The process of production at an enterprise, regardless of the form of ownership, can be carried out only if it is uninterruptedly maintained by the relevant support services of the enterprise: repair, instrumental, energy and transport.

Repair facilities - a set of general plant and shop divisions that carry out a set of measures for the care and supervision of the condition of equipment, as well as its repair.

The tasks of the repair economy are to prevent premature wear of equipment and maintain it in a state of constant operational readiness, to minimize the downtime of equipment in repairs at minimal cost, to care for and supervise its standing.

All work to meet the needs of the enterprise in the toolkit is carried out by the tool economy. Its most important task is the uninterrupted supply of workshops and sites with high-quality tools and technological equipment in the right quantity and assortment at minimal cost for design, purchase (or manufacture), storage, operation, repair and restoration.

The tool service at the enterprise determines the needs of production in tools and equipment, normalizes their consumption and stocks, draws up cost estimates for the tool economy, introduces new types of tools, carries out technical supervision of the operation of tools, organizes the repair and restoration of technological equipment.

The tool economy of an enterprise may include a tool shop, a tool warehouse and tool-distributing storerooms.

The specifics of production and the composition of transport equipment determine the organizational and production structure of the transport economy.

Material assets arriving at the enterprises are unloaded and placed in warehouses. Throughout the entire production cycle, raw materials, materials and semi-finished products are subject to loading and unloading, transport and relocation operations. Finished products are also transported from workshops to warehouses.

Intra-factory transport is not only a means of mechanical movement of goods, but also a means of labor actively involved in the production process. In mass production, he often regulates its rhythm. The rational organization of the work of factory transport ensures the systematic and efficient movement of objects of labor in the production process, increases the rhythm of work, shortens the duration of the production cycle, accelerates the turnover of working capital, reduces the labor intensity and cost of transport operations.

Industrial enterprises use various types of energy resources as technological, motor, heating and lighting energy.

The most important tasks of the energy sector are: ensuring uninterrupted supply of the enterprise with all types of fuel and energy, rational operation of power equipment, its repair and maintenance. .

At JSC "Plant Promburvod" auxiliary facilities are represented by tool facilities, transport facilities and repair service.

The tool economy of the enterprise is represented by a tool warehouse and a tool section. The tool section is engaged in the manufacture of special tools and technological equipment: dies, conductors and other types of equipment. The plant purchases only those tools that cannot be produced in the tool area. This condition is dictated by the requirement of economic feasibility.

Planning the need for tools and technological equipment is carried out on the basis of the production program.

Production technology objectively predetermines the cargo flows of raw materials, semi-finished products, parts, assemblies and finished products of the enterprise.

Any movement is made only with the use of technological containers.

The enterprise is provided with all the necessary lifting and transport means and mechanisms and mechanisms for the uninterrupted operation of cargo flows. For these purposes, the following are used: an overhead crane, beam cranes, slewing cranes, rail and trackless carts, forklifts, and company vehicles.

All lifting and transport vehicles are operated only when they are in full working order and have passed the technical examination.

At the enterprise under consideration, a team method of equipment repair is used and, according to specialization, according to the technological principle. The enterprise has a complex team for the repair of equipment and technological equipment.

Types of equipment maintenance and repair work are carried out in accordance with the Unified Scheduled Preventive Maintenance System, which includes equipment maintenance and repair work. Every year, at the end of the year, a technical inspection of all the equipment of the enterprise is carried out in order to establish its actual condition, and on the basis of the inspection, an annual plan-schedule for the repair of equipment and technological equipment is developed.

An important place in the enterprise management system is occupied by the quality assurance system.

JSC "Plant Promburvod" pays great attention to the quality of its products. Maintaining the quality at the proper level is the quality assurance system (QAS), covering all types of activities of the enterprise.

The release of high quality products is impossible without the presence at the enterprise of a unit that monitors the quality of products in the process of its production. Such a subdivision is the technical control department (QCD), which is obliged to prevent defective products from reaching the consumer, which implies a high responsibility of the subdivision employees for the results of their activities.

The system of technical control at the enterprise consists of:

  • - input control;
  • - operational control;
  • - acceptance control (tests);
  • - periodic, type tests and reliability tests.

Production maintenance plays an important role in producing high quality products at minimal cost. In a market economy, increased competition and the rapid development of scientific and technological progress, the results of the activities of the enterprise's support services are of increasing importance to the final results of the enterprise's activities - the production of high quality products and profit.

Organization of auxiliary shops and services of the enterprise

Goals and objectives of auxiliary shops and services of enterprises. Organization of repair services of enterprises. Organization of energy services. Organization of transport economy. Organization of warehouse management. Organization of material and technical supply of the enterprise (MTS).

Production shops (sections, workshops) are divided into two groups:

1. Workshops of the main production where products intended for sale are directly manufactured. They are formed in accordance with the profile of the enterprise and depending on specific types of products, scale and production technology.

The main tasks of the main workshops are: timely release of products, reducing production costs, improving product quality, the possibility of timely restructuring of production in accordance with changing market needs. These tasks are solved on the basis of rational specialization and location of workshops, their cooperation and ensuring the proportionality of the production process from the first to the last operation.

There are the following forms of specialization of workshops:

    subject specialization (concentration in separate workshops of the main part or the entire production process for the manufacture of specific types and sizes of finished products); detailed (by-aggregate) specialization (assignment to each workshop for the manufacture of individual parts or assemblies of machines); technological (stage) specialization (operational division of labor between workshops); territorial specialization (each workshop can perform the same functions in territories remote from each other).

2. Auxiliary and service shops, the result of which is consumed within the enterprise itself.

The main task of auxiliary workshops is to ensure the normal, uninterrupted operation of the main production shops.

Auxiliary workshops and production sites for:

    production, repair and adjustment of devices, instruments, inventory; supervision over the performance and repair of equipment, machines, mechanisms, buildings, structures; provision of electrical and thermal energy, supervision and repair of electrical equipment and heating networks; intra-production and external transportation of raw materials, materials, blanks, finished products; enterprise warehouses.

Production program of auxiliary workshops

The production program of the auxiliary shops of the printing enterprise is formed on the basis of the needs of its own main production and the accepted applications of other enterprises, taken into account in the sales plan. Auxiliary production services include the following departments: mechanical repair, transport, energy, paper preparation shop, for machine-building enterprises - tool rooms.

Internal freight turnover is determined by the volume of intershop traffic. The calculation is based on the production plans of the enterprise and workshops, plans for the supply of materials, semi-finished products, export of finished products and waste.

