Paid education is very popular. Students of both higher educational institutions and colleges pay for their education. However, not every person who entered an off-budget place knows that he can transfer to the budget. In this case, the state will pay for the education. But how to transfer to a budget from a paid one?

You can get a budget place if certain conditions are met

1. The educational institution has a free place in the course in which you are currently studying and in the corresponding specialty.

2. There must be no tuition debts, as well as disciplinary actions.

3. For the last two semesters in a row, exams must be passed with high marks.

To get a budget place, first you need to find out from the administration of the educational institution whether there is such an opportunity.

Some universities provide it only to those students who have a high GPA.

It is important to get high marks in tests and exams. It is also important to take an active part in the affairs of the educational institution. In many universities, students who participate in various competitions are highly valued. These are guys with an active lifestyle. After each session, you need to contact the dean's office and find out if there is a free budget place. Don't be afraid to be intrusive. Remember that your family's money is spent on education.

If you have the opportunity to transfer from paid education to free, be sure to use it. This will save you a lot of money that you can spend on other things. Proceed in the following order.

  1. As soon as you find out that there is a vacant state-funded place, immediately go to the dean's office.

2. Write an appropriate application. The sample will be provided by the dean's office.

3. If there is a document that gives you the right to receive some benefits, then be sure to attach it to your application.

4. The application must also be accompanied by documents that confirm special achievements in educational, social, sports and other activities.

All documents submitted by you will be reviewed by a specially created commission. This process usually takes about a month. The rector draws up the corresponding order. The document is signed within ten days from the date of the decision by the special commission.

Not only those students who study well can get a free place. Also, orphans, children with only one parent, as well as students who were left without a father and mother right during their studies are entitled to this. All transfer conditions in these special cases can be obtained from the administration of the institution.

All students who are distinguished by good academic performance have the opportunity to transfer from a commercial form of education to a budget one. This possibility is enshrined in the Procedure and cases of transition of persons studying in educational programs of secondary vocational and higher education from paid education to free education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated June 06, 2013 No. 443 “On approval of the Procedure and cases of transition of persons studying in educational programs of secondary professional and higher education, from paid education to free education” (registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 19, 2013 No. 29107).

What are the requirements for transferring from commercial to budget education?

Amendments to the Procedure introduced by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 25, 2014 N 1286 provide for the right of a student to transfer from a commercial department to a budget one if the following requirements are met:

  • - lack of academic debt;
  • - lack of disciplinary sanctions;
  • - absence of overdue payments for educational services;
  • - the presence in the record of progress for the previous two semesters of grades "good" and "excellent".

It turns out that a student who passed the previous two sessions without "triples" has a real opportunity to transfer to a free form of education. The press service of the Ministry of Education and Science commented on the existing changes as "stimulating students to good academic performance."

Let us remind you that until 2015, only “excellent students” could use the transfer, which, unfortunately, we do not have so many. Some talented guys ended up on a paid basis, which did not have the best effect on their mood and incentives. The current wording of this provision contributes to a significant expansion of the circle of persons entitled to free education, which is undoubtedly an expansion of benefits for a good student, which should be used. A full list of student benefits can be found in the relevant section of the site.

The final decision on the transfer of a student to budgetary support is made by the general meeting of a special commission. The opinion of the students' union is also taken into account. In the event that the student has not reached the age of majority, then the parents' council in a particular educational institution is also involved in the decision.

As additional documents that can increase the chances of a positive decision on the transition to the budget, you can additionally attach documents on achievements in the knowledge of certain disciplines, on participation in cultural, public and sports events.

In the event that there are several applicants for one budgetary place, those persons who have the best results of intermediate certifications will have priority. Participation in cultural, social, sports and other areas is of secondary importance.

It is also a great incentive for students to achieve better learning outcomes. In this regard, it is important to give a chance to receive education at the expense of the budget to those who show special success in learning. Therefore, first of all, the view of the commission is turned to the results of academic performance.

An important decision is also the increase in budget places. However, they should not be opened at all faculties and directions. Here it is very important to listen to the opinion of the community, which will tell you in which areas of activity there is a need for certain specialists. To meet the needs of the modern labor market, it is important to create more state-funded places in those faculties that are able to fill the shortage of highly qualified specialists. But the current state of affairs suggests otherwise: commercial places in universities are an excellent way to earn money, so the number of budget places in popular areas of study is becoming less and less.

Rules for transferring to free education

The main condition for the transition from a commercial form of education to free education is the availability of free budget places, the financing of which comes from the budgets of various levels in a particular area of ​​study.

The period in which a student can apply for a transfer is determined by the institution's internal decision.

All necessary information regarding the timing, availability of budget places, as well as the procedure for switching from a commercial form of education to a free one, should be freely available. An educational institution is obliged to place the relevant data in the media, for example, on the official website of the university.

