A mushroom picker's knife is as important as a hunter's weapon. It will not only allow easy harvesting without damaging the so-called mycorrhizae, which are responsible for the further reproduction of mushrooms, but also useful when preparing dinner outdoors or for processing wood. The mushroom picker's knife has its own specific requirements, so it is better to initially pay sufficient attention to this issue.

The use of a knife allows not only not to injure the part of the stem of the mushroom connected by the earth as much as possible, but also greatly simplifies the collection of species growing in families, for example, oil. Indeed, instead of trying to pull out a whole group of legs at the same time, it is better to carefully cut off delicious hats.

mushroom knife

Perhaps, lovers of going to the forest for mushrooms will be surprised that it is better to use a special knife, and not an ordinary table knife. But professionals are not surprised by this. Those who are serious about this kind of activity know what to look for when choosing a knife. Namely, it is important that the tool:

  • It was made from stainless steel. In general, this item can be skipped, but then you have to be prepared that the blade will sooner or later become covered with corrosion and you will have to devote a lot of time to cleaning and processing it;
  • It had a narrow blade. Such a knife will provide convenient cutting of mushrooms close to the ground;
  • It had a well sharpened blade. For this reason, you should not take the first knife that comes across or products of frankly poor quality;
  • It has a comfortable handle made of moisture resistant material. Rubber, some types of wood and polymers are excellent for this.

Another tip is to choose a mushroom picking knife with a brush and a brightly colored handle. This will allow you not to lose it among the thick grass.


Currently on sale you can find a wide variety of knives for mushroom hunting. There is no single design; these can be tools with a folding or fixed blade. The blade can be straight or, conversely, slightly curved. The same applies to the handles.

Most mushroom pickers agree that the folding option is less convenient because it requires a large number manipulations. Moreover, it is not always convenient to lay out and assemble the knife with one hand, because in the second, as a rule, there is a basket. But products with a fixed blade are much easier to use. But for your own safety, you should never neglect the scabbard. Most often they are hung around the neck. For some models, the scabbard has a special mechanism that, when laid in them, the knife is tightly fixed. This provides additional protection for the picker.

If we talk about standard characteristics, then the preferred tools are blade lengths in the range of 7-10 cm and its thickness in the butt zone - 2 cm.

Types of knives

The mushroom picker's knife is a tool that everyone chooses to their liking. For some, it is more convenient to use a neat little tool, while others like a more brutal option. Moreover, in the most modern models, even a compass can be built into the handle.

When choosing a knife from foreign manufacturers, you should pay attention to Morakniv and Opinel. Their models are compact, light weight and comfortable shape. In their lines you can also find a mushroom picker knife equipped with a brush. It will allow you to quickly clean the prey from small debris. As a rule, the brush is located in the heel of the handle or on its side. Her pile must be hard.

Manufacturers try to take into account all the nuances. So you can meet models with non-standard at first glance, the shape of the handle in the form of a "pear", which provides a very convenient location of the knife in the hand. And you can also notice that some types of tools have a rounded tip of the blade, which greatly reduces the risk of accidental injury.

Russian Bulat

A famous type of mushroom picker's knife Russian production is called "Russian bulat". Unlike models of foreign manufacturers, its peculiarity lies in a special brutal appearance. Its blade can be made of Damascus steel or using a technology that involves welding several sheets of metal. Therefore, often the knife has a characteristic pattern on the blade.

Mushroom knife “Russian Bulat”

The length of such a tool is 23 cm, the thickness of the blade can reach 3.4 mm. With these parameters, the product is durable and resistant to impact. It can be used not only for cutting mushrooms.

The handle is characterized by high ergonomics, it fits comfortably in the hand and does not slip at the slightest opportunity. The material for the manufacture is birch bark. A hole must be made in it, through which you can hang the knife.


Knife “Mushroom picker”

Another representative of Russian-made products is the small mushroom picker knife. Unlike damask steel, its total length reaches only 20 cm, of which 9 falls on a metal blade. Despite its compactness and modest size, the knife has good strength. This is due to the fact that the hardness of the blade is in the range of 60-64 units. The small mushroom picker can also be used for fine woodworking.

How to make a mushroom knife with your own hands

Buying such a tool for hunting mushrooms in a store is not difficult. A wide variety of models and affordable prices will allow you to choose products for every taste. But there are people who prefer to make tools, including knives, with their own hands. In this case, we can offer the option of making a mushroom knife from a piece of a band saw.

Everyone knows that the saw is characterized by sharp teeth, and it is one of them that will become the pointed end of the future knife. To do this, a metal part of the tool is cut out of it, according to the required dimensions. Holes for connection with the handle are made using a drill. It is necessary to clean the blade of rust, if any, and treat it with an anti-corrosion agent.

The next stage is the direct manufacture of the handle. A piece of any wood will do for this. The shape also needs to be thought out for yourself, it can be more straight or curved. Two dies are well dried, sanded and give them the desired shape. In order to connect all the parts together, it will also be necessary to make holes in them.

