Multiplayer Shooter Nether in the style of survival action finally got to the Russian-speaking Internet. You can play the localized version of the game and walk through the ruined streets of Chicago, explore the post-apocalyptic world, fight monsters and other players for valuable resources. To make Nether easier for beginners, we have written this short guide in which we will try to answer the most common questions about the game and give some useful tips for surviving in this inhospitable world.

Question answer

How to download the game?

The game is distributed through Steam and to start the game you need to buy an activation key. You can do this on the official Russian site Nether or directly through Steam. After that, you need to activate the game in the Steam service, download and install the game client. Please note that Nether is distributed in several variants, which differ in cost. The extended versions include DLC and a certain amount of game currency with a good discount.

Will I have to pay monthly for a game subscription?

Nether does not provide a monthly subscription. In order to play, it is enough just to purchase a game client once. No additional payments are required to access the game. If desired, users can use the game store and purchase gold. But in addition to gold, you can pay for purchases with in-game dollars, which can be found by exploring the world around you and killing enemies.

Does Nether have an in-game store?

Yes, in Vaults (special protected areas) players get access to the global inventory, and there they will be able to open the "Shop" tab. In the store you can buy various useful items, medicines, food, water and more. But in order to get a weapon, the player needs to independently find it in the ruins of Chicago or find the necessary parts and collect the item. Trading in the game store is carried out for in-game dollars, which can be found during the game, and for gold, which is bought with real money.

What are the dimensions of the game world?

The whole game takes place in the ruins of a huge metropolis, which are huge urban areas consisting of 700 blocks and the Wasteland - a vast abandoned area.

It is also worth noting that the Nether world has a vertical orientation. In city blocks there is a huge number of high-rise buildings and underground facilities that can go down several floors. Almost all buildings and basements can be freely explored: climb on the roofs of skyscrapers and go down to underground parking lots.

Is the game in third or first person?

Nether is a first person shooter. The game does not provide a switch to the 3rd person view, so as not to give some players any advantages over others.

Are there or dedicated game servers and what is the number of players on one server?

Yes, you can see the list of available servers in the corresponding menu of the game. The standard game server is designed for 64 users, the Arena type server is designed for 16 players.

How does a new character appear in the game world and is there a way to protect himself from death when he spawns?

The game algorithms are written in such a way that a new character appears in the game world in places where there are no hostile creatures and other players.

How and where can you find decent weapons and various equipment?

Equipment items, weapons and various useful items can be found by exploring the game world, searching buildings and dungeons. Also, equipment can be obtained by looting, killing other players. Also, weapons can be knocked out when killing a Creature, however, this happens very rarely, but it still happens.

Are there safe zones in the game?

In the world of Nether, special shelters have been built, where the possibility of dealing damage is disabled. In these hideouts, players can get together, chat, exchange, trade, etc. These zones are not always safe, from time to time a special event is launched in the game, during which monsters attack the shelter. In this case, all restrictions on killing are removed, and players can jointly protect the shelter from the attack of the Beasts or kill each other. After the end of the monster attack, the safe mode is turned on again in the shelter.

What can be lost if a character dies?

Since the cornerstone of Nether gameplay is survival, death can strike your character completely unexpectedly and at any time. In this case, the player will lose all accumulated experience, all learned skills and everything that is in his inventory. The game will have to start from scratch, so try to stay alive.

Are there any time limits on the appearance of a new character in the game after the death of the old one?

There are no time limits.

What role-playing elements are there in the game?

The RPG component occupies an important place in the game. For example, the player can gain experience and improve the characteristics of his character. To do this, you need to beat monsters and other players, complete tasks, such as defending a shelter from creatures.

What needs of the game characters will need to be monitored during the game?

For now, players will have to keep an eye on the character's hunger and stamina levels. In addition, do not forget to maintain his level of health.

How does the administration of the game plan to deal with cheaters?

