Exactly 30 years ago, the film "Men! .." was released, which became the hallmark of the popular actor

Handsome and stately Alexander Mikhailov is a hero for all time. He created images of real men on the screen - charming, strong and reliable, always finding the right way out of any delicate situation, causing awe and admiration among the fair sex. Remember his roles in the films "Men! ..", "Love and Pigeons", "Snakes", "Lonely are provided with a hostel." But in life, as it turned out, coping with problems is much more difficult than in the movies. The actor was convinced of this when, after 30 years of family life with the daughter of Admiral of the Fleet Vera Musatova, whom he met at the institute, fell in love with another. Mikhailov's chosen one was the economist Oksana, 23 years younger than him. They met in a common company of actors of the Yermolova Theater. When a young woman was widowed, Mikhailov was one of the first to call and support her. Then Alexander needed Oksana's help. Mikhailov was leaving on tour, and at that time it was necessary to take care of his mother, since the parent did not communicate with her daughter-in-law. Their relationship lasted six years, until Mikhailov decided to leave the family. Most of all, he was worried about how the son from his first marriage would perceive the divorce, so Alexander and Oksana officially registered the relationship only before the birth of a common child, the daughter of Akulina. The last time Alexander Yakovlevich became a father was at the age of 58, and at his current 66 he is still full of strength and energy.


- Alexander Yakovlevich, you look good for your age ...

The strong genes of my ancestors, the Old Believers, are showing. I am not particularly involved in health, and I had serious problems. I was dying, lying in a coma, but the Lord brought me back from there. I will not go into details - I promised not to talk about it. He returned and said to himself: I set a goal to live up to 85 years without insanity, and then as God wills. Recruited students. Now I have 30 children and a grandson. 26 students and four of their children. I am a rich man!

Tell me about yours...

There is an eldest son Kostya from his first marriage, an illegitimate daughter Nastya. She is a second-year student at VGIK, she is 18 years old, a tall beauty. Dries on the stage, wants to be an artist. The youngest Akulina is nine years old. Plus, the stepson Vladislav is the child of Oksana's second wife from her first marriage. He calls me dad, I call him son. Vlad lost his own father at the age of three.

- His father is your friend actor Vladimir Vasiliev?

We worked in the same theater. And then, when he died after a stroke, Oksana became my second wife.

- I read that the first wife cannot forgive you for leaving the family after 30 years of marriage ...

Nonsense, nonsense! This is not true. We're fine. Yesterday we called her. I don't lose touch with my first wife. And I support her financially, and communicate with her and with her son Kostya. They did not part as enemies. Of course, she cannot forgive me for some things, but everything is fine.

Your eldest son Konstantin, now a well-known radio host, once studied at the acting department, daughter Nastya is studying to be an actress. Did you support the children in their desire to continue the acting dynasty?

Tried to dissuade. I do not wish them such a fate, but they did not listen.

Here is the youngest - ready artist. Plastic, but how she sings! Declares: "I will be an actress and a singer!". To which I told her: “I will flog!”. If her desire passes - well, if it doesn’t pass - well, what can you do ...

I dissuade everyone from the acting profession. It doesn't come down to applause, flowers and walking down the red carpet at festivals. This is a huge, monstrous work! And a lot of stress. Out of thousands, dozens, maybe hundreds, become famous through films and successful theatrical works.

About 200 people graduate from acting universities every year. God forbid, 15-25 people are arranged according to their specialty. The rest remain unemployed. A huge role is played by His Majesty the case - a meeting with the director, with a venerable actor who will help. If there is God's gift, fire, self-giving, well, the actor should not be with a "cold nose". This is a person who forgets about many things and devotes himself to work with all his heart. But there are not many people like, for example, Vasily Shukshin or your Ivan Gavrilyuk.


Alexander Yakovlevich, you are one of the most filmed artists of Soviet cinema, you rarely appear on screens lately ...

Yes, for many years I generally refused roles, because they offered scenarios where this one had to be killed, that one should be shot. Shoot for what? If I see that according to the scenario there is a conflict between cops and bandits, mountains of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, I am not interested. When killing a person is like blowing your nose, how can I agree to this?

To date, I have 70 films and 61 works in the theater behind me - they give me the right to defend my position.

But you have to live on something...

Yes, I'm not rich. I have no savings, no dacha. 12 acres of land, a garage and a bathhouse built - that's all. But I do not complex because of this. The Lord did not give the devil two things: a sense of proportion and a sense of shame. It is on shamelessness and immensity that we all burn. The more you have, the more you want. Quickly “hap-hap!”, and he is already walking over corpses, ready to swallow alive, drink blood. This is where it all ends. After all, a person is born once. In terms of galactic time, we live only two and a half minutes. During these two and a half minutes, you need to try not to humiliate anyone, not offend anyone, to do something warm and good - this is my life principle.

I refuse, although the last time they gave 50 thousand dollars for 15 minutes of work. 15 minutes!!!

