Orchid "Angel"(Habenaria Grandifloriformis) - there are about 800 species that grow on every continent, except Antarctica, in all climatic zones.

Orchid "Flying duck"(Caleana Major) Australian orchid, like two drops of water, similar to a chiseled figurine of a flying duck with a well-defined beak.

Spider Orchid - originally from Greece, she needs to attract insects for pollination, the flowers are disguised as spiders, which are hunted by road wasps. The wasp attacks them and carries the pollen further.

Orchid "Dove" or "Holy Spirit"(Peristeria Elata) All over the world, the flowering of this orchid is associated with the onset of a prosperous peacetime. Its white waxy flowers resemble a snow-white dove taking off - a recognized symbol of peace. And the flower itself is known under the name "Dove of Peace".

Orchid "White heron"(Habenaria radiata) - widespread on the islands of Japan; belongs to protected plant species. Habenaria is also called the White Heron Orchid. In Japan, a lovely legend is told about the White Heron Orchid:

It was a long time ago, and very far away ... In a country at the end of the earth, located on islands over which the Sun wakes up every day. On one of the islands, in a meadow, not far from the ocean, a little shepherd was sitting and herding special goats, the goats of Mikado himself (the supreme ruler of Japan), and looked sadly at the sky. And he was sad because he would never be able to become a great warrior - a samurai. And the little shepherd reasoned that life was arranged unfairly, why some are born rich, and even if they do not want to, they will become samurai. Others are born in poverty, they have to work a lot, work hard, and even if they manage to save some money, they will never become samurai. “Why is this origin? Why do you need a title? Why are not all the same, even though they walk under the same sky, drink the same water, see the same birds? " And at that moment he was distracted from his gloomy thoughts and saw a couple of flying white birds. They were herons. And they were so good, so graceful, that the little shepherd boy forgot his sorrow. He sat and, without taking his eyes, looked at the sky. And when the birds were not visible, the shepherdess's gaze dropped down to the grass, where he noticed a white flower, in a wonderful way similar to the beautiful white herons that had just soared in the sky. The shepherd carefully dug the flower, brought it home, where he planted it in an old pot and put it in the garden near the house to admire it, so similar to soaring egrets. And the shepherd boy understood the simple truth that the Buddha himself told him: “Everything in this world that comes, like the flight of these birds, only beauty is eternal. Look at the flower and remember it! ".

Orchid "tiger"(Grammatophyllum speciousum) The queen of flowers from the hot tropics. In addition to the original shape of the inflorescence, which the entire family of orchids boast of, the tiger one is decorated with "predatory" striped camouflage. This color gives out a real child of the tropics.

Orchid "Dracula" or "monkey"(Dracula Simia) The most unusual of the orchids is the dracula, but it is sometimes called the monkey orchid because of the unusual shape of the flower that resembles the face of a monkey.

Butterfly orchid(Phalaenopsis amabilis). This name comes from the Greek words fhalaina - a moth, a moth and opsis - a resemblance, since its flowers resemble a flock of light butterflies that have sat down to rest on a thin stalk.

Orchis Italian ( Orchis italica) is a rather rare perennial plant, protected by Italian laws and puritanical customs.
Its second name is that translated from Old Romanian means "Orchid-naked-man". In the photo, he is most likely a little scared. Well, or discouraged.

"Hot lips"(Psychotria Elata). But more often it is called "hot lips", "flower-lips" or "Hooker's lips". A stunted shrub with unusual, bright red bracts that look like a woman's lips. The plant took on this form while evolving in order to attract more pollinators, hummingbirds and butterflies with its species.

Orchid "Happy Alien"(Calceolaria Uniflora) - this is what an "alien" looks like, living high in the mountains and giving joy to earthlings.

Orchid "Ballerina"(Caladenia Melanema) - here is another wonderful flower, which got its name for its resemblance to a dancing ballerina. Agree, a stunning flower!

