OB - orienteering running;
OL - ski orienteering;
OV - orienteering on bicycles;
KP - control point;
FSO - federation of orienteering;
PVK - point of issue of cards;
PO - evaluation point;
ZN - given direction;
MT - marked route;
IN - choice;
KB - combined distance;
GP - pursuit;
ES - relay race.

The sign “E” in the margins before the number of the paragraph of the Rules means that the specified paragraph is mandatory for competitions at distances of the MS class, and desirable for competitions with distances of the CMS class.

The signs "OB", "OL", "OV" in the margins before the number of the paragraph of the Rules mean that the specified paragraph is valid only for competitions with the specified method of movement.

1. The subject and essence of orienteering

1.1. The general content of the sport "orienteering"
Orienteering is a sport in which participants, using a sports map and a compass, must pass control points (CPs) located on the ground. Results, as a rule, are determined by the time of passing the distance (in certain cases - taking into account the penalty time) or by the number of points scored.

1.1.1. These Rules govern the holding of competitions by means of movement (type of orientation):
- orienteering running - "OB";
- ski orienteering - "OL";
- Bicycle orienteering, "OV". All paragraphs of these Rules, unless otherwise specified, apply to all types of orientation.
Orienteering competitions using other means of transportation are regulated by other documents of the FSO of Russia.

1.1.2. Competitions may vary: By the time of the competition:
- daytime (during daylight hours);
- night (in the dark). According to the way the athletes start:
- individual (each athlete has an individual start time);
- relay (team members pass their stages sequentially);
- group (athletes have a common start time). By the nature of the offset results:
- personal (results are counted separately for each participant);
- personal-team (results are counted for each participant and teams);
- team (the results of the participants are counted to the teams). According to the method of determining the result of the competition:
- single (the result of one single competition is the final result);
- multiple (combined results of one or more routes, overcome within one or more days, determine the final result);
- qualifying (participants pass one or more qualifying tracks to reach the final).

1.1.3. According to the method of performing tasks, the following types of orienteering competitions are held: Orientation in a given direction, "ZN" - the passage of checkpoints marked on the map and located on the ground in a given order. The participants choose the path from one checkpoint to another at their own discretion. Orientation by choice, "VO" - passing the CP from among the competitions available in the area. The choice of CP and the order of their passage is arbitrary, at the discretion of the participant. Orientation on a marked track (“MT”) is the passage of a distance marked on the ground from start to finish, with the location of the checkpoints set on the map marked on the map.

1.1.4. Competitions may include a different number of disciplines (types of programs) of orienteering. The disciplines of orienteering, in accordance with the All-Russian Register of Sports (VRVS), differ in the length of the distance, the scale and symbols of sports maps, the method of movement, the determination of the result, the nature of the offset and the interaction of athletes.

1.2. Competition distance

1.2.1. Distance - the route of the competition from start to finish. The distance must be unfamiliar to all participants.

1.2.2. The course must be planned so that:
- for its successful passage, physical training and the ability to navigate were equally required;
- the equality of the conditions of the struggle for all participants was observed;
- participants did not cross dangerous places (railways, roads with heavy traffic, badly frozen rivers, impenetrable swamps, etc.), did not move through areas prohibited for running (crops, forest plantations, etc.), through unfavorable environmentally friendly areas (landfills, settling tanks of treatment facilities, etc.);
- the participants did not move most of the distance through continuous thickets of nettles and other plants that irritate the body of athletes.

1.2.3. Distances according to saturation with orienteering tasks and requirements for physical fitness of participants are divided into classes depending on the age and level of training of participants. For competitions where the category requirements provide for the fulfillment of the standard of the master of sports of Russia, distances of the MS class (master of sports) must be prepared.

1.2.4. The basic, initial parameter when planning a distance of a particular discipline is the estimated time of the winner (RWP). RVP for the main group (men, women) cannot go beyond the time limits of the title of the discipline according to RVVS. When holding competitions in several age groups, the RVP is set for the main group (men, women, or juniors, juniors under 21). RWP for other age groups is determined by the table of coefficients.

1.2.5. The distance is also characterized by the following parameters, which are not fixed: Distance length.
In orienteering competitions in a given direction, the length of the distance is determined on the map by measuring and summing up the segments: technical start - CP - finish (without taking into account the terrain). If there is an impassable obstacle between two control points, the length of the distance is measured along the shortest detour. The length of the marked sections is measured on the map, and if they go beyond the map, then on the ground.
In orienteering competitions on a marked track, the length of the laid course is measured on a map or on the ground.
In competitions of choice, the length of the distance is not determined. Number of checkpoints (CP).
The number of checkpoints depends on the discipline, the nature of the terrain, the age and qualifications of the participants. The total climb.
The total climb must be given as the climb along the competitor's assumed best path.

1.2.6. For qualifying competitions, parallel race distances must be as similar as possible in terms of length and running conditions.

1.2.7. In relay events, the distances may be combined differently for different teams, but all teams must generally cover the same distances. For participants in the same stage, the distances should be as similar as possible in terms of length and conditions of passage.

1.2.8. In individual competitions, CPs can be combined in different ways for different participants (using the system of individual checkpoints - “with dispersion”), but in general, all participants must overcome the same distance. When applying dispersion, it must be taken into account that all options must be similar to each other in terms of length and conditions of passage.

1.3. Permitted and prohibited actions of competitors.

1.3.1. Competitors are required to:
– comply with the Competition Rules;
- observe the order of starts and arrive at the start in time;
– to start with the number determined by the draw;
– start with a number and a control card issued by the Organizer;
- protect the card and control card from accidental punctures and tears;
- to provide assistance during the competition to a participant who has received an injury; report it at the finish line;
– overcome each marked section obligatory for passage at a distance from start to finish;
- at the finish line, hand over to the judges the control card along with the packaging, and if the organizers require, then the card;
- when passing the baton, touch the hand of a teammate within the transfer zone;
"OL"– yield the track with both skis to the next competitor, when requested, if there is only one track or the track is narrow (except for the last 100 meters to the finish line);
"E"– undergo a doping control at the request of the Organizer and in accordance with the rules of the IOC and IOF;
"OL"- on a marked track with penalty laps, leave the PO only after receiving an assessment and independently count the completed penalty laps.

1.3.2. A participant who has retired from the race must appear at the finish line as soon as possible, declare it at the finish line, hand over the control card and the map. He should in no way influence the course of the competition and help other athletes.

1.3.3. Competitors are prohibited from:
- take doping in any form;
– make attempts to familiarize yourself in advance with the terrain in the planned competition area or with the map of the competition data, if this is not allowed by the Organizer;
- during the competition, use other cartographic material, except for the map received from the panel of judges and other navigational equipment, except for the compass;
- go to the distance location area before your start time;
- after the finish, go to the competition area without the permission of the Chief Judge;
- while being at a distance, remove or close the number from view, as well as bend or cut the number;
- use any technical means of transportation, except for those provided for in these competitions;
- go to the distance with mobile communications and other radio receiving and transmitting devices, with the exception of devices issued by the organizer.
- change the arrangement and equipment of the gearbox;
– draw attention to yourself by any signals during the competition (except for signals for help in case of injury or if the participant gets lost);
- reduce (cut) the distance in orienteering competitions on a marked track, as well as marked areas mandatory for passing in other types of competitions;
- interfere with the work of the judiciary;
- cross prohibited areas of the terrain;
- use any outside help (except for "TO"), except for medical (if necessary).

1.3.4. There are no clothing restrictions for participants.

“OB” Shoes with metal studs can be used if there is no prohibition in advance information.

2. Requirements for the venue and equipment

2.1. Competition area

Competition area - a section of the terrain on which competitions are held, in terms of area and saturation with landmarks, sufficient for setting distances of the appropriate level and type of program. Competition areas included in the calendar of the FSO of Russia are used in accordance with the Instructions of the FSO of Russia.

2.2. Competition map (hereinafter referred to as the sports map).

Sports cards are used in competitions. A sports map is a large-scale special scheme of the terrain on which there is no coordinate grid, true meridian lines, declination, geodetic reference points and a special system of accuracy for planned, angular and height measurements in accordance with the requirements of the IOF and the Federal Security Service of Russia, and the special content is the display patency of the terrain and individual features of the depicted objects. Sports cards are issued in accordance with the IOF international system of symbols, supplemented by national symbols approved by the Federal Security Service of Russia.

"E" 2.2.1. Errors and changes found on the ground after the release of the map must be included in the map if they can affect the results of the competition.

2.2.2. On the map given to the participant, the distance elements corresponding to each type of orientation are applied in purple (red, violet is allowed) color.

2.3. Check Point.

Control point (CP) - a point marked on the map, on the ground equipped with a sign in the form of a trihedral prism with a side of 30x30 cm. Each face is divided by a diagonal from the lower left to the upper right corner into a white field at the top and orange (PMS 165) (red is allowed) at the bottom. The equipment of the checkpoint also includes a means of controlling the passage of the distance by the participants (marking means). The direct equipment of the control point on the ground depends on the type of orientation and is determined by the instructions.

2.3.1. Each checkpoint is given a digital designation, for which two-digit and three-digit numbers are used, starting from 31. Numbers that can be ambiguously read (66, 68, 86, 89, 98, 99, etc.) are prohibited from using to designate a checkpoint. The designation must be the same, no matter how many distances converge at a given checkpoint (except for “MT” competitions). In the area used for this type of program, different control points cannot have the same designation (except for “MT” competitions).

2.3.2. On a marked track, the designation of a checkpoint on a course is given in accordance with clause

2.3.3. The KP designation is applied to all three white fields of the prism (“OB” and / or placed on the stand of the composter). The numbers are written in black on a light background 5-10 cm high with a line thickness of 5-10 mm.

“E, OB” 2.3.4. The KP designations are placed only on the marking means, but not on the KP sign (prism).

“OL” 2.3.5. In competitions in a given direction, it is allowed to place the KP designation on a plate attached to a cord next to the prism. The numbers must be on both sides of the plate.

2.3.6. The starting point of orientation is equipped with a prism without means of marking; in “MT” competitions, the designation “K” is placed on the prism or on the cord next to it, facing the competitor.

2.3.7. KP supply means of mark, which are attached in close proximity to the prism. The number of marking means must be such as not to delay the participants.

2.3.8. All checkpoints of the same distance are equipped with the same type and are provided with marking means of the same design.

"E" 2.3.9. Marking means must be of the type approved by the FSO of Russia.

2.3.10. A sample of the CP equipment is installed near the start no later than 30 minutes before the start of the 1st participant, so that the participants have the opportunity to practice marking.

2.4. KP Legends

2.4.1. Checkpoints must be located on landmarks marked on the map and clearly identifiable on the ground. The exact location of the control should be described using legends. The location of the checkpoint must be unambiguously determined using the map and the legend.

2.4.2. KP legends must be in the form of symbols in accordance with the instructions of the FSO of Russia (“Description of symbols for explaining KP legends”). Participants can be acquainted with the legends before the start, and at competitions held by the FSO of Russia (official Russian competitions) - before the meeting of representatives. At mass competitions and relay races, acquaintance with the legends is allowed from the moment the card is received at the card issuing point (PVC), if they are attached to the card. If there is a scatter of participants and in qualifying races, a list of all legends of the type of program may be published.

2.4.3. Legends can be placed on the border of the card, attached to the front side of the card, given to participants separately and/or posted on the information board.

