How to make a paper airplane - 13 DIY paper airplane models

Detailed schemes for making a variety of paper planes: from the simplest "school" airplanes to technically modified models.

standard model

Model "Glider"

Model "Advanced glider"

Model "Scat"

Model "Canaries"

Model "Delta"

Model "Shuttle"

Model "Invisible"

Model "Taran"

Hawkeye Model

Model "Tower"

Model "Needle"

Model "Kite"

Interesting Facts

In 1989, Andy Chipling founded the Paper Aircraft Association, and in 2006 the first paper airplane flying championship was held. Competitions are held in three disciplines: the longest distance, the longest planning and aerobatics.

Numerous attempts to increase the time the paper airplane stays in the air from time to time lead to the taking of the next barriers in this sport. Ken Blackburn held the world record for 13 years (1983-1996) and got it again on October 8, 1998, by throwing a paper plane indoors so that it stayed in the air for 27.6 seconds. This result was confirmed by representatives of the Guinness Book of Records and CNN reporters. The paper airplane used by Blackburn can be classified as a glider.

Scientific historical research work
Completed by: 11th grade student Ruzil Zaripova
Scientific adviser: Sarbaeva A.A.
MBOU secondary school with. Krasnaya Gorka


Even the simplest aircraft model is a miniature aircraft with all its properties. Many well-known aircraft designers began with a passion for aircraft modeling. To build a good flying model, you need to work hard. Everyone has ever made paper airplanes and launched them into flight. Paper airplanes are gaining popularity all over the world. This led to the introduction of the new term aerogami. Aerogami - the modern name for the manufacture and launch of paper models of aircraft, one of the directions of origami (Japanese art of paper folding).
The relevance of this work is due to the ability to use the knowledge gained to conduct lessons in primary grades in order to arouse students' interest in the world of aviation and develop the necessary qualities and skills to use creative experience and knowledge in the study and development of aviation.
Practical significance is determined by the opportunity to hold a master class on folding paper airplanes of different models with primary school teachers, as well as the opportunity to hold competitions among students.
Object of study are paper models of airplanes.
Subject of study is the emergence and development of aerogi.
Research hypotheses:
1) paper models of airplanes are not only a fun toy, but something more important for the world community and the technical development of our civilization;
2) if the shape of the wing and nose of a paper airplane is changed during modeling, then the range and duration of its flight may change;
3) the best speed characteristics and flight stability are achieved by aircraft with a sharp nose and narrow long wings, and an increase in the wingspan can significantly increase the flight time of the glider.
Purpose of the study: to trace the history of the development of airfoils, to find out what impact this hobby has on society, what assistance paper aviation provides in the technical activities of engineers.
In accordance with the goal, we formulated the following tasks:
  • Study information on this issue;
  • Familiarize yourself with various models of paper planes and learn how to make them;
  • To study the range and flight time of different models of paper planes.

Aerogami - paper aviation

Aerogami originates from the world famous origami. After all, the basic techniques, technique, philosophy come from him. The date of creation of paper airplanes should be recognized as 1909. However, the most common version of the time of invention and the name of the inventor is 1930, Jack Northrop, the founder of the Lockheed Corporation. Northrop used paper airplanes to test new ideas while building real airplanes. He concentrated on the development of "flying wings", which he considered the next stage in the development of aviation. Today, paper aviation, or aerogami, has gained worldwide fame. Everyone knows how to fold an elementary airplane and launch it. But today it is no longer just fun for one or two people, but a serious hobby, in which competitions are held all over the world. The Red Bull Paper Wings is probably the biggest paper aviator competition in the world. The championship debuted in Austria in May 2006 and was attended by athletes from 48 countries. The number of participants in the qualifying rounds, held around the world, exceeded 9,500 people. Participants traditionally compete in three categories: "Flight Range", "Flight Duration" and "Aerobatics".