Orchids "Dancing girls"(Impatiens Bequaertii) A very rare plant that many orchid lovers call collectible. It can hardly tolerate inappropriate conditions of detention. But his hybrids are relatively tenacious.

"Parrot flower"(Balsam psittacina) - This amazing flower, resembling in its shape and color a parrot, is one of the rarest flowers in the world. This type of balsam grows in Northern Thailand and Burma. This flower is so rare in nature that several years ago, among collectors of rare plant species, doubts arose about the authenticity of its photographs. However, later the flowers were found in Thailand and all doubts about their existence were dispelled.

Orchid "Laughing Bumblebee" (Ophrys Bombyliflora) - The bright and variegated color really resembles the face of a cheerful bee, which gives out laughter to the whole world.

Orchids "Swaddled babies"(Anguloa Uniflora) - This genus grows on the forest floor at high altitudes from Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru.


Scientists have discovered two new types of orchids on the island of Cuba, one of which incredibly rare flower.

Orchid named Tetramicra riparia- very delicate and fragile, it has tiny white flowers no more than a centimeter in size.

The plant was found by a rocky stream in the Baracoa mountains, one of the rainiest and most impassable areas in Cuba, according to scientists from University of Vigo, Spain.

The second orchid, which was discovered during the research, grows in the west of the island and is even smaller in size than the first. Bright purple flowers and green petals in appearance something resemble daffodil flowers... The shoot has a length of about 7 centimeters, on which about 20 small flowers fit.

The Tetramicra riparia orchid grows exclusively in Cuba

Along the west coast of the island, these orchids prefer to settle on plumeria and ficus, the researchers said. Their flowers are trompe l'oeil for pollinators... Bees are attracted to beautiful flowers, but they do not receive nutritious nectar by spreading the pollen of the plant.

Unlike other colors, many orchids do not produce nectar or other substances to lure pollinators such as insects and birds.

A new species of orchid Encyclia navarroi, previously unknown to science

Spanish explorers went to Antilles (Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti and Puerto Rico) to trace the evolutionary history of orchids and analyze influence of pollinators in their development.

One of the mysteries they have to unravel is whether the fake orchids are more diverse than the nectar-producing ones.

Flowers Tetramicra riparia have well-formed central lobe like other types of orchids that grow in Cuba. They grow in the same way as many others belonging to the group of more common orchids. However, on the neighboring island of Haiti, orchids are very different from Cuban ones.

Orchids acquired recently incredible popularity as indoor exotic plants. However, few people know that the flowers of this family are ubiquitous, including even Norway and Northern Siberia... They are not, unless in Antarctica.

The Calypso bulbosa orchid grows in Russia and can be found in the Northern Urals

Comperia comperiana Stev. - Crimean province, growing in Ukraine

The orchid Venus's shoe (Latin Cypripedium calceolus) is listed in the Red Book of Russia

The name "Orchid" comes from the Greek word "orchis", which means testicle (male reproductive gland). According to the ancient Greeks, the bulbs of some orchids in shape they resemble this particular organ.

The roots of a typical indoor orchid bear little resemblance to male testicles.

Orchids are the largest family of the plant kingdom, there are more than 25 thousand wild orchids, and new types of botany continue to be discovered constantly. A great variety of hybrids are also bred for decorative purposes.

Is this flower real?

Most of the orchids that we have in our homes belong to the following genera: Phalaenopsis (butterfly orchid), Dendrobium, Wanda, Pafiopedilum (Lady's slipper) and Cymbidium.

Bright representatives of the phalaenopsis

-- Plucked Orchid Flowers may not fade for 2-3 weeks, and indoor orchids delight their owners with flowers for six months. In the wild, there are orchids that bloom for hours. Some plants in the orchid family can live up to 100 years.

Orchids of the species Dendrobium albosanguineum - white-purple dendrobium

Flowers of some types of orchids by size no more than a pinhead e.g. orchids of the genus Platystele from Central America.

The world's smallest orchid of the genus Platystele

The most gigantic orchid are the plants of the genus Grammatophyllum from New Guinea, which can reach about 3 meters high.

