I welcome all my readers and suggest to know what the rings on the fingers mean. It turns out, not everything is so simple! Today, all: men, women, teenagers love to wear accessories on their fingers. For decoration of hands, both inexpensive jewelry and noble metals are acquired.

On what finger wearing the ring and what does it mean?

Moreover, the rings can be seen not only on a nameless finger, meaning a marital relationship, but also on all others.

Most of the owners of this jewelry belong to Him as a delicious subject. It is chosen under the color of clothing, they often change.

For other people, the ring or marquis is, or a symbol. However, experts claim that Persdes can tell a lot about their owner, or rather, not the decoration itself, but rather a finger on which it is bangible.

The tradition of wearing marquizes was taken back in ancient times. In antiquity, this accessory emphasized the magic force, his wearing was associated with different rituals.

One of them reached our time: during marriage, the spouses exchange wedding rings, as a sign of love and devotion.

Decoration of thumb

The thumb is the finger of Mars. Persted on it love to wear men, and not simple, and active and emotional. Their owner necessarily has the following character traits:

  • straightness
  • stubbornness
  • militancy,
  • often quick temper and aggressiveness.

With such people, you should not argue or convince them in anything. They will firmly defend their opinions, even if then they will regret much about it.

But they know their flaws, as well as their best features, so, putting out the marquis on the finger of Mars, they seek subconsciously want to tame their irrepressible nature.

This is still an extraordinary intuitive desire to find an approach to the surrounding, establish relations not only with other people, but also with yourself.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin preferred to wear a ring on a large and index fingers. He was a confident, impulsive man who enjoyed greatly popular with women.

But psychologists claim that the ring on the thumb, indicates that this person is currently, by all means, wants to assert By choosing such an unusual reception, and, the first position in this occupies self-affirmation in the sexual area.

Such observation has a strong foundation. Perhaps you paid attention to how the ancient Greeks and Romans were decorated with a big finger, as he was considered a phallic symbol. It was he who were decorated with iron rings to protect their male power.

In women, the accessory on this finger is considered a sign of lesbian. If the finish decorates his right hand, then this lesbian has a girlfriend, if the left, then it is free, looking for new relationships.

Here is such a split! Therefore, be careful with decorations, you may not understand, especially if you do not attract such relationships.

Decoration of index finger

The ring on the index finger is often found on portraits of rulers and emperors. The ring on his right hand speaks of an independent and proud character, the ability to manage people. The left hand indicates a tendency to hysteria and sharp mood changes.

The index finger is considered to be a finger of Jupiter, and the accessory on it is called the Ring of "Power". It was on the finger of Jupiter that there were marquises in such famous personalities as Ivan Grozny, Julius Caesar, Cardinal Richelieu or Heinrich VIII.

Wearing decoration on this finger was manifested as a sign of pride, a sign of the desire for power, indicated that in front of you is a strong, volitional personality.

If the ring was on the right hand, it was a reasonable person, and with the positive direction of the above-mentioned features.

Wearing on the left spoke about the arrogance of this person, arrogance, pride and even a tendency to hysteria.


Jupiter will give such people insight, bring good luck in their lives, success. The fastest impact on the energy level is capable of providing polls from gold or tin.

Ring on the middle finger

Middle finger called Saturn's finger. Decorate this finger trying those people who frankly admire their personality, they are confident in their superiority and charm.

They try to put on the biggest ring and stone, and this also indicates that these qualities manifest pretty much. At this finger, hereditary decorations usually put on, emphasizing faith in Karma, connection with their ancestors.

They believe in fate, in their destination, sent to them over. Wearing a generic decoration will help to level the negative impact of fate, cope with great difficulties.

The owner of the Marquis on the finger of Saturn receives help from his kind and strength to stand under the blows of rock.

Nameless finger

Annament finger is considered a finger of the sun. The ring on the nameless finger of the right hand, (Catholics are worn on his left hand), indicates that before you a person who has a family.

This tradition began the ancient Egyptians. They believed that "arteries of love", going to the heart, originates from the nameless finger. In antiquity, engagement symbols made from ceramics, glass, and not just made of noble metal.

The wives of the ancient Romans, as a sign of the Fortress of the marriage bonds gave their husbands of rings from bronze and iron. Golden wedding rings began to wear only in the III-iv centuries.

Holders of secret spiritual teachings believed that gold is the metal of the Sun, so it is best suited to strengthen love in marriage.

If the decoration is not a family man on this finger, he tries to emphasize the love of luxury, art. As a rule, these are people of those professions that are associated with creativity: artists, actors, singers.

