The Sober Russia project, together with the Rating information communications center, compiled the National Sobriety Rating, which compared regions in terms of the degree of alcoholism. According to the rating (available from Izvestia), the most sober regions were the Chechen Republic, the republics of Ingushetia and Dagestan, and the most drinking were the Jewish Autonomous Region, the Nenets Autonomous District and the Magadan Region.

As the authors of the study explained, the rating was calculated on the basis of six indicators: the number of patients with alcoholism and alcoholic psychosis, the strength of anti-alcohol legislation, the volume of vodka sales, the volume of beer sales, alcohol poisoning deaths and crimes committed while intoxicated. According to the research scale, each region could receive from zero to 600 points - up to 100 for each indicator.

As criteria for compiling the National Sobriety Rating, we used not one, but six indicators at once, which is dictated by the complexity and multifactorial nature of the problem. Thus, the National Sobriety Rating concerns all the sore points of this problem, - explains the head of special projects of the CEC "Rating" Ekaterina Lyulchak.

In the group of the most sober regions, the researchers included those that scored less than 130 points. Among them are 20 subjects, these are almost all North Caucasian republics (Chechnya, Ingushetia, Dagestan, North Ossetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Stavropol Territory), all cities of federal significance (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sevastopol) and southern regions (Rostov and Volgograd regions , Krasnodar Territory, etc.). According to the researchers, in these regions "indicators of alcoholization, alcohol mortality and crime, as well as the volume of sales of vodka and beer are among the lowest in the country," and "anti-alcohol legislation is working effectively."

The largest part of the subjects - 43 - was classified by experts in the second group of the rating. It combines regions that scored from 130 to 250 points, where "the anti-alcohol campaign cannot be called satisfactory" and the effect of alcohol abuse "endangers the health and safety of citizens." This included the northwestern regions (Kaliningrad, Leningrad regions, etc.), the center (Vladimir, Tula, Bryansk regions, etc.), southern (Astrakhan region, Adygea), Volga regions (Mordovia, Nizhny Novgorod, Penza regions, etc.) , Siberia (Irkutsk Region, Altai Territory, Buryatia, etc.).

The most drinking (who scored more than 250 points) were 22 regions, mainly the Far East and Siberia. According to the study, these regions "demonstrate the highest mortality, morbidity and crime associated with the consumption of alcoholic beverages, as well as the maximum volume of alcohol sales." The last lines of the rating as the most alcoholized regions went to the Jewish Autonomous Region, the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the Magadan Region, the Kamchatka Territory and the Novgorod Region.

According to the head of Sober Russia, Sultan Khamzaev, the rating shows a "holistic picture of what is happening" in the regions.

We conducted a monitoring that demonstrates which regions stand out qualitatively in matters of protecting the health of their citizens from alcohol. But the ten most sober regions should not be delighted with their victory. These regions must also continue their work professionally and responsibly. And the regions occupying the next positions in the rating should adopt the practice that is used in the leading regions, - says Khamzaev.

Arsen Aristakesyan, General Director of the Rating Center for Information Communications, considers the sobriety rating to be one of the priority projects.

Because this is a real misfortune and pain for hundreds of thousands of Russian families. Alcoholism in Russia is a terrible social, spiritual and moral disease. If this pathology only destroyed human health, this alone would be enough to sound the alarm. But here, indeed, a whole legion is following one demon: a sharp increase in crime, the impoverishment of a considerable part of the population, even the transformation of the once populated territories into deserted ones (look at the fate of many extinct Russian villages). And the treatment of this ulcer is in a systematic and purposeful state policy, Aristakesyan notes.

The governor of the Jewish Autonomous Region Alexander Levintal was surprised that his region was the most alcoholic in the ranking.

If we were talking about drug addiction, there is a problem, we are a border region. As for alcoholism, Birobidzhan is a low-drinking city. In Jewish culture, it is not customary to drink a lot, now the Muslim layer is growing stronger - they don’t drink at all. In the countryside, the situation is worse, but I have not seen drunk workers either. The incomes of the population are low, in this case people try to spend money on food, Levinthal argues.

For us, this is a wake-up call, we will study the situation in detail,” said Levinthal.

The senator from the Jewish Autonomous Region Rostislav Goldstein was also surprised by the information about the position of the region in the ranking of alcoholism.

This is not a primary issue. According to sociological studies, the population puts the problem of alcoholism in 15th place, Goldstein noted.

Vadim Drobiz, Director General of the Center for Research on Federal and Regional Alcohol Markets, advised not to take the results of the study seriously.

