Last year, about a third of the crop of tomatoes on my site was spoiled by the phytoofluoro. While the mother-in-law in the garden they grew without problems. When I started to understand, it turned out that the only difference in the cultivation is to feed the tomato of milk and iodine. This is a simple tool not only defended plants from fungus, but also positively influenced the harvest.

Use natural milk

Main features:

  • Low cost of components. Milk can be bought in any food store, and iodine and so there is in every house, and it takes it very little. This means is available to any gardener and in this its main advantage.
  • High efficiency. Lactose and milk sugar insects are also in the composition of the components that have an oppressive effect on pathogenic fungi. For this reason, this option is effective as a means of phytoophulas and other fungal diseases.
  • The crop increases and the transport type of tomatoes is improved. Experienced gardeners argue that due to additional nutrition from the bush is removed by 20-30% more harvest. At the same time, tomatoes have an attractive appearance and ripen an order faster.
  • Absolute security. The remedy does not harm the environment and human health. If you are important to feed your seven eco-friendly products, and you move away from chemistry, then this option will have to be likewise.
  • Possibility of frequent use. Use a mixture of water, milk and iodine can so often as necessary. For example, if you spray tomatoes and then rained, you can repeat the work on the next day and it is not afraid that the soil and plants will be oversaturated with chemicals.
  • Easy use. Make a mixture forces even a novice gardener, everything is very simple and easy. Even if the proportions are broken, no problems will arise. Does not need a special packaging and means of protection, which is very important when working in greenhouses.

Process once a week in raw periods

Stage 1. Prepare everything you need

Milk.It is best suited to a natural, not pasteurized version, since there is a maximum of bacteria. You can buy such milk on the market. If there is no such possibility, choose an option in the store with a little shelf life.

Iodine. Used the most common composition from the pharmacy.

Water. Ideally, it should be worthy of at least a day and have ambient air temperature.

Capacity for cooking. Use a convenient option, most often used regular buckets for 10 liters

Stage 2. Add iodine

Pour in a bucket of 9 liters of water.Special accuracy is not needed if it is a little more or a little less - not scary.

Add 15 drops of iodine. The easiest way to use a pipette or syringe. Drink directly from the bottle is not very convenient and you can shed means.

Mix the composition thoroughly. Keep in mind that the alcohol solution of iodine does not dissolve in water, and is distributed over the surface with a thin layer, therefore it will not be possible to achieve the ideal result

Stage 3. Add milk

Measure a liter and pour into water with iodine. Mix well to uniform color of the solution.

Prepare a means immediately before use. Do not do it too much, with the time the properties of the solution deteriorate.

Stage 4. Halong the root plants

Conduct the first processing 2 weeks after disembarking.Use the bucket or other container to make it easy to dose liquid.

Pour from 250 to 500 ml on the plant depending on its size. It is best if there is a small recess and the liquid will not be spread through the soil.

Carry out work after sunset in dry weather. This concerns both watering and spraying. Before you feed the tomatoes, look at the forecast. It is desirable that at least 2 days there are no rain

Stage 5. Spray plants

Pour a solution into a spray. For small areas, the household option is suitable, for significant - garden equipment.

Process plants from all sides. It is important to apply the tool so as to cover the maximum surface of the leaves and stalks.

Repeat processing every 2 weeks in a dry period. When it is wet and periodically come rain, it is advisable to conduct a weekly processing.

So that in conditions of dampness, the solution is better to hold on the surface, add a few grated soap into it.

Use proceed milk

There are other variants of solutions that can be used:

  • Take 2 liters of milk or other dairy products. Add a glass of sugar there and mix well. Divide this mixture in the bucket of water and spray plants. This option is good to increase yield and substantial acceleration of the ripening time of the tomato.
  • Use serum. It can be collected in the manufacture of cottage cheese or polling the sour milk, and can be purchased in the store. Dilute the composition of water in proportion 1: 1 and abundantly treat the tomatoes during the purple of phytoofluorosis. You can add 10 drops of iodine on the water bucket. Milk serum is cheaper, which is also important.
  • Give milk to contact. After that, it is diluted with water with iodine about the same as described above. This option is good in that it has many fermented bacteria, which inhibit small foci of phytoophulas much better. When using the sprayer, the composition is necessarily fastened.
  • Dilute in bucket water liter kefir. Then add 10 drops of iodine and carry out processing. Some enrich the composition of boric acid, can I do that? Personally, I advise you to make it separately.

In the garden, the country's dacha and even in the apartment of the plant every year suffer from the attack of Tly. During the "close acquaintance" of a person with a voracious pest accumulated a large number of drugs and folk recipes for protection. One of the safe and effective means against the Tly - spraying with milk and iodine.

