Diminutive names: Natasha, Natashka, Natashulka, Natalchik, Natalka, Natakha, Nata, Tata, Tasha, Tusya, Natik, Tatka, Natulik, Natali, Natalya, Natalka, Natulek, Natalyusik, Tatik

1 option

The feminine form of the male name Natalius, derived from the Latin word "natalis": native.

In the children's team, Natashenka is the initiator of many games, the ringleader and the minx. Even in long-known games, she brings something new, exciting, exciting.

At school, Natasha is an active social activist, she manages to do everything, loves to be in the public eye, redoubles her efforts when she hears praise addressed to her. She has a cheerful and lively character, decisive manners, active kindness. He can patronize and rush to the defense of some "little girl" in the class, passionately defend the interests of the offended. Proud; it seems to be her driving force. Somewhat straightforward and quick-tempered. Intolerant of critical remarks. At school, if she is not the first student, then in any case she will not be in the last rows.

Marries early, when choosing a future spouse does not experience great hesitation. Natalia's family life is warmed by her cheerfulness. And the mother-in-law, and the husband, and the children of Natalia will feel loved and needed by her. Guests love visiting her house. Natalia loves to travel, an inveterate tourist. Another passion of hers is drawing. Natalya knows her worth and, like all proud people, she really needs praise; she multiplies her energy tenfold. On the contrary, even the most trifling remark literally kills. She is vindictive and remembers insults all her life. In order for a marriage with this woman to be happy, one must not forget about her proud character and wean yourself from making comments to her on trifles. Natalya is greatly offended by this, and with her inherent pride, she will not prove her case. She has so few flaws and they are so insignificant that it is easier for her husband not to pay attention to them at all.

"Summer" Nataly is distinguished by exaltation.

"Winter" are endowed with an analytical mind, abilities, they are vindictive and insidious.

Successful marriage with Vladimir, Boris, Alexander, Andrei, Oleg, Yuri. Unsuccessful with Stepan, Gregory, Vladislav.

Source - B. Higir. Name secret.

Option 2


Native (lat.)


Behind the external calmness of the name Natalya lies a significant temperament. It is quite possible that everything would have been different if the name had not been as common as it is noted today. And so its quiet beginning and excessive familiarity make the name hardly noticeable and therefore the contrast with the sonorous and energetic last syllable is so sharply manifested. As a result, the name Natalya is the very pool in the silence of which more than a dozen devils can ripen, both in the bad and in the good sense of the word.

It cannot be said that Natalia is distinguished by some kind of hyperactivity, rather the opposite. Often, left to herself, she turns into a closed person who prefers to hide her emotions. Another thing is that the energy of the name implies a rather sharp reaction to any stimuli. So, let's say, in childhood, with praise and encouragement, Natasha can be made to run like a meteor, get into all things and show unbridled activity. At the same time, remarks, not to mention insults, can raise a wave of hot resentment in her soul. It's a pity if such quality is ignored. Alas, in childhood, and even in adulthood, activity is unlikely to do without conflicts. Therefore, Natasha's self-esteem will be subjected to new tests over and over again and over the years can become quite painful. But if with age a person is praised less and less, then for some reason criticism and comments do not decrease.

Most often, no matter what mask Natalya wears, she still hides, if not painful, then very significant pride and sensitivity. Often she seeks to find the satisfaction of this feeling in cheerful companies, where she will try to attract attention. It also happens that she just tries to stay independent, although she will not miss the opportunity to say a taunt to someone else. However, in any case, her reaction to criticism and remarks betrays the tension of an overly proud person. They say about such people that they don’t put a finger in their mouth, although, to be honest, I wouldn’t be touched either if it occurred to someone to put their fingers in my mouth.

Is it necessary to talk about how much such vulnerability can overshadow a person's life? Of course, Natasha will have a lot of difficulties both at work and in family life. Yes, in essence, it is precisely these difficulties that make her wear some kind of public mask, whether it be the role of a reckless girl or the image of a balanced, calm woman. The only pity is that the mask, alas, does little to soothe the wounds of the soul. Moreover, it is precisely behind this mask of resentment that they often cannot find an outlet for themselves and, gradually accumulating, corrode the soul and exhaust the nerves. What can help here is not the behavior of people more acceptable to Natasha, but only kind self-irony, relieving pride from pain. At the same time, bad people in the eyes of Natasha will sharply decrease.