Ken Blackburn is the world record holder for the launch of airplanes

The name of Ken Blackburn is known to all fans of paper aviation, and this is not surprising, because he created models that broke records in terms of range and flight time, said that a small airplane is an exact copy of a large one and that the same laws of aerodynamics apply to it as for real ones. World record holder Ken Blackburn was first introduced to the construction of square paper airplanes at the age of just 8 while attending his favorite aviation section. He noticed that long-span aircraft flew better and higher than conventional darts. To the displeasure of school teachers, young Ken experimented with the design of airplanes, devoting a lot of time to this. In 1977, he received the Guinness Book of Records as a gift and was determined to break the current 15-second record: his planes were sometimes in the air for more than a minute. The path to the record was not easy.
Blackburn studied aviation at the University of North Carolina, trying to achieve his goal. By that time, he realized that the result depended more on the strength of the throw than on the design of the aircraft. Several attempts brought his result to the level of 18.8 s. By that time, Ken had already turned 30. In January 1998, Blackburn opened the Book of Records and found that he had been thrown off the podium by a pair of Britons who showed a result of 20.9 s.
Ken couldn't let that happen. This time, a real sports coach took part in preparing the aviator for the record. In addition, Ken tested many aircraft designs and chose the best ones. The result of the last attempt was phenomenal: 27.6 s! On this Ken Blackburn decided to stop. Even if his record is broken, which must happen sooner or later, he has earned his place in history.

What forces act on a paper plane

Why do devices heavier than air fly - airplanes and their models? Remember how the wind drives leaves and pieces of paper along the street, lifts them up. A flying model can be compared to an object driven by a stream of air. Only the air is still here, and the model rushes, cutting through it. In this case, the air not only slows down the flight, but under certain conditions creates lift. Look at Figure 1(Appendix). Shown here is a cross section of an airplane wing. If the wing is located so that between its lower plane and the direction of motion of the aircraft there is a certain angle a (called the angle of attack), then, as practice shows, the speed of the air flow around the wing from above will be greater than its speed from below the wing. And according to the laws of physics, in that place of the flow, where the speed is greater, the pressure is less, and vice versa. That is why, when the aircraft is moving fast enough, the air pressure under the wing will be greater than above the wing. This pressure difference keeps the aircraft in the air and is called lift.
Figure 2 (Appendix) shows the forces acting on an aircraft or model in flight. The total effect of air on the aircraft is represented as an aerodynamic force R. This force is the resulting force acting on individual parts of the model: wing, fuselage, plumage, etc. It is always directed at an angle to the direction of motion. In aerodynamics, the action of this force is usually replaced by the action of its two components - lift and drag.
The lifting force Y is always directed perpendicular to the direction of movement, the drag force X is against the movement. The force of gravity G is always directed vertically downwards. The lift force depends on the wing area, flight speed, air density, angle of attack and aerodynamic perfection of the wing profile. The drag force depends on the geometrical dimensions of the fuselage cross section, flight speed, air density and the quality of surface treatment. Ceteris paribus, the model whose surface is finished more carefully flies further. The flight range is determined by the aerodynamic quality K, which is equal to the ratio of the lift force to the drag force, that is, the aerodynamic quality shows how many times the lift force of the wing is greater than the drag force of the model. In a gliding flight, the lift force of the model Y is usually equal to the weight of the model, and the drag force X is 10-15 times less, so the flight range L will be 10-15 times greater than the height H from which the gliding flight began. Consequently, the lighter the model, the more carefully it is made, the greater the flight range can be achieved.

Experimental study of paper airplane models in flight

Organization and research methods

The study was conducted in MBOU secondary school in the village of Krasnaya Gorka.

In the study, we set ourselves the following tasks:

  • Familiarize yourself with the instructions for various models of paper planes. Find out what difficulties arise when assembling models.
  • Conduct an experiment aimed at studying paper planes in flight. Are all models equally obedient when launched, how long do they spend in the air and what is the range of their flight.
A set of methods and techniques that we used to conduct the study:
  • Simulation of many models of paper planes;
  • Simulation of experiments to launch paper plane models.
During the experiment, we have identified the following sequencing:
1. Select the types of aircraft that are of interest to us. Make models of paper planes. Conduct flight tests of aircraft to determine their flight qualities (range and accuracy in flight, time in flight), launch method and ease of execution. Enter the data into a table. Select the models with the best results.
2. Three of the best models are made from different grades of paper. Carry out tests, enter the data in the table. Decide which paper is best suited for making paper airplane models.
Forms of records of the results of the study - record the data of the experiment in tables.
Primary processing and analysis of the results of the study was carried out as follows:
  • Entering the results of the experiment into the appropriate forms of records;
  • Schematic, graphic, illustrative presentation of the results (preparation of a presentation).
  • Writing conclusions.