When and how to apply

In order for spraying against the pest with milk and iodine, the maximum helped and did not harm the plants, it is necessary to adhere to simple processing rules:

  • apply only freshly prepared solution;
  • do not exceed the dosage so as not to provoke burn with iodine young shoots;
  • do not spray plants located under the right sunlight, wait, when the sun leaves the site or carry out a process in the morning;
  • to prepare, use milk with a low fatness percentage (oily film prevents air exchange in plant tissues);
  • it is evenly applied to the entire surface of the shoots, including on the back side of the leaves.

The folk agent has 2 disadvantages that are reflected on the features of application. The solution is washed off by rain, so spraying must be repeated after falling out of precipitation. Milk with iodine causes the death of only adult individuals, the effects do not apply to the eggs. In this regard, after a few days after processing, the next generation may be hatched, which should also be destroyed.

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Cooking recipes

Traditional composition for processing different cultures based on milk and iodine:

  • 100 ml of milk with fat content not higher than 2.5%;
  • 0.5 cube iodine (or 25-30 drops);
  • 1 liter of outstanding clean water.

Initially, a dairy product and iodine is mixed in a separate container. The components are thoroughly stirred to the formation of a homogeneous yellowish liquid. The mixture is transfused into a sprayer with 1 liter of water. Take up again and proceed to processing.

On a note! Accuracy should be taken when working with a solution, which includes iodine. Purchased spots may remain on clothes and skin.

It is possible to use milk and iodine from aphids on any cultures. In addition, contact with the drug leads to pest death, iodine-containing solutions have an antiseptic property. The dairy product leaves a thin protective film on the shoots, which not only prevents the nutrition of the Tly, but also prevents the fungus to penetrate into healthy plant tissues.

Gardeners are not rarely brought into the classic recipe small changes. For example, a stickiness solution is added due to the use of chips of the economic soap (30 g per 1 liter of liquid). Soap film allows you to extend the protective properties of spraying.

In the recipe you can use not only milk from the Tly. Dairy serum is suitable for the struggle against the pest.

  • 1 liter serum (sold in ordinary grocery stores);
  • 60 g of chips of a tar or economic soap;
  • 1 tsp. iodine;
  • 10 liters of outstanding water.

First, serum and iodine are connected so that the ingredients formed a homogeneous mixture of a saturated yellow color. Pour into the tank with water, the soap is added and stirred again until all components dissolve in water. The result is an efficient and safe means.

Dairy serum from Tsi can be applied under undiluted. The high concentration of amino acids repels the pest, prevents the development of fungal diseases and saturates seedlings with useful elements.

Application for different plants

The folk remedy for milk and iodine practically practically on any cultures. You can process landings in the greenhouse, in the garden and at home. Spraying with a solution eliminates Tsi:

  • indoor flowering and decorative deciduous plants;
  • vegetable crops - cucumbers, peppers, zucchini, cabbage, etc.;
  • fruit trees - apple tree, plum, pear, cherry;
  • blooming garden crops - roses, peonies, lilies.

The earlier the pest will be detected, the faster and more efficiently will be able to destroy it. Aphids on the plot are ants that feed on the sweet pest discharges. Young leaflets and buds of plants represent the greatest interest for the sucking insect. In the first place it is necessary to inspect them. On cucumbers and other mudflows, fastened from the bottomside of the leaves, where to detect it is not so easy.

For all gardeners and gardens, it is important to obtain a large and high-quality harvest, while without the use of chemical fertilizers and stimulants. In the case of the cultivation of tomatoes, tomato spraying with iodine with milk is becoming increasingly popular. Of particular importance is the fact that this method in a small dosage is harmless to both the plant and a person.

By itself, such an element like iodine for tomato seedlings does not play any role for growth and development. If it is missing or not in all, the plant will not notice this. So why is it necessary? The element has a stimulating effect, since it improves the absorption and absorption of nutrients, helps to activate the protective forces of the plant in the fight against diseases.

There are several ways to enter iodine to vegetable cultures. Plants receive it from the Earth or with fertilizers - root or extraordinary treatments. It should be borne in mind that most often the presence or absence of this element is unknown, because it is not specifically added.

If we consider soil depending on the level of saturation by this element, you can select rich and poor soils. To rich include:

  • peat tundra;
  • reds and chernozem;
  • chestnut soils.

Poor are as follows:

  • serozia and forest soils;
  • podzolic;
  • solonians;
  • burosemes.

