The structure of an FQP always depends on the research topic and its specifics - as an example, technical disciplines, which necessarily contain practical research, can be cited. But in the humanities (history, philosophy, geography), the practical part is rarely required. Despite this, some of the basics for drawing up a WRC plan remain the same for all graduation projects.

How to draw up a WRC plan

Usually, a student's thesis or coursework plan is drawn up by the student together with his supervisor - the teacher will be able to immediately make his own adjustments and point out flaws. However, the graduate will have to write the draft plan independently, so the following algorithm of actions can be used in the work:

  1. Determine the content of the chapters and give them a title.
  2. Outline paragraphs or subsections, as well as the information that will be contained in them.

Attention! In the first section of the WRC (theoretical part), there is always an analysis of literary sources, and in the second and third - a description of a practical study and a project.

In the course of writing, it is important to remember about some of the features of drawing up a plan for the final qualifying work:

  • the titles of chapters and subsections should reflect their content as accurately as possible;
  • all stages of the study should be interconnected and have a logical sequence;
  • the coincidence of paragraphs with chapters and duplication of topics in the titles of chapters and subsections are not allowed.

Example. Plan of the WRC on the topic "Religious policy of Alexander the Great"


Chapter 1. Religious policy of Alexander at the first stage of the Eastern campaign

1.1. Introducing the "idea of ​​vengeance" and its impact on religious politics

1.2. Religious cults of the Greek-city states

Chapter 2. Religious Policy of Alexander the Great in Asia

2.1. Alexander is proclaimed the son of Amun-Ra. Relationship with Egyptian priests

2.2. Hike to Persia. Burning of Persepolis

Chapter 3. The role of the religious policy of Alexander the Great in the formation of Hellenism


An example of filling out an assignment for a final qualifying work

The assignment for the FQP is an individual guide to its writing. In it, the topic of the research is officially assigned to the student, the initial data for its implementation are indicated, and a plan and schedule for its implementation is established.

This document is drawn up on a form established by the university sample and consists of two blocks:

  1. "Passport" VKR. This part contains information about the university, faculty, department, student and his supervisor. The structural plan of the diploma is also indicated.
  2. Writing schedule - a phased schedule with an indication of the date of delivery of the draft and the final copy of the work.

Attention! The assignment is signed by the diploma holder, scientific advisor and approved by the head of the department.

An example of an assignment for a thesis at OMGAU

Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Department of Diagnostics

Veterinary specialty


Head of the Department


"___" ______________ 20__


For student: Petrov Valentin Vasilievich

Topic: "The effectiveness of the treatment of eczema in dogs"

Baseline data: Civil defense at agricultural production facilities. M .: Kolos, 1984; Astrakhomtsev V.I., Danilov E.P. Diseases of dogs. M .: Kolos, 1978; Protection of Nature. M .: Kolos, 1977; Diseases of your pets. Kiev, Alterpes, 1995; dissertation research, periodicals for the last five years, monographs, foreign scientific literature on the topic of research, etc.

Introduction: relevance, practical and scientific significance, methodology, theoretical elaboration of the research topic, object and subject, purpose, research objectives, structure of FQP.

In this work, it is necessary to consider the following issues:

1. Eczema as a disease

1.1. Pathogenesis and etiology of the disease

1.2. Percentage of seasonal prevalence of eczema in pets

2. Clinical signs and treatment of eczema in dogs

2.1. Materials, methods and practice of research

2.2. Guidelines for care, feeding and treatment programs

3. Economic efficiency of veterinary measures

Conclusion: conclusions and specific proposals for improving the methods of treating eczema in dogs.

Scientific adviser ________________________ __________________________

(signature) (academic degree, title, full name)

The task was accepted for execution ____________________ ________________________

(signature) (full name)

Initial data for the WRC

Baseline data is a list of basic documents, publications in periodicals and other supporting materials containing information that is used in the course of research. When registering the initial data, you must adhere to certain rules:

  1. The minimum number of sources is three, the average is five items with complete data.
  2. If the topic involves the study of foreign research, it is assumed to use sources in foreign languages.
  3. Tutorials and reference books cannot be used as sources.