The owner of the accessory on an unnamed finchik - Nature is loving, seeking sensory pleasures, is ready to spend time. It may also indicate that you have a dreamy and romantic nature.

A small accessory is personally balanced, calm, confident, and big - indicates personality, unbalanced, subject to passions, prone to hysterics.

Esotericians recommend to wear Pinsted on the finger of the Sun to everyone who wishes to achieve fame, to increase wealth, as the sun gives a man a lot of energy for creativity, self-expression, which contributes to promotion to wealth and success.

Ring on Mizinza

This planet is considered a defender of diplomats, businessmen, doctors, speakers, politicians, so the ring on the Mizinz will bring good luck to those who are extremely necessary for such qualities as the flexibility of the mind, the dexterity of the hands, the ability to speak beautifully.

The owner of a ring on Finger Mercury is able to blame with any person, set any business contacts.

The surrounding little girl "tells" about the fact that you are deft, the pricking nature, ready to treasure, the goat, adventure adventure.

If the woman's handle is heated, then this is a direct indication that she is a flirty, narcissistic and changing personality, always ready for flirting.

If a person is inclined to gambling, then the ring can not only calm the owner itself, but also curb this attraction.

Ring on the finger

Most of the experts claim: decorated feet fingers indicate that this person wants to be isolated from the mass, they paid attention to him.

Rings have always been the most popular jewelry, today they are mostly worn only for beauty, without taking into account the values. Since ancient times, every item on the body has its meaning and energy affecting a person.

Knowing people, especially this concerns astrologers, psychologists and chirromants, many can tell about what they mean rings on different fingers in women and not only.

In our country, most people are confident that jewelry robes do not have any meaning at all, we only need to wear them to images. Unlike us, the eastern peoples give it great importance. Most often, rigid clothes on the fingers from the index to the mother's.

However, there are those who wear a ring on the thumb. Today, this Fashion is gaining momentum and many have a question: "What can ring rings on the fingers of girls?". Our article will tell you about what it can mean.

"Ring tongue" in modern times

Basically, the ring is an infinity sign, in ancient times it was associated with great power, to wear it was allowed only to people who have powers. The Chinese are decorated on this finger to stimulate nerve endings. Hiromants and representatives of some popular exercises agree with them. It was also identifiable signs of different societies. A little later, such decorations became marriage symbols.

So what's the point of investing in these accessories:

  • on the big finger. Thinking in what the usual ring on the thumb, it is necessary to return to the past. Back in those days, such a decoration was given a strong man who could achieve the goals. He also likes to indicate other people that and when they need to do. The owner of such a row like attention, its energy is hurting the key, it is quite ambitious and is even too stubborn in some situations. In antiquity, such a ring was mostly men, as confirmation of their strength;
  • on a stable finger. Such a place for the rings are chosen by vain people. They love to lead weak people. Their overestimated self-esteem does not allow to consider their mind. In ancient times, such risks were seen on the hands of famous commander. Also, a considerable role is played, on which hand the ring is placed. If only on the right is a strong character and pride, then the left indicates the making of greatness. We are confident that many will also be interested to know what can mean the ring on the middle finger. Below this information will be outlined quite widely;
  • on middle finger. People loving to wear a ring on this finger, charismatic and confident in their complete irresistibleness. The cost of the ring is directly proportional to the level of proud. His owner does not care about the opinion of others, especially with his beloved. The girl, the owner of such an accessory, has faith in its constant development and possession of self-esteem;
  • on an unnamed finchik. The usual decoration indicates the equilibiousness of the nature and trust in other people. The owner is self-sufficient, has its opinion and principles, however, does not like to stand out against the background of others. Wearing extravagant accessories talks about the opposite. In general, the owners of jewelry at this place are creative nature with a subtle taste that love beauty and exquisite things.

Relative to the wedding ring. Its value has not changed throughout the entire time. In antiquity he was considered "Artery of love"which leads straight to the heart. Wedding rings are customary to wear on this finger, on which palm depends on the human religion. Orthodox clothes it on the right, and the Catholics on the left hand depending on the hand that is baptized. However, it happens that it becomes large, in this case we carry the wedding charm of family happiness on the middle finger;

  • on the Mizinza. The ring worn creative people, thereby emphasizing their abilities. If you have a person who has nothing to do with art, then psychologists assure that he can surprise much at any moment. Women who love similar jewelry, can be called coquettes. They love to flirt with men very much.

