - by early frosts, high - by late ones. Wagtails appeared in flocks during a long dry period - expect a protracted storm to come.

If on September 21 the wool of the hares turns white, winter will come soon. An abundance of fir cones - for the harvest of spring, peas and cucumbers next year.

If the hare does not shed for winter for a long time, then the cold will not come soon. Early leaf fall near the willow - by the imminent winter.

Weak fur in wild animals is a sign of a mild winter. A lot of hares - for a harsh winter. The hare has shed uncleanly - for a dirty winter.

If on September 24 moles make large reserves - to a harsh and snowy winter. There are many mushrooms - there will be a lot of snow, and vice versa.

If field mice moved to the village on September 25, expect a cold winter. When it rains, the clouds are flat - to a protracted bad weather.

If on September 28 the tit squeaks - by the end of winter. If badgers and hares have accumulated a lot of fat, then the winter will be long and cold, and vice versa. If on this day the cranes flew off - after 3 weeks, wait for the first real frosts.

Squirrels make large stocks of nuts - for a cold winter. The squirrel molts from top to bottom - on rottenness. The walls in the house or apartment have become wetter than usual - to bad weather. If field mice store a supply of grass outside their burrows, it means a warm winter. If moles do not insulate their burrows in autumn, then a warm winter is expected.

If on September 30 the hedgehog has its lair in the middle of the forest, the winter will be cold. The squirrel molts from bottom to top - for a durable winter.

September- the first month of autumn. Its popular name is "frown", since the sky at this time begins to frown, it often rains. At this time, there is a wonderful period - Indian summer, when a lot of cobwebs fly in the air and the weather is warm and sunny. “September sees off the red summer, meets the golden autumn,” they say among the people. In this month, the trees begin to slowly change their color from green to yellow. The days are getting shorter and cooler, migratory birds are gathering south. During this period, the harvest ends, preparations are being made for the winter. Through repeated observations of our ancestors over animals and natural phenomena, many folk signs of September were composed, which allow us to predict the weather, to predict what the coming autumn, winter and spring will be like.

September weather tips

  • Thunder in September portends a warm autumn and a snowy winter.
  • The drier and warmer September, the later the arrival of winter.
  • September is cold - next year the snow may melt faster than usual.

Signs about nature in September

  • A lot of cobwebs in September for Indian summer - to a clear autumn, to a cold winter.
  • Late leaf fall - to a harsh and long winter.
  • Leaf fall passes soon - the winter will be cold.
  • If there are a lot of acorns on the oaks in September, expect a lot of snow before Christmas.
  • If in autumn the leaves of birches begin to turn yellow from the top, spring will be early, from below - late.
  • If in September ants run along the tops of the grass, then the snow will be deep and the winter will be early, and if along the bottom, then it will be long.
  • If the cranes fly high, slowly and cooing, it will be a good autumn.

September is next.

01.09 - the day of Thekla-beetroot, Andrei Stratilat-teplyak. The beginning of the year before Peter I. They checked in the field whether the wind was warm and whether the oats were ripe.

Month horns down - to bad weather.

Beets are harvested on the Beetroot.

Born on Andrew Stratilates - a person endowed with great wisdom.

02.09 - Samoilin, Samuel's day, the patron saint of all the destitute, Beetroot. In the church, they begged Samuel for good days in order to be in time from the harvest before the rains. We tried to set the table in every house, the owner would be well-fed, kind - and the work would be fine.

Harvesting beets is a hard lot for girls, but with each inclination to the garden, the girl added health, beetroot blush and beauty.

Cranes are in no hurry to fly away - to lingering heat.

The abundance of mountain ash - to the abundance of autumn rains.

Wormholes are facing north - to a mild winter.

Mice are increasingly found near the village - to the steep winter cold.

03.09 - the day of Vasilisa the flax woman, who protects the flax crops and gives the zealous peasant a sign of flax harvesting; day of Thaddeus.

The fine Flaxenberry will remain warm for almost a month.

Rich in acorns on Thaddeus - you can expect a snowy Christmas.

Mice nest in shocks - by a damp, lingering autumn.