No one needs human warmth and participation so much as people with sensitive vanity. It’s just that sometimes it’s insanely difficult to convince them of the sincerity of their intentions, so it’s hardly worth trying to get into Natalya’s soul once again, it’s better to just treat her more calmly. But she herself does not interfere with being a little more careful, because with praise, flattery, or even sincerity and sympathy, you can often achieve a lot from her.

Celebrating birthdays:
September 8 (August 26) - Natalia of Nicomedia, wife of the martyr Adrian of Nicomedia.

Source - D. and N. Zima. Name secret.

The name is of Latin origin and means "native". This name has been one of the most common in our country for quite a long time. Natalia - a strong, self-confident person who can stand up for himself. However, as a child, she can be shy and shy, loving to spend time alone. Her hobby often becomes needlework, drawing, music. Natalya has enviable perseverance and perseverance, so if she wants something, she will certainly achieve it. She does well at school. Teachers note that Natalia is a diligent, diligent girl with abilities in various disciplines. She can achieve brilliant results, but only if this or that subject is interesting to her.

Natalia has a desire for superiority. This quality is manifested in childhood. She wants to prove that she is no worse, and in some ways even better than others, and deserves approval and praise. Natalia dreams of a day to surprise those who doubted her. This desire does not disappear even after she grows up. As a rule, Natalia achieves success and financial independence, and only through her own perseverance and hard work.

Natalia treats her family with care and understanding. She values ​​​​close people very much, is ready to forgive them a lot, turn a blind eye to their shortcomings. Natalya worries about quarrels, tries to reconcile the parties to the conflict, to persuade them to compromise.

Natalia has few real friends, but they are all loyal and devoted. She likes to spend time in their company, avoiding noisy parties and clubs. Natalya prefers to get out with friends in nature, have picnics, go hiking.

Men like Natalia: she is beautiful, smart and charming. But she does not strive for fleeting romances, but seeks to find true love. Natalya presents her other half as a person who can become her friend, understand, support. The appearance of a lover for Natalia does not really matter, for her the main thing is charm, sincerity and kindness. If she is allowed to meet such a man, she has a strong and long relationship with him. Natalia's family life also runs smoothly, without quarrels and scandals. She treats her children with love and understanding, tries to make them grow up smart, kind and honest people. Natalya knows how to be strict, believing that children need prohibitions and restrictions, otherwise nothing good will happen.

Diminutive forms of the name Natalya

Natasha, Natashenka, Natalie, Tasha, Tashenka, Tashechka, Nata, Natochka, Natulya, Natunya, Natusya, Natalya, Natalka, Natakha, Tusya, Nalya, Tata, Tatochka.


Strong, independent, self-confident. Always goes his own way, does not like compromises. It is difficult to trust people, because he wants to avoid betrayal. He has few friends, but they are all proven and real.


Thoughtful, calm, practical. He is fond of science, art, loves to read. He prefers to spend his free time among close friends. Feels uncomfortable in large companies.


Charming, but frivolous and naive. She enjoys meeting new people and trusts them easily. He does not consider it necessary to hide his thoughts and feelings from others.


The main thing for her is a career to which she devotes a lot of time and effort. Romantic relationships are of much less interest to her. There are many successful, wealthy women like her.

a lion

Stubborn and persistent, does not like to lose. It is difficult for her to understand someone else's point of view and admit that she is wrong. For the sake of achieving the goal, she is ready to work day and night.


Dreamy, romantic person. Appreciates his freedom, therefore, does not strive for a serious relationship. He has many hobbies and hobbies, as well as a penchant for creativity.


Vulnerable, sentimental, emotional. Tries to hide his vulnerability from others under the guise of a more solid person. She can talk about her experiences only to close people.


The owner of a very complex character. She believes that she is always and in everything right, hardly agrees to a compromise, does not listen to other people's advice.


An incorrigible idealist who is looking for her other half. Often indulges in unrealizable dreams and fantasies. She lacks seriousness and responsibility.


Strong and independent personality. Does not like to obey others, strives for leadership. It is not easy to get along with her, so she has quite a few ill-wishers.


It has a soft, friendly disposition, does not tolerate quarrels and scandals. Always trying to resolve the conflict peacefully, turning it into a joke. Knows how to get along with people, strives to be on good terms with everyone around.


Impressive, emotional, vulnerable. Needs a stronger friend or lover. Suffering from self-doubt and indecision. You can achieve something only with the help of a loved one.

