A well on your site is a great opportunity to have clean water all year round and not experience problems with watering and showering. But the aquifer can occur at different depths. For each depth, it is rational to use certain types of pumps. Consider the main models that are designed for wells with a depth of 15, 20, 30, 50 and 100 meters.

Introduction to the concept of "well depth"

A well is a mine in the earth of small diameter. Its purpose is to reach the aquifer and ensure the rise of water to the top.

In turn, aquifers are different:

  1. First layer- the most shallow, lies literally under our feet and is filled with rain and melt water. Its purity is very doubtful, therefore, such water can only be used for irrigation. In addition, it will constantly dry out, if it has time to form at all.
  2. Second aquifer- located on sandstone. The depth of its occurrence is from 7 to 50 meters. The water here is purified from impurities by a layer of sand, but still not of sufficient quality for consumption.
  3. Third - artesian layer- located on limestone and has a depth of 30 to 200 meters. The water here is saturated with mineral salts and purified from any microorganisms and dirt. In some areas, it may be under pressure and "gush".

Familiarize yourself with the principles of operation of water wells.

Drilling "on sand" and "on limestone" are two types of wells. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Well "on the sand"


  • Low drilling cost. Some homeowners even manage to get to the aquifer on their own. It's physically demanding, but a real challenge.
  • It takes from 1 to 5 days to drill and equip a well.
  • Water can be used immediately after drilling is completed.
  • No license needed.
  • A less powerful pump is needed.

What is a dry stream in landscape design is outlined.


  • Small debit and, as a result, the impossibility of pumping out large (from 1 cubic meters per hour) volumes of water;
  • With a long downtime, the well becomes silted up and needs to be cleaned;
  • Low water quality.

Well "on limestone"


  • Ideally pure water;
  • Service life - at least 50 years;
  • Constantly large volumes of water.


  • High cost of drilling;
  • Expensive well construction;
  • High-quality and expensive pumping equipment is needed;
  • License required.

Equipment for a well 30 meters: how to choose

Depending on the depth, you need to decide. Most often in practice there are wells with a depth of 30 meters, i.e. a well "on sand". Here are a few parameters that the device must meet in order to efficiently and uninterruptedly supply the garden plot with the required volume of water all year round.

The most common models for such wells are 4 inches in diameter. Here is some of them:

  • "Aquarius". Good value for money. Diameter from 110 mm, pressure and flow depend on the needs of the customer. For example, "Aquarius" BTsPE 1.2-32U has a maximum lifting height of 56 m, flow rate - 9.4 m 3 / h and power 1.3 kW. "Aquarius" BTsPE 0.5-50U is able to give a maximum pressure of 75 meters. This means that with a well depth of 30 meters, it will provide a fountain 40 meters high from the ground right above the well. That roughly corresponds to four atmospheres of pressure. Its supply is 3.6 cu. m. per hour.
  • German company Grundfos. Produces downhole and downhole models of minimum diameter and high performance. The price for them is many times higher than the Chinese counterparts, but the quality is appropriate. The SQ2-85 is 76 mm (3 inches) in diameter and delivers 109 meters of head uphill. Its supply is 2 cubic meters of water per hour. Less powerful models are Grundfos SQE 2-70 and SQ3-55 with the same supply and a pressure of 70 and 75 meters, respectively.
  • Italian submersible Pedrollo models. They have a diameter of 100 mm and high performance. Pedrollo 4SR4m/14-P is equipped with a check valve and dry running protection. Its head is 88 meters at a flow rate of 4 cubic meters. m. per hour.
  • Pump QS4X.2-12 220v (ZDS). It is perfect for a well with a depth of 30 m. It has the following characteristics: head - 77 meters, flow rate - 2.4 tons per hour and power 5.5 kW.

Pumps for wells of other depths

The aquifer can lie as above thirty meters, and much deeper. Especially if you are looking for artesian water that does not need to be purified from impurities (if there is no excessive mineralization).