Big finger and planets

Today it became known a whole science that binds each finger with a certain planet. So the thumb symbolizes Mars. This is a big planet with sufficiently aggressive and strong energy. Therefore, in the antiquity of the warriors of many peoples, with the help of such decoration, their power and militancy increased. In this regard, women who do rings on this finger, want to seem more courageous.

In most cases, the decoration on the thumb dress up as repetition seen in the film or on the street. Also, sometimes the ring is dressed due to the fact that with the rest of the phalange it simply falls. However, few people know that today this is the location of the decoration means girls unconventional orientation.

Does the value in what finger wearing a ring? There are many traditions in wearing jewelry. Knowing the symbol of wearing rings can be "making a statement" or something to learn about its owner. The rigid array of rules on what finger and on what hand to wear the ring does not exist and anyone can wear rings, as he swallows, with the exception of wedding. But here there are nuances. For example, most of the inhabitants of South and North America, including in the United States, and in most European countries are engaged in a wedding ring on a nameless finger of the left hand, and in accordance with the Orthodox tradition they are worn on the nameless finger of the right hand. However, their men often do not wear them on any finger. However, an easy eye will easily see a track from the ring, if there is no interest not only theoretical. As a rule, the right hand will tell more about the physical side of the person - it is more active, dominant, more "gesticulating". The left is usually considered as a reflection of the psychological side of the person of a person - she more talks about the character and beliefs. What will the symbolism of the rings tell us? Let's go through the fingers.

Detail of female portrait of Elizavtian period. Unknown British artist, 1600

1. THUMB Symbolizes the power of the will and reflects the inner essence of man. If you start to wear a ring on the big finger - be careful, changes will soon begin. Also, wearing the rings on the big finger helps to develop the will.

Abraham Del Kurt and Maria de Kaarshiter, artist Bartolomeus van der Gelst

Portrait of a matrimonial couple in the park, artist Gonzalez Coke

Portrait of Ertzgezzogi Johann with a portrait of Karl V, an artist SOFONISBA Angissol

Portrait of a man in profile. Artist Quentin Mag.

Indian miniature with the image of the Shah Jahan with a ring for archery on the big finger of the right hand

Rings on large fingers often cause surprise, but, in fact, this phenomenon in the world is quite common. In most cases, the ring on the thumb is perceived as a symbol of wealth and influence, while the rings in this case are more often worn and large. Previously, the wedding ring was often moved to the thumb. This tradition existed, in particular, in the times of George I in England, in medieval Europe, wedding rings were carried on different fingers. It is also the usual choice of those people who want to wear a few rings on one hand, but so that somewhat distance the rings from each other. Wedding ring, rings on the mother's and middle finger together can cause the feeling of excessiveness and in this version they are not always comfortable to wear. The ring on the big finger "unloads" the composition.

The thumb, raised upwards, is a friendliness gesture, so you should not wear such a ring on it that will annoy other people. There is nothing worse than expensive and tasteless rings on the big finger. It is best when it is bold, but simple. And although many authors believe that the thumb does not have astrological associations and does not have a patron saint among the ancient Greek gods, like all the other fingers, he is often associated with the militant Mars. It was believed that the thumb reflects the character - severe straight fingers are characteristic of authoritative personalities, and the curves were perceived as a sign of sinfulness. Astrology connects a thumb with a carnelian, grenade and ruby.

There is another important point - on a thumb from an ancient times, a man was put on archery ring, initially such rings were leather. Therefore, in ancient, the presence of a ring on the thumb has been associated with the courage and the ability to own weapons. Perhaps for this reason, wearing a rather large and wide ring on this finger remains to this day the male prerogative and the symbol of masculinity.

Left big finger it will not make statements about your status, profession or another important part of life. But this is a wonderful finger for the "statement" - select a wide ring that will not interfere with the hand, and people will understand that you are fashionable and confident.

Right big finger Also, nothing specifically says - this is a great way to demonstrate your favorite ring or use for the "statement". I heard, for example, that with the help of rings on large fingers, there are similar statements by non-traditional minorities.

2. FOREFINGER personifies power, leadership and ambition. It is believed that the rings on this finger acts exactly this kind of energy. It was especially noticeable in those distant times when the famous and powerful kings were carried on the index finger. Wear a ring on this finger, if you want to develop leadership and get a push for development in this direction.