Talented healers are born on Thaddeus.

04.09 - the day of Agathon Ogumennik; Afanasiev day. At night they guarded the threshing floor from the goblin. But if he was propitiated, then he could be useful in something.

A clear day on the Ogumennik - it will be fine for a few more weeks.

Nuts are plentiful, and mushrooms are not abundant - you will have to wait for a fierce winter.

Kind, but touchy people are born on Agathon.

05.09 - Luppa-Cowberry Day.

Warm morning on Luppu - it will be warm all month long.

Before Cowberry, unharvested oats will die from frost.

Cranes on Luppa were gathering to the south - to the imminent winter; flew low - to wait for a mild winter; high - soon she will declare herself cold; they fly quickly and silently - very soon the rains and cold will come.

06.09 - the day of Eutyches the quiet, martyr, one of the disciples of the holy apostles Paul and John the Theologian.

Rain promises a sunny autumn and a future solid harvest.

Cry of a tit - for the imminent arrival of autumn cold and rain.

A large harvest of acorns - for a cold, long winter.

On Eutychius, they are trying to finish the harvest in order to keep the harvest intact.

07.09 - the day of Bartholomew and Titus the mushroom picker, Leaf fall.

A plentiful harvest of mushrooms - to long frosts in winter.

Birds flying south rest on the ground - by fine days; arranged on the roof of the house - to bad weather.

Born on Titus, happiness will wait only in maturity, amber serves as a talisman for him.

After the day of Titus the mushroom picker, the collected mushrooms were not suitable for salting, so they tried to have time to collect as much as possible on Listopadnik.

08.09 - Day of Andrian and Natalia Ovsyanitsa. Day of Pavel-Royabinnik. Oat grains were planted in the fields. Cooked oatmeal pudding with pancakes.

Morning frosts on Andrian - to an early cold winter.

The abundance of mountain ash - to frequent, heavy rains and early frosts.

There are still leaves on the birch and oak - there will be no mild winter.

09.09 - the day of Kuksha fieldfare, in memory of Anfisa and Pimen. Collection of mountain ash is traditional, tasty and healing berry.

A meager harvest of mountain ash - autumn will delight you with warm days.

Thunderstorm Kuksha - to a fine autumn.

Born on Anfisa received protection from enemies, he should wear onyx and alexandrite.

The berries on the mountain ash are not all eaten by birds - the winter will not be fierce.

The rowan color appeared again - by the protracted fine autumn.

10.09 - the day of Moses Murin, Anna the prophetess, Anna and Savva Skirdnikov. Bread was put into stacks. Finished sowing winter crops. They prayed to Moses for the healing of their loved one from drunkenness.

Fine day - winter will not declare itself for a long time.

Crane and goose migration has not yet been observed - the winter will be late and will be mild.

An agate or chrysolite talisman will help those born on Moses Murin in life.

11.09 - the day of the Beheading of John the Baptist; the day of Ivan the Lenten, Ivan the Flight. Turnip holiday, Postnik. Field work was not carried out, the time has come for harvesting, fairs, and auctions. Fasting was problematic when the harvest was in the bins. Although the duration of fasting is only one day, it is distinguished by strictness and special requirements. Nothing round (similar to the shape of a head) should get into the food; you can’t pick round fruits, dig potatoes.

Summer ends on Ivan, the Indian comes.

Flying cranes are a sign of early winter.

A swan flies in the sky - soon the snow will fall, and to see a goose flight in the sky - the rain will charge.

Starlings are in no hurry to warmer climes, and rooks fly away - by the warm autumn.

12.09 - the day of the Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky, the protector of the Russian land; Alexander Sytnik. It was necessary to collect a festive plentiful table, on which there should be hearty - barley porridge.

Migratory birds fly in a circle high in the sky, they are not going to fly away - a good, clear autumn will drag on.

A fine evening on Sytnik - to a rich future harvest.

Stars often fall on Alexander - a crop failure is possible next autumn.

Hedgehog holes are found at the edge - by a mild winter; the hedgehog hid the dwelling in the thicket - the winter is expected to be severe, the direction of the winter winds will be from the back of the mink.

