
Barmaley - Chukovsky K.I.

Famous work about the terrible Barmaley and small children. When the parents fell asleep, Tanya and Vanya did not listen to their advice and fled to Africa. There they saddled a rhinoceros, played leapfrog with an elephant, tickled a hippopotamus. But the hippo did not like their jokes, and he called Barmaley. The evil robber wanted to eat the children. But Dr. Aibolit came to their aid...

Barmaley read

Small children!
No way

Don't go to Africa

Walk in Africa!

Sharks in Africa

Gorillas in Africa

In Africa, large

Evil crocodiles.

They will bite you

Beat and offend -

Don't go kids

Walk in Africa.

Rogue in Africa

Villain in Africa

Terrible in Africa


He runs around Africa

And eats children

Ugly, bad, greedy Barmaley!

And daddy and mommy

Sitting under a tree

And daddy and mommy

Children are told:

Africa is terrible

Africa is dangerous

Don't go to Africa

Children, never!

But daddy and mommy fell asleep in the evening,

And Tanechka and Vanechka - run to Africa -

To Africa!

To Africa!

Walking along Africa.

Figs-dates are plucked, -

Well, Africa!

That's Africa!

Riding a rhinoceros

Ride a little -

Well, Africa!

That's Africa!

With elephants on the go

We played leapfrog -

Well, Africa!

That's Africa!

A gorilla came out to them,

The gorilla told them

The gorilla told them

She said:

"Won the shark Karakula

Opened her evil mouth.

You to the shark Karakula

Don't you want to get

Right in the mouth?

"Nam Shark Karakula

Nothing, nothing

We are the Karakul shark

Brick, brick,

We are the Karakul shark

Fist, fist!

We are the Karakul shark

Heels, heels!

Shark scared

And drowned in fear,

Serve you, shark, serve you!

But here in the swamps is huge

A hippopotamus walks and roars,

He goes, he goes through the swamps

And roars loudly and menacingly.

And Tanya and Vanya laugh,

Behemoth's belly is tickled:

"Well, belly,

What a belly


Couldn't take that offense

Ran for the pyramids

“Barmaley, Barmaley, Barmaley!

Come out, Barmaley, hurry up!

These nasty children, Barmaley,

Don't be sorry, Barmaley, don't be sorry!

Tanya-Vanya trembled -

Barmaley was seen.

He goes to Africa

All Africa sings:

"I am bloodthirsty,

I'm merciless

I am an evil robber Barmaley!

And I don't need

No marmalade

No chocolate

But only small

(Yes, very small!)

He sparkles with terrible eyes,

He knocks with terrible teeth,

He lights a terrible fire,

He shouts a terrible word:

"Karabas! Karabas!

I'll have lunch now!"

Children cry and sob

Barmaley beg:

"Dear, dear Barmaley,

Have mercy on us

Let go quickly

To our sweet mother!

We run away from mom

We will never

And walk around Africa

Forever forget!

Dear, dear cannibal,

Have mercy on us

We'll give you candy

Tea with crackers!”

But the cannibal answered:


And Tanya said to Vanya:

"Look, in an airplane

Someone is flying across the sky.

This is a doctor, this is a doctor

Good Doctor Aibolit!

Good Doctor Aibolit

Runs up to Tanya-Van,

Hugs Tanya-Vanya

And the villain Barmaley,

Smiling, he says:

"Well, please, my dear,

My dear Barmaley,

Untie, let go

Those little kids!"

But the villain Aibolit is missing

And throws Aibolit into the fire.

And it burns and Aibolit screams:

"Oh, it hurts! Ay, it hurts! Oh, it hurts!

And the poor children lie under the palm tree,

They look at Barmaley

And cry, and cry, and cry!

But because of the Nile

The gorilla is coming

The gorilla is coming

Crocodile leads!

Good Doctor Aibolit

Crocodile says:

"Well, please hurry.