The scope of work of the energy service is determined in accordance with the needs of the main workshops of the enterprise in various types of energy. The basis for calculating the required amount of energy are: the plan for the production and implementation of the main production, energy consumption rates per unit of planned production, expenditure rates for auxiliary services, loss rates in the energy conversion process, etc.

The scope of work of the tool departments is developed on the basis of the total need for a tool to perform work in the main production, replenish the stock of tools and satisfy external orders.

Production capacity of the enterprise

The production capacity of an enterprise (workshop or production site) is characterized by the maximum amount of products of the appropriate quality and range that it can produce per unit of time with full use of fixed production assets under optimal operating conditions. Production capacity, with its correct definition, becomes a reliable guideline in the work of planning and evaluating the activities of the enterprise.

The value of production capacity depends primarily on the viability of fixed assets and the extent to which they are used. The capacity of production (technological) equipment has the least impact on production capacity.

Production capacity is measured in natural units, and in some cases - in units of product utility or in monetary terms.

In contrast to the design, the planned production capacity of operating enterprises is calculated based on the applied technological processes, the available equipment fleet and the available production areas as already set values, and the volume of output according to the planned nomenclature is the desired value, established in conditions of full use of the resources available to the enterprise .

The production capacity of an enterprise is calculated as the sum of the production capacities of the production units that make up this enterprise. This value is dynamic, changing under the influence of various factors. Therefore, it is calculated in relation to a certain period of time and even to a calendar date. Power is determined at the beginning of the planning period - input power and at its end - output power.

Power at the end of the planning period is calculated by the formula

Mk \u003d Mn + Ms + Mr + Mo + Miz - Mv,

where Mn - production capacity at the beginning of the planning period; Mc - capacity input as a result of construction of new and expansion of existing enterprises; Мр is the increase in capacity due to the reconstruction of existing enterprises; Mo - increase in capacity as a result of technical re-equipment and other organizational and technical measures; Miz - increase or decrease in power due to a change in the product range; MW - reduction in power due to its retirement.

In addition to the input and output powers, the average annual power is also determined by the formula

where Tc, Tr, To, Tiz, Tv - the duration of the corresponding capacities from the moment they are put into operation until the end of the planned year.

The ratio of planned or actual output to the value of production capacity is called the production capacity utilization factor Kis:

Kis \u003d Vpl (f) / Msr,

where Vpl(f) is the planned or actual volume of production in natural units.

Tasks and structure of the repair service

There are two types of production processes: the main ones, the purpose of which is to manufacture products that are the subject of national economic turnover, auxiliary ones, which result in the creation of products used in the main production, and service processes, which involve the performance of work that ensures the uninterrupted conduct of the main production.

Works on maintenance and supervision of equipment, on its adjustment, repair and modernization are related to service processes.

You need to define what repair is. Repair is a complex of operations to restore the serviceability, operability or resource of equipment or its components.

Along with this concept, the concept of "maintenance" is also used.

Maintenance is usually called a set of operations to maintain the operability or serviceability of equipment when it is used for its intended purpose, while waiting, storing and transporting.

To perform all types of work on the organization of rational maintenance and repair of equipment and other types of fixed assets, repair services are created at enterprises.

The main tasks of the repair economy are:

1) the organization of such a system for the operation and repair of equipment that would allow maintaining the equipment in working condition;

2) systematic improvement of the culture of operation, maintenance and routine maintenance in order to extend the service life of parts, increase the overhaul period of the machine, reduce the amount of repair work;

3) reducing the complexity and cost of repair work while improving their quality;

4) certification, certification and modernization of equipment.

The structure of the repair service depends on a number of factors: the type and volume of production, its technical characteristics, the development of cooperation in the performance of repair work, the centralization system, etc.

The repair service of a large and medium-sized enterprise includes the department of the chief mechanic (CMO), the repair and mechanical shop (RMS), shop repair services, and a factory-wide warehouse for spare parts and assemblies (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1 The structure of the repair service of the enterprise

The department of the chief mechanic is headed by the chief mechanic, who reports directly to the chief engineer of the plant.

As a rule, the following functional units are created as part of the OGM: a preventive maintenance bureau (PPR), a design and technology bureau, a planning and production bureau, and a group of crane equipment.

The structure of the PPR bureau includes groups: inspection, accounting for equipment, spare parts and repair and lubrication facilities.

The inspection team plans, controls and takes into account the implementation of repair work of all kinds; inspects the correct operation and develops instructions for the care of the equipment.

The equipment accounting group conducts certification and accounting of all types of equipment, monitors its movement, controls the storage condition and quality of conservation of uninstalled equipment, and conducts an annual inventory.

The spare parts group establishes the range, service life, consumption rates and limits for spare parts and purchased materials, plans the manufacture of spare parts and manages the inventory of parts.

The maintenance and lubrication group monitors the implementation of the equipment lubrication schedule; establishes limits on cleaning and lubricants and on the collection of used oil and its regeneration.

The Design and Technology Bureau carries out all the technical preparation of the PPR system and repair work of all kinds, including modernization; ensures the compilation of albums of drawings and their storage for all types of equipment.

The planning and production bureau plans and controls the work of the mechanical repair shop and shop repair services, carries out material preparation for repair work, draws up reports on the implementation of repair work plans for the plant, analyzes the technical and economic indicators of the plant’s repair service, identifies unproductive costs, develops measures to their elimination.

The crane equipment group monitors the operation and condition of all lifting and transport mechanisms, plans and controls the implementation of all types of repairs.

The repair and mechanical shop is the main material base of the repair service of the enterprise. It is equipped with a variety of versatile equipment and highly skilled workers. This shop performs all the most complex work on equipment repair, production and restoration of replacement parts, as well as work on equipment modernization.

Workshop repair services are created in the large main workshops of the plant only when using decentralized and mixed systems for organizing repair work. The services are run by shop mechanics.

The general factory warehouse of spare parts and assemblies stores and records all material assets necessary for carrying out all types of repairs of equipment and hoisting and transport vehicles.

The states of engineering and technical workers and employees of the repair service of the enterprise are established depending on the number of repair units of equipment in the whole plant.

Organization of the energy economy of the enterprise

Tasks energy management of the enterprise:
- ensuring uninterrupted supply of production with all types of energy;
- the most complete use of the capacity of power devices and their maintenance in good condition;
- reduction of costs for consumed types of energy.

Depending on the characteristics of technological processes, various types of energy and energy carriers are consumed at enterprises, for which an energy service is being created. These are electricity, thermal energy (superheated steam, hot water), compressed air, gases (natural gas, carbon dioxide, argon, nitrogen, chlorine, oxygen, hydrogen), water of varying degrees of purification, as well as centralized heating systems, sewerage (storm, waste , fecal, chemically contaminated), ventilation and air conditioning.