Before artificially saturate the plants with feeding, it is necessary to take into account the soil in which they grow, introduced fertilizers. Iodine-containing are: manure, peat, ash peat and wood, phosphoritic flour. If there is a suitable soil or feeding, the spraying of tomatoes with milk with iodine is produced only in case of problems that can suggest the need for action.

Such advocate:

  • reducing the usual level of yield or a significant decrease in the size of fruits while maintaining normal care;
  • later fruiting;
  • low seedlism immunity: their bad growth, disease, death;
  • the appearance of fungal diseases;
  • manifestation of iodine deficiency: weak thin stems, pale leaves.

Such a fertilizer for tomatoes as a feeding of iodine will help solve the difficulties.

Influence of iodine on seedlings

Most often, the element is used as a good assistant only seedlings of tomatoes before the appearance of uncess - later it is not recommended. During this period, it helps vegetable culture to gain nutrients. In itself, this substance is not a feeding. This is a powerful antiseptic, the use of which helps to cope with rot, fungal diseases, disinfect seeds. Of particular importance is the prevention of viral diseases.

Milk for vegetable culture

The use of milk in combination with tomatoes is only a positive effect. First, it is an environmentally friendly product. Secondly, it is saturated with many useful substances that are absorbed by vegetable with growth. Thirdly, the composition of milk is present amino acids, activating the growth of the plant.

All this contributes to improving metabolic processes, better absorption of nutrients. Therefore, the greatest effect in the case of tomatoes can be obtained using milk solutions in the process of growth and formation of fruits.

Supporting with a solution can be both root and extraxorno - each of them will have an impact: the root - saturate with useful microelements of the soil, and the extraxarrow - protect against pests.

Most of all, the raw milk is suitable for these purposes, but if there is no possibility of it, it is used and a pasteurized product or yard is used. The dairy serum is often used, which is formed during the jam. The most effective will be the processing of specially prepared solution, which has a comprehensive impact.

Milk with iodine

Wonderful extractive feeding - treatment of tomatoes with milk with iodine. This method additionally helps to protect them from pests, since almost all insects do not carry lactose and milk sugar. After the procedure of spraying on the surface of the leaves, a film is formed that does not allow penetrating inside the pathogens of many diseases. This method is especially useful in combating fungal lesions.

The mixture is prepared as follows: 4 liters of water and 1 liter of milk are taken, where 15 drops of iodine are added. About how to water the tomatoes with iodine, let's talk later.

Features of application

The treatment with a solution can be produced for tomatoes in a greenhouse or growing in open ground. But at the same time it is necessary to comply with some conditions:

  • there must be no straight sun rays;
  • watering seedlings are produced in the morning or in the evening;
  • the weather should be dry and windless, otherwise the mixture stalks from the leaves;
  • the best air temperature for this procedure is about 18 degrees.

It is important because the treatment with iodide solution in hot or sunny weather, as well as the wrong dosage, can lead to the appearance of burns on the surface of the leaves.

Ideally, the plant should "enhance" the cloud from the mixture and evenly allocate all over the seedling, for which the spraying of the tomato with iodine is produced using a finely dispersed pulverizer.

It is important and observing processing time. For the first time it is produced in 2 weeks after disembarking. The best period is July, since it is at this time an active growth occurs. Next, the procedure is repeated with an interval of 14 days if the vegetable does not bother. With the appearance of action problems will be different.

You can feed the seedlings in the event that there are no problems, but the plants are growing in the "poor" soil. This will help add nutrients and serve as a prevention of disease.

Do it as follows:

  1. For the first time, to bore tomatoes with a solution should be at the level of seedlings. To do this, on the water bucket take 1 liter of milk and 15 drops of iodine mortar. Spray seedlings need completely.
  2. Then feeding the tomatoes iodine is made after disembarking into the ground. You need to feed the mixture of 5 liters of water, 1 liter of milk and 10 drops of iodine solution. Bushes are processed before flowing. You can repeat the procedure after 3 days.
  3. During fruiting seedlings, the tomato processes if necessary every 2 weeks with a serum with iodine.

Benefit when dealing with diseases: phytoftor

This iodide method of struggle is particularly effective in combating fungal diseases. This will help when the "brown spot", "gray rot", "tobacco mosaic virus", a fusarious fading.

A particularly common problem is a fungal infection for the name "phytoofluoride": when the disease spread and tightening with measures can die up to 70% of the total harvest.

The pathogen is distributed by disputes, and signs of the appearance of the disease are:

  • dark spots on the back of the leaves;
  • the leaves become brown and dry;
  • fruits gradually black.

Infected parts of the plant almost impossible to save. They are removed, removed and burned or get rid of the same plant from the whole plant. Fire helps prevent the spread of the dispute. Favorable conditions for the development of this disease are limestone soils and high humidity, therefore the greenhouse needs to be aircraft as often as possible. Weak plants are subject to the greatest danger of infection, which lack nutrients.