Swallow Barmaley,

To greedy Barmaley

Wouldn't have been enough

Wouldn't swallow

Those little kids!"

turned around





Like a fly


Happy, happy, happy, happy kids

She danced, played around the fire:

But in the stomach of a Crocodile

Dark, and cramped, and depressing,

And in the stomach of a Crocodile

Sobbing, crying Barmaley:

"Oh, I'll be kinder

I love children!

Don't ruin me!

Spare me!

Oh, I will, I will, I will be kinder!

The children of Barmaley took pity,

Crocodile children say:

“If he really became kinder,

Let him go back, please!

We will take Barmaley with us,

We'll take you to distant Leningrad!"

The crocodile nods its head

Opens a wide mouth -

And from there, smiling, Barmaley flies,

And Barmaley's face is kinder and sweeter:

"How glad I am, how glad I am,

That I will go to Leningrad!”

Dancing, dancing Barmaley, Barmaley!
“I will, I will be kinder, yes, kinder!
I bake for children, for children
Pies and pretzels, pretzels!
Through the markets, through the markets
I will, I will walk!
I will be a gift, I will be a gift
I give out pies
Pretzels, rolls
Feed the kids.

And for Vanechka
And for Tanechka
I will, I will have
Mint gingerbread!
mint gingerbread,
Surprisingly pleasant
Come get it
Don't pay a dime
Because Barmaley
Loves little children
Loves, loves, loves, loves,
Loves little kids!

(Ill. Bordyug, Trepenok, ed. Planet of Childhood)

Published: Mishkoy 04.02.2018 11:27 24.05.2019

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Barmaley - Tale of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky - Tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky

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Small children!

No way

Don't go to Africa

Walk in Africa!

Sharks in Africa

Gorillas in Africa

In Africa, large

Angry crocodiles

They will bite you

Beat and offend -

Don't go kids

Walk in Africa.

Rogue in Africa

Villain in Africa

Terrible in Africa


He runs around Africa

And eats children -

Ugly, bad, greedy Barmaley!

And daddy and mommy

Sitting under a tree

And daddy and mommy

Children are told:

Africa is terrible

Africa is dangerous

Don't go to Africa

Children, never!

But daddy and mommy fell asleep in the evening,

And Tanechka and Vanechka - run to Africa -

To Africa!

To Africa!

Walking along Africa.

Figs-dates are plucked, -

Well, Africa!

That's Africa!

Riding a rhinoceros

Ride a little -

Well, Africa!

That's Africa!

With elephants on the go

We played leapfrog -

Well, Africa!

That's Africa!

A gorilla came out to them,

The gorilla told them

The gorilla told them

She said:

"Won the shark Karakula

Opened her evil mouth.

You to the shark Karakula

Don't you want to get

Right in the pa-ast?

"Nam Shark Karakula

Nothing, nothing

We are the Karakul shark

Brick, brick,

We are the Karakul shark

Fist, fist!

We are the Karakul shark

Heels, heels!

Shark scared

And drowned in fear,

Serve you, shark, serve you!

But here in the swamps is huge

A hippopotamus walks and roars,

He goes, he goes through the swamps

And roars loudly and menacingly.

And Tanya and Vanya laugh,

Behemoth's belly is tickled:

"Well, belly,

What a belly


Couldn't take that offense

Ran for the pyramids

“Barmaley, Barmaley, Barmaley!

Come out, Barmaley, hurry up!

These nasty children, Barmaley,

Don't be sorry, Barmaley, don't be sorry!

Tanya-Vanya trembled -

Barmaley was seen.

He goes to Africa

All Africa sings:

"I am bloodthirsty,

I'm merciless

I am an evil robber Barmaley!

And I don't need

No marmalade

No chocolate

But only small

(Yes, very small!)

He sparkles with terrible eyes,

He knocks with terrible teeth,

He lights a terrible fire,

He shouts a terrible word:

"Karabas! Karabas!

I'll have lunch now!"

Children cry and sob

Barmaley beg:

"Dear, dear Barmaley,

Have mercy on us

Let us go quickly

To our sweet mother!