It is worth noting that the handle must be given a water-repellent effect. Any oil will do this. It is enough to hold the knife over the hot steam for a while and then liberally grease its wooden part. Now the product will lie firmly in the hand and not slip. The knife is ready, it remains only to carefully sharpen it.

Picking mushrooms is a fascinating and interesting thing, for some it is a kind of hunting or an additional source of income, for some it is a way of uniting with nature and relaxing. One way or another, with the onset of the season, thousands of mushroom pickers rush into the forest in anticipation of getting trophies.

Like every fisherman or hunter, a mushroom picker has his own equipment: rubber boots, a raincoat, a basket for mushrooms and, of course - mushroom picker knife. In choosing this tool, many prefer to stop at the first one that comes across. kitchen knife, which is not a pity to lose in the forest, which is not always the right decision, because a specially selected mushroom knife can make the process of picking mushrooms more comfortable and enjoyable.

What should be a mushroom picker's knife?

  • To prevent the knife from crushing and breaking the fruit leg, its blade must be sharp enough.
  • The optimal thickness of the blade at the butt is up to 2 mm, this allows you to delicately cut the legs of the mushrooms.
  • Compact models of knives with a blade length of 70 - 100 mm are more preferable.
  • A knife with a stainless steel blade is unpretentious and durable, and the mushrooms at the cut point do not darken as much as when using a carbon steel knife.
  • The knife should have a handle that is comfortable for long-term holding and does not slip in the hand.
  • A brightly colored handle or lanyard will allow you to find a fallen knife in the grass or on a coniferous carpet.

A knife with a fixed blade will become universal, convenient for cutting and processing mushrooms. With this knife, you can perform a number of other tasks, for example, cut a special stick from a long branch to rake the leaves without bending down to the ground, cut food at a halt.

An example of mushroom picking knives are:

Folding knives are also quite popular among mushroom pickers. As a mushroom knife, you can use a knife from the workshop of Dmitry Chertov, the advantage of these knives is the opening of the blade with a button, the rigid fixation of the blade and the ability to use the knife with one hand.

Opinel knives are also a great option for a mushroom picker. Their advantages are light weight, reliable knife lock and low cost, which, given the frequent loss of knives by mushroom pickers, is of great importance.

A good mushroom knife is a versatile tool that can handle a variety of tasks - cut lunch in a forest clearing, prepare twigs for a fire, and, of course, cut and process mushrooms. Such tools are knives "Mushroom" and "H26" produced by ZZOSS. Their advantages are a compact size, a solid construction, a comfortable handle that is not afraid of moisture and an optimal blade shape - everything that is needed for proper mushroom knife.

You can’t do without a knife even at home when processing freshly picked mushrooms. Here the best assistant will become a small vegetable knife, such as the "Vegetable Small" from the company "AiR".

"On the picture. Small Vegetable Knife (AiR)”

A good mushroom knife will serve you long years performing the assigned tasks as efficiently and safely as possible.

It is difficult to imagine hunting without firearms or melee weapons. You won’t stock up on a trophy, you won’t fight off in case of anything. But there is a kind of hunting that absolutely does not need the use of a gun. An exception may be the situation if some squirrel lays eyes on a vending object. The situation is quite bloodthirsty, so it’s better not to tempt fate, but go on a “silent hunt”, where you don’t need to damage cute fluffies, chase deer, and put the gifts of nature - mushrooms in a basket.

This type of hunting has many advantages. In addition to peaceful messages, they are associated with the possibility of relaxation under the silence of a silent forest, which is occasionally disturbed by the melodic singing of birds. In addition to this, mushroom picker will succeed again, and bring home a completely edible and very tasty dinner.

However, this type of hunting is not so harmless. Going into the forest, you should first find out and remember well which types of mushrooms are edible, and which ones can become a direct one-way ticket to the next world. It is worth remembering that even one small poisonous mushroom capable of infecting the entire basket with its poison. Therefore, if at home it turned out that a very pale and very bad grebe accidentally got to the pretty mushrooms, then it’s better not to risk it, but say goodbye to all the “catch” and amuse yourself with the thought that now there is a reason to return to the thicket again.

Why do you need a mushroom picker knife

For many mushroom pickers it doesn't matter if they need hunting knife mushroomer or not. After all, mushrooms can be easily picked. However, this statement is not entirely fair due to the fact that there are families that grow so densely and densely (honey mushrooms, milk mushrooms, oil mushrooms), or have such a hard leg that the knife will become not only acceptable, but extremely essential tool. After all, it was from here that the expression came from: "Mushrooms - oblique mowing." Let mushroom picker knife- this is not a braid, but as an improvised material it will fit perfectly.

In addition, tearing a mushroom out of a mycelium is the same as tearing a person's arteries. Not a single avid fan would wish such a fate on the subject of his hunt.

In addition to cutting the treasured fruit, it will come in handy knife mushroom picker and to fulfill purely economic needs. At any moment, you may want to cut the bread, cut off a longer branch in order to rustle the foliage under your feet, look for hidden mushrooms. And in general, not a single conscious mushroomer will not go into an unfamiliar forest without two things: a compass and a knife. You never know what unforeseen situations can happen: for example, an evil snake will meet, deciding to leave a small wound as a memory of itself, which should be immediately cut in order for the poison to flow out.