13.09 - Kupriyanov day. Day of the Crane Veche. Cranberries are harvested, but it was impossible to go for zhuravinka (cranberries) on Kupriyanov's day before the cranes fly away. This threatened the loss of reason or death in the swamp.

The crane wedge broke up into a flight one by one - to a possible future crop failure.

Cranes fly with a loud chirp - soon it will rain.

Chickens, ducks ruffled - to bad weather.

14.09 - Simeon the Stylite (Stovpnik). Semen-day is the first in the new year. Everyone converged in the hut to the oldest in the family for the celebration, the meeting of the new summer and the morning procession to the church. The beginning of the wedding weeks (until the end of November - Guriev's day); it's time for housewarming (with the obligatory relocation of the brownie in stove utensils). It's time to pickle cucumbers.

Warm Semyon-day, south wind - to a warm winter.

Pogozhiy Simeon - autumn without precipitation; rainy - wet, rainy autumn time.

Geese fly south to Simeon - winter will come earlier.

Beginning of Indian summer: dry Stovpnik - rainy autumn.

15.09 - Mammoth Shepherd, patron of sheep. Prepared livestock housing for winter. They worshiped the Shepherd, fumigated pens, flocks with heather from evil forces.

In the morning to drive out the cattle - to invite misfortune.

Red glow in the evening - to early frosts.

Rainy sheepfold - autumn without precipitation.

In the morning and evening, the dews are large - by fine days.

16.09 - Vasilisa's day. Cleaning flax and preparing it for weaving. Cleaning, cleaning the premises, the owners moved to winter housing. Potato peelings, garbage after cleaning, unnecessary trash were burned - they attracted happiness for a year.

Rainy Vasilisa - to a dry, fine autumn.

17.09 - the day of the Burning Bush, protecting the house from lightning and fires, from diseases, in the name of which there is the word "fire". Lukov day, Babyla, Mother of God.

Onions in numerous husks - for a fierce winter.

Mice run across the floor to Burning, a hare runs, a cuckoo flies through the village - to an imminent fire.

Keep a fire barrel ready - attract a fire.

18.09 - the day of Athanasius of Brest, Zechariah and Elizabeth the Foreteller, who foretold the Virgin Mary the birth of Jesus Christ. The day was considered unlucky, but the forecasts of healers and fortune-tellers for Elizabeth are true, the girls rushed to tell fortunes about the groom.

Prematurely yellowed leaves are a sign of the early arrival of autumn followed by a cold winter.

Rowan in numerous berries - for a rainy autumn.

19.09 - Michaelmas day. Mikhailovsky frosts, or matinees. The Archangel Michael descended to the earth in order to exterminate the evil force with frost.

Working on Michaelmas Day is a sin, unfortunately. Arranged meetings with the analysis of quarrels, insults, disputes. Compulsory reconciliation must be celebrated.

A good day for Michael - to a protracted fertile autumn.

The frost that appeared on Mikhail promised a snowy winter.

20.09 - Onion day. Day of Sozon. Began trading onions-turnips.

It was impossible to cook onions for food before they were completely harvested from the garden, so that there would be no crop failure or death of the onions remaining in the ground.

Cranes on Sozonta high in the sky - to the cold lingering autumn.

White clouds are observed for several days - to the upcoming cold weather; dark - to precipitation.

Sozonta Day gives birth to excellent healers, amber will help them in this craft.

21.09 - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin. Apasov (Passikov) day. The second meeting of spring is the beginning of Indian summer. They transfer bees to winter apartments. Remove the onion with the permitted use of it already in food. The beginning of ospozhinok is a harvest festival with a festivity of recruits, going to visit, presenting young spouses to relatives with necessarily round pies.

A serene Apas day promises a good autumn.

Leaves fall early - winter comes early.

Cobwebs on plants - to clear weather.

Red glow - to windy, rainy weather.

22.09 - the day of memory of Joachim and Anna, the parents of the Virgin Mary, who conceived a child in deep maturity, the patrons of women in childbirth and the childless.

Holiday of young mothers and midwives.