2.4.4. If the legends are not imprinted on the map, it is advisable to apply double numbering of the CP on the maps (serial number and its designation)

2.5. Distance equipment

2.5.1. The terrain is equipped with: a preliminary start (place of registration of starting participants), a map issuing point, a technical start, an orienteering start point, a checkpoint, marked sections, a finish (relay transfer point), as well as other objects necessary for each type of orienteering.

2.5.2. The pre-start must have a clock or other device showing the official time (the current time of the competition).

2.5.3. In the case of a group (general) start, it is necessary to provide a marked area of ​​sufficient width from the start line to the starting point of orienteering, where participants can distribute themselves without interfering with each other.

2.5.4. The finish point (relay transfer point) is located in such a way that the finishing participant is visible at least 50 m away and that this segment of the distance is not a descent or a steep ascent and does not have sharp turns. At least the last 20m must be guarded and straight.
"OL" In the last 100 meters before the finish line, at least two tracks must be prepared.
"E" The finish corridor must be at least 3 meters wide.

2.5.5. Near some checkpoints or on the most probable routes of movement of participants, places for spectators and representatives of the press, food points, first aid points can be equipped - these points are also marked with special signs on the map and/or in the legends of the checkpoint.

"E" The location of food points is calculated according to the expected time of the winner.

"E" Food stations are located on the course if the expected time of the winner is more than 65 minutes. If necessary (for example, difficult climatic conditions), the Chief Referee may decide on the organization of food stations at shorter distances.

“E” The winner must have access to the food station for the first time around 25-40 minutes, then every 15-25 minutes. The layout of the distance may make adjustments to the location of food points.

“E” At the food point, all participants must be in equal conditions. The food offered must be, at a minimum, plain (uncontaminated) non-carbonated water and at an appropriate temperature. Dishes must be disposable, various drinks must be labeled. The Chief Referee may authorize and arrange for the delivery of athletes' individual meals to the catering facility. It is forbidden to use carbonated and fizzy drinks.

2.5.6. In the competition area, the following segments can be marked (marked) in a special pre-announced way, which are mandatory for all participants in the competition to pass from beginning to end: To refer participants:
- from the technical start to the starting point of orienteering;
- from the last CP to the finish line (in whole or in part);
- bypass areas of dangerous places;
- areas to which spectators are allowed;
- other sections indicated in the information, mandatory for passage. Marked areas can be marked on the map with the appropriate symbol. The distance of the competition on the marked track is marked on the ground from the starting point of orienteering to the finish line. The marked sections of the distance are marked on the ground in such a way as to prevent the participant from leaving the marking. The result of a participant who has not completely completed at least one of the marked segments available at the distance may be canceled. Marked areas that are optional for passing can be marked on the ground - for approaching food points; medical care, etc. They must be marked in a way different from that used for marking the areas listed in paragraph 2.5.6.

2.6. Marking systems.

2.6.1. Control card - a document that controls the attendance of the CP by the participant.

2.6.2. The function of a control card can also be performed by a special device that is part of the electronic control system for visiting the checkpoint - (CHIP).

"E" 2.6.3. Only a card or electronic device that meets the standard approved by the Federal Security Service of Russia should be used. Competitors must be able to practice with the mark in model competition with a control card or electronic device used in competition.

2.6.4. When using an electronic marking system, the athlete must complete the preparatory procedures required for this system (clearing, activation), must have the opportunity to practice marking.

"E" 2.6.5. Control cards (electronic or otherwise) must be distributed at least one hour before the start.

2.6.6. If the Organizer issued control cards, the participant must use only the Organizer's control card. The participant must prepare a control card (for example, sign, seal, secure in a convenient way). You cannot crop the working field of the card.

2.6.7. In relay races and in mass competitions, the control card can be combined (fixed and issued together) with the card.

2.6.8. Competitors are responsible for marking their own cards at each control using the marking facilities provided.

2.6.9. The entry card must clearly show that all controls have been visited. The card must be able to make a backup mark. There must be at least two such cells (or memory cells in the CHIP).

2.6.10. In the case of using an electronic system:
- if one of the blocks does not work, then the participant must use a backup (electronic or conventional composter). If there is no mark, the result of the participant may be canceled;
- if the CHIP does not contain a mark (the mark is made too quickly and no response signal is received), the result of the participant can be canceled, even if the control unit remembers the number of the CHIP;
- marking with reserve means (composter) is the basis for recognizing the fact of attending the CP only if the equipment of the CP or the sportsman's CHIP was faulty.

2.6.11. When systems with a visible mark are used, at least part of the mark must be in the appropriate box for that control or in the reserve box. A competitor is allowed one mistake, such as marking outside the correct box or jumping over the box, as long as all marks are clearly identified. The result of a competitor attempting to gain advantage by a sloppy mark may be annulled.

2.6.12. If the control card does not have the correct mark of any CP or it is not clearly defined, the result of the participant may be canceled.

2.6.13. The result of a participant who lost a control card, did not hand it in at the finish line, or passed a CP in a different order than the one specified by the Organizer, may be canceled.

2.6.14. The organizer has the right to check the control card at the designated checkpoints and/or make a mark.

3. The nature and system of the competition.

3.1. Orientation in a given direction

3.1.1. Competitions in a given direction are held for all types of orienteering. The number of control points is recommended to be chosen so that the distance sets the task of orienteering for the athlete and ensures the entertainment and fairness of the competition.

3.1.2. Distances are equipped in accordance with clause 2.5., observing the following additional requirements: The start must be equipped in such a way that competitors and other persons starting later cannot see the maps issued to the participants, the choice of option and the direction to the first control. If necessary, the starting point of orientation is separately equipped and the path to it is marked.

“OB” The location and height of the KP sign above the ground is chosen so that the prism is clearly visible to the participant who has reached the point of the corresponding landmark with the indicated map and legend.

3.1.3. The map given to the participant is marked with: the starting point of orientation, the checkpoints and their serial numbers, the marked sections that are mandatory for passing, the finish (if there is a marking from the last checkpoint to the finish, the finish may not be applied). The orienteering start point, CP and finish are connected by straight lines with the inclusion of marked sections. In addition, marked areas that are not mandatory for passing, passages in obstacles, food points, and medical care are applied. If legends are not used, in addition to serial numbers, KP designations can also be applied.

3.1.4. The result of the participant is determined by the time spent on the distance from the start (technical start, if any) to the finish.

3.2. Relay races in a given direction

3.2.1. When conducting relay races, team members alternately go through their stages - distances with a certain number of control points.

3.2.2. At the first stage in the relay, the procedure for issuing cards is determined by the Chief Judge. Participants of the second and subsequent stages in the relay take their own card at the card issuing point.

3.2.3. Distances can be prepared with the dispersion of participants in accordance with paragraph 1.2.7.

3.2.4. A participant can run only one stage, unless otherwise stipulated in the Regulations.

3.2.5. The start of the participants at the first stage is general, unless otherwise specified in the Regulations.

3.3. Elective competition

3.3.1. When conducting competitions in orienteering by choice, there are several options for holding: Passing a given number of checkpoints from among those available in the competition area. The choice of CP and the order of their passage is arbitrary, at the discretion of the participant.
The number of CPs to be taken for each group is indicated in the information. In the competition area, it is recommended to install more control points than the number that the participants need to take. The checkpoints are located in such a way that it is possible to select several approximately equivalent path options with an equal number of checkpoints.
The result of the participant is determined by the time spent on the passage of a given number of checkpoints from the start (technical start, if any) to the finish.
In the event that a participant has taken a smaller number of CPs than specified for his age group, his result may be canceled, or he may be charged a penalty added to the passing time. The amount of the penalty for each CP not taken (in minutes) is indicated in the information. Passing the largest number of checkpoints for the pre-assigned control time. CPs may have different points values ​​depending on the difficulty of passing them, or CPs may have the same points value, with separated start and finish being recommended. It is recommended to install more control points in the competition area than the number that the winner can take in the appointed control time.
The result is determined by the number of CPs taken. Points are awarded for each CP. Control time is selected based on 100-200% of the winner's estimated time for the respective age group.
If a participant is late to the finish line after the control time has expired, a penalty is deducted from the participant's result (the number of points scored) for each full and incomplete minute of being late. The value of the control time, the number of points for each CP and the penalty is indicated in the information. If the participants scored the same number of points, then the participant with the best time takes the higher place. Passing all the checkpoints marked on the participant's card.
The result of the participant is determined by the time spent on passing the distance, similarly to clause

3.3.2. In all variants of the holding, the capture of a specific CP is counted only once.

3.3.3. When holding competitions with several age groups, in order to reduce the load on the CP, it is allowed to map different control points for certain age groups.

3.3.4. When conducting competitions according to options and it is allowed to include in the distance mandatory sections of passage in a given direction or according to the marking (marking).

3.3.5. The map given to the participant is marked with: start, all checkpoints that the participant must or has the right to take with their designations, finish.

3.4. Ski orienteering competition

3.4.1. Ski orienteering competitions can be held:
- In the given direction.
- On a marked road.
- In a combination of these species.

3.4.2. Competitions are held in the presence of stable snow cover.

3.4.3. When passing the distance, participants can use all styles of skiing, if the restrictions are not provided for by the Regulations (except for the cases specified in clause

3.4.4. For ski orienteering competitions, competition distances are prepared in accordance with clause 1.2.

3.4.5. When holding competitions in all types of “OL”, the following requirements are observed: The distance is covered on skis. Part of the distance can be covered by running, however, in this case, the participant must independently transport his skis, poles, boots of the appropriate size and a tablet, if the participant uses it on the course, through all the checkpoints. The athlete must position himself in the starting lane so that his bindings are behind the starting line. In time trial competitions, the participant receives a card in advance, either one minute before the start or 15 seconds before the start. In competitions with a general start, the card is issued to the participant 15 seconds before the start. In the general start after the “Start” command, each athlete moves in a classic move along his starting track to a special mark (at least 50 m from the start).

3.4.6. Competitions in a given direction on skis. Distances are equipped in accordance with paragraphs 2.5., 3.1., Taking into account the following additional requirements: The prism and control sign must be hung above the track so that they are clearly visible to the competitors. Marking aids must be installed so that it is convenient for the participants to use them at the checkpoint. The snow at the control point must be compacted to allow several competitors to check in and turn around to move in the opposite direction. The place where the control is to be installed is chosen in such a way that the track profile allows the athlete to stop easily and stand confidently on the control.

“E” The technical point at which the participant can replace the equipment that has failed is equipped approximately in the middle of the distance, at any place where the participants must visit (one of the checkpoints, a marked area). The organizer must ensure the delivery of spare equipment of participants to this point. On the map given to the participant, they put: the starting point of orientation (start), CP, their serial numbers and designations, marked sections mandatory for passing, finish (if there is a marking from the last CP to the finish, the finish is not applied). Start, CP and finish are connected by straight lines with the inclusion of marked sections. In addition, marked areas that are optional for passing, passages in obstacles, food points, medical care and a technical point are applied. New ski tracks that are not shown on the map, if necessary, are shown on the ground with a special sign - a black cross on a plate measuring 20 x 30 cm.

