Yulia Geltsman, whom the public also knows under the names Yulia Mochalova and, is a Ukrainian fashion model and DJ, one of the participants in the reality show "Ukrainian Supermodel".

Julia was born on April 26, 1994 and at birth she was named ... Vasily. The fact is that today's fashion model was originally a boy. But later, Geltsman felt like a woman in a man's body. As she says in one of the interviews, one day she woke up and clearly realized that she was actually a girl.

Having collected the amount necessary for the operation and having completed all the required documents, Vasily leaves for St. Petersburg to a highly qualified plastic surgeon and after a while leaves the clinic as Yulia.

Portal of models "Podium.Life"

Transformed beyond recognition, Geltsman begins her career as a gay nightclub DJ. Also, the newly-made girl becomes very popular as a fashion model. Moreover, many photographers do not even suspect that they are dealing with a transsexual.

In addition, Yulia Geltsman often appears in Sasha Shapik's video blogs, as well as with another unusual model, Andriana Doronina, whose real name is Andrey.

TV show

Yulia Geltsman was invited several times to various Ukrainian and Russian talk shows, as the topic of transsexuals, transvestites and androgynes remains defiant and incomprehensible to the public. Thanks to these programs, as well as photo shoots, Yulia learned to stay in front of the cameras freely and naturally.

Portal of models "Podium.Life"

And in 2016, she took part along with two dozen of her other colleagues in the third season of the popular reality show "Ukrainian Supermodel". The broadcast on television of this program started on August 26.

Personal life

Today Yulia Geltsman-Mochalova is only 22 years old. She purposefully goes to her goal - to make a successful career in the field of modeling. The girl also says that she would like to create a full-fledged strong family with her loved one.

Portal of models "Podium.Life"

By the way, in her interviews, Yulia very frankly talks not only about how the plastic surgery for sex change took place, but also about the severe physical pain that a person experiences at the same time. In addition, Geltsman emphasizes that a transsexual cannot feel like a 100% woman, since, for example, she will not experience a classic orgasm during intimate relationships. But for Yulia, it turned out to be a more important factor to feel like a girl from a moral point of view, so she was ready to put up with all the minuses of a sex change.

November 11, 2018, 15:17

There was everything on the way of Yulia Mochalova - suicide attempts, bullying, resentment against her mother, disagreements with relatives and men who treated her too superficially ... In general, this is a thing of the past.

In the present, our heroine has the right body, self-esteem, warm relations with her grandmother and even a woman's name in her passport ... What else does Yulia, ex-Anton, dream of? As befits a woman, she dreams of love and children. About everything in order. Read the exclusive interview.

In Ukraine, they started talking about you after the project “Supermodel in Ukrainian”, but I would like to know the whole story from the very beginning.

- My journey began at the age of 15-16, when I first announced myself on the TV channel "Ukraine". I didn't go anywhere myself. I was constantly invited somewhere and in the same “models” they called me to the next casting, that’s how it all basically began. But it all started with the program "Ukraine Speaks", where I was one of the main characters. Then I had the pseudonym Volkov, which remained. Many people ask: “Oh my God, why do you have two surnames, why is that?”. I was small, I hid my real name Mochalova, I just didn’t understand that I should be proud of her. To be honest, until recently, I hid and was ashamed that I was from the small town of Lubny. Relatively recently, I realized that the opposite is true - this is my grandiose success. I was able to go beyond the small town. In my life there were "ICTV", "New Channel" and "Ukrainian Supermodel".

There was a period when you left Ukraine and lived in other countries. In fact, where all the operations were carried out.

- Yes, but I came to Kyiv to live from scratch, like a girl, not like Anton from Luben. And then I decided that Kyiv is, of course, good, but I want something more, I need to earn more and I went to work in St. Petersburg. I worked hard in nightclubs for 12 hours on my feet, but thanks to the kind people in my life, I got the operations that I needed. A month and a half later, she returned to Ukraine because she missed her parents and friends. Recently, I started to love Ukraine, love Kyiv, although our mentality is still killing me - every day I think more and more that people are becoming more evil.