  • Well 15 meters. To lift water from a well, 15 meters is sometimes used with an ejector. The advantage of this option is that the equipment is always at hand. Disadvantages - low efficiency. Therefore, a submersible type apparatus will be correct for such a shallow depth. The Aquarius, Malysh, Sprut SCM3 and Vodomet Gileks vibration pumps can be used for wells with a diameter of more than four inches. They provide great flow and pressure. It is only necessary to ensure that their excessive power does not cause the well to dry out and, as a result, equipment failure.
  • Well 20 meters. Can do with the same models as the previous one. It’s just that its pressure in the house or at the end of the watering hose will be less than half the atmosphere (0.5 m).
  • 50 meter well. Puts forward more serious requirements for pumps. These are no longer just submersible vibration-type models, but specialized centrifugal models. These include Grundfos SQ2-85, Sprut 4S QGD1.8-50-0.5, Water cannon Gileks 60/72 (or 60/92), Pedrollo 4BLOCKm2 / 13 and some other models. Their power is enough to lift the required amount of water to a height of 50 meters with a pressure of 2-5 atmospheres. You will find detailed information about the plastic caisson for the well.
  • Well 100 meters. Even more demanding on the equipment. The main reason is the difficulty of lifting the pump for maintenance and repair. Therefore, here you need to forget about cheap Chinese models and weak domestic manufacturers. Only Grundfos and Pedrollo. Grundfos SQ2-115 is able to lift water from the bottom of such a well and squeeze it out with a pressure of 15-50 meters. Pedrollo 4SR2m / 27-P has similar parameters and has an even higher maximum head - 173 meters.

For the device of autonomous water supply of a private house, it is not enough just to drill a well. To lift water from a considerable depth and supply it to the house, you will need to install pumping equipment. There are many types of pumping units on sale, which differ in performance, engine power, purpose and price. In order for such equipment to meet your water needs, you must choose the right pump. This should be done taking into account various factors, one of which is the depth of the hydraulic structure. In our article, we will consider which pump is better to choose for wells with a depth of 30 meters.

A pump for a well, for example, Malysh, is the main element of the water supply system of a country house. The correct operation of the entire system depends on the correct choice of this unit. When selecting pumping equipment, several criteria must be taken into account at once:

  • Main indicators that influence the choice of device are the level of liquid in the hydraulic structure and the depth of the well. The passport for pumping equipment must indicate the depth of water intake for which the pump is designed. If you do not know how deep your hydraulic structure is, it is better to measure it yourself using a special device or an ordinary rope. Also, with the help of a rope (its wet part), you can find out the height of the water column in the well. Next, we will consider the features of choosing a unit for wells with a depth of 30 meters.
  • Water requirements. The choice of pumping equipment without knowing this value is simply impossible. Depending on the type of pump, this figure can be in the range of 20-200 l / min. The calculation is made taking into account that one person uses 200 liters of water per day. Therefore, a family of four will need a pump whose power is in the range of 30-50 l / min. You can choose the simplest unit, for example, the Whirlwind or the Kid, but you should provide for a small power reserve. If, in addition to water supply at home, the device will provide irrigation of the garden, then an even greater power pump is needed. As a rule, about 2 thousand liters of water may be needed to water the garden per day, so the power of pumping equipment should be 50 l / min more.
  • Well productivity. It is impossible to accurately calculate the volume of water produced for a certain period. For an approximate estimate of this parameter, the time during which all water is pumped out of the hydraulic structure is recorded, as well as the time during which a completely empty well is filled with water again. After that, the second indicator should be divided by the first. The result obtained will be the debit of the water intake. For the selection of pumping equipment, this approximate value will be quite enough.
  • Well water pressure. This indicator is especially important for water intakes with a depth of 30 meters or more. To determine the pressure, you must know how many meters deep your well has. To this value add 30 and increase by 10 percent. As a result, you will get the height of the water column. According to this indicator, the pump is selected. For example, if your hydraulic structure is 30 meters deep, then the height of the water column will be 60 m + 30 + 10% = 66 m. In this case, it is better to choose a model of pumping equipment, for example, Malysh or Whirlwind, with a head of 70 meters.
  • Hydraulic structure shaft diameter. This indicator is needed to determine the power of pumping equipment. If your well was drilled by professionals, then this value can be found in the water well passport. If you did the water intake yourself, then the diameter can also be measured independently. This value must be in inches, so to convert from centimeters, know that there are 2.54 cm in one inch. Most pumps, including the Malysh unit, are designed for 4-inch wells. If the diameter of the trunk of your structure is non-standard, the desired model can be ordered from the catalog. That is why, before making a water well, it is worth choosing a suitable 4-inch casing diameter in advance.
  • The price of pumping equipment- an equally important indicator when choosing a unit. Also, when calculating costs, it is worth considering that you will need a steel cable to hang the pump in the well and an automatic connection. It is not necessary to choose the most expensive unit. There are relatively inexpensive domestic models, for example, the Malysh pump, which do an excellent job with the tasks.

