3.1. Uniform movement in a straight line.

3.1.1. Uniform movement in a straight line- movement in a straight line with a constant modulus and direction of acceleration:

3.1.2. Acceleration()- a physical vector quantity showing how much the speed will change in 1 s.

In vector form:

where is the initial speed of the body, is the speed of the body at the moment of time t.

In the projection on the axis Ox:

where is the projection of the initial speed on the axis Ox, - projection of the body velocity on the axis Ox at the time t.

The signs of the projections depend on the direction of the vectors and the axis Ox.

3.1.3. Graph of projection of acceleration versus time.

With uniformly variable motion, acceleration is constant, therefore it will be straight lines parallel to the time axis (see Fig.):

3.1.4. Speed ​​in uniform motion.

In vector form:

In the projection on the axis Ox:

For uniformly accelerated motion:

For slow motion:

3.1.5. Velocity projection plot versus time.

The graph of the projection of speed against time is a straight line.

Direction of movement: if the graph (or part of it) is above the time axis, then the body moves in the positive direction of the axis Ox.

Acceleration value: the greater the tangent of the angle of inclination (the steeper it goes up or down), the greater the acceleration module; where is the change in speed over time

Intersection with the time axis: if the graph crosses the time axis, then the body slowed down before the intersection point (equally slow motion), and after the intersection point it began to accelerate in the opposite direction (equally accelerated motion).

3.1.6. The geometric meaning of the area under the graph in the axes

Area under the graph when on the axis Oy speed is delayed, and on the axis Ox Time is the path traveled by the body.

On fig. 3.5 the case of uniformly accelerated motion is drawn. The path in this case will be equal to the area of ​​the trapezoid: (3.9)

3.1.7. Formulas for calculating the path

Uniformly accelerated motionUniformly slow motion
(3.10) (3.12)
(3.11) (3.13)

All formulas presented in the table work only while maintaining the direction of movement, that is, until the intersection of the straight line with the time axis on the graph of the dependence of the projection of speed on time.

If the intersection has occurred, then the movement is easier to break into two stages:

before crossing (braking):

After crossing (acceleration, movement in the opposite direction)

In the formulas above - the time from the beginning of the movement to the intersection with the time axis (time to stop), - the path that the body has traveled from the beginning of the movement to the intersection with the time axis, - the time elapsed from the moment of crossing the time axis to the present moment t, - the path that the body has traveled in the opposite direction during the time elapsed from the moment of crossing the time axis to the present moment t, - the module of the displacement vector for the entire time of movement, L- the path traveled by the body during the entire movement.

3.1.8. Move in -th second.

In time, the body will travel the path:

In time, the body will travel the path:

Then, in the i-th interval, the body will cover the path:

The interval can be any length of time. Most often with

Then in 1 second the body travels the path:

For 2nd second:

For the 3rd second:

If we look carefully, we will see that, etc.

Thus, we arrive at the formula:

In words: the paths covered by the body in successive periods of time correlate with each other as a series of odd numbers, and this does not depend on the acceleration with which the body moves. We emphasize that this relation is valid for

3.1.9. Body coordinate equation for uniformly variable motion

Coordinate equation

The signs of the projections of the initial velocity and acceleration depend on the relative position of the corresponding vectors and the axis Ox.

To solve problems, it is necessary to add to the equation the equation for changing the velocity projection on the axis:

3.2. Graphs of kinematic quantities for rectilinear motion

3.3. Free fall body

Free fall means the following physical model:

1) The fall occurs under the influence of gravity:

2) There is no air resistance (in tasks it is sometimes written “neglect air resistance”);

3) All bodies, regardless of mass, fall with the same acceleration (sometimes they add - “regardless of the shape of the body”, but we are considering the movement of only a material point, so the shape of the body is no longer taken into account);

4) The acceleration of free fall is directed strictly downward and is equal on the surface of the Earth (in problems we often take it for convenience of calculations);

3.3.1. Equations of motion in the projection onto the axis Oy

Unlike movement along a horizontal straight line, when far from all tasks change the direction of movement, in free fall it is best to immediately use the equations written in projections onto the axis Oy.

Body coordinate equation:

Velocity projection equation:

As a rule, in problems it is convenient to choose the axis Oy in the following way:

Axis Oy directed vertically upwards;

The origin of coordinates coincides with the level of the Earth or the lowest point of the trajectory.

With this choice, the equations and are rewritten in the following form:

3.4. Movement in a plane Oxy.

We have considered the motion of a body with acceleration along a straight line. However, the uniform movement is not limited to this. For example, a body thrown at an angle to the horizon. In such tasks, it is necessary to take into account the movement along two axes at once:

Or in vector form:

And changing the projection of speed on both axes:

3.5. Application of the concept of derivative and integral

We will not give here a detailed definition of the derivative and integral. To solve problems, we need only a small set of formulas.