Transgender people from childhood feel that they are of the opposite sex. But often, ironically, such people do not have money for expensive drugs and operations ...

“I didn’t even have money for hormones either. For you to understand, I have been saving pocket money since I was 14 years old. 5-7 hryvnias every day in order to save 100 hryvnias or something like that at the end of the month. Then she stretched the hormone for this month and saved up again. Here is such a “vicious circle”! I had no money at all and it was a nightmare, as I remember that period of my life, it becomes scary. It was very hard, but I am proud of myself - I succeeded, I went through this school. There was no place to live, there was no food and water - there was nothing. But everything is relative. I am proud that I passed my “school of life”. As for sponsorship, who pays for such operations. Usually sponsors are men: loved ones, lovers, friends. Wealthy people who want to help, but the state does not, of course.

If a person or dog needs traditional help, so please, there are many organizations that help people or animals. As for our community, things are worse here ... Many transgender people commit suicide because they do not have money for breasts or rhinoplasty, for example. I was lucky - I didn’t have to redo my face, and some are less lucky ... Nose, cheekbones, forehead, chin and so on. This entails a whole series of expensive operations.

Life without them is not life. You just don't imagine yourself as the person you see in the mirror. This is not just a banal increase in boobs. For me, this is gr-oo-oo-oo, female breasts. And what is the way out? I also wanted to open myself twice, more precisely, once I opened my veins, and the second time I ate pills, but nothing worked. There was a strong poisoning, a three-day hell - it's better not to do that. Better to just live in peace: make money. Or even find a sponsor...

Tell me about your feelings as a child. When and how did you start to understand that you are a girl?

- We had a very friendly yard, we constantly got together, arranged concerts, of course, there were many children of different sexes, but I only hung out with girls. There were thoughts: well, what boys? What football? If the girls built halabuds in the bushes, I was definitely drawn to them, playing mother-daughters is also super. Only me! Concerts, all these dressing up in the costumes of Verka Serduchka also played a role. I also arranged concerts at home, but no one paid attention to my skirt dresses.

I was then 5-6 years old, well, let's say 8. I can say that I changed into my mother's clothes, walked around the apartment in women's clothes, but unconsciously. I consciously bought the first women's shoes only at the age of 14 - in my native Lubny, where it is impossible to find size 41 shoes with heels. It was at that moment that I decided to learn how to walk in heels. There was a moment when everyone left home, and I was left alone so as not to study in front of everyone. I didn’t understand then whether it was normal or not, but I knew for sure that I wanted to be a woman. Another problem arose - how to prepare parents for this?

What happened next?

“Then the hormones started. What can be a consultation with a doctor in the city of Lubny? My first “transformations” began thanks to our Internet, thanks to him that he was there. I found everything I need, all the drugs. She tried to prepare her father and grandmother for the fact that it could be like this, but she didn’t say anything directly. It seems to me that they would not have understood me completely, and could send me to the fool. In the city of Lubny, there are such rules: a man must be a man and work at a factory, and a woman must look after the house, cook borscht ... It is difficult to imagine the situation that I went to the doctor and said: “You understand, I feel uncomfortable in my body ...” . I just started drinking hormones, “grow breasts”. When I told my grandmother everything, she did not immediately accept the new me, at first she threw tantrums: “Oh, don’t, stop it, that’s enough.”

I either stopped drinking hormones, then resumed therapy again. I was tormented by thoughts and doubts due to the fact that I did not want to injure my parents. But being not yourself is also impossible to hurt. When I was 16 years old, I left home. I can say that my suffering is over.

Did you have a final conversation?

No, there was no conversation. I just said that now I respond only to the name “Julia”. It was a difficult and specific period - adolescence, youthful maximalism, the effect of medications. In her aggression, she could easily say: “If you don’t call me Yulia, I’ll just jump out of the window!”. Until the moment I left for St. Petersburg, communication with my family was unbearably difficult for me. Well, as with relatives - with dad and grandmother. Mom died when I was 10 years old ... And at some point I was offended that she left me with my dad, who did not accept my true nature. Resentment tormented me until I was 20, but time passed ... I visited her at the cemetery: I talked and let go of my pain. After that, of course, it became easier for me to breathe.