Units for wells 30 m deep

Centrifugal pumps are suitable for a water well with a depth of 30 meters. In this case, it is better to choose units with a double check valve. The design of pumping equipment should be multi-stage, and the shape of the blades on the shaft is selected specifically for hydraulic structures with a depth of 30-40 meters. How to calculate the required head of pumping equipment for water intakes of such a depth, we described above. Now let's decide on other characteristics of the unit for wells with a depth of 30 meters.

As a rule, in hydraulic structures of such depth, the diameter of the trunk is made within 100-125 mm (sometimes more). Therefore, units with a diameter of up to 4 inches are ideal for these needs. In addition to the Malysh pump proposed above, the Aquarius unit is suitable for these purposes. This pump has a reasonable price and high performance. It can lift water from a depth of no more than 56 m and has a capacity of 4 m³/h. Engine power is 2.3 kW.

It is important to know: the pressure of the pumping equipment must be such that at the maximum water flow in the water supply system, the maximum allowable pressure is provided. This pressure is set by the unit control relay and is equal to 3 atm.

In addition to the pumps Malysh and Volodya, the imported Grundfos units cope with the task just as well. They have a minimum diameter and provide a pressure in the range of 75-120 m. The performance of such pumping equipment is 2-6 m³ / h. Such a unit is sufficient to provide autonomous water supply to a private house.

Also for wells with a depth of 30 meters, the Italian submersible pump Pedrollo is suitable. This device is equipped with two check valves, as well as a protective device, thanks to which the unit is reliably protected from running dry. The electric motor power of such a device is 5.2 kW, and the maximum liquid head is 75 m.

Attention: the maximum water flow should be taken equal to no less than 1.5 m³ / h.

What to consider when choosing a pump?

When choosing pumping equipment for a well, you should pay attention to the following characteristics of the unit:

  1. First of all, it is worth considering the mains voltage at which the pump can operate.
  2. It is important to take into account the design features of the device, which are suitable for water intakes of a certain depth, built in a certain area.
  3. Water pressure generated by the device.
  4. The maximum depth to which pumping equipment can be immersed.
  5. Permissible static and dynamic level of the aquatic environment. In the absence of pumping water, the level in the well will be at one constant mark - this is the static level. The dynamic level is determined if the required volumes of water are consumed from the water intake during the day. This indicator is significantly affected by the debit of a hydraulic structure.
  6. Characteristics of the filtration device depending on the content and size of impurities in the pumped water.
  7. The performance of the unit (the need for fluid that can be pumped out of the well depends on this).

Important: the performance of pumping equipment should not exceed the debit of the hydraulic structure. Otherwise, the unit will quickly pump out all the water and will work “dry”, which will lead to a quick failure of the electric motor.

Also, when choosing a pumping device for wells of different depths, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  • It is better to choose a pump after issuing a technical passport for the well. It indicates all the parameters of the hydraulic structure necessary for the selection of a pumping device. Among them, the depth of the well is the distance from the bottom of the structure to the earth's surface, the diameter of the well - so some units are suitable for structures with a trunk section of at least 150 mm, while others can be installed in a water intake with a diameter of up to 130 mm.
  • The power of the unit and the frequency of switching on depend on the rate of water intake and the productivity of the well. The water flow depends on the total number of water intake points connected to this pump.
  • When determining the depth of the aquifer, you should not be guided by this indicator, taken at a neighboring water intake (in a neighboring area). You may have completely different data, and as a result you will have to buy additional equipment.

It is equally important to know that the pressure of pumping equipment must be greater than:

  • the value of the dynamic mark of the water surface in the well;
  • the height of the point of return to the consumer (hydraulic accumulator installation) above the hydraulic structure;
  • overcoming the resistance of pipes (1 atm is added for every 100 m);
  • maximum allowable pressure in the system;
  • it is also worth making a margin for local resistance.

Deep well pumps for a given depth. Which models to pay attention to so that in the future you will be able to find a service, spare parts and, in general, count on a long service life?

