Features of the formation of submissions about the family in children of senior preschool age

The main theoretical approaches of the study of pre-school ideas about the family are reflected in the writings of psychologists and teachers.

The first scientific direction that has put parental relations to the child's personality development center was, as you know, classical psychoanalysis.

Psychoanalysis has become the decisive direction of the development of the basic concepts of child development, in which the key role is given to the problem of relations between children and parents (E. Erickson, K. Gorni, etc.).

The theory of attachment (D. Balby, M.Ensworth) has become the greatest popularity. The central concept in the theory of affection is the "internal working model", which represents the inseparable and interdependent unity of itself and the other. The child will know himself through the attitude towards him of the mother, and the mother perceives as a source of attitude towards himself. This complex relationship in the original version was understood as an attitude towards himself and to a close adult, which gives a sense of security and security.

Lead Sociologist A.I. Antonov believes that the family creates the relationships of "parents-children", and the marriage turns out to be legitimate recognition of the relationship between a man and a woman, those forms of cohabitation or sexual partnerships that are accompanied by the birth of children.

It should be noted that by the age of age psychological characteristics for the preschooler, the relations "Parents - children" are the main, moreover, the family is unthinkable without children, a family in which there is no at least one child. Therefore, it is very important that when familiarizing preschoolers with family, as with the phenomenon of public life, the relationship "Parents - children" was central and system-forming.

In modern studies of this issue, it is reorienting with the study of the child's self-consciousness to the study of his behavior. The attachment is considered no longer as an attitude, but as a strategy of behavior with parents.

In addition to the theory of affection, theoretical models developed by D.Baumrind (1967), as well as E.S.Schaefer, R.A.Bell (1969) are very popular in Western psychology. D.Baumrind proposed a classification of parent-style behaviors, including 3 types: 1) authoritative; 2) authoritarian; 3) connamed style; E.S.Schaefer and R.A.Bell have developed a dynamic two-factor model of a parental relationship, where one of the factors reflects the emotional attitude towards the child: "taking-rejection", and the other is the style of the behavior of parents: "Autonomy control". Although these theoretical models have been proposed for more than 40 years ago, they remain almost the only one today, giving a meaningful description of the parental relationship.

Responsible attitude, anxiety for the future of the child gives rise to an estimated position of the parents, exacerbating control over its actions, turning the child to the education object.

The problem of the formation of preschoolers of ideas about the family has found the development of psychologists in the works of psychologists (L.A.Verger, L.S. Vigotsky, P.Galperin, O.M.Dyachenko, A.N. Eleontyev, A.A.Lublin, with .L.Rubinshtein et al.) And teachers (F.S. Bleker, T.I. Roerofeyev, A.N. Leushin, T.N.Museyibova, Z.A. Mikhailova, B.Nikitin, V.P.Novikova , Etc. Sirikhterman, E.V.Serbina, A.A.Smolentseva, T.V. Taruntaeva, E.I.Theeva, etc.).

An analysis of psychological research made it possible to reveal that scientists studied the features of the ideas of children about the family, the genesis of their development, the features of the perception of family relations, psychological functions that determine the formation of submissions about the family.

Analysis of pedagogical work made it possible to find that the studies were carried out in the following areas: the formation of a system of submission of the family from senior preschoolers, the role of didactic games and classes in the formation of family ideas, pedagogical conditions for pre-school institutions that ensure the formation of family ideas.

Analysis of research made it possible to identify the following conclusions.

Children already in preschool age are vital to learn to navigate themselves in the construction of interpersonal contacts. The level of child's development will be entirely dependent on an understanding of the teacher of the art functions of the formation of submissions on family relations and the skill of using it in the educational process.

The family is traditionally the Chief Institution of Education. The fact that the child in the orphanage acquires in the family, he retains throughout the subsequent life.

The importance of the family as the Institute of Education is due to the fact that in it the child is during a significant part of his life, and on the duration of its impact on the identity, none of the institutions of education can be compared with the family. It is in it that the foundation of the child's personality is laid, and he has already formed as a person for admission to school as a person.

The family can act as a positive and negative factors of education.

Positive impact on the identity of the child: no one, apart from the closest people in the family of people (mother, father, grandparents, grandparents, sisters) does not apply to him better, he does not like him and does not care so much about him. And at the same time, no other social institution can potentially apply so much harm in the raising of children as a family can make.

In alarming mothers often grow disturbing children. Casting parents often suppress her children so much that it leads to the appearance of a complex of inferiority. The Father, who comes out of himself in the slightest occasion, often, without knowing himself, forms a similar type of behavior from his children, etc.

The main thing in the upbringing of a small person is the achievement of spiritual unity, the moral connection of parents with the child. In no case should the parents have to start the process of education for samonek and at an older age, leave a matured child alone with themselves.

It is in the family that the child receives the first life experience, makes the first observations and learns to behave in various situations. It is very important that what we teach the child to be supported by concrete examples so that he saw that adult theory does not disperse with practice. For example, if your child sees that his mother and dad, which every day they say to him that it is not good to lie, without noticing, retreat from this rule, all upbringing can go to the Namarka.