Important! In order not to have any difficulties with the selection of material and source codes for the FQP, the student should make sure that there is a sufficient number of sources before the topic of the thesis is approved.

Application for WRC

An application for a thesis project is drawn up in order to document the fact of assigning the topic of his FQP to the student. This document is obligatory; without it, the graduate may not be admitted to the delivery of the diploma project.

The application for a thesis has a standard template for each discipline - the form of the document is approved by the Ministry of Education.

Schedule of the final qualifying work

The execution schedule must contain information about the stages of work, the results and terms of its implementation, the notes of the supervisor about the completion of the assignment (with the date and his signature).

Sample Schedule

Plan of experimental work on the topic of WRC

The experimental work plan is distinguished by the presence of a calendar schedule of activities for collecting information and conducting practical research. So, the practical part of the FQP in the specialty "Preschool education" can consist of diagnostics of a series of developed activities for children (conversations, excursions), the selection of games and exercises according to individual methods.

Natural specialties (chemistry, biology) can also be cited as an example. There, a plan of experimental work will be built taking into account the experiments and experiments that will allow the graduate to formulate the theses for writing the practical part of the diploma project.

WRC structure

The exact structure of the final qualifying work is also determined depending on its topic, object and subject of study, however, any FQP should have the following basic elements:

  1. Title page indicating the name of the author of the thesis and the topic of the work.
  2. The table of contents (contents) includes the title of all sections with the indication of page numbers.
  3. Introduction (should be about 10% of the total thesis).
  4. The main theoretical part is given in the first chapter of the main content. Study of the theoretical and methodological essence of the problem and analysis of the main trends in the development of the processes under study.
  5. The practical part provides for a research of an experimental-practical nature using the already indicated methods of analysis.
  6. Conclusion with a generalization of the research done and substantiated results of the work carried out.
  7. List of used literature and primary sources.

An example of the structure of the theoretical part of the WRC on the topic "Financial planning in educational institutions"

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of financial planning in budgetary organizations

1.1. The essence and basic principles of financial planning

1.2. Features of the financial support of Russian organizations

1.3. Drawing up and execution of estimates of income and expenses

An example of the structure of the practical part of the FQP on the topic "Didactic game for preschoolers"

Chapter 3. Development of a system of didactic games in an educational institution

3.2. Suggestions for improving the effectiveness of the perception of the didactic components of the game

Thus, only taking into account a logically structured FQP plan, a student is able to write a good thesis and may be eligible for an "excellent" mark when defending it.

The assignment for the thesis is an individual guide to writing an FQP, in which the topic of the research is officially assigned to the student, the initial data for its implementation are indicated, the structural plan is prescribed and the schedule for implementation is established.


The assignment for the diploma is drawn up on the form established by the university and consists of two blocks:

  1. "Passport" VKR - it contains information:
    • about the university, faculty, department;
    • the student and his supervisor, consultants;
    • initial data;
    • issues that should be considered (structural plan and semantic content of the chapters of the thesis) - this item is most often called "the content of the explanatory note";
    • calculated and graphic material that will be submitted for defense;
    • date of issue of the assignment for the diploma;
    • the deadline for the completion of the completed work.
  2. Writing Schedule - A phased timetable with exact dates for submission of parts of the study for review and revision.

The first block is signed by the diploma holder, his supervisor and approved by the head of the department, the second (if drawn up on a separate sheet) - usually only by the student and the teacher supervising the writing.

Requirements for the design of the initial data

The main sources of writing a thesis are a list of basic documents, publications in periodicals and other supporting materials containing information that will be used in the course of the study. When registering this item of the assignment for the diploma, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. The minimum number of sources is three, on average five items with complete data, for example:
    • Pavlov A.A., Financing. - M .: Nauka, 2017;
    • Federal Law of ... No. 000-FZ "..." as amended on November 27, 2017.
      If the topic involves the study of foreign experience, then among the materials that served as a basis for writing the diploma there should be relevant foreign publications and documents.
  2. If the work is written on the basis of an enterprise, then its name is indicated in full - without abbreviations or with decoding of uncommon abbreviations: for example, "LLC" does not need to be explained, but what is known only to a narrow circle of professionals or businessmen of SFRAiT is mandatory.
  3. Textbooks, including reference books, cannot be used as literary sources - actual scientific works (dissertations, articles, monographs, collections of periodicals over the past five years), official technical documentation must serve as the basis.