Giant tiger orchid Grammatophyllum speciousum in a greenhouse

Despite the fact that some orchids do do not produce sweet nectar to lure insects, they are amazingly are able to imitate smells that cause insects to land on them and carry pollen. For example, some orchids imitate the smell of a female beetle that is ready to mate. A male sensitive to such signals will certainly fly in to look for his desired friend.

An unusual orchid of the species Ophrys bombyliflora and an insect that pollinates it

Spice vanilla , which we all know, is the fruit of an orchid of the species Vanilla planifolia... The Aztecs were the first to discover the wonderful properties of vanilla. The Spanish conquerors who arrived in Central America noticed that the locals added this spice to drinks, and took vanilla to Europe, and then she got to Madagascar.

Today this island is the main supplier of vanilla... The flower of the plant blooms for only one day, during which it should be pollinated. Madagascar insects easily cope with this task.

Nice yellow vanilla flower

The orchid is considered to be one of the most beautiful flowering plants on the planet. There are quite a few varieties of orchids, the flowers of which stand out for their peculiar appearance and rare color. These plants are truly mesmerizing: it seems that you are looking not at a flower, but at some statuette or animal. Nature has generously endowed orchids with spectacular shapes and colors, and we just have to admire this perfection and give the flowers our attention and the necessary care.


The orchid family is distinguished by an incredible variety of shapes and colors of flowers. Among this kingdom of beauty and grace there are plants with unusual and even strange-looking flowers. These orchids mostly grow in their natural environment, but there are quite a few varieties among them that do well indoors.


"Flying duck"

This variety belongs to the smallest and most unusual flower varieties, growing in Australia. By its appearance, the plant looks like grass, reaches 50 cm in height. Has only one elongated leaf growing from the base of the arrow.

The most interesting thing about a plant is a flower, in shape it looks like a duck in flight... The color changes from brown with a red tint to brown, occasionally green, with dark spots. One peduncle can have from 2 to 4 flowers. Long-lasting flowering begins in September and ends in January.

At home, it takes root quite hard and can grow on average up to two years, and then dies off over time.

"Happy Alien"

It belongs to perennial herbaceous plants, reaches a height of 20 cm, leaf plates form a squat rosette... The peculiarity of the flowers of this orchid is that they, even when picked, do not fade for 2-3 weeks. In nature, you can find plants that bloom for only a few hours. Home flowering lasts up to six months.

This variety has a life expectancy that can reach 100 years.... Flowers are small, solitary, orange-yellow. The white disc present gives off a pleasant sweet scent that attracts insects and small birds. Grows mainly in mountainous areas.

"Orchid-dove" or "Peristeria high"

It is considered the national flower of Panama. Quite tall orchid with four leaf plates reaching a meter in length. Marble-white flowers have spots of a light purple hue. Flower shaped like a dove in a nest, due to its beautiful appearance, it is listed in the lists of endangered plants. The flowering period lasts from July to October.


It grows in a limited area of ​​southwestern Australia, near Lake Altam. An orchid grows on sandy ground near lakes with salt water.

The plant is very rare and few in number, it has:

  • one drooping leaf;
  • 1-2 flowers of light, creamy yellow tones;
  • ornament in red.

The orchid is small, it grows up to 15 cm in height. The size of the bud is 4-5 cm, its shape is very similar to a dancing pupa. Blooms for only 2 weeks.


In shape and color, it is very similar to a parrot.... It belongs to the rarest varieties in the world and it is extremely rare to find it in nature. Grows in the north of Thailand and Burma.

"Dancing girls"

Refers to perennial herbaceous plants. Possesses small stature and small flowers, like dancing girls in skirts... The petals are white or light pink, the plant blooms throughout the year.

It is extremely rare in nature, more often in the collections of florists, since it grows well indoors.