We run away from mom

We will never

And walk around Africa

Forever forget!

Dear, dear cannibal,

Have mercy on us

We'll give you candy

Tea with crackers!”

But the cannibal answered:


And Tanya said to Vanya:

"Look, in an airplane

Someone is flying across the sky.

This is a doctor, this is a doctor

Good Doctor Aibolit!

Good Doctor Aibolit

Runs up to Tanya-Van,

Hugs Tanya-Vanya

And the villain Barmaley,

Smiling, he says:

"Well, please, my dear,

My dear Barmaley,

Untie, let go

Those little kids!"

But the villain Aibolit is missing

And throws Aibolit into the fire.

And it burns and Aibolit screams:

"Oh, it hurts! Ay, it hurts! Oh, it hurts!

And the poor children lie under the palm tree,

They look at Barmaley

And cry, and cry, and cry!

But because of the Nile

The gorilla is coming

The gorilla is coming

Crocodile leads!

Good Doctor Aibolit

Crocodile says:

"Well, please hurry.

Swallow Barmaley,

To greedy Barmaley

Wouldn't have been enough

Wouldn't swallow

Those little kids!"

turned around





Like a fly


Happy, happy, happy, happy kids

She danced, played around the fire:

Saved from death

You freed us.

you are good time

saw us


But in the stomach of a Crocodile

Dark, and cramped, and depressing,

And in the stomach of a Crocodile

Sobbing, crying Barmaley:

"Oh, I'll be kinder

I love children!

Don't ruin me!

Spare me!

Oh, I will, I will, I will be kinder!

The children of Barmaley took pity,

Crocodile children say:

“If he really became kinder,

Let him go back, please!

We will take Barmaley with us,

We'll take you to distant Leningrad!"

The crocodile nods its head

Opens wide mouth -

And from there, smiling, Barmaley flies,

And Barmaley's face is kinder and sweeter:

"How glad I am, how glad I am,

That I will go to Leningrad!”

Dancing, dancing Barmaley, Barmaley!

“I will, I will be kinder, yes, kinder!

I bake for children, for children

Pies and pretzels, pretzels!

I will go to the bazaars, I will go to the bazaars, I will walk!

I'll be a gift, I'll be a gift to hand out pies,

Treat children with pretzels, rolls.

And for Vanechka

And for Tanechka

I will, I will have

Mint gingerbread!

mint gingerbread,


Surprisingly pleasant

Come get it

Don't pay a dime

Because Barmaley

Loves little children

Loves, loves, loves, loves,

Loves little kids!

Small children!

No way

Don't go to Africa

Walk in Africa!

Sharks in Africa

Gorillas in Africa

In Africa, large

Evil crocodiles.

They will bite you

Beat and offend -

Don't go kids

Walk in Africa.

Rogue in Africa

Villain in Africa

Terrible in Africa


He runs around Africa

And eats children

Ugly, bad, greedy Barmaley!

And daddy and mommy

Sitting under a tree

And daddy and mommy

Children are told:

Africa is terrible

Africa is dangerous

Don't go to Africa

Children, never!

But daddy and mommy fell asleep in the evening,

And Tanechka and Vanechka - run to Africa -

To Africa!

To Africa!

Walking along Africa.

Figs-dates are plucked, -

Well, Africa!

That's Africa!

Riding a rhinoceros

Ride a little -

Well, Africa!

That's Africa!

With elephants on the go

We played leapfrog -

Well, Africa!

That's Africa!

A gorilla came out to them,

The gorilla told them

The gorilla told them

She said:

"Won the shark Karakula

Opened her evil mouth.

You to the shark Karakula

Don't you want to get

Right in the mouth?

"Nam Shark Karakula

Nothing, nothing

We are the Karakul shark

Brick, brick,

We are the Karakul shark

Fist, fist!

We are the Karakul shark

Heels, heels!

Shark scared

And drowned in fear,

Serve you, shark, serve you!

But here in the swamps is huge

A hippopotamus walks and roars,

He goes, he goes through the swamps

And roars loudly and menacingly.