One of the most drinking regions are Moscow and St. Petersburg (in the ranking, these cities are among the least drinking. - Izvestia). In the capital, they drink 1.5 times more vodka than in the regions, according to Rosstat. Dubious criteria are taken. There are more alcoholics where wages and unemployment are lower; this does not affect the overall level of alcoholism. It is also impossible to measure by sales: over 50% of strong alcohol consumed is illegal surrogates. The rigidity of alcohol regulation has absolutely no effect on alcoholism, Drobiz criticizes.

At the same time, according to the expert, there are no objective indicators for calculating the alcoholization of the region.

Daria Khalturina, chairman of the board of the NGO Council on Public Health and Demographic Problems, said that the data of the Public Chamber on alcoholization largely coincide with the data of her organization.

In general, in our country we are prone to a very heavy form of consumption, we drink an abnormally large amount of strong drinks. They make the main contribution to mortality and drug problems. Generally speaking, problems with alcohol are getting worse from south to north and from west to east,” Khalturina noted.

According to her, the positions of the most "sober" and "drunk" regions are quite understandable.

In the three most drinking regions, the education factor influences. People with higher education drink less - the risk of losing a job, image things affect. These three regions have a smaller share of intellectual employment. In the Caucasian regions, the factor of Islam influences, this is a protective factor against drunkenness, Khalturina notes.

For many, drunkenness is associated with a primordially Russian trait, but such an opinion is far from being true. There are regions in Russia in which people are not too fond of alcoholic beverages, but along with them there are regions of the federation that are less prosperous in this regard, in which a large part of the inhabitants suffer from alcoholism.

The rating of the most drinking regions of the Russian Federation is compiled annually. The selection is based on a number of criteria, which include the volume of sales of alcoholic beverages, the number of offenses related to the underground production of alcoholic beverages, the number of alcohol-related crimes, alcohol-related deaths and the number of people suffering from alcoholism.

In this article, we will look at the most drinking regions of Russia and tell you more about the alcohol situation in each of them.

The leader in the selection of the most drinking cities of the Russian Federation was the Magadan region, which is part of the Far Eastern Federal District. The most acute social problem in these parts is alcoholism, which has acquired incredible proportions in recent years.

Indicators of the economy, culture, spirituality and morality, as well as demographics, were sharply reduced against the background of an increased level of alcoholism. At the moment, drunkenness here has the character of a national disaster. The number of visits to the narcologist is simply off scale. The criminal situation has also worsened. The lion's share of crimes were committed while intoxicated.

2 - Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

Local authorities have been taking various measures to combat the massive abuse of alcoholic beverages for several years, but they not only do not save the situation, but do not seem to affect it at all. Despite all efforts, every year the alcohol situation in Chukotka only worsens. The level of local alcoholism is called unacceptable and monstrous.

However, the authorities do not give up and improve the system for issuing licenses for the sale of alcohol, take measures to identify illegal outlets and toughen penalties for the illegal sale of alcohol-containing products. For this, special departments were even created to carry out these tasks.

For the illegal sale of alcohol here, you can even get a fine of 200,000 rubles, and in case of loss of a license, incur criminal penalties.

3 - Republic of Komi

From 2015 to 2017, it was planned to carry out the activities provided for by the action plan for the fight against and prevention of alcoholism. The document with the resolution on the implementation of this plan was the last document approved in the republic at the regional level.

It is difficult to track the effectiveness of the measures taken, but the statistics do not speak in their favor, since in 2016 the situation simply got out of control. The market is dominated by low-quality alcoholic beverages, cases of mass poisoning are noted everywhere, and the number of deaths caused by alcohol intoxication has increased.

In recent years, the number of alcohol-related crimes has been on the rise. Many citizens are registered with a narcologist.

4 - Amur region

The Amur region also has all the social problems associated with the massive consumption of alcoholic beverages. A striking example is Blagoveshchensk, located in this area. The population of this city is only 220,000 people, while on its territory there are more than 1,000 stalls selling alcoholic beverages.

Even if the local authorities take some actions aimed at stabilizing the situation, they do not bring significant results. The sale of alcohol is subject to increasingly stringent regulation, and control purchases are constantly carried out in all retail outlets and stores. Explanatory work is constantly carried out in schools and other educational institutions.

5 - Perm region

Another region included in the list of the most unfavorable regions in terms of the number of recorded cases of child alcoholism and alcoholic psychosis. According to statistics, 11 liters of vodka or 97 liters of beer fall on one inhabitant per year. 60,000 residents of the Perm Territory are registered with a narcologist with a disappointing diagnosis of alcoholism.