"Laughing Bumblebee"

Orchid with a stem height of up to 20 cm, oval-shaped leaf plates. Flowers resembling the shape and color of a bumblebee, framed by greenish sepals. Flowering lasts from February to May. The Mediterranean is considered the birthplace of this plant.

"Babies in diapers"

Belongs to large varieties, grows in the highlands of South America. She prefers cool and shady places. Pointed leaves, white flowers, shaped like a baby wrapped in diapers... The flowering period is in the summer, the flowers have a pleasant scent.

"Monkey Orchid"

This variety is also called "Dracula", it belongs to quite rare and is found only in a certain area in the mountains of South America. This orchid grows on large deciduous trees, because it loves shade. The petals are shaped like a monkey face, hence the name. The inflorescences give off a pleasant orange scent.

"Orchis Italian" or "Naked Man"

The flower got its name because of its unusual shape, reminiscent of a human silhouette.

Of the characteristics, the following can be distinguished:

  • the height reaches half a meter;
  • flowers are dense, bright pink;
  • area - Mediterranean.


A short orchid with a thick straight arrow and small flowers. By their appearance they look like a long beard of purple-brown hairs... It begins to bloom in September and ends in January. Grows in the forests of Australia and New Zealand.

"Hot lips"

This variety grows in the form of a low-growing bush, flowers bright red, in the form of closed lips until they completely bloom. Its colorful appearance attracts butterflies and hummingbirds, which pollinate it. Found in forests in the south and center of America.


A fairly common orchid variety that grows on all continents except Antarctica. The flower is similar in shape to a white angel.

It also grows in Russia, known under the name "Povodnik ray".


The plant belongs to the genus Ophrys. Thanks to the inflorescences in the shape of a fly, it got its name... With its appearance and smell it attracts bumblebees and hornets, which pollinate it. The flowering period is June.

"White heron"


Orchid inflorescence is very similar to this insect., this shape and color attract bees and wasps. They attack and thereby pollinate the plant. Greece is considered the homeland of this variety.


Orchid petals are colorful, light, and shaped like the wings of a moth.

Unusual varieties of orchids stand out not only from the mass of indoor flowers, but also among their "congeners" that we are used to seeing on our windowsills. Examples include such varieties as Impatiens Bequaertii, Ophrys Bombyliflora, Caleana Major and many others, which amaze with their magnificence and shape.

For those who decide to become the owner of unusual varieties of orchids, a very formidable obstacle may arise on the way to what they want. Such orchids are grown in limited quantities and rarely get on the market.... Many of them are completely impossible to find on the territory of Russia and neighboring countries.

Special flower shape

The main distinguishing feature of the unusual orchid varieties is their original shape. Many of the names of these varieties were inspired by the flowers of these plants, which in their shape resemble various recognizable figures.

So among them you can find an orchid, whose flowers in shape resemble a dancing ballerina, scarlet kissing lips, bees and even a monkey. It is this feature that makes them unusual and mysterious, and when you look at them, it will take your breath away.

Description and photos of varieties

"Hot lips" Psychotria Elata

This orchid variety is a low-growing shrub with original and unusual flowers, which in their shape resemble bright scarlet lips, closed as if for a kiss.

Also called "Hooper's lips" or "flower lips"... This plant has evolved into its unusual attractive shape in order to attract a large number of butterflies, pollinators and hummingbirds with its appearance.

"Dancing Girls" Impatiens Bequaertii

An extremely rare plant, even among the unusual varieties of orchids. Many growers, due to the inaccessibility of this flower, assigned it the status of a collection. This variety is quite capricious and with great difficulty tolerates inappropriate living conditions.

Its main feature is the unusual shape of the flowers, which outwardly look like little dancing girls in all white.

"Spider" Ophrys Bombyliflora

Greece is considered the birthplace of this variety.... The flowers of this plant resemble hidden spiders and they got this form in order to attract the attention of bees. Seeing the "spider", the bee attacks it and thus carries the pollen further.

"Parrot flower" Impatiens psittacina

This is an amazing plant, the flower of which looks like a small parrot. Even the color of the petals matches the bright plumage of the parrots. This variety is one of the rarest flowers on the planet and is believed to be home to Burma and Northern Thailand.

