Hello, friends! My name is Natalya Lazareva. My family and I live in the ecovillage Kovcheg, Kaluga Region. Organic farming for me is a conscious choice, passion and natural everyday reality. Over the years of searching and experimenting, experience has accumulated that I offer you this season. I will gradually describe my developments and agricultural practices, which imply the complete absence of chemicals, in the form of articles resembling a diary of a gardener. But first things first.

Our settlement is one of the most successful “new type” settlements to date, which celebrated its fifteenth anniversary in 2016. I want to explain a little what I mean by the term "settlement of a new type."

Even 30-40 years ago in our country there was a clear gradation of settlements - a city and a village. The city was associated with comfortable living, stable income, rich cultural life. The village gradually lost ground and ceased to be attractive for living: hard physical labor on the land, unstable, often seasonal, earnings, widespread drunkenness and degradation of the local population. The youth did not find self-realization in the village and rushed to the city. Of course, there were rare exceptions, but, you see, in general, the situation in the country was just like that. Gradually, almost only pensioners remained in the village - grandparents, to whom grandchildren were brought from the cities for the summer.

The most vivid childhood memories

I, too, was once such a city granddaughter and was looking forward to the summer to come back to my grandmother in the village. My best childhood memories are connected precisely with the village: in the morning I open the window overlooking the front garden, reach out my hand and pick a fragrant apple, still cold and damp from the morning dew. And there is nothing tastier than this morning gift from an apple tree! And during the day I run around the garden in tall grasses and look for soapwort flowers - they lather so well if rubbed in wet hands ... And in the evening I make myself comfortable by the open window overlooking the road, and wait for the herd to return home from the pasture.

The cows walk slowly and imposingly, some look back at me and languidly stretch out “Moo-oo!”. Their tight udder sways to the beat of their walk, and delicious fresh milk drips from the udder right onto the road ... Restless goats run up to our front garden, rise on their hind legs, leaning on the fence with their front legs, and try to reach out to the currant bushes. That's insatiable! The herd passes, and for some time I sit at the open window and inhale the aromas of fresh milk, mixed with the smell of roadside dust, fresh grass and manure. And it doesn’t smell like roses, but it seems that you can’t find a more pleasant smell!

Finding yourself and your place

Childhood has passed, but bright memories remain. Somewhere in the depths of my soul there is a feeling of harmony from unity with nature, an understanding that it is still more natural for a person to live on mother earth, and not in the concrete boxes of cities. The thought of moving to the land became my faithful companion, and as it turned out, not only mine. At the very beginning of the new millennium, a "movement of migrants" appeared - citizens who decided to leave their homes in the city and move to live on the ground. The impetus for this was Vladimir Megre's books from the Ringing Cedars of Russia series about the taiga hermit Anastasia. Someone unconditionally believed in the existence of Anastasia and moved to the earth to build their own Space of Love, someone liked the idea of ​​harmonious living in nature, respect for it, set out in these books.

Ark 2001-2016. From a clean field to a prosperous eco-village in 15 years!

Be that as it may, but in 2000-2005 the “first wave of immigrants” came to the earth. Basically, “killed” fields, located away from the city, were chosen for the settlements. The administration leased or sold such land almost without any problems, since there was practically no benefit from them. Intensive use for decades, chemical fertilizers and medicines that were stuffed into the soil, did their job - the fields became barren. In order to restore soil fertility, the settlers began to actively study the methods of organic farming, which were successfully practiced abroad in ecovillages and beyond. Literally bit by bit, forgotten Russian technologies for cultivating land, keeping animals, and beekeeping were restored.

Dream come true

My husband and I ended up on the Ark along with the "second wave of settlers." The people of the "second wave" came to the settlements when the land had already been demarcated, some infrastructure elements had been built, and the first trees and shrubs had been planted. Their main task was to preserve what they had acquired and actively participate in the further development of settlements. What we successfully do!

We have been living in the Ark for the ninth gardening season! Yes, yes, it is the gardening seasons that we calculate the time lived on earth! During this time, we built a house on our hectare of land, gave birth to two daughters (and gave birth right here!), Established our economy, put up two greenhouses (this year we plan to increase the number of greenhouses), dug ponds, arranged tree nurseries and vegetable gardens - their on our hectare as many as five! Why so many, you ask?