Where A, B and that is the constants.


Now let's see how the concept of derivative and integral is applicable to physical quantities. In mathematics, the derivative is denoted by """, in physics, the time derivative is denoted by "∙" over a function.


that is, the speed is a derivative of the radius vector.

For velocity projection:


that is, acceleration is a derivative of speed.

For acceleration projection:

Thus, if the law of motion is known, then we can easily find both the speed and acceleration of the body.

We now use the concept of an integral.


that is, the speed can be found as the time integral of the acceleration.

Radius vector:

that is, the radius vector can be found by taking the integral of the velocity function.

Thus, if the function is known, then we can easily find both the speed and the law of motion of the body.

The constants in the formulas are determined from the initial conditions - the value and at the moment of time

3.6. Velocity Triangle and Displacement Triangle

3.6.1. speed triangle

In vector form, at constant acceleration, the law of velocity change has the form (3.5):

This formula means that the vector is equal to the vector sum of vectors and the vector sum can always be depicted in the figure (see figure).

In each task, depending on the conditions, the velocity triangle will have its own form. Such a representation makes it possible to use geometric considerations in solving, which often simplifies the solution of the problem.

3.6.2. Movement Triangle

In vector form, the law of motion at constant acceleration has the form:

When solving the problem, you can choose the frame of reference in the most convenient way, therefore, without losing generality, we can choose the frame of reference so that, that is, the origin of the coordinate system is placed at the point where the body is located at the initial moment. Then

that is, the vector is equal to the vector sum of the vectors and Let's draw in the figure (see Fig.).

As in the previous case, depending on the conditions, the displacement triangle will have its own form. Such a representation makes it possible to use geometric considerations in solving, which often simplifies the solution of the problem.

Part 1

Calculation of instantaneous speed
  1. Start with an equation. To calculate the instantaneous speed, you need to know the equation that describes the movement of the body (its position at a certain point in time), that is, such an equation, on one side of which is s (body movement), and on the other side are terms with the variable t (time). For example:

    s = -1.5t2 + 10t + 4

    • In this equation: displacement = s. Displacement - the path traveled by the object. For example, if the body moved 10 m forward and 7 m back, then the total movement of the body is 10 - 7 = 3m(and at 10 + 7 = 17 m). Time = t. Usually measured in seconds.
  2. Calculate the derivative of the equation. To find the instantaneous speed of a body whose displacements are described by the above equation, you need to calculate the derivative of this equation. The derivative is an equation that allows you to calculate the slope of the graph at any point (at any point in time). To find the derivative, differentiate the function as follows: if y = a*x n , then derivative = a*n*x n-1. This rule applies to each term of the polynomial.

    • In other words, the derivative of each term with the variable t is equal to the product of the factor (before the variable) and the power of the variable times the variable by a power equal to the original power minus 1. The free term (the term without a variable, that is, the number) disappears because it is multiplied by 0. In our example:

      s = -1.5t2 + 10t + 4
      (2)-1.5t (2-1) + (1)10t 1 - 1 + (0)4t 0
      -3t1 + 10t0

  3. Replace "s" with "ds/dt" to indicate that the new equation is the derivative of the original equation (that is, the derivative of s of t). The derivative is the slope of the graph at a certain point (at a certain point in time). For example, to find the slope of the line described by the function s = -1.5t 2 + 10t + 4 at t = 5, just plug 5 into the derivative equation.

    • In our example, the derivative equation should look like this:

      ds/dt = -3t + 10

  4. Substitute the corresponding value of t into the derivative equation to find the instantaneous speed at a certain point in time. For example, if you want to find the instantaneous speed at t = 5, just plug 5 (instead of t) into the derivative equation ds/dt = -3 + 10. Then solve the equation:

    ds/dt = -3t + 10
    ds/dt = -3(5) + 10
    ds/dt = -15 + 10 = -5 m/s

    • Pay attention to the unit of instantaneous speed: m/s. Since we are given the value of displacement in meters, and the time is in seconds, and the speed is equal to the ratio of displacement to time, then the unit of m / s is correct.

    Part 2

    Graphical evaluation of instantaneous speed
    1. Build a graph of the movement of the body. In the previous chapter, you calculated the instantaneous speed using a formula (a derivative equation that allows you to find the slope of a graph at a particular point). By plotting the motion of the body, you can find its slope at any point, and therefore determine the instantaneous speed at a certain point in time.