If a person gets lost in the forest thicket, then the need for a knife will increase significantly. After all, it can be used to leave notches on trees, they say, I have already been here, please find me. The occupation, although a little encouraging, is still better than doing nothing at all.

The best knives for mushroom pickers

Typologically, these knives belong to hunting models. This means that they have a fairly strong and hard blade, a comfortable handle that allows you to wield the product without additional effort. However knives mushroom picker have a number of features:

  • their shape is often curved and resembles a sickle. This is due to the fact that they are designed for cutting the mushroom, and not for frontal cutting;
  • many models have a special brush that allows you to clean off the accumulated rubbish on the surface of the hat;
  • its blade must be sharp. After all keyword in his work - to cut, not to saw.

Produce mushroom knives, both fixed and folding blades.

An exemplary model is folding hunting knife mushroom picker 08 V.R.I. It is a curved product with a blade, S figurative form which smoothly passes to the handle. Sandvik anti-corrosion steel is taken as the starting material for the blade, its length reaches 7 cm. This model has a hard brush for cleaning the cap, which is built into the heel of the handle. This knife is especially good with its knife lock - viroblock, which is one of the most reliable in its class.

There are developments and original samples designed specifically for mushroom pickers. As proof of this, we can cite the Karl-Johan Mushroom model. It has a fixed blade and a bizarre handle shape. The latter is shaped like a pear. This is an ergonomic model that is comfortable to hold in your hand even for a long time. The 6 cm blade has a rounded tip to protect the user from accidental damage. A brush is also built into the handle, which is much softer in structure than the previous sample, because it is made of horsehair.

Knives from a Russian manufacturer are considered one of the most reliable and durable. This calling card is knife mushroom picker Russian Bulat. It is fundamentally different from European models due to its brutality in decoration and simplicity of form. For the blade, either zone-hardened 9XC steel or Damascus steel is used. Its total length is 23 cm, of which 11.3 cm falls on the blade. The thickness of the blade ranges from 0.24 to 0.34 cm, which indicates sufficient endurance of the product, which is not afraid of heavy work. A special article is occupied by a knife handle. It is made of birch bark, has a hole for a strap and is famous for its ergonomic shape that literally fits in the palm of your hand.

This knife is called a mushroom picker due to its small size, but in fact it will be convenient for him to carry out different types jobs, including mushroom picking.

Another variation on this theme from the company Russian Bulat is the model small mushroom knife. Its blade is 9.2 cm and the total length is 20.5 cm. This is a miniature specimen that has a quality blade with a hardness of 60 - 64 HRC. Given its size, it is difficult to assume that it is able to perform work not only on cutting mushrooms in a clearing, but also to do something more serious, but this one " small' is capable of this.

When going hunting or fishing, we prepare in advance for departure, a few days before that we collect all the necessary equipment: a gun, a fishing rod, tackle, a hunting knife or a fisherman's knife. And when going on a quiet type of hunting, most people take it more lightly - a basket in their hands, a kitchen or an old penknife, and go! It is not for nothing that mushroom picking is called "silent hunting" - it is, albeit quiet, but hunting. Accordingly, it is necessary to prepare for it as carefully as for hunting game or fish - to purchase a mushroom hunter's knife - a mushroom picker's knife. Someone does not use a knife at all, preferring to simply pull mushrooms out of the ground, but why carry kilograms of garbage home, waste time and energy on mushrooms soiled during picking. For drying, mushrooms cannot be washed at all! Therefore, they must be collected as cleanly as possible. Like it or not, we need a mushroom picker's hunting knife.

How to choose a mushroom picker knife - basic requirements

Choosing a mushroom picker knife is quite simple if you know the decisive characteristics of a mushroom knife:

  • Blade made of stainless steel. In order not to worry about the corrosion of the blade and not to bother yourself with excessive care for the knife after its use, it is better to stop at "stainless steel".
  • A knife for picking mushrooms should have a thin, not wide blade. With this blade it is convenient to cut mushrooms close to the ground. A thin blade allows tolerably cut even with a blunt cutting edge.
  • To collect mushrooms, of course, you need to use a well-sharpened blade, so you should not rely on Chinese models unknown manufacturers. Such knives quickly lose their sharpness and are difficult to correct.
  • It is better to choose a mushroom knife with a handle made of moisture-resistant non-slip materials, such as rubber, polymers, stabilized wood, or well-oiled traditional wood.
  • To make it easier to find a knife in the grass, it is good to use knives with a bright handle, sheath or lanyard.

A folding knife or a knife with a fixed blade - it does not matter which one you like more. A folding knife is smaller and lighter than a fixed blade knife with the same blade length. It can be folded up so that in the event of an unforeseen fall, you do not injure yourself. Folding knife avoids the sheath on the belt. When not needed, it can be clipped to your pocket. A fixed blade knife is more reliable than a complex folding knife, as it has no moving parts that can become clogged with dirt.

There is also a specialized mushroom picker's knife, which differs from a regular knife in a sickle-shaped blade, the presence of a brush for cleaning mushrooms, and often a specific ergonomic shape of the handle.