- What a tempting offer!

Well, yes! With that kind of money, you can live in perfect order for two years. Buy a car right now. But I know what advertising is. My friend agreed - I won't give his last name - to star in the video. I feel bad for him. Maybe I'm an idiot, the last of the Mohicans, but I absolutely do not understand why washing powder should be advertised to a great actress!

I know that I will appear in a commercial, and some aunt Nyura in my village will say: “But I believe Alexander Yakovlevich, he starred in moral films.” By this I will betray myself, and then her. It's easier for me to take my seven-string guitar, stand in the passage and earn a living in such an honest way.

- Who discovered you as a film actor?

There were no openings. There was the first film, the second, the third - boring work. Then the director Valera Lonskoy invited me to the film “Arriving”, and from that moment a new stage in my film career began, they began to offer me more serious roles, and not young, naive and sugary ones ... And it started to spin. I don’t want to cry into my vest: they say, I didn’t reach the heights, something really passed by - I didn’t star in Andrei Tarkovsky, Sergei Bondarchuk, or Vasily Shukshin. There were meetings with these truly unique directors, but somehow they didn’t get in.

Shukshin even wanted to shoot me in Stenka Razin, but he didn’t have time, he left for another world.

It seems to me that it’s a sin for you to complain about acting fate, you are very popular. By the way, hasn't popularity gone to your head?

I remember very well the phrase of Edita Piekha: "Throw off the crown more often." I didn’t have such a feeling: I woke up famous, I felt like a star, I walk like a king. No, I didn't grow wings.

At first it was pleasant: “Oh, they will recognize you!”. Then it turns into a disaster. Let's say, after the film "Men! .." in any public catering, a battery of bottles of champagne and vodka was put in front of me. If he refused to drink, it came to a fight: “You don’t respect us, you’re not a man.” Wherever you go, immediately: "Let's drink!". It was possible to simply sleep, which happened to many of my friends.


- What helped to resist the temptations of life, to throw off the crown from your head in time?

Upbringing. My grandfather was from the White Guard. When he was dying, I was six years old, he said: “Shurka, remember. Love the Motherland Russia more than anything in your life. If necessary, give your life for her. Give your heart to people, give your soul to the Lord God, save honor for yourself. Repeat". I repeated. I will not give honor to anyone, not for any pennies. It's the most expensive thing. I'm not ashamed to look people in the eye. Life is given to a person once, and it must be lived with dignity.

I also have a good maritime school. I was 17 and a half years old when after the flight we returned to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. I was the youngest of the team and my friend had a birthday. Everyone was invited to a restaurant. I drank very well. Two sailor friends dragged me by the arms into the cabin. Soon the boatswain entered. I remember it vaguely. He lifted me by the scruff of the neck and kissed me well with his fist.

Two days later he comes to me again: “Well, have you recovered?”. And I’m so offended: “Why are you me? Well, I drank... Everyone goes through it.” - “Sanya, you are the youngest on the ship. A lot of these guys have passed through my hands. Remember three things: know with whom to drink, when and how much. If you don't remember, you'll get drunk and die." Years have passed, but I still remember.

- Alexander Yakovlevich, for a long time you refused to act in the film "Men! ..". Why?

Yes, they offered three times, and I refused three times. Then I met the hero from whom the script was written, and I realized: I need to play. He is a good man, clean, decent, bright, real. The movie turned out, although no one expected such a success. Because there is a story about the beauty of the human soul. A friend asks my hero: “Why do you need this? He took care of three children. Two strangers." And he answered: “You think small. I need it more than they do. I need to give my warmth. They will grow up as normal decent people.”

After the release of "Men! .." I received a huge number of letters from children. I remember the scribbles of one girl: “Uncle Pasha (after the name of the hero), thank you for the film“ Men! .. ”. My dad saw the picture yesterday and bought me a chocolate bar. Hooray!". I mentally imagined this dad, sometimes drinking ...

The second landmark film in your acting biography is Love and Doves. When you hear the name of this picture, what are the most vivid associations?

The atmosphere was very good on set, a bit hooligan. All this was done with love, easy, fun. There was no such thing as: “Play only this way, and not otherwise!”. In this sense, Volodya Menshov is a great artist. He could say: "Let's do things differently, on the contrary." And he started filming.

There are a lot of oddities in the picture, which at first surprise, and then you treat it normally. For example, why do flowers suddenly bloom on trees? Or does the artist enter the house with a whole orchestra? These are the images that carry meaning.

- Is it true that shooting in this picture almost cost you your life?

Yes, it was in Batumi. We were filming a scene when my hero after the words: “Well, happily stay” falls with a suitcase in his hands into the open sea. We did six or seven takes. I had six spare dry sets of shirts and suits. But the tie - only one! Under water, two divers helped me undress, they literally tore off my clothes - there was not enough time! - and I surfaced already in family shorts.