      • On the Y-axis, plot movement, and on the X-axis, time. Get the coordinates of the points (x, y) by substituting different values ​​of t into the original displacement equation and calculating the corresponding values ​​of s.
      • The graph can fall below the X-axis. If the graph of the movement of the body falls below the X-axis, then this means that the body is moving in the opposite direction from the point where the movement started. As a rule, the graph does not extend beyond the Y axis (negative x values) - we do not measure the speed of objects moving backward in time!
    2. Select a point P on the graph (curve) and a point Q close to it. To find the slope of the graph at point P, we use the concept of a limit. Limit - a state in which the value of the secant drawn through 2 points P and Q lying on the curve tends to zero.

      • For example, consider the points P(1,3) And Q(4,7) and calculate the instantaneous speed at point P.
    3. Find the slope of segment PQ. The slope of the segment PQ is equal to the ratio of the difference in the values ​​of the coordinates "y" of points P and Q to the difference in the values ​​of the coordinates "x" of points P and Q. In other words, H = (y Q - y P)/(x Q - x P), where H is the slope of the segment PQ. In our example, the slope of the segment PQ is:

      H = (y Q - y P)/(x Q - x P)
      H = (7 - 3)/(4 - 1)
      H = (4)/(3) = 1.33

    4. Repeat the process several times, bringing the Q point closer to the P point. The smaller the distance between two points, the closer the value of the slope of the obtained segments to the slope of the graph at point P. In our example, we will perform calculations for point Q with coordinates (2.4.8), ( and ( (point coordinates P remain the same):

      Q = (2.4.8): H = (4.8 - 3)/(2 - 1)
      H = (1.8)/(1) = 1.8

      Q = (1.5,3.95): H = (3.95 - 3)/(1.5 - 1)
      H = (.95)/(.5) = 1.9

      Q = (1.25,3.49): H = (3.49 - 3)/(1.25 - 1)
      H = (.49)/(.25) = 1.96

    5. The smaller the distance between points P and Q, the closer the value of H to the slope of the graph at point P If the distance between points P and Q is extremely small, the value of H will be equal to the slope of the graph at point P Since we cannot measure or calculate the extremely small distance between two points, the graphical method gives an estimate of the slope of the graph at point P.

      • In our example, when Q approaches P, we get the following H values: 1.8; 1.9 and 1.96. Since these numbers tend to 2, we can say that the slope of the graph at point P is equal to 2 .
      • Remember that the slope of the graph at a given point is equal to the derivative of the function (on which this graph is drawn) at that point. The graph displays the movement of the body over time and, as noted in the previous section, the instantaneous velocity of the body is equal to the derivative of the displacement equation of this body. Thus, we can state that at t = 2 the instantaneous speed is 2 m/s(this is an estimate).

    Part 3

    1. Calculate the instantaneous speed at t = 4 if the movement of the body is described by the equation s = 5t 3 - 3t 2 + 2t + 9. This example is similar to the problem in the first section, with the only difference being that it is a third-order equation (not a second-order one).

      • First, we calculate the derivative of this equation:

        s = 5t 3 - 3t 2 + 2t + 9
        s = (3)5t (3 - 1) - (2)3t (2 - 1) + (1)2t (1 - 1) + (0)9t 0 - 1
        15t(2) - 6t(1) + 2t(0)
        15t (2) - 6t + 2

      • Now we substitute the value t = 4 into the derivative equation:

        s = 15t (2) - 6t + 2
        15(4) (2) - 6(4) + 2
        15(16) - 6(4) + 2
        240 - 24 + 2 = 22 m/s

    2. Let us estimate the value of the instantaneous speed at the point with coordinates (1,3) on the graph of the function s = 4t 2 - t. In this case, the point P has coordinates (1,3) and it is necessary to find several coordinates of the point Q, which lies close to the point P. Then we calculate H and find the estimated values ​​of the instantaneous speed.

      • First, we find the coordinates Q at t = 2, 1.5, 1.1, and 1.01.

        s = 4t2 - t

        t=2: s = 4(2) 2 - (2)
        4(4) - 2 = 16 - 2 = 14, so Q = (2.14)

        t = 1.5: s = 4(1.5) 2 - (1.5)
        4(2.25) - 1.5 = 9 - 1.5 = 7.5, so Q = (1.5,7.5)

        t = 1.1: s = 4(1.1) 2 - (1.1)
        4(1.21) - 1.1 = 4.84 - 1.1 = 3.74, so Q = (1.1,3.74)

        t = 1.01: s = 4(1.01) 2 - (1.01)
        4(1.0201) - 1.01 = 4.0804 - 1.01 = 3.0704, so Q = (1.01,3.0704)

Tuesday, which means that today we are solving problems again. This time, on the theme of "free fall of bodies."