Mixed planting is one of the methods of organic farming. I have been practicing planting corn and pumpkin on one bed for a long time.

Firstly, I really like to grow vegetables, I try to plant everything that is possible. The husband is not against it yet, he does all the physically hard work!

Secondly, I am engaged in seed production - I grow ancient varieties of tomatoes, time-tested varieties of corn without GMOs, sugar peas, pumpkins and other melons (we have our own

Sergei - there was a tragic mother's voice in the receiver. Judging by the undisguised tragedy, a terrible thing happened at the dacha, either her father’s car didn’t start, which happens to her with enviable regularity, or the crows stole her favorite dachshund and lifted her to the top of a tree, they mock her obscenely there.

In fact, everything turned out to be much more prosaic. It would be better if the dachshund had to be protected, I grumbled getting dressed and sending nah my plans for the weekend. The plans, weeping and cursing fate, marched in orderly rows, as if in a parade, and I, having said the last farewell to the family, and escorted by the white kerchief disappearing in the distance, directed my wheels to the dacha.

Because the TIME has come. Yes, yes, that's exactly what my mother told me. That the time has come for her to plant seedlings.

Something strange has been happening to my mother for the last couple of years. Having never planted anything, except in my deep childhood, my mother burned with an unrealistic love for agriculture, and for the second year she tried to establish the production of "organic vegetables" on a single piece of land. The fact that "organic vegetables" later looked like deep rickets did not bother her. Carrots the size of a mouse's little finger, cucumbers the size of a mouse's, tomatoes no bigger than cockroach pupils, it was all right. Mother was firmly convinced that this was some kind of "special variety". The devil knows, maybe it is, I'm not an agronomist. But to plow on the ground, for the subsequent joy to take out of it a couple of clumsy, rickety root crops, over which all the surrounding moles neighed, this pleasure is doubtful for me.

Although you have to give credit. Mother grew one zucchini, and solemnly, at the end of last summer, poked me with her nose, saying that her efforts were crowned with an unconditional victory over cunning plants, and despite our skepticism, she still grew “such a beautiful squash”. My timid arguments that for fifteen square meters of cultivated plantings, to evaluate the effectiveness of the results of one zucchini is clearly not enough, were categorically “but there will be a lot of them next year”
Yeah ... Probably as many as two ... In a year they will think, realize, and begin to multiply in a hellish progression. That's what I thought, but I didn't say it out loud.

And so, last weekend, this very “next year” came, which has already firmly begun to be associated with me with the not quite spring word “ass”

I spudded the garden bed in the open air like a brand new tractor, quickly and cheerfully. Then mother, in the pose of a legendary sower, sprinkled fertilizer, and I completed the decoration of this vegetable grave with rakes.

The next number of home-grown farmers was covering the greenhouse with cellophane.
For the winter, I only moved the cellophane to the edge of the structure, in order to simply pull it on the frame this spring like ... like ... like ... Sorry, for some reason only one comparison comes to mind.

Stretching the cloudy film went surprisingly smoothly. I climbed inside the greenhouse, in order to eliminate the sagging cellophane in some places, stood with one foot on the right wooden side of the garden bed, with my left naturally on the left side, raised myself on tiptoe, and in the pose of an old steam locomotive going astray along the rails began to pull up the cover. Although the greenhouse was not very high and the cellophane touched the top of my head, the sagging sections had to be lifted high so that it would be possible to pull them up without tearing them.

Moving my feet along the sides, I carefully moved inside the greenhouse, as the first blow of the elements overtook me ...

It could not be anything but the insane and all-destroying power of nature. I have never experienced such a blow of the elements. My eyes darkened and my carcass, which already had a not very stable position, rolled down and comfortably lay down between the beds.

A minute later, focusing broken vision, smell and hearing, I carefully raised myself on my elbows and looked around.

The breeze rustled softly, sorting through the crowns of bald trees, like Kotovsky, and nothing indicated a recent blow of the elements.

Hmm, strange, thought flashed, maybe I hit my head on the crossbar? Looking up and drawing the trajectory of my fall, I came to the conclusion that this is quite possible, although, with such a force of impact, I should have destroyed this structure, like a wolf's house of a crooked-armed pig.

Okay, don't lie down, but you need to continue. With difficulty again taking the pose “on tiptoe and hands up”, I raised another cellophane section above my head. And even walked twenty centimeters.