Nether servers have an anti-cheat system installed.

Now it's time to give some useful survival tips.

1. Equip and stay alive

In the world of Nether, it is rather gloomy and visibility leaves much to be desired, but at the same time, all sounds are heard perfectly. The faster you move, the more noise you make and the more attention you get. After the first appearance in the game, we advise you to lie low and carefully study the surrounding area for useful things. Thanks to stealth, you can avoid large concentrations of Creatures.

2. Always stay alert

Other players are a very real threat. They can be anywhere - around the nearest corner, on the roof of the house, watching you from windows and from shelters. Always stay on your guard, because there are a lot of people who like to profit at someone else's expense. No place in the world of the Nether will give you a 100% security guarantee.

3. Take care of upgrading your equipment and filling your inventory and backpack with useful items.

Carefully exploring the game locations, you will surely find a lot of useful things - food, medicine, weapons, protective equipment. The latest version of the game introduced the ability to collect parts from which it will later be possible to assemble new weapons.

Vehicles with flashing lights usually have a higher chance of finding valuable loot nearby, but they also attract Beasts.

Don't forget to keep an eye on the sky - high columns of smoke rising up will tell you the direction to important city locations where you can find valuable items. But keep in mind that in these zones it is easy to stumble upon evil monsters and other players who have come for prey.

4. Learn the habits of monsters

In the game you will meet many different Creatures, each of which has its own characteristics. Most of the monsters can teleport, including even to underground levels. If you do not have powerful weapons and little ammo, it will be very difficult to repel the attack of several Creatures. In this case, try to move covertly and quietly. This way, you can go unnoticed for longer. Running and shooting will instantly reveal your location.

5. Level up your character

Don't forget to distribute the gained experience points to increase the level of your hero. In the game menu, you can enhance the selected characteristics of the character, use special abilities. Try to decide which abilities will be most useful for your play style.

6. Complete game tasks

Various events often take place in the game - “Reaper Creature”, “Gathering Supplies”, “Wave of Creatures”, etc. All these events are shown on the game map, which also indicates the duration of the event and the percentage of completion. Other quests can be taken from vendors in Vaults.

It is usually more profitable to complete missions in a group with other players than alone. For completing more difficult missions, you can get more experience for the group and the hero himself.

7. Cooperate with other players

You can protect yourself if you join a tribe. Strength is in unity and it is much easier to survive together. Tribes can occupy and control certain areas of the city. You will have to compete with other tribes for control of the city by capturing key objects. This will bring you additional experience and resources.

Keep an eye on your competitors, scout their territory, kill them while playing as the Beast.
Don't forget to set up ambushes - a surprise attack can be the key to defeating the enemy. In the dangerous and unpredictable world of the game, the tribes themselves come up with their own rules and change them at will. Remember, all your actions in the game can have far-reaching consequences, as it happens in real life.


The frightening and rather high-quality process of the game Nether (2014) PC illustrates the world after another catastrophe, teeming with various creatures, born thanks to a nuclear war between the once great powers. The hero of the post-apocalyptic world needs not only to fight for his life, but also to find out the primary reason for the appearance of creatures and demons.

In the vastness of Nether (2014) PC, the player will have to fight a horde of monsters, hide and sneak through the streets of the largest metropolis, formerly known as Chicago. There are few people among the survivors, but also among the few lucky ones, complete confusion reigns in which they exterminate themselves for vital resources.

Incredibly tense atmosphere throughout the game.
A huge multi-level rich world.
Deep role play.
Dynamic development of events depending on your actions.
Large and varied inventory and arsenal of weapons.
Mixing PvP and PvE modes.


The ruined huge metropolis is simply teeming with all sorts of creatures, bloodthirsty mutants, which the surviving inhabitants call "Beasts". The world has returned to primitive principles, and every miraculous survivor has now become a mortal enemy of anyone he meets, in fear for his own life.