Name day of Natalia

Saints: St. Martyr Natalia, wife of St. Martyr Adrian.

The meaning of the name Natalia

Natalia means "native".

origin of the name Natalia

Name mystery analysis Natalia it makes sense to start with the origin. Name history Natalia has Latin roots, and occurred in the first centuries of Christianity from the Latin word Natalis Domini, which means birth, Christmas. There is a form Natalia.

What does the name Natalia mean according to D.N. Zima

The nature of the name Natalia is such that the proverb “There are devils in the still waters” can very well suit its owners.

She is not particularly active, sometimes turning into a closed person who hides her feelings from others. However, the energy of the name suggests a rather sharp reaction to external stimuli. For example, if you praise Natasha, then she will be energetic, but if you make comments to her, and even more so try to offend, she will withdraw into herself.

Unfortunately, her vigor is unlikely to do without disputes and squabbles. Therefore, Natalia's pride will be tested for strength every time, and with age it can become very vulnerable.

Remember that behind any mask that Natalia can wear, pride and vulnerability are hidden. These qualities will certainly make life difficult for Natasha, both at home and at work.

Natasha needs spiritual attention and cordial attitude towards her.

Characteristics of the name Natalia according to L. Tsymbalova.

As a child, Natasha is a leader among her peers. Her uncontrollable imagination and imaginative thinking help her to introduce something new, her own even into well-known children's amusements.

At school, Natasha also develops a vigorous activity, takes on public tasks, loves to be in the thick of things.

With age, her vulnerability does not disappear, Natasha is still sensitive. Natasha knows how to use her charm and charm to her advantage. She keeps all the unpleasant moments in herself, she wears a mask of cheerfulness and poise.

In the profession, Natasha achieves a lot. She does not give in to someone else's influence and will always do what she wants.

She has a sense of tact and caution. Can achieve recognition and success in many areas, whether it be teaching, science, architecture or archeology.

Natalia is moral to the point of puritanism, sometimes even aggressive. Helping someone, doing a good deed for someone, Natalia feels like a martyr, but it is imperceptible to others, she wears a mask of outward calm. Sincere gratitude and admiration are necessary for her, they make her happy.

Sex for Natasha is more possible only with the man of her life. If there is no such thing on her way, she runs the risk of being left alone. But more often, she gets married, and early, she devotes all her strength to raising children. Relations with the spouse cannot be called calm.

In accordance with the interpretation of the name Natalia according to B. Khigir.

At an early age, Natalia is a cheerful child. She likes to play and play pranks, Natasha is a big dreamer, even in the most famous amusements she will try to invent something of her own to make it even more interesting. At school, he shows great energy. She is not just a good student, her goal is to become the best. At the same time, she does not rest on one study, but manages to take part in all social events. Natalia has a kind and cheerful character, she is confident and active. Can stand up for the offended. Natalia needs to hear praise addressed to her. One of its key shortcomings can be called intolerance towards criticism.

Usually, Natalia starts a family early. At the same time, she does not think long about the choice of her husband. All her household members will feel loved and needed by her. Natalia loves both to receive guests and to visit.

It is better for a husband to praise his wife Natalya more often. It is better to get rid of the habit of finding fault with Natalya for every little thing. It just pisses her off and unsettles her.

According to the description of the name Natalia according to E. Grushko and Yu. Medvedev.

The bearers of this name are very easy to offend, the offense will be long. And Natasha will easily turn from a kind and cheerful person into a closed and sad one.

Natalia often chooses a job related to social activities. It could be teaching, or medicine, for example.

In married life, Natasha is entirely in children. But relations with the second half cannot be called cloudless, but even if Natasha is wrong, do not wait, she will never ask for forgiveness.

Derivatives of the name Natalia

Variants of the name Natalia: Natalie, Natalia.

Diminutive pet names Natalia: Natasha, Tala, Nata, Natashenka, Natulka, Talochka, Nala, Natal, Our, Tatusya, Tasha, Tusya, Natasha, Talyusha, Talya, Tata, Tatka, Tatoshka, Natushka, Natochka, Natulyok, Natalinka, Natashik Natka, Natalinochka, Tulechik, Talunya, Natalchik, Natalka, Natashechka, Natashkin, Natusik, Natuska, Tatashechka, Natanya, Natakha, Natalya, Natunya, Natusya Natalyushechka, Naha, Natalie, Natalyonochka, Nalya, Natalyushka, Natala, Natalya, Natalochka, Natalishka , Natik, Nyusya, Tashka, Nati, Tatusik, Natalka, Tusya, Tusenka.