We filmed in November - the temperature is +14, but the wind, dankness. Lyusya Gurchenko kept shouting: “Let this long Mikhailov jump faster, otherwise I’m already numb!” I jump, and Menchov gave the task to the divers: they say, fumble for a long time, you need to be five times faster! The guys, of course, had no experience of undressing under water.

After the first take, the tie was damp, it was not dried enough, and the costume designer also tightened it well for me. I again fall into the water, the divers took everything off me, grabbed my tie, and it was overwhelmed by a sea knot and did not go further than my chin. I saw the fear in the eyes of these men and I got scared myself. I try to help them but nothing works. He was already in shorts and a tie. They pull, and the knot only tightens tighter!

And I already began to choke, kicking - I hit one on the spacesuit, the other kicked with all my might in the reproductive organ. I tried to rise to the surface to breathe air, but one of the divers pulled me back by the legs and grabbed my tie again. They seemed to be mad and wanted to complete the task - to strip the actor to his underpants - at any cost. I realized that I would not swim again: a comedy could turn into a tragedy. And then he accidentally saw a knife on his side - he began to clap on it. Not immediately, but the diver still understood - he cut off the tie with a knife. This is what saved me. Then there was an ambulance, pumping out ... Long story.

With his second wife Oksana

And the third take was included in the film. The dresser has already just put on the cut tie, and the first thing the divers plucked underwater was the tie. And in one move.

What role was the hardest for you?

I was completely squeezed out by The Enchanted Wanderer based on the novel by Nikolai Leskov. Very heavy material. Heavy in every sense: emotionally, physically. But this is my favorite movie ever.

There was also the painting “Survive Until Dawn” by Vasily Bykov, after which I fell into the hospital for a year and a half. There was a difficult story. All winter filmed naked, wet, with a bloody chest. The result was bilateral pneumonia.

When was the last time you were on set?

About two years ago, in the film "Degraded" played a major role. See if there is such an opportunity. I'm not ashamed of this movie. Very interesting story.

Of the latter, there is also “Chinese Grandmother”, where I starred with Ira Muravyova and Nina Ruslanova. True, I have not yet seen the full picture, so I can not give an assessment. But for the "degraded" calm. True, it is not known whether it will hit the rental or not. Alas, today everything depends on finances, on those idiots who decide on an incomprehensible principle: good cinema is spread rot, and mediocre, which is now very much, is raised.


- Alexander Yakovlevich, you did not immediately come into acting?

I was born in the Zabaikalsky village of the Chita region. This is Eastern Siberia. Snow, cold, three-meter snowdrifts, a blizzard. I was 11 years old when I saw Aivazovsky's painting "The Ninth Wave" and was dumbfounded by this power and beauty. Since then I have been sick with the sea. I signed up with the Nakhimov School in Leningrad, ran away from home twice, and both times my mother caught me, put me in a corner on peas, and I got wet with a towel.

After graduating from seven classes, I nevertheless persuaded my mother, and we moved to Vladivostok. But a year was not enough for me to enter a sailor, so I had to go to a vocational school to study as a locksmith. Why did I choose this particular school? There, instead of a T-shirt and simple underwear, they gave a vest.

After a year of training, I ran away to the fishermen. I came on a huge ship, where there were 70 crew members, and said to the captain: "I want to be a sailor." He, already a gray-haired man, a real sea wolf, looked at me carefully: “If you want, come on. Let's go to the sea!" I was taken as an apprentice mechanic. For two years he plied the Sea of ​​Japan, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the Bering Sea, the Pacific Ocean, and the Bay of Bristol. Changed two ships. And then he was forced to write off ashore because of the tragedy that broke out in the Sea of ​​​​Japan.

Our four medium-sized fishing seiners got into icing - this is when one wave covers another and the deck is instantly covered with a crust of ice. Then again a wave - and the ice crust becomes thicker. Then again and again... The ropes are also covered with ice. The whole team with axes and crowbars goes to the skolka, only the captain gets to the helm and one minder works in the engine room. But human strength is not unlimited, the weight of ice is constantly increasing and, in the end, the vessel turns upside down with a keel.

Our ship was large in size, had a solid crew, we somehow got out of this storm, but then a lot of people died. When we arrived at the port, my mother met me at the pier and said: “Either the sea, or me!”. If it wasn't for that, I might have been promoted to captain. At sea, my soul sings.

What attracted you to acting?

Once I accidentally got to the graduation performance of graduates of the Far Eastern Institute of Arts, staged "Ivanov" by Chekhov. There I saw a talented artist Valera Priemykhov (he is known to the audience from the film "The Boys", "The Cold Summer of 1953"), and this decided my fate. I was so shocked by the performance that after it I came to say goodbye to the Pacific Ocean. I said to myself: “I will be an artist, I will do everything possible and impossible for this.”

I really stepped over many difficulties, because I was already a strong sea dog and the first two years of training I did not understand much about acting. In my second year at the institute, I was almost kicked out for incompetence, but I survived everything.

