Organisms that are able to synthesize the organic substances necessary for vital activity, from inorganic compounds, is customary to be called autotrophs.

Avtrophic organisms form the so-called primary products - biomass of an organic matter, which is further disposed of by other organisms. AutoTrofam include some bacteria and all types of green plants without exception.

Auto-flowing organisms are able to absorb carbon dioxide from the air and turn it into complex organic compounds. Thus, authotrophs build their "body" from inorganic compounds. Cascade of biochemical reactions, the final product of which are proteins and other organic substances necessary for life, requires significant energy costs. According to the method of obtaining energy, authotrophs are divided into photoauthotrophs and chemoavtotrophs.

Photo auto-rotor bacteria use energy of sunlight during the synthesis of organic substances from carbon dioxide by type of photosynthesis in plants. An important component of the flippers of such microbes is pigments: bacteriopurpurine, bacterochlorine, etc. The main function of pigments is the absorption and accumulation of sunlight energy. The most typical representatives of the group of photoautotrophs are cyanobacteria, purple and green sulfur bacteria.

The phenomenon of chemosynthesis in bacteria was opened in 1888 by an outstanding Russian microbiologist S.N. Vinogradsky (1856-1953), which showed that in the cells of certain bacteria, the processes of ammonia oxidation in nitric acid and carbon dioxide can flow into various organic compounds. Such microorganisms began to call hemoautotrofas, i.e. Receiving energy as a result of chemical reactions. Hemoautotrophs are able to exist only in the presence of inorganic compounds, while certain types of bacteria are able to oxidize certain minerals. The only source of carbon for chemoautotrophs is carbon dioxide. The hemoautotrophic group includes colorless sulfur bacteria, nitrifying bacteria, barrels, etc. All autotrophic microorganisms are free-lived forms and non-pathogenic for animals and humans.

However, among the autotrops, microorganisms were found that are capable of absorbing carbon not only from CO2 air, but also from organic compounds. Such bacteria got the name of mixotrophs (from lat. Mixi - mixture, i.e. mixed power type). Depending on the method of absorption of nitrogen, microorganisms can be divided into aminoavotrophs and amino-retrootrophs.

Aminoautorofs are synthesized protein from mineral compounds and from air, these are mainly soil bacteria. In green plants, the basis of the authotrophic type of food is the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is characteristic of both higher plants and algae, and, as already mentioned, photosynthetic bacteria. But the greatest perfection of photosynthesis achieved after all in green plants. What is photosynthesis?

Under photosynthesis, the formation of the formation of the necessary organisms necessary for vital activity is understood as the photosynthetic organic compounds, and all other organisms, complex organic compounds from simple substances due to the energy of light absorbed by chlorophyll or other photosynthetic pigments. The beginning of the study of photosynthesis was laid by J. Priestley, J. Sebeje, Ya. Ingenhaus.

J. Priestley (1733-1804) in 1771 showed that the air, spoiled by burning or breathing, again becomes suitable for breathing under the influence of green plants. Thus, it was found that green plants are capable of absorbing carbon dioxide (CO2) and allocate oxygen (O2). Sebery (1742-1809) proved that the carbon source for green plants is carbon dioxide (CO2), which is absorbed by them under the influence of light. Meyer (1814-1878) put forward a hypothesis in which it was argued that the unique battery of solar energy was plants.

The total process of photosynthesis is logical to express in this way:

6CO2 + 6N2O - C6H12O6 + 6O2

In the second half of the XIX century. Great Russian biologist K.A. Timiryazev discovered that the light-absorbing element of the plant cell is chlorophyll. Chlorophyll enters the structure of chloroplasts. In one plant cell contains from 20 to 100 chloroplasts. Chloroplasts are surrounded by a membrane that contains a large number of bags - the so-called thylacoids. Tylacoids contain photochemical centers and components involved in the transport of electrons and the formation of adenosyitrifosphoric acid (ATP). Timiryazev also proven direct dependence between the light intensity and the speed of photosynthesis.

In 1905 there was a hypothesis that photosynthesis can take place in the dark. Thus, the process of photosynthesis is the light and shadow phases. However, the biochemical evidence of this assumption was obtained only in 1937 by the English researcher Hill. The study of light and shadow reactions was engaged in detail by the German physiologist and biochemist of Warburg. The main outcome of this period in the study of photosynthesis is that the beginning of the possession of photosynthesis as an oxidative and recovery process, where the reduction of carbon dioxide is carried out with the simultaneous oxidation of the hydrogen donor.

