Tatyana Tikhoplav - THE OTHER WORLD. Parts 27-28.
November 24, 2016 START
Part 27
About transcendence

August 6, 2016.
Nobel laureate Sir Oliver Lodge, a world-famous scientist who received the title for his outstanding achievements in the study of the atom and the theory of electricity, based on numerous spiritualistic contacts with his son killed in the war, in 1916 published the book "Raymond, or life and death" . In 1922, a new edition of this book was published under the title Raymond's Return.

But at one of the séances, Raymond Lodge told his father that he was so passionate about his new life, ...

Astrus: This is existence, not life.

-…. that he would not even want to return to earth, that his world is surprisingly interesting and diverse. In an instant, you can go anywhere and see anyone. Together with Uncle William, he, Raymond, visited the library and found there the same books as on earth; but, in addition, there are those books that have not yet appeared on earth. He learned that these books would soon be transmitted in a special way to the consciousness of receptive earthly authors and thus appear on earth. It somehow does not look like the world of the dead that Vitaly talks about. What world is Raymond talking about?

Astrus: About the world of the dead. But there is still another measuring system. And this system has properties, including duration. She has her transcendence.

But after all, in the world of the dead, there is nothing new in the future, they experience only what was.

Astrus: He speaks of the world of the dead, referring to the beyond. In the world of the dead, there is a transcendence beyond which they can also go.

What gives a reason or an opportunity to go beyond this transcendence?

Astrus: Interaction with this world.

But, let's say, Vitaly's brother Oleg in the world of the dead sits in his shell, as if in a dream, experiencing what happened. And Raymond for some reason ended up in the world beyond. What is the difference?

Astrus: In connection with this world. There must be a relationship, no matter through what: through a binding or through an idea, or through a state of emotional attention, staying until leaving. Etc. etc. Necessarily communication

But won't the one who is connected with the transcendental world remain in the world of living subtle beings?

Astrus: It depends on the solution, how the problem is solved. Everyone, having the specifics of communication, can decide for himself ..

Those. it's his choice?

Astrus: No, property and features

We had very brief remarks about transcendence in the book The New Physics of Faith. But the thing is, we never touched it.

Astrus: Gather everything you have about beyond into one. There's a very, very, very sweet thing in there. Very.

What is transcendence?

Astrus: Beyond is everything beyond the soul. Every person has the ability to touch the beyond.

It means that from the world of the dead there is still a way out into the beyond. But quite certain people who differ in something special have such an ability or such a property?

Astrus: Who have a certain connection with this world, for example, a person of an idea, some kind of possibility, some kind of structure, a person of some kind of interaction. Vitaly is now just connected with this

But Vitaly goes to the physical world...

Astrus: It's another question what he intends to do, but he is able to build a structure.

It turns out that Vitaly has something to do with transcendence?

Astrus: Direct. How do you interact with him?

And what?

Astrus: Beyond.

Through beyond?

Astrus: Beyond.

Is transcendence actually here too? Let's say conditionally, is it like the thinnest layer, it permeates everything? And thanks to this layer I can hear it?

Astrus: Doesn't penetrate, but interpenetrates. You hear it in the beyond.

Vitalik, what is transcendence?

Vitaliy: These are subtle worlds that are located behind the world of the dead.

Are these the worlds in which entities and gods reside?

Vitaliy: Yes, they are in the beyond. Beyond permeates everything and allows all beings and gods, and me too, to see and hear everything that happens on Earth.

And you can look anywhere in the world, at any time, in any apartment?

And when you return to Earth in a dense body, will you have such abilities?

Vitaliy: These abilities are not going anywhere, they are with me forever.

Part 28
About transcendence (continued)

August 7, 2016
-Urantia says that our world is one of the planets of the local universe, which is included in its superuniverse. There are seven superuniverses in all. They are united by the central Universe, in the center of which "the motionless Isle of Paradise is located - the geographical center of infinity and the seat of God." Can we say that the central Universe, which unites everything, is beyond?

Astrus: Can

I understand correctly,…

Astrus: Right away

- … that in our local universe God Jesus Christ? And above all the Gods is the Supreme Mind. Can you count like that?

Astrus: You can call it that, but it's still more difficult there

That is, transcendence is a field of very high vibration frequency. But a higher frequency of vibrations than transcendence has the love field of the Creator, who creates everything with his love. Can you say so?