An approximate structure of the energy service is shown in fig.

Operational planning" href="/text/category/operativnoe_planirovanie/" rel="bookmark">operational planning and scheduling of providing the enterprise with all types of energy;
- organization of repair work of equipment;
- development of technical documentation for installation, repair work of equipment and energy communications (networks);
- organization of maintenance of power equipment, networks, communication lines;
- control over the quality of repair work;
- organization of installation, commissioning of new equipment, dismantling and disposal of decommissioned power equipment;
- supervision of equipment operation rules;
- control over the costs of all types of energy.

Calculation of energy needs and energy balance of the enterprise

The organization and operation of the energy sector is based on the planning of energy production and the determination of the sources of its coverage. The need for energy resources is established on the basis of their consumption rates and the annual production program.

In addition to energy consumption for production purposes, it takes into account its costs for lighting, ventilation, heating, as well as energy losses in factory networks. Process energy requirements are calculated based on consumption rates for operations or types of equipment.

Organization of transport facilities of the enterprise

Tasks of transport economy- implementation of uninterrupted transportation of all goods in accordance with the production process, maintenance of vehicles in good working order, reduction of costs for transport and handling operations.

The rational organization of the transport economy is a prerequisite for reducing the cost of production. Depending on the characteristics of technological processes and types of production, various vehicles are used at the enterprise.

Classification of vehicles of the enterprise is given in table. 9.2.

Table 9.2

Classification of enterprise vehicles



1. Area of ​​application

1.1. External transport for communication of the enterprise with external transport systems:
- railways;
- airports;
- river and sea ports and other enterprises

1.2. Intrafactory(for the movement of goods between workshops, sections, workplaces):
- intershop transport;
- intrashop transport (to move goods between sites and workplaces);
- interoperative transport (to move goods between workplaces)

2. Type of vehicle

2.1. Wheeled transport:
- railway;
- automobile;
- forklifts;
- electric transport.
2.2. Transport conveyors.
2.3. Monorail roads.
2.4. Pipeline transport.
2.5. Pneumatic transport.
2.6. Robots

The structure of the transport service of the enterprise depends on the characteristics of the production process, the type of production and the volume of output.

An approximate structure of a developed transport service of a machine-building (instrument-making) enterprise is shown in Fig. 9.4.

Cargo flows, cargo flows" href="/text/category/gruzovie_potoki__gruzopotoki/" rel="bookmark">freight flows and cargo turnover;
- planning of PPR vehicles;
- planning the need for spare parts and their acquisition;
- operational planning and scheduling of providing the enterprise with all types of transport;
- provision of production processes with vehicles;
- organization of inspections and repairs of vehicles;
- organization of traffic safety;
- organization of vehicle maintenance (refueling, washing, etc.);
- organizing the acquisition of new vehicles, their registration with state bodies, obtaining licenses for the transportation of goods and people, decommissioning and disposal of vehicles.

For effective planning of the needs of the vehicle, the cargo turnover of the enterprise and cargo flows are determined.

Cargo turnover- this is the sum of all goods transported at the enterprise for a certain period of time (or the sum of all cargo flows of the enterprise).

Cargo traffic- the number of goods (t, piece, kg) moved in a certain direction between workshops and warehouses for a certain period of time.

Freight flows are calculated based on:
- types of transported goods;
- points of departure and delivery;
- distances between points;
- volumes of transported goods;
- frequency and regularity of transportation.

Transportation is divided into one-time and route.

One-time transportation- transportation under separate non-recurring orders (applications).

Shuttle transportation- permanent or periodic transportation on certain routes.

One of the methods for determining the volume of cargo flows and cargo turnover of an enterprise is the compilation of a chess sheet (Fig. 9.5).

This statement reflects all movements of goods. The sender shops and warehouses are listed vertically, while the receiving shops and warehouses are listed in the same order horizontally.

Each workshop and warehouse is represented by a column and a line. The totals of the graphs show the total receipt of goods in a given shop, the totals of the lines show the amount of shipments. The sum of the totals of columns or lines for all workshops and warehouses reflects the value of internal cargo flows.

Shops - senders

Amount of income
cargo to the workshop
P (total graph)

Shops - recipients

Amount sent
cargo from the workshop
(total rows)

Cargo turnover of the enterprise

Rice. 9.5. Chess sheet of cargo flows of the enterprise

The number of vehicles is calculated both for inter-shop transportation, and for intra-shop and inter-operational transport systems.

The main directions for improving the transport economy at enterprises are:
- mechanization and automation of transport operations in combination with their high organization;
- the use of unified packaging (including reverse);
- introduction of a single production and transport (complex) technology;
- specialization of means of interdepartmental transport according to the type of transported goods;
- organization of container transportation;
- introduction of automated transport management systems.

Organization of warehouse management of the enterprise

Warehousing tasks

The main tasks of warehousing are:
- organization of proper storage of material assets;
- uninterrupted maintenance of the production process;
- shipment of finished products.

Warehouse structure(Fig. 9.6) depends on the specifics of the production process, the type of production and the volume of output.

Functions of warehouse departments:
- work planning;
- acceptance, processing (including sorting) of goods;
- organization of proper storage (creation of conditions to prevent spoilage damage; maintaining the required temperature and humidity);
- constant control and accounting of the movement of material assets;
- timely provision of the production process with materials, components, etc.; creation of conditions preventing the theft of material values;
- strict observance of fire safety measures (especially in warehouses of fuels and lubricants, flammable liquids, paints and varnishes, rubber products, chemicals, etc.);
- acquisition of finished products, their conservation, packaging, preparation of shipping documentation and shipment." width="567" height="477 src=">

Rice. 9.7. The structure of the enterprise MTS service

Main functions of OMTS:
- development of standards for stocks of material resources;
- planning the need for material resources and linking it with the production plan and stock standards;
- search for suppliers, evaluation of supply options and selection of suppliers according to the criteria of quality of supplied materials, reliability of suppliers, prices, terms of payments and supplies, transportation and procurement costs, etc.;
- conclusion of supply contracts;
- organization of work on the delivery of material resources, control and operational regulation of the implementation of supply contracts;
- organization of acceptance, processing and storage of material resources;
- operational planning and regulation of providing production with material resources;
- accounting, control and analysis of the expenditure of material resources;
- Supervision of the rational use of materials in production.

MTS planning. The logistics plan is a set of settlement documents, in which the enterprise's need for material resources is justified and the sources of their coverage are determined. It is compared in the form of an MTS balance sheet.