In 1941, Soviet scientists A.P. Vinogradov found that the source of oxygen released during photosynthesis is not carbonated gas, but water. From the middle of the xx century. The study of photosynthesis contributed to the creation of new research methods (isotopic technology, spectroscopy, electron microscopy, etc.), which allowed to open the subtle mechanisms of this process. The most significant during this period are the works of domestic scientists A.N. Termenina, A.A. Krasnovsky.

Schematically, the mechanism of photosynthesis of plants, algae, bacteria can be expressed as follows:

carbohydrate formation:

donor H2 and Source O2 - Water

acceptor H2 and source C - CO2

education of amino acids, proteins, pigments and other connections:

acceptor H2 and source N2 - NO2-4

source C - SO4-2

Photosynthesis value is very huge. As a result of photosynthesis, the vegetation of the Earth forms more than 100 billion tons of organic substances daily (about half of the plants of the seas and oceans), while absorbing about 200 billion tons of CO2, and it allocates about 145 billion tons of free oxygen into the external environment.

Heterotrophic organisms

Organisms that use ready-made organic compounds for their nutrition is called heterotrophic.

Some autotrophs are photosynthetic green plants - can absorb a small amount of organic compounds. Some predator plants (Rosyanka, bubble) use organic compounds for nitrogen power, and carbon power is carried out by means of photosynthesis. Some carotrophes need vitamin-like substances.

In 1933, with the help of an isotope method, American scientists confirmed that pronounced heterotrophs (mushrooms and bacteria) are able to absorb carbon, absorbing CO2. For heterotrophic bacteria, ready-made organic compounds: sugar, alcohols, dairy, lemon and acetic acids, as well as wax, fiber and starch. From microorganisms heterotrophs are ferrifuncts of fermentation (alcohol, proponiono - sour, milky and oily and oily - acidic), rotary and pathogenic bacteria.

Depending on the substrate used, heterotrophic microorganisms are divided into two extensive groups: meta - and parafro. Metrophifa use organic compounds of dead substrates. This group includes mainly concrete bacteria. Parafofs use organic compounds of living organisms. It is these microorganisms that usually cause infectious diseases of human, animals and plants.

The heterotrophs are used as a nitrogen source. Ready amino acids are used: such a way of power is called amino-retrootrophic. Strict heterotrophs are animals and man. It is characterized by a holotous type of food. The flow of nutrients by diffusion is replaced by the formation of organs for eating. For example, in the simplest, along with the so-called suprozoic power supply (suction of the whole cell surface), there is an animal method, i.e. Switching nutrients with pseudopodiy (cytoplasm), cilia or flagella. High animals have a strictly differentiated and complex organized digestive system.

One of the initial departments of the digestive system is the oral apparatus. The structure and function of the oral apparatus in animals is diverse and depends on the type of feed; Mainly distinguish the rodent, peatrifier, suction types of the oral apparatus. Animals are conventionally divided into phytophages (herbivores) and zoophages (carnivore). However, there are intermediate, or mixed forms.

With regard to animals, it is more expedient to use the term "digestion". The digestion is the initial metabolic stage in the body, consisting in the fact that complex nutrients included in the composition of food are disintegrated into elementary particles capable of participating in the further stages of metabolism. For example, fats are split to glycerol and fatty acids, proteins - to amino acids, carbohydrates - to monosaccharides.

For the splitting of complex substances in the body of animals and humans, there are various lithical enzymes, some of the organic substances are split by symbiotic microorganisms (in the rubber Rubacing and the blind intestine). There are digestion in the oral cavity, gastric and intestinal. In the organization of the process of digestion of feed in animals and food, a nervous system and gland internal secretion play an important role. Thus, the nervous and humoral regulation of digestive processes is carried out.

In the oral cavity, food is machined and the action of a number of enzymes, mainly amipases and facilities. In the stomach, food undergoes a significant chemical transformation. Under the influence of hydrochloric acid and a large number of enzymes, most complex organic substances are split. In the intestine there is a further chemical transformation of nutrients and their suction.

Auto-flow and heterotrophic organisms included in biogenesis are mutually related to the so-called trophic bonds. The value of trophic bonds in the structure of environmental communities is very large. Thanks to them, the cycle of substances on Earth is carried out.