Now I communicate with my parents: both with my father and with my grandmother. But more with grandma. She is my strength and support. I don't know how my grandmother survived all this. We had “Shakespearean” conflicts, we broke dishes and arranged showdowns. But now it is already in the past: she calls me Yulenka, gets acquainted with my men, shares my sorrows and problems. And dad, he is a peculiar person, of course, it is still difficult for him to understand “why” - especially without the support of friends. We rarely communicate, but I know that my father is alive and well - this is the main thing for me. In this regard, I consider myself a traditional daughter. And my grandmother is my soul, so I always worry about her. She will soon be 80, for a long time I want to transport the “harm” to Kyiv, but so far the granny is only resisting. If you plow the garden, then she has strength, but if you go to the capital, then no health is enough.

Yul, the story of dressing up as a child is understandable, but not everyone moves on to the next stage. Not everyone decides to change sex. You've made up your mind!

- In principle, I did not even understand that it could be different. Perhaps this is the true difference between a real transgender and a far-fetched one. There was no way back - I had one road, one goal. I didn’t even consider such an option to return the past, that is, I didn’t have a plan to retreat. Only forward!!! I walked, walked, walked and finally achieved what I wanted, although this is not the limit of what I want to achieve. At the moment, I can say: I managed to make myself a person with my own hands, and not thanks to the men who paid, bought some clothes, a car, an apartment.

Of course, and I had it, I had sponsors. These men are ready to give everything for contact - to pay for any operations. But it's a slippery slope! At one point, they can take away gifts. Today I can pay for my apartment on my own, I can spend money on things, buy any cosmetics. And, of course, I can save money for some rainy day or maybe for a dream trip. As for the operations - this is my choice and they are already in the past, so I can’t say that I did them in vain! When I changed breasts, it was more like an obsession. Here I want, at least crack and that's it.

Vaginoplasty is, of course, the most serious decision. At that time, I had so many doubts, upheavals in my soul. I knew that things would be different now. Although these ideas were realized only partially. After some time, I realized that boobs, pussy, nose, lips, face will not make me happy until I put things in order in my head. I, as a person with a fine mental organization, have many internal problems. I want to improve myself as a person, develop, read, travel, travel. No matter how much you want to change yourself, in the end, men like smart women.

How much money do you spend on hormones?

- Approximately 300 UAH, plus I buy special amplifiers, and some vitamins. In general, five hundred hryvnia is not much, but these are vital pills for me. And then, if you calculate how much was spent on hormones in six years, thoughts immediately appear - you could buy a car for this money. But what to do? How else?

Who helps you determine the dose and generally provides medical support?

– During my six years of reincarnation, I tried different hormones: strong, weak and contraceptive. I know what I need and in what doses better than any doctor. I feel comfortable when I need to increase or decrease the dose. When I start jumping from one hormone to another, the condition is worse than during menstruation. Although I do not have my period, I sincerely sympathize with all the girls, because I understand what pm irritation is. Ready to destroy everything around! Hell!

Tell us about the “state policy”, how do they react to you at the border?

- Even during my departure to St. Petersburg, I realized that there would be problems with the border. Julia is standing in front of the border guards, and Anton is in the passport. Once I was even detained, and as a result I was late for my flight and, of course, no one reimbursed me for the ticket. All these explanations-explanations were very difficult for me. Even then I realized: no state. hospitals, no state. doctors, there will be nothing connected with the state in my life. My transgender friend lives in Europe and everything is calm in this regard, if you have a document, then you are you. And it doesn't matter what size your leg is, what you have under your skirt or on your head!

Nobody will be surprised, laugh, or humiliate. And here they start according to the traditional scheme: they call the passport offices, ask everyone, and then break into malice. This is how we live ... Now everything is fine with my documents, but some difficulties were due to the fact that at first I received Russian certificates (due to the fact that at that time I lived in Russia). When I came with these “papers” to our passport office, problems began against the backdrop of the war, I had to wait for a moment ... And now in the passport I am Yulia Mochalova.

Traditional question, but still. Documents are the last point, you have achieved what you wanted. What's next: share your immediate plans?