Astrus: Can

Then the question is: what kind of Creator are we talking about? About Jesus Christ or about the Higher Mind? Whose love is this?

Astrus: There's a summing factor. There even have a place to be all the deities, including all the prophets. They are such a union, so they always talk about the same thing. But they are interpreted in a completely different way.

But is this love the same everywhere in different superuniverses, or is it different everywhere?

Astrus: All-??? everywhere its.

That is, Jesus Christ, having been on Earth and realizing what this one is, created just such a love, in another universe another god created another love.

Astrus: Yes.

And there is no common unifying field? Is it all mixed?

Astrus: There is a unifying field, because even in this difference there is a certain initial unity.

Those. just some, let's say so, the sections are slightly different from each other. If we geometrically represent several circles one inside the other, then the inner circle is the physical world. The next one is the world of the dead, the next one is the beyond, and then the field of the Creator's love. And in each layer the frequency of vibration is higher and higher. And each layer with a higher frequency permeates all layers below. Can you imagine the universe like this?

Astrus: You can imagine that

From the world of the dead, the deceased can go to the beyond. This deceased was awakened on Earth? He can't be asleep.

Astrus: He discovers this transcendence, and therefore he is admitted there.

But since he discovers this transcendence, then he was still awake?

Astrus: It turns out so.

This means that the awakened ones also pass into the world of the dead. Better to say, awakened.

Astrus: It turns out so

Those. he was awakened there and in the state of wakefulness went into the beyond. And then what?

Astrus: It appears.

It means that?

Astrus: It means choosing the limits of the beyond.

Those. relatively speaking, he is moving there to a new round, a new level of development. Yes?

Astrus: You can say that, but this one is still conditional.

Fine. Here is Cambridge Professor Frederick Myers passing on information from the world of the dead. Then he announced that he was moving to a higher level and communication with the Earth would be terminated. Can we say that he went into the beyond to a higher level?

Astrus: You could say he got closer.

But didn't you leave?

Astrus: No.

Those. even though he got closer, would he still have to go to the birth?

Astrus: Yes, there is such a moment.

And there are those who went, went to be born and, finally, went into the beyond?

Astrus: There are.

Why does one awakened from the world of the dead go to the beyond, and the other to a stop and to Earth? What or who sorts them?

Astrus: The specifics of their interactions.

Specificity, i.e. what did you wake up on?

Astrus: Quite right, what was the interaction and what structurally organized this interaction.

Is there really a choice? Can a dead person decide for himself where to go? Maybe I don't want to go to the plasmoid world. Can I stay in the world of the dead and go to birth?

Astrus: There is a tolerance for choice and there is a certain degree of freedom that you speak of as choice.

Here a man went through a tunnel, ended up in the world of the dead for three months in order to preserve, to collect his personality. And then he can decide whether he wants to stay in this world of the dead or go to the stop and the plasmoid world?