Guests at Akim and Anna - fortunately and well-being in the house, it is customary for guests not to refuse anything, also to attract happiness.

It is customary to commemorate the departed relatives and friends.

It is better to spend the day alone with nature, it will add strength.

Born on the day of Akim and Anna, a happy, bright life awaits.

Adultery on Parents' Day is a special sin.

A gift for Akim and Anna will bring prosperity to the house and joy.

23.09 - the day of Saints Peter and Paul, Bishops of Nicaea; fieldfare. The day turned into night. They organized festivities, gathered rich tables with autumn pies - mushrooms, lingonberries, skits, obligatory rowan kvass.

A lot of mountain ash on fieldfare - by a rainy autumn; little - to dry.

A rowan branch on the table attracts happiness to the house.

Any undertaking on Peter and Paul - to its good ending.

Travelers are in luck.

Intuition for the saints is especially strong, it is worth listening to yourself.

On this day, centenarians are born, distinguished by patience and diligence, sapphire will help them in everything.

24.09 - the day of Fyodor, the patroness of winter crops, Fyodor Obder.

The girl's hem got dirty on Fedora - the girl will marry a drunkard.

The bees do not calm down in the omshanik - autumn will stand still for a long time.

For newlyweds to eat cabbage in any form on Fedor - to a happy family life.

Do not paint lips on Fedor - you can get sick; and washing your hair is a failure.

Starting with Fedor Obder - to an unsuccessful end.

25.09 - snake day, the day of Artamon, the protector from snake bites. Colds come, from which the snakes go into the forest.

Time for a successful hunt, if the prey is that day, even a small one.

Trees in yellow leaves - by early autumn.

Rainy Artamon - to a long winter.

High weeds - to the abundance of snow.

An abundance of acorns on a snake day - to a mild winter and a fruitful summer.

Thunder on Artamon - to a warm autumn.

26.09 - the day of Cornelius, the patron saint of farmers. After Kornilov's day, nothing grows anymore, they hurried to clean everything in the field and garden, except for turnips.

Rain on Cornelius - the future harvest will be rich.

Warm rain on Kornilov's day is the last. Go under it - recharge your health and optimism.

Eat a radish - sickness will rarely visit!

Turnip on the table - to peace and harmony in the family.

A turnip with honey eaten by young people for two - to a happy and long life.

Weddings and matchmaking on Kornil - to failure.

27.09 - Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. Exaltation of the Lord, Stavrov day. The swallows are flying.

Any undertakings will not be crowned with success. It’s also better (for a girl) not to go into the forest - the goblin will drag it away.

Cold wind on Stavrov day - to a warm future summer.

Frosts in the morning - to the imminent winter.

Fine Stavrov day - by late winter.

Mysterious footprints on the ground cannot be crossed, it is possible that the evil spirits of the forest have inherited - you can soon get sick.

28.09 - the day of Nikita Guseprolet. Reporez. The turnip is harvested and cooked, the geese are slaughtered. Goose is the main figure on Nikita.

A goose on one leg over a puddle - to an early frost; splashing in the water - a fine day is expected; nose under the wing - by early winter.

When migrating, geese often rest on the ground, and starlings are in no hurry to leave their native land on Guseprolet - autumn promises to be good.

29.09 - Ludmila's day. Euphemia Day. The main occupation is shearing sheep, harvesting cabbage (at parties). They caught goldfinches and tits for fun in the house for the winter. The obligatory dish is the bird. By the bones they noted:

thin - to a mild winter and early warmth, easy existence;

thick - to a fierce winter, late spring and difficult wintering.

Fine Efimiya - to a late, mild winter.

Thunder on Lyudmila - to a snowless winter.

30.09 - the day of the martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia, who died from their refusal to renounce Christianity. Their mother died three days after the children's funeral.

Cloudy morning promises good coming days.

During the day without precipitation, warm - for a long autumn, successful fishing.

The cranes were about to fly away - The cover will be frosty if they linger - and the frosts will linger.