Each of the parents sees its continuation in children, the implementation of certain installations or ideals. And it is very difficult to retreat from them.

The conflict situation between parents is different approaches to raising children.

The first task of parents is to find a general decision, convince each other. If you have to compromise, then it is necessary for the basic requirements of the parties to be satisfied. When one parent makes a decision, he must remember the position of the second.

The second task is to make the child who see the contradictions in the positions of the parents, i.e. Discuss these questions are better without it. Children quickly "grab" said and quite easily maneuver between parents, seeking momentary benefits (usually towards laziness, bad study, disobedience, etc.).

Parents, making a decision, should put their own views on the first place, but what will be more useful for the child.

Parents can love a child for something, despite the fact that he ugly, no clearer, neighbors complain. The child is accepted as it is (unconditional love)

Perhaps parents love him when the child meets their expectations: if he learns well and behaves approximately. But if the child does not satisfy them requests, then the child is rejected, the attitude changes for the worse. This brings significant difficulties, the child is not confident in parents, he does not feel that emotional security, which should be from the very infancy (due to love)

The child may not be accepted at all. He is indifferent to them and can even turn them out (for example, the family of alcoholics). But maybe in a prosperous family (for example, he is not welcome, there were difficult problems, etc.).

Not necessarily parents are aware. There are purely subconscious moments (for example, Mom is beautiful, and the girl is ugly and closed; the child annoys it).

Analysis of pedagogical research related to the issue of familiarizing children with family relations, made it possible to find that the Pedaggers of the past (E.I. Bodyavozovova, A.Y. Komensky, M. "Kontali, I.G. Pestalotzi, and KD . Sushinsky and others).

In working with children, in addition to familiarizing with an abstract family model, socially significant for society, conversations and specific families of the guys are needed, which by no means always correspond to the ideal models.

The child is 5-7 years old, as a rule, there are already spontaneously formed in the daily life of the idea that families can be different in composition. For example, a large family, including grandparents, mom and dad, children - sister and two brothers; Or small families, consisting of mother and daughters, husband and wife, grandfathers and grandson.

Each child has a unique and unique picture of the world in its development, which reflects the specificity of environmental reality and is essentially one of the characteristics of its intellectual activity. Make up the picture of the world of the child of his ideas about the various subjects and phenomena of nature, society, etc. One of these ideas is the image of the family. "The" family image "phenomenon in relation to children of preschool age is the subsystem of the" image of the world ", characterized by the level structure, categoricality and prognostability," writes N.I. Demidov.

The development of the social content of family life is associated with the formation of a high level of emotional responsiveness to a close person, to its emotional state as a specific component of the social environment. This, in turn, depends on the nature of child-parent relations in the family, which largely determine the degree of emotional well-being or disadvantaged child.

Within the framework of this work, we are interested in the features of the formation of submissions from preschoolers about the family.A child from birth, as we have noted, mastering the experience of your family, which means he has an idea of \u200b\u200bfamily life in its sample. The high level of emotional responsiveness to native people surrounding the child from the first days of his life provides the quality and depth of this presentation. That is why, as emphasizes I.A. Khomenko "If you do not work with children of preschool age now, (to form installations for parents, family values), after 12-15 years we can lose a whole generation. In other words, the decision of the demographic problem of Russia is "in the heads" of modern children, which, in turn, bring up parents. "

One of the conditions for the successful purposeful work of the formation of the "family image" will be the cooperation of the teacher and parents, since the main custodian and the translator of social and moral values \u200b\u200bare still the family, "says N. I. Demidov.

The formation of a pre-school idea of \u200b\u200bthe family can be viewed in several aspects:

First, the motivational aspect, that is, the degree of significance of the family for the child;

Secondly, the cognitive aspect is the knowledge of the child about the family, related links, roles;

Third, emotional - these are experiences related to the events in the family;

Fourth, personal - presentations about their place in the family, as well as about present and future family roles.

The emotional world of the child, his self-consciousness, the moral foundations of the person - all this is formed into a decisive measure under the influence of the family. Parents and levels of their education, degree of their pupil, and their system of values \u200b\u200band ideals affect how ultimately the child will build its future family.

The formation of submissions about the family is recognized at the present time, one of the most important components of the formation of preschoolers and is a complex pedagogical problem, which can be successfully solved only by attracting family resources (general and individual). "You can attribute abilities, inclinations, educational potential, social and communicative relations, as well as material opportunities, etc., - I.A. notes Khomenko.

Studies of many well-known psychologists and teachers (T.A. Kulikova, T.A. Markova, G.N. Grishina, T.A. Repina and others) are devoted to identifying conditions and ways to form interests and attachments, meaningful orientations, first of all, To the native house, your family, family.

Focusing on the views of these authors, we consider the perception by the preschooler of their parents as a reference point for imitating activities and as a basis for the formation of submissions about the family - as the main feature of this age. According to the psychological characteristics of preschoolers, they are characteristic: imitativeness, suggestibility, emotionality, immediacy. And therefore, the child at this age is absolutely accessible and "open" to influence by adults, and especially parents. He very much needs to be emotional support for people who are most of the time being with him near, preschoolers are inherent in special credibility and sensitivity to different kinds of estimates.