Tatyana Tikhoplav - THE OTHER WORLD!!! Parts 1 - 2. Vitaly Yurevich Tikhoplav died on October 2, 2015. Tatyana Tikhoplav Jan 12 at 10:17 am I received a wonderful message about Vitaly. This message was given to me by Vadim Svitnev, a man who managed to establish a computer connection with his son, who died several years ago. Vadim told me: "Dear Tatyana! Vitaly Yuryevich is alive, he just woke up from hypnosis in the TV of the soul, he was cured and works fine, rests and much more. 07.01.16 Master transcommunication and new horizons of reality will open for you." I am so grateful to him, this message is a balm! Tatyana Tikhoplav Jan 21 at 11:52 am Speak words of love to your loved ones, say, So that later, alone, you would not have to understand that behind a lot of things, at work, taking care of life, you didn’t have time to tell him about the most important thing. Tatyana Tikhoplav Mar 11 at 10:50 Vitaly Yurievich got in touch and gives amazing information. I'm happy. .Tatiana Tikhoplav May 31 at 15:55 He will return in October My husband, Vitaly Yurievich Tikhoplav, Doctor of Technical Sciences, died on October 02, 2015. Since January 2016, I have been in constant contact with him. During this time, he transmitted a large amount of information confirming the continuation of life after death. Vitaly Yuryevich said that he had passed the resurrection and in October 2016 he would return to our physical world in a dense body. The purpose of his return is to convey to people scientific information about the absence of death with a demonstration of evidence: dying and a new resurrection. PART 2Tatyana Tikhoplav3 Jun at 12:24 OTHER WORLD. Firsthand information. Dear visitors of my page! I am starting a series of conversations in which I will present the information transmitted to me by my husband Tikhoplav Vitaly Yuryevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, author of 27 published books about the subtle world, information interactions, about consciousness, written on a strict scientific basis. My husband Vitaly Yuryevich died on October 2, 2015. Since the circumstances of his illness played a certain role in what happened to him, I will detain your attention to them for a while. In the summer of 2015, nothing foreshadowed trouble. On September 3rd, we had a 2-hour contact with Astrus, a high spiritual essence. Astrus first contacted us in July 2012 and, introducing himself as the heavenly curator of Russia (and the heavenly curator of America is Kryon), began to transmit information to us about the subtle world using scientific concepts. Information was transmitted through Yuri Vasilievich Kretov, a traditional healer, a man with unusual abilities who can communicate with the dead and with entities. During these years, contact with Astrus went on regularly every two weeks. To date, 91 contacts have been made. During this time, we have written 5 books, three of which have already been published. This is Astrus. New Physics”, “ASTRUS. Forerunner or new data about the Universe” and “Walking in the desert”. Two more books are in publishing houses. And we expect them to go out of print in the autumn. So, back to the beginning of September. On the morning of September 7, my husband Vitaly suddenly felt very ill. Doctors who arrived on a call diagnosed him with bilateral pneumonia and took him to the intensive care unit of St. George's Hospital. On September 9, he had a cardiac arrest, he was in clinical death for 12 minutes. Doctors brought him back to life, but he fell into a coma, from which he came out on September 11th. It is not by chance that I dwell on this moment, because, as it turned out later, in a state of clinical death, Astrus literally pulled out of the body of my husband by the hand. I will tell about what happened between Vitaly and Astrus later. On September 11, when Vitaly came out of a coma, the doctor on duty let me see him in the evening. He would be happy. His eyes literally shone. But he could not tell me anything, because he was connected to an artificial respiration apparatus, and he had a tube from this apparatus in his mouth. I must say that all my subsequent visits to him in intensive care were more and more sad. A few days later, the tube was replaced with an incision in the throat, an ostomy was placed, and when he tried to say something, not a single word was heard. On October 2, at 19:00, they called me from the intensive care unit and said that my husband had died. Tatyana Tikhoplav Jun 4 at 8:22 pm The first three months after his departure were just terrible, because I did not feel his presence in the house. Since contacts with Astrus continued regularly, he constantly said that Vitaly was here, that we would definitely establish contact with him, that he would give and explain completely new information, from which the brains of scientists would swell. That’s exactly what he said “swell up.” Of course, at the very first contact with Astrus after Vitaly’s death, I asked him the question: “Why didn’t they save my husband? Was it worth it to meet with us every two weeks for three years? Was it worth another spiritual entity, Kors, to work with us? Was it worth it for five hierarchs and Lisa with a baby to come to us, if after all this we let the person die?” About Korsa, about hierarchs and about