Name Natalia in different languages.

  • Name Natalia in English: Natalie
  • Name Natalia in Hungarian: Nat?lia
  • Name Natalia in Hebrew: ??????
  • Name Natalia in Spanish: Natalia
  • Name Natalia in Italian: Natalia
  • Name Natalia in German: Natalie
  • Name Natalia in Polish: Natalia
  • Name Natalia in French: Nathalie
  • Name Natalia in Czech: Nat?lie

Famous Natalia (Natalia):

  • Natasha Rostova is the heroine of L. Tolstoy's novel War and Peace.
  • Natalya Naryshkina (1651-1694), empress, second wife of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, mother of Peter I.
  • Natalya Nikolaevna Goncharova (Pushkina, Lanskaya) (1812-1863) - muse and wife of the Russian poet Alexander Pushkin.
  • Natalia Oreiro (1977) - Uruguayan actress and singer.
  • Natalya Murashkevich (maiden name - Guseva) (1972) - performer of the main role of the heroine in the Soviet film for children "Guest from the Future".
  • Natalya Gundareva (1948 -2005) - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress.

Natalya is a name with a warm meaning, from Latin it translates as "native".

Name origin

The female name Natalya, so beloved by the Slavic people and gaining great popularity in Rus', was once formed from a rare male nickname Nataly, which appeared due to the Latin word "natalis" (native).

general characteristics

Natasha is an energetic and active child. She often acts as the instigator of fun games, even the calmest children are charged with her energy and take part in pranks. A little imp can transform an old, familiar and boring game so that even the lazy one wants to play.

The girl also adheres to an active position at school, tries to be in time everywhere, and if her efforts are awarded the teacher's praise, Natasha will become even more diligent in doing business and putting her soul into it. Studying, if not excellent, then always very good.

Nata always protects the weak and offended from peer attacks. Being a quick-tempered nature, it is difficult for a girl to perceive criticism, she can sharply respond to a remark made.

Natalia usually gets married in her early years, her family life is like a holiday thanks to the cheerfulness of the girl, even the mother-in-law with a bad temper will feel like a beloved and welcome guest in the house of her children.

Positive character traits

Since childhood, Natasha has stood out from the crowd with her love of life. She knows how to charge with positive even the most uninitiated people. There are always a lot of friends around her, noise and fun. The rich imagination of the girl will not let anyone get bored, she will always figure out what to do.

Natalia is talented. She draws well, sings well, playing musical instruments is easy for her. In her studies, the girl succeeds, while finding time not only for lessons, but also for social work. Draw a wall newspaper or volunteer for a subbotnik - Nata is always the first.

The perseverance and determination of this man can be envied. Natasha will never leave what she started halfway.
Being a wonderful and hospitable hostess, the woman herself is not averse to visiting one of her many friends.

Negative character traits

Natalia's pride makes her irritable and unable to respond adequately. When someone criticizes her actions, her quick-tempered nature responds quite violently to the remarks.

A girl needs praise like air, all efforts, in her opinion, will be in vain if no one appreciates them.

Zodiac sign

The name Natalya is ideal for your daughter if she is born under the sign of Virgo.
Responsible for mental work, Mercury is the patron of the name.
The scarlet color should accompany the girl through life, it will bring brightness, feelings, emotions into a measured life.
The talisman for the sociable Natasha will be the blood man, this stone will protect the girl from damage and protect her from misfortunes.


Natasha, Natusya, Natalka, Natasha, Natulya, Natulechka, Nata, Natka, Tusya, Tala, Natalyushka, Natakha, Tasha.

Name Variations

Natalie, Natalia, Natalina, Natalio, Natalie, Natella.

Historical figures

1651 - 1694 - Queen Natalya Naryshkina.
1934 - 2007 - Soviet circus performer Natalya Durova.
1948 - 2005 - actress Natalya Gundareva.


choreographer Natalya Kasatkina;
actresses Natalya Krachkovskaya, Natalya Varley and Natalya Andreichenko;
screenwriter, director and actress Natalya Bondarchuk;
singer Natalie (real name Natalya Rudina);
Uruguayan actress Natalia Oreiro.

name day