The MTS plan is developed taking into account:
- production program;
- norms of stocks of material resources;
- consumption rates of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, fuel, components;
- plans for capital construction, reconstruction, preparation for the production of new products, work on the repair and operation of equipment, buildings, structures, household facilities, etc.;
- balances of material resources at the beginning and end of the planning period;
- established and newly established relationships with suppliers;
- prices for all types of material and technical resources.

The need for materials for the main production (Gm.bas) is determined by the formula

where Qi is the volume of output for each item (pcs.);
ni - material consumption rate for one product, taking into account technological losses (natural units);
m - the number of product names.

The total need for specific materials (Gm) is determined by the formula

where Zн.з - material stock rate;
Zm.f - the actual availability of materials at the enterprise;
Gm.n.p - the required amount of materials to change the work in progress;
Gm.ex - the need for materials for maintenance and other needs.

The need for material resources is determined by the costs of:
- main production, including the production of components and spare parts;
- production of technological equipment and tools;
- production of non-standard equipment and modernization of equipment;
- carrying out research and development work (taking into account the manufacture of prototypes and experimental work);
- reconstruction of shops, sites;
- repair and maintenance needs;
- capital construction;
- work of socio-cultural and domestic spheres;
- Creation of reserves.

Structural divisions of the organization are the basis on which various formations are based. They should be as relevant as possible to the activities carried out and be most effective in the performance of their direct duties.

general information

In small organizations, a common situation is when the performance of one function is assigned to a specific employee or he performs several tasks. As they grow, several employees are already doing the same. At this stage of development, it becomes necessary to unite these persons into certain units, called departments, groups, sections, sections, links, workshops. This is done in order to optimize handling. Functions performed are used as a unifying factor. This is how the structural units of the organization are formed.


The creation of units is based on data on the type of activity, the number of personnel, location and other characteristics. Consider this example: a company manufactures concrete blocks, the advertising department is engaged in sales, and accounting lies with the accounting department. However, there is a significant difference between the various subjects. So, the structural divisions of the construction organization differ significantly from what is in the composition of banking institutions. The specifics of coordination of actions of various departments are also taken into account. The larger the organization, the more important the issue of governance becomes.

Ideally, care should be taken that all units are connected by a single goal and have all the necessary information support. As you grow, this state of affairs becomes more difficult to maintain, which affects the interaction and network of communications. In this case, it is very important to follow a clear division of responsibilities. Otherwise, you can expect an internal conflict. To avoid uncertainty, clear criteria should be followed. And then it does not matter what is the object of influence - the structural divisions of a credit institution, a bank, an IT company, a factory or an agricultural entity - their efficiency will be at their best.

Types of divisions

The classification was taken as the basis, within which 61 departments are distinguished. They will be more or less structured according to the similarity of their duties. It should also be noted that in practice their names may have a slightly different form, but the essence of this does not change. In more detail with this will help to familiarize yourself with the internal situation. Structural divisions of an educational organization and a commercial enterprise differ due to different goals. So when studying specific subjects, this must be taken into account. After all, different goals are pursued, and the structural divisions of the organization are working to achieve them. The types are as follows.

Administrative, financial and accounting and support services

The work of the foundations and the balancing of the work of the organization depend on them. These include:

  1. Office.
  2. Secretariat.
  3. Office work service.
  4. labor.
  5. Personnel management service.
  6. Department of labor organization.
  7. Accounting.
  8. Operational management service.
  9. Financial division.
  10. Department of foreign economic relations.
  11. Warehouses for finished products and materials.
  12. Planning and Economic Department.
  13. Standardization Service.
  14. Legal service.
  15. Human Resources Department.
  16. Security Service.
  17. Computing center.
  18. VOHR - paramilitary guards.

It is also often possible to meet structural divisions of an educational organization. Often they operate in higher education institutions, large engineering, scientific, agricultural, industrial and other companies where advanced products are being developed. Among them are research-technical and production departments.

Research and technical divisions

The following departments work in this area:

  • Research Department.
  • Service of feasibility studies.
  • Department of technical control.
  • Laboratory of measuring equipment.
  • Design department.
  • Technical service.
  • Experimental production.
  • Test shop.
  • Department of automation (mechanization).
  • Service
  • Experienced shop.
  • Department
  • Staff training service.
  • Tool department.
  • Design and technical service.
  • Department of the chief mechanic.
  • Training Bureau.
  • Experimental shop.
  • Bureau of Marketing Research.
  • Research laboratory.
  • Bureau of Nature Conservation.
  • Department of Invention and Patenting.

Production divisions

These are departments, workshops and services that directly mass-produce goods for their sale to end consumers. These include:

  1. Logistics department.
  2. Acquisition and external cooperation service.
  3. Production and dispatching department.
  4. Capital Construction Division.
  5. Auxiliary production shops.
  6. Energy department.
  7. Department of the chief power engineer.
  8. Department of the chief designer.
  9. Production shops (assembly, machining and the like).
  10. Special Design Office.
  11. Repair and construction shop.
  12. Energy shop.
  13. Repair and mechanical shop.

These are the structural divisions of the organization. There are also different types of implementation: departments, laboratories, services and bureaus. Each approach has its own advantages, because of which it is chosen. And now let's look at a small example of functioning in which the structural units of an educational organization will operate. How do they function? What is the basis of the communication system within the organization itself when transferring data between different structural units?

An example in the educational field

Let's take a large university as a subject of research. This organization is suitable due to its size, numerous divisions and a very wide range of activities. So, first let's highlight the administrative divisions. Each university has management components (rector's office, dean's office), personnel department, accounting department, system administrator service. There can also be separate research institutes and centers.

Further division already goes to the level of departments. Each of them leads 4-6 groups. And if there is distance learning, then 8-12. Thus, student groups are the smallest numerical units in large universities. These educational institutions have built a literally perfect (on paper) interaction. So, the administration receives information from the Ministry of Education in general terms. Then he passes it on to the dean's offices in the planning departments, who divide all the necessary material into the required number of hours, take care of providing classrooms and the absence of conflicts. This information is subsequently sent to the department, which can make suggestions.


As you can see, the structural units implement the principle, which ultimately allows them to obtain higher efficiency from their activities. To bring this indicator to the highest possible level, care should be taken that each person has a clearly defined workplace instruction, which indicates the responsibilities and capabilities of each. For effective cooperation and interaction, care must be taken to ensure that information is transmitted quickly and without delay.

Organization of material and technical support of production

The material and technical support of production as a component of logistics and the supporting subsystem of the production management system largely determines the quality of the process of processing the input of the system into its output - the finished product. If the input quality of the system is low, it will not be possible to obtain a high quality output. The process of material and technical support of production is aimed at the timely delivery to the warehouses of the enterprise or immediately to the workplace of the material and technical resources required in accordance with the business plan. The composition of material and technical resources includes: raw materials, materials, components, purchased technological equipment and technological equipment (devices, cutting and measuring tools), new vehicles, handling equipment, computer technology and other equipment, as well as purchased fuel, energy, water, etc. In other words, everything that enters the enterprise in material form and in the form of energy refers to the elements of the material and technical support of production.