  • - orphans and children deprived of parental care;
  • - persons under the age of twenty who have a disabled person as a single parent I groups, and if the average per capita income of this family does not reach the subsistence level fixed in a particular region of our country;
  • - persons who have lost one or two parents during their education.

Application process

Upon receipt of an application from a student with a request to consider his candidacy for transfer from a commercial form of education to a budget one, representatives of the educational institution are required to register and submit the application to the commission within 5 days. The application is accompanied by extracts from the statements confirming the student's progress, a certificate of no penalties and payment documents indicating payment for educational services. The package of documents also includes information about awards and participation in certain areas of activity.

The result of the consideration of the submitted package of documents is the adoption of one of two decisions: “deny” or “allow”. The final decision of the commission is also based on the presence of a certain number of available budget places.

The protocol of the commission meeting is also communicated to everyone by posting it on appropriate resources, for example, on the World Wide Web or other media.

Within 10 days, the decision of the commission is formalized by an order for the educational institution, which is signed by the head of the institution or another authorized person.

Personal rights

Is it possible?

The standard situation is that I entered the budget, I didn’t get a couple of points and therefore I have to study on a scarf. To what extent is it possible to transfer to the budget in the future, and what should be guided by?

There is no unequivocal answer to the question posed - it all depends on the university, the chosen specialty and many other factors. However, there are a number of general points that should be noted. We list the most important of them.

1. All specific provisions relating to translation are regulated by the internal documents of the university, and each university has its own approach to this issue. You can find the documents you need for this case either on the website of the university or in the educational part.

2. On average, according to statistics, up to 15-20% of students are deducted from the first courses of the budget. Thus, the probability of the appearance of free budgetary places is quite high.

3. An important circumstance is the availability of vacancies in the chosen specialty. To keep abreast of what is happening, it is advisable to periodically look into the dean's office and be interested in this issue, of course, without being particularly annoying.

4. You can transfer to the budget, if you wish, to another specialty. The main thing is that the curricula are not very different from each other.

5. Transfer to the budget, as a rule, is possible from the 2nd year. It will not be possible to do this before, because. the dean's office must have good reasons for the transfer.

6. To make a transfer, you must submit an appropriate application to the dean's office. Only if it is available, this issue can be further considered.

7. When transferring a student, first of all, the dean's office pays attention to his progress. As a rule, it is required that a student of the 3rd or 4th semester study for "good" and "excellent".

8. It is possible that the number of people willing to study on a budget will exceed the number of vacancies. In this case, as a rule, the student's rating is taken into account, as well as such factors as the absence of disciplinary sanctions, active participation in the public (scientific, sports, cultural) life of the university, the recommendation of the student council or any other organization of student government.

9. A prerequisite for the transfer is the absence of arrears in tuition fees. However, there are no rules without exceptions. As practice shows, some universities allow the student to transfer to the budget if a change in family circumstances has led to the inability to further pay for education.

And the last. As the Russian proverb says - "Under a lying stone, the wrong water flows." This is the approach you should follow if you want to study on a budget. This task is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

The number of budget places in universities is limited, and it is not so easy to get into them. However, if you are an exemplary student, you have a chance to transfer to the "budget".

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 06.06.2013 No. 433 “On Approval of the Procedure and Cases for the Transfer of Persons Studying in Educational Programs of Secondary Vocational and Higher Education from Paid Education to Free Education” establishes the right of a student of a higher educational institution to transfer from a contract to a budgetary form of education. At the same time, the procedure for transferring to the budget is determined by the charter of this educational institution.


It is impossible to transfer “from paid to budget” immediately after receipt. To do this, you need to unlearn at this university for a certain time. Each university sets this period independently, but in any case it will be at least two semesters. This is necessary so that teachers can evaluate you as a student and understand whether you deserve the right to study with public money.

So, you have completed the minimum number of semesters required for translation. After that, you need to submit a package of documents to the educational department of your faculty:

1. personal statement addressed to the rector;

2. copy of the passport;

3. certificates of progress during the training or a copy of the record book;

4. your testimonial signed by the dean of the faculty;

5. documents confirming the existence of special grounds for the transfer (if any);

6. documents confirming the absence of arrears in tuition fees in previous years.

Grounds for transfer

The main reason for your transfer is excellent academic performance: passing exams as "good" and "excellent", despite the fact that the share of "good" marks is not more than 25%.

Also, depending on the charter of the university, indicators such as O the absence of disciplinary sanctions, active participation in the scientific, sports or cultural life of the university, the recommendation of the student council or any other organization of student government.

There is also special ground, which is tantamount to excellent academic performance, and in some universities it is even put in first place when deciding whether to transfer to the "budget". This basis is a sharp decline in student solvency associated with the death of the person paying for his education (parent, guardian), deterioration of his health, loss of work, divorce from the spouse who paid for the education, etc. If this happens, it is necessary to provide an appropriate document to the educational unit: a death or divorce certificate, a certificate of registration of the payer as unemployed, information about the income of the student's family in the form 2-NDFL.