... Opening my eyes and finding myself already in the usual place between the beds, I thought a lot. Sergey! I said to myself. Strictly said so. If this happens again, then of course you will decorate the greenhouse. But after that, you have only one road - to the durka and the annual hospital! Really, what the hell? The incomprehensible always frightens and burdens, but here it was already twice incomprehensible. And both times on the head.

Carefully, so as not to attract the attention of the incomprehensible, I assumed my previous working position, but did not work. I began to wait. Like a fisherman bite. Like a reaction chemist. Like a UFO ufologist. And it came.

High in the air, through a cloudy film, a rapidly growing dark spot appeared.

Mamo!!! – I shamefully grunted and squatted on my haunches without ceasing to look up and suspecting that this was the most incomprehensible thing. The spot, slamming relish on the film, slowly crawled to the side, dragging last year's leaves behind it.

What, son? - Mother answered from the other side of the greenhouse - And here I decided to remove the old leaves with a shovel from above, so that it would be more convenient for you to pull the film. And what's rattling there?
The logical chain lined up by itself. Leaves from above... A shovel... Helping mother, aiming this shovel... The arrival of the incomprehensible...

No, mom, I'm fine.

And my head was spinning: - something, somehow, with such agronomic enthusiasm, I have very real chances not to live up to the happy moment of harvesting the upcoming harvest

  • There, in other sections, there is still a lot of interesting things!

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In addition to forcing greens, there are other ways to extend the summer season. A lot of vegetables are perennials and only because of climatic conditions they are grown in our country for less than a year. If they did not have time to reach the desired size, and the fruits - the necessary ripeness, it is a pity to destroy them, but they can be transported to a city apartment.

Who moves from the dacha late in the fall, when tomatoes and peppers still bear fruit in heated greenhouses, dig up whole plants and bring them home to the city. This is done, for example, with hot bush peppers. They are transplanted into pots and flowerpots with a volume of 3 to 5 liters, trying not to damage the roots.

The first 4-5 days, the peppers are kept in a slightly shaded place at 15-18 ° C, fed with a solution of mineral fertilizers (1 tablespoon of nitrophoska per 5 liters of water), removing diseased leaves and extra small branches without fruits. Then they are placed on a bright window. Usually, a radiator dries the air, so the peppers are fenced off with a foil screen so that it closes the heat source and at the same time reflects the light from the window. All winter you will be pleased with beautiful low compact bushes with bright small multi-colored fruits - round, long or cone-shaped. And the fruits are edible, and plants are able to decorate any interior.

Transplanted into pots and savory. Especially good for transplanting whole bushes and growing on the windowsill is the Sprint variety - small, 30-35 cm high, compact, with a neat shape and small leaves. He can bloom on the window in winter. The leaves of the plant are used to dress salads, soups, sauces, pickled cucumbers, put in meat and fish dishes, but in small quantities due to the strong aroma. In a similar way, sage and tarragon (tarragon) are evacuated from the dacha to the apartment.

However, you can not take the whole bush, but only cut off young, easily rooted branches from it. They are planted in the ground in tubs or pots, and they continue to grow in a new place.

If you grow tomatoes, it's easy to take stepchildren from them and put them in water so that they give roots, and then plant them in a pot. By the new year, you will have your own tomatoes. Stepsons for moving to the city need to be cut off from the lower or middle part of the determinant (undersized) plant varieties: they will grow better.

The same operation is easy to do with spicy-flavoring and green plants. From the most attractive watercress, cuttings 10-12 cm long are cut in autumn, which also give roots in water without any problems. As soon as they appear at the stem nodes, watercress is planted in pots with loose nutrient soil. After 2-3 weeks, fresh shoots can be cut. All winter long, watercress provides fresh, spicy greens. In the spring, it is easy to cut cuttings from these plants, root and plant in open ground. You can do the same with marjoram and basil.

But with rosemary, usually the whole procedure is carried out in advance. It forms semi-lignified bushes, from which, already in July, cuttings are cut to the same length as that of watercress, choosing shoots of one-year growth. They are planted under glass or polyethylene containers to a depth of 5-6 cm. After 2-3 weeks, when the active growth of new stems begins, the caps are removed. (True, if cuttings were not prepared in July, young bushes can be dug up in the fall and planted in a pot).