- There is one plan - to make money. Men. Today they are, and tomorrow they are not, and you have an apartment payment on your nose and you don’t know what to do. What else do I want? Work! I am only 20 years old, and I have already cheated myself, fixated on my family and children. But then a loved one “grounded” me: “You are famous, how can I be with you ... I have friends, society, mom, colleagues, etc.”. I decided to ban him. I'm only 20 years old - I still have my whole life ahead of me, I'd rather spend my energy on a name and a career than on experiences. For example, I recently started working with large cosmetics companies. Who knows what will happen in a year? I try not to scatter on relationships ... Now is such a stage in my life.

Hiding behind public opinion is somehow not entirely fair ....

- Yes, now I generally try not to meet men, because it makes no sense. What if it starts, I fall in love, and then it starts again: “I can’t introduce you to my parents.” I want simple female happiness: acceptance, compliments, a good relationship. As for intimacy (I know for sure that this side of the “medal” is also interesting to you) - you can say that I am asexual.

Julia, tell me honestly, how do you like yourself?

- No makeup, no acne. When there is acne, it really infuriates me, like any girl. I like myself with a bunch. I guess I love myself in an old T-shirt with ketchup stains and I love myself before cartoons, before movies. That's where I'm really real, the way I am.

Is there anything you regret?

- It is a pity that at the age of 16 you do not have a person-authority who will clearly indicate the line of "good-bad." If they had told me then: “Don’t even think about going to a TV show,” I would have listened. I still regret that I got into the telly and opened my soul. Of course, there are pluses in this, but there are more minuses. In any case: what happened happened.

I wonder if you ever dreamed of moving to another, more democratic country?

- Probably not. I walk around the city calmly. Well, how calm… Sometimes, of course, there are different characters. And in fact, I receive a lot of threats both on social networks and on the street. But I forgive all this! I don’t want to complicate my life because of these people, I’d rather be here with my friends, with my grandmother. Run away - no, I won't. Moreover, loneliness kills the most. Another country is not for me.

What is your biggest dream?

- I would like to stay in the shadows, but today it is impossible! My sore subject: love, family, children. But who wants to be with a TV star? Simple female happiness. For some it's so easy, but not for me, not for me. Even stand and cry, to be honest. I want to meet a man with whom I can live a long happy life in the shadows. I dream of a child. As you can see, at first it seems that I am very different, but in fact - not very much. I am ruled by the most traditional female dreams.

Julia was born on April 26, 1994 and at birth she was named ... Vasily. The fact is that today's fashion model was originally a boy. But later, Geltsman felt like a woman in a man's body. As she says in one of the interviews, one day she woke up and clearly realized that she was actually a girl.

Having collected the amount necessary for the operation and having completed all the required documents, Vasily leaves for St. Petersburg to a highly qualified plastic surgeon and after a while leaves the clinic as Yulia.

Transformed beyond recognition, Geltsman begins her career as a gay nightclub DJ. Also, the newly-made girl becomes very popular as a fashion model. Moreover, many photographers do not even suspect that they are dealing with a transsexual.

In addition, Yulia Geltsman often appears in Sasha Shapik's video blogs, as well as with another unusual model, Andriana Doronina, whose real name is Andrey.

TV show

Yulia Geltsman was invited several times to various Ukrainian and Russian talk shows, as the topic of transsexuals, transvestites and androgynes remains defiant and incomprehensible to the public. Thanks to these programs, as well as photo shoots, Yulia learned to stay in front of the cameras freely and naturally.

And in 2016, she took part along with two dozen of her other colleagues in the third season of the popular reality show "Ukrainian Supermodel". The broadcast on television of this program started on August 26.

Personal life

Best of the day

Today Yulia Geltsman-Mochalova is only 22 years old. She purposefully goes to her goal - to make a successful career in the field of modeling. The girl also says that she would like to create a full-fledged strong family with her loved one.

By the way, in her interviews, Yulia very frankly talks not only about how the plastic surgery for sex change took place, but also about the severe physical pain that a person experiences at the same time. In addition, Geltsman emphasizes that a transsexual cannot feel like a 100% woman, since, for example, she will not experience a classic orgasm during intimate relationships. But for Yulia, it turned out to be a more important factor to feel like a girl from a moral point of view, so she was ready to put up with all the minuses of a sex change.