The article is devoted to how to choose a pump for a well of 30 meters, how much pumping equipment will cost for such conditions, and how to mount a pump with the subsequent installation of automatic water supply. The main task is the choice of the pump and additional parts necessary to immerse the pump in the well. To determine which pump to choose for a 30 m well, consider a list of borehole pumps of different brands, manufacturers, but slightly different in characteristics and having different prices.

You can decide for what price you can buy a submersible pump for a well of 30 meters. Review of cheaper (Belamos TF3-60, Belamos TF3-80, Aquarius, or generally cheap screw) options with different power and amount of water supplied, as well as deep well pumps of branded manufacturers (Pedrollo 4SR, 4Block, Grundfos SQ 1-35 , Grundfos SQ 1-55, Grundfos SQ 1-65, Grundfos SQ 2-35, Grundfos SQ 2-55). How to choose a pump for diving to a depth of 30 meters? The choice will depend on how much water you need, on the flow rate of your well and the price you want to meet when buying a pump and accessories.

Consider the most popular options, to which we most often set the owners of country houses:

1) Most expensive option for a 30 m well - GRUNDFOS SQ 1-50 pump.

The cost of the model is about 30,000 - 32,000 rubles,

Pump diameter 3 inches or 74 mm, weight about 5 kg

Productivity 1.5 m3 per hour

Maximum head - 70 meters

Such characteristics are more than enough for deep wells drilled at 30 m.

Below is a video on the Grundfos SQ 1-50 pump (click on it to watch):

This pump will require a list of equipment worth 10 - 15 thousand rubles:

  • Electric cable brand H07RN f 3G1.5.
  • Coupling for cable soldering (Coupling heat-shrinkable 3M)
  • Check valve (Tiemme, itap)
  • Fittings for attaching the pump to the pipeline (nipple, compression sleeve, sleeve, etc.)
  • HDPE pipe 32mm, 40mm
  • Downhole adapter or head

2)Pumps of the Italian brand Pedrollo 4SR and 4Blockm costing about 23 - 26 thousand rubles. The diameter of such a pump will be 100 mm, but Italian pumps with a diameter of 74 - 76 mm have also appeared.

The pump head will also be about 70 meters (it is simply more than enough to load a centrifugal pump 30 meters).

3) Pump Aquarius BTsPE costing about 12 - 14 thousand rubles.

Here is an example of such a pump:

4) Cheap Chinese pumps- the design of the centrifugal pump is available under different brands (Whirlwind, Caliber, Gileks Topol, Aquatek SP, Belamos, Eterna, Ladana, Giaidi, Pentax, Aquamotors, Standartpumps, etc.). Many Chinese-made pumps have a similar design, it is even possible that different brands are produced in the same factory. At a price for a well of 30 meters, this option can cost from 9 to 12 thousand rubles.

Below is a video of one of these pumps:

Automatic water supply is usually done in homes where water is used constantly and all year round.

A list of devices needed to equip your home with an automatic water supply system.

  • HDPE pipe 32mm, 40mm (water enters the house through the pipe and diverges at the water intake points)
  • Fittings for wiring (compression couplings, transitions, valves, nipple, futorka)
  • Pressure switch (e.g. Grundfos ff4-4)
  • Dry running relay (required if there is a risk of draining the well)
  • Pressure sensor
  • Hydraulic accumulator (there are 50, 100, 200, etc. liters)

You can find out and purchase the entire list of necessary parts and devices from us, as well as call a specialist to install a borehole pump and arrange a water supply system. For all questions, you can call the phone number listed on the site. A submersible deep well pump for a well of 30 meters can be selected and purchased for a price of 5,000 to 32,000 rubles. You can select and purchase a wide selection of pumps for different operating conditions from our availability.

We will advise and tell you which pump is better to choose for your well, and the most expensive pump is not always the ideal choice in practice for a well.

Home plumbing is demanding on the equipment to be installed - well casing pipes, fittings on the pipeline and, of course, pumps. A correctly selected model will provide owners of an autonomous network with an uninterrupted resource and long-term operation. What to look for when purchasing a unit, which brands have already earned popularity - the answers are below.