The objectives of the logistics of production:

timely provision of enterprise units with the necessary types of resources of the required quantity and quality;

improving the use of resources: increasing labor productivity, capital productivity, reducing the duration of production cycles for manufacturing products, ensuring the rhythm of processes, reducing the turnover of working capital, full use of secondary resources, increasing the efficiency of investments, etc.;

analysis of the organizational and technical level of production and product quality of the supplier's competitors and preparation of proposals for increasing the competitiveness of the supplied material resources or changing the supplier of a particular type of resource. For the sake of improving the quality of "entrance" enterprises should not be afraid of changing non-competitive resource suppliers.

To achieve these goals, the company must constantly perform the following work:

conducting marketing research on the market of suppliers for specific types of resources. The choice of suppliers is recommended to be carried out based on the following requirements: the supplier has a license and sufficient experience in this field; high organizational and technical level of production; reliability and profitability of work; ensuring the competitiveness of manufactured goods; acceptable (optimal) price; simplicity of the scheme and stability of supplies;

regulation of the need for specific types of resources;

development of organizational and technical measures to reduce the norms and standards of resource consumption;

search for channels and forms of logistics for production;

development of material balances;

planning the material and technical support of production with resources;

organization of delivery, storage and preparation of resources for production;

organization of providing jobs with resources;

accounting and control of resource use;

organization of collection and processing of production waste;

analysis of the efficiency of resource use;

All of the above works should be carried out by the department of material and technical support of production, which is subordinate to the deputy head of the production enterprise. Since the quality of the work of the department largely determines the quality of the production process, it must be staffed with highly qualified specialists. In addition, many issues addressed by the department are complex in nature, require knowledge in the field of marketing, logistics, engineering, technology, economics, regulation, forecasting, organization of production, inter-production relations.

The structure of the production logistics department seems to consist of the following bureaus:

resource supplier marketing;

rationing and planning for providing production with resources;

inventory management;

providing jobs with resources;

resource efficiency management.

In turn, each bureau may consist (depending on the size of the enterprise) of groups responsible for a specific problem or object. For example, a marketing bureau can be divided either by resource groups (equipment, tooling, raw materials, components), or by marketing functions (information support group, supplier image study group, supplier and product competitiveness study group, price group, public relations). It is obvious that when forming a bureau on a subject basis, specialists are required who own all the functions of marketing. When forming a bureau on a functional basis, specialists should be well versed in the features of all types of resources used by the enterprise.

The Bureau of Rationing and Planning for Provision of Production with Resources can be entrusted with the following functions: development of methods for optimizing the use of resources in the conditions of a given enterprise; development of standards for the consumption of the most important types of resources for the main facilities of the enterprise; analysis of the efficiency of resource use in the enterprise; development of strategic and tactical norms and standards; development of material balances; development of a plan for providing the enterprise and its divisions with material and technical resources (included in the business plan of the enterprise).

The inventory management bureau could deal with the following issues: calculation of standards for various types of stock (circulating, insurance, consumable) by type of resource, optimization of stock by type of resource, organization of replenishment of stocks, accounting and control of resource use, technical support for stock management.

The bureau for providing jobs with resources should address the following issues: equipping with basic and auxiliary equipment, inventory, packaging, labor protection devices and sanitary and hygienic devices; organization of operational provision of workplaces with technological equipment, materials, components, semi-finished products, fuel and energy resources; accounting, control and analysis of the use of resources in the workplace.

The Resource Efficiency Management Bureau could be engaged in identifying factors for improving the use of resources (by type), establishing relationships between organizational, technical and economic indicators, organizing accounting and control of the use of resources in the whole enterprise, developing measures to improve the use of various types of resources, organizing their implementation and stimulation. By analogy with the marketing bureau, the structure of the other bureaus of the production logistics department can be formed according to a functional or subject attribute.

The resource movement process includes:

attracting resources to carry out marketing research, research and development, organizational and technological preparation of production, production of products and services, warranty service for the goods of the enterprise, capital construction. In turn, the attraction of resources for the production of products and the provision of services is divided into resources for the manufacture of products, the provision of services, repair and maintenance needs; for capital construction - for new construction, expansion of production, technical re-equipment, reconstruction;

use of resources in one of the listed areas;

restoration of resources (if necessary);

disposal or write-off of resources.

The planning of the material and technical support of production includes a set of works on the analysis of the specific consumption of material resources for the reporting period, the use of technological equipment and equipment, the forecasting and rationing of certain types of resources for the planning period, the development of material balances by types of resources, sources of income and the above areas of use. The above planning work is very labor intensive. They are carried out by economists and planners with the participation of other specialists. Managers do not take part in the development of plans, their task is to check compliance with the principles of planning, the composition of planning documents, and their quality.

Factors to improve the use of resources are:

application to the processes of resource movement of a set of scientific approaches to management;

optimization of the formation and use of resources;

improving the design or structure of products;

improvement of production technology;

the use of materials with predetermined properties;

application of forms and methods of resource provision that are optimal for given conditions;

encouraging better use of resources.

Forms of resource provision: a) through commodity exchanges; b) direct connections; c) auctions, competitions; d) sponsorship; e) own production, etc. An enterprise chooses a specific form (method) of providing material and technical resources based on the characteristics of the resource, the duration of its receipt, the number of offers, the quality and price of the resource, and other factors. When determining the form of providing an enterprise with resources, one should study the reliability of the supplier and the level of competitiveness of his products. When concluding contracts (contracts) with suppliers, one should remember the need to reflect quantitative and qualitative indicators, specific forms of supply, terms, sanctions, etc.

Organization of the energy sector

The main purpose of the energy management of the enterprise is the uninterrupted supply of production with all types of energy, while observing safety regulations, meeting the requirements for the quality and efficiency of energy resources. The main types of energy are: electrical energy; thermal and chemical energy of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels; thermal energy of steam and hot water; mechanical energy. Energy resources include: electric current, natural fuel, steam of different parameters, compressed air of different pressure, natural and liquefied gas, hot water and condensate, water under pressure. Various types of resources at the enterprise are used as a driving force, in technological processes, for heating, lighting, ventilation, household needs, etc.