Description, analysis of the results of the study and conclusions about the dependence of the duration of the flight of a paper airplane on the model and method of launch

Experiment 1 Purpose: to collect information about models of paper planes; check how difficult it is to assemble models of different types; check the made models in flight.
Equipment: office paper, schemes for assembling paper models of aircraft, tape measure, stopwatch, forms for recording results.
Location: school corridor.
After studying a large number of instructions for paper plane models, we chose five models that I liked. Having studied in detail the instructions for them, we made these models from A4 office paper. After completing these models, we tested them in flight. We have entered the data of these tests in the table.

Table 1

Paper airplane model name
Model drawing
Model assembly complexity (from 1 to 10 points)
Flight range, m
Flight time, s
Features at startup
Basic Dart


Flying in a straight line
Fighter(Harrier Paper Airplane)

badly managed
Sokol F-16(F-16 Falcon Paper Airplane)

Poor planning
Space Shuttle Paper Airplane

Poor planning

Based on these test data, we have drawn the following conclusions:
  • Collecting models is not as easy as one might think. When assembling models, it is very important to perform folds symmetrically, this requires some skill and skills.
  • All models can be divided into two types: models suitable for launching for a flight distance, and models that perform well when launched for a flight duration.
  • The model No. 2 Supersonic Fighter (Delta Fighter) behaved best when launched to a flight range.
Experiment 2

Purpose: to compare which paper models show the best results in terms of flight range and flight time.
Materials: office paper, notebook sheets, newsprint, tape measure, stopwatch, scorecards.
Location: school corridor.
We made the three best models from different grades of paper. The tests were carried out and the data were entered into a table. We concluded which paper is best used to make paper airplane models.

table 2

Supersonic Fighter (Delta Fighter)
Flight range, m
Flight time, s
Additional Notes
Office paper
Long flight range

Notebook sheet of paper
It is easier and faster to make a model from paper in a box; a very long flight time

Table 3

Sokol F-16(F-16 Falcon Paper Airplane) Flight range, m
Flight time, s
Additional Notes
Office paper
Long flight range
Smooth flight, good planning
Notebook sheet of paper
Making a model from paper into a box is easier and faster

Table 4

Basic Dart Flight range, m
Flight time, s
Additional Notes
Office paper
Long flight range
Smooth flight, good planning
Notebook sheet of paper
It is easier and faster to make a model from paper in a box; a very long flight time

Based on the data obtained during the experiment, we made the following conclusions:
  • It is easier to make models from notebook sheets in a box than from office or newsprint paper, but when tested, they do not show very good results;
  • Models made of newsprint fly very beautifully;
  • To obtain high results in terms of flight range, office paper models are more suitable.
As a result of our research, we got acquainted with various models of paper planes: they differ in the complexity of folding, flight range and altitude, flight duration, which was confirmed during the experiment. The flight of a paper airplane is influenced by various conditions: paper properties, the size of the airplane, the model.
  • Before you start assembling a paper airplane model, you need to decide what kind of model is needed: for the duration or flight range?
  • In order for the model to fly well, the folds must be made evenly, exactly follow the dimensions indicated in the assembly diagram, make sure that all folds are performed symmetrically.
  • It is very important how the wings are bent, the duration and range of the flight depend on this.
  • Folding paper models develops abstract human thinking.
  • As a result of the research, we learned that paper airplanes are used to test new ideas in the construction of real aircraft.
This work is devoted to the study of the prerequisites for the development of the popularity of paper aviation, the importance of origami for society, to identify whether a paper airplane is an exact copy of a large one, whether the same laws of aerodynamics apply to it as to real aircraft.
During the experiment, our hypothesis was confirmed: the best speed characteristics and flight stability are achieved by aircraft with a sharp nose and narrow long wings, and an increase in the wingspan can significantly increase the flight time of the glider.
Thus, our hypothesis that paper models of airplanes are not only a fun toy, but something more important for the world community and the technical development of our civilization, was confirmed.