It is the orientation on emotionally attractive adults - parents - contributes to mastering the child the necessary content of the submissions about the family; It becomes an incentive in the desire to repeat sample behavior in the family.

In the works of O.V. Dubina and S.A. Kozlova identified the characteristics of a reference point that contributes to the formation of the pre-school ideas about the family:

Effectiveness, which is ensured by compliance with the requirements and stimulates the desire in children to repeat activities in their behavior;

Meaningful fullness, which implies compliance with the age and individual characteristics of children, their subject experience in the perception of their family and the implementation of a positive referral to the world of family relations (the acquisition of a child to cultural, moral and social traditions and stratum established in this particular family; development of methods of knowledge and samples of activity);

Personal meaning of his activities, followed by personal qualities, meaningful for the child: Care, kindness, friendliness, devotion, responsibility, justice and the like. Personal, vital meaning and motivating force is acquired by a child only in life practice.

In the study of N.I. Demidova determines the meaningful side of the "family image" in the consciousness of the preschooler, which describes the living space of the child in the family (denotative category). "This space for a child is determined by family entry. The concept of family installation can not be outset by narrow boundaries, it is multifaceted. Family management includes the established order of living in the family, internal laws regulating the management of the economy, the implementation of the entrusted duties, the needs and value referenceries of family members, adopted traditions, the organization of leisure, the preservation of related relations. Family entry is inextricably linked with the house where the family lives, so in the "family image" at the preschooler "House" occupies a special place. "

Connotative, the estimated category appears in the "family image" in the process of communication of the child with family members. Indeed, the family assessment occurs in a child, according to N.I. Demid, at the emotional level. The value category in relation to the "family image" is the concepts of families, related ties and relations. It is important that in preschool age, the child is able to understand the value of the family for himself and its significance for the family.

Given all this, we formulate the principles of forming ideas about the family at the preschooler:

The principle of positivism is implemented in the formation of an attractive understanding of the family on positive examples;

The principle of humanisticity involves the choice of an acceptable model of communication and interaction with the child, when parents and children participate in the process of forming ideas about the family and to them equallyfreedom and independence are provided in the manifestation of feelings, thoughts. The use of this principle means the formation of family values \u200b\u200bin a child and refinement of the image of his future family.

The principle of activity involves the broadcast by the parents of his understanding of the family on an activity basis. In the course of joint ventures, the submission of the family at the preschooler occurs.

The principle of integrity implies a holistic perception by the child of the surrounding world and such a phenomenon in it as a family. In addition, he contributes to the demonstration of the degree of unity of the child with the world of the family.

In the process of the included observation, the teacher can see those family sides of the upbringing, which, with external observation, are often hidden.

It should be remembered that in informal atmosphere and adults, and children are revealed by different colors, therefore it is recommended to involve parents, other family members in the preparation and holding of holidays, entertainment and organizing excursions.

Usually in such situations, all adults feel responsible for children (and not just for their child), their activities, security, try to actively show themselves, so the teacher sees many educational techniques of their assistants, which gives reason to judge style, home education methods.

So, in the process of forming ideas about the family before teachers and parents, the following tasks are:

Jointly developed efforts in the framework of pedagogical enlightenment to shape refined submissions about the family and already on the basis of this - their own positive position on family relationships;

Promote different kind of manifestations of desire for children to act together with parents on the development of the world of the family;

Teach children with the help of teachers and parents by ways of action to comprehend family experience.

Thus, it can be concluded, that features of the formation of submissions about the family in children of senior preschool age are as follows:

When familiarizing preschoolers with family as a phenomenon of public life, the relationship "Parents - children" should be central and system-forming.

Parental behaviors are different in different families (authoritative; authoritarian; consigning style);

Positive impact on the identity of the child: no one, apart from the closest people in the family of people (mother, father, grandparents, grandparents, sisters) does not apply to him better, he does not like him and does not care so much about him. And at the same time, no other social institution can potentially apply so much harm in the raising of children as a family can make.

IN Informal atmosphere and adults, and children are revealed by various places, therefore it is recommended to involve parents, other family members in the preparation and holding of holidays, entertainment and organizing excursions.

The child may not be accepted at all. He is indifferent to them and can even turn them out (for example, the family of alcoholics). But maybe in a prosperous family (for example, he is not welcome, there were difficult problems, etc.).

The formation of submissions about the family is currently recognized as one of the most important components of the formation of preschoolers and is a comprehensive pedagogical task.

Kuznetsova Tatiana
Formation of submissions about family in children of preschool age

For a person naturally love. This is love for parents, to the cute heart of the street, to the native city and, of course, to Russia. The feeling of the motherland, love for the debris begins with admiration for what he sees the baby in front of him, which he is amazed and what causes a response in his soul. Many impressions have not yet been realized to them deeply, but, missing through children's perception, they play a huge role in the formation of a child-patriot personality.