Various types of energy and energy resources can be used at all stages of production. So, in the forge shops of machine-building enterprises, when cutting metal, it is possible to use electricity and gas. When heating for forging and stamping, electricity is used (induction and contact heating), gas and fuel oil (flame heating); in the process of forging and stamping - steam under pressure of 8--10 atm and compressed air (for actuating equipment and blowing dies); during heat treatment - electricity, gas and fuel oil. Electricity is used in the land preparation departments of foundries. When forming and manufacturing rods - electricity and compressed air. In the process of melting metal - electricity (in electric furnaces), gas, fuel oil (in open-hearth furnaces), coke (in cupolas). Castings are knocked out and cleaned using electricity and compressed air. For washing - steam 4--6 atm and hot water. In mechanical shops, metalworking mainly uses electricity and compressed air (in pneumatic equipment), etc.

The choice of the most economical energy resources should be carried out on the basis of a comprehensive solution of issues of energy, technology, organization of production and economics through a comparative analysis of the unit costs (rates of consumption) of process fuel and energy, one-time costs for the development and implementation of measures to reduce the norms. The energy resources consumed by the enterprise can be purchased from outside as purchased and produced on their own. The enterprise can produce: electricity - at the factory power station, steam and hot water - in boiler rooms, generator gas - at the gas generator station.

The energy supply of the enterprise has specific features, consisting in the need for the immediate use of the generated energy and uneven demand for it during the day and season. Therefore, an uninterrupted supply of energy should be ensured by creating reserves of power equipment capacities. In this regard, the most advanced and economical system of energy supply of the enterprise is centralized. In this case, the enterprise receives electrical energy from the central (unified) electrical system (through the factory step-down substation), steam - through the heat network of the district energy system or the factory heat and power plant, gas - from the network of long-distance gas supply with natural gas, from the plant for the energy-chemical use of fuel and etc.

The centralized supply system provides a reliable and uninterrupted supply of energy to the enterprise and reduces current production costs and one-time costs associated with obtaining the types of energy necessary for the enterprise. For example, the consumption of electricity, like other types of energy, has so-called peaks and valleys. An isolated plant power plant must therefore have additional capacity in order to provide maximum load during peak hours. Conversely, during recession hours, the power plant will have an excess of electricity. If it is included in the Unified Energy System, then during peak hours the enterprise takes energy from the energy system. On the contrary, when the demand for electricity falls, such a station can give excess electricity to the power grid. Energy waste from production, i.e. secondary energy resources, is also used to supply enterprises with energy.

Large pressure losses in air networks with their considerable length do not allow centralized supply of compressed air to the enterprise even within the enterprise. Typically, stationary or mobile compressor stations located near consumer shops are used to supply compressed air.

The basis for the rational organization of the energy economy at the enterprise is the correct planning of production and consumption of energy resources using balance methods. They make it possible to calculate the need of an enterprise for various types of fuel and energy based on the volume of production and progressive standards, as well as to determine the most rational sources of covering this need. Energy balances are included in the group of material balances. They are subdivided: by purpose - into strategic and tactical planned, as well as reporting; according to the degree of coverage - into consolidated (by enterprise, workshop), private (by units, types of energy resources, type of processing).

The working form of the balance sheet is built according to production-territorial and target characteristics (balance sheet items are grouped according to production areas and the direction of energy use; energy losses in the enterprise's networks are separately allocated) and reflects the entire internal circulation of this type of energy, including the use of secondary energy resources. The drawing up of balances should be accompanied by the design of the energy load mode of the enterprise and the operating modes of generating installations. Drawing up balance sheets begins with its expenditure side:

first, the need for all types of fuel energy of the main and auxiliary production of the enterprise and the consumption of energy and fuel for heating, ventilation, lighting, household and non-production needs are calculated;

then the allowable (normative) values ​​of energy losses in networks and converter installations, the total needs of the enterprise by types of resources are determined. On this basis, it is compiled annual load schedules of the enterprise by type of energy resources.

The development of the incoming part includes:

determination of the production resources of the generating plants of the enterprise and the possibility of obtaining fuel and energy from outside;

designing operating modes of the generating plants of the enterprise and determining their load schedules;

determination of the amount of coverage of needs due to own production, receipt from outside and use of secondary energy resources;

determination of the amount of energy that can be released to the side.

Further, the energy balances of the generating installations of the enterprise are developed and the technical and economic indicators of their work are calculated. The fuel balance is compiled for its individual types and grades. To compile reporting energy balances, a differentiated and accurate accounting of fuel and energy consumption is required. The determination of the need for energy resources for individual elements before compiling balances is carried out on the basis of their consumption rates.

The structure of the energy economy, for example, of a large machine-building enterprise includes:

energy workshops (electric power, thermal power, gas, electromechanical, low-current);

converting and generating installations (compressor, boiler, generator station, etc.);

workshop and general plant power transmission networks;

energy consumers (equipment, machine tools, furnaces, etc.).

The energy economy of large enterprises is under the authority of the chief power engineer, while small enterprises are under the authority of the chief mechanic. The department of the chief power engineer includes a bureau (group) of energy use, power equipment, electrical and thermal laboratories. Ensuring the uninterrupted power supply of a large plant with the necessary energy resources is assigned to the engineers on duty, who manage the operation of the entire energy sector during the shift. The personnel of power shops are subdivided into shift personnel, who carry out the current operation of the equipment, and repair and installation personnel.

The technical and economic indicators of the energy sector are divided into two groups:

on the efficiency of energy production: specific fuel consumption for the production of electricity and heat; efficiency factors of electric and thermal energy generation; specific consumption of electrical energy per 1000 m3 of compressed air, etc.; unit cost of the type of energy;

in terms of energy efficiency: specific energy consumption by its types, types of work; the structure of the energy balance of shops and the enterprise as a whole; indicators of the energy-to-labor ratio.

The main directions for improving the energy economy and increasing the efficiency of its functioning are:

purchase of resource-saving equipment;

use of the most economical types of energy resources;

improvement of energy consumption schemes;

improvement of technological processes;

automation of production processes, accounting and control of resource use;

improvement of the design of power equipment;

application of calculation and analytical methods of resource rationing;

simplification of the structure of the energy economy of the enterprise;

stimulating improvement in the use of resources, etc.

Organization of tool economy

The tool economy of an enterprise is a set of departments and workshops involved in the design, acquisition, manufacture, repair and restoration of technological equipment, as well as its accounting, storage and delivery to workshops and workplaces. For example, a large machine-building enterprise uses a wide range of technological equipment: cutting and measuring tools, dies, models, machine and locksmith fixtures, molds, universal assembly fixtures, auxiliary tools, etc.