So that there are no difficulties with the selection of source codes that meet all the requirements, it is worth making sure that there is a sufficient amount of information before approving the topic of the diploma.

A sample of filling out an assignment for a thesis


Full name of the university



I approve:

Head of the Department ___________ Ivanov I. I.

"___" October 2017

Assignment for final qualifying work

Student (s) ___________________________________________________________________

1. Topic:

Competitiveness Improvement Strategy of LLC "Pomoshchnik", the city of Ivanteevo.

2. Initial data:

ФЗ № ХХХ from "...". Report on undergraduate practice. Financial plan, balance sheet, statistical summaries LLC "Poster" (personal services), Ivanteevo.


Chapter 1. The theoretical part (depending on the topic, this may be an analysis of the structure of the enterprise's expenses, the reserves for their optimization or the regulatory framework of the study).

Chapter 2. Analytical part

2.1. Characteristics of LLC "Assistant"

2.2. Analysis of the assortment, quality of services

2.3. Analysis…

2.4. conclusions

Chapter 3. Design

3.1. Justification of measures aimed ...

3.2. Work plan based on proposed activities

3.3. Calculations of the economic efficiency of its application


4. Graphic material:

1. The structure of the LLC

2. Dynamics of costs

3. Table of activities of the developed project

4. Diagram of changes in financial indicators after the implementation of the strategy

5. Consultants

6. Date of issue of the assignment for the diploma:


7. Completion date of the finished work:


Leader _________________________ V. V. Sidorov

The task was accepted by _____________________ Vasiliev O. O.

Diploma assignment: example of a chart

Stages Term of writing Result (fill in as it is done) Notes (edit)
1 Submitting an application for approval of a topic
2 Receiving an assignment for the WRC
3 Presentation of the theoretical part
4 Receiving an assignment from consultants
5 Analytical part
6 Draft version of the design part
7 Approval of graphic material
8 Presentation of the finished work to the manager and reviewer
9 Pre-defense
10 Norm control
11 Protection

The second block of the assignment for the thesis with a calendar plan can be placed in a separate document.

As a rule, the order of the rector, which finally approves the topics of the FQP, comes out no later than the end of December. If the assignment by this deadline is not signed by the head and the head of the department, the graduate will not be included in the lists of diploma winners, which will serve as the basis for not being admitted to the State Academy of Arts.

This article provides an example of the structure of a final qualifying work (thesis / project or bachelor's / master's thesis) - from introduction to appendices.

Here you can download the template of the final qualifying work:

By completing the sections of this sample template step by step, you will get the work you need. It will then only need to be issued according to the methodological instructions of your university.

If you have any questions, you can turn here: Alexander Krylov

So. Structure


You take this sheet from methodological guidelines for the implementation of the WRC provided by the university

Also need to look guidelines for the design of text documents, there are indicated:

- Margin sizes (usually the same on all sides - for example, 2 cm each, and the right margin is almost always 1 cm)

- Font size 14, spacing 1.5, the font itself - Times New Roman

- Insert page numbers. They are usually placed at the bottom center, there is no number on the title page

Before and after each heading, press Enter so that there is one blank line between the heading and the text before and after it

Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………

Chapter 1. Theoretical overview on the topic of WRC ………………………………………… ..

1.1. Review of the essence of the selected WRC topic …………………………………………

1.3. Industry specific features of the FQP theme …………………………………………

Chapter 2. Analysis of the state and activity of the facility (enterprise) from the point of view of the FQM theme in accordance with the methods from clause 1.2 ……………………………………………………

2.1. Brief description and main indicators of the condition and activity of the object .................................................................................