Avtrophic organisms, assimilating inorganic substances using solar light or chemical reactions, contribute to the formation of so-called primary products - primary biomass or organic matter. Primary products are disposed of by heterotrophic organisms, and a significant role in this belongs to the phytofagas, which we mentioned a little earlier. Phytophages, in turn, become victims of predators - zoophages. Memorial remains of animals and plants are again converted into inorganic substances, due to the effects of abiotic factors of the external environment, as well as the organisms of the renders and putrid microflora.


Avtotropy [OT. auto ... and ... trophy (s)], self-making, 1) living organisms that produce substances themselves; 2) Live organisms from the point of view of the functions performed by them in the process of metabolism and energy in ecosystems. Some A. (Helioavtotrofa - Green plants, Xenezignee algae) organic substance necessary for growth and reproduction are created from inorganic using solar radiation, others as a source of energy (chemoavtropy - some bacteria) - due to the energy of chemical reactions (chemosynthesis). By drawing up in the food (trophic) chain of the level of producers, A. serve as the only source of energy for heterotrophs, which thus fully depend on the first. Sometimes A. is called lithotrofam; It is understood that the "food products" for A. completely comes from the world of minerals in the form of carbon dioxide (CO 2), sulfate (O 4, NO 3 nitrate) and other inorganic components ("stones"). see also Heterotrophs, consversions.

Ecological encyclopedic dictionary. - Chisinau: Home Editing Moldavian Soviet Encyclopedia. I.I. Sampi. 1989.


organisms synthesizing organic substances from inorganic compounds (usually from carbon and water dioxide), produced by ecosystems, creating primary biological products. A. Are on the first trophic level in ecosystems and transmit organic substances and the energy contained in them is heterotrofam - consultations and renders. Most A. are photoautotrophs who have chlorophyll. These are plants (flowering, voted, fern, mosses, algae) and cyanobacteria. They carry out photosynthesis with oxygen release using inexhaustible and environmentally friendly solar energy. A.-Hemoavtotrophotrophs (serobacteria, methanobacteria, barrels, etc.) for the synthesis of organic substances use the energy of oxidation of inorganic compounds. The contribution of chemoautotrophs to the total biological products of the biosphere is insignificant, however, these organisms constitute the basis of chemoavtrophic ecosystems of hydrothermal oasis in the oceans.

Edwart. Dictionary of environmental terms and definitions, 2010

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A huge variety of living beings live on Earth. For the convenience of their study, the researchers classify all organisms on various features. All alive turns out to be divided into two large groups - autotrophs and heterotrophs. In addition, a group of mixotrophs is allocated - these are organisms adapted to both types of nutrition. In this article, we will analyze the nature of the livelihoods of two main groups and find out what the authotrophs differ from heterotrophs.

AutoTrophic - organisms, independently synthesizing from inorganic. In this group, some types of bacteria and almost all organisms belonging to during their livelihoods of authotrophy dispose of various inorganic substances incoming from outside (carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, iron and others), cycling them in the synthesis reactions of complex organic compounds (mainly These are carbohydrates and proteins).

As we see, the main difference between the heterotrofs from the autotrophic lies in the chemical nature of the nutrients they need. The essence of their feeding processes is different. Energy in the transformation of inorganic substances into organic, heterotrophs energy during nutrition is not spent. AutoTrophic and heterotrophs are divided into two groups depending on the energy source used (in the first case) and from the food substrate used by the second type microorganisms.

Among the autotrops, photo auto-spots and chemoavtrophic organisms are distinguished. Photo AutoTographs for transformations use solar light energy. It is important to note that the organisms of this group occurs a specific process - photosynthesis (or the process of similar to it). It turns into various organic compounds. Chemoavtotrofa use energy obtained as a result of other chemical reactions. This group includes various bacteria.

Heterotrophic microorganisms are divided into metrophifes and parafro. Metathefa as a substrate of organic compounds use dead organisms, parterfs - alive.

AutoTrophic and heterotrophs occupy certain positions in the autotrophic are always produced - they create organic substances that later pass through the entire chain. Heterotrophs become consultations of various orders (as a rule, animals are provided in this category) and the Rindunts (mushrooms, microorganisms). In other words, autotrophic and heterotrophs form trophic ties among themselves. It is essential for the environmental situation in the world, since it is precisely due to trophic bonds, a circulation of various substances in nature is carried out.