The purpose of the functioning of the tool economy of the enterprise is to organize the uninterrupted supply of workshops and workplaces with high-quality technological equipment in the right quantity and assortment at minimal cost for its design, purchase (or manufacture), storage, operation, repair, restoration and disposal. Enterprises, such as machine-building, use a wide range of technological equipment. At an average machine-building plant, the number of items of equipment reaches 40 thousand. When switching to a new model of a truck, up to 20 thousand items of equipment are designed, in the cost of engineering products, the cost of technological equipment reaches 15%. In the total cost of technological preparation of production, the cost of tooling reaches 60%. The design and manufacture of technological equipment is labor-intensive. These facts eloquently testify to the importance of the development of instrumental support for production. A significant range of technological equipment predetermines the complexity of organizing work according to the stages of its life cycle and control functions. Organization of work on instrumental support of production includes:

technological control of design documentation for the manufacturability of the design, interspecific and intraspecific unification of products, their components and structural elements (linear dimensions, radii, diameters, chamfers, threads, grooves, materials, coatings, etc.);

simplification of the kinematic scheme of products;

development of subject and technological specialization and cooperation of production;

typification of technological processes;

unification of technological equipment and structural elements;

calculation of the need for various types of tools and equipment;

calculation of tool stocks (operational fund located in the central tool warehouse);

design of premises, technical facilities and organizational projects for storage and delivery of equipment to workplaces;

design and manufacture of special equipment;

conducting marketing research and concluding contracts for the purchase of technological equipment from outside, organizing its delivery to the enterprise;

incoming quality control of purchased technological equipment and the quality of materials for the manufacture of universal and special equipment;

organization of equipment storage;

organization of equipment delivery to workplaces;

organization of equipment operation;

organization of accounting and control of the use of equipment;

organization of repair and restoration of equipment;

analysis of the effectiveness of the use of equipment;

development and economic justification of organizational and technical measures to improve the use of technological equipment;

encouragement to improve the use of tooling;

establishing relationships with suppliers of technological equipment in order to further improve its quality.

Due to the variety of tasks to be solved, the organizational structure of the tool economy of the enterprise is quite complex. For example, at a large machine-building enterprise, the organizational structure of the tool economy may consist of the following elements (as part of the tool department):

deputy head of the tooling production department;

deputy head of the equipment operation department;

technical sector;

planning and economic sector;

tool shops;

department accounting.

In turn, the following subdivisions could report to the deputy head of the tool department for production: the marketing sector, the purchased tool sector, the central tool warehouse, and the planning and dispatching sector. The department of technical supervision and scheduled preventive maintenance of equipment, the sector of standards, the sector of abrasive and diamond facilities, and the tool facilities of workshops could be subordinate to the deputy chief for operation. The head of the instrumental department, which includes all the listed divisions, is usually subordinate to the chief technologist of the enterprise.

The main directions for improving the tool economy and increasing the efficiency of its functioning are:

in the field of product design and production technology - simplification of the design (structure) of products, its unification and standardization, typification of technological processes, control of the manufacturability of structures, application of scientific approaches and optimization methods in product design;

in the field of design and production of tooling - unification and standardization of tooling, its components and structural elements, the use of computer-aided design systems based on the classification and coding of tooling, reducing the duration of development and manufacture of tooling;

in the field of management - the application of scientific approaches and methods, the development of marketing research, the identification of the competitive advantages of an enterprise, the improvement of accounting, control, analysis and motivation of work;

in the field of operation, repair and restoration of equipment - ensuring normal working conditions for the central tool warehouse, tool-distributing storerooms, organizing the provision of jobs, organizing centralized sharpening of tools, strengthening technical supervision, streamlining the normative economy, improving operational accounting and spending limits, increasing efficiency of repair and restoration of equipment.

Organization of repair facilities

The repair facility of an enterprise is a set of departments and production units engaged in the analysis of the technical condition of technological equipment, supervision of its condition, maintenance, repair and development of measures to replace worn-out equipment with more advanced equipment and improve its use. The performance of these works should be organized with minimal equipment downtime, as soon as possible and in a timely manner, with high quality and at minimal cost. The efficiency of the repair economy largely determines the cost of products, their quality and labor productivity at the enterprise, since the share of costs for the maintenance and repair of equipment in the cost of production reaches 10%.

The main reason for the significant costs of repair and maintenance of technological equipment is its low quality, as a result of which the costs in the field of operation of engineering products for the standard period of use are 5–25 times higher than their price. Compared with the best foreign models of a similar class, domestic technological equipment and vehicles require 3-5 times more funds for maintenance, use and repair. In turn, the low quality of domestic engineering products is explained by the low quality of marketing research and R&D. And as a result, the share of domestic engineering products that are competitive on the foreign market in 1998 was only about 1%. It follows that the efficiency of the repair facility depends both on the quality of the technological equipment laid down at the stages of strategic marketing and R&D and implemented at the production stage, and on the level of organization of the work of the repair facility in the sphere of equipment consumption.

The organization of the repair facilities of a large enterprise includes the implementation of a set of works:

analysis of the production and organizational structure of the enterprise in terms of ensuring proportionality, directness, continuity, parallelism and automaticity of production processes;

analysis of the level of specialization, combinations in order to optimize these parameters;

analysis of technological equipment according to the following indicators (factors):

the need for this equipment;

share of uninstalled equipment;

the share of equipment under repair;

average age of technological equipment (by groups);

the share of physically worn out equipment;

shift ratio of technological equipment;

coefficient of use of equipment by productivity (by groups);

coefficient of equipment utilization in time (by groups);

analysis of capital productivity;

analysis of the structure of the active part of fixed production assets;

analysis of the level of mechanization of production;

development of proposals for improving the forms of organization of production, production and organizational structure of the enterprise;

development of proposals for improving the use of equipment (by type);

development of standards for the need for equipment to replace its worn parts, technical re-equipment and capital construction;

development of standards for the need for spare parts for process equipment;

development of norms for the need for various types of materials and energy for technological equipment and other elements of fixed production assets (OPF);

calculation of the need for production space for the repair facilities;

calculation of the need for labor resources for the repair facility and its wage fund;

calculation of indicators of planned preventive maintenance (PPR) of equipment (by type):

analysis of compliance with the PPR schedule at the enterprise;

structure of the overhaul cycle by type of equipment; duration of the overhaul period;

the complexity of repairing equipment (by types of repairs and types of equipment);

the need for resources for various types of repairs;

annual volume of repair work;

parameters of the organization of the PPR of the enterprise equipment in time and space;

organization of repair work;

organization of overhaul maintenance;

organization of material and technical support for the repair facilities of the enterprise;

development, control and stimulation of a strategic plan for improving the efficiency of the repair facility.