Coronation portrait of Elizabeth I works of an unknown artist, 1600. National portrait gallery

Henry VIII, artist Yos Van Kleve

And this is a frame from the movie "Sherlock Holmes" Guy Richie. The Bull Ring is in the plot of the film Supreme Judge Sir Thomas Rothera and it shows on belonging to the fictional temple of the four orders. I do not know whether the authors of the film about historical symbolism were conceived (and they touched the symbolism of secret English organizations), but it is dressed in logical, moreover, emphasizes belonging to power. Sherlock Holmes with closed eyes was delivered to this house and accurately calls its location - North West of St. James Park. It is between the Buckingham Palace and Green Park. There is quite a lot of information to use the deductive method of the hero, in any case for the era Conan Doyle. I will not deepen - I lead this to the fact that the historic symbolism of the rings is relevant to this day.

Portrait of a girl written in the 1840s in Russia. Presumably portrait ordered in honor of the engagement - the ring on the index finger means that the young lady is gained. Roses (white and black) symbolize purity and love. Exhibition "Unknown Artist" in the Russian Museum in 2012 Found a photo here lENARUDENKO.

Jewish bride Rembranta

Instinctively, we most often use an index finger in gestures (not counting the big one). But it turns out that the ring on this finger does it interfere with us less than on the average with it. In history, wearing a rings (more often in print or perverse) on the indicated finger was the most common, except in cases where it was prohibited in some regions of Europe for persons below a certain status. Therefore, the rings (especially men) were often put on this finger, symbolizing affiliation to some fraternity, membership in the organization, etc. The ring on the indicated finger does not stand out as sharply, as on the middle finger or the maker, but, thanks to the gesture, is sufficiently noticeable. Astrological Association - Jupiter, who symbolizes strength, leadership, authority and spirituality. Metal Jupiter Tin, but the normal choice for the ring will be silver. Astrological stones of index fingers - lapis, amethyst, blue topaz.

Left index finger It does not have a blank-unambiguous symbolism, although this is a good finger to demonstrate important rings. So your ring is noticed - you can wear your particularly valuable on it or cocktail Ring etc.

Right index finger - Place for the wedding rings during the traditional Jewish wedding ceremony. As a rule, a simple gold ring is used for this purpose. Often the bride after the ceremony move the ring to the familiar to understanding the ring finger, but some continue to wear it on the indicator. So take a closer, before you come for girlfriend you like. Previously, in Russia, too, was the custom wearing a wedding ring on the index finger.

3. Wenst finger- This is the individuality of a person. Located in the center of the hand ring symbolizes a balanced life. And wearing the rings on the middle finger helps make life more harmonious.

Melancholia (La Fumeuse), artist Georges de Fur, a symbolist and one of the founders of Paris Modernism, in the picture depicted Julien Raskin, afterwards the wife of the artist.

Portrait of Louise Maria Orleans, Queen Belgium, Belgian King Leopold I. Artist Franz Ksaver Winterkhalter

If you don't take into account the well-known gesture, then the middle finger is the biggest, strong and brave finger. Rings on it are surprisingly rarely, partly, apparently, because it is located next to the index and 2 rings nearby become an interference for various small actions. So that the ring does not bother - it is better to wear a rings simple and small on the middle finger. However, wearing an on the middle finger the ring is very convenient, especially when you first wear a ring on it. In addition, in contrast to the nameless, or, for example, the mother's, the symbolism of this finger is the safest, it does not create any secret meaning or confusion. Thanks to the central location, the middle finger symbolizes the balance, it is associated with Saturn, Metal Saturn Lead, simple gray metals are well suited for this finger. Saturn stands for equilibrium, justice, law, responsibility and self-analysis. His stones are soothing, such as pink quartz, coral, aquamarine.

Left middle finger. If the ring is worn on this finger, it can not mean anything. But since it takes a central place on his hand and this is the longest finger - the ring on it can symbolize power and responsibility. This finger is a good choice if you want to show the ring without making any allegations related to your life.

Right middle finger, Just as the left does not have a certain meaning and is open to interpretation. You can choose your own symbol and value for the ring.

4. Unnamed finger The left hand has a straight connection with the heart. For this reason, on this finger and wearing a wedding ring in most countries of the world. Wearing a ring on this finger will add positive emotions and adherence to your life, as well as increase creativity and taste for creativity. Wearing a ring on a ring finger right hand will make you more optimistic.

Princess Albert de Broglie , artist Jean Ogust Dominic Engr

Portrait of Isabella de Valua, French Princess and Spanish Queen. The daughter of the King of France Heinrich II and Catherine Medici, Philip II's wife. Artist Juan Patoha de la Cruz. Museum Prado

In most countries of the world unnamed finger Most often associated with the wedding ring - in the US, the ring on the right hand testifies to the engagement, on the left symbolizes marriage. Most people choose a simple golden or silver ring, in particular, because the ring is always worn and it is more convenient. But this does not mean that people do not wear rings with large stones or obviously artistic ornamental rings on a ring finger. In this case, they will simply not be perceived by the rings associated with marriage. At the same time, the rings are quite simple, if they are made from different metals or have inscriptions - most likely will be.