Thyme, better known in Russia as thyme, is suitable for relocation by cuttings or even part of a bush. Thyme is a perennial strongly branched shrub 20-50 cm high. Its leaves are small, and pale pink, almost white flowers are also small. Thyme has a spicy strong aroma and a slightly bitter, burning, but pleasant taste. In aromatic mixtures for flavoring wines and tinctures, thyme is indispensable. In particular, French cuisine is simply unthinkable without it.

All plants on the window must provide 3 conditions:
- sufficient illumination, in winter - obligatory illumination;
- heat - 25-28°C for nightshade and 18-20°C for green;
- air humidity within 85-90%.

To make the cuttings root better, use root.

Some vegetables are brought to the city for growing. But not all underdogs are taken, but only those that meet certain parameters.

Among the late greenhouse plantings of cauliflower, one is found that by this time had formed small non-marketable heads (4-5 cm in diameter).

It is advisable to carefully select these plants from the soil and dig (you can close to each other) in the moist soil of a cold, bright room. The heads will gain a slightly larger mass due to plastic substances from the leaves and stem. Therefore, cabbage should have well-developed young leaves.

Each head needs to be tight. If, despite its small size, it has already begun to break up into separate segments, the plant is old and not suitable for growing.

The lower the temperature in the room where the cabbage is brought to condition, the slower the heads will increase, but the plant's nutrient supply will be more fully used.

At 2-4°C, cabbage can exist for up to 2 months or more, and during this time its head will reach 10-12 cm. If the temperature is above 10-12°C, the growth of leaves will go faster, but the heads will not become larger.

V. Ludilov, Doctor of Sciences

Hello dear readers! The New Year is not only the start of a new calendar calculation, but also the beginning of the garden season, despite the fact that the beds are still frozen ground and the plants are still sleeping on them. But there are more and more sunny days, the duration of daylight hours is increasing, nature is preparing for a new life.

So, it's time to get ready and vegetable growers. Therefore, we reinforce our knowledge by studying the relevant literature and other sources that provide useful information on gardening. You, dear reader, will find a lot of necessary and useful information on my blog.

In the middle of winter, in stores without haste and queues, you can stock up on any seeds. You can already do a revision of the seed fund, as well as manual. They can be immediately wrapped in gauze bags by hanging tags with the names of the varieties. Thus, the seeds will already be ready for dressings and growth stimulants.

Many gardeners continue forcing greens and vegetable plants in containers on windowsills. By the way, for forcing greens from root crops, such as daikon, carrots, parsnips, beets, it is not necessary to use a whole root crop - you can stick a cut top about 3-4 cm in size into the ground of the container.

Some gardeners are already starting to plant seedlings of large-fruited tall tomatoes, Peruvian physalis (since it has a long growing season and it often does not have time to give a normal crop in the ground), tall varieties of pepper and. Caring for these plants is not easy, so they are not planted in large quantities. But from each such luxurious plant it will be possible to collect many times more fruits than if they were planted at standard times.

In January, root celery is often sown on seedlings (it sprouts in 2-3 weeks), leeks (seedlings appear in 2 weeks). Soil with seedlings and potted plants should be watered carefully to avoid waterlogging and disease.

The beginning of the garden season for the happy owners of greenhouses is characterized by the following types of work - in January, preparing greenhouses for launch, heating and preparing them for planting seedlings of cucumbers and tomatoes for spring turnover.

In the cellars, you need to review the vegetables stored there.

Many indoor plants are still in a state of semi-rest, so they are watered quite a bit - otherwise they will grow and stretch out from lack of light. Many plants with fleshy leaves and shoots are not watered at all now, and those that begin to wither are watered very rarely, just to moisten the surface of the soil in a pot. Watering can be replaced by spraying the soil in the pot and the plant itself. With such a dry wintering, many succulents (that is, plants with fleshy leaves and shoots) and cacti, with the resumption of watering in the spring, begin to bloom profusely.

Sincerely, Andrey!

Before turning the next page of the calendar, it's a good idea to remember the past gardening season and take stock of it. For example, the way a great friend of our newspaper did - a talented and thoughtful vegetable grower with extensive experience Igor Dunichev from Kaluga.

There is no bad weather?

No matter how much we talk about the skill of the gardener, his experience and knowledge, the success of the business largely depends on the weather. Although mother nature surprises us all the time, the last season, in my opinion, outdid all the previous ones. In central Russia, for sure!