Due to the fact that this species is extremely rare, for many years, flower growers have been arguing about its existence and doubted the authenticity of the photographs in which it is captured. But then he was found in Thailand and thus all doubts were dispelled.

"Peristeria high" Peristeria Elata

Best known in the world as "Dove" or "Holy Spirit". The flowering period of this orchid is associated with the advent of prosperous times in the world.... She has white, like wax, petals, reminiscent of a snow-white dove with open wings, which is a symbol of peace.

In addition to its unusual shape, this orchid is famous for the largest flowers among all varieties of orchids. The leaves of Peristeria grow in length from 60 to 100 cm, and in width about 15 cm. The stem with flowers grows up to 1.3 meters long, and its pseudobulbs are comparable in size to the head of a child.

Find out about the largest orchids.

"Angel" Habenaria Grandifloriformis

There are about 800 species of this plant all over the planet, which grows on almost every continent, excluding Antarctica. Its shape resembles an angel in snow-white clothes. This orchid variety is quite common in the Far East., and in Russia it is known to everyone under the name "Beam guide".

"Phalaenopsis pleasant" Phalaenopsis amabilis

The name Phalaenopsis, also known as Butterfly Orchid, comes from two Greek words: fhalaina - moth and opsis - moth.

The plant is so named because of the amazing flowers that look like a flock of small bright butterflies perched on a thin green stem.

"Orchis Italian" Orchis Italica

It is a rare perennial plant that has been protected by puritanical customs and Italian laws for many years. The second name of the flower is Naked man Orchid, which means "naked man orchid". It has a pleasant, but rather pungent aroma. For this reason, it is often purchased for home cultivation.

Dracula Dracula Simia

This is an unusual plant with flowers that resemble a monkey's face, hence its other name - "Monkey Orchid". The flower interested many people, both professional florists and amateurs. Many of them still do not believe that this plant received its unique form as a result of evolution, and not thanks to human hands.

Approximately 20 species of this plant are listed in the Red Book, and they can be found in the vastness of wildlife only in South and Central America.

Read about where orchids grow in nature and how they are classified.

"Flying Duck" Caleana Major

This is an Australian orchid with a bright, rich color, like an exact copy of the chiseled figurine of a small flying duck, with a well-defined beak. This amazing flower was discovered in the century before last on the territory of the tidal island Bennelong Point, which is now the symbol of the Australian capital - the Sydney Opera House.

"Happy Alien" Calceolaria Uniflora

An extremely unusual plant. Besides its amazing shape, it is also unique for its special properties. Plucked flowers of this species do not fade for several weeks. and indoor plants themselves can last up to 5-6 months.

There are several subspecies of this orchid that bloom instantly in the wild. In addition, they are centenarians and can live up to 100 years.

Read about the life span of orchids and how to extend it.

"Egret" Habenaria radiata

Delicate, unusually beautiful terrestrial deciduous orchid. It is widespread in Japan, where amazing touching legends are told about it. The tuber of this flower releases up to three healthy babies... The leaves have a narrowish shape and are arranged alternately on the stem.

It has large, pearly white flowers, and thanks to its wide-fringed petals, it resembles a flying heron in shape.

"Ballerina" Caladenia Melanema

Perhaps one of the most amazing orchid varieties, the peculiarity of which lies in the unusually beautiful shape of flowers, reminiscent of a dancing ballerina. This species is so rare that it can be found exclusively in the Southwest of Australia.... At the moment, the "Ballerina" orchid is on the verge of extinction.

Swaddled Babies Anuloa Uniflora

This variety grows on forest floor in high altitudes in Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela. It has a sweet, pronounced pleasant aroma that attracts many insects. Ctrl + Enter.

Imagine a flower in the form of a laughing bumblebee or a happy alien. Have you presented? In any case, everyone saw a naked man - and even a flower of this shape. can offer.