3.4.7. Competitions on the marked track "MT". Distances are equipped in accordance with clause 2.5., Taking into account the following additional requirements: The course must be marked from start to finish in such a way that the competitors have no difficulty in determining the direction of travel. Control points are set on the course, as well as the boundaries of the mark of control points (abbreviated as “Mark Line”) and, if necessary, points for assessing the correctness of fixing by the participants of the control (abbreviated as “Score point” or PO). The software must be equipped so that the participant can freely see his assessment. The gearbox is equipped in accordance with clause A “flat” prism with white-orange (red) fields and a KP designation on both sides is acceptable. The distance of each group must be marked with its own color from the beginning to the end. In the case of passing two or more distances of different groups in one section, this section must be marked with the colors of all distances. The designation of the checkpoint is its serial number at the distance. If the control is used for different distances, the serial numbers of this item must be indicated for each distance. The starting point of orientation (start) is marked on the map given to the participant. A route marked on the ground is usually not put on the map. For younger age groups, it is allowed to draw a marked route on the map of participants, as well as to draw control points (true and false) Competitions on a marked track can be held:
Option A - according to the principle of calculating a fine according to the “correct-wrong” system with a mark in the summer type card or a CHIP;
Option B - according to the principle of calculating a fine, depending on the size of the error in drawing the CP with the CP marked with a pencil or a special composter on the map;
Option C - according to the principle of calculating a fine, depending on the size of the error in applying the CP with a mark in the summer type card or with a CHIP. In any case, the participant is obliged to fix the location of the checkpoint:
- Puncture of the needle he has with a diameter of not more than 1 mm on the map received at the start. Fixation is made in any place of the track (loop of the track), but no later than at the next “Boundary of the mark”.
- Puncture with a needle or a fixture of the judging system on the map provided at the “Score Point” of the VP.
Fixation (puncture) of PO or RO is not performed.
For options A and C, no other marks are made on the map.
According to option B, the participant marks the fixation (puncture) of the CP with a cross with a pencil, which is equipped with the next CP. The last checkpoint is marked on the RO. It is possible to use a special winter composter that combines fixing and marking. According to options A and C, the participant must mark the fact of passing each control equipped on the course, using the marking means available at this control, similarly to competitions in a given direction. On the map with which the participant passes the distance, he has the right to make any notes. The fixation of the CP point is considered correct if the center of the puncture hole (the point where the card is touched by the fixator) is no more than 2 mm away from the true CP point.
In the event of a map break, the measurement is taken from the far edge of the break. For an error in applying the CP by more than 2 mm, the participant receives a fine. The penalty on the average and classic MT is assigned in minutes. The penalty in the sprint and in the relay at the MT is assigned in the form of penalty loops. The length of the penalty loop is from 200 to 300 meters. According to this principle, competitions can be held at an average distance, as well as in combination. According to option A - the maximum penalty assigned at one checkpoint is equal to the "Fine Price" and is set at 1 minute or one penalty loop. At competitions of veterans, children's age groups, mass competitions, it is possible to set the "Fine Price" at 2 or 3 minutes or two penalty loops. The “penalty price” does not depend on the scale of the map.
Each missing or extra fixation of the CP point is considered as a participant's error, for which the “Fine Price” is assigned. Only one “Fine Price” can be assigned at one checkpoint. According to options B and C, the “Fine price”, equal to 1 minute, is assigned for each next complete or incomplete 2 mm error in fixing the control. The maximum fine assigned at one checkpoint is set at a rate of 2 to 5 minutes. Each extra fixation (puncture) of the control point according to options A and C and each extra mark (cross or punch mark) according to option B is considered a participant’s mistake, for which the maximum penalty is assigned. The maximum fine is also assigned if the mark (center of the cross) deviates from the puncture by more than 3 mm (according to option B). Each missing fixation (puncture) of the control point in the presence of a mark (with a punch on the card according to options A and C, with a cross pencil of the corresponding color according to option B) is considered a mistake for which the maximum fine is charged (options A and C), and the maximum fine plus one minute (option B). Only one maximum penalty can be assigned at one checkpoint. For option B - if there are several punctures at a distance of 3 mm or less from the center of the cross, then the measurement is made from the farthest puncture relative to the true CP point. The result of the participant can be canceled if at least one mark (with a puncher on the card according to options A and C, a cross of the corresponding color or a special puncher according to option B) is missing or does not match the sample. The result of the participant is determined as the sum of the course time and penalty time or as the sum of the course time and penalty loops. In case of equality of results, the best place is awarded to the participant with less penalty time (fewer penalty loops). If the penalty is also equal, places are determined according to clause 4.2.2. The result of a participant who has received the maximum penalty by more than 2/3 of the CP may be annulled. The passage by the participants of the penalty circles is recorded in the protocol by the controller or using electronic marking means (equipped similarly to the CP on the course). At competitions with distances of class MC and above, it is recommended to time the passage of penalty loops. If a competitor has not completed the designated number of penalty loops, his result may be annulled. The participant is obliged to complete the penalty loops with the same equipment, including the tablet, with which he arrived at the assessment point. To speed up and increase objectivity in determining the results on any of the varieties of marked tracks, judges can put “targets” on the reverse side of the cards issued to the participants with centers at the control points on this track. The reverse side of the card must be sealed (closed) in such a way that the participant could not see the “target”. The participant has no right to violate the integrity of the card and its protection (sticking on the reverse side), otherwise his result may be canceled. A participant may be given a card to work on the course, and the assessment is made on the referee's card, issued at the assessment point.

"E" For MC competitions, the marking of the targets on the back of the card is obligatory. With the system of accruing a penalty in penalty circles, at the assessment point, personal information is posted on the assignment of a penalty to a participant (you can post a participant card). In this case, the figure of the penalty and the number of the participant must be at least 5 cm in size (the number is located at the top, the penalty is at the bottom). The Organizer is obliged to place the information on the scoreboard so that the athlete can read it without stopping. The conditions for conducting competitions on a marked track, indicating the “variant of the conduct”, “appointment of a fine” and “fine price” must be determined in the Competition Regulations. When conducting relay races on a marked track, team members alternately go through their stages with a certain number of control points. It is allowed to hold competitions on a marked track according to the principle of calculating a penalty according to the “correct-wrong” system and fixing the CP using an electronic device (CHIP) without additional punctures. In this case, CPs are applied to the participant’s card - true and false. True and false CPs are set at a distance. False CPs on the course and on the maps of the participants do not match. The participant is marked in the means of the mark, which, in his opinion, corresponds to the correct location of the control. For incorrect and missing marks, a fine is charged.

3.4.8. Competitions in a combination of types of ski orienteering. Competitions are held in the form of a combination of a given ski direction and a marked course, ski orienteering and cross country skiing distances, ski orienteering distances and competitions of choice. Competitions can be held in two days, two starts in one day, both types of programs in one start. The combination program, the order of events, the order of start and the conditions for offset are determined by the organizing organization and are indicated in the Regulations.

3.5. Bicycle orienteering competitions.

3.5.1. The distance is covered by bicycle. Part of the distance can be covered by running, however, in this case, the participant must independently transport a bicycle through all the checkpoints.

3.5.2. The control card is rigidly attached to the bike. Marking at the checkpoint without a bike is prohibited

3.5.3. Distances are equipped in accordance with clause 2.5. 3.1., subject to the following additional requirements: The prism should be placed above the road or next to the road on a stand. The marking means must be accessible to all participants without dismounting the bike and be at the level of the handlebars of an adult and a teenager's bike. The location of the control box is chosen in such a way that the road profile allows the athlete to stop easily and stand confidently on the control box. The checkpoint cannot be equipped in potentially dangerous places: on narrow paths, slopes, areas with poor visibility. When conducting relay races, the transfer of stages is recommended to be carried out without bicycles.

3.5.4. Bicycle (mountain bike) must match the physique of the athlete. It must have a reinforced frame and wide tires with high-quality tread for off-road driving, reliable brakes, and, in case of poor visibility during the competition, reflectors, position lights, and a headlight. The panel of judges before the start must conduct a technical inspection of the bicycles of the participants. It is allowed to transport refreshment and a technical repair kit with you during the competition. Participants are required to use hard helmets to protect their heads, and must have an insurance policy.

3.6. Conducting night competitions

The distances are equipped in accordance with clause 2.5, observing the following additional requirements: in night competitions, the place of start, finish, orienteering start point, information boards are equipped in a lighted place, marked areas in unlit areas are equipped with reflective means. For the CP equipment, the following can be used: light sources that work constantly; operating in a pulsating mode (LEDs); reflective materials.

3.7. Conducting mass (children's, multi-day) competitions

3.7.1. When holding mass, children's, multi-day competitions, simplifications in the application of these Rules are possible that do not distort the meaning, content, essence of the sport and preserve all the attributes of sports fairness and safety. All applied simplifications, changes and features during the competition should be communicated to the participants of the competition in as much detail as possible (preferably in writing).
It is not recommended to apply simplifications of the rules at mass multi-day competitions that have been given any official status, for example, qualifying competitions.

3.7.2. When holding mass, children's, multi-day competitions, in particular, you can:
- use a free start (participants start as they are ready in turn);
- for athletes to independently transfer distances to their cards from the control;
– issue cards one or two minutes before the technical start;
– to conduct an independent calculation of preliminary results for the participants from the posted copies of the finishing protocols;
- use participants and representatives to perform refereeing duties that do not directly affect the determination of the results of participants;
- at competitions with various types of handicaps, where the places of participants are determined in the order in which athletes arrive at the finish line, keep timekeeping with an accuracy of one minute;
- in competitions in a given direction, apply a mark on the CP with a colored pencil by crossing out the corresponding cell of the control card (or make a mark on the map);
- hold competitions in combinations of various types;
- hold competitions in orienteering by running on a marked track;
- in competitions of younger age groups in a given direction, “Race of patrols” (pair or group running along a distance) can be used, and in competitions on a marked track - drawing a thread of the distance on the participant’s card; with the determination of the results on the marked track according to the minimum fine using the control time.
- in competitions of younger age groups, it is allowed to use maps at a scale of 1:5000 and larger.

3.9. Start order

3.9.1. Start can be:
- separate, in which participants start one from each group with an equal time interval, as a rule, 1-3 minutes;
- group, in which participants start at the same time for 2 people or more from each age or qualification group;
- sequential (as the participants of the previous stage of the relay race arrive);
- with different types of handicap (pursuit), determined by the Regulations;
- general, in which participants in one, several or all groups start at the same time.

3.9.2. The schedule of starts is established by the Chief Judge in accordance with the Regulations on the competition, the number of declared participants, the location of the distances and other features of the competition.

“OB” The number is attached to the chest, at four corners, the maximum size of the number is 25x25 cm.

“OL” The number is attached to the four corners on the front surface of the left thigh, unless otherwise specified by the Organizer. The recommended maximum size of the number is 15x20 cm. The Organizer may require that an additional number be attached to the back.

"S" The number is attached to the handlebars of the bike and on the back.

3.9.5. The senior judge of the start has the right not to allow the start of a participant whose number and control card does not comply with the requirements of these Rules.

3.9.6. In relay races, the change of stages between athletes of the same team is made by touching the starting athlete with the hand of the finishing athlete. The order of change of stages is possible, in which the finishing participant passes the map of the next stage to the starter.

3.9.7. The participants themselves are responsible for the correctness and timeliness of the transfer of the baton, even if the information service warns in advance about the team members arriving at the transfer zone.

3.9.8. By decision of the Chief Judge, in exceptional cases, the schedule of starts can be changed, about which the participants must be notified in advance.

3.9.9. If one of the participants did not appear on time at the start, the starting time of the following participants does not change. If the participant arrived at the start place late, the senior judge of the start allows him to enter the distance, but his result will be counted from his official starting minute. The current start minute at the start of the late competitor must be recorded on the start list in case the Jury or Chief Judge decides that the delay was due to a valid reason. Competitors who are late for the start due to reasons beyond their control must be given a new start time by the Chief Judge.