Every year, more than 500 people die from alcohol, and 1/6 of this number are children. Based on the data of sociological surveys, 56% of boys and 72% of girls start drinking alcohol at the age of 14. Every year, 10,000 crimes are committed under the influence of alcohol.

6 - Republic of Karelia

Here, both local narcologists and doctors have sounded the alarm for a long time, but the situation continues to get out of control. 50% of local chronic alcoholics are people between the ages of 20 and 40, and one third of all alcoholics are women. It is also sad that a considerable share of alcoholic products on the local market is of clandestine origin.

7 - Republic of Buryatia

According to statistical reports, every hundredth inhabitant of Buryatia suffers from alcoholism. Here, children's alcoholism is incredibly widespread, which school teachers explain by the lack of places for quality leisure. It is worth noting that the region is characterized by low temperatures, so there are often cases of frostbite while intoxicated. Constant checks by the authorities have not yet yielded results.

8 - Sakhalin region

Alcoholism is explained here by the low standard of living and culture, unemployment and lack of social stability. As in Karelia, one third of registered alcoholics are women. Thanks to a large number of private sellers, you can buy an alcoholic drink here at any time of the day. Frequent cases of child alcoholism.

9 - Nizhny Novgorod region

Mortality is steadily growing here, one way or another connected with the state of alcoholic intoxication. Beer alcoholism is especially flourishing, according to the staff of the rehabilitation places. Cases of teenage alcoholism are widespread. There are 65 liters of beer per inhabitant per year.

10 - Kamchatka Territory

The biggest problem here is drunk drivers. Among them are often not only civilians, but also representatives of law enforcement agencies, as well as officials. There is also a very high percentage of crimes committed while intoxicated. And worst of all, it grows.

However, there is also a positive trend - local activists often arrange various flash mobs that agitate people to switch to a healthy lifestyle and stop drinking alcohol. The authorities also decided to fine parents if their children consumed alcohol-containing drinks.

Since ancient times, people have been engaged in practices that allow you to change the state of consciousness. One such practice is alcohol consumption. It is not difficult to imagine the rationale for the very first experience with alcohol - curiosity. Perhaps one of our ancestors ate a fermented fruit and felt a pleasant sensation that piqued his curiosity. Curiosity is still a common reason to try alcohol these days.

The Sober Russia organization and the Expert and Analytical Center at the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation have identified the most curious ... that is, the most drinking regions of Russia. It turned out that the residents of Chechnya, Ingushetia, Dagestan, Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria are the least susceptible to the charms of the green serpent. According to Natalia Milchakova, deputy director of the analytical department of Alpari, low alcohol consumption in the North Caucasian republics is explained by the wide spread of Islam.

And most of all they like to "lay behind the collar" in the Magadan region, the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Komi, Amur and Perm regions.

Sobriety rating of subjects of Russia 2016

In comparison with the staff of "Sober Russia" significantly expanded the number of criteria by which the rating was prepared. The criteria included:

  • the number of deaths from alcohol poisoning;
  • the number of alcoholics;
  • the number of crimes committed by drunken persons.

Last year, when the sobriety top was created for the first time, the compilers took into account only the volume of sales of vodka and beer. And in 2016, cognac products, champagne, wines, mead, liquor and other alcohol-containing drinks were added to their number.

Readers may ask a reasonable question: who and why do you need a rating of the most sober and most drinking regions of the Russian Federation? There are three reasons for this.

  1. The researchers were faced with the task of contributing to a more effective implementation of state policy to reduce the scale of alcohol abuse and the prevention of alcoholism among Russians.
  2. Also, the rating can help more effective regulation of the alcohol market.
  3. The rating will be useful in evaluating the activities of the heads of regions. According to the head of Sober Russia, Sultan Khamzaev, the list can help to find out how successfully officials are working to improve the health of citizens and the social climate of the subjects of the Russian Federation.
  • volume of sales of alcohol (vodka, beer, wine, champagne, cognac, liquor, mead, etc.);
  • the number of offenses related to the illegal manufacture of alcoholic beverages;
  • the level of crime, which is based on the abuse of the "green snake";
  • the number of patients with alcoholism;
  • mortality from alcohol consumption.

According to the results of 2018, the experts of the state project "Sober Russia" identified the "leaders" among all Russian regions, where sobriety, unfortunately, has not become the norm.

1. Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (48.14 points)

The level of alcoholism in Chukotka is called simply "monstrous". Despite a number of measures taken by the local authorities, the situation has only been worsening for many years now. At the regional level, the system for issuing licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages is being improved, the strictest regulation of the sale of alcohol is being introduced, and special departments have been created that are required to identify all illegal outlets. The fine for the illegal sale of "liquid currency" is up to 200 thousand rubles, and the deprivation of a license may also entail criminal liability.

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2. Magadan region (46.98 points)

The Magadan region, which is part of the Far Eastern Federal District, ranked second among the most drinking regions of Russia. Alcoholism here has acquired catastrophic proportions and has become the most acute of all social problems. Due to the abuse of alcohol in the region, demographic, spiritual, moral, cultural and economic indicators have sharply decreased, and addiction to strong drinks has acquired the scale of a national disaster. The number of people in Magadan who turn to a narcologist has exceeded all possible norms, and the criminogenic situation has worsened mainly due to those who committed crimes while intoxicated.

3. Nenets Autonomous Okrug (46.85 points)

is part of the Northwestern Federal District and closes the top three of our anti-rating. Despite the fact that this subject is the most sparsely populated among other subjects of the Russian Federation, the rates of drinking alcoholic products here are almost off scale. Here, each inhabitant accounts for more than 25 liters of strong alcohol per year, which is almost 10 liters more than the average in other regions of the country.

4. Sakhalin region (45.88 points)

Such high rates of alcohol consumption in the region are explained by disorder, lack of culture, lack of social stability and low living standards. Of the 15,000 officially registered alcoholics, 1/3 are women, about 500,000 are children and adolescents, among whom beer is the most frequently consumed drink. The presence of private sellers of flammable liquids leads to the fact that you can buy alcoholic beverages of dubious quality at any time of the day or night.

5. Republic of Komi (45.46 points)

A few years ago in the Republic of Komi, at the regional level, the "Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Alcoholism" was approved. The concept was designed for various procedures that were to be carried out in the period from 2015 to 2017. But the ongoing numerous deaths, low-quality alcoholic beverages, mass poisoning, a huge number of people registered with a narcologist, and alcohol-related crimes that have become more frequent do not bode well for the region.

6. Republic of Karelia (44.71 points)

The alcohol consumption situation in Karelia is getting out of control, doctors and narcologists are sounding the alarm, but the situation has not improved significantly yet. It is also bad that of all those who are registered, one third are the fair sex, and almost 50% of chronic alcoholics are people aged 20 to 40 years. Alcohol poisoning from low-quality products is another scourge of Karelia, on average, about 120 people die here every year. The increase in indicators is 5-6% per year, and these data relate to the average per capita consumption of alcohol-containing products and the level of alcohol sales.

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7. Kamchatka Territory (43.20 points)

In Kamchatka, drunk driving has become the most central problem, and drunk drivers are not only civilians, but officials and even employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. There are also very high rates of crimes committed under the influence of alcohol. Murders, robberies, robberies and assaults are only a small part of those offenses that are typical for drunken residents of Kamchatka. Flash mobs in support of a healthy lifestyle are regularly held in the region, and a decision was made to fine their parents for alcohol abuse by teenagers.

8. Amur region (42.81 points)

All possible social problems associated with alcohol abuse in the Amur region have a place to be. For example, in Blagoveshchensk, with a population of only 220 thousand people, there were more than 1,000 stalls and pavilions where you could buy strong drinks. It cannot be said that local leaders are not doing anything to stabilize the situation, but such actions do not bring the desired result. The rules for the sale of alcohol have been tightened in every possible way, test purchases are constantly carried out in stores and outlets, and explanatory work is carried out among the younger generation, but it is still too early to say that the situation is drastically improving.

9. Perm region (44.55 points)

The Perm Territory belongs to one of the most unfavorable regions in terms of the number of alcoholic psychoses and adolescent alcoholism. There are more than 11 liters of vodka and 97 liters of beer per person here per year. This led to a huge number of people registered with a narcologist - about 60 thousand were diagnosed with chronic alcoholism. More than half a thousand people die every year from alcohol poisoning, with 1/6 of them being children. According to surveys, more than 56% of boys and 72% of girls start drinking hard liquor at the age of 14. The number of crimes committed while intoxicated is about 10 thousand per year, and such sad figures continue to grow.

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10. Republic of Buryatia (44.35 points)

According to statistics, every hundredth Buryat suffers from chronic alcoholism, and every year several thousand people die from various causes associated with drinking alcohol-containing products. A difficult situation has developed with children's alcoholism - you can see a tipsy child on the street everywhere, and teachers explain this by the lack of institutions where young people could spend their leisure time. Despite the strictest checks, hard liquor can be bought at any time, and the low temperatures in the region mean that frostbite and even death have become frequent after alcohol abuse.