September means the seventh. Among the ancient Romans, it was the seventh until the calendar reform of Julius Caesar, which occurred in 46 BC, after which it became the ninth, but did not change its name. And in Rus', this month was called “Howler” (roaring deer and elk during the rut), “veresen” (heather blooms), “frown”, “leaf fall”, “golden summer”, “pioneer”. Time of mushrooms and milk mushrooms, mushrooms and whites. In September, the forest is thinner and the bird's voice is quieter.

September- the blush of autumn.

The warmer September, the later winter.

In September, one berry, and that one is a bitter mountain ash.

In September, fire in the field and in the hut.

Father September does not like to indulge.

In September, the fur coat stretches behind the caftan.

September is cold, but full.

In September it's nicer in the afternoon, but it's worthless in the morning.

September highlights:

Damp summer and warm autumn - to a long winter.

If ripe oats suddenly turn green in a row, autumn will be rainy.

A lot of acorns on oak - for a fierce winter.

Friendly leaf fall - to a harsh winter.

Cones have grown on spruce low - to be early frosts, and if at the top - real cold will come at the end of winter.

There are a lot of mountain ash in the forest - autumn will be rainy.

A plentiful rowan harvest promises a rainy and windy coming year.

A rainy autumn, a clean fall of oak and birch leaves, the leaves from the trees lie inside out - for the next year's harvest.

The appearance of mosquitoes in the fall - to a mild winter.

If the hedgehog made a hole at the edge - the winter will be warm, if in the depths of the thicket - expect hard frosts.

There will be a harsh spring if the bird goes flying away together.

September 1

Andrey Stratilat and Thekla. Noticeable warming.

The wind-teplyak is dressed in cobwebs, bows after the bygone summer.

Stratilatov's day has come - the oats have reached.

Dig beets on Thekla.

The wind is warm, south - to a good harvest of oats.

September 2

Day of the prophet Samuel, beetroot.

Samuel the prophet himself prays to God for a peasant.

It's time to pull the beets and carrots.

The beetroot girl is a slave to the girls.

September 3

Day of Thaddeus. If this day is clear, you should expect the same weather for another four weeks.

Who is Thaddeus - own your happiness!

4 September

Agathon's Day. The peasants were afraid of the goblin and at night they guarded the threshing floor so that it would not scatter the sheaves.

September 5

Day of the Loupe-lingonberry. First frosts.

On St. Lupus, oats are peeling with frost.

Notes for this day:

If the lingonberries ripen, you need to hurry up with the oats reaping.

If the cranes fly low and silently - to bad weather.

6 September

Eutychius Day.

Well, if Eutychius is quiet, otherwise you won’t be able to keep the flaxseed on the vine: everything will hatch cleanly.

September 7

Day of Titus and Bartholomew.

Titus, go thresh!

Listopadiik-Tit grows the last mushroom.

Titus drags the last mushroom in the basket - the most vigorous, without a wormhole.

8 September

Natalia Fescue Day. It's time to mow oats, cook oatmeal jelly, bake pancakes.

Oats will not grow - you swallow tears.

Cold matinee for Natalia - for an early and cold winter.

You won’t mow oats to Natalya - you will wind yourself up to tears.

9th of September

Day of Anfisa, fieldfare.

Birds are the first to feast on rowan berries.

Winter will be merciful to the peasant if there are many berries left on the mountain ash.

10 September

Anna the Prophetess and Savva of Pskov, stackers. On this day, they hurried to put unmanaged sheaves into stacks, glorified the harvest.

A good owner has a mow with a stack of arguing, and a le-zhebok has a stack with a kopeck.

Fun inviting fairs began. On this day, Moses Murin was also revered, to whom they prayed for deliverance from drunkenness and craving for smoking.

South wind - to good health, north, east and west - to disease.

Strictly fast day:

Whoever fasts before the Beheading of John the Baptist will be saved from poverty, poverty and poor health.

11 September

Day of Ivan the Lenten (Day of the beheading of the head of John the Baptist), Ivan the Fleet. Under the ban, everything is round - something that can resemble a severed head (apples, potatoes, cabbage, etc.), they do not take knives in their hands. Strict post.