3.9.10. All competitors must have at least 30 minutes for a general warm-up and preparation before the start.

“OB” 3.9.11. The participant must independently take the card at the card issuing point.

“OB” 3.9.12. The card is issued at the start time or at the card issuing point, but if the cards are not sealed, then the participants must be given one minute before the start time to pack the card into a bag.

3.9.13. The chief referee must record in the start list the local start time of the competition and give a summary of the number of starters and a list of numbers of non-starters to the chief secretary.

3.9.14. When using an electronic marking system, it is possible to fix the exact start time by marking the electronic station. The time of such a mark is the official start time of the athlete.

3.9.15. If, with a false start recorded by the judges, the gain in time is the starting interval or more, its result may be canceled. If the winnings are less than the starting interval, then the participant may be penalized for a time equal to one starting interval.

3.10. Finish and timing

3.10.1. For participants, the competition ends as soon as he crosses the finish line.

3.10.2. To the finish line, the athlete moves only along the finish corridor. The finish line must be at right angles to the finish corridors. The exact position of the finish line must be obvious to approaching competitors.

3.10.3. When the participant has crossed the finish line, he must return the control card, including packaging, and his card (the organizer has the right to leave the card to the athlete). When using an electronic marking system, the athlete is required to present a CHIP for reading information.

3.10.4. The finish time is fixed at the moment when:
"LO"- any athlete's foot will cross the finish line;
"ABOUT"- the participant's chest crosses the finish line;
"OV"- any bicycle wheel crosses the finish line; or (when using the electronic marking system) when the competitor is marked at the finish line for any kind of orienteering.

3.10.5. The finish time is given in hours, minutes, seconds or minutes and seconds. Fractions of a second are omitted. It is allowed to record time to the nearest tenth and hundredth of a second if the appropriate equipment is used.

“E, OL” 3.10.6. In ski orienteering, the finish line must be crossed by two parallel tracks, the distance between which must ensure the independent free movement of two athletes at the same time.

“E, OV” 3.10.7. In cycling orienteering competitions, the finish area must be wide enough to accommodate at least two cyclists.

"E" 3.10.8. Electronic start and finish timing systems must be used for individual starts.

3.11. Control time

3.11.1. In order to limit the duration of the competition, the Chief Judge in all types of orienteering sets a control time for each group of participants separately, which is communicated to the participants no later than one hour before the start.

3.11.2. The control time cannot be changed after the start of the first competitor.

3.11.3. Control time is assigned within 200-250% of the estimated time of the winner. In relay races, the control time is assigned separately for the first stage and for the sum of the stages.

3.11.4. The result of a participant or a relay team that has exceeded the control time may be canceled (except for competitions of choice).

3.12. Ensuring the safety of athletes during competitions

3.12.1. During the competition, the following must be provided:
- notification in the technical information about the presence of dangerous places in the competition area, ways to bypass them, methods of fencing;
– appropriate safety measures on the roads passing through the competition area, if it is not possible to plan the distance so that the participants do not cross such roads;
– warning of representatives of teams and participants about unfavorable environmental conditions: the unsuitability of water bodies for drinking and bathing, the presence of dangerous insects, etc.;
– clearing of ski slopes, installation of warning signs in front of dangerous slopes, prevention of the possibility of participants entering snowless places or water bodies with thin ice;
– designation on the map and fencing on the ground of areas prohibited for running;
- notification of participants about the need to comply with certain precautions when passing certain sections of the distance;
– notification of participants about actions in case of loss of orientation.

3.12.2. When conducting competitions for beginners, the area must be clearly defined by visible landmarks or markings (of which the participants must be informed).

3.12.3. CP controllers and judges of the distance service located in the competition area have the right to indicate the way to the finish line for obviously lost participants. Checkpoint controllers must be informed about this.

3.12.4. Under exceptionally unfavorable weather conditions, and in case of other unforeseen force majeure circumstances that threaten the safety of the participants, the Chief Judge (in agreement with the Competition Controller, if any) has the right to make changes to the competition program: reschedule the start time, the sequence of events, cancel the start. In the latter case, the entry (application) fees are non-refundable.

3.14. Environmental measures

3.14.1. The organizer and participants of the competition are obliged to comply with all environmental regulations in the area of ​​the competition. The FSO of Russia and local federations have the right, based on environmental considerations, to introduce restrictions in certain areas on the number of mass starts in one summer season, as well as on the maximum number of participants visiting one CP.

3.14.2. In the case of creating field camps to accommodate participants, all environmental and safety requirements must be met.

3.15. Information support of competitions

3.15.1. Information support of the competition is aimed at obtaining timely, equally accessible information about the competition, terrain and distances for all its participants.

3.15.2. Preliminary general information about the competitions of the official calendar of the FSO of Russia (Bulletin No. 1) must be published (sent to all regional (territorial) FSO and other participating organizations) no later than 6 months before the competition, and must contain the most comprehensive information.

4. Ensuring the fairness of the competition and determining the winner

4.1. Ensuring fair competition

4.1.1. All persons participating in orienteering competitions must maintain honesty and justice, sports relations and the spirit of friendship towards each other, officials, journalists, residents of the competition area.

4.1.2. With the exception of accidents, external assistance to competitors is prohibited. All participants are obliged to help injured athletes.

4.1.3. In agreement with the host organization, the Organizer must announce in advance the venue of the competition and the areas allowed and prohibited for training.

4.1.4. Obtaining any information regarding the map and distances of the competition, in addition to the officially announced, is prohibited.

4.2. Results and places

4.2.1. The result of a participant (relay team) in competitions in a given direction is determined by the time spent on passing the distance from the start (technical start, if any) to the finish. A higher place is awarded to an athlete with a lower result. The result and place of the participant in the competitions of choice is determined in accordance with clause 3.3.1. The result and place of the participant in the competition on the marked track is determined in accordance with clause

4.2.2. If in the competitions in a given direction with a separate start, several athletes have the same result, they are awarded the same place. They must appear on the scoresheet in the order in which they started. After the participants who showed the same result, there are as many unoccupied places as the number of participants with the same result, minus one.

4.2.3. The place in competitions with a general start, as well as in competitions with a delayed start (pursuit race) is determined by the order of arrival at the finish line. The place in the relay is determined by the order in which the athletes of the last stage arrived at the finish line.

4.2.4. If the result of the participant is canceled, the place is not determined for him. If the result of a relay team member is annulled, the place for the team is not determined.

4.2.5. The result and the place of the team in the individual-team competitions and the place of the team in the complex standings are determined according to the conditions defined by the Regulations. Places are determined only by the participants and teams specified in the Regulations.

4.2.6. The results are considered approved if 1 hour after the publication of the preliminary results and control cards, no protests or applications were received at the “MT” and “TO”, or immediately after the decision was made on the last protest or application.

4.2.7. If two or more participants have taken the same prize place, each of them must receive the appropriate prize, medal and (or) diploma.

4.3. Statements, protests, appeals

4.3.1. In case of disagreement with the preliminary result, a written application is submitted to the Chief Secretary. If the decision on the application does not satisfy the representative (participant), a protest is filed. Protests are considered by the Chief Judge. If the protest is related to the result, then it must be submitted no later than 1 hour after the publication of the preliminary result.

4.3.2. A protest for violation of the Rules or the Competition Regulations can be filed by a team representative, and in competitions where a participant can enter independently - by the participant himself or by the coach in writing no later than one hour after the finish closes.

4.3.3. A protest on admission to the competition of a participant must be filed no later than 1 hour after the publication of the start protocols and must be considered before the start. If it is impossible to make a decision before the start, the participant is allowed to start under protest, and the decision on the protest is made before the results are approved.

4.3.5. If the decision of the Chief Judge on the submitted protest does not satisfy the protester, he has the right to appeal to the jury. The appeal must be considered within an hour. If a longer consideration is required on the facts stated in the protest and appeal, then the decision must be made without fail before the approval of the results.

4.2.6. Protest, appeal are free of charge.

5. Requirements for participants in a sports competition

5.1. Competitors

5.1.1. In order to maintain equality of conditions for the fight for all participants, competitions are held by age groups. An athlete's belonging to a particular age group is determined by gender and the calendar year in which he reaches the appropriate age.
"OL" For ski orienteering, the first competition of the winter season calendar is considered the beginning of the calendar year.
The symbol of the group (index) consists of the initial letter of the gender of the participants and a number that determines the maximum age of an athlete performing in this group for junior groups and the minimum for veteran groups. Within the age groups, groups can be formed according to the complexity and length of the distance and the sports qualification of the participants. The corresponding group designations are Zh21A, Zh21B, M21A, M21B, M21AK, etc. Groups ME - M Elite and ZhE - Zh Elite are used in competitions with distances of the "master of sports" class for men and women of the main age groups M21 and F21.

5.1.2. Official competitions are held in the following age groups (the age indicated by the number located after the word "before" is not included in this age category)
boys, girls (up to 11 years old)
boys, girls 8-10 years old (M10, F10)
all disciplines;
boys, girls (up to 13 years old)
boys, girls 11-12 years old (M12, F12)
all disciplines;
boys, girls (up to 15 years old)
boys, girls 13-14 years old (M14, F14)
all disciplines;
boys, girls (up to 17 years old)
boys, girls 15-16 years old (M16, F16)
cross disciplines;
boys, girls (up to 18 years old)
boys, girls 15-17 years old (M17, F17)
ski and cyclocross disciplines;
boys, girls (up to 19 years old)
boys, girls 17-18 years old (M18, F18)
cross disciplines;
juniors, juniors (under 21)
juniors, juniors 19-20 years old (M20, W20)
all disciplines;
men, women
21 years and older (M21, F21)
all disciplines.

5.1.3. The composition of the participants in the age group for specific competitions is determined by the Regulations.

5.1.4. At competitions held by orienteering federations and other organizations, another age group formation is allowed:
- At competitions for athletes aged 20 years and younger, it is possible to form groups for each year of birth or for training classes.
- At competitions for men and women over 30 years old, it is allowed to form groups with an interval of 5 or 10 years. In this case, sports categories and titles are not assigned.

5.2. Admission to competitions

5.2.1. Admission to competitions is carried out on the basis of the Regulations.

5.2.2. Women (juniors, girls, girls) have the right to compete in their respective men's groups, unless prohibited by the Regulations.

5.2.3. Juniors, juniors, boys, girls, boys, girls have the right to compete in the next, older age group, from among those recommended by the Rules, if allowed by the Regulations, with the permission of the Competition Jury (or the Chief Referee), with a special permit from a medical institution and a coach .

5.2.4. Juniors, juniors, boys, girls, boys, girls have no right to compete in a younger age group.

Article added: 2016-12-30

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There can be a lot of cases when it is necessary to determine the location. Unforeseen situations can take anyone by surprise: get lost in the forest, a car breaks down in an unfamiliar area, the navigator is out of order. Nearby, there simply may not be either a local resident or a necessary gadget that would show the way in the right direction. From the ability and skills of orienteering , perhaps the success of a certain task, as well as human life itself, will depend.

Unfamiliar terrain, various conditions associated with hostilities - this is a reality in which you need to get out of a dangerous situation and, quite possibly, survive yourself or save another person. Achieving the goal in this case can be ensured by being able to determine the sides of the horizon and your own location. This knowledge will help you find the right direction of movement, as well as navigate the terrain.