How to determine the required pump performance

To do this, it is important to answer the following questions as accurately as possible:

  • Well debit. This parameter is determined empirically during the experimental start-up of the finished mine. The number of cubes per hour varies depending on the water content of the layer.
  • pressure. Determined by the length of the system. The depth of the shaft and the length of the entire piping are taken into account. Possible losses due to pressure surges due to the electrical network and at the time of drawdown are also taken into account.
  • Water consumption. That is, the performance depends entirely on the needs of the consumer and the number of points of water intake. Calculations require carefulness. Add up to 20% for errors to the final result.

Having determined the required parameters, they are looking for a model with a marking slightly higher than the specified numbers - otherwise the pump will work for wear.

Types of deep pumps

Wells "on the sand" - up to 30 m and artesian, whose depth exceeds 30 m and reaches 200 m, require units with the ability to lift water from a considerable depth. These include the following types of deep pumps:

vibration pump

The principle of operation is based on a variable current strength, which transmits oscillations to the piston and creates pressure that pushes the resource to the surface. The disadvantage of the vibration pump in the possible damage to the walls of the well is the collapse of the soil. It also affects the casing pipes in a negative way.

vortex pump

The operation is based on the differential pressure in the chamber created by the impeller of the unit. The advantage of the equipment is in constant pressure. The disadvantage is low performance.

Centrifugal pumps

They are considered the best for wells whose depth exceeds 100 m. In smaller parameters, they are impractical, since they have a large capacity, which will necessarily affect the cost of operation.
The listed equipment is sensitive to water quality - pumps are installed in wells containing sand and suspensions, therefore they are equipped with additional filters.

Which well pump to choose

So, a sand well is given, the maximum diameter of which is 125 mm. Suitable for the following pumps:

  • Aquarius. Stable performance from 3.5 cu. m / h will provide all the needs of a small residential building, as well as gardening tasks. A power of 1.3 kW provides a rise in water of 56 m with a head of 75 m. Good value for money, depending on the configuration and diameter - from 9 thousand rubles.
  • Grundfos. For a sand well, a low-power model is enough, providing 2 cubic meters. m/h at a pressure of 70 m. You don't have to worry about the quality - the manufacturer is Germany. Any model is equipped with a backstop valve and automatic protection against dry water. Price - from 23 thousand rubles.
  • Pedrollo. Suitable for wells over 100 mm in diameter. They will provide 4 cubic meters of water per hour at a head of 88 m. For sand wells, two options are offered - centrifugal and vortex. Price - from 18 thousand rubles.

Focusing only on Western manufacturers is wrong. Domestic models are similar in their characteristics, have a much lower cost and provide sites with the required amount of water. In addition, in the case of repairs, components do not have to wait forever.

Well pump 50 meters

Artesian wells require more powerful equipment that can lift water from a depth. Manufacturers assign characteristics to such models higher than for sand ones. For example:

  • Water cannon. Well diameter - 100 mm, flow 8 cubic meters. m / h, pressure - 110 m.
  • Pedrollo. Diameter - 100 mm, productivity - 20 cubic meters. m / h, head - 350 m. This option is able to provide water to a house with regular needs and additional points of water intake - a bathhouse, a car wash, a swimming pool.
  • ZDS Italy. The standard technical specifications for the model are 100 mm in diameter, 6 cubic meters per hour and a head of up to 100 m. Nevertheless, this manufacturer is considered the most reliable in the manufacture of pumping equipment - the models are equipped with built-in protection against any reason for stopping - dry or idling, pressure drop, mechanical intervention. Automation does not have a separate module - all functions are performed by a device on the pump cable.

In addition to high requirements for pumping equipment, it is important to provide the well with reliable casing pipes in advance - steel for great depths. Then the influence of the pump will not affect the walls of the mine.

Pumps for wells over 100 meters

Such specimens are rarely used in domestic water supply, more often in an industrial or agricultural complex due to their high power. Such units are distinguished by an increased diameter - up to 300 mm, pressure and flow up to 200 cubic meters. m/hour. ECV models do not have built-in protection - control is carried out by a control and protection station. In Russia, such models are represented by the Vysota brand.

In conclusion, it is important for readers to give advice - any pumping equipment is purchased in consultation with a specialist. If the site owners only want to equip a well on the territory, then the turnkey device with all the ensuing guarantees will be the most reliable option. Naturally, you need to contact a company that has proven itself for a long time without negative reviews.

The efficiency of the functioning of the entire autonomous water supply system that such a device serves depends on how correctly the pump is chosen for a well of 30 meters or for underground sources of greater depth. Modern manufacturers produce many different models of borehole pumps, which differ from each other both in design and in principle of operation. In order to correctly select pumping equipment for solving a specific problem, you should understand both its design and types.