A very easy and simple way to cook lazy cabbage rolls in a pan in tomato sauce. Lazy cabbage rolls in tomato sauce are just as tasty as the classic cabbage rolls, and they are also much easier and faster to prepare. Such a recipe will come in handy and will be a real must-have for any housewife.

Ingredients for making lazy cabbage rolls

For stuffing🍳:

  • 600 g of minced meat;
  • 800 g cabbage;
  • 1 cup rice;
  • 1 large bow;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of vegetable oil;
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste.

For the sauce🍳:

  • 1 carrot, grated;
  • 1 onion, finely chopped;
  • 400 ml. tomato juice;
  • salt to taste;
  • fresh herbs: dill, parsley, green onions.

Lazy cabbage rolls: step by step instructions

Step 1. Boil the rice until half cooked, then rinse with cold water and spread in a colander until it cools completely.

Step 2 We clean the onions and carrots, then finely chop the onion, and rub the carrots on a fine grater. And the cabbage must be grated on a large grater.

Step 3 Add the minced meat, cabbage, onion, carrot, egg, salt and pepper to the bowl until the rice has cooled down. Then we mix everything well.

Step 4 With wet hands, make small meatballs out of minced meat. The meatballs can also be frozen and used as needed.

Step 5 Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the cutlets over high heat until golden brown.

Step 6 Pour cutlets with tomato juice, then add onions, carrots and salt, by the way, you can also add sour cream or cream - then lazy cabbage rolls will be more tender. Bring to a boil and reduce the heat to a minimum, then simmer for about 20 minutes.

Step 7 Lazy cabbage rolls are served hot and sprinkled with fresh herbs before serving.

Rich and nutritious bean soup with ham and vegetables will not leave anyone indifferent or hungry. A big plus of this recipe is the simplicity and inexpensive ingredients for such a nutritious soup, just beans, ham, onions, tomatoes, carrots, lots of spices and love.

Ingredients for Ham and Vegetable Soup:

  • 500 gr. beans, you can canned beans in tomato sauce;
  • 200 gr. ham;
  • 1 large bow;
  • 2 medium carrots;
  • 3 tomatoes, you can also canned tomatoes;
  • 2-3 stalks of celery;
  • 70-100 gr. tomato paste;
  • 3-4 l. chicken or vegetable broth;
  • 1 teaspoon chili;
  • 1 teaspoon ground pepper;
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • a few branches are green;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of vegetable oil

Ham and Bean Soup Instructions

1 . If you use non-canned beans, then fill the beans with water for 8-9 hours.

2. Rinse all vegetables under water and clean. We cut the onion and celery into small cubes, cut the carrots into circles, and the tomatoes into ordinary cubes.

3. You also need to cut the ham into cubes or strips.

4 . After soaking the beans, drain the water, then pour new water into the pan and cook the beans for about two hours or until they are ready. When ready, drain the water.

5. In a skillet, heat 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil and fry the onion, carrot, ham and celery cubes over medium heat for 1-2 minutes.

6. Pour broth into a saucepan, bring to a boil. Add cooked or canned beans, cook over medium heat until boiling. Then we transfer the contents of the pan to the pan and add the tomatoes, tomato paste, chili, pepper, lemon juice and garlic. Reduce heat to low and simmer for another 30 minutes, or until vegetables are tender, stirring occasionally as well. After turning off, add greens. Enjoy your meal!

Who does not dream of getting rid of routine work, becoming free and independent, both financially and mentally, in order to completely belong to his beloved. Perhaps every girl in the soul of a business woman. However, the sadness is that to implement even the most modest idea, start-up capital is needed - a common truth of business. The lack of money for your own business makes you forget about strawberry dreams and wait for the perfect moment. Or shouldn't it be postponed?

What are the ways to get start-up capital?

The ideal option is, of course, to earn money to open a business, save up. The risks are reduced to zero, because you invest your own funds and do not owe anything to anyone. But it would be so easy if it weren't so difficult. This banal method in most cases is not suitable.