- How did your mother take your decision to become an artist?

Not very good. She is a simple woman, from the Old Believers. Although talented, artistic - she sings, plays the balalaika - but she has only two classes of the parochial school. Therefore, she did not go into explanations. Just on an intuitive level, I thought that it was none of my business: they say, you have to be a man, and acting is a female profession.

What do you dislike the most about your profession?

I am burdened by the dependence on these bastard directors, of whom there are a lot of divorced nowadays. It doesn’t give me pleasure to work now, to act in film - well, it doesn’t pull! Whether I'm tired - I don't know why. There is no interesting material, so it's boring. Today I am more interested in the North Pole, where I have visited twice. When I see bearded polar explorers running across the ice floe towards me, this is an incomparable feeling. This is my element. And all sorts of "underwater" theatrical intrigues, gossip, who is with whom, who is who - not for me, I'm leaving this ...


- Was it hard to leave the repertory theater, where you worked for many years?

No. I swear! I'm so fed up with dwarf directing...

- What do you have in mind?

The current directors, figuratively speaking, are all of short stature, and the lower such a man is, the more strongly he has developed jumping ability. These dwarfs are jumping up and down, trying to flick you on the nose all the time. Because the more mediocre a person is, the more he asserts himself.

Now I play in two entreprises. With Inna Churikova and Zinaida Sharko in the play "Old Maidens" and with Nina Usatova in "Love is not a potato, you won't throw it out the window." We travel all over Russia...

- Artists admit that you get used to the stage, you can’t live without the smell of backstage ...

Someone like. At first, yes, you can’t, and then troubles and gossip begin. I left painlessly. I was called to four theaters, but I don’t want to go back to this sewer again. Do not want!

I am such a lone wolf in fact: I like to communicate with nature, the sea one on one. I can sit for hours on the shore or walk in the taiga. I feel good and interesting on the ice. There is a limited number of quiet men. I like to sit and listen when they sing beautifully or speak well, think deeply. You sit and think: “Oh, Lord, what a beauty! This is how she saves the world. Beauty and shame.

You appear to be a believer...

I am an Orthodox person. But in what way was Russia dubbed? What was before Baptism? There was a Vedic, unique Russia, with a rich history. Our ancestors, six thousand years before the birth of Christ, already smelted iron and steel, owned iron.

And then Russia was baptized, and the anointed of God Ivan the Terrible for 39 years of his reign destroyed three and a half thousand people. Another - Peter I put 250 thousand souls only on the construction of one St. Petersburg. He bled the whole North! He cut off his beards and put lousy wigs on them. When he died, all of Russia rejoiced. And now everything has turned upside down: Peter is called a reformer who opened a window to Europe. Thieves climb through the window, but it was necessary to cut through the door!

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Writer Viktor Erofeev will again become a dad at the age of 70

The festival"Amurautumn",startedalreadyin15thonceinBlagoveshchensk,unique.Heresimultaneouslypassstraightawayfourcompetition:Russianfull-length,foreign,short filmsfilms and alsoenterprise.To the permanentPresidentreviewSergeiNOVOZHILOVsucceed,seemedwould,impossible -collectinoneplacesignificantrepresentativesmovie,theaterandliterature.

It was on the Amur land that the wonderful OlgaOstroumova. By the way, the People's Artist was awarded the prize "For Contribution to Russian Cinema". And the Blagoveshchensk jewelry company presented her with a brooch with diamonds. An image of a theatrical mask was applied to the decoration in a special way.

I really respect SerezhaNovozhilova- Ostroumova smiled good-naturedly. - The only thing I'm afraid of is that my husband, ValyaGaft will be jealous.

They also confessed their loyalty to Novozhilov and LarisaLuzhin, NataliaVarley, mother Olga (in the world a former actress OlgaGobzeva), TatianaKonyukhov. The latter, by the way, at the age of 85, at the first call, gets on a plane and effortlessly makes a many-hour flight from Moscow only because her “beloved Seryozha” called her.

Olga OSTROUMOVA and Andrey MARTYNOV recalled the filming of the film "... And the Dawns Here Are Quiet"

Many artists arrive a week before the start of the show and meet with residents of the most remote areas.

We returned from the village of Mogot, - says the actress of the films "To Live" and "Correction Class" OlgaLapshina. - How warmly we were met by a full hall of spectators! I was presented with silverware and a three-liter jar of lingonberries.

Sergei VARCHUK arrived in the capital of the Amur region from Anapa, where he rested at the Kinoshock festival in the company of Maria GOLUBKINA. Here all his attention was captured by Natalia EGOROVA

By the way, after the same sponsored concert in the city of Zeya IrinaTsyvin(twice widow - EvgeniyaEvstigneeva and a recently deceased businessman AlexandraBlagonravova) persuaded to take ownership of the "Far Eastern hectare". As you know, according to the All-Russian program, this right is given to any compatriot. Tsyvina was dumbfounded:

And what will I do with this hectare in the taiga, and even without male hands? - and squinted at the fives of the actor and singer DenisSerdyukov, who carefully took care of her at the festival.