Types of pumping equipment for equipping wells

Electric pumps used to service underground wells, depending on the location relative to the pumped liquid medium, are divided into two categories:

  1. surface-type equipment, which is installed on the surface of the earth, in close proximity to an underground source;
  2. submersible or deep equipment placed in the thickness of the liquid medium pumped by it.

According to the design and principle of operation, pumps for wells are divided into several categories of devices:

  • centrifugal type devices;
  • vibration pumps for wells;
  • screw pumping equipment;
  • borehole pumps of vortex type.

Surface pumps for wells are convenient to use, among other things, due to the fact that such devices, due to their location on the surface of the earth, are easy to maintain. Meanwhile, hydraulic machines of this type can only be used for pumping liquid medium from wells with a depth of no more than 10 meters. If you are thinking about which pump to choose for a well of 20 meters, 50 meters and even 100 meters, then you need to consider submersible type devices.

An important advantage of using submersible pumps for equipping wells is that such devices, constantly being in the thickness of the liquid medium pumped by them during operation, do not need additional cooling.

According to the way the principle of controlling a borehole pump is implemented, such a device can be of a manual or automatic type. A manual hydraulic machine, unlike an automatic one, which requires electricity to operate, is non-volatile.

On what principle do well pumps of various types work?

When choosing a pump for a well of 15 meters, 30 meters or to equip an underground source of greater depth, as mentioned above, it is necessary to know the principle of operation of various types of pumping equipment.


When wondering which pump to choose for a well of 30 or 40 meters, it should be borne in mind that surface-type devices are not suitable for this. They can only be used if the depth of the source from which water is to be pumped does not exceed 10 meters. Pumps of this type are installed on the surface of the earth or on a specially equipped floating platform, and the liquid medium is supplied from an underground source through a hose or pipe. When using surface pumps, care must be taken to ensure that the pumped liquid does not fall on the body of the device.


Downhole centrifugal pumps are the most common equipment used for pumping liquid media from wells of considerable depth. The basis of the design of such hydraulic machines, with the help of which even a very deep well can be successfully serviced, is the impeller. Vanes are fixed on the outer surface of the impeller, moving the pumped liquid medium through the inner chamber.

When the impeller rotates, which is equipped with a centrifugal downhole pump for a well, a centrifugal force acts on the pumped liquid medium, which pushes the liquid through the discharge pipe. When the liquid is thrown to the walls of the working chamber, an air rarefaction is created in the central part of the chamber, which ensures the suction of the next portion of the liquid medium through the inlet pipe.

Centrifugal pumping equipment is characterized by high performance. In addition, such devices are capable of creating a liquid medium flow characterized by a significant pressure, due to which this pump can be used for a 40-meter well, for a 50-meter well, and even for equipping an underground source, the depth of which is 100 meters.

There are many different models of deep centrifugal pumps on the modern market, so the consumer has plenty to choose from. When using a centrifugal submersible pump for a well 20 meters, 30, 40, 50 or even 100 meters deep, it must be borne in mind that it is critical to the content of solid impurities in the pumped liquid medium, so care must be taken to equip it with a filtration element.


Vortex deep pumps, which in their design are a modification of centrifugal type devices, are used for wells with a depth of 30 meters or more. Along with the impeller, the pumps of this type have grooves made on the walls of the inner working chamber. Moving along these grooves, the flow of the pumped liquid medium acquires additional acceleration. Due to this design feature, these pumps can be installed on wells with a depth of 40 meters or more, even those characterized by a small debit, since these hydraulic machines are able to generate a flow that is characterized by a stable pressure.

Vortex-type deep-well pumps are not designed to work with a liquid medium that contains solids in excess of 40 g/l. In addition, it should be borne in mind that such equipment, when compared with centrifugal, has less productivity.


Screw borehole pumps used for pumping liquid medium from wells, the depth of which does not exceed 15 meters, are distinguished by the lowest cost among all pumping equipment on the modern market. The basis of the design of such pumps is a screw (or auger), which, rotating, moves the liquid medium through the internal chamber of the device and pushes it into the pressure pipe.