What else can you think of? It immediately comes to mind to turn to friends, relatives or acquaintances to borrow money for a certain period. But, alas, not everyone has relatives who can help with start-up capital, especially for a long time, and even in such difficult conditions in our country, when every fifth person is in loans.

You can go to the bank if you have official employment and there are no problems with your credit history. For many, this option is also not suitable, since the banking system in Ukraine is in crisis and the times when credit cards were issued to everyone and sunk into oblivion. Well, it’s not worth saying that usually certificates, guarantors and other formalism are needed to obtain a loan from a bank.

There is another way - to take an interest-free loan from an MFI. Do not rush to throw stones at me, you can always do it. Until recently, I was quite critical of such organizations and bypassed them in the tenth way even in the most difficult moments. But certain life circumstances forced me to turn to a microfinance organization, after which I studied in detail all the subtleties of their activities, and realized that the devil is not so terrible.

Loan without interest in MFIs as start-up capital

Starting from 2019, the microcredit market began to develop rapidly in Ukraine. High competition in this area and the regular appearance of new companies makes MFIs come up with different promotions to attract customers. The most popular among them is the first loan without interest. Such loans are issued at a symbolic 0.01%.

An interest-free loan in one microfinance company can be taken only once, but the trick is that there are a lot of MFIs that give the first loan without interest in Ukraine today. A microloan is issued for a maximum period of up to 30 days, although there are exceptions. Such a duration of lending does not contribute to the development of small businesses, but this shortcoming can be easily leveled.

You can take an online loan in one microfinance organization for 30 days. When the repayment period comes to an end, apply for a new interest-free loan in another MFI to close the first one. And so on in this pattern. The maximum amount of the first loan at 0.01% ranges from 3,000 to 15,000 hryvnia.

Thus, with the help of microloans, you can take a loan for start-up capital for 4-6 months. The costs are minimal when using this method:

The first item of expenditure is the interest on the loan. From 10,000, only 30 hryvnias will come up in a month. That is, they issued a loan for 10 thousand, and after 30 days you need to return 10,030.

The second article is the commission for money transfer, which is charged from a bank card. In Privat, the commission is 0.5%. Consequently, 50 hryvnia is lost when credit funds are credited, and another 50 hryvnia must be paid when you repay the microloan.

In total, with a loan of 10,000, the monthly costs will be about 130 hryvnia, and this is just dust, especially in the context of starting a business. The main thing is to take loans from reliable microfinance organizations and pay off the debt on time.

The best MFIs in Ukraine with the first interest-free loan:

up to UAH 17,000 for 30 days at 0.01% Apply for a loan

Apply for a loan

up to UAH 15,000 for 30 days at 0.01% Apply for a loan

Apply for a loan

up to UAH 4,000 for 30 days at 0.01% Apply for a loan

up to UAH 10,000 for 30 days at 0.01% Apply for a loan

up to UAH 5,000 for 30 days at 0.01% Apply for a loan

up to UAH 3,000 for 30 days at 0.01% Apply for a loan

Undoubtedly, loans from MFIs are not the best way to find start-up capital for starting your own business, but in the absence of other options, such a solution to the issue should be considered very effective and, most importantly, real, if you approach it wisely.

You can wait a long time for the perfect moment to realize your business dream, but the truth is that the perfect time will never come. And now we are talking not only about business, start-up capital and MFIs.

Parents sometimes forget that their children are separate individuals with their own feelings and desires, they strive to subordinate the child to their will, to impose their desires on him. In such a situation, children cease to be obedient, violate all prohibitions, act up and try to find support among their peers. And parents do not understand their children, their hobbies and passions, do not approve of their acquaintances and companies.

Prohibitions and scandals will only exacerbate the situation. Parents judge themselves by the opinion of their friends, teachers, colleagues. But they do not take into account the direct opinion of their children. And in the eyes of a child, parents look far from ideal. Children have their own criteria by which they evaluate the actions and deeds of their parents. Knowing these criteria, parents can become, if not ideal, then just good for their child.