They don’t eat on Ivan the Round, they don’t cook cabbage soup.

A good day for harvesting medicinal roots. Autumn is getting closer

Ivan the Lenten came, took away the red summer.

A peasant without a caftan does not leave Lenten Ivan.

Ivan the Lenten is the pockmarked godfather of autumn.

Ivan the Baptist chases the bird far beyond the sea.

If the cranes went to Kyiv - by early winter.

The summer is red with work, and Ivan Proletok with red goods.

Gather tall roots for Ivan the Lenten.

12-th of September

Warm and stellar - for a good future harvest.

September 13

Kupriyan's Day.

It's time to harvest carrots, dig potatoes.

Potatoes are a sucker for bread.

Each spine to its time.

September 14

Day of Simeon the Stylite, in the folk calendar - Semyon the pilot. In pre-Petrine Rus' (from the middle of the XIV century to 1700) it fell on September 1 and was considered the beginning of the New Year. This day was the deadline for the payment of state taxes and for appearing in court. Deadline for sowing rye and harvesting spring crops:

Semen-day - seeds away.

On Semyon-day, before dinner, pasha, and after dinner, wave at the plowman with a roll.

Housewives prepare for winter: pickle cucumbers, pick onions, prepare winter clothes for the whole family. The beginning of the "old Indian summer":

Semyon spends the summer, the Indian summer will bring.

From the Indian summer - the Indian holiday and the woman's worries.

If the first day of Indian summer is clear, then Indian summer will be warm. Indian summer is dry - autumn is wet.

It's warm on Seeds - the whole autumn is warm.

It was believed that on this day, three-year-old children should come out of infancy, and adults should start hunting:

Shave the child on Seeds, put on a horse and go fishing in the field.

After the end of the field work, the recruits walked in festive clothes until November: from Semyonov Day to Guria (November 28) - wedding weeks. This day is also good for housewarming.

Snakes on this day are very dangerous, their bites are deadly. If an eel is swept out of the water into the grass, it means that this is how he shakes famously into the grass. You can’t approach him, but to take it in your hands means to incur great grief. You can't walk on the grass near the rivers.

September 15th

Mammoth Sheepdog Day. In order to avoid misfortunes, it was customary to drive the cattle out of the yard this day only in the afternoon. Snakes are very dangerous - you can not walk barefoot, especially near the water. Water, the way it flows, determines the future.

16 of September

Vasilisa Day. Mistresses prepared flax and hemp for spinning.

Baba Vasilisa, hurry up with flax, get ready for rattles and supryadki.

Old, worn-out bast shoes, hung on the roof that day, saved the house "from the evil eye."

September 17

Bow day. It's time to dig onions. On this day, they prayed for the protection of houses and livestock from fires.

September 18

Elizabeth's Day.

It is considered successful for predictions, since it was on this day that Saint Elizabeth predicted the birth of Christ to the Virgin Mary.

It is very dangerous to stir up water in rivers and lakes: on this day, the water spirit Ichetik falls asleep. Whoever worries him may drown next year.

September 19

Michaelmas. Cooling - "Mikhailovsky frosts".

Frozen Michael seized the land.

On this day, the peasants did not work in the field - a sin. At the same time, it was he who was considered the most suitable for solving all family problems.

Daylight hours are shortened:

The day was already shortened by five hours for Mikhaila.

Third flight of swallows.

September 20

Day of the martyr Sosont. "Onion" day, the day of taking herbal medicinal kvass, infusions, decoctions. The last date for digging up onions from the beds, the beginning of the onion trade.

Girls weave bows into braids.

A bow is good both in battle and in cabbage soup.

Whoever eats onions, God will save him from eternal torment.

In order not to dry out the entire onion crop, it was strictly forbidden to try the onion until it was completely removed from the beds. Bundles of bulbs were hung around the house and around the neck of animals to protect them from pestilence. It was believed that he not only saves from all kinds of misfortune, but also purifies the air.

September 21

Aspas Day, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

To spend the day in wisdom and prayer - to find happiness.

Osenins, osporzhinki, the second meeting of autumn.

Autumn passed - say goodbye to warmth.