Lisa with a baby, it is written in our already published books. Astrus's answer simply discouraged me. I didn't understand him then. He replied as follows: “We suggested that he ask us to help him die.” Looking ahead, I will explain what happened. Vitaly said that Astrus literally pulled him out of his body by the hand during clinical death. An offer was made to him. Either they help him recover and he comes back to life as an old man, 82 years old, or he agrees to die, and they resurrect him and in a year he will return home as a 30-year-old man with a mission. Vitaly agreed when he found out my fate. He will be the first resurrected scientist to return to Earth on a mission. Until now, religious figures have been resurrected. From contact with Astrus on 01/28/16: -Vitaly said that when he was ill, he asked you to help him die. Astrus: We asked him to. - You asked him to ask you ... How did you ask him? Astrus: Paradox, but true. We suggested that he ask us to help him die. - When he suffered, lay in a serious condition, did you help him die? Now he says that thanks to the help of Astrus, he will live. How to understand it? Astrus: When he was sick, we held his brain*. He retained the entire sum of understanding and what is happening to him, he understands like no one else. And his brain is fully functional. * On September 17, I called Yuri Vasilievich Kretov and offered him to make contact, since it was just Thursday, and we always made all contacts on Thursdays. Yuri Vasilyevich agreed. About 17:00 Igor brought Yuri Vasilyevich to us. We sat down at the table with tea and biscuits and, as always, I asked: “Is Astrus here?” He is holding his brain.” – “Brain? Why brain?”, “I don't know. I myself don’t understand why?” And then Yuri Vasilyevich suddenly said: “But Vitaly Yuryevich’s brain is here with us. He observes everything, hears everything, and even remembers everything. I'll have to ask him later." -But it's a tragedy. Astrus: No, it's not a tragedy. This is his wish. The tragedy you are talking about does not exist for him. -And the fact that he constantly tells me “I want to live. I'm alive. I want to live in the physical world." The desire to live is inherent only in the living. Does that mean he's alive? Astrus: So. Vitaly Yuryevich is in such an interesting state that it is simply impossible to describe with the help of some similarities. He knew what Grabovoi said. But he knew it from a side that Grabovoi would never know. - But the desire to live in the physical world is his unfulfilled desire, because he wants to return to the physical world? I mean, he's here, but he wants to have a body. Astrus: You speak the truth, he will return. It is worth noting that when this contact with Astrus took place, I still did not know anything about the resurrection of my husband. It was only in March that Vitaly informed me that he would return resurrected in October of this year, with a huge store of knowledge that he would have to pass on to scientists. And as proof that he is resurrected, he will demonstrate to the scientific commission dying and resurrection. That is, he will die in front of everyone, and when scientists record his death, he will rise again. Astrus directs his mission and prepares him for execution. Vitaly's mission will be to wake up people sleeping on Earth, scientifically proving that there is no death. 1.8% of the Earth's population will perceive this information and influence the Earth's psychosphere, which will instantly affect everyone. This will cause an evolutionary leap of human society, which is developing too slowly. Astrus: He is coming in order to organize a restructuring of consciousness. And do you know how many people need it on the planet? It's 1.8%. This is very necessary in order to raise the level of density of interest in life to an absolutely extraordinary height. For everyone else, it turns out 98.2%, this is not necessary. - Why then do it if 98% is not necessary? Astrus: And that's why this is being done, that 98.2% will not know about it. Its task will be to launch the mechanism of interaction with the entire surrounding mass, namely the mechanism of interaction. That is, an evolutionary leap, which in the shortest possible time will not only increase tenfold, but increase exponentially. - Considering that only 1.8% of the population will be interested in this, will such an evolutionary leap still occur? Astrus: An evolutionary leap of tremendous power - Is this evolutionary leap needed to raise the vibrational frequency of our planet? Astrus: Exactly. Is she far behind? Astrus: No, you do not correspond to interaction with certain structures. As soon as this begins to happen, then interactions with other civilizational cycles will begin. - If a person on Earth gets acquainted with this knowledge, studies it, then he involuntarily prepares himself for this... Astrus: It makes a certain kind of knowledge resonate in the consciousness, which makes it possible to jump to the other side in a rather specific way, preserving the personality. But while preserving the personality, it was necessary to preserve the specificity of thinking. That's what the brain is for. And so Vitaly Yurievich in your language will be able to explain to you something that will make you all on the verge of fainting.