List of information sources
Paper planes. – Moscow // Cosmonautics News. - 2008 -735. – 13 s
Paper #2: Aerogami, Print Fan


Aerodynamic forces

Rice. 1. Aircraft wing section
Lift force -Y
Resistance Force X
Gravity - G
Angle of attack - a

Rice. 2. Forces acting on an aircraft or model in flight

creative moments

Making a paper airplane out of office paper

I sign


Making a paper airplane out of newspaper

I make a paper airplane from a notebook sheet

Study (left stopwatch)

I measure the length and record the results in a table

My planes

Relevance: "Man is not a bird, but strives to fly" It so happened that a person has always been drawn to the sky. People tried to make wings for themselves, later flying machines. And their efforts were justified, they were still able to take off. The appearance of airplanes did not in the least diminish the relevance of the ancient desire ... In the modern world, aircraft have taken pride of place, they help people travel long distances, transport mail, medicines, humanitarian aid, put out fires and save people ... So who built the world's first airplane and made it to him a controlled flight? Who made this step, so important for mankind, which became the beginning of a new era, the era of aviation? I consider the study of this topic interesting and relevant.

Research objectives: 1. To study the history of the emergence of aviation, the history of the appearance of the first paper planes in the scientific literature. 2.Make aircraft models from different materials and organize an exhibition: "Our aircraft"

Object of study: paper models of airplanes Problematic question: Which model of a paper airplane will fly the longest distance and the longest glide in the air? Hypothesis: We assume that the "Dart" airplane will fly the longest distance, and the "Glider" airplane will have the longest gliding in the air Research methods: 1. Analysis of the literature read; 2.Modeling; 3. Study of paper airplane flights.

The first aircraft that was able to independently take off the ground and make a controlled horizontal flight was the Flyer-1, built by the brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright in the USA. The first aircraft flight in history took place on December 17, 1903. The Flyer stayed in the air for 12 seconds and flew 36.5 meters. The brainchild of the Wrights was officially recognized as the world's first heavier-than-air vehicle, which made a manned flight using an engine.

The flight took place on July 20, 1882 in Krasnoye Selo near St. Petersburg. The aircraft was tested by the assistant of Mozhaisky mechanic I.N. Golubev. The device ran up a specially built inclined wooden flooring, took off, flew a certain distance and landed safely. The result, of course, is modest. But the possibility of flying on an apparatus heavier than air was clearly proven.

The history of the appearance of the first paper airplanes The most common version of the time of invention and the name of the inventor is 1930, Jack Northrop, co-founder of Lockheed Corporation. Northrop used paper airplanes to test new ideas in the construction of real aircraft. Despite the seeming frivolity of this activity, it turned out that launching airplanes is a whole science. She was born in 1930, when Jack Northrop, co-founder of Lockheed Corporation, used paper airplanes to test new ideas in the construction of real aircraft. 1930 Jack NorthropLockheed Corporation

Conclusion In conclusion, I want to say that while working on this project, we learned a lot of new interesting things, made a lot of models with our own hands, and became more friendly. As a result of the work done, we realized that if we are seriously interested in aeromodelling, then perhaps one of us will become a famous aircraft designer and design an airplane on which people will fly.

1. airplane htm 5. poznovatelno.ruavia/8259.htmlpoznovatelno.ruavia/8259.html 6. ru.wikipedia.orgwiki/Wright Brothersru.wikipedia.orgwiki/Wright Brothers 7. locals.md2012/stan-chempionom- mira…samolyotikov/locals.md2012/stan- chempionom- mira…samolyotikov/ 8 from MK aircraft from MK aircraft modules

Since childhood, we all know how to quickly make a paper airplane, and we have done it more than once. This origami method is simple and easy to remember. After a couple of times you can do it with your eyes closed.