Patriotic education of the younger generation is one of the most important and urgent tasks. preschool educational institution of our time. For each child, the first step to the knowledge of the homeland, its traditions, history - the study of their families.

That is why patriotic education preschool children - the priority direction of the activities of the pedagogical team DOU. Educating love and respect for native and relatives, knowledge of your surname, the name and patronymic of parents, a kind and pedigree, Russian and family traditions and customs is the main content of this work.

One of the most effective means of upbringing, in particular the patriotic, in our opinion, is a project activity. It allows you to create a natural situation of communication and interaction children and adults. In addition, the knowledge gained by children during the project becomes the property of their personal experience.

For the purpose of assistance reborn Traditions of family education, formation of interest in family history And at home we have developed a project " Seven"I"which is implemented in the current academic year.

Project tasks: forming a family presentation in children, on moral terms of family traditions, to expand knowledge about the Middle Surroundings, to learn to understand the related links; raise children Love and respect for members families, to learn to take care of native people;

enrich children's and parental relationship with the experience of joint activities. The project participants became Pedagogues Dou, pupils of the Central Group and their parents.

The type of this project is practical oriented, creative, long-term. The project is carried out in stages.

At the preparatory stage, we defined tasks; conducted an analysis of the existing methodological and special literature; defended the timing of the project; developed a plan of events; Aspects of classes, developed conversations for cognitive development, picked up consultations, visual information for parents, illustrative material on the topic « A family» ; conducted introductory monitoring.

To fulfill the objectives and objectives of the project, different work forms: Cycle Node ( "My family - My Fortress» , "What do our names mean", "Family customs", "What smelled crafts?" and etc.); Conversations "Good huts", "The dwelling of the peoples of the world", "Weekend in my family» , "Who is called the hero"; Consultation "The story of our names", "How to create a pedigree with families» , "My story families» , "Cruel treatment with children: what it is?"; Team work ( design of book"My a family» , magazine "We celebrate guests"); master classes on making layout families, didactic games; Creating a mini-museum ( "My grandmother toys"); Joint leisure "Dad, Mom, I am sports a family» , "That's what grandmother" to the day of an elderly man "And, well, grandfather!"; Exhibitions of children's drawings and joint crafts ( "From boredom for all hands", "Favorite Mommy Portrait", "Our defenders", "We play together and sing together", "Golden Hands of Grandparents"); Reading fiction (Russian folk fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and Brantz Ivanushka", "Sit in silence" E. Blaginina, "What do you have?" S. Mikhalkov, "Mamina Hands" Z. Voskresenskaya, Fairy Tales "Morozko", "Cinderella" Sh. Perso, Nenets Fairy Tale Cuckoo "); Viewing reproductions from paintings by artists F. P. Reshetnikova "Again two", Z. Serebryakova "At breakfast"; Festive concerts ( "Mom - the main word in our destiny", "Best holiday - New Year", creation of photo albums ( "I help my mother", "My favorite toys", "Mom with dad at work"); Photo-Vernisazha "My dad soldier of Russia"Presentations "There is no better than my grandmother!", "My friend is grandfather"; Conducting Didactic Games, for the Best Sweet Dish "Guests on the threshold"; Interactive game "Proverbs and sayings about family» .

At the final stage of the project, parents and teachers will be conducted about its effectiveness. Already now we can say that the implementation of the activities carried out allowed to create an alliance of teachers, parents and children in formation The moral qualities of the personality preschool childrenTo involve parents in the educational process, as required by GEF to. There is a sharing experience of family education and traditions. Thanks to this project, we hope that children will receive the necessary information about your familywill increase the competence of parents in matters of family education. And the main one estimated resultwhich we expect to get, lies in the assimilation of the child eternal values: mercy, love for relatives and loved ones, in the desire to good and rejection of evil.

Publications on the topic:

Formation of ideas about human rights in preschool children Materials from the experience of educators of the speech therapy group No. 10 Uzeub Galina Viktorovna and Zaitseva Tatiana Ivanovna on the topic: "Formation.

The family for a child is the place of his birth and the main habitat of the material and spiritual. It is in the family that the child receives basic knowledge.

Formation of initial ideas about the healthy lifestyle in children of preschool age 1 slide. The relevance of the topic is determined by the social significance of the problem under consideration. Full physical development and child health.

Formation of representations about parts of the day in children of preschool age To measure time, regularly repeated phenomena are taken: the change of day and night, the change of lunar phases, the change of seasons caused by the daily one.

Formation of ideas about the time in children of senior preschool age Formation of ideas about the time of children of senior preschool age by means of didactic games and entertaining exercises. Preschool.

Formation of temporary representations of senior preschool children with TNR All that happens in life is performed in time and in space. The time is the reflection of the eternal development of nature, society, man.

The program "Happy family is a happy earth!" (Sigayevo)

The passport of an innovative program for the formation of ethno and exocultation from senior preschoolers in the conditions of natural space "Happiness" Park and social institutions with. Sigayevo.

"A happy family is a happy earth!"