Most of all, children want their parents to understand them. Belonging to certain subcultures, musical preferences, addictions to certain books, films and extreme sports should be accepted by parents as a hobby.

You should not scold the child, dissuade him from certain actions, discuss his friends and acquaintances. It is better to ask why this particular music or these films are so interesting for children, try to delve into the child's hobbies and devote him to your interests. The child should see in his parents an example to follow, best friends, and not an unattainable ideal.

In adult life, many people complain that their parents ruined their lives. Therefore, it is necessary to give the child a sufficient amount of freedom and personal space. Let the child make minor mistakes, gain his own experience, parents can suggest the necessary information, give advice, support the child, but not teach him.

Children often complain to psychotherapists that they do not feel needed and loved in the family. After all, mother and father constantly compare their child with his friends, classmates, thereby letting the child understand that he is loved not just like that, but for his successes and achievements.

They need attention and care at any age. Toddlers require affection and spending time together, teenagers need intimate conversations. You should not refuse children in joint walks, watching movies, evening conversations.

Useful tips for good health, good spirits and good mood from. To make every day like a holiday, you need to follow these simple 10 life rules and principles.

Active morning - active day!

Exercising in the morning stimulates the immune system. Dancing, stretching, and other physical activities are also helpful. The main thing is that they are regular and for different muscle groups.

Water is life

For the normal functioning of the internal organs and the body as a whole, it is enough to drink about two liters of water a day. Tea, coffee, and other drinks will not replace a single drop of H2O. In addition, it is recommended to drink a glass of clean water in the morning before breakfast.


By setting a spending limit, you will be able to control your spending. Taking with you the necessary amount of money, there is a high probability that there will be no extra expenses.

Don't put things off until the evening

The fact is that it is easier to do an important project, and then take on less important work when there is almost no energy left. So there is less chance of making a mistake.

Naturally, cash flow will not improve on its own. But it doesn't happen all at once. Unlike Hollywood films, in reality it is worth working hard to get something. To do this, you need to do at least one case a day, aimed at increasing the budget.

Personal time

Sometimes twenty minutes spent in the company of a book or diary is enough to “enter normalcy”. Knowing yourself - you know the world.

Ability to refuse

It is not always possible to refuse an unsatisfactory offer. It can be embarrassing or scary to just say no. It will be useful to gather all the courage in your hands and refuse if you want to. You can’t please everyone, and bending to the minus yourself, a lot of time is lost. Although there are exceptions everywhere.

More fun!

It does not take much effort to become a source of good. According to the boomerang law, it will return in a triple degree.

Constant change of occupation

In order not to get bored and not to earn stress at the same time, psychologists advise to change the occupation and circle of acquaintances more often. The more that happens around, the less moments are left for despondency. The main thing is to bring everything to the end.

Reference point

The main goal towards which a person moves all his life is, of course, wonderful. But in order to reach it, you will have to go through no less important objects on the map of fate. As if lost in a gloomy forest, looking for a way back, step from tree to tree in order to go in a straight line and not go deep ...

Feeling good is easy. There is no need to complicate anything, to drive and look for problems where there are none. Open the universe and you will see her smile!

Emily Ratajkowski is one of the most popular models of our time, striking not only with her beauty, but also with her versatility: a designer, an actress, a feminist, an Instagram star and just Mrs. Outrageous, because a beauty cannot live a day without public attention. Appearing in an erotic photo shoot, shocking with unshaven armpits, starring naked in a video, coming to the beach in a super revealing mini bikini - Emily Ratajkowski has no equal in antics.

Emily O'Hara Ratajkowski's childhood

Emily was born on June 7, 1991 in the UK. The ancestors of the fashion model managed to achieve an amazing mixing of blood. In her family there are people from Irish, Jewish, Polish and German families. The girl's parents were creative people, her mother worked as a teacher and at the same time wrote books, her father was fond of art. Some canvases with nude models are still preserved.

At the age of five, she moved with her family to California, where the girl spent her entire childhood. Parents often took Emily with them on trips to Europe, so she managed to visit many countries at an early age.