It is symbolic that the ring finger is associated with moon, beauty and creativity, as well as, obviously, with romantic relationships. Metal moon - silver, so it is a natural choice for rings that are worn on a ring finger, if it is not a wedding ring. Wedding rings are traditionally made of gold. Finger is associated with Apollo. Precious stones - Moonstone, jade, amethyst, turquoise.

Left ring finger. In most cases, we carry on this finger wedding ring. Many believe that this custom comes from the faith of the ancient Egyptians, and then the Romans in the fact that the blood on the veins from this finger goes straight to the sedza (by apiona is nerv). But the ring on this finger may mean that his owner is just going to marry (engagement ring). On the same finger can wear a ring promise (romantic promise)Despite the fact that the status of the official proposal is fixed behind the finger. Many young people prefer to wear a ring of purity on this finger (chastity ring). Wedding ring on a unnamed finger of the left hand wear in France, Italy, Great Britain, Ireland, Slovenia, Croatia, Sweden, Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan. As well as in Japan, Korea, Australia, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Canada, USA, in Cuba and in other countries. On the left nameless finger, along the tradition, move the wedding ring in Russia after the divorce, and the two wedding rings (their spouse) wear widows and widows.

Right ring finger. Although in many countries the engagement ring is customary to wear on the left nameless finger, there are countries in which the right nameless finger is used for the same purpose. This applies to the laws of the tradition and countries of Central-Eastern Europe - Russia, Belarus, Serbia, Poland, Moldova, Ukraine. Also on the right hand wearing a wedding ring in Germany, Spain, Austria, Greece, Norway, Georgia, India, Kazakhstan, Chile and a number of other countries. However, everything is particularly ambiguous with the wedding rings. There is such an anecdote - "Sofa, why do you wear a ring not on that hand?" - "Because I got married not for the person!" So, if you set out the goal to find out, whether the girl liked is married to you - you need to take into account many factors.

5. LITTLE FINGERcombines all relationships and communication with the outside world, as well as communication with other people. Wearing a ring on the Mizinza helps to improve relationships, especially in marriage, but also in the business sphere. Mysinets is also responsible for a mustache in creativity, harmony in the emotional sphere and in the material world.

Portrait of Francesco D "Este, artist Rogir Van Vaden

Portrait of Philippe de Crook, artist Rogir Van der Wayden

Portrait of Charles Kuverina (Charles Couperin) with the artist's daughter, Claude Lefevre

Little finger It often becomes the choice of a person who wants to "declare" about anything, since the little finger with the ring will attract the most attention - it is less than others related to religious or cultural traditions and associations, so it carries your clean idea. That is, the Mizior is rings when they want to attract attention to this fact. People who fond of astrology and chiromantia will perceive this symbolism through the connection with intelligence and beliefs. The little finger symbolizes mercury, but this does not mean that it is necessary to wear a ring from this metal - it is liquid at room temperature and besides highly toxic for humans. Patron - Mercury, which personifies intelligence, communications, beliefs and intuition, he patronizes crafts and trade. Traditionally, wearing rings on the Mizinz are associated with both intelligence and creativity and business. Stones - moonstone, amber, citrine.

Mysilineal right hand - In the XIX and early XX century, in a number of countries, 2 rings on Mizinz showed that the person was married (Ring Rod) . The bottom ring was wedding, the ring was put on over. Now this tradition is forgotten, some historians claim that such rings wore American president Franklin Roosevelt. Sometimes wearing the rings on the Mizinz are associated with the traditions of organized crime (Mafia Rings), I wore such rings clan soprano, in particular. In the UK and other Western countries, men on the left Misinz have wore a ring, the age of antique rings of this type is more than 100 years. Usually such rings have the coat of arms and in many families they were transmitted from generation to generation (Family rings with coat of arms) .

Mysinaire left hand Use often for rings pointing to professional status. This is typical for engineers of a number of industries, for example, machine-building, where the ring can designate the achievement of a certain educational stage. Graduates wear a ring not on the driving hand so that it does not bother. Professional rings can be simple iron, silver, stainless steel and other materials, often they have inscriptions or signs. All of the above is characteristic of right-handers, Leftches sometimes make confusion in all this symbolic system.

How many rings can be worn? Are there any restrictions?