2.2. Comprehensive economic or financial analysis of the object's activities ………………………………………………………………………

2.3. Analysis on the subject of WRC …………………………………………………………

Chapter 3. Designing measures to improve the facility's activities in the direction selected in the WRC ……………………………………………………………

3.1. Conditions and prerequisites for the development of activities ………………………….

3.2. Name of event 1 …………………………………………………

3.3. Name of event 2 …………………………………………………

3.4. Name of event 3 ………………………………………………….

3.5. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the complex of the proposed measures ……………

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………………

List of used literature ……………………………………………………

Appendices ………………………………………………………………………………


Relevance... Why did you choose this topic? A couple of paragraphs, total about 70% of the first page of the introduction

The purpose of the final qualifying work(more details about the goals here :)

The tasks of the WRC:

  1. First task
  2. Second task
  3. Usually there are 5-7 of them.

Object of study in WRC - the organizational and legal form and the name of the object of work. For example, LLC "Senior teacher Alexander Krylov"

Subject of study- what comes after the first word "improvement" or "improvement" from the theme of the WRC. If there is no such word in the title of the topic, then the subject of research is usually the first phrase

For example, the topic "Improving the financial condition of the enterprise (for example, LLC" Diplom 35 ")"

Then the subject of research in the WRC is the financial condition of the enterprise.

Research methods- the methods that you used in your work. Personally, since I am a former senior lecturer in financial management, I am constantly writing here method of financial ratios... It is reasonable to fill in this item after writing all the work

By the way. The financial ratios themselves, as well as financial analysis in general, can be calculated for free using this link: http: //

Practical significance of WRC- is not present in all works. Here we write what a theoretical overview of the work can be used for, how you can use the results of the analysis, how realistic it is to use FQP measures at an enterprise

Work structure- this section is also not always there. But if there is, then we write here: the final qualifying work consists of an introduction, a main part, a conclusion, a list of sources used and literature and applications. The main part contains a theoretical overview that reveals the topic of the final qualifying work, an analytical section that allows you to assess the current state of the research object, a project part containing a list of measures to improve the subject of research with calculations confirming their economic feasibility

The size of the introduction is 3-5 pages, no more is required.


1.1. Review of the essence of the selected WRC topic

1.2. Methods and approaches to measuring indicators characterizing the topic of WRC

1.3. Industry specific features of the WRC theme

You can read the article on how to prepare the first part of the final qualifying work here:. Where to get the theory - here:


2.1. Brief description and main indicators of the state and activity of the object

2.2. Comprehensive economic or financial analysis of the object's activities

In this section, based on the initial data, a general analysis of the enterprise is carried out.

Regardless of the topic, you can carry out the following types of analysis:

2.3. Analysis on the topic of WRC

This section provides specific analysis for the topic of the work. You have to either invent it yourself, or look for a ready-made one and redo it to fit your topic of work.


3.1. Conditions and prerequisites for the development of activities

In this section, we write conclusions on the analysis from the second chapter, since they are the conditions and prerequisites for the development of measures. Specifically, this section can be found at the end of the second part - there it will be called "Conclusions". Or it can be at the end of the second part, and at the beginning of the third. It depends on what your boss recommends.

You can read about the events for the third part here:. There are many events, you can come up with them yourself. In addition, they can be recommended by your supervisor or a representative of the object of work, that is, for example, the head of the enterprise department, who can subsequently write a review of your work ()

3.2. Name of event 1

Here you describe how to implement the first event, what resources are required for it, what time frame for implementation, justify costs and planned income, describe the possible effect

3.3. Name of event 2

Here you proceed similarly for the second event.

3.4. Name of event 3

Well, here you are describing the third event

3.5. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the set of proposed measures

Here you describe at least such indicators - for all events at once:

- One-time costs

- Fixed costs

- Variable costs

- Income

Based on these indicators, calculate the indicators of economic efficiency. At least this:

- Profitability of a set of measures

- Change in the efficiency of the WRC object as a result of the implementation of measures

- Payback period

At the end of this section, you draw conclusions about the extent to which your proposed activities allowed you to achieve the goal of the final qualifying work.