Program Passport Developer: Beresneva L.N.,

k.P.N., Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy FGBOU Vyatga

The relevance of the program determined by the need of society in moral-developed people, the need from preschool age of ecological-oriented education and civilian-patriotic education of non-decamental nature, as evidenced by the recommendation from the State Duma of the Russian Federation from 21.05.2015 and the appeal of the participants of the first All-Russian environmental children's festival "EXTERMENT "To the guys of the Russian Federation of 05.06.2015, as well as the State Program" Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation for 2016-2020 "," Strategy for the Development of Education in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 ", the concept of the Federal Target Program" Strengthening Unity Russian nation and ethnocultural development of the peoples of Russia. " The formation of ethno and environmental preschool children can be considered in several aspects:

- First, the motivational aspect, that is, the degree of importance of the family, nature for the child;

- secondly, the cognitive aspect is the knowledge of the child about the family, related links, the purpose of the boy and the girl, the influence of nutrition, clothes, holidays, the place of residence for the life of the people, the knowledge of the child about the nature and the relationships of all living on the planet;

- Third, the emotional aspect is the experiences associated with the events in the family and communication with nature;

- Fourth, personal aspect - ideas about their place in the family, among the people and nature.

Key idea of \u200b\u200bthe program: education of healthy and happy children loving family, nature, homeland.

Main methodological approaches: personal oriented, systemic, environmental, competence, holistic, nature-like.

The purpose of the program: Creating conditions for the education of healthy and happy children who loving family, nature, homeland.

Program tasks:

- formation in children of senior preschool age ideas about a happy family based on the energy of love, the conditions of its existence, the purpose of boys and girls, the pedigree, the life of the ancestors in Russia, the influence of lullaby songs on the life of a person, the effect of food, clothes as signs of an ethnic group to mood and the rate of thought of family members;

- familiarization with the concepts of health, garden, nature, landing values \u200b\u200band plant care with good feelings and thoughts for the Motherland and the Planet as a whole;

- Development of love for family, people, nature, homeland;

- Education of the sense of responsibility for peace on earth.

Features of the construction of the program:

- the program is concentrated concentrically;

- It is realized with children of senior preschool age;

- designed for 12 classes, from 12 to 144 hours per year, including project activities;

- Classes are conducted as in nature: in gardens, groves and in the group, depending on weather conditions;

- Topics of classes are formulated in the form of issues that children think, therefore, depending on the level of development of children, the number of hours to study one topic may vary from 1 to 12;

- in the learning process, game technologies, workshop technology, development of figurative thinking, project activities based on a natural approach are applied;

- The result of each topic is either an individual or a collective project aimed at increasing the speed of thinking, the level of development of creative imagination, the level of health, an increase in joy, love, kindness in children in relation to the family, nature, homeland.

P / P.

Number of hours

My family is on my palm or why a person has two hands, two legs, one head, neck, torso, five fingers on each hand and leg?

Projects: "Family album", "My pedigree"

from 1 to 3

till 12 o'clock

Where does the energy of love live?

Project: "Space of Love"

from 1 to 3

till 12 o'clock

Who am I or what is the purpose of boys and what is the purpose of girls?

Project: "The future of our family"

from 1 to 3

till 12 o'clock

What is a song and how does a literal song affect the life of a person?

Project: "Our lullaby songs"

from 1 to 3

till 12 o'clock

What is Rus and History? Why were happy families in Russia?

Project: "Cult-Ura and family of our grandfather, Pradadov"

from 1 to 3

till 12 o'clock

What is a happy family?

Project: "Happiness and pride of our family"

from 1 to 3

till 12 o'clock

How do food affect the mood and the rate of thought of family members?

Project: "Nutrition of our family"

from 1 to 3

till 12 o'clock

How does clothes affect the thoughts and the well-being of family members?

Project: "Our clothes"

from 1 to 3

till 12 o'clock

What is a garden and why do he need a family?

Project: "Our Garden of Love"

from 1 to 3

till 12 o'clock

What is the name of the garden, planted and grown by children?

Project: "Our Park" Happiness "

from 1 to 3

till 12 o'clock

Why do you want to say thanks to water, land, sunshine, stars, seeds of vegetables, colors, herbs, trees?

Project: "Our family and nature"

from 1 to 3

till 12 o'clock

How to make land joyful and happy?

Project: "Our good deeds"

from 1 to 3

till 12 o'clock

Program performance indicators (expected results):

1) Availability of senior preschoolers ideas about a happy family based on the energy of love, the conditions for its existence, the purpose of boys and girls, the pedigree, the life of the ancestors in Russia, the influence of lullaby songs on the life of a person, the effect of food, clothing as signs of ethnos for the mood and The rate of thought of family members;

2) the presence of the senior preschoolers of ideas about nature as a living organism, who knows how to hear and feel, about the meaning and care of plants with good feelings and thoughts for the Motherland and the Planet as a whole;

3) Positive Dynamics of Love Growth for Family, People, Nature, Motherland;

4) manifestation in words and cases of sense of responsibility for peace on earth;

5) Indirect indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the program: the level of health of children, the level of speed of figurative thinking, the level of development of creative imagination before and after the experiment.