It depends on the rings. For example, a set of several thin rings on one finger is perceived as one. A safe maximum can be considered 2-3 rings scattered on both hands. You need to try that the rings in general did not look too bright so that it is not perceived as a caricature. Men is better to wear one "declared" ring and nothing more, or in combination with wedding. But I repeat - the rules do not exist on this score, here the advisors can only be a sense of measure and taste. I have long moved pictures of artists of different eras, because jewels, including rings, depicted on most portraits. Interestingly, most often people in the portraits of the rings are put on the little finger, or the little finger and the index finger. On the nameless and thumb, the rings are found almost equally and less frequently on average. I hope you will give pleasure these illustrations selected from among the vintage canvases of painting masters.

Portrait of Isabella Clara Eugene, artist Alonso Sanchez Coelho

Portrait of Madame Montessori, artist Jean Auguste Dominic Engr
National Gallery of Fine Arts (USA)

Portrait of Eleonora Toleskaya, spouses Duke Tuscan Kozimo Medici, artist Anolo Bronzino

We all know that the ring on a nameless finger is like a mark that a person is in a legitimate marriage. Sometimes on the same finger, the girl wearing the ring donated to them on the engagement, and sometimes they just dress the ring on this finger so that the opposite sex show so actively attention. But for which rings are worn on the other fingers and that it can mean few people know.

Various decorations, including rings, began to wear quite a long time. So, the decoration on the thumb in ancient times was worn in order to tightly keep the weapon in their hands, stretching onions.

But the residents of Greece, put on the decoration on this finger to strengthen the male force, as it was a symbol of the male body. Women who wear rings in the same way, most likely stronger and volitional nature. Fragile and gentle creatures are unlikely to choose this place for precious decoration.

These are people who really want to assert and, and the way does not matter. But most of them are interested in leadership and superiority in sexual terms. Therefore, to those who wear jewelry in such ways it is worth seeing.

As a rule, this method of wearing decorations choose rather impulsive and very energetic people. They do not always follow what they say, and sometimes they can talk, such that you do not expect from them. If you enter into a dispute with such a person, it is unlikely that everything will end in a peaceful way, since it is almost impossible to convince him.

Some who have such character traits, deliberately dress the ring on the finger of MarsSo that in particularly emotional moments remind yourself and restrain a little, be more judicious. Well, if there is a ring immediately on both hands, this person is actively working on himself and tries to find a common language with everything, be more sociable.

Ring value on the thumb

Left hand

What kind of hand is the ring on the thumb only has for women. It is believed that if it puts on the decoration on this finger, then she openly declares her unconventional orientation. And it is on this hand that means that the girl is free for a relationship with another girl.

Right hand

On this hand wearing girls of unconventional orientationthat are already in a pair and want to openly declare everyone around, and especially the same as they.

But even if you know these features and noticed the ring at this place, it is not necessary that its owner is also aware.

Perhaps she simply presented a gift that did not fit her in size, and she was just forced to wear on this finger. Maybe she just likes to add decorations and wear in unusual places.

What does the ring on the thumb mean

In a girl

Since the thumb is Mars's planet's finger, then the rings are the advantage of a man, at least it was in ancient times. But some women who want to be on Roven with men to have the same rights and freedoms, are also trying to equate themselves to them.

And the girls who find out about it are trying to transfer and our country is such a way of self-expression and their manner of interpretation. They say that they are not afraid to admit to their orientation.

In men

If a man dresses a ring on a big finger, then he knows exactly what he does it. Self-confident and impulsive natures are trying to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

After all, not everyone today dare to stand out in this way. In addition, this is the protection of his male strength, which all men are so carefully guarded and trying to preserve for many years.

Ring value on the thumb in ancient times

Previously, the rings wore men or to strengthen their strength and for greater convenience during hostilities. But then wearing a precious metal was not a prerequisite. You could wear a regular iron ring and go to the battle.

Also earlier, the decorations on this finger were worn as defense against various diseases and unrelied spirits. For this, there were special engraving with protective words on the ring.

Also before, women wore engagement rings of their dead husbands on this place. This was due to the fact that in size they did not fit them at all and except the thumb to dress it simply nowhere. In addition, it was like a reminder of the spouse.

In the era of the Renaissance in England, the girls wore on this finger the decoration donated with the bridegroom, after the offer of the hand and hearts. It was a symbol of loyalty, love and meant that the girl is already busy and coming to marry.

At one time, decorations at this place were a sign of belonging to a certain place in the hierarchy at the local level. They were supposed to be worn both men and women. To do this, used Celtic patterns.

To date, the safest Celtic pattern is two hands holding heart.