The simplest and most famous paper airplane pattern

Such an airplane is made from a square sheet of paper, which is folded in half, then the upper edges are folded towards the center. The resulting triangle is bent, and the edges are again bent towards the center. Then the sheet is bent in half, and wings are formed.

That, in fact, is all. But there is one small drawback of such an aircraft - it almost does not soar and falls in a couple of seconds.

Experience of generations

The question arises - which flies for a long time. This is not difficult, since several generations have improved the well-known scheme, and have significantly succeeded in this. Modern ones vary greatly in appearance and quality characteristics.

Below are different ways to make a paper airplane. Simple schemes will not confuse you, but on the contrary, will inspire you to continue experimenting. Although, perhaps, they will require more time from you than the type mentioned above.

Super paper plane

Method number one. It does not differ much from the one described above, but in this version the aerodynamic qualities are slightly improved, which lengthens the flight time:

  1. Fold a piece of paper in half lengthwise.
  2. Fold the corners towards the middle.
  3. Turn the sheet over and fold in half.
  4. Fold the triangle up.
  5. Change the side of the sheet again.
  6. Bend the two right vertices to the center.
  7. Do the same with the other side.
  8. Bend the resulting plane in half.
  9. Raise your tail and straighten your wings.

This is how you can make paper airplanes that fly for a very long time. In addition to this obvious advantage, the model looks very impressive. So play to your health.

Making the plane "Zilke" together

Now it's time for method number two. It involves the manufacture of the Zilke aircraft. Prepare a sheet of paper and learn how to make a paper airplane that flies for a long time by following these simple tips:

  1. Fold it in half lengthwise.
  2. Mark the middle of the sheet. Fold the top in half.
  3. Bend the edges of the resulting rectangle to the middle so that a couple of centimeters remain to the middle on each side.
  4. Turn over a piece of paper.
  5. Form a small triangle at the top in the middle. Bend the entire structure along.
  6. Open the top by folding the paper in two directions.
  7. Bend the edges so that you get wings.

The aircraft "Zilke" is finished and ready for operation. This was another easy way to quickly make a paper airplane that flies for a long time.

Making a plane "Duck" together

Now consider the scheme of the "Duck" aircraft:

  1. Fold a piece of A4 paper in half lengthwise.
  2. Bend the top ends towards the middle.
  3. Turn the sheet over to the back. Bend the side parts again to the middle, and in the upper part you should get a rhombus.
  4. Bend the upper half of the rhombus forward, as if folding it in half.
  5. Fold the resulting triangle with an accordion, and bend the bottom top up.
  6. Now bend the resulting structure in half.
  7. At the final stage, form the wings.

Now you can make those that fly for a long time! The scheme is quite simple and understandable.

Making a Delta plane together

It's time to make a Delta plane out of paper:

  1. Fold an A4 piece of paper in half lengthwise. Mark the middle.
  2. Turn the sheet horizontally.
  3. On one side, draw two parallel lines to the middle, at the same distance.
  4. On the other hand, fold the paper in half to the middle mark.
  5. Bend the lower right corner to the topmost drawn line so that a couple of centimeters remain intact at the bottom.
  6. Bend the top half.
  7. Bend the resulting triangle in half.
  8. Fold the structure in half and bend the wings along the marked lines.

As you can see, paper airplanes that fly for a very long time can be made in many ways. But that's not all. Because you will find several more types of crafts floating in the air for a long time.

How to make a "Shuttle"

Using the following method, it is quite possible to make a small model of the Shuttle:

  1. You will need a square piece of paper.
  2. Fold it diagonally to one side, unfold and fold it to the other. Leave in this position.
  3. Fold the left and right edges towards the center. It turned out to be a small square.
  4. Now fold this square diagonally.
  5. At the resulting triangle, bend the front and back leaves.
  6. Then fold them under the central triangles so that a small figure remains peeking out from below.
  7. Fold the top triangle and tuck it in the middle so that a small top peeks out.
  8. Finishing touches: unfold the lower wings and tuck in the nose.