Auto-flowing organisms are able to independently generate energy to implement all life processes. How do they carry these transformations? What conditions are it necessary for this? Let's find out.

Autotrophic organisms

Translated from the Greek language "Auto" means "myself", and "Trophos" - "Food". In other words, autotrophic organisms get energy from chemical processes occurring in their organisms. Unlike heterotrophs, which feed on only ready-made organic substances.

Most of the representatives of the organic world belong to the second group. Animals, mushrooms, most bacteria are heterotrophs. Vegetable organisms produce organic matter independently. Viruses are also a separate kingdom of nature. But from all signs of living organisms, they are capable only to reproduce themselves like a self-assembly. Moreover, being outside the body of the owner, viruses are absolutely harmless and not show signs of life.


Avtrophic organisms are primarily vegetable. This is their main distinguishing feature. Organic substances, in particular monosaccharide glucose, they form in it occurs in plant cells, in specialized organodes, which are called chloroplasts. These are two-paved plastistics containing green pigment. The conditions for the flow of photosynthesis are also the presence of sunlight, water and carbon dioxide.

The essence of photosynthesis

Carbon dioxide enters green cells through special formations - dust. They consist of two sash, which are detachable to implement this process. A gas exchange occurs through them: carbon dioxide enters the cell, and oxygen formed in the process of photosynthesis is in the environment. In addition to this gas, which is one of the necessary living conditions, plants form glucose. They use it as a food product for growth and development processes.

For organisms of our planet, the main source of energy is sunlight. Slightly in the process of metabolism, the heat of volcanic origin can be used, energy from the bowels of the earth's crust, etc. The energy is needed by organisms for the synthesis of own organic substances from inorganic (autotrophs) or from ready-made organic (in heterotrophs). Some of them are used for synthesis processes of light energy - these are phototrophic organisms. Other organisms - chemotrophic - for this use the energy of chemical reactions. In total, the characteristics of the organisms are divided into such groups as autotrophs, heterotrophs and mixotrophs.

Avtotropy. (from Greek. "Auto" - Himself and "Trophos" - Food, meals) - Organisms that are able to synthesize their own organic substances from inorganic due to light energy ( photo AutoTographic) or chemical reaction energy ( hemoautotrofy.). AutoTrophs, the main producers of the organic matter in the biosphere, ensure the existence of other organisms

mixotrofov (from Greek. "Mix" - Mixed and Tropos - Food, Nutrition) - Organisms that have a mixed type of food: in light - photosynthesis, and under adverse conditions, go to the absorption of organic compounds. Classical examples of mixotrophs is eurlen green, many types of diatoms algae, childbirth bacteria BeggiaToa. and Thiothrix. and etc.

Types of food organisms

types of food

source of energy

carbon Source

examples of organisms


energy of light




Energy of chemical reactions

Sirkobacteria, barrels, nitrifying bacteria


energy of light

organic compounds

Purple ne-hand bacteria


Energy of chemical reactions

organic compounds

Animals, mushrooms

In biological systems, energy exists in various forms: chemical, electrical, mechanical, thermal and light, which are capable of turning into each other. The universal source of energy in the cell is ATP (adenosineryphosphoric acid). In macroeergic bonds of this compound, chemical energy is accumulated, which has been freed during the flow of energy exchange reactions. And only then the ATP energy is used to provide in the body of various processes: chemical (for biochemical synthesis reactions), mechanical (for movement), electrical (for the formation of nerve pulses), thermal (for thermoregulation), light (for biolumineiscence), etc.

Biology +.Boluminescence (from Greek. BIOS - life and lat. Lumen - light) - Apparently the glow of living organisms associated with the processes of their ghittsyness. You or cashier as a result of the enzymatic oxidation of luciferine proteins using a luciferase enzyme. In this case, the chemical energy turns into the energy of light. The bioluminiscence is very common in nature and is observed among bacteria, mushrooms, algae and animals. Nighttime and some radolations are shining, this phenomenon is characteristic of deep-water fish, which are attracted by the help of light production and use it to communicate (for example, in maritime rosses, velvetnocyers of sharks, etc.) , In deep-sea squid, insects (for example, in fireflies that glow in the marriage period) and etc.