The main types of orientation

  • General. Location is approximate, as is the time taken to reach the desired destination. It is carried out with the help of a compiled list of settlements and (and) other landmarks on the route, without having a map. The movement most often occurs by car and at the same time the accuracy of the direction is maintained by time, distance (using a speedometer) and control of the passed objects indicated in the list.
  • detailed. The location and direction of movement can be determined more precisely. Such orientation on the ground is used with the help of maps, aerial photographs, ground-based aviation instruments, as well as for a schematic representation of reconnoitered objects, for movement in azimuth.

  • Reading a map is an understanding and understanding of what is meant by symbols and signs.
  • Recognition of local landmarks and their comparison with the map (or vice versa).
  • Using a compass to determine the direction of movement, landmarks, to work with the map.
  • Measurement of distances on the map and on the ground.

Orientation methods

  • Using a card- requires certain knowledge, skills and training.
  • By compass- an easier way, but with its help you can only determine the sides of the horizon.
  • Without map and compass- does not require any tools, improvised means (determining the cardinal points is carried out on the basis of natural and local residential objects, as well as celestial bodies).

The most reliable way can be considered the latter, since no maps or other elements of orientation are needed. But the most accurate cost is to recognize the method using the card. However, it is better to stock up on the essentials in advance. Alternatively, complete sets can be purchased:

Darkness and night orientation

In various conditions that create some difficulties for a person, it becomes more difficult to navigate the terrain. For example, when you have to move at night, objects that will help you determine your location are difficult to distinguish. Also, the distances seem to be too far than they really are.

Night orientation involves careful preparation: first, local objects are applied to the route map, projected against the background of the starry sky and located exactly along the route. Such control landmarks must be applied quite often - after 3-6 km.

During the night movement, a compass and a map are used with a route pre-divided into small sections and magnetic azimuths plotted for each rectilinear segment. The route is studied in advance and all the planned objects are remembered as accurately as possible in order to look into the map as rarely as possible.

For night orientation, a flashlight with a blue light filter is useful - to illuminate the map and at the same time not dazzle your eyes, but continue to simultaneously observe the area.

You can do without a map, and use the Moon or a constellation as a landmark. But here one should be careful and take into account that all celestial objects, except for the North Star, move across the sky. If you navigate by the Moon, then every hour the route will deviate 15º to the right, since the Moon moves clockwise every hour by so many degrees. More trained and equipped specialists can use night vision devices to facilitate the task.

Difficulties of orientation in the mountains

The complication of orientation on the ground is also brought by conditions of limited visibility, which include fog, smoke, snowfall, snowstorm, heavy rain, high dust content of the air, and smog. In such cases, movement along the route is carried out, as well as at night, only radio communication devices, night vision devices may be subject to various interferences. Dust particles, snow, sand, when moving at high speed, can cause electrification of antennas, which reduces the capabilities of such devices.

Orientation methods, based on different types of terrain, have their own characteristics.

In the mountains, it is not always possible to use a compass, as areas with magnetic anomalies are not uncommon. This is where local natural orientation knowledge comes in handy:

  • stones are covered with moss and lichens mainly on the north side;
  • the soil near the stones is drier on the south side (in summer);
  • pine, oak are more common on the southern slopes, beech, spruce are more common on the northern slopes.

The highest peaks, rocks, cliffs, as well as bridges, any buildings that are easily recognizable, are chosen as landmarks in the mountainous area. Movement in the mountains occurs along paths, along rivers or streams, through passes. To navigate in such a terrain, it is necessary to study the relief, remember as best as possible where the ridges, valleys, and highest peaks are located.

Sands and orientation in the desert

In desert places, there are many times fewer local landmarks than in other regions. The nearest bodies of water, wells, roads or trails can be quite far away. But the positive side is the lack of cloudy weather. In such conditions, you will most likely have to navigate by the Sun, stars and the Moon.

Advice: before going to bed, it is worth laying out the direction of your movement in the form of an arrow. To prevent such marks from being blown away by the wind, it is better to make them from stones, shoes or other suitable items.

You can also navigate the terrain by following the tracks of animals (for example, camels), caravan routes (if there are remains of equipment, traces of fires), the forms of dunes and dunes (if you have knowledge of the prevailing winds).

Do not forget about mirages. This deceptive phenomenon occurs in the desert mainly at noon and can seriously harm a person, leading him astray.

Orientation in the village

It is often difficult to navigate the terrain in a large settlement. And all due to the fact that the review is limited. Here it is necessary to define the route in such a way as to minimize the number of turns. The latter are best chosen where there is an easily identifiable object: a bridge, a park, a church, an industrial plant, or any tall building.

The most difficult to navigate, even with the help of a map, in the destroyed areas. Here it is better to use navigation equipment, aerial photographs (new ones) and select those landmarks that cannot be destroyed - peaks, ridges, rivers, lakes and other hydrographic objects - they can be compared with the map. Roads and railways are also suitable, their destruction, if any, may be local in nature, which will not interfere with the general orientation in the area.

In winter, when the landforms are smoothed out due to snow, it is better to use a compass. Landmarks in this case will be roads and railways, rivers, bridges, settlements.

Visibility and audibility tables

In the absence of the necessary instruments for the most accurate determination of the distance, it is important for a person to be able to “estimate by eye” how many meters or kilometers separate it from the corresponding object. Also, the ability to “measure” the distance by sound will help you navigate the terrain, which will also bring you closer to achieving the goal.

The visual method of orientation involves training visual memory. To do this, you need to lay a segment of 50 m in your mind, then 100, and so on up to 500. Having fixed these skills in memory, it will actually be quite easy to determine distances.

Worth remembering:

1) objects large / lit / bright color seem closer than smaller / dimly lit / dark, although they are at the same distance;

2) weather phenomena such as rain, fog, twilight, when the air is saturated with dust, the object in question seems further than in clear sunny weather;

3) on a plain, objects seem closer, and on a hilly surface - farther;

4) in the prone position, objects appear closer than in the standing position;

5) hide the distance a huge expanse of water, various folds of the terrain, the position of the sun behind the observer;

6) observing from the bottom up, objects seem further than from the top.

The ability to navigate the terrain will help you choose the right path to the intended goal. To find out where the object of following is and determine your location, the methods discussed in the article will help.

🌎 Using the map

If a map is available, it will be determined on the ground by its correct location relative to characteristic objects.

Roads, rivers, power lines are excellent bases for orientation. The map needs to be positioned so that the direction of the lines of these objects coincides with reality.

At the same time, visible distinctive objects should be located on the side (right or left), corresponding to reality.

💡 If the location point is known and there is an object indicated on the map in the visibility zone, it is located in the direction of the virtual line “location point - visible object”.

By compass

A compass is a device by which you can determine the cardinal points, its arrow is always directed to the north.

When traveling, you need to choose a noticeable landmark, such as a river. In a perpendicular direction, move away from the riverbed for a certain distance, keeping it in the field of view. Turn towards the river in the direction of travel and activate the compass.

Align the compass needle with the zero mark. We fix the angle between the direction of movement and the direction of the arrow. To find your way back, try to keep this angle constant while driving.

When using a compass, you need to know that its action is based on interaction with the earth's magnetic field.

It can be distorted due to the influence of electromagnetic fields of external factors: power lines, buried pipelines and other similar reasons. Therefore, rechecking the compass readings once again will not hurt.

By map and compass

In this version, the vertical lines of the coordinate grid of the map are aligned with the longitudinal axis of the magnetic needle of the compass. At the same time, it is taken into account that the upper part of the map coincides with the direction to the north.

This method of map orientation is used in areas where there are no clear landmarks. It does not take into account magnetic declination correction.

🌞 Light Orientation

By the sun

In the absence of a map and technical means of navigation, you can determine the terrain using the sun.

The method is based on the well-known fact that the sun, for example, in autumn and spring, rises in the east and sets in the west. At noon, the sun is south and the shortest shadow occurs at 1300, pointing north.

Finding an object that forms a shadow is not a problem, but to get the outlines of a shadow in a swampy area, it is necessary to cover the ground with a material on which it will be visible.

By sun and clock

Sunny weather and a watch with an arrow dial will help to determine the cardinal points.

The hour hand must be directed in the direction of the sun, then the bisector of the angle formed between the guide to the sun and the line directed to the numbers 1 (13) of the dial will show the north-south direction.

At what in front will be the south, behind the north. Until 13.00, the left corner is used to determine the cardinal points, after which its mirror image is used.

a) before noon b) afternoon

By the moon

Here you need to know certain differences in time of year.

🌒 At the beginning of summer, with a growing moon, around 7 pm, it is in the south, and by 1 o'clock in the morning it moves to the west.

🌘 At the end of summer, with a waning moon, by 7 pm it is located in the east and closer to midnight in the north.

🌕 During the full moon, when the moon is against the sun, the cardinal points are determined using a clock, where instead of the sun, the hour hand is aligned with the direction to the moon.

⭐ Orientation by stars

Starry sky of the northern hemisphere

In the northern hemisphere, the cardinal directions are determined by the constellation Orion. One of the stars of Orion (Mintaka) is located above the celestial equator and at sunrise will indicate the exact direction to the east, when setting, respectively, to the west.

Starry sky of the southern hemisphere

In the southern hemisphere is the constellation of the Southern Cross. With its help, the cardinal directions in this part of the earth are determined. The constellation consists of four celestial bodies located in pairs opposite each other, resembling a cross.

A line drawn along the luminaries forming the vertical part of the cross shows the north-south direction. South is at the bottom of this line. East will be on the left, west on the right.

Pole Star Orientation

Perhaps the most popular way to navigate by astronomical bodies. It has been known since ancient times. The main skill here is to find this star in the firmament. The North Star is always in the north.

First, find the constellation Ursa Major. These are seven stars that form a large bucket. A straight line is drawn through the first two stars of the big bucket, the length of which is equal to five times the distance between the stars taken.

At the edge of the handle of the small bucket (ursa minor) will be the Polar Star. The direction of the gaze at it will indicate where the north is, the south will be behind, on the left hand - the west, on the right - the east.

The polar star is always present in the sky, regardless of the time of year and time of day. It is visible from anywhere in the northern hemisphere.

🌳 Forest Orientation


When you get into the forest and need to orient yourself in it, find a lonely standing tree. First of all, pay attention to the crown of the tree.

On the south side, it is dense, the branches are larger. The bark of the tree is drier and lighter than on the north side.

By mosses and lichens

Mosses and lichens do not like light and heat, so they prefer to grow on the north side of trees or stones. However, in dense forests, where there is practically no light, they grow along the perimeter of the entire tree.

Therefore, it is possible to determine the north-south direction with a large degree of error, because it is almost impossible to clearly divide the tree trunk into southern and northern.

By animals

If you carefully observe animals, you can notice the influence of the location of the cardinal points on their behavior.

  • Migratory birds in autumn fly strictly in the direction of the south, and in the spring in a northerly direction.
  • Swallows make their nests on the steep banks on the north side.
  • Woodpeckers, owls and many other birds have their homes on the south side.
  • In the warm season, the behavior of butterflies will help in determining the sides of the horizon. In order to experience less overheating from the warm sun, the butterfly, while resting on a flower, turns the narrow side of its wings towards the heat source. So, in the morning, the folded wings are directed to the east, at noon to the south, and in the evening to the west.

When determining the way to find the sides of the horizon by the behavior of animals, do not limit yourself to one way. To eliminate errors, use several options.