Here's how to make a paper plane that flies for a long time in an easy and simple way. Enjoy the long flight of your Shuttle.

We make the plane "Gomez" according to the scheme

  1. Fold the sheet in half lengthwise.
  2. Now fold the top right corner to the left edge of the paper. Unbend.
  3. Do the same on the other side.
  4. Next, fold the top so that a triangle is formed. The bottom part remains unchanged.
  5. Bend the lower right corner to the top.
  6. Turn the left corner inward. You should get a small triangle.
  7. Bend the design in half and form wings.

Now you know that he flew far.

What are paper airplanes for?

These simple aircraft schemes will allow you to enjoy the game, and even arrange competitions between different models, finding out who owns the championship in flight duration and range.

Boys (and maybe their dads) will especially like this activity, so teach them how to create winged cars out of paper, and they will be happy. Such activities develop dexterity, accuracy, perseverance, concentration and spatial thinking in children, and contribute to the development of imagination. And the prize will be those made that fly for a very long time.

Launch airplanes outdoors in calm weather. And yet, you can take part in the competition of such crafts, however, in this case, you need to know that some of the models presented above are prohibited in such events.

There are many other ways that fly for a very long time. The above are just some of the most effective ones you can do. However, do not limit yourself to only them, try others. And perhaps, over time, you will be able to improve some of the models or come up with a new, more advanced system for making them.

By the way, some paper models of airplanes are capable of making aerial figures and various tricks. Depending on the type of design, you will need to launch strongly and sharply or smoothly.

In any case, all of the above airplanes will fly for a long time and will give you a lot of fun and pleasant experiences, especially if you made them yourself.

In order to make a paper airplane, you will need a rectangular paper sheet, which can be either white or colored. If desired, you can use notebook, xerox, newsprint or any other paper that is available.

It is better to choose the density of the base for the future aircraft closer to the average so that it flies far and at the same time it is not too difficult to fold it (on too thick paper it is usually difficult to fix the folds and they turn out uneven).

We add the simplest figure of an airplane

It is better for novice origami lovers to start with the simplest airplane model familiar to everyone since childhood:

For those who failed to fold the plane according to the instructions, here is a video tutorial:

If you got tired of this option at school and you want to expand your paper aircraft building skills, we will tell you how to step by step perform two simple variations of the previous model.

long-haul aircraft

Step by step photo instruction

  1. Fold a rectangular sheet of paper in half along the larger side. We bend the two upper corners to the middle of the sheet. We turn the resulting corner with a “valley”, that is, towards ourselves.

  1. We bend the corners of the resulting rectangle to the middle so that a small triangle peeks out in the middle of the sheet.

  1. We bend a small triangle up - it will fix the wings of the future aircraft.

  1. We fold the figure along the axis of symmetry, given that the small triangle should remain outside.

  1. We bend the wings from both sides to the base.

  1. We set both wings of the aircraft at an angle of 90 degrees to fly far.

  1. Thus, without spending a lot of time, we get a far-flying airplane!

Folding scheme

  1. Fold a paper rectangular sheet along its larger side in half.

  1. We bend the two upper corners to the middle of the sheet.

  1. We wrap the "valley" corners along the dotted line. In the origami technique, a “valley” is the fold of a section of a sheet along a certain line in the direction “towards you”.

  1. We add the resulting figure along the axis of symmetry so that the corners are outside. Be sure to make sure that the contours of both halves of the future airplane match. It depends on how it will fly in the future.

  1. We bend the wings on both sides of the aircraft, as shown in the figure.

  1. Make sure the angle between the airplane's wing and its fuselage is 90 degrees.

  1. It turned out such a fast plane!

How to make the plane fly far?