Varieties of rings on a thumb

Ring of precious metals or the most common always considered a sign of elegance, their style. Sometimes it is a symbol of some merit, victory for which they were presented. And men, except wedding, also wear such decorations with pleasure.

Rings can be:

  • Made from small beads.The cost of the ring depends on what material was used. This decoration can be done with your own hands. To do this, you will need a oscillation thread or wire. But as the basis, you can use any potential beads from ceramics or precious stones;
  • Carved. They can be made of wood, metal, bones, organic glass or semi-precious stone. The volumetric pattern is obtained as a result of handmade or special equipment. The product may turn out in a single instance. Carved rings attract special attention to themselves, as it is a rather time-consuming job.
  • Decorations with stones. The stone can be precious, semi-precious or artificial. The base of the ring can also be of gold, silver or stainless metal alloy. These decorations are probably the most popular. They can choose an addition in the form of earrings, bracelets and suspensions. Options for the execution of such rings are limited to fantasy and financial capabilities.
  • Ring bezel.The most famous example of such decoration is a wedding ring. The product of this type of men love the most. They, as a rule, choose such metal as bronze, silver, gold and others. On such rings it is convenient to make engraving, threads, black.
  • Run. Here are mostly used precious stones and metals. One large stone is attached to the center. Such decorations attract attention, as its owners are most likely pretty secured and influential people.
  • Infinity Ring.Stones on such decoration go in a row for each other throughout the circumference. Any stones and any form are used. But the most organic things look small stones on a thin ring.

What do rings in other fingers mean

  • On indicable.If we are on your right hand, this is a sign of the leader. Such a person is all right with self-esteem and self-confidence. And to develop these qualities to wear decorations with topaz, a lazurite and amethyst at this place.
  • On average. Decorations on his left hand means that a person is very serious and he always understands what can be done, and what is impossible. On the right hand you need to wear such stones as lunar and pink quartz.
  • On Unnamed.If we have a decoration on your left hand, then in this way you can strengthen your creative abilities, learn how to transfer your knowledge to others. Also, wearing the rings on this finger will help to cope with all the troubles.
  • On the Mizinza. On the right hand, those who have talent for negotiations are worn. And sometimes it means that a person is configured for closer communication. On the left hand we are worn, those who fantasies very well and invents, also this person can listen to others well.

Different types of rings in shape, material, use or meaning passed through the century. Rings may have a symbolic, social or simply aesthetic function, but they are always a reflection of their time and speak a lot about their owner. It is impossible to be understood the value of the rings on the fingers in men and there are many reasons for this.

Where can I find out what man is married? Just look at his hand, on the ring. This is the strength of a small round object that signals the world information about the owner. Ring is not a simple accessory. This is a message that reveals obligations, achievements and beliefs.

Rings are important, and it is better to understand those messages that give the world a man, putting on certain types of jewelry:

    • - presented during the wedding ceremony;
    • ring of the championship - He is worn by members of the winners of professional sports leagues and college tournaments in the United States;
    • a mourning ring - worn in memory of the deceased person, also called the "Memorial Ring". The beginning of its use dates back to the 14th century;
    • the ring of cameo is such a decoration, with cut out from above, very old sample. It was usually worn by men. Antique cameo represented gods, Christian saints and portraits. The stone was often used marble. Modern Kameo Ring usually shows the face of the goddess or Roman soldier;

    • iron ring - wearing American or Canadian engineers after an engineer oath. Modern rings tend to be made of steel, some with engraved geometric patterns. Such a product is put on the little finger of the dominant hand;
    • the class ring was worn by students and graduates to commemorate the end of study;
    • posie Ring - with a long inscription on the inner or outer surface. Usually used as a wedding ring;
    • doctoral ring - gold, which was worn by Dr. who graduated from Danish or Swedish University. In America, such rings are priests who received doctoral studies in theology;

    • the church ring - worn religious ministers as a symbol of power. When wearing his bishops or priests of higher rank, it is called the "Episcopal Ring";
    • the ring with the seal - often carries a family coat of arms or initials, some can be used as print;
    • ring of five metals - the ring considered by the Talmud as a happy mascot and as a Kabbalistic accessory. Five metals extracted from the Earth (Gold, Silver, Copper, Tin and Lead) should be part of the rings.

      Opinion expert

      Helen Goldman

      Male imijameker stylist

  • ring Aqeeq - Ring with agitat that is worn by Muslims, especially shiite, having in mind Muhammad.

How to wear?