All methods of struggle are based on environmental disinfection. The principle of spraying for seedlings of tomatoes and adult plants will be approximately the same. Since iodine is an antiseptic, and the milk has an acidic environment that is destructive for phytophors, this method is suitable as it is impossible.

To stop spreading phytoophulas, spraying seedlings should be carried out regularly, preferably every day. After that, we should not water vegetables.

Mixtures use different:

  • water and serum shot of milk in a 1: 1 ratio;
  • water, milk and iodine in the following proportion - 1 bucket / 1 liter / 15 drops;
  • 0.5 liters of milk and 10 drops of iodine.

They can be alternating with other methods that do not contain iodine as fertilizer. It will be even more efficient than the use of only one method. Thus, to obtain a good harvest, it is not necessary to spend big funds, because you can do inexpensive undergraduate ways.

Successful ways to combat phytoophluorosis tomatoes are worried almost all gardeners. Spraying planting milk solutions with iodine is a practical and reliable folk method, which is applied not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of this disease.

Iodine is extremely necessary for all living things. This is a trace element, with which plants are better absorbed from the soil nitrogen connections - one of the most important for their nutrition and development.

The need for iodine has different vegetables. But it is tomatoam that such a feeding is necessary, especially if the soil of the site is a podzolic, peat or serous, in which this substance is not enough.

The main advantage of iodine is its antibacterial and antiseptic effect. Disinfecting, destroying fungi and microorganisms, he:

  • strengthens the stability of tomatoes to diseases;
  • increases the shelf life of the crop;
  • fights with the appearance of rot.

The iodine is effective in combating many infections, but it is especially important that it can prevent, and in some cases and keep the development of phytoofluorosis - a disease that can destroy a significant part of the crop of tomatoes.

At tomatoes thanks to iodine:

  • promise is actively developing;
  • increases yield;
  • rapid crop faster;
  • great healthy frigues.

If 0.1% by iodine solution to treat the seeds of tomatoes, the risk of infection of future plants will significantly reduce. The iodine contributes to the fact that the seeds of tomatoes germinate together, and the seedlings are fully developed and are well sued after the transplant.

To protect the tomatoes from infection, the soil is shedding with water with the addition of iodine - 3 drops on the bucket. In some cases, a stronger solution is used - a drop of iodine by 3 liters of water.

You can periodically place open bubbles with a solution of iodine in the greenhouse. This will remain the necessary concentration of the vapor of this substance in the air.

The presence of a sufficient amount of iodine in mature tomatoes has a beneficial effect on the health of people. Therefore, under the root of each bush, how the fertilizer periodically make an aqueous solution of iodine (5 drops per liter).

Processing and feeding with iodine solutions - subject to the necessary concentration - safe and for vegetation, and for people.

After cooking, the iodine solution is used immediately, since this substance is easily evaporated.

Value of dairy subcord

In milk, there are almost all minerals needed for the vital activity of plants:

  • calcium and potassium;
  • phosphorus and sulfur;
  • magnesium and sodium;
  • phosphates and chlorides.

In dairy products a lot of amino acids that help rapid growth of stems, leaves and fruits.

Under the action of milk feeding:

  • useful substances are actively assimilated;
  • improving the taste of fruits;
  • aligns the acid-alkaline balance of the soil.

The milk solution sprayed over the leaves prevents the spread of bacteria. Kefir, Prostokvash, serum act even more efficiently. The fact is that the disputes of the fungus in an acidic environment are dying.

Decaying, dairy products become an organic dressing for the bushes of tomatoes and greeping fruits.

It is not necessary to take milk, which even in the refrigerator does not blame for a long time, because the proper effect of processing does not work in such a product. Most of all useful components in cheese milk. But pasteurized dairy products, although they lose some of the necessary properties during the processing process, are also effective in use.

Very favorably acts on tomatoes of dairy serum. It is bred by water in the proportion of 1: 3 and spray tomato bushes in its pure form or with the addition of grated economic soap. This composition does not constitute the leaves longer, while maintaining a protective film.

Dairy serum is formed in the process of separating the acidic milk. The process can be accelerated, having warmed the prokobvash on low heat.

Milk with iodine

Combining milk with iodine to combat fungi and microorganisms, gardeners are several times the effectiveness of each of these substances taken separately. During treated plants become protected from viral diseases.

A mixture of milk with iodine scares from tomatoes and some pests, for example, tort.

For tomatoes, spraying with such a solution is absolutely harmless. Gardener conducted by this work does not need protection, and the soil is not infected with the pesticides.