Do you want to learn how to properly launch a paper plane that you just made with your own hands? Then carefully read the rules of its management:

If all the rules are followed, but the model still does not fly as you would like, try improving it as follows:

  1. If the aircraft constantly strives to soar sharply upwards, and then, making a dead loop, abruptly goes down, crashing its nose into the ground, it needs an upgrade in the form of an increase in the density (weight) of the nose. This can be done by slightly bending the nose of the paper model inwards, as shown in the picture, or by attaching a paper clip from below to it.
  2. If during the flight the model does not fly straight, as it should, but to the side, equip it with a rudder by bending part of the wing along the line shown in the figure.
  3. If an airplane goes into a tailspin, it urgently needs a tail. Armed with scissors, make it a quick and functional upgrade.
  4. But if the model falls sideways during the tests, most likely the reason for the failure is the lack of stabilizers. To add them to the design, it is enough to bend the wings of the aircraft along the edges along the lines indicated by the dotted lines.

We also bring to your attention a video instruction for the manufacture and testing of an interesting model of an aircraft that can not only fly far, but also fly incredibly long:

Now that you are confident in your abilities and have already got your hands on folding and launching simple airplanes, we offer instructions that will tell you how to make a paper airplane of a more complex model.

F-117 Stealth Plane ("Nighthawk")

bomber aircraft

Execution scheme

  1. Take a rectangular piece of paper. We fold the upper part of the rectangle into a double triangle: to do this, we bend the upper right corner of the rectangle so that its upper side coincides with the left side.
  2. Then, by analogy, we bend the left corner, combining the upper part of the rectangle with its right side.
  3. Through the intersection point of the obtained lines, we perform a fold, which in the end should be parallel to the smaller side of the rectangle.
  4. Along this line, we fold the resulting side triangles inward. You should get the figure shown in Figure 2. We outline a line in the middle of the sheet in the lower part, by analogy with Figure 1.

  1. We denote a line parallel to the base of the triangle.

  1. We turn the figure over to the back side and bend the corner towards ourselves. You should get the following paper design:

  1. Again we shift the figure to the other side and bend the two corners up, after bending the upper part in half.

  1. Turn the figure back and bend the corner up.

  1. We fold the left and right corners, circled in the figure, in accordance with picture 7. Such a scheme will allow us to achieve the correct bending of the corner.

  1. We bend the corner away from ourselves and fold the figure along the middle line.

  1. We bring the edges inward, again fold the figure in half, and then on ourselves.

  1. In the end, you will get such a paper toy - a bomber plane!

Bomber SU-35

Fighter "Pointed Hawk"

Step-by-step execution scheme

  1. We take a piece of rectangular paper, bend it in half along the larger side and outline the middle.

  1. We bend in the direction "towards ourselves" two corners of the rectangle.

  1. We bend the corners of the figure along the dotted line.

  1. We fold the figure across so that the acute angle is in the middle of the opposite side.

  1. We turn the resulting figure on the reverse side and form two folds, as shown in the figure. It is very important that the folds are not folded to the midline, but at a slight angle to it.

  1. We bend the resulting corner towards ourselves and at the same time turn the corner forward, which after all the manipulations will be on the back of the layout. You should get a shape, as shown in the figure below.

  1. We bend the figure in half from ourselves.

  1. We lower the wings of the airplane along the dotted line.

  1. We bend the ends of the wings a little to get the so-called winglets. Then we spread the wings so that they form a right angle with the fuselage.

The paper fighter is ready!

Fighter Planing Hawk

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. We take a rectangular piece of paper and outline the middle, folding it in half along the larger side.

  1. We bend inward to the middle the two upper corners of the rectangle.

  1. We turn the sheet over to the back side and bend the folds in the direction "towards ourselves" to the center line. It is very important that the upper corners do not bend. It should look like this figure.

  1. We turn the upper part of the square diagonally towards us.

  1. We fold the resulting figure in half.

  1. We outline the fold as shown in the figure.

  1. We refuel inside the rectangular part of the fuselage of the future airplane.

  1. We bend the wings down along the dotted line at a right angle.

  1. It turned out such a paper airplane! It remains to be seen how it flies.

Fighter F-15 Eagle

Aircraft "Concorde"

Following the given photo and video instructions, you can make a paper airplane with your own hands in a few minutes, playing with which will become a pleasant and entertaining pastime for you and your children!