There is no time for rest here, in any place and at any second the "Creature" can be waiting for you. Iron nerves are needed here more than anywhere else, the world of Nether can cause a terrible stupor and adrenaline rush. Instantly made and necessarily correct decisions, perhaps, will allow you to survive and give you another chance.

Sitting in the Vault will not work. In search of water and food, you will have to comb these damned streets over and over again, trade with other survivors, engage in crafts and even loot.

Game Information
Name: Nether: Resurrected
Publication type: Repack
Genre: action, indie
Developer: Phosphor Games Studio
Year: 2014 (April 23, 2016)
Platform: PC
Interface Language and Voiceovers: Russian and English
Tablet: Sewn (PROPHET)

System requirements:
OS: Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 (only 64 bit)
CPU: 2.4GHz Quad Core or Better
Video card: Nvidia GTX 460/ATI Radeon HD 5850
DirectX: Versions 9.0
Net: Broadband internet connection
Disk space: 3 GB
Sound card: Windows Compatible Sound Card

Nether is a truly uncompromising struggle for survival. The ruined metropolis has been tormented by ruthless mutants for many years now. The locals dubbed them "Beasts". The world now lives according to primeval princes - people now look at each other with caution, and every survivor is now very likely to become a mortal enemy in his desire to take supplies from you, fearing for his own life. Here you will not have time for a break - you must always be prudent and very careful.

The world of the Nether game will cause you the most terrible emotions, and the adrenaline rush will be provided to you at every turn. Make the right decisions and maybe you will survive this time. You will not be able to sit in a shelter - hunger and thirst will force you to comb the streets again and again.

1. Install
2. Copy the contents of the "PROPHET" folder to the folder with the installed game, replace.
3. Play

To enable the Russian language in the NetherEngine.ini file, change the value Language=INT to Language=RUS. The file is located along the path: C:/Users/User name/Documents/My Games/Nether/NetherGame/Config

Incredibly tense atmosphere:
The cruel world of Nether keeps the player in suspense every second. Any sound that cuts the oppressive silence of a dark city or the Wasteland can promise a quick death of the character and the loss of everything earned in a few hours of play.
Huge multi-level world:
The extensive urban map of the game allows you to penetrate almost any building, including multi-storey skyscrapers and underground buildings several levels down, as well as explore an infinitely large dead zone - the Wasteland.
Deep role play
By completing tasks, defending shelters, defeating enemies, and simply surviving, the characters strengthen a whole group of skills, and each new level slightly increases the player's chances of successfully completing another sortie outside the protected zone. In addition to exploring the world and gathering supplies, players can trade and craft.
Large and varied inventory and arsenal
Over time, exploring the game world, the player gets access to new types of weapons and items. Custom equipment can serve you well, and unique finds, such as a hang glider, give the player incredible benefits ... until the moment someone kills the owner and takes away everything acquired by overwork.
Hunger, thirst, the need for resources and equipment upgrades make the player constantly move, complete game missions. To achieve goals, players can join forces in groups and join tribes. Only factions can capture and own territories. And the opposition of such associations adds even more excitement and tension in the world of Nether.
Players can compete in a variety of individual and group missions to earn money, experience and reputation. Complete vital supply missions between markets to ward off swarms of Nether monsters led by the dreaded boss codenamed Reaper, and repair anti-Nether devices when they fail.
Nether offers a wide range of customization options, including allowing you to play as male and female characters. There's a variety of cosmetic items to choose from to show off your personality, with the ability to customize as a biker, survivor, or soldier, or even play in your underwear!

We rolled back the game to the summer of 2014, when the early access packs first went on sale, and the game was being developed by Phosphor Games Studio.
Single Player mode enabled: it used to be impossible, but not now! Enjoy survival in the monster-filled world of Nether alone!
No in-game monetization! ALL items can be purchased with in-game currency!
Creation and hosting of servers at the request of the players! There is no need for any login other than Steam. You control your community and no one can take your game.
Server settings: you decide how many players, millions or weapons, etc. appears.
Modding tools!
Bug fixes (including playing as monsters).