The writer EROFEEV's head was spinning from the latest news

70th anniversary at the "Amur Autumn" was celebrated and VictorErofeev.

I usually try to celebrate modestly,” the writer said. - This time, as you can see, he ran away here. My wife Katya is giving birth in two months - the best gift for my anniversary. It is already known that we will have a girl.

The prose writer is now in a third marriage:

And I gave each wife a child! he is proud.

At the market, TARASOVA and KHARITONOV were treated to plenty of red caviar


actors VictoriaTarasov and OlegKharitonov, who played the day before in the entreprise "Once in the Evening", the author of these lines met at the local Chinese market.

They came to get hold of delicacies - caviar, fish, - the stars of NTV crime series began to smile. - But the main thing is that we decided to choose a new shirt for Oleg.

Oleg, like a gentleman, paid for all purchases himself

Yesterday I fell into such ecstasy that during the performance I accidentally tore it, - Tarasova specified.

While Oleg was trying on, the actress shared her personal news:

Recently, a new strong male shoulder has appeared in my life. He is a businessman in the field of sports. Don't wait for the details - I'm afraid to frighten off happiness. Let me just say that we live in different cities, but as soon as possible I go to him or he to me.

Victoria decided to surprise her new lover with Chinese lingerie

The eyes of happiness shone with another guest of the festival - a famous film critic FaithMusatova, the ex-wife of a popular actor AlexandraMikhailova, beloved by the whole country of the klutz Kuzyakin from the film "Love and Pigeons". At one time, Mikhailov and Musatova studied together at the institute in Vladivostok, where they met. At the same time, he learned the basics of his future profession and the director ValeryPryemykhov, now deceased. During the traditional laying of flowers at his monument in Blagoveshchensk, Vera Konstantinovna recalled what a wonderful friend he was and that he even once looked after her. But in the end, she gave her heart to Mikhailov. They got married, gave birth to a son, Konstantin, who is now 48 years old. But the marriage collapsed. Alexander Yakovlevich fell in love with the widow of his friend Vladimir Vasiliev Oksana and ran away from the family.

Vera Musatova and Semyon LUKANSI spent all their free time together

Vera Konstantinovna painfully long experienced this demarche of the former and only at the last "Amur Autumn" she met a young Yakut artist seedLucansi.

We are not parting in Moscow now, - Musatov glows with happiness. - Together we go to exhibitions, theaters, museums. In general, they became congenial people. A few months ago, he confessed to me that he secretly draws my portrait and that I inspire him.

The artist painted his muse - the ex-wife of the actor MIKHAILOV (in a circle) - secretly from her

At the master class of painting held within the framework of the festival, which was conducted by Semyon, his muse came first.

My two grandchildren, having learned what I'm doing here, will laugh at my grandmother, - Vera Konstantinovna began to make excuses, stirring the paints on the easel.

You do everything, and not only that, wonderfully! Lucansi smiled slyly.

Lyubov POLEKHINA broke her arm at the airport on the way to the festival, and she was put in plaster in Blagoveshchensk. Scandalous revelations of Lyubov Timofeevna about her unsuccessful marriage with a Colombian - soon on our website GOLUBKINA and GROMUSHKINA even rehearsed something on the red carpet. That's just who they are going to play, they refused to tell Irina TSYVINA and Denis SERDYUKOV believe in love at first sight

Alexander Mikhailov, whose biography is filled with career successes, life difficulties and personal ups and downs, is known to viewers from the legendary film Love and Doves. Undoubtedly, there were other bright roles in the actor's filmography, but the charming Vasily Kuzyakin is the most recognizable character. How old was Alexander Mikhailov in 2014? And what achievements in his life can he be proud of?

Childhood and youth

Mikhailov Alexander Yakovlevich is far from a minion of fate. He was born in the Trans-Baikal Territory during the war years (1944) - during the period of famine and devastation. The actor's parents divorced, and all the worries about the boy fell on the shoulders of his mother. They moved several times: first to the village of Tsugolsky Datsan in the Buryat Autonomous Okrug, then to the Steppe station, and a little later they left for Vladivostok.

Mother instilled in little Sasha a love for groovy Russian ditties and folk songs. But the future actor, like a real romantic, dreamed of sea voyages and was preparing to enter the sailor. He was not accepted into the school and had to get the specialty of a locksmith.

But Alexander was not going to give up his dream, so after the craft, he nevertheless got a job on a fishing boat. For two years of naval service, Mikhailov plied the Bering, the Sea of ​​Japan, and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. And even visited the coast of Alaska, as well as in the Bristol Bay.

But one day the guy watched one of the productions of Chekhov's play in the theater, and he had a new dream - to perform on stage.