Judge for yourself. In early April, the snow was waist-deep, and at the end, the temperature jumped up to plus 30 ° C. Return frosts visited Kaluga every year in May and up to June 7-8. But for four years now, this tradition has been interrupted. But at the height of summer, in mid-July, deep autumn came to us with night temperatures of 7-8 ° C and daytime temperatures of 15-16 ° C, accompanied by tropical showers. After a short respite in August, the tests continued: endless rains in September, then the absence of "Indian summer" (for the first time). It all ended with early frosts (up to -5 °C).

Stressful conditions had a strong impact not only on people, but also on plants. Many gardeners have lost most of their crops. But thoughtful owners, skillfully applying protective equipment and agricultural practices, were able to minimize losses. I will talk about successes and failures using examples from my own practice.

Cucumber. The main thing is agricultural technology

Photo: www.globallookpress.com

In the half-month July "end of the world" culture suffered greatly. Many plantings were tightly mowed down by downy mildew (peronosporosis). As an antidote against this disease, only chemical systemic fungicides can really help. But during the period of active fruiting on a cucumber, their use does not make sense. And here only the observance of agricultural technology is acceptable: do not thicken the plantings and form plants correctly, without creating cucumber "jungles", maintain the humidity of the air corresponding to the temperature.


 F1 Paratunka,  F1 Ecole,  F1 Harmony,  F1 Pro showed themselves well. I especially liked  F1 Mondial, which has smooth-fruited greens, in conditions of increased dryness of the air at high temperatures, preserving the tenderness and softness of the skin.

Pepper. Record taken

Pepper. Mystery. Photo: Igor Dunichev

An amazing thing: what brought so many troubles to tomatoes, simplified the existence of their relatives - peppers! I'm talking about humidity above normal. Many familiar gardeners boasted of the abundance of pepper that had happened. I am more accustomed to trusting the numbers and looked at my data for the last 10 years. It turned out that the lowest yield of pepper was in 2010 (excessive heat and dry air affected), and the highest - just in 2013. In very dry conditions, the fruits quickly stop building wall thickness and move on to ripening. But in wet weather, the transition from technical to biological ripeness is delayed, which leads to a set of fruits and the formation of new ones in the higher tiers of the plant. At the same time, the early onset of frost last autumn did not allow a large number of fruits to ripen on the bush. But peppers undamaged by frost ripen well indoors. Be that as it may, I am very pleased with my personal record (56 kg of pepper).


The most productive pepper hybrids were F1 Rubik, F1 Ombrone (fruits up to 460 g), F1 Eskimo, F1 Alkmaar, F1 Denis, F1 Fidelio, F1 Vedrana, F1 Bandai, F1 Admiral, F1 Arcano, F1 Sarno, F1 Montero.

But the varieties were especially surprised and pleased. The small Ozarks, Chinese, Kapija, Eva, Granova, Buran were good. Unusual and mysterious (to match the name) Mystery, fruitful pale yellow charming Aphrodite and ivory Bonet. Red Nosera (Italy) is decorated with huge (more than 400 g) ruby-red fruits. The taste of aesthetes will please the "wit" Bell. Of the 40 varieties and hybrids of this season, two varieties showed the highest yield - this is Zlata, hung with huge gold ingots, and Jupiter, which hardly bears a lot of beautiful cuboid fruits.

Tomato. The battle with phytophthora

All manuals for growing tomatoes say that their seedlings must be dived. I tried to do without picking, and on 10% of the plants I carried it out for control. What is the result? It turned out that tomatoes with a completely preserved root system were more powerful, developed more actively than their "pruned" counterparts and ... surpassed them in yield.

Tomatoes from the weather got to the fullest! Already in mid-June, phytophthora came to our gardens in all its unsightly form. Fortunately, the weather contributed to this: low temperature, lack of sun, 100% humidity, incessant rainfall. And all this for almost two weeks in a row. The "black fire" raged more and more harmfully, capturing more and more new greenhouses and greenhouses. There has never been such an epidemic of late blight in my memory!

What a pity that during this period the relevant state services responsible for plant protection kept deathly silence! As a result, tens of thousands of summer residents were left without a harvest, and the nearest ravines and forests were littered with tons of rotting black tomatoes.