By anthills

In the forest, near trees and stumps, anthills are often found. By their location, you can determine the north-south direction. Ants locate their houses to the south of the vegetation closest to them.

These little workers love the sun, which warms better from the south side. It should be noted that anthills on the north side have a steep slope, on the south they are gentle.

Azimuth is defined as the angle between north directions and the object to be followed (landmark).

You can determine it by placing a pointer, for example, a faceted pencil, on a horizontal compass. By measuring the angle between the axis of the pencil and the direction of the compass needle, we get the azimuth value.

For orientation in conditions of poor visibility, route diagrams are drawn up, which indicate the azimuth value and the approximate distance between the characteristic objects of the terrain. Sequentially moving from one object to another, determining the azimuth in the above way, they go through the entire route to the end.

As you travel, check your bearing regularly to ensure you stay on the right track.

On the horizon

In the northern latitudes in the summer, the setting sun is close to the horizon. This creates a difference in the illumination of the northern and southern sides of the sky.

The north side is lighter. During the arctic polar night, the opposite is true - the northern part of the sky is the darkest.

By relief

The relief of the slopes, especially in the mountainous regions of Siberia, is due to their orientation to the south or north. The southern slopes are more gentle. In spring, they are freed from snow earlier and are more quickly washed away by melt water and rain.

The northern slopes, on the contrary, are steeper. They remain under the snow cover longer, are better moistened, thereby being less destroyed. The relief of the slopes unmistakably allows you to determine the cardinal points.

⛄ By melting snow

During the melting of snow, prerequisites are created for determining the northern and southern directions. This is especially characteristic of the hillocks and tubercles.

On the south side, the snow melts more intensively, so they look smooth. On the north side, the snow stays longer.

By shadow

For orientation in the shadow, only a meter stick is needed. First you need to stick it into the ground and mark the end of the shadow. After 15-20 minutes, the shadow will move, and also fix the end of this shadow with a stick.

Connect the ends of both shadows with a meter stick. Take a step the size of a meter stick. The beginning of the step is at the place of the first mark, the end is at the end of the meter stick.

Here it is important to take into account the time of determining the side of the horizon. If the action takes place before noon, start the step with the right foot.

If after noon, then left. During the step, the torso will turn around and eventually the face will turn towards the north.

⛪ By buildings

There are certain rules for building religious temples that are associated with the cardinal points. These are good reference points for replacing navigation instruments.

  • In Orthodox churches, the altars are directed to the east, and the bell towers to the west.
  • The crosses consist of several crossbars, and the lower one is made with ends of different heights. The lower lower end shows the direction to the south, the upper one to the north.
  • Clearings in large forest plantations are cut down strictly in the directions of north-south and east-west. At the intersections of the clearings, poles are placed with the designation of the numbers of the adjacent quarters. Numbers are placed at the top of the pillars on each of its four faces. The edge between the faces with the smallest numbers shows the direction to the north.
  • The principles of conscious orientation have been laid down since ancient times. The side faces of the ancient Egyptian pyramids are located in the direction of the sides of the horizon.

Methods for determining distances on the ground

When orienting on the ground, determining the distances between objects plays an important role. Of course, distance measurements can be performed quickly and accurately with the help of special instruments. However, they are not always at hand, you have to use improvised means and your own vision.

By standards

Knowing the dimensions of certain objects helps determine the distance to the object.

Usually, parts of the human body are taken as reference dimensions: the length of the index finger, the distance of the outstretched arm, etc.

You can remember, or even better write down in a notebook, the values ​​​​of items that are always at hand: a match, a spoon, a fork and others.

The dimensions of these objects make it possible to draw up a proportion for determining distances. You just need to compare the reference object with the size of the visible part of the object to which the distance is determined - how many times it is less than the standard.

According to the angle

Angular dimensions directly depend on linear ones. This relationship is used to determine distances.

Angular dimensions are measured using observation devices, binoculars on the scales of these devices. They are expressed in thousandths. However, fingers, palms, fists can replace a goniometer if you know how many thousandths are in them.

So, for example, a segment of 1 mm, 50 cm away from the eyes, corresponds to an angle of two thousandths. These data, when comparing objects, make it possible to determine linear distances.

By linear dimensions

In this method, the usual millimeter ruler takes part in the measurements. It is located at a distance of 50 cm from the eyes and with its help the visible part of the required object is measured.

Its actual dimensions are known. Using the method of proportions and the results of measurements, the desired distance is calculated.

Definition by eye

This method is used by well-trained people who have the skills to lay the represented measure (100, 200 meters) on the ground. The accuracy of the measurement depends on the training of the person conducting the measurements.

By visibility of objects

This method is based on the limit values ​​when a person with normal vision is able to see and distinguish certain objects. These distances are individual for each person.

The human eye is not adapted to distinguish objects at night. During the day he sees much better. Comparative data are given in the table. Conditions - plain, no artificial light, clear weather.

Table of visibility of objects day and night

Measuring distance in steps

Often used in the preparation of route diagrams when moving in azimuth. Normally steps are considered in pairs. After every hundred pairs of steps, it is recommended to stop, put the results in some notebook and continue again.

The step of an average person is 0.7-0.8 m. With an approximate measurement, the length of a pair of steps is 1.5 m.

The error in measuring the distance in steps, depending on the traffic conditions, is 2-5% of the length of the measured path.

By speedometer

When drawing up a traffic pattern for which movement is supposed to be by car, a speedometer is used. The distance is taken as the difference in the speedometer readings at the beginning and end of the journey. The readings are slightly larger than the actual ones.

This is caused by slipping of the wheels while driving, insufficient tire pressure. For paved roads, the amendment is 3-6%, for unpaved roads - 8-12%.

By time and speed

With a known average speed of the object, the travel time is recorded and thereby the distance traveled is determined.

Thus, the average speed of a pedestrian is assumed to be 5 km/h. If he was on the road for 2 hours, then the distance that the pedestrian covered is 10 km.

By sounds

In conditions of limited visibility (night, fog) or rugged terrain, it is important to have good sound perception. Not everyone can determine the nature of the sound and the distance to its source. This ability is achieved through constant training.

Different weather conditions, air humidity affect the speed of sound propagation. The wind blowing in the direction of a person hides the true distance, and from him - increases.

Dry ground transmits sounds better than air. Therefore, in the silence of the night, put your ear to the ground.

Sound audibility table

The audibility of sounds depends on many parameters. The table shows the average range at which the nature of the sound can be distinguished.

around the world

From the table of visibility of objects during the day and at night, it can be seen that a fire at night is detected at a much greater distance than during the day. This property of light signals is widely used in fixing directions when orienting on the ground.

💡 During the conduct of hostilities of one of the military units in difficult terrain, on a dark night, an unusual way of orienting the terrain was used. Luminous air bombs were thrown over pre-selected points by planes. Thanks to this light orientation, the military unit successfully reached the desired positions.

The ratio of the speeds of sound and light

The speed of light is 300,000 km/s, which means light travels almost instantaneously. The speed of sound has a finite value equal to 330 m/s. As a result, the light from the flash and the sound from it have a time difference.

This allows, by determining the sound delay time, to calculate the distance to the flash point. For example, hearing the sound of a flash after 9 seconds, the distance to it will be approximately 3000 meters early.

🕴 Sizing by height and shadow

On a sunny day, the object to be measured and your silhouette cast a shadow. The length of the shadows can be measured, for example, in steps. Knowing your height through the method of proportions, it is easy to calculate the size of an object.

In cloudy weather, you need to use a pole equal in length to your height. The pole must be installed at such a distance from the tree that from a prone position with the legs resting on the pole, the top of the object is visible on the same line as the top of the pole. Then the height of the object will be equal to the distance from the head to its base.

Determining time without a clock

If you need to navigate in time in the absence of a clock, there are many ways to do this. Here are a few of the most popular.

1️⃣ In the presence of sunny weather and a well-visible horizon line, only palms are needed. In the palm of your hand, you need to bend your thumb (so that it does not interfere). Align the little finger with the horizon line.

If there is free space between the palm and the sun, place the second on the first palm. Perform these actions until the hand reaches the edge of the sun.

2️⃣ The compass will help to determine the time. First you need to install it on a flat horizontal surface. Align the direction of the arrow to the north with the number 180° on the scale. Put a match in the center of the compass and see where the shadow falls. If it points to 180 °, then we have noon. The rest is by analogy with the movement of the hour hand on the watch face.

3️⃣ At a time when there were no clocks, nature itself helped to determine time. The singing of different birds occurred at the same time. The larks began their singing at two o'clock in the morning. The roosters woke up the villagers in the morning. Such concerts work better than any alarm clock.

📍 Map targeting

If the location of an object on the ground is fixed on the map, then its exact coordinates are transmitted using it. Find out how to do it.

They are indicated by a coordinate grid, rectangular coordinates, geographical coordinates, from a landmark, from a conditional line. The choice of coordinate system depends on the nature of the tasks to be performed.

Municipal budget institution

additional education "Center for additional education"

r.p. Tonkino, Nizhny Novgorod region

Methodological development of the section

additional educational program

creative association

"Sports orientation" on the topic:



on the ground.


teacher of additional

education CDO r.p. Tonkino

Gruzdev A.K.




    Goals and objectives.

    Explanatory note.

    Expected results.

    Master class "Scenario of the day of health" in orienteering.



Goals and objectives.

Target: Formation of a comprehensively developed personality by means of orienteering, tourism, local history.


Expansion and deepening of students' knowledge, supplementing the school curriculum in geography, history, biology, life safety, literature and physical training;

Acquisition of skills and abilities in working with a map, compass;

Acquisition of special knowledge on tourism and orientation, first aid;

Ensuring survival in extreme conditions, familiarity with the problems of ecology and nature conservation.

Ability to behave in a team, development.

Explanatory note.

School tourism is based on fundamental, timeless principles of education and upbringing: humane-democratic, creatively developing, personality-oriented, creative and active. In the structure of any educational program, tourism can be used as an effective form of education. Tourism and orienteering help students in the development of academic disciplines in the basics of various sciences.

Tourism and local history are one of the priority areas in educational work. This business is not new, but the novelty lies in the fact that it has a broader pedagogical idea in terms of educating spirituality, physical endurance, respect and love for the nature of one's Motherland.

The success of any hike, excursion or journey largely depends on how well the traveler will be able to determine where he is and in which direction he should go further, i.e. from the ability to navigate the terrain.

The ability to navigate the terrain is acquired in constant communication with nature, thanks to the development of observation and the habit of quickly noticing and remembering the characteristic details of the terrain.

Tourism is not only a means of physical and applied education. The role of tourism in the ideological-political and military-patriotic education of students is great. It instills in the younger generation a sense of patriotism, respect for the natural and cultural heritage of the native land, and improvement of the moral and physical education of the individual.

School tourism allows the teacher to carry out almost all types of professional activities: educational and educational, scientific and methodological, social and pedagogical, cultural and educational, etc. Hiking and orienteering in unfamiliar areas allow students to study the processes and results of the interaction of nature and society.

It should not be underestimated that childhood and especially adolescence is characterized by a desire for novelty, unusualness, adventure and romance. Tourism is an excellent means that naturally satisfies children's needs, which are not always taken into account by adults. It must also be remembered that in the campaign the guys reveal themselves from a completely different side than at school. In this regard, the hike is especially valuable for the teacher, as it allows a deeper understanding of the nature of each of the children and find their own approach to it. The contacts that are established between adults and children on a hike, as a rule, are much deeper and more emotional than at school. They contribute to true understanding and the establishment of a relationship of cooperation, which is then transferred to the school.