Despite the current status of Ratajkowski, her childhood was not outstanding, and her appearance did not correspond to a high level until the age of 14. Many compare this critical period to the transformation of an ugly duckling into a swan. It was at this age that external data was noticed by the Ford Models agency, which signed a contract with Emily.

Ratajkowski's personal life

The owner of the title "Most Desirable Woman on the Planet - 2014" has an uncountable number of fans. Weekly tabloids attributed non-existent novels to Emily, but the model had official relations with Andrew Dryden and Jeff Magid. Once the girl said that she was attracted only by creative and extraordinary men.

Probably one of those is Sebastian Beer-McClard, an actor and producer, whom Emily married on February 23, 2018. It is noteworthy that the couple legalized the relationship just a few weeks after they met. This is all Ratajkowski!

Controversy about plastic surgery

Few people can believe that Emily Ratajkowski didn't have plastic surgery. Very often this becomes a point of contention among celebrity fans on social media. Plastic surgeons, who have been repeatedly approached for expert opinion, cannot answer unambiguously, but still tend to believe that the girl resorted to operations, in particular, lip augmentation and rhinoplasty. You can compare before and after photos.

According to the model herself, beauty is not the most important thing, and Emily denies surgical plastic surgery, advocating naturalness and assuring that the secret of her slender forms lies in ballet classes.

Emily Ratajkowski on Instagram

It’s still very far from a hundred on Instagram, but Emily will very soon approach the mark of 25 million subscribers. Especially in Instagram Ratajkowski regularly surprises his fans with bright pictures.

A wild mixture of sexuality, unusual appearance, mystery, unpredictability, creativity and light madness in one bottle - that's what she is, Emily Ratajkowski.

Florists never cease to amaze with their work. Combining seemingly ordinary flowers, such as roses, asters, irises, chrysanthemums, with modern decorative elements, flower art professionals create masterpieces that you want to capture on paper and in memory. It is no coincidence that a bouquet of flowers from Megaflowers is a win-win option for any joyful event. Unfortunately, the composition, even made from fresh flowers, is not durable. But, if you follow simple recommendations, you can extend the life of the bouquet.

Important: when buying a bouquet, pay attention to the condition of the flowers. Rose heads should be resilient, stems free of spots, leaves shiny and not drooping. The duration of their attractiveness depends on the initial freshness of the flowers.

Water treatment

Water for a bouquet should be settled, without bleach. To improve the quality of water, purchase a special product at a flower shop. If flower delivery is ordered through Megaflowers, then this tool will be offered to you free of charge along with the bouquet. In order to prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria in the water, activated carbon is added to it. In practice, to improve the properties of water, soda is also used in the amount of an incomplete teaspoon per liter of water. Keep the vase water cloudy, change it more often and spray the flowers.

Flower preparation

Before immersing flowers in water, they should be cut off the stems. This is done with a sharp knife obliquely. In some cases, when woody stems can be flattened, split. This will make it easier for water and nutrients to enter the flower. The thorns of the rose, as well as the lower leaves of the flowers that will be in the water, should be removed. Getting them wet will speed up the process of rotting and wilting of the flowers.

Where to put the bouquet?

A bouquet of flowers should not be placed next to fruits: they emit a gas that speeds up the wilting of the bouquet. The temperature of the room also affects the condition of the bouquet. Best of all, flowers are stored at a temperature of 18-20 degrees. However, they do not like drafts and hot air from heating appliances.

Compatibility of flowers in a bouquet

If you yourself act as a florist, then when assembling a bouquet, consider their compatibility. So, roses are “not friendly” with tulips, but the neighborhood of lilies is tolerated normally. Hyacinths and daffodils should not be added to bouquets with other flowers: they have a depressing effect on them.

Subject to all these conditions, your bouquet will delight with its beauty and freshness for a long time.

The eighth season of the Bachelor project has started, which the fans of this TV show have been looking forward to. The Bachelor is an analogue of the American The Bachelor, which appeared back in 2002. In Ukraine, the dating reality show was released in 2011, and since then a new project has been filmed every year. Next in line is season 8, which has already managed to intrigue the audience. Who are the main characters? We introduce all the participants of Bachelor 8 on Instagram.