These plants are truly rich not only in colors of flowers, but also in their forms, which, at times, take on a rather extravagant look... This article will focus on the shapes and colors of flowers in orchids and some other plants. And of course, a selection of photos!

Unusual shapes and unusual colors

Let's take a closer look at how orchids of unusual shapes and colors look. After all, there are many different.

Flying duck (Caleana major)

This is the smallest and most unusual orchid that grows in the south and east Australia. It leads a terrestrial life and has a fancy flower that resembles a duck in flight. The plant itself looks like a grass up to 50 cm high. 2-4 flowers grow on its green. A single narrow-lanceolate leaf appears near the base of the stem.

Caleana major resembles a flying duck in its shape.

Flower shade:

  • May range from brown to brown;
  • In rare cases, the flower may be greenish with dark spots.

Parrot flower (Impatiens psittacina)

This plant is also from the family balsamic and has nothing to do with orchids, but this does not mean that its flowers should be missed. It is also a very rare species found in the Shan States of Upper Burma.

Parrot flower.

Grows in the wild:

  • In a small region of northern Thailand (near Chiang Mai);
  • In Burma;
  • And in the northeastern Indian state of Manipur.

Laughing Bumblebee (Ophrys bombyliflora)

Native Mediterranean:

  • From Portugal and the Canary Islands to Turkey and Lebanon;
  • Grows in meadows and shrubs.

Orchid Laughing bumblebee Ophrys bombyliflora.

The plant is up to 20 cm high, with ovate-lanceolate leaves. The inflorescences are collected in a group of 2-5 flowers with green sepals. Flowers imitates the smell of a female and bumblebees. Blooms from February to May.

Swaddling babies (Anguloa Uniflora)

Large in size, terrestrial orchid from South America. Distributed from Colombia to Peru at altitudes of 1400-2000 in humid, mountain forests in deep shade. Prefers cool growing conditions.

Orchid Babies in swaddling clothes.

Ovate pseudobulb bears 2-3 lanceolate, pointed, corrugated leaves. It blooms in early autumn with long inflorescences 15 to 25 cm long, with large ovoid bracts.

Monkey face or Dracula (Dracula simia)

Epiphytic, a rare orchid native to the tropical rainforests of Ecuador and Peru. Occurs at an altitude of about 2000 m above sea level. Petal arrangement reminds... You can see this in the photo below.

Very cute orchid Dracula simia, which resembles a monkey's face.

More monkey faces.

The plant blooms at any time of the year with several flowers on the inflorescence that open in succession. Fragrant flowers with a ripe orange scent.

Naked man - Italian orchis (Orchis italica)

The origin of the plant is evident from the name that the plant derives from the shape of the lamellum of each flower, which is similar to the general shape of a naked person. It grows up to 50 cm in height and blooms in bright pink, tightly clustered flowers.

Orchid Naked man.


  • In the Mediterranean;
  • Portugal;
  • In Sardinia;
  • And in Spain;
  • And also in a number of other countries, up to Morocco and Lebanon.

Bearded (Calochilus robertsonii)

This orchid is widespread:

  • In Australia;
  • And New Zealand;
  • In a dry forest area.

Bearded orchid Calochilus robertsonii.

A short plant with a fleshy erect stem. It produces, as a rule, 2-10 small (1-2 cm in diameter) flowers. Lamellum is covered with purple-brown hairs, beard-like... Blooms from September to January.

Cat's foot (Antennaria dioica)

Perennial, herbaceous plant of the Aster family, 10-30 cm high. Meets:

  • In the cool northern and mountainous regions of Europe and North Asia;
  • And also in North America only in Alaska.

Plant Cat's Paw Antennaria dioica.

Quite tenacious, dioecious plant. Flower heads from pale pink to deep pink shade, 5-15 mm in diameter.

Fly (Ophrys insectifera)

It is a species of plants from the genus of Ophys. It comes from Europe and favors places with alkaline soil. The plant got its name because its inflorescence resembles a fly although pollination depends on wasps and bees.