Finally, you:

- Draw conclusions on achieving the goal

- Draw conclusions on all chapters, confirming them with the figures of the analysis and the project

- Describe the options for using the results of the WRC

- Describe options for further research, for which your WRC can become the basis


This is insanity, of course, but often the work is sent for alteration if the list of more than 30 sources contains more than 5 sources released 5 years ago. It is somehow naive to think that the opinion of a dozen modern analysts who wrote their articles a year ago can even come close to the weight of the opinion of Henry Ford, who was the first to use the conveyor belt, Jack Trout, who invented the concept of product positioning, or Jack Welch, the legendary CEO of General Electric.

During the two decades of Jack Welch's rule, from 1981 to 2001, the total value of the corporation increased 30 times - from 14 to almost 400 billion dollars. General Electric has become the second most profitable company in the world. After leaving GE in 2001, Welch wrote his autobiography JACK: Straight From The Gut, which became a bestseller.

And for the use of such a book and the indication of the date of its publication, you can "wrap up" the work. Therefore, adjust the release dates of information sources.



In most economic works, Appendix A will be the balance sheet of the research object for three years.



The following applications will contain:

- Large illustrations (over half a page)

- Large tables (over 70% of the page)

All annexes must be mentioned in the WRC text.

All attachments in the text of the work should be referenced.

The number of applications and their size are usually not limited.

Materials for final qualification (diploma, bachelor's, master's), term papers and reports on practice in economics, financial management and analysis:

  • The second chapter of the FQP in economics is usually named as part of the title of the thesis, but with the addition of the words "analysis, assessment, diagnostics", etc. at the beginning of the name. For instance,…
  • Good day, dear reader. In this article, I will talk about how to write the introduction of a thesis. The introduction is written after drawing up a plan of the thesis. After writing the introduction ...
  • The third chapter of a thesis (bachelor's or specialist's) usually consists of three subsections. Its title is often similar to the title of the topic of the diploma and begins with words like ...
  • There are several options for where to get the balance sheet and income statement for the thesis. Well, for any other economic work too. If you…
  • In order to evaluate the results of the implementation of measures in the third chapter of the diploma, it often makes sense to come up with a forecast balance and a statement of financial results. What is this for…Good day to you. In this article, we will consider what to write in the conclusion of an economic work - a diploma, dissertation, or a regular term paper. The total volume of the conclusion is about ...
  • Here you can read customer reviews about working with me, as well as see the cost of economic theses. Reviews first. Names, as you understand, cannot be given ...


General requirements

The type of final qualifying work (WQP) is established in accordance with the levels of higher education:

bachelor's degree - the final qualifying work of a bachelor (hereinafter - bachelor's FQP);

Master's degree - Master's thesis.

Graduation qualification works of students are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the ESKD, ESTD, ESPD and GOST standards.

The final qualifying work consists of a settlement and explanatory note and a multimedia presentation. The settlement and explanatory note is text-graphic and represents the main part of the work (hereinafter - the settlement and explanatory note, explanatory note or note).

The volume of the explanatory memorandum of the Bachelor's Degree WRC is 50–70 s., For a master's thesis - 90–120 s.

The list of sources used in the final qualifying work of a bachelor contains at least 15 titles, in a master's thesis - at least 35 titles.

Structural elements of the explanatory note of the final qualifying work

Required structural elements

Mandatory structural elements of the WRC explanatory note are:

- title page in Russian and English (1-2 pages);

- assignment for the performance of the FQP (3-4 pages);

- an abstract in Russian and English (5-6 pages);

- introduction;

- main part;

- conclusion;

- a list of sources used;

Optional structural elements

The structural elements included in the explanatory note of the WRC at the discretion of the performer are:

- definitions;

- designations and abbreviations;

- applications.

Lists of definitions, abbreviations and symbols are placed between the content and the introduction.

In a list of definitions, terms are arranged alphabetically, usually in the form of a table with hidden ("invisible") borders. Only those terms are placed in this section, the meaning of which is not in common use.

The list of abbreviations includes rare abbreviations or abbreviations that occur more than three times in the work with an indication of their decoding. Abbreviations or abbreviations are arranged in alphabetical order, usually in the form of a table with "invisible" borders, on the left is an abbreviation (abbreviation), on the right is a decoding.