The end of every summer, a great holiday. The women met him by the water. Children went around the yards and gave the owners small "autumn" sheaves. In songs, they wished well-being to the owners and called for a generous autumn.

Autumn do not scold

Don't scold autumn -

glorious autumn,


Donuts, cakes,

Pork legs

They sat in the oven

We were looked at

They flew into the purse -

autumn girls,


On this day, it was customary to go to visit the newlyweds in order to look at their life and life and teach the mind. Relatives spent a week visiting each other's families. General feasts were arranged, after which the grandchildren stayed with their grandparents for a long time. Difficult family relationships were sometimes sweetened with honey - on this day, beekeepers removed bees from apiaries and heartily treated all their loved ones to honey.

From that time the gatherings began.

September 22nd

Nikola autumn. Trips are stopped at night:

Nikola will fatten the horse in spring, and drive it into the yard in autumn.

The snakes are very dangerous. You can not raise snakes and snakes above the eyes - you can get fainting, evil eye, damage. You can’t kill snakes - snake kings will take revenge all year.

Who confuses and tears branches - the snake invites into the house.

23 September

Day of Peter and Paul - Fieldfare.

They collected mountain ash, decorated their dwellings with it. The day turned into night.

Mountain ash is terrible - the winter is frosty.

If there are few mountain ash in the forest, then autumn will be dry,

September 24

Fedora - soak your tails. Last farewell of summer. Autumn equinox, the beginning of rains and slush.

Under Fedor, summer ends, autumn begins.

Not every summer will reach Fedora.

Autumn Fedoras tuck the hem, and winter (January 12) close the snout with a handkerchief.

The grain growers nicknamed Fedora a sack, since it was by this time that they tried to shave the last bread left on the vine. All field work is coming to an end:

The Monk Theodora came, and amen to every work.

On this day, it was supposed to watch the winter shoots.

September 25

Artamon Day. According to legend, on this day the snakes go into the forest and hide. You can’t make noise - the snake gapes and stays near the house. The noise also calls for witches - they bring evil to the house.

September 26

Cornelius Day. All root vegetables except turnips must be dug up by this day:

Saint Cornelius - out of the ground rhizomes!

Korniliev's day in the yard - every root in its hole.

Since Corniglia, the root does not grow in the ground, but becomes chilly.

September 27

Exaltation, the third meeting of autumn, the first frosts. The elements are ready to obey those people who spend this day in the church. Last harvest time. The birds were drawn to the south, the bear lay down in the den. The peasants were afraid of the goblin that day and did not go to the forest. It's time to chop up the cabbage.

The caftan with the fur coat will move, the last cart will leave the field, the birds will fly away, and the cold will come.

The exaltation of the caftan will shift from the shoulders, the sheepskin coat will be pulled down - winter is just around the corner.

On Vozdvizhenie, the bird flew away.

On Vozdvizhenye, a good fellow has cabbage at the porch.

On this day, a playful rite of "funeral cockroach" was performed. A “dead man” was placed in a coffin cut from a turnip tuber and buried in the garden, pretending to read:

Oh cockroach

Yes, our father

Yes, our falcon

How do we bury you

Yes, we bury it in the ground.

Oh, our cockroach died,

A mound was installed on the “grave”, a cross was placed and decorated with a wreath. The cockroaches remaining in the house were lured out into the street:

Cockroach to cockroach, go bury the cockroach.

It was believed that such a ritual action would help get rid of cockroaches at least until next spring. Other insects were also buried if they became too annoying: flies, spiders, lice. This custom is common among all Slavic peoples.

September 28

Nikita-guseprolet, reporez, Nikita-gusyatnik.

Geese fly - they drag the winter on the tail, they carry snow on the nose.

The merman is furious, getting ready to sleep - he needs to be appeased by a goose. You can’t eat the bird yourself, otherwise the whole water one will harm the next year.

It's time to collect turnips and start shearing sheep.

Turnip - meat, cut and eat!

September 29

The last date for the departure of swallows.

September 30th

Day of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, all-world woman's name day. Read conspiracies for memory and understanding.