The listed types of work can be broadly combined into three blocks:

economic, uniting work: on accounting and analysis of the effectiveness of the use of BPF; development of standards for the need for equipment to replace its worn parts, technical re-equipment, capital construction; development of standards for the need for spare parts and material resources for maintenance, use (operation) and repair of BPF; strategic planning for the reproduction of the BPF, planning for the outage of equipment; planning the material and technical support of the repair facilities; development of proposals for improving the organizational and production structures of the repair facilities (together with specialists from the organizational unit);

technical, including: implementation of technical supervision over the condition of equipment and other elements of the BPF; maintenance of technological equipment; design, manufacture and restoration of spare parts; performance of various types of repair of BPF elements;

organizational, including: organization of material and technical support of the repair facilities; organization of incoming and outgoing quality control of materials, components, spare parts and equipment entering or leaving the repair facility; development of BPF elements; introduction of progressive for the given conditions forms of organization of production; improvement of the organizational and production structures of the repair facilities.

The scope of work for each block is determined by four main factors: 1) the complexity and range of products; 2) release program; 3) the level of specialization, combination and cooperation of the main production; 4) The level of specialization, combination and cooperation of the repair economy. In the context of the development of market relations, there is a deepening and expansion of specialization and integration. Therefore, most of the listed works can be performed by specialized firms (enterprises, organizations) that provide high quality work and reasonable prices for their implementation.

The repair facility at the enterprise is headed by the chief mechanic, who reports to the chief engineer (technical director). The structure of the repair facility may include the following units: 1) economic department; 2) technical department; 3) organizational department; 4) mechanical repair shop; 5) warehouse. The functions of departments have been discussed earlier.

The main directions for improving the repair economy and increasing the efficiency of its functioning can be:

in the field of organization of production -- the development of specialization and cooperation in the production of basic products, in the organization of a repair facility;

in the field of planning the reproduction of the OPF - the use of scientific approaches and management methods;

in the field of design and manufacture of spare parts - unification and standardization of elements of spare parts, the use of computer-aided design systems based on classification and coding, reducing the duration of design work and improving their quality;

in the field of organization of work - adherence to the principles of rational organization of production (proportionality, parallelism, etc.), the use of network methods and computers;

in the field of technical supervision, maintenance and repair of general production facilities - the development of subject and functional specialization of work, raising the technical level of the mechanical repair shop, strengthening the motivation to improve the quality of work, etc.

Organization of transport and storage facilities

The transport and storage facilities of the enterprise are created for the delivery, storage and movement of various goods to the consumer in accordance with the terms of the contracts, on time and along the best routes. The main criteria for the functioning of transport and warehousing are high-quality and timely provision of services at the lowest possible price. Let us consider the features of transport and storage facilities separately, the range of organizational issues related to their functioning, directions for improving the quality and efficiency of the services provided.

The transport economy is the artery of the enterprise, linking material flows. The rhythm and quality of the transport services provided determine the stability and efficiency of the enterprise as a whole. Transport operations are an important part of the production process, and vehicles are often used to regulate its course and ensure a given rhythm of production (for example, using a conveyor). Rational organization of intra-factory transport, optimization of cargo flows and cargo turnover contribute to reducing the duration of production cycles for manufacturing products, accelerating the turnover of working capital, reducing production costs, and increasing labor productivity.

Enterprises use different types of vehicles (classification):

in the service sector - means of intershop and intrashop transport;

depending on the mode of operation - vehicles of continuous (conveyor systems, etc.) and periodic action (cars, self-propelled carts, etc.);

in directions of movement - vehicles for horizontal, vertical (elevators, elevators, etc.) and mixed movement (cranes, etc.);

according to the level of automation - automatic, mechanized, manual;

by type of transported goods - vehicles for moving bulk, liquid and piece cargo.

The organization of the transport economy of the enterprise includes the following works:

strategic planning for vehicle upgrades;

analysis of the production structure of the enterprise, development and implementation of measures to improve it (in terms of the rationality of transport schemes, ensuring direct flow, proportionality, continuity and rhythm of production processes);

analysis of progressiveness, level of loading and efficiency of use of vehicles in time and in terms of performance;

selection and justification of the use of vehicles;

calculation of norms and norms of consumption (need) in material resources for the repair and maintenance needs of the transport sector;

drawing up balances of cargo turnover (horizontally indicate the senders of goods, vertically - their recipients);

designing schemes of cargo flows;

operational-calendar planning of transport operations;

scheduling of the transport of the enterprise;

accounting, control and motivation to improve the quality and efficiency of the transport sector.

The main directions for improving the quality and efficiency of the transport sector are:

deepening the subject and functional specialization of production, the development of cooperation;

increasing the level of automation of production and management;

reducing the average age of vehicles and increasing the share of progressive vehicles;

improvement of rationing, accounting and control of the use of vehicles, motivation to increase their efficiency;

analysis of compliance with the principles of directness, proportionality and continuity of production processes, development and implementation of appropriate measures.

Warehousing of the enterprise performs the functions of storage, accounting and control of the movement of material and technical resources entering the enterprise, and finished products. Warehousing should perform these functions efficiently, on time and at minimal cost. These three indicators are the actual criteria for the functioning of the warehouse. Depending on the volume of work, warehouses can be general factory and workshop. General factory warehouses, for example, machine-building plants, in turn, are divided into:

for material (warehouses for basic and auxiliary materials, fuel, timber);

semi-finished products and blanks for storing materials that have undergone appropriate processing in some workshops and are intended for processing in others. These are warehouses for rough blanks produced by blanking shops, warehouses for finished parts produced by processing shops and going to assembly;

production, serving the production process;

finished products, accepting finished products from workshops, producing packaging and sending it to the consumer;

waste and secondary raw materials;

household, intended for storage of containers, overalls, household materials, working equipment, etc.

The location of warehouses depends on the nature of material assets and their value. Thus, material and production warehouses must be placed closer to consumer shops in order to ensure the shortest path for the passage of goods. Warehouses for finished products are located closer to the assembly shops. By their design, warehouses are open, semi-open, closed and special. Shop production warehouses in relation to machine-building production include material, intermediate, finished parts warehouses, picking and special ones.

Warehouse organization includes the following activities:

analysis of the production structure of the enterprise for directness, proportionality, continuity and rhythm of production processes;

determination of the nomenclature and type of storage facilities;

development of layouts for new storage facilities, their design, construction;

development of operational calendar plans for the work of warehouses;

organization of accounting and control of the movement of material flows through warehouses;

organization of issuance and delivery of goods to consumers;

analysis of the efficiency of warehouse operations, development and implementation of proposals for improving its work.

Directions for increasing the efficiency of the warehouse economy are approximately the same as for the transport economy.