The federal project "Sober Russia" and the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (VGTRK) compiled the "National Sobriety Rating of the Subjects of the Russian Federation - 2018". The first place in the rating was retained by Chechnya, which was the leader last year (the Chelyabinsk region was in 49th place).

The sobriety rating provides authorities and society with objective information about the level of alcohol consumption and its consequences. This study is a purposeful scientific and practical monitoring of the anti-alcohol work of each of the 85 subjects of the country.

The rating is unique in that it combines disparate statistical indicators of various departments into a single system. This allows an unbiased and maximally objective assessment of the real contribution of each region to the reduction of the overall level of alcohol consumption in the country.

Sultan Khamzaev, head of the Sober Russia project, notes that for the fourth year in a row, the Sobriety Rating of Regions has been a proven independent, expert and analytical study of what is really happening in the regions of our country.

"The rating corresponds to the spirit of openness, transparency and objectivity. The main task of our work is to monitor the implementation of the May presidential decree," he emphasizes. "We expect that this analytical work will help the regions find effective measures and methods to correct the current situation and radically improve the social climate."

Eduard Petrov, Deputy Director and Head of the Legal Programs Production Service at the Vesti DIP of the Rossiya TV Channel, said that the journalists had visited many regions of our country, from Kaliningrad to Primorye. The reporters saw with their own eyes how local law enforcement agencies are fighting counterfeit alcohol, as well as such infamous tinctures as "Hawthorn".

“We looked at how the sobriety rating of the regions reflects the real situation in the regions of Russia. The uniqueness of the project is that the correspondents of the Vesti. The duty unit "not only focuses on numbers, but also checks the facts on their own, conducting their own investigations," Petrov said.

In general, the rating demonstrates that the current level of effectiveness of anti-alcohol work is still insufficient. Alcohol continues to be one of the main catalysts for social ills, mortality, crime and reduced life expectancy.

The Sobriety Rating is an evidence-based, independent report prepared by a team of experts: experts, sociologists, lawyers, economists, historians, psychologists and journalists. They not only analyzed, summarized and systematized large volumes of regional and federal statistics, but also comprehended the current situation and developed a set of measures for its timely and evidence-based adjustment.

During the study, materials from Rosstat, Rosalkogolregulirovanie, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Statistical Database, as well as the Unified Interdepartmental Information and Statistical System (EMISS) were used.

Number of deaths due to alcohol poisoning;

The number of patients registered with a diagnosis of alcoholism and alcoholic psychosis;

Number of crimes committed while intoxicated;

The volume of all alcoholic products sold in the region;

Number of offenses related to the illegal production of alcohol;

Regional anti-alcohol legislation.

Sobriety ratings were compiled in 2015, 2016 and 2017. Thanks to such long-term monitoring, for the first time it became possible to trace the four-year dynamics of sobriety in each region in a systematic and unbiased manner. Research data show that the anti-alcohol policy is changing and progressing in those regions, the leadership of which takes into account the negative results of annual monitoring and corrects the regional anti-alcohol legislation.

According to the authors of the rating, not only the leading regions deserve special attention, but also those regions that have been demonstrating positive dynamics for several years. Methods of work in these regions need to be studied, popularized and replicated as examples of the most effective measures in the field of counteracting the alcohol threat. At the same time, the most drinking regions still retain their positions from year to year. This testifies to the low effectiveness of the anti-alcohol policy of local authorities.

Some regions do not pursue an anti-alcohol policy, do not care enough about the health of the population and worsen their position in the ranking. Moreover, in some areas last year there was a liberalization of anti-alcohol legislation, there were outbreaks of poisoning with alcohol and alcohol-containing products.

The regions were ranked from the most prosperous (1st place) to the most problematic (85th place). So, the top three remained unchanged compared to last year - Chechnya, Ingushetia and Dagestan. The fourth place belongs to Karachay-Cherkessia. In fifth place is the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, which added five points at once. And the Belgorod region dropped from fifth place to sixth.

Krasnodar Territory, which moved from 70th place to 14th, Altai Territory (33rd place against 72nd last year) and Crimea (16th place against 52nd) added to the ranking more than other regions. There are regions that have significantly worsened their situation. These are the Vladimir region (minus 57 points - from 20th to 77th place), the Yaroslavl region (minus 40 points - from 31st to 71st place) and the YaNAO (minus 36 points - from 33rd to 69th place). e place). Moscow this year took 19th place (last year it was 32nd).