Cooking and proportion recipes

Processing milk and iodine is better to produce regularly throughout the season.

Milk-iodine fertilizer is especially useful in July when amino acids are required for growth.

Three-speed feeding to strengthen tomatoes:

  1. The graceful seedlings are once watered with a warm solution: a bucket of outstanding water, 15 drops of iodine, a liter of milk (sources). They pour only to Earth, not on sprouts.
  2. Really fertilize after disembarking on a plot of a stronger solution: 10 drops of iodine and a liter of milk are added to the half of the water bucket (yoke). Do it no earlier than 10 days after landing, but before the start of flowering, pouring under the bustice about half of the liter composition.
  3. With the beginning of the ripening of fruits, such a solution can be added twice a week to other fertilizers.

During the summer it is useful to spray tomatoes every 2 weeks with a mixture:

  • water - 10 l;
  • iodine tincture - 15 drops;
  • milk - 1 l.

Everything is thoroughly stirred, applied to the leaves and fruits using a spray gun.

Spraying of unpasteurized serum:

  • warm water - 9 l;
  • serum - 1 l;
  • iodine - 20 drops.

To enhance the action, you can add a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide to this mixture.

To combat microorganisms and feeding, the composition is effective:

  • milk - 1 l;
  • iodine - 15 drops;
  • water - 4 liters.

This is the norm for one tomato bush.

How to handle tomatoes

After planting a tomato in the greenhouse, they need to give time to adapt, so iodine-based funds are applied no earlier than in 10-14 days.

In the future, it is worth adhere to the rules:

  • tomatoes should be treated regularly every 2 weeks;
  • any action with solutions containing iodine are carried out after the preliminary watering of the soil;
  • do it in dry weather strictly in the morning or in the evening, when the sun has not yet risen high or already began to descend;
  • spraying can only be mad weather;
  • in the greenhouse, such compounds are used less frequently than in open areas;
  • the greenhouse after working with water and its solutions is necessarily ventilated.

The optimal temperature of the air during action with such solutions is 18-20 degrees.

Prevention of phytoophulas

Phytooftor - fungus, causing the death of tomatoes. The disease is developing by the end of summer, when the air becomes cool and wet, and the night temperatures are lowered below +10 degrees. If you do not take action, the disease will spread to all the bushes of tomatoes, tomatoes turn and become unbearable.

For the prevention of disease with phytoofluorosis, and even more so when its first signs appear, tomatoes each evening spray with the composition for 10 days:

  • dairy serum - 1 l;
  • iodine - 40 drops;
  • hydrogen peroxide - 1 tbsp. l.

At the initial stage of the disease, the solution is used by phytoophluorosis:

  • water temperature of 20 degrees;
  • iodine - 40 drops;
  • serum - 1 l;
  • hydrogen peroxide - 20 ml.

To obtain a more acidic solution, you can make a mixture without water:

  • iodine - 10 drops;
  • milk (Prostokwash, serum) - half-liter.

You can conduct a weekly spraying kefir:

  • water - bucket;
  • iodine - 10 drops;
  • kefir (stood in a warm place) - 1 liter.

The effect of this mixture will not give to develop malicious microbes.

Three-speed method of protecting tomatoes from phytophors:

  1. The first time the Earth under the bushes of tomatoes is watered with a solution: Warm water - 10 l, sour milk - half-liters, iodine - 2 ml. Under the plant contribute half the liter of this composition.
  2. After 2 weeks, the amount of iodine takes the same amount of water, but the milk is 1 liter. And under the bush, more solutions are already poured - liter.
  3. Poland is left for spraying. For this, it is bred by an equal amount of water. Immediately conduct processing.

Tested by many gardeners the method of treating tomatoes growing in film greenhouses:

  • warm water - bucket;
  • milk (serum) - 1 l;
  • iodine - 20 drops;
  • boric acid - 5 g (pre-dissolve in a glass of water).

Tomato bushes are better to spray twice, with a break in 2 weeks.

In case of signs of phytoophluorosis, to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, tomatoes are treated with a solution of milk with iodine every 3 days within a month.

Sometimes the spraying of iodine is required daily. This is especially true in rainy weather for tomatoes planted on an open soil, because with such weather, milk and iodine are quickly washed off from leaves and fruits.

If tomatoes are healthy, and it seems that there are no prerequisites for diseases, tomatoes still should be processed for prophylaxis. And it is better to do it every month.

Efficious foods do not give to develop most viruses and fungi, from which the yield of tomatoes suffers. In conjunction with iodine, this mixture not only has a preventive effect, but also fights with the already beginning disease.