Theatrical career

1969 is the year when Alexander Mikhailov graduated from the theater department of the Far Eastern Pedagogical Institute of Arts. The biography of the young man began to develop in a completely different direction - he found his calling.

The first place of service of the actor was the Primorsky Regional Drama Theatre. By the way, he immediately began to play the main roles there - Raskolnikov in Crime and Punishment, Prince Myshkin in The Idiot. Then Alexander went to serve in the Saratov Drama Theater, where he worked for 10 years. In 1980, he finally decides to leave for Moscow. Mikhailov at that time was already 36 years old.

But the risk was justified, and the actor was admitted to the Moscow Drama Theater. M. N. Ermolova. And in 1985 he moved to the Maly Theater, where he worked until 2004.

Filming in cinema

It so happened that in the cinema, Alexander Mikhailov, whose biography is filled with interesting events, played more roles than on the theater stage. He began filming back in 1973: his first role was Alexey Uglov, the foreman of the welding team, who turned out to be a member of the classic love triangle (the social drama “It's stronger than me”).

In 1974, the film “You Can Still Have Time” was released, in which Mikhailov again plays one of the main roles - the builder Vlasov. Then Alexander Yakovlevich embodied on the screen the image of Igor Ivanovsky in the film "To Live Until Dawn", and in 1975 he received the role of engineer Boris Rudayev in the production drama "You will find in battle."

The main roles fell on Mikhailov - one after another. He was equally good in melodramas, and in dramas, and in comedy films. The reason for this is a diverse life experience that helped in working on diverse projects.

The film "Men"

The film "Men", released in 1982, directed by Iskra Babich. This touching picture tells how the miner Pavel Zubov decides to adopt not only his own daughter, about whom he did not know anything for a long time, but also her two brothers, who were born absolutely from an outsider. Alexander Mikhailov, or rather his game - became the decoration of the film. It is still unknown whether the picture would have received such recognition in the 80s, if not for the participation of Mikhailov in it.

Meanwhile, Alexander did not immediately agree to shoot. After reading the script written by Valentin Dyachenko, the actor thought that the story looked implausible. But Dyachenko personally met with Mikhailov and told him that the plot is based on a situation that he had to go through personally.

In 1982, the picture took second place among the leaders of the Soviet box office. Leonid Brezhnev himself got acquainted with the film and personally gave the order to pay the award to Alexander Mikhailov in the amount of 5,000 rubles.

The legendary painting "Love and doves"

“Love and Doves” is the twenty-sixth picture in which Alexander Mikhailov starred. Again, the plot is based on a real story that happened in the city of Cheremkhovo, Irkutsk region.

The role of Vasya Kuzyakin in the film could be played by Yuri Kuznetsov (TV series "Streets of Broken Lights"), who successfully did this on the stage of the Omsk Theater. But the actor was busy, and the director of the picture, Vladimir Menshov, apart from Alexander Mikhailov, did not want to see anyone else in the image of the comical Kuzyakin.

Alexander Mikhailov, whose biography and career were rapidly developing at that time, was very busy, but he agreed to shoot. His partner in the film - Nina Doroshina - played the role of Nadia Kuzyakina in the Sovremennik Theater, so she started filming already well prepared. And so a wonderful on-screen duet was born, which provided the picture with a stunning success.

And although the film did not earn any special awards and prizes, it firmly entered the hearts of viewers and took pride of place in the list of classics of Soviet cinema.

Drama "Snakes"

In 1985, Alexander Mikhailov again appears on the screens already in the crime drama Zmeelov.

The hero of Mikhailov is Pavel Shorokhov, a man who decided to join the fight against shadow trade. After serving his sentence in the colony, Pavel returns to Moscow and immediately finds himself in the midst of criminal events and showdowns. He begins to conduct his own investigations and, to the best of his ability, fight economic criminals. As a result, Shorokhov, who crossed the road of the "trading" mafia, is killed in one of the street skirmishes.

Together with Mikhailov, such stars of Soviet cinema as Natalya Belokhvostikova, Leonid Markov, Svetlana Kryuchkova, Lyubov Polishchuk and others played in this film. The film received mixed reviews from critics. No one doubted the acting, but the script and director's work were criticized.

Nevertheless, the film is still of interest to the audience and is often broadcast on TV channels.

Melodrama "Bless the Woman"

"Bless the Woman" is a melodrama filmed by Stanislav Govorukhin in 2003. Actor Alexander Mikhailov played the role of sailor Yurlov in this film.

The character of Mikhailov appears in the life of the forty-year-old main character after many years of ordeals and misfortunes. Yurlov is a middle-aged positive character who is ready to give the exhausted woman everything that she was deprived of: a strong family, protection and support.

"Bless the Woman" is Mikhailov's fifty-first film work. He was almost 59 when he was in this film.