Personally, for the first time in my life I saw phytophthora in my greenhouses on such a scale. It must be admitted that biological remedies (Alirin-B, Gamair, Fitosporin) could not fully withstand the onslaught of a pathogenic fungus. I see the use of systemic fungicides (Ridomil Gold, Profit Gold) at an early stage of the epidemic once, to stop the acute course of the disease, with the further use of the above biofungicides in therapeutic (increased) doses with the addition of an immunomodulator (Narcissus). Of course, chemical means of protection will push back the consumption of fruits by 2-3 weeks. But it's still better than a year! With the help of this arsenal, it was possible to defeat late blight. And get more than 100 kg of fruits as a reward.


The hybrids F1 Red Buffalo, F1 Partner Semko, F1 Agen, F1 Geronimo, F1 Trivet, F1 Diorange, F1 Manon, F1 Buran pleased with a good yield. Of the pink fruits, I note: F1 Masterpiece, F1 Rose, F1 Dimerosa, F1 Pandarosa, F1 Pink Rise, F1 Starrose. But the weather, admittedly, also affected the quality of the fruits - they were less sweet and more watery than usual.

Eggplant. Attention to variety

Eggplant. F1 Bibo. Photo: Igor Dunichev

The eggplant was affected by a two-week pause at the height of summer, when fruiting completely stopped. And September without the sun, which reduced fruit formation by a month. Too many days have been blotted out of the short summer. And yet there are varieties that have managed to prove themselves!


The most fruitful was the white-fruited F1 Bibo (2.6 kg per plant), which I criticized a year earlier. Shalun (gave large fruits - up to 830 g), Filimon (up to 950 g), F1 Giselle, F1 Valentina, F1 Solara, F1 Epic showed their potential perfectly. Originality shone Orissa (France) with many red small fruits (like tomatoes), Green Lao and Thai round green with small fruits of green-white color, Blanc (France), literally strewn with ovoid snow-white fruits.

Melon. Kinds of sweetness

Melon. Thai gold. Photo: Igor Dunichev

The low summer temperature on the "southerner" melons is inevitably reflected. But they are not as dependent on abundant heat as watermelons. Therefore, the weather had almost no effect on the size of the fruit - the melons turned out to be quite large. But there is a second component - sugar content. And here the lack of total temperatures has a very negative effect: almost all the fruits did not get sweetness.


Representatives of the Galia variety type were the earliest to ripen already in July: F1 Waller (2.0 kg), F1 Aikido (1.7 kg), F1 Sprinter (1.7 kg). Others ripened in August: F1 Oksana (1.8 kg), F1 Supermarket (1.7 kg), F1 Passport (2.0 kg), F1 Amal (1.9 kg), F1 Solarbel (1.8 kg) , Oka bizard (2.4 kg). The melon extravaganza in September was completed by F1 Goldie (2.5 kg), Vkusnaya 51 (2.1 kg) and the incomparable F1 Joker (1.7 kg).

Watermelon. "Solar" culture

Watermelon. Moon and stars. Photo: Igor Dunichev

Last year I tested 38 varieties and hybrids. All of them, to a greater or lesser extent, suffered from the tricks of the weather. Those fruits that were filled before the July "light show" ripened without sunbathing and lacked sweets. And young ovaries in the cold could not gain normal weight, stopping in development. Late varieties, the growth of which fell on August, did not have time to ripen before the autumn cold snap. Vicious circle!


Worthy results were shown by F1 Daytona, F1 Milady, F1 Ataman, Golden Tender, Kyrgyzstan. Watermelon Moon and Stars (USA) has a bark similar to a starry sky with a moon, and leaves that repeat the pattern on the fruit. And if you look at the Snake of Georgia, you won’t immediately understand that it’s a watermelon! His shell is exactly like a snake skin. Missouri yellow is common in appearance, but the flesh is yellow-orange with a unique taste.

Some media outlets are surprising with catchy headlines: "Growing watermelons and melons in the middle lane is easy." So it is, but only if the temperature all summer is around +30 ° C and above - as it was in 2010. I know many summer residents who try to grow watermelons and melons in the open field every year. The result is one - zilch! Even despite global warming. I recommend using greenhouses and covering materials for these southern sissies. And success will come!

From the editor.In the following issues of AiF. At the Dacha, we will continue to acquaint you with the notes of Igor Dunichev, in which he will share his experience in growing many more vegetable crops.