Similarly, if necessary, a list of designations is drawn up.

Attachments are placed after the list of used sources; the explanatory note may contain one or several attachments. Attachments can also contain tables and figures, which are included in the general list recorded in the abstract.

Requirements for the content of the structural elements of the explanatory note of the final qualifying work

Title page

The cover page is the first page of the explanatory note and serves as a source of information necessary for processing and searching the document.

The title page contains:

- information about the name of the parent organization;

- information about the organization-executor of the FQP;

- index of the universal decimal classification (UDC);

- stamp of approval of the WRC by the director of a higher school;

- the name of the FQP (the topic of the FQP must exactly correspond to the approved assignment for the performance of work and the order of the rector on fixing the topics of the FQP);

- No. of the group, first name and last name of the performer of the FQP;

- academic degree, title, position, name of the supervisor (for master's theses - supervisor);

- academic degree, title, position, place of work (if they are not employees of SPbPU), name of the reviewer and FQP consultants (if necessary);

- academic degree, title, position, name of the controller;

- place and year of writing the FQP.

All information presented on the title page must be translated into English, while maintaining the arrangement of elements on the title page. The translation of the title page into English is placed on the reverse side of the title page (2nd page of the WRC).

The universal decimal code is a unified classification system that allows for uniformity in the organization of reference and information collections in scientific and technical information bodies, scientific and technical libraries of the country. In addition, its application contributes to broader cooperation between Russia and other countries in the field of scientific and technical information. The FQP executor independently finds the UDC in accordance with the topic of his work on the website

Sample cover pages for different types of FQPs are given in Appendix A.

Assignment for the completion of the student's final qualifying work

The assignment for the implementation of the FQP is a document in strict accordance with which the performer works on the FQP. It is issued by the supervisor (for bachelor's FQP) or scientific advisor (for master's theses) (hereinafter all together - the head of the work or the head of the FQP). The assignment specifies the topic in accordance with the rector's order on the approval of the FQP topics, initial data, the content of the settlement and explanatory note, a list of graphic materials, the timing of the assignment and the delivery of the completed FQP.

In the assignment, in addition to the sections directly related to the topic of the FQP, there may be sections on economic, technological, production issues, the basics of life safety, etc. The proposal to introduce related sections in the WRC and to join the training procedure for consultants is formulated by the head of the WRC.

The final decision on the appointment of consultants is made by the headmaster of the higher education institution. Information about the consultants is indicated in the assignment for the FQP and the order "On the approval of the FQP, managers and consultants."

A sample form of assignment for the performance of different types of FQP is given in Appendix B.


The abstract must contain:

- information about the volume of FQP, the number of figures (if any) and tables (if any), as well as the number of sources and applications used (if any);

- a list of keywords;

- the text of the abstract (a brief abstract of the work, not repeating the content of the introduction).

The list of keywords includes from 5 to 15 words or phrases (which contain no more than three words) from the text of the WRC, and which characterize its content and provide an opportunity for information retrieval. Keywords are given in the nominative case and are printed in capital letters separated by commas without hyphens and without large spaces, for which they can be swapped. There is no full stop at the end of the list of keywords.

The text of the abstract is a short annotation and should reflect the specifics of the WRC:

- the object of research or development, the purpose and main objectives of the WRC;

- the method or methodology of conducting the WRC;

- brief results of the WRC and their novelty;

- basic technological, organizational and economic characteristics;

- the scope and cost-effectiveness or significance of the FQP.

The text of the abstract must be translated into English and placed on the back of the abstract (6th page of the WRC).

A sample abstract is given in Appendix B.

The content is drawn up as a multi-level numbered list, necessarily includes an introduction, the names of all sections and subsections of the main part, a conclusion and a list of sources used with the indication of the page numbers from which these elements of the WRC explanatory note begin. The names of paragraphs and annexes are included in the content if they appear in the explanatory note. If there are several attachments, then they can not be listed in the content, but replaced with one heading "Attachments", which has the same page number as "Appendix A".