New Survival Action in a post-apocalyptic setting Nether was opened for access recently, but has already received positive feedback from players. The game is sold through Steam and there are a few things you need to do before you can start playing Nether.

How to start playing Nether

Buy a Nether activation key

You can purchase the key either through Steam, or on the official Russian website of the game at

It should be noted that the game is distributed in several versions, which differ in prices and additional bonuses. By purchasing the game in the Chosen One or Faithful starter kit, in addition to access to the game servers, you will receive the Nether Arena add-on. In addition, you will receive a certain amount of gold - the game currency, for which you can purchase various useful items in the game.

Activate games on Steam

  • To run the game on your computer, the Steam service must be installed and activated. If not, download and install this application.
  • Register on Steam or, if you are already registered there, just log in to your account.
  • In the service menu, find the "Games" section, in which open the "Activate via Steam" tab. You can also just click the "Add Game" button, which is located in the lower left corner of the interface and select the "Activate via Steam" item there as well.
  • In the window that opens, enter the activation key received when purchasing the game.
  • After completing these steps, the activated game will appear in the "Library" section and you can download it.

Launch Nether and register in the game

The game is launched using a shortcut on the desktop. Once launched, the game will prompt you to register with the MBer service. To do this, you will need to choose a username and password. The password to enter the game must be different from the one you use to enter Steam, this is necessary for security. Be sure to save your password and login inside the game.

After registration, you will be able to enter the game using the selected login and password.

Choose game server

After logging into the game, you will be taken to the list of active game servers. Until recently, there were 2 types of servers in the game - a standard server and an Arena-type server, but recently testing of PvE servers has begun, which anyone can enter.

Standard Nether servers are designed for leisurely exploration of the territory, completing various missions, and the gradual development of your character in the game. On such servers, you can create small groups and even join tribes. One standard server is for 64 users. Information about the filling of the selected server can be obtained directly in the list of servers, on the right. It will indicate the number of filled slots on the corresponding server. Thus, you can choose which server to play on - where the population density is greater or where it is less.

The "Arena" type server is used for quick deathmatches, in which up to 16 players participate. If you manage to win such a battle, you can get good prizes.

PvE servers are designed for fighting monsters, killing other players is prohibited there.

Choose your character

Having decided on the choice of server, your next step is to choose a character. The creators of the game offer to choose from a fairly extensive list of a variety of heroes - male and female. You can also try yourself as a monster - you will be offered a choice of 2 types of monsters, in the shoes of which you can visit. After choosing a character, it remains to choose a behavioral animation and after that you can start the game.

First appearance in the game - spawn location selection

The first time after joining the server, and every time you die and decide to resurrect, you will be able to choose the place of your appearance - either in the Vault, or directly on the game locations.

If this is your first time logging into the game, we recommend that you start with the Vault. Usually you will be safe in the Sanctuary - there players cannot attack each other, and Creatures are not allowed to enter the safe zone. An exception is the time of the attack of the Creatures - a game event when players defend the Shelter from attack by monsters. At this time, the ban on the use of weapons inside the Vault is lifted, and the same rules apply there as in regular gaming locations. Please note that during this event, the chances of dying from the hands of other players are no less than from the attack of the Creatures.

If you appeared in the Vault during a peaceful period, you can slowly explore the location, chat with merchants, and receive several tasks for delivering packages. Places where packages need to be delivered will be marked with bright pillars of yellow light at the beginning of the game.

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Greetings to all, dear viewers. Today we will visit Chicago, exhausted by monsters - in the game.
In our video guide you will learn how to hold out longer, how to act. The information will be interesting for both beginners and active players, there is something to listen to.