Transfer terms

One of the main conditions for transferring from a contract to a budgetary form of education is the availability of free budgetary places in the chosen department.

If there are such places, the decision to transfer a student to the “budget” is made by the rector of your university in agreement with the dean and the Academic Council of the faculty where you study.

At the same time, each educational institution independently determines the procedure for the actions necessary for the implementation of the transfer, and fixes it in the local act of this university. However, in state and municipal higher educational institutions, decisions on the transfer of students to the budgetary form of education are taken at least twice a year at the end of the study session. At the same time, the rector's order to transfer a student comes into force on the first day of the next semester.

If the number of paying students who want to transfer to the "budget" exceeds the number of vacant budget places, the Academic Council has the right to present additional requirements to applicants and arrange a competitive selection. Each university determines the list of such requirements independently. This can be either a "recording competition" - that is, an average score for all the years of study at a university, or a competition of additional indicators. Among them:

student attendance at lectures and seminars;

the results of intermediate attestations, which are made up of the results of intra-semester tests;

the presence/absence of "satisfactory" grades for the entire period of study;

the presence / absence of letters of thanks, diplomas and other insignia

A spoon of tar

What a score. You submitted documents, successfully passed the competition and received a long-awaited transfer to the budget. Do not rush to rejoice. In some universities, “budget employees” find themselves in a losing position compared to “payers”. Here is a firsthand story about it.

Olga Neverova, a student of one of the capital's universities:

“After the second year, I transferred to the “budget”. Before that, my education cost 100 thousand rubles a year, and my parents decided: since I now study for free, this money will be given to me for pocket expenses. Dad said so: “Deserved!” However, my happiness was short-lived. It quickly became clear that in our university, “state employees” are the most discriminated part of the students. We had the most inconvenient schedule. We were the most bullied. We were constantly involved in public works - from parsing papers in the educational section to cleaning the walls. As senior comrades said, you can complain, and refuse to work too. But everyone who complained and refused, flew out of the university for the next session. Therefore, when we were given a plan of compulsory work for the holidays, I wrote an application for a transfer back to “paid”.

Read more in the source

If the applicant does not qualify for a state-funded place, but passes through the general competition, then he is invited to conclude an agreement under which he is admitted to study on a commercial basis. That is, the student will be obliged, before the date determined by the university or faculty, to timely pay the amount of money determined by the agreement for each semester of study through the cash desks of the educational institution. That would seem to be all - a person will be doomed to pay for his studies until the defense of his diploma. However, this is not quite true. There are ways to solve this problem. The question of how to transfer from paid to budget should be asked starting from the very first semester. In most universities, the transfer mechanism has been worked out for many years.

Paid education at the university is based on a contractual basis, therefore, when transferring to the budget, the agreement on the provision of paid educational services is firstly terminated. The main criterion for transferring a student to the budget is his academic performance. First of all, these are marks for the time of the credit and examination sessions. Intermediate progress has practically no effect on the change in the status of the "payer". In order to have a chance to switch to a free basis, the first session must be unequivocally passed without "satisfactory" marks - only "good" and "excellent". It is advisable to give everything to the maximum, because the higher the grades, the more in the eyes of the dean's office of his faculty the student deserves not to pay for education.

In some educational institutions, it is possible to transfer to a budgetary department after the first session passed with positive marks. This usually happens if some students studying on a free basis were not able to complete all exams and tests, and ended up on the list for expulsion. Instead of those who were eventually removed from the university, by the decision of the dean's office, persons who showed themselves best during the examination and test sessions will be transferred to their places. That is, at the beginning of the second semester, such students will be called to the dean's office to terminate the contract and apply for a scholarship. All this will be formalized by a special order for the faculty, which is confirmed by the seal of the university and the signature of its head - the rector.

But not always the transfer is carried out after the first semester. It is possible that you will have to work hard at the summer examination session, and tuition fees at this point will still have to be done on time. If the passing of exams in the summer, just like in the winter, was successful, then from the new academic year the dean's office of the faculty has no right to refuse an excellent student or a good student in the transition to free education. If, nevertheless, the second session did not go as we would like, then you can try to correct the situation and try to retake the unsuccessful subject. To do this, you must submit an application to the dean's office and agree with a specific teacher on the retake. Most often, they go to meet such students.

If, nevertheless, it was not possible to correct satisfactory scores and achieve a positive result right away, then you will have to strain in the second and subsequent courses. If a student has a strong desire to overcome his status as a "payer", then sooner or later he will still succeed. Seeing such a student's zeal, many university staff will meet him halfway and give certain concessions in exams. In general, good relations with teachers and active participation in the public life of the university will also be an excellent help to achieve this goal. Education on a free basis is a thing quite affordable for a student who wants to really get to it. Responsible work during the semester, as well as decent answers in exams are the key to success.