And Tanya and Vanya laugh,

Behemoth's belly is tickled:

"Well, belly,

What a belly


Couldn't take that offense

Ran for the pyramids

“Barmaley, Barmaley, Barmaley!

Come out, Barmaley, hurry up!

These nasty children, Barmaley,

Don't be sorry, Barmaley, don't be sorry!

Tanya-Vanya trembled -

Barmaley was seen.

He goes to Africa

All Africa sings:

"I am bloodthirsty,

I'm merciless

I am an evil robber Barmaley!

And I don't need

No marmalade

No chocolate

But only small

(Yes, very small!)

He sparkles with terrible eyes,

He knocks with terrible teeth,

He lights a terrible fire,

He shouts a terrible word:

"Karabas! Karabas!

I'll have lunch now!"

Children cry and sob

Barmaley beg:

"Dear, dear Barmaley,

Have mercy on us

Let go quickly

To our sweet mother!

We run away from mom

We will never

And walk around Africa

Forever forget!

Dear, dear cannibal,

Have mercy on us

We'll give you candy

Tea with crackers!”

But the cannibal answered:


And Tanya said to Vanya:

"Look, in an airplane

Someone is flying across the sky.

This is a doctor, this is a doctor

Good Doctor Aibolit!

Good Doctor Aibolit

Runs up to Tanya-Van,

Hugs Tanya-Vanya

And the villain Barmaley,

Smiling, he says:

"Well, please, my dear,

My dear Barmaley,

Untie, let go

Those little kids!"

But the villain Aibolit is missing

And throws Aibolit into the fire.

And it burns and Aibolit screams:

"Oh, it hurts! Ay, it hurts! Oh, it hurts!

And the poor children lie under the palm tree,

They look at Barmaley

And cry, and cry, and cry!

But because of the Nile

The gorilla is coming

The gorilla is coming

Crocodile leads!

Good Doctor Aibolit

Crocodile says:

"Well, please hurry.

Swallow Barmaley,

To greedy Barmaley

Wouldn't have been enough

Wouldn't swallow

Those little kids!"

turned around





Like a fly


Happy, happy, happy, happy kids

She danced, played around the fire:

But in the stomach of a Crocodile

Dark, and cramped, and depressing,

And in the stomach of a Crocodile

Sobbing, crying Barmaley:

"Oh, I'll be kinder

I love children!

Don't ruin me!

Spare me!

Oh, I will, I will, I will be kinder!

The children of Barmaley took pity,

Crocodile children say:

“If he really became kinder,

Let him go back, please!

We will take Barmaley with us,

We'll take you to distant Leningrad!"

The crocodile nods its head

Opens a wide mouth -

And from there, smiling, Barmaley flies,

And Barmaley's face is kinder and sweeter:

"How glad I am, how glad I am,

That I will go to Leningrad!”

Small children!
No way
Don't go to Africa
Walk in Africa!
Sharks in Africa
Gorillas in Africa
In Africa, large
Angry crocodiles
They will bite you
Beat and offend -
Don't go kids
Walk in Africa.

Rogue in Africa
Villain in Africa
Terrible in Africa

He runs around Africa
And eats children -
Ugly, bad, greedy Barmaley!

And daddy and mommy
Sitting under a tree
And daddy and mommy
Children are told:

Africa is terrible
Yes Yes Yes!
Africa is dangerous
Yes Yes Yes!
Don't go to Africa
Children, never!"

But daddy and mommy fell asleep in the evening,
And Tanechka and Vanechka - run to Africa -
To Africa!
To Africa!

Walking along Africa.
Figs-dates are plucked, -
Well, Africa!
That's Africa!

Riding a rhinoceros
Ride a little -
Well, Africa!
That's Africa!

With elephants on the go
We played leapfrog -
Well, Africa!
That's Africa!

A gorilla came out to them,
The gorilla told them
The gorilla told them
She said:

"Won the shark Karakula
Opened her evil mouth.
You to the shark Karakula
Don't you want to get
Straight to the pa-ast?"