Plant Fly Ophrys insectifera.

Plants use the scent to attract hornets and bumblebees, which pollinate the flowers when they try to mate with the flower. The scent released by flowers imitates female sex pheromones... Blooms in June.

Hot lips (Psychotria elata)

This tropical plant of the myraine family is found in the forests of Central and South America. Apparently, the flower took on its current shape in order to attract pollinators, such as:

It looks like lips for a short time until it opens completely.

Flying heron (Habenaria radiata)

Tuberous geophyte of medium size. Plant meets in a limited area:

  • In China;
  • Japan;
  • Korea;
  • And Russia.

Flying heron Habenaria radiata.

It is widely known as “ flower". The plant is up to 20 cm in height with a spherical pseudobulb, on which 3-5 leaves are formed up to 10 cm in length. Flower up to 3 cm in diameter. It is included in the Red Data Book of Primorsky Krai and Russia. Cultivated as a garden and indoor culture.

With unusual leaves

Ludisia discolor

One of a kind plant, native to:

  • South China;
  • Thailand;
  • Vietnam;
  • The Philippines;
  • Malaysia;
  • Indonesia;
  • And Burma.

Ludisia discolor Dawsoniana.

Quite ordinary in appearance, often cultivated as indoor. Geophyte, found in forests.

Prized for its velvety, red-veined leaves. Flowers are small, special white have no decorative value... Needs to:

  • High humidity;
  • Shading;
  • And warm content.


Geophyte, grows in the tropics of Southeast Asia, in places with high humidity and low light. You can also find:

  • In New Guinea;
  • Vanuatu;
  • In the Solomon Islands;
  • And the Ryukyu Islands.

Makodes Petola.

The plant is cultivated for the amazing leaves, unlike most other orchids, which are prized for their flowers.

Leafless ghost orchid (Dendrophylax lindenii)

Perennial, leafless epiphyte from the orchid family. Meets:

The plant is made up of a photosynthetic network that is housed on the trunk of a tree. Blooms from June to August, producing one to ten fragrant flowers that open in turn. The flowers are white, 3-4 cm wide and 7-9 cm long. They have a strong, fruity, apple-like aroma.

The lower petal, lamellum, has two long lateral tendrils that curl slightly downward, resembling hopping frog hind legs... The roots of this orchid are so well camouflaged in the tree that the flower can appear to be floating in the air, hence the name "ghost orchid".

With unusual colors

Cymbidium black

In fact, this cymbidium is called only conditionally. Its flowers are dark burgundy. Otherwise it is normal, even common cymbidium- a sympodial orchid about 60 cm high with flattened pseudobulbs and long sword-shaped leaves. They take care of him, like other cymbidiums.

Cymbidium Black Cymbidium Black Ruby.

Advice! It is not easy to get such an orchid, but if possible, it should be clearly understood that it needs cool content.


This genus of luxurious orchids comes from:

  • Southwest Mexico;
  • Central and tropical South America.

Phragmipedium caudatum.

Most of the species are terrestrial, epiphytic, or lithophytic. Many have a distinctive feature - long mustache... Acute reaches a length of about 80 cm. The stem lacks pseudobulbs and grows about 80 cm in height, releasing 2 to 3 flowers.


Often referred to as the lady's slipper, it is a genus of about 80 plants. Is native to:

  • South-East Asia;
  • Indian subcontinent;
  • South China;
  • New Guinea.

Paphiopedilum fairrieanum from the eastern Himalayas.

Useful video

Watch the video what extraordinary orchids exist:

Find out in the video what other orchids exist:

Interesting facts about orchid pots on the video:

Watch a video about an orchid growing in a coconut:

The nature of our planet is rich in its diversity and the flowers of orchids, as well as some other plants, prove it like no other. The orchid family is able to find a way to the heart of every person thanks to the many shapes and.

This is a great wealth that must be appreciated and tried to preserve. Take care of our home, nature and enjoy orchids.

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