Program performance (target indicators):

- the number of children who performed from 1 to 2 indicators of the program in%,;

- the number of children who performed from 3 to 4 indicators of the program in%;

- the presence of positive dynamics in terms of data compared to the beginning and end of the school year.

Diagnostic tools.

To diagnose the level of formation of ethnoculture from senior preschoolers(1, 3, 4 Program indicators) At the stating stage of the experiment, trust relationships with pupils are established and 1) survey with children; 2) Picturesque test "My family", 3) Test "Choice".

1. The survey passes individually with each child, in a relaxed atmosphere.

Questions to survey:

1. The people are who?

2. What is culture?

3. What is a family?

4. Happy family, what is she?

5. Rodney is who?

6. What traditions are there in your family?

7. What do you know and what folk tales, songs, games, dance do you like?

8. What is the Motherland?

9. What is kind?

10. Tell me what you think is the purpose of the boy?

11. What do you think, what is the purpose of the girl?




Low level0 - 6 points.

Average level7 - 14 points.

High level15 - 22 points.

2. Picturesque test "My Family"

Purpose: identification of senior preschoolers ideas about the family, its composition. Children gives a task: "Draw your family" without explaining the meaning of the word "family". Children draw in a relaxed atmosphere with colored pencils, the number of colors at the disposal of one child - not less

The test is quite common among teachers and psychologists, so do not give detailed instructions for evaluating results.

3. To identify interest among senior preschoolers to the family of the family (motivational component), the choice is carried out.

Of the three proposed options, the child is invited to choose one most acceptable for it.

1. What would you like to draw? Why?

· My family;

· Toy;

· Nature.

2. What would you like to listen to the story?

· About plants;

· About cartoons;

· about family.

After the answer of the child, he sets the question "Why?"

3. What would you like to play?

· In checkers;

· To the house, family;

· To a moving game in nature.

After the answer of the child, he sets the question "Why?"

For processing results, you can use the following levels:

Low levelchild the topic "Family" does not choose.

Average levelthe child makes the choice of the topic "Family", but does not justify its choice (choice 1 time).

High levelthe child makes a conscious choice of the theme "Family" and justifies its choice (selection 2 - 3 times).

You should also write down those children who have chosen nature.

For diagnostics 2, 3, 4 program performance indicators(the cognitive and emotional aspects of the formation of the ecological culture of senior preschoolers) is conducted in a trust form and the "Choice" test, which was previously presented in the text.

Questions for children:

1. What is nature?

2. Why do people plant trees and flowers?

3. Did you plan the trees? (Yes / No) when answering "Yes", the following question is set:

Name, what trees did you plan?

4. Have you planted flowers? Name, what flowers did you plan?

5. Our house - Planet Earth. She is alive, she loves and hears you. You go through her every day. And what kind of good things are you doing for our land?

Each child's response is analyzed. The following evaluation criteria are thought out to analyze the responses:

0 Points are set when the child refuses to respond to a given question, says "I do not know."

1 The score is placed when the child answers the question, but not fully, discloses the answer with the help of adult questions.

2 The score is placed when the child fully answered the question without the help of an adult.

After analyzing the responses of children, the initial level of each child is determined by the following scale:

Low level0-2 points.

Average level 3-6 points.

High level7-10 points.

In preschool childhood, the personality, self-awareness and the peace of interest to the child actually develops. These processes are determined by the general mental development, the formation of a new system of mental functions, where an important place is beginning to occupy the thinking and memory of the child. Now it is not only oriented and acts in terms of concrete momentum incentives, but also is able to establish links between common concepts and ideas. The thinking of the child moves from visual-effective to visual-shaped. The transition to new types of activity is the game, visual, constructive.

The development of thinking processes is inextricably linked. In preschool age, the function of speech is to enrich the vocabulary stock. A child can comment on a specific event, think about, and speculating about nature, other people, itself and its own place in the world.

The role of an adult is also increasing throughout the development of the child. With the help of a family, the child meets the world around the world, for the first time hears human speech, mastering objects and instruments of their activities, and in the future and comprehends the complex system of human relationships. The fact that the child in the orphanage acquires in the family, he retains throughout the subsequent life.

The child of preschool age is inclined to unite phenomena, not paying attention to the presence or absence of a real connection between them. It does it on the basis of the external similarity, the presence of a similar part, coincidence in time. He, for example, thinks that two simultaneously emerging events are in causal relationships.

The child thinks with specific ideas, and this is especially brightly acting in bizarre, in our opinion, judgments about what a child cannot directly see, feel. And such abstract concepts are not so little addressed to children, besides, with the hope of accurate understanding. The concreteness of child thinking is manifested in the perception of such moral categories as good, bad, which often have an individual value for each child. For example, for one good - this is the one who does not cry, who ishes his hands and cleans his teeth before bedtime, for another - who listens to mom.

Children will not only know the world around them affordable by their intellectual means, but in their perception they change the world as they like more. The adoption of the desired for the actual manifests itself literally throughout the life of the preschooler.