Expected results.

    Application of knowledge on orienteering in creative associations of a sports orientation.

    Expansion of knowledge, skills and abilities in this area by students and teachers

    Participation in competitions and exhibitions


The order of organization and rules of conduct in campaigns and competitions;

Issues of tourism and ecology;

Fundamentals of topography and orientation;

Ability to navigate by local signs and stars;

Dangerous and poisonous plants of the region, have an idea about self-control and first aid;

The procedure for organizing, preparing and conducting excursions and trips;

Ways to overcome various natural obstacles;

Ways of organizing and conducting search and rescue operations;

Basic historical and geographical information about the native land;

Be able to:

Move along roads and trails as part of a group;

Overcome natural obstacles along the way;

Navigate using a compass and a map during a hike and at an orienteering competition;

Organize camp life and provide basic medical care;

School tourism with elements of orienteering allows students to achieve success not only in mastering the program of this course, but also to develop their mental, intellectual and physical potential. Tourism and orienteering provide an opportunity to feel love for their small homeland, take care of nature, promote ecological culture and lead an active lifestyle, learning about the world around them. There is full practical contact and unity of purpose between tourism and local history, under which, in the conditions of their native land, tourists often become local historians, and local historians become tourists. Tourism to a large extent contributes to cognitive research local history, and local history refers to tourism as one of the most popular and pedagogically valuable forms. The successes achieved in the competitions will help the children to quickly decide on the choice of their future profession, and joint trips and excursions will teach them communication skills and humanity.

Fundamentals of orienteering.

Orienteering is a relatively young species in our country, however, already having its loyal admirers of almost all ages.

Keyword in the name of the species "orientation" leads the uninitiated to the idea of ​​a measured, unhurried work with a map in the bosom of nature. In fact, this is a fast-paced type of cross-country running on unfamiliar terrain, associated with a certain physical and emotional load.

Orienteering - competitions in overcoming the terrain with a compass and a map of the route from a sequence of control points (CP) and with the choice of the most rational ways of movement between them. The tasks that the distance sets for athletes require not only high physical fitness, the ability to overcome natural obstacles and endure any weather conditions, but also accurate and quick thinking.

Close contact with the environment is an element of environmental education. All this allows us to call orienteering an intellectual sport. .

This sport is of great practical importance, instilling qualities that are difficult to cultivate in ordinary practical classes in topography. It can be recommended for study starting from elementary school, for example, as one of the sections of life safety, as well as for educational institutions that train specialists who need map reading skills and orientation in the area (forestry, mining, land management, etc.) . The ability to navigate the terrain is the most important factor for the successful passage of the tourist route.

Orienteering competition

As a rule, orienteering competitions are included in the program of tourist rallies and competitions for students - the best means of teaching and testing orienteering skills in the area.

In accordance with the Rules for Orienteering Competitions, competitions are divided into the following types: orienteering in a given direction, orienteering on a marked track, orienteering by choice.

Orientation in a given direction

Orientation in a given direction consists in passing the checkpoints (CP) marked on the map and located on the ground in a given order. The team chooses the path from one checkpoint to another at its own discretion. The result of the team is determined by the time spent on passing the distance. If the team violated the procedure for passing the CP or did not visit any CP, then the result is not counted for it.

Distances in a given direction should be planned so that the result of the team equally depends on its physical fitness and ability to navigate. There should be several options for movement between checkpoints: along trails and paths, straight ahead in azimuth, combined. The length of the distance is measured on the map with a ruler from the start through the checkpoint to the finish along the shortest path, and the terrain is not taken into account.

Start in competitions in a given direction, as a rule, is done separately, with an interval of 5 - 10 minutes.

To mark the passage of the checkpoint, punches are used, as well as colored pencils hanging on the checkpoint, with which the team makes a mark on their card or map.

Marked route orientation

Orienteering on a marked track is usually carried out in winter, although it can also be used in the program of summer tourist competitions.

The team at the start receives a map with a marked starting point. Moving along the marked distance, the team meets a checkpoint on its way, the location of which it must indicate by puncture with a pin on the map. The puncture must be made before exiting the next checkpoint and crossed out with a colored pencil hanging from that checkpoint.

The result of the team is determined by the time spent on the course plus a penalty for incorrect application of the control. For every two millimeters of error in the location of the checkpoint, a penalty is given: 1 minute for an error from 2 to 4 mm, 2 minutes for an error from 4 to 6 mm, 3 minutes - over 6 mm. At each checkpoint, the first 2 mm errors are not penalized. The maximum penalty that can be given for a mistake in setting one control is 5 minutes.

The distance of the competition on the marked track is planned so that the team is in constant tension, constantly comparing the map and the terrain. But at the same time, the team should be able to determine the location of the checkpoint without leaving the track.

Start in competitions on a marked track is given, as a rule, separate, with an interval of 5 minutes. The map is issued to the team 1 minute before the start, so that it has time to attach it to the tablet.

Choice Orientation

Choice orienteering is the most acceptable type of orienteering at tourist competitions, where a large number of participants with different levels of training start.

In contrast to competitions in a given direction, choice orienteering gives more freedom to the team. After all, the distance of the competition in a given direction, where the team cannot go further until it finds the first control point, as well as the marked route, are set by the head of the distance based on a certain degree of preparation, which many participants in tourist rallies do not have. Therefore, these distances are either unbearable for beginners (they do not serve the purpose of training), or are too simple for the guys who have already participated in such competitions. In contrast to the given direction, in orienteering by choice it is no longer the head of the distance, but the team plans a distance according to their own strength. A very large effect has a penalty for exceeding the control time, which does not allow the team to be late to the finish line, and keeps an unprepared team in the start-finish area. As a result, in selection competitions it is very rarely necessary to look for lost participants, as is often the case in competitions in a given direction. It is also attractive that elective competitions usually take little time, they make it easier to calculate the results.

The rules of orienteering competitions define several types of competitions of choice. One of them is when a team of a large number of checkpoints established on the ground must visit a certain number, for example, five, and its result is determined by the time spent on this.

In the practice of tourist competitions for schoolchildren, there are several more types of competitions of choice, which have become traditional and fully justified themselves. They are as follows. Each team receives a map with checkpoints marked in points. The team must score as many points as possible, but at the same time not exceed the control time. For exceeding the time, penalty points are deducted from the result - a certain amount for each overdue minute. The team with the most points wins.

When planning the course of an elective competition, several options can be offered. One of them is when the cost of a CP is determined by the difficulty of finding it. The further the checkpoint is removed from the start, the more difficult it is to find it, the higher it is rated. In this case, it is recommended to place the start and finish in the center of the area so that there are more options for movement. All control points have the same score - one (two, three) points each, and the result of the team is determined by the number of control points taken. At the same time, the start and finish are spaced apart by a distance not exceeding one kilometer, and on the way from the start, the group of checkpoints, which is the guide to the finish, should be visible on the map. A poorly prepared team can immediately move to the finish line from the start, while it passes through a mandatory checkpoint, which is at the beginning of the finish corridor, that is, it receives a result, as it knows how to navigate within the framework necessary for a tourist.

Since the greatest difficulty in elective competitions is the lack of watches for some participants, the control time must be set within the limits in whichpupilsmore or less oriented. This is, for example, 40 minutes, that is, the duration of the lesson. Guys usually keep this value. If possible, technical means should also be used tonotification of participants about the expiration of the control time. These are megaphones, car signals, etc. Before the start, it is announced when such a signal will be given so that the team can even imagine how much time it has left even without a clock.

The distances of the competitions of choice must meet the following requirements:

    it is desirable that no team could find all the checkpoints during the control time, so a large number of control points are set up on the ground;

    the distance must be planned so that there are several equivalent options for the movement of teams.

In this regard, serious requirements are placed on the card. The map of the selection competitions must be corrected over the entire area, the areas of the checkpoints must be drawn in particular detail. The checkpoints must stand on solid landmarks and be visible from a distance of 5-25 meters. It is recommended to set up checkpoints on point and small areal landmarks - in pits, on hillocks, in small clearings, at the intersection of paths, etc. It is very important that they be visible from all sides in order to avoid the accumulation of teams in the control area.

When setting the distance, it is necessary to correctly assess the level of training of teams. At school or district competitions, in order to make the task easier for the participants, it is necessary to put the control on rougher landmarks - not on a small clearing, but on the edge of a large clearing, at a fork in ravines, at a crossroads, etc.

Types of tourist orientation

At tourist rallies, competitions can also be held, consisting of various tasks or exercises in orientation and topography.

Legend movement

Participants are given the task to pass the section of the route according to the description, indicating distances in meters and angular values ​​in azimuths. For example: “From the start, move along the path leaving in azimuth 56 °; after passing 400 meters to the intersection, turn to the clearing (azimuth 90 °), etc.”

Azimuth route

Participants are given the task to go through the route in segments indicating the azimuth and distance in meters.

Driving on a designated route

Participants receive a map with a marked line of movement, moving in accordance with which they pass through checkpoints (pickets) that are not marked on the map, serving as confirmation of the correct completion of the task.

The following tasks or exercises and their combinations are also possible: visual estimation of distances; measuring the length of the route according to the legend; laying an azimuth route; drawing clarifications on the map; search for objects using the map; search for objects by given azimuths; determination of the standing point on the map (binding); knowledge of topographic signs and others.

The amount of penalties is set by the judges depending on the amount of requirements and must be agreed in advance in the conditions of the competition.

Night orienteering team competition

The night team orienteering competitions, which are held according to the “Control Tourist Route” type, are very popular with the guys, however, its program does not have technical stages, but only stages related to various types of orienteering are included.

Orientation without a map

This is one of the simplest competition systems for junior schoolchildren that can be included in the program of a tourist rally. The purpose of the competition is to teach the child to compare the real area with its conditional image on the map and thus determine their location. At the same time, the participants of the competition do not use maps and do not have compasses and special tablets with them.

Competitions are held only on the marked track. This is primarily due to security requirements due to the low qualification of the participants and their lack of certain skills. Depending on the type of competition (individual, personal-team), a draw is held and the starting order is determined. As a rule, one distance is prepared with a separate start. Ordinal breast numbers do not have much meaning. The main thing is that the card, and this is the only item that the teams will have at the distance, is correctly filled out. Therefore, the cards and a sample of their filling, as well as the conditions of the event and symbols must be handed over to each representative of the team in advance.

What is the task of teams? Moving along the marked route, she meets a checkpoint on her way. Signs (30x30) are hung on a rope stretched across the movement, on which the serial number of the checkpoint (1,2,3) and three fragments of the map (A, B, C) are depicted. The fragments are images of three different situations of the location of this command post. In the absence of any cartographic material, the preparation of fragments is carried out in advance as follows. With the help of topographic signs or the simplest signs for orienteering, a person who is more or less familiar with orienteering, with colored pens, depicts the location of the checkpoint and the landmarks adjacent to it on an approximate scale. One fragment reflects the real picture, and the other two - conditional situations. Each checkpoint is additionally equipped with one copy of the conventional signs in case the participant needs a “hint”, as well as several pencils of the same color. It is best to fasten pencils and tablets not on a rope, but on a single-core wire, so that it is easier to rotate them in different directions and so that they do not get tangled during work.