Skeptics may argue that it does not matter what fingers are rings - all fingers are the same. But it is interesting that sometimes the ring does not feel "right" on a certain finger. Therefore, the designation of the rings on the fingers in men should be examined not just for the sake of interest, but also because the ring produces a certain effect:

  • strengthen / maintain at the subconscious level the quality associated with this finger;
  • restricted with the finger of the tendency.

Rings on the fingers in men allow you to make a statement without saying a word:

  • if a man has big hands, then it is advisable to wear large rings. Holders of small hands need to balance the proportions and acquire smaller decorations;
  • for thin fingers, compact rings are preferable, while for full fingers it is worth choosing wide rings;
  • the balance of rings with other jewelry should be observed. No need to group a bunch of rings, hours and bracelets on the one hand, leaving another hand completely free;
  • there are no hard rules for comparison of metals when it comes to rings. However, if the skin is light and blue veins on hand are clearly visible, silver is suitable. In the case when the skin color is distinguished by warm tones, then preferably gold;
  • a secure set is two or three rings distributed on both hands.

The value of the rings in men on different fingers of the left and right hand

Choosing a hand on which the ring will rush, can be based on a specific symbolism associated with the selected decoration. The right hand is usually considered an active, dominant participating in most gestures. Left - "mental" showing the character of a person and his belief.

On large fingers

The ring on the thumb in a man is a sign of wealth or influence, and they tend to be wide or bulky to reflect it. Putting a ring of force on the finger of control, a person can express his desire to establish control over things.

Big finger gestures are associated with interaction and friendship. Men's rings on the thumb should be large or short, but nothing incredibly tasteless or too expensive. It is so larger than the rest, so if adding extravagant design, then the ring will turn into a massive anchor, which pulls the hand down. A dressed ring on the big finger of an active hand, talking about an insistent person. The wearing rings on the left hand displays the internal thoughts, beliefs and feelings of a man.

On indicative

The first natural instinct is the desire to leave the index finger blank, as a person uses it more than any other. However, if you return for hundreds of years, you can see that the male ring on the index finger was the usual thing, as he denoted a certain status of a person. It is believed that the ring on the left index finger signals that his self-esteem, ambitions and leadership skills increase in the personal life of a person.

Astrological connection - Jupiter, which is a symbol of power, leadership and authority. Men with a ring on an index finger, are considered irreconcilable and confident.

For reference! Jupiter is connected with both tin and tree, so bright silver tones are a normal choice for this finger.

On medium

Rings on the middle finger are amazing and unusual. Better ring man for this finger pick up small. Also perfectly suitable family decorations that can emphasize the importance of communication with the ancestors. It is also considered that the ring in a man on his left hand on the middle finger can talk about his fear to stay alone, and the ring strengthens the feeling that people eat around him.

Because of its central location, the middle finger is held to symbolize the structure, balance, conscience and order. It is believed that he is associated with Saturn. Since Saturn Metal is lead, then simple silver metals, such as steel, are the usual choice for the middle finger.

On unnamed

In America, the milestone finger of the left hand is associated with a wedding symbolism: one ring means the engagement, and the pair of rings indicates marriage. Almost all men choose a simple ring for their wedding group. On the other hand, the ring on the nameless finger will help a man becoming more enterprising.

It is symbolic that this finger is associated with the Sun, a source of creativity and beauty, as well as romantic relationships (which explains his connection with marriage). Sun metal is gold, so it is a traditional metal of wedding and engagement groups of jewelry. This is the only finger that was once considered an inextricable artery leading directly to the heart, essentially creating a direct connection with him to designate the eternal attachment from a man and a woman.

For reference! On the left unnamed finger wearing a jewelry divorced people.

On Mizinzha

Often, a man who wants to try to wear a ring, stops his choice on this finger. This can be sealing on the mother's mother or simple traditional rim of metal. Here, products will not be associated with religious or cultural signs, although sometimes even wedding rings are located on the right Mizinz.

Do you wear a ring on the Mizinz?


People who love astrological symbolism will bind rings on a little finger with mercury and intelligence, insight and beliefs. If you understand more specifically, on which Mizinz to wear a decoration, then the ring on the right hand is associated with the intelligence and the inclination to express oneself. A man who worns him on the left Mizinza shows strong intuition and excellent listener skills.

There are other designations of the rings on the fingers in a man, for example, the rings on the mother's Mizinza indicates that the person's personal life is limited, and there is no desired support. It may be on the right Mizinza, which means problems in public life (at work, in society).


In this modern era, everyone wants to get a unique ring, because men's rings become very popular. Currently, basically, the rings are customary to wear, based on fashion trends, regardless of cultural or traditional interpretations.