Preschool age is characterized by the close emotional attachment of the child to parents, especially the mother in the form of a need for love and respect. At this age, the child is not yet able to navigate the subtleties of interpersonal communication, it is not able to understand the causes of conflicts between parents, does not own means to express their own feelings and experiences.

If you consider the seven eyes of a child of preschool age, then you can, firstly, conclude that the unfavorable family does not happen in children of this age. This means that whatever family and family relationships, it does not have a traumatic influence for a child (his perception). Of course, if the family does not pay attention to the child, this leads to distortions and problems in its development. However, the child, even suffering from physical punishment or from lacking attention, does not realize that his family has negative characteristics.

If you can not talk about a disadvantaged family for a child of preschool age, it is quite realistic to allocate those characteristics that are perceived for children of this age as necessarily inherent family. First of all, this is the presence of a common space. Many preschoolers in their drawings of the family depict the room in which he lives and his loved ones, favorite things, etc. This is a common space is leading to identify family children of preschool age. That is why they include in their seven who see and perceive in this room. In some cases, some real members may not fit into the family. For example, mom or dad, which come late and which the child does not very identify with a common room. At this time, neighbors, friends who often come to visit, etc. can be included in. Sometimes between individual family members draw different objects that serve as partition between them. So, quite often you can see the drawing in which the father is sitting, hiding behind the newspaper, or near the TV separating it from the rest of the family. Mother more often draws at the slab, as if absorbing her all attention. In children over 5.5-6 years, there are two different diagrams of drawing individuals of different sexualities. For example, a man's torso is drawn oval shape, women - triangular or sexual differences are expressed by other means. If the child draws himself the same as other figures of the same sex, then we can talk about adequate sex identification. Similar parts in the presentation of two figures, for example, son and father, can be interpreted as the desire of the Son to be like a father, identifying with him, good emotional contacts.

Girls more than boys pay attention to face painting, depict more details. They notice that their mothers pay a lot of time to care for face, cosmetics and themselves gradually assimilate the values \u200b\u200bof adult women. Therefore, the concentration on drawing a person may indicate a good sex identification of the girl.

In the drawings of boys, this moment may be associated with the concern with its physical beauty, the desire to compensate for its physical disadvantages, the formation of stereotypes of female behavior.

It is curious that, despite the attention of preschoolers to the activities of adults, he does not bind members of his family with no relationship. In their opinion, it is important to do something in the house, then you will become a member of the family. By the end of the senior preschool age, children appear 2 families of the family - one image of a regulatory (perfect) family, and another image of its specific family. At the same time, the image of an ideal family occurs on the basis of fiction, cartoons, etc., while the image of a real family is associated with the sensations that the child receives in the family. The image of the family in children of preschool age is the symbiosis of its ideas about the regulatory family and learned from their own experience in knowledge and sensations about their own family. At the same time, neither in an early preschool age, nor in senior preschool age, the child uses an image of a regulatory family to assess its family relationships.

Thus, from the first days of the child's life, the family image begins to form. Conditions, lifestyle in the family where the child is brought up, "foundation" to develop the expectations of their own future family.

It is necessary to bring up a child with a love for his family, what it is, to relatives and relatives. All people are different, and families are also big and small, every family is unique and wonderful in its own way, family relationships can also be built in different ways. It is very important to take, love your family, your relatives, to know them, to take care of them, care and respect. At the same time, attention is focused on the fact that the child can do for his parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters than he can help them, in which affairs and actions his love is expressed, including the emotional responsiveness to the state of loved ones.

The "image of the family" in preschoolers, being a species component of the phenomenon "Image of the World", is characterized by the presence of nuclear and surface levels, which are specified in categories reflected in the form of a child's representations (about the family, its members, their family roles, interests, classes, its traditions , family history, etc.) and in the form of emotional relations, assessments and motivations to create their own family in the future. The prognostility of the "family image" is the most important characteristic of the forming image of the family ", the support for which allows you to set the task of educating the future family man on the steps of preschool childhood.

In children, 5-6 years old is formed by the "image of a family", even in the absence of special educational and educational work. Analysis of the content of a spontaneously folding "family image" indicates the presence of nuclear and surface levels in it. All categories (denotative, value, connotative, motivational) are characterized by situitation, inaccuracy, some kind of distortion in comparison with the ideal family in traditional and Orthodox cultures. These deviations in the "family image" in children have a secondary basis, while the primary constitutes deformation peculiar to the modern family. And this is: and changing value orientations, functions, role-playing behavior; and the weakening of related relationships, between generic communication; and the loss of traditional perception of parenthood and childhood; and the trend of dehumanization of child-parent relations. It is necessary to give children an example of proper behavior, good relationship between parents. The "image of the family" is a reflection of the knowledge of the family in the mind of the child, the fact that the child sees the example of his own family. The primary formation, which occurs through relationships in its own family, features of interpersonal terms, family values, traditions, participation in family holidays, participation in labor activity, etc.