The painting by Stanislav Govorukhin won several prizes at various festivals. Alexander Mikhailov for the role of Yurlov received the Audience Award at the Vladivostok Film Festival "Pacific Meridian".

Feature film "Poddubny"

Actor Alexander Mikhailov, despite his age, actively continues to act in films. A year, several films with his participation are released on the screens. Mikhailov's last work is a role in the biographical drama "Poddubny", filmed by Gleb Orlov.

In this film, the actor plays Maxim Ivanovich - the principled, even slightly cruel father of the protagonist - wrestler Ivan Poddubny. The family lives in the Poltava province at the end of the 19th century. Maxim Ivanovich brings up his son in severity. It is the character of Mikhailov who teaches Ivan never to run away from a fight, not to complain and solve his problems on his own.

Of course, he does not support his son's decision to start a circus career. Because of this, the hero of Mikhailov cut off any contacts with Ivan Poddubny for many years. As a stubborn and principled person, he hides his love for the offspring deep, deep inside. However, he secretly rejoices at the success of his son and collects all the photos and newspaper articles dedicated to him.

The film was released on the occasion of the anniversary of Alexander Mikhailov: in 2014 he turned 70 years old.

Mikhailov and musical art

Energetic Alexander Mikhailov (the photo of the actor is a vivid confirmation that he still looks great and is ready to continue working) has another hobby, in addition to his main job. This hobby is music, namely, old romances and Russian folk songs.

In 1997, the actor collaborated with the composer Yevgeny Bednenko and compiled a whole concert program in which he performed as a vocalist. Evgeny Bednenko, Alexander Mikhailov and the Chorus group played a number of concerts on the stage of the Maly Theater, the Yermolova Theater, and also toured Russia.

In 2008, Bednenko and Mikhailov released a CD, which included compositions from the touring repertoire.

The musical creativity of Alexander Mikhailov was warmly received by the public, so the actor to this day performs at various evenings and concert venues, accompanying his own singing by playing the guitar.

public position

Alexander Mikhailov, whose photo used to be decorated only with posters, has been mentioned for some time in chronicles describing social and political movements in Russia.

Back in 2005, the actor became a member of the Union of the Russian People. The ideology of this organization echoes clericalism, monarchism and populism.

In 2006, Mikhailov, together with Mikhail Evdokimov, headed the Interregional Public Foundation, which is engaged in introducing people to the cultural and spiritual heritage of Russia, supporting sports, etc.

In 2012, Alexander Mikhailov became a member of the Public Chamber, which belongs to the Central Federal District.

In the same 2012, the actor took part in the November march of Russian nationalists, for which he was included in their ranks.

In Ukraine, Mikhailov is persona non grata due to the fact that he toured with concerts on the territory of the unrecognized LNR and DNR.

Actor Alexander Mikhailov - personal life

Mikhailov is one of those men who only become more attractive over the years. That is why his personal is an interesting topic for discussion in the press and on television. The actor has been married several times. So, the wives of Alexander Mikhailov - who are they?

The first wife of a star of Soviet cinema was a classmate at a theater institute - Vera Musatova. She has been with the actor for many years. She bore him a son, Konstantin, and decided to move with Mikhailov to Moscow. While Alexander was establishing his theatrical career, Musatova was lucky enough to get a job at Goskino.

The couple divorced after living together for about forty years. Son Konstantin during this time has already managed to unlearn at the Moscow Art Theater on the course of Oleg Tabakov and start a directing career on the radio. After the breakup of his parents, he does not communicate with his father.

Alexander Mikhailov, whose personal life is always in sight, did not comment on the divorce from his wife. And after a while he married again.

Oksana Mikhailova - wife of Alexander Mikhailov

In the 2000s, when the actor was already well over 55, he remarried a woman who was 23 years younger than him. This mysterious lady turned out to be Oksana Vasilyeva.

Previously, Oksana was married to actor Vladimir Vasiliev. But her husband passed away. Alexander Mikhailov, whose personal life was already difficult, not only married a widow, but also adopted her son from his first marriage. When the actor was already under 60, Oksana gave birth to his daughter, Akilina.

Mikhailov claims that everything is wonderful in his new family, and he and his wife have a lot in common. It turned out that before his marriage, Alexander and Oksana had been talking for 25 years, but only in a friendly way. The novel began only after the death of her husband.

Another fact from the biography of the actor struck his fans. More recently, it was discovered that Mikhailov also has an illegitimate daughter, Anastasia. At the moment, she is already graduating from VGIK and also plans to pursue an acting career. Alexander refuses to disclose the name of Anastasia's mother. But he recognized his daughter and even gave her his last name.

Name: Mikhailov Alexander

Age: 75 years old

Place of Birth: Olovyanninsky district, Trans-Baikal Territory, RSFSR, USSR

Growth: 191 cm

Activity: Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, film director and teacher. People's Artist of the RSFSR, People's Artist of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic

In the biography and personal life of actor Alexander Mikhailov (see photo below), there was everything - popularity, two families, children from different marriages and an illegitimate child. Several generations of Russian TV viewers and older people who were born in the USSR know this outstanding artist from films:

  • "Love and pigeons";
  • "Zmeelov";
  • "Guys" and many other works.