Questions with answers to the free fall of bodies

Question 1. What is the direction of the gravitational acceleration vector?

Answer: one can simply say that the acceleration g directed down. In fact, to be more precise, the acceleration of free fall is directed towards the center of the Earth.

Question 2. What does free fall acceleration depend on?

Answer: on Earth, the acceleration due to gravity depends on the geographic latitude as well as on the height h lifting the body above the surface. On other planets, this value depends on the mass M and radius R celestial body. The general formula for free fall acceleration is:

Question 3. The body is thrown vertically upwards. How can you characterize this movement?

Answer: In this case, the body moves uniformly accelerated. Moreover, the time of rise and the time of falling of the body from the maximum height are equal.

Question 4. And if the body is not thrown up, but horizontally or at an angle to the horizon. What is this movement?

Answer: we can say that this is also a free fall. In this case, the movement must be considered relative to two axes: vertical and horizontal. The body moves uniformly relative to the horizontal axis, and uniformly accelerated relative to the vertical axis with acceleration g.

Ballistics is a science that studies the features and laws of motion of bodies thrown at an angle to the horizon.

Question 5. What does "free" fall mean?

Answer: in this context, it is understood that the body, when falling, is free from air resistance.

Free fall of bodies: definitions, examples

Free fall is a uniformly accelerated motion under the influence of gravity.

The first attempts to systematically and quantitatively describe the free fall of bodies date back to the Middle Ages. True, at that time there was a widespread misconception that bodies of different masses fall at different speeds. In fact, there is some truth in this, because in the real world, the speed of falling is greatly affected by air resistance.

However, if it can be neglected, then the speed of falling bodies of different masses will be the same. By the way, the speed during free fall increases in proportion to the time of fall.

The acceleration of freely falling bodies does not depend on their mass.

The free fall record for a person currently belongs to the Austrian skydiver Felix Baumgartner, who in 2012 jumped from a height of 39 kilometers and was in a free fall of 36,402.6 meters.

Examples of free falling bodies:

  • an apple flies on Newton's head;
  • parachutist jumps out of the plane;
  • the feather falls in a sealed tube from which the air is pumped out.

When a body falls freely, a state of weightlessness occurs. For example, in the same state are objects on a space station moving in orbit around the Earth. We can say that the station is slowly, very slowly falling to the planet.

Of course, free fall is possible not only not on the Earth, but also near any body with sufficient mass. On other comic bodies, the fall will also be uniformly accelerated, but the magnitude of the free fall acceleration will differ from the earth's. By the way, earlier we already published a material about gravity.

When solving problems, the acceleration g is considered to be equal to 9.81 m/s^2. In reality, its value varies from 9.832 (at the poles) to 9.78 (at the equator). This difference is due to the rotation of the Earth around its axis.

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Instant Speed is the speed of the body at a given point in time or at a given point in the trajectory. This is a vector physical quantity, numerically equal to the limit to which the average speed tends over an infinitely small period of time:

In other words, the instantaneous speed is the first derivative of the radius vector with respect to time.

2. Average speed.

medium speed in a certain area is called a value equal to the ratio of the displacement to the time interval during which this displacement occurred.

3. Angular speed. Formula. SI.

Angular velocity is a vector physical quantity equal to the first derivative of the angle of rotation of the body with respect to time. [rad/s]

4. Relationship between angular velocity and rotation period.

Uniform rotation is characterized by a period of rotation and a frequency of rotation.

5. Angular acceleration. Formula. SI.

This is a physical quantity equal to the first derivative of the angular velocity or the second derivative of the angle of rotation of the body with respect to time. [rad/s 2 ]

6. How the vector of angular velocity/angular acceleration is directed.

The angular velocity vector is directed along the rotation axis, moreover, so that the rotation viewed from the end of the angular velocity vector occurs counterclockwise (right-hand rule).

With accelerated rotation, the angular acceleration vector is co-directed with the angular velocity vector, and with slow rotation, it is opposite to it.

7/8. Relationship between normal acceleration and angular velocity/Relationship between tangential and angular acceleration.

9. What determines and how is the normal component of the total acceleration directed? Normal SI acceleration. Normal acceleration determines the rate of change of speed in the direction and is directed towards the center of curvature of the trajectory.

In SI, normal acceleration [m/s 2 ]

10. What determines and how the tangential component of the total acceleration is directed.

Tangential acceleration is equal to the first time derivative of the velocity modulus and determines the rate of modulo change of velocity, and is directed tangentially to the trajectory.