Tatiana Tikhoplav
Jun 30 at 9:56 pm
Part 11 . Continuation

About the world of the dead there are a huge number of messages received through mediums at different times. In our book, The Time of God. Voice from afar” provides a lot of information about this unusual world. And quite detailed information about the world of the dead, received by Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences V.M. Zaporozhets as a result of many years of spiritualistic contacts with his deceased wife, ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater Valentina Lopukhina. [Professor VEMZ (Zaporozhets V.M.) Contours of the Universe. Beginnings of natural science. (Rotaprint) M.: 1999]
She told her husband that she was constantly dancing ballet there, that she was a huge success, that she loved him very much and was waiting for him.
Having received information about the other world from Astrus, which we published in the book “Astrus. Walking in the desert”, we came to a conclusion that changed our understanding of the world of the dead. And the stay of Vitaly Yuryevich Tikhoplav in that world confirmed the correctness of our new ideas.

Vitaly: You, Tanechka, know a lot about the world of the dead. You are great, but you do not understand what the world of the dead is. He's just awful. I was there, I saw everything with my own eyes. He's terrible. They just stay there after death. They don't know anything, they don't care about anything, they just sleep. They just died. You can't even imagine what a heavy impression the world of the dead makes.
- Yes? And Astrus said that the conditions there are better than on Earth.
Vitaliy: There are simply no living people there. There are only the dead. They don't know anything. They do not understand that they are dead.
- I.e. they sort of continue their dormant life, like on Earth, right?
Vitaliy: They continue their life like on Earth.
- In fact, because on Earth, too, a huge number of people sleep. They don't know anything, they don't care about anything. Here, the main thing is to eat and drink. Can you compare the life of such a sleeper on Earth with what is there?
Vitaliy: You're right, it's the same
-That is, they continue there the same life that they lived on Earth. So?
Vitaly: I understand that you are right. They continue the very life that was on Earth.
- Vitalik, that world seemed terrible to you, because you looked at it from the side, through the eyes of a living, awakened person. And for each of those who are there, this is probably a boon. They don't know they are dead. They don't have to work to make money. House, food and clothing are created by thought. Everything is. Direct communism. Each of them is in a state of bliss. In my opinion, many on Earth would consider such an existence as happiness.
Vitaly: I think so too.
-And if we consider the world of the dead from the point of view of the dead themselves, then what does it represent. Just tell me what you saw there. Please tell me where you first ended up there, in the world of the dead: in the desert, in the forest, in an indefinite place. Where? What did you see there for the first time: a clearing, a forest, a city, a house?
Vitaliy: I ended up in a city by the sea. All the houses in this city were yellowish in color. For some reason, the first impression was that it was spring there.
So there is a sea there. What a beauty.
Vitaly: Tanechka, there is a dead sea. It doesn't splash. It's just a device for them to better imagine the sea.
- But is it water? Can you swim there?
Vitaliy: Yes, but it's still water.
-And when you swim in this sea, do waves appear?
Vitaliy: From the fact that you are swimming, waves appear.
-Tell me, who did you meet the very first there? Who was the very first person you met?
Vitaly: I met Kolya Volkov* on the seashore.
(*Kolya Volkov is our daughter's husband, who died in a car accident in 2006. In May 2016, he was invited by Vitaly to my house and gave detailed information about the world of the dead, about the plasmoid world and about the new high-frequency physical world. Contact with him will be given below.)
- Were there people there?
Vitaly: A lot. They bathed.
-How did you meet? So you were walking along the seashore and suddenly saw a familiar face. It turned out to be Kolya, right?
Vitaly: I was swimming and saw Kolya, who was also swimming.
- Did he recognize you?
Vitaly: Got it. We rushed towards each other. Both were very happy.
-He introduced you to the rules, how is it? Did he tell you?
Vitaliy: Yes, he introduced me. He has a house. I was with him.
- He lives alone?
Vitaliy: Alone and misses Olya very much.
- He didn't come to her? He didn't go to Earth? Was he ever here at her house?
Vitaly: There was, but she did not feel it.
- Vitalik, have you seen Astrus?
Vitaly: Yes, of course, he is a god there. It looks like a portrait that we have on the piano.
-Does he look human? Does he have arms or legs? How is he dressed?
Vitaliy: Yes, as a person. And arms and legs. Dressed normally: trousers and a shirt with short sleeves. He is a very good man. We became friends with him. He directs my mission and in general this whole situation with me.
-How is the man? He is the essence.
Vitaliy: Yes, he is a male entity. But a very good man.
- Have you met your parents?
Vitaly: Yes, I met both your and my parents
-Where did you meet your father?
Vitaliy: I was walking along Lenin Street...
- Is there a Lenin street there? My God! Lenin Street in the other world! And what: you went and ...
Vitaliy: And my father was walking towards me. Young and healthy.
-Where did you meet your mother?
Vitaliy: I met my mother at home. My father and I went to their house.
- Do they have a house or an apartment?
Vitaliy: They have a big apartment. But they are sleeping. They do not understand that they have died, they are not interested in anything. Mom is just impossible. She cooks food all day long. I failed her wake up, but she's happy with everything.