To purchase the game and explore the world nether, you just need to go to the official website of the game and buy a key from them, since the game is not available for all regions in the incentive, there is always an opportunity to save money on or on, the game is cheaper there.

What we'll talk about today:

  1. How to better and faster with navigate and find each other.
  2. Where is the best place to look for loot.
  3. How to level up your character faster.
  4. Very little HP, way out of the situation.
  5. How to behave if faced with another player 1 on 1.
  6. How to run away from people - who opened the hunt for you.
  7. What roofs of houses should be climbed.
  8. What kind of parts instead of weapons.
  9. What to do when attacking a safe zone.
  10. What to do with excess loot.
So, let's begin:

1. Orientation in a simple way, since all the streets are signed on the map, just say the street and the crosshair with some street. But if suddenly everything is completely bad with a landmark, then you can negotiate at the safe zones, or at the fires that smoke very plentifully, and also meet near large buildings and parks.
2. Loot in the game - a rather problematic find. To find something you have to sweat or know where it is! The main point with melee weapons is here:

In this place you will find many different types of weapons - these are axes, katanas, crowbars, bats, shovels, swords and the like.
But, there are special places where there are enough items to declare war on everyone in Chicago. Here's a loot card for you.

3. Character leveling

This is a very important moment in the game. In order to gain points for pumping, you need to destroy monsters, and for this you are supposed to get points after each LvL. I advise you to start with pumping the lower skill (MELEE), this skill will give you a lot more damage, which will contribute to the rapid extermination of evil spirits, then the third skill (SURVIVAL), and alternate them until the very maximum pumping. Until you find a weapon, you should not download the rest of the skills.

4. If you are already very low hp, and you are only at the fifth LvL, you should not spend money on medicines, and if you have valuable things, run quietly without drawing attention to the near safe zone and leave your loot in the chest. And calmly move away from the other world. Then you can return and take everything that was left.

5. Here you run without suspecting anything, searched a bunch of houses, and then a another player. You both have melee weapons and even if you have a firearm, do not try to scare the enemy with your barrels, perhaps he has a more serious weapon, and then you will definitely be unhappy, in which case you will lose everything.

6. Almost the same situation, but everything is already completely bad here. You were walking calmly with an overflowing backpack and suddenly you were attacked without warning. open fire. Here's a very simple but really working tip. In a lot of bugs with garbage and barrels. In this case, we start running around the corner, or into the alley, looking for heaps of garbage, wheels, barrels, etc., lie down and wait until the enemy cools down, relaxes the rolls and leaves. Thus, your catch will remain with you. And you are proud of yourself.

7. There are a lot of houses on roofs which you can climb, but not the fact that there will be something for you. We search and climb on the roofs of those houses where there are tents, fires and some stations, everything that can attract your attention. Perhaps there will be something to eat if it has not been done before you.

8. Details in place of the weapon - they look like a disassembled weapon. They are of different types, all the parts can be collected and sold in the safe zone, or you can collect something in crafting. But you will need a voluminous amount of such details, and this is done by masochists and noobs who did not cut the dough from unsuccessful and inattentive players.

9. When I got aroused attack on the safe zone, you will have to clear it if you are leveled up and have a firearm, but if you have loot and nothing to clean up the safe zone, it is better to exit the game and wait for the end. Or if you and your party or players gather and clear together, everyone in the area will be given experience and money.

10. Extra valuable loot should be placed in a chest in the safe zone, and just completely superfluous and rubbish should be sold to the store for money. Money also plays a big role in the game.

Note - If you saved the loot in the safe zone in the chest, then when you exit the game and then when you connect to any server, your character will remain with the same LvL and money.

That's all for today, stay tuned for the next video. Most likely there will be a next video on, in which a more detailed guide will be presented.

With you was ForesTLamb with the support of the site.
Write ideas for the guide in the comments on YouTube. What do you want to see in the Nether game guides, I will include each request in the video.

Good luck to everyone, use the tips, survive!