11. Tangential acceleration in SI.

12. Full body acceleration. The module of this acceleration.

13. Mass. Force. Newton's laws.

Weight is a physical quantity, which is a measure of the inertial and gravitational properties of the body. The unit of mass in SI [ m] = kg.

Force is a vector physical quantity, which is a measure of the mechanical impact on the body from other bodies or fields, as a result of which the body is deformed or accelerated. The SI unit of force is Newton; kg*m/s 2

Newton's first law (or law of inertia): if no forces act on the body or their action is compensated, then this body is at rest or uniform rectilinear motion.

Newton's second law : the acceleration of a body is directly proportional to the resultant forces applied to it and inversely proportional to its mass. Newton's second law allows us to solve the basic problem of mechanics. Therefore it is called the basic equation of the dynamics of translational motion.

Newton's third law : The force with which one body acts on another is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force with which the second body acts on the first.

If a material point is in motion, then its coordinates are subject to change. This process can be fast or slow.

Definition 1

The value that characterizes the rate of change in the position of the coordinate is called speed.

Definition 2

average speed is a vector quantity, numerically equal to the displacement per unit time, and co-directional with the displacement vector υ = ∆ r ∆ t ; υ ∆ r .

Picture 1 . The average speed is co-directed to the movement

The modulus of the average speed along the path is equal to υ = S ∆ t .

Instantaneous speed characterizes the movement at a certain point in time. The expression "velocity of a body at a given time" is considered incorrect, but applicable in mathematical calculations.

Definition 3

The instantaneous speed is the limit to which the average speed υ tends when the time interval ∆t tends to 0:

υ = l i m ∆ t ∆ r ∆ t = d r d t = r ˙ .

The direction of the vector υ is tangent to the curvilinear trajectory, because the infinitesimal displacement d r coincides with the infinitesimal element of the trajectory d s .

Figure 2. Instantaneous velocity vector υ

The existing expression υ = l i m ∆ t ∆ r ∆ t = d r d t = r ˙ in Cartesian coordinates is identical to the equations proposed below:

υ x = d x d t = x ˙ υ y = d y d t = y ˙ υ z = d z d t = z ˙ .

The record of the modulus of the vector υ will take the form:

υ \u003d υ \u003d υ x 2 + υ y 2 + υ z 2 \u003d x 2 + y 2 + z 2.

To go from Cartesian rectangular coordinates to curvilinear, apply the rules of differentiation of complex functions. If the radius vector r is a function of curvilinear coordinates r = r q 1 , q 2 , q 3 , then the velocity value is written as:

υ = d r d t = ∑ i = 1 3 ∂ r ∂ q i ∂ q i ∂ r = ∑ i = 1 3 ∂ r ∂ q i q ˙ i .

Figure 3. Displacement and instantaneous velocity in curvilinear coordinate systems

For spherical coordinates, suppose that q 1 = r ; q 2 \u003d φ; q 3 \u003d θ, then we get υ presented in this form:

υ = υ r e r + υ φ e φ + υ θ φ θ , where υ r = r ˙ ; υ φ = r φ ˙ sin θ ; υ θ = r θ ˙ ; r ˙ = d r d t ; φ ˙ = d φ d t ; θ ˙ = d θ d t ; υ \u003d r 1 + φ 2 sin 2 θ + θ 2.

Definition 4

instantaneous speed call the value of the derivative of the function of movement in time at a given moment, associated with the elementary movement by the relation d r = υ (t) d t

Example 1

Given the law of rectilinear motion of a point x (t) = 0 , 15 t 2 - 2 t + 8 . Determine its instantaneous speed 10 seconds after the start of movement.


The instantaneous velocity is usually called the first derivative of the radius vector with respect to time. Then its entry will look like:

υ (t) = x ˙ (t) = 0 . 3 t - 2 ; υ (10) = 0 . 3 × 10 - 2 = 1 m/s.

Answer: 1 m/s.

Example 2

The movement of a material point is given by the equation x = 4 t - 0 , 05 t 2 . Calculate the moment of time t about with t when the point stops moving, and its average ground speed υ.


Calculate the equation of instantaneous speed, substitute numerical expressions:

υ (t) = x ˙ (t) = 4 - 0 , 1 t .

4 - 0 , 1 t = 0 ; t about with t \u003d 40 s; υ 0 = υ (0) = 4; υ = ∆ υ ∆ t = 0 - 4 40 - 0 = 0, 1 m / s.

Answer: the set point will stop after 40 seconds; the value of the average speed is 0.1 m/s.

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