Stunning external data, an innate sense of tact and a grandiose acting talent made this handsome man a favorite of a female audience of all ages. And it all started far from being so romantic ...


The future performer of the role of a clumsy and ingenuous lover of pigeons was born in 1944, in the Trans-Baikal District. The lack of means of subsistence complicated the life of the family - the difficult post-war years made themselves felt. The father and mother divorced after numerous quarrels on domestic grounds, so all the worries about the boy fell on the shoulders of the woman. Wanting to feed the growing child, the mother of the future celebrity was forced to change her place of residence several times, and finally, the miniature family settled in Vladivostok.

Alexander Mikhailov, photo

This explains Alexander Yakovlevich's love for the sea - from the seventh grade, the guy dreamed of working on ships plowing the endless expanses of the oceans. However, the young man growing up without a father could not go to the naval school. Therefore, he entered the craft, the course of a ship repairman.

This gave the boy the opportunity, after graduation, to get a job on a fishing vessel and challenge the northern waters - for two years of service, his ship visited the Japanese, Bering, and Okhotsk seas. The actor also recalls his impressions of visiting Alaska and Bristol Bay.

Love for the theater and first family

By chance, a young worker of the fishing flotilla of Vladivostok got to the showing of the graduation performance of the students of the local theater university. And he decided, by all means, to enter the Far Eastern Pedagogical Institute of Arts. This decision not only changed the personal life and biography of the actor Alexander Mikhailov (see photo below), but also gave him a family - a wife and a son.

Vera Musatova

For more than 10 years, a graduate of the theater course worked in provincial theaters. The texture of a tall, stately man turned out to be in demand in classical dramas - the first success came to Mikhailov after the hero of Dostoevsky, brilliantly played by him.

success and divorce

The talented actor quickly gained popularity and soon moved to the capital at the invitation of the Yermolova Theater. The family did not live well, but was famous in the acting environment for its hospitality. Mikhailov's theater colleague Vladimir Vasilyev often came here with his beautiful wife. Therefore, when a family friend died of a stroke, Oksana's frequent visits to Mikhailov's mother did not surprise anyone.

With wife Oksana

It is worth noting that the parent for an adult Alexander Mikhailov has always been an authority - he did not forget how much effort it took for a single mother to put her son on his feet in the cold northern region. Therefore, the actor first confessed to her about his feelings for the young widow - as you know, the woman frankly disliked the wife of her beloved and only son.

The daughter-in-law was very popular in the cinema, she worked a lot, so her mother-in-law considered her an unsuitable match for the actor Alexander Mikhailov. This opinion subsequently played an important role in the personal life and biography of a man who decided overnight to cross out 30 years of marriage and wanted to start a family and children with a new chosen one (see photo below).

The son of the artist from his first marriage could not forgive him for such a betrayal - he still does not communicate with his father and does not want to know anything about his life. The ex-wife, recovering from the shock, plunged headlong into work.

New family

The couple registered their relationship in 2001, while Mikhailov adopted the child of his chosen one from his first marriage - the son of Vlad. And in 2002, the new wife gave the actor a joint child - daughter Akilina. The wife works as a doctor, maybe that's why the family has finally come to the prosperity that the artist's mother dreamed of for so long.

In recent years, the illegitimate daughter of Mikhailov, Anastasia, has also reminded of herself. It turns out that the artist for a long time did not even suspect about its existence. And the girl’s mother did not want to impose herself on her unfaithful lover and spoke about Anastasia’s biological parent, having learned that her daughter was going to study at a theater university. The artist himself did not refuse paternity and even officially gave her his last name.

What is the artist doing now?

Currently, the actor Alexander Mikhailov, whose personal life and biography is full of passions and popularity, continues to be a sought-after performer in theater and cinema. He works hard, is actively involved in social activities, but does not forget about his family and children (photos of the artist’s relatives can be seen below).

The artist is filming social activities

A special place in the work of the famous artist is occupied by Russian folk songs and romances - their mother sang code to their beloved son. The artist did a great job collecting material from his native places, and in 1997 he presented his first solo program. Composer Yevgeny Bednenko helped him prepare the performance.

Since that distant time, Mikhailov has not parted with the guitar, trying to participate not only in private musical performances, but also in numerous television shows.

The active public position of Alexander Mikhailov deserves special attention. He is an ardent supporter of Russian nationalism and actively supports the policies of V.V. Putin. For this reason, the artist performed a lot in the Crimea after the reunification of the peninsula with mainland Russia. The actor is a frequent guest in the self-proclaimed Ukrainian republics of the LPR and DPR, supporting the desire of the inhabitants of Donbass for independence.