"Nam Shark Karakula
Nothing, nothing
We are the Karakul shark
Brick, brick,
We are the Karakul shark
Fist, fist!
We are the Karakul shark
Heels, heels!"

Shark scared
And drowned in fear,
Serve you, shark, serve you!

But here in the swamps is huge
A hippopotamus walks and roars,
He goes, he goes through the swamps
And roars loudly and menacingly.

And Tanya and Vanya laugh,
Behemoth's belly is tickled:
"Well, belly,
What a belly

Couldn't take that offense
Ran for the pyramids
And roars

"Barmaley, Barmaley, Barmaley!
Come out, Barmaley, hurry up!
These nasty children, Barmaley,
Don't be sorry, Barmaley, don't be sorry!"

Tanya-Vanya trembled -
Barmaley was seen.
He goes to Africa
All Africa sings:

"I am bloodthirsty,
I'm merciless
I am an evil robber Barmaley!
And I don't need
No marmalade
No chocolate
But only small
(Yes, very small!)

He sparkles with terrible eyes,
He knocks with terrible teeth,
He lights a terrible fire,
He shouts a terrible word:
"Karabas! Karabas!
I'll have lunch now!"

Children cry and sob
Barmaley beg:

"Dear, dear Barmaley,
Have mercy on us
Let us go quickly
To our sweet mother!

We run away from mom
We will never
And walk around Africa
Forever forget!

Dear, dear cannibal,
Have mercy on us
We'll give you candy
Tea with crackers!"

But the cannibal answered:

And Tanya said to Vanya:
"Look, in an airplane
Someone is flying across the sky.
This is a doctor, this is a doctor
Good Doctor Aibolit!"

Good Doctor Aibolit
Runs up to Tanya-Van,
Hugs Tanya-Vanya
And the villain Barmaley,
Smiling, he says:

"Well, please, my dear,
My dear Barmaley,
Untie, let go
Those little kids!"

But the villain Aibolit is missing
And throws Aibolit into the fire.
And it burns and Aibolit screams:
"Ai, it hurts! Ai, it hurts! Ai, it hurts!"

And the poor children lie under the palm tree,
They look at Barmaley
And cry, and cry, and cry!

But because of the Nile
The gorilla is coming
The gorilla is coming
Crocodile leads!

Good Doctor Aibolit
Crocodile says:
"Well, please hurry.
Swallow Barmaley,
To greedy Barmaley
Wouldn't have been enough
Wouldn't swallow
Those little kids!"

turned around
And a villain
Like a fly

Happy, happy, happy, happy kids
She danced, played around the fire:
"You us
You are us
Saved from death
You freed us.
you are good time
saw us
Oh kind

But in the stomach of a Crocodile
Dark, and cramped, and depressing,
And in the stomach of a Crocodile
Sobbing, crying Barmaley:
"Oh, I'll be kinder
I love children!
Don't ruin me!
Spare me!
Oh, I will, I will, I will be kinder!"

The children of Barmaley took pity,
Crocodile children say:
"If he really became kinder,
Let him go back, please!
We will take Barmaley with us,
We'll take you to distant Leningrad!"
The crocodile nods its head
Opens wide mouth -
And from there, smiling, Barmaley flies,
And Barmaley's face is kinder and sweeter:
"How glad I am, how glad I am,
That I will go to Leningrad!"

Dancing, dancing Barmaley, Barmaley!
"I will, I will be kinder, yes, kinder!
I bake for children, for children
Pies and pretzels, pretzels!

I will go to the bazaars, I will go to the bazaars, I will walk!
I'll be a gift, I'll be a gift to hand out pies,
Treat children with pretzels, rolls.

And for Vanechka
And for Tanechka
I will, I will have
Mint gingerbread!
mint gingerbread,
Surprisingly pleasant
Come get it
Don't pay a dime
Because Barmaley
Loves little children
Loves, loves, loves, loves,
Loves little kids!"