Serial numbers of structural elements are assigned only to the sections of the main part of the explanatory note and their subsections and clauses, and INTRODUCTION, CONCLUSION, LIST OF USED SOURCES, APPENDICES and others, for example, optional sections (subsections), are not numbered. An example of content formatting is presented in Appendix D.

In the content, it is possible to highlight the main structural elements of the WRC explanatory note in capital letters (definitions, designations and abbreviations, introduction, sections of the main part, conclusion, annexes and a list of sources used). Subsection names can be written in lowercase letters. To make the alignment of page numbers in the content more clear, it is recommended to arrange it in the form of a table with a hidden grid.


The introduction substantiates the choice of the FQP topic, its relevance, the purpose and objectives of the work. A brief description of the research object is given. The tools and research methods used in the work are named, and a summary of the sections is given (the word "chapter" is not used anywhere in the work) of the main part of the WRC.

Particular attention should be paid to the degree of elaboration of the research topic, to indicate aspects that have not yet been disclosed, to emphasize the shortcomings of existing theories and research methods.

The volume of the introduction should be within 4–6% of the total volume of the WRC explanatory note.

Main part

The main part of the WRC should be divided into sections, subsections and clauses (which, if necessary, can be further subdivided into subclauses).

As a rule, the main part of the WRC includes two to three sections.

Each section can have a small (one or two paragraphs) introductory part and a substantive part consisting of at least two subsections. The section may end with conclusions summarizing everything said in it, highlighted in a separate subsection. Conclusions should contain clear and specific results obtained personally by the author in the materials of the current section and used in subsequent sections of the main part.

The sections of the explanatory note should have logical transitions throughout the work and should not be isolated from each other. They must also be balanced with each other, that is, be approximately equal in volume.

When dividing the text within a section into paragraphs and sub-paragraphs, it is necessary that each paragraph or sub-paragraph contain complete information.


Here are the conclusions of the study. They cover all sections of the main part, including the introduction, and concisely should give an idea of ​​the content of the work, the significance, validity and effectiveness of the recommendations made in the work, as well as reflect the author's own contribution to the development of the topic under study. The conclusion should contain the main final parameters and have a volume within 4-6% of the total volume of the explanatory note.


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education


Faculty of Distance Learning


Head of the Department of Technology and Organization

catering establishments

Prof. A.S. Bezryadnova


"___" ______________ 2015


on the implementation of the final qualifying work (thesis)

student (s) Mikhailov Igor Yurievich, training (s) Xia in the specialty: 080502 Economics and management at the enterprise of the restaurant and hotel business.

1. The theme of the final qualifying work (thesis): "Competition in the market of restaurant and hotel services: strategy and tactics of competition" approved by the order of the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs from "__" ___2015, No. ___.

Scientific supervisor of the final qualifying work (thesis) Shakaia Yanina Raulievna, associate professor, Ph.D.

2. Initial data for the implementation of FQP: educational literature, periodicals, Internet resources, reporting documentation of the enterprise (from the base of practice).


Chapter 1.

Chapter 2.


annotation(at least 1 page)

List of used literature


4. The list of graphic material (mandatory tables, diagrams, graphs, etc.) is determined by the content of the FQP (thesis).

5. Timetable for the implementation and submission of WRCs :

Structural parts of the WRC

Period of execution

according to the schedule


Task for the performance of the FQP

before 01.10.2015

The first chapter of the WRC

until 15.10.2015

The second chapter of the WRC

until 23.11.2015

The third chapter of the WRC

until 10.12.2015

FQP - in full (presented to the scientific advisor)

until 21.12.2015

Presentation of the FQP to the department for preliminary defense

until 15.01.2016

Finalization of the FQP on the remarks received during the preliminary defense

until 01.22.2016

Submission of the final version of the FQP to the department for admission to the defense

until 25.01.2016

Scientific supervisor of the final qualifying work


(the signature of the scientific supervisor of the WRC)

The task was accepted for execution __________________________

(signature of the student (s)

Date of receipt of the assignment for the WRC "____" ____________ 2015