The team that arrived at the checkpoint must visually assess the situation in which it is located on the spot, choose the correct one from the proposed options, write the desired letter (A, B, C) in the corresponding cell of its card with a pencil of this checkpoint.

The team that completes the proposed distance faster and gives as many correct answers as possible wins. For each incorrect answer, the team receives a penalty of 2 minutes, which is added to the running time. The team receives the same penalty for the absence of a mark on the card, for an extra mark and for the discrepancy between the mark and the color of the CP pencil.

According to this methodological development, it is possible to carry out sports and educational activities in any school in any locality, you can start from the area adjacent to the school, as presented in this methodological development. Also, the event can be moved to places where historical sights and architectural monuments are most concentrated, this will help students to better study and get to know their small homeland and quickly navigate it.

The route can be built in different ways. In this method of development, it is possible to pass the route on a map or diagram with the execution of tasks at stages, the introduction of control time. Options can be very diverse, it all depends on the imagination and ingenuity of the organizers.

Conducting a tourist rally is the most common form of organizing children's leisure. It always arouses great interest in children with its correct, interesting and meaningful organization.

Another attractive side is the relative simplicity of organizing mass competitions, which do not necessarily require the presence of sports halls, playgrounds and stadiums, expensive equipment and inventory.

Orienteering is one of the few where competitors act individually, out of sight of coaches, judges, spectators, even rivals. Therefore, to achieve the goal, good psychological preparation, manifestation of perseverance, determination, courage, self-control are necessary. There are two main components in the technical preparation of an orienteer: the technique of orientation (working with a map and compass) and the technique of movement on the ground.

Organization of orienteering competitions

The choice of the competition area and the preparation of the circulation of sports cards for the competition are selected populated areas of the area (the map is attached), parks and recreation areas located near the educational institution. Areas of mass competitions must meet certain conditions (an area of ​​​​at least 2 km, good landmarks that limit the area of ​​​​competitions, the absence of dangerous places, sufficient cross-country ability, the presence of shelters from bad weather in the start-finish area).

One of the important stages in the preparation of mass competitions is the preparation of sports cards. As a rule, a memo is printed on the maps in the form of a table of conventional signs (Appendix No. 2), which facilitates their study and helps in passing the distance of the test competitions. For competitions, students are recommended to use multi-color cards, and only in their absence, resort to black and white, made by a photo method.

Distance and competition center equipment. For the equipment of the competition center and distances, 3-4 people are involved, with experience as head of the distance at orienteering competitions. The most important thing in the work of the distance service is the planning of the route, in which one should not get carried away with setting difficult checkpoints, but one should not allow the competition to turn into a cross on the roads.

If the terrain features do not allow these parameters to be maintained, small deviations in the direction of reducing the length of the distance with a simultaneous increase in the number of control points are permissible.

To prepare the distance in accordance with the recommended parameters, it is advisable to place the control points so that the average distances between them are about 500 m. This corresponds to their placement at the vertices of equilateral triangles with a side length of 500 m.

Standard red-white prisms are used for CP equipment. Sometimes trees, corners of fences are used for CP. Checkpoints are equipped with marking means with which the competitors are most familiar. Most often, colored pencils are used for these purposes. When using pencils, they are firmly attached on a wire or rope to the CP. At each checkpoint, 2-4 pencils of the same color are hung out. They need to be selected in such a way that there is no CP with the same or similar set of pencils in color. Pencils are stupidly sharpened on both sides and tied in the middle.

When equipping the start and finish corridors, garlands of multi-colored flags are used, as well as start and finish shields. The finish is arranged in such a way as to ensure the reception of participants from all possible directions. It is recommended to equip an information board in the start-finish area. Samples of filling in control cards, control cards of the competition and operational information about the preliminary results of the finishing teams are posted on it.

Summing up the results of the competition. The processing of the results of the competition is carried out by 2-3 secretary judges. They count the results on the cards of the finishing teams, and also check the correctness of the mark on the CP. In each cell of the control card, any mark should be made with a pencil hanging on the CP. The number of marks must match the number of CPs.

When holding a team championship, they also draw up a protocol for the competition of separate team results, which indicates the number of points scored by members of the group and the place taken. Protocols are made in two copies

Master class "Health Day Scenario" (orienteering).

Orienteering not only develops the child's physical qualities (speed and general endurance, agility and coordination of movements), but also mental abilities. The proposed additional tasks, mini-competitions contribute to the expansion of the horizons of children, consolidate previously acquired skills. And the group form of game lessons in orienteering contributes to the development of teamwork skills and strengthening the team spirit.

This development is based on orienteering games-tasks.

The presented games are designed for children of different age groups. Some are suitable for elementary school students, others are only for high school students. Most of the games are recommended to be played with students in the fifth or sixth grades. It is at this age that children in geography lessons study plans, diagrams, learn to “read” a map; get acquainted with such concepts as map scale, azimuth, symbols; They know how to use a compass and find their location on a map. If desired, games can be enriched with a variety of tasks from other subject areas or develop their own versions of a particular game.

"Encrypted Word"

Before the start of the competition, the judges come up with a cipher word - small and convenient for word formation (for example, “compass”, “star”, “tent”). After that, it is necessary to prepare checkpoints. There should be as many of them as there are letters in the cipher word. Then the judges set (hide) control points, which are then plotted on the map for orientation. Start and finish locations are also plotted on the map and areas unsuitable for running (if any) are indicated. The total length of the course should not exceed three kilometers.

The control point is a two-color paper prism (red and white). The color border runs diagonally. The letter of the magic cipher is indicated in the upper (white) part of the checkpoint.

Then each team is given a map with marked checkpoints and a team card (Appendix No. 3). The team card has cells in which the letters of the magic cipher will be entered and a table in which the team will have to fill in the composed words.

Teams of the game-competition go to the start according to a pre-drawn lot with bibs (interval between teams is 2-3 minutes). Each team is given 1 hour to search for all checkpoints, write words and return to the finish line. The team has the right to find control points in any sequence (orientation by choice). Running up to the checkpoint, the team rewrites the letter of the magic cipher on their card in a special cell. The rules of the game do not require the mandatory location of all control points. Already having a supply of three or four letters, the team can begin to form words. These must be singular and nominative nouns. Misspelled words do not count. It is forbidden to use names and geographical names. The participant writes down all the composed words in the table on the card. The more checkpoints (letters) a team can find, the more words they can make, and the faster the team finds the checkpoints, the more time they have to think and write words.

The main task is to come up with the largest number of words from the letters of the magic cipher in the allotted time.

The winner of the game-competition is the team that will make the largest number of words from the magic cipher or be the first to guess the cipher word. If the indicators are equal, additional conditions are developed. Teams that do not meet the control time are considered to have incorrectly completed the task.

The presence of judges at the start, finish and control points (CP) is necessary, where their duties include control over the correct passage of the control by the teams, installation and removal of the control after the game.

"Survival in the natural environment"

First, students are introduced to the rules of the game. Before the start, each participant or team receives a map of the area with the starting point and the first checkpoint marked on it. At the first CP, the team is met by a judge, who invites the participants to answer one question - in our case, about medicinal plants. Several answers are offered (there may be more options, but the rest should be obviously easy) and only one is correct. For example, to the question: “What plant can be applied to a wound instead of antibacterial agents?” The following answers are offered:

1. Burdock. 2. Mother and stepmother. 3. Plantain.

4. Chamomile. 5. Dandelion

The team chooses and informs the judge of their answer. The referee does not give any comments, but draws the next control on the team map. Moreover, if the proposed option turned out to be correct, then the judge draws a “true” second CP. And if the answer option turned out to be wrong, then the judge draws a “penalty” control. Looking for the next item, the team does not know if they answered the question correctly. At the penalty control, the team is met by another judge, who offers them not a question, but a certain task (this is a kind of penalty for a wrong answer at the previous control). The task can be: cleaning up garbage left by negligent tourists, installing a pre-prepared birdhouse, planting trees, collecting scattered old branches, etc.

After completing the task, the judge at the penalty box draws the “true” second control on the map and reports the correct answer to the previous question.

On the second, third, fourth CP, the order of the game is preserved.

After passing the last checkpoint (if the answer is correct) or after completing the last penalty task, the judge draws the finish line on the team map. The participant or team that reaches the finish line first is the winner of the game.

The proposed number of checkpoints is not more than five. Otherwise, the game time will increase significantly. It will require a large number of judges who can read the map well. Appropriate conditions are also needed for the execution of penalty tasks.

Orienteering is an unusually interesting and intellectual sport. , sportsstrong, courageous, talented and spiritually rich people who are inextricably linked with nature. And through it and with our historical roots, with everything that is called our small Motherland.

The competition is held in the school area (Appendix No. 1).

All students of grades 5-11 participate in orienteering, except for those who are released on a given day for health reasons. For each student who did not take part in the competition for an unexcused reason, the team is given a 5 minute penalty.

All classes with an interval of 5 minutes go to the distance. Before the start, the team is given a plan-scheme of checkpoints (Appendix No. 1) that need to be found, a map of the participant in the competition (Appendix No. 2) and a brief instruction on how to use it.

Movement along the distance is mixed - running alternates with walking.

Orienteering is a team competition. Stronger guys move ahead, who are the first to look for control points. Close the column of the class are also physically prepared students who help those who are lagging behind.

As soon as the next point is found, and the last member of the team has approached it, the judge makes a mark on the plan.

At the finish line, how many checkpoints were found are taken into account. If the number of points found is the same, the average time of the first and last team member is taken into account.

Teams compete in parallel: grades 5-6, grades 7-8, grades 9-11. The teacher - organizer, teachers of physical culture and members of the sports association "Eaglet" are judges.

Pupils in grades 9-11 can optionally compete in the individual championship.

Pupils in grades 5-6 leave the start with a class teacher, a class teacher and a parent who is well acquainted with the area where orienteering is carried out.

Grades 5-6 are looking for 5 checkpoints (about 3km). Grades 7-8 are looking for 6 points (about 3.5 km), grades 9-11 are looking for 10 points (about 5 km).

The area where the competition is held should be familiar to most of the team members. The distance of movement should not cross highways, have dangerous areas (pits, dilapidated buildings, etc.). It is desirable that the venue of the holiday be an area for walking local residents.

The competition course must be looped and run along a well-visible road. Checkpoints should be located in thickets on both sides of the road (no further than 100m from the road), so that the checkpoint is not visible from the road, but the road can be guessed from the checkpoint.

There must be at least 3 judges at the checkpoint.

For an hour, the class runs around the territory in search of a command post. Due to the emotional upsurge, physical activity is much easier to bear.

The students love this competition. In addition, orienteering contributes to mental and physical development, health promotion, helps to learn and understand nature.


Conventional signs "For memory". Relief





Slope direction, berghstrich


earth cliff

earth embankment, earth embankment

Small or destroyed earth wall

Gulley more than 1 m

Gulley more than 0.5 m to 1 m

Hills, hillocks

Extra-scale, small tubercles

Elongated small tubercles







A special relief object (burrow, anthill ...)

Rocks and stones

Impenetrable rock wall


Crossable cliff

Rock pit, development


Big stone, boulder

Extra large stone

Rocky field, many boulders

A group of boulders in one place

rocky ground

open sand

Pure, traversable rock

Hydrography and swamps

Big body of water

small body of water


Irresistible river

crossable river


Ditch with water

Drying ditch

Impenetrable swamp

impenetrable swamp

Waterlogged, wet ground


spring, key

Special object of hydrography fountain, geyser