Vibration-type pumping equipment, which is not characterized by high performance, is used to pump water from shallow tanks, the walls of which are reliably protected from destruction. Such pumps during operation create vibration waves in the surrounding liquid medium, which contributes to the destruction of unprotected walls of wells and wells. When using pumping equipment of a vibration type, it should also be borne in mind that it is quite critical of a liquid medium, which contains insoluble solids.


Manual borehole pumps, which are characterized by low productivity and are driven by a special lever, should be used only in cases of power outages. As a rule, pumps of this type are used when it is required to pump out a small amount of liquid medium from an underground source.

Pumps for wells up to 20 meters deep

For wells with a depth of 10 or 15 meters, surface pumping equipment of the injection type can be used, which is much more convenient to maintain than submersible devices. Meanwhile, it should be borne in mind that such equipment is characterized by low efficiency. Because of this, submersible-type equipment is most often purchased to pump out a liquid medium from wells of such a depth.

In order to select for a well, the depth of which does not exceed 20 meters, pumping equipment with the appropriate characteristics, you must perform the following steps:
  1. The value of the depth of the well (it can be measured with a simple rope with a load at the end) must be added to the distance over which the liquid medium must be transported along the horizontal section of the pipeline.
  2. From the value obtained, the distance at which the submersible pump will be removed from the bottom of the underground source should be subtracted.
  3. According to the calculated distance, you can select pumping equipment with the required characteristics. In this case, it should be borne in mind that to transport a liquid over a distance of 10 meters, a pressure equal to 1 atmosphere is required.
  4. The power of the selected equipment, in order to take into account the hydraulic losses that occur in the pipeline, must be increased by 10%.

For example, let's select a pump for a well 20 meters deep, which should create a pressure equal to 2 atmospheres (20 meters) in a pipeline 40 meters long. With a distance at which the pump is located from the bottom of the well equal to 4 meters, the pressure that the selected equipment should create can be calculated as follows:

20+20–4+(40x0.1) = 40 m

Based on the value obtained, you can choose inexpensive models of pumps made in China or Russia or more expensive equipment from European manufacturers.

Pumps for equipping wells from 20 to 30 meters

If the drilling of a well that needs to be equipped with a deep pump is carried out to a depth exceeding 20 meters, then the choice of equipment for it is also carried out according to the principle described above. So, if a pump is needed to service a well 25 meters deep and transport a liquid medium through a pipeline 40 meters long at a pressure of 3 atmospheres (30 meters), then the pressure generated by equipment suitable for solving such a problem is calculated as follows:

25+30–5+(40x0.1) = 54 m

Based on the obtained value and the cross-section of the casing pipe, which is installed in the well, pumping equipment with the appropriate characteristics is selected. To equip wells of such a depth, as a rule, centrifugal-type deep-well pumps are selected.

Devices for wells up to 40, 50, 80 and 100 meters deep

The value of the pressure that the pump must create to equip wells of considerable depth is also calculated according to the above scheme. Given the fact that it is quite difficult to lift pumping equipment from wells of such depth, it is better to choose better and more reliable models for their maintenance. For this purpose, as a rule, either powerful submersible pumps or surface pumping stations are used, equipped, in addition to the pump itself, with a hydraulic accumulator.

To ensure the efficient and uninterrupted operation of the pumping equipment used to service the well, it is necessary to properly install it, for which you can use the following recommendations.

  1. In the event that not a surface, but a submersible pump is installed to service the well, it is located in an underground source at least 1 meter above the bottom. Submersible pumps are lowered into a well or well using a special cable, while a pipe or hose is preliminarily connected to them to lift the pumped liquid medium, as well as a power cable.
  2. Surface-type pumping equipment is installed either in a specially prepared room or in a well caisson. A hose is lowered into the well itself to pump out the liquid medium, connected to the suction pipe of the hydraulic machine. In the event that an ejector is used in conjunction with a surface pump, then a pressure hose is lowered into the well along with the suction hose.
  3. When using both a surface and a submersible pump for servicing a well, it is recommended to purchase a check valve and a coarse filter, which will protect the equipment from idling and ingress of solids contained in the pumped liquid medium into its internal part.
  4. Before installing pumping equipment, the well shaft is recommended to be thoroughly cleaned.

Selection Options

When choosing a pump with which a well or well will be serviced, one should be guided by the following parameters of equipment and an underground source:

  • the head of the liquid medium flow created by the pump, measured in meters of water column;