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Formation of the child's submissions about the family

In a number of research, attempts have been attempted to study those submissions of children about the family, which consist of them spontaneously. It was revealed that these ideas differ in fragmented, inaccuracy, the poverty of emotional "coloring", and often do not correspond to reality.

In recent years, children's dating programs with the surrounding world are created, in which knowledge of the family is presented. In this regard, it should be especially noted by the program
S.A. Commune "I am a man." The formation of a child as a full-fledged family member, the author considers in the logic of the creation of a person in man, education of a citizen of the homeland and a resident of the planet Earth. Throughout the program, ideas are held on the value of informative leisure in the family, about the need to give the joy to loved ones, to understand their mood, etc. A peculiar "program" of formation in children of ideas about the family as the greatest universal value is contained in folk pedagogy. From the course of pre-school pedagogy you know that the people did not create books about how to raise children. But it was inherited by many works of material and spiritual culture, analyzing which scientists formulated the main provisions of popular pedagogy.

Before the children of preschool age, it is important to convey the essence of the concept of "family", and the support of this will be the works of oral folk creativity, in which the "family", "mother" "father", "Children", "Brother" and other words are supporting concepts Reflective related relations. When you meet children with folk fairy tales, the circles of the closest people are emphasized.

In the arsenal of the teacher there are a lot of artistic works, relying on which it forms at the pupils of the idea of \u200b\u200b"good" and "bad" children. In folk pedagogy, the concept of "father's house" (native shelter, parental house) occupies a special place. There are fairy tales about him, there are many proverbs that the teacher uses in their work. Well, if you manage to show children a variety of dwellings (brick, wooden houses, huts, yurts, etc.), and then offer them to think about what they differ and what they look like (people live, families, parents take care of children, each other) . Next, you can conduct a series of conversations (about household, holidays, leisure, etc.), the educational goal of which is to summarize the child to understand the relationship between family members.

It is necessary to teach children to understand the emotional state of family members, to raise the desire to please them. Everyday life situations are invaluable here. So, in the evening, the teacher reminds children that parents will soon come behind them, with whom they have not seen all day, so it is necessary to say hello, carefully look at the face, find out what mood, not to demand sweets, it is not necessary to get enough sleep, etc.

It is advisable to create special situations that put children before the need to better know the features, the interests of their loved ones, in order to please them, delight. For example, before the Mother's Day, the International Women's Day, the teacher warns children in advance that they have to make souvenirs to women of their family.

Delete the interest of children to the emotional state of loved ones, mini-etudes aimed at developing the ability to distinguish between the means of communication and use them: "Read" emotions in facial expressions, gestures, intonation of speech and respond to them accordingly (O.K. Vasilyeva). With the help of Etudes, children learn to transmit, recognize joy, excitement, fatigue, anxiety, fear.

For the formation of children's ideas about the family, it is necessary to master the complex of methods and techniques. Revaluation of verbal methods, which often takes place in a modern preschool institution, leads to the assimilation of children of formal knowledge, not painted with its own relation. Effectively appeal to various artistic means that encourage children to activities of creative content.

It is known that games for family, household themes are most common throughout the preschool age. But they are distinguished by poverty and monotony of content. Often the Mama-Dad line develops in a negative plan: teams "Mom", her desire to command, subjugate "dad". Boys are bad imagine, what is the role of "Pope". In order to enrich the content of family theme games, such plot lines are effective, as "a child was born in the family", "Brush's arrival", "Anniversary of Grandparents", "Family at Duc.", etc. During such games, the presentations of children are specified about the features of family life , on the interaction of generations, about leisure. In play activities, children reproduce the behavior, feelings, experiences their parents, as they imagine them, reflect various life situations.

Recently, children began to attract a different forms of work that help them penetrate their family roots. Of course, such work should be in the family, but many parents do not understand her need, do not know how to properly approach it. Therefore, the teacher shows the directions, the possible forms of the "travel" of a child in the history of the family, and parents continue her at home.

To clarify the meaning of the concept of "family", a visual material is used with the image of family members belonging to three generations (Mom, Dad, their parents, children). Next, it is advisable to resort to modeling. The teacher offers children to make a family model consisting of three generations. Each generation is indicated by the chip of its color. Singing chips, and then picking images of family members, the child builds her model, calling someone who else comes. But this is an abstract family. The next step is the model of your family, which the child is laying next to, calling the names, the patronymic of family members, their social roles, determining who he has his own native (son, grandson, nephew, brother). Further study of their pedigree should continue the family. Teachers recommend parents to issue a family album "Our Pedigree", to make a genealogical tree with use of photos.

The moral result of such a job is undoubted: it creates a real opportunity to introduce children in particular related relationships, help them understand the need for a careful, caring attitude towards family members. Children add up first expectations regarding their future family. For example, they say: "When I have my own children, I will never put them in the corner," "I, when growing up, I will always give flowers to my wife." "Launches" the position on the basis of understanding "good" - "bad" family.

Thus, during the collaboration of preschool institutions and parents, the children are summed up to the original, still very elementary awareness of the role of the family, the system of related relations, determine their place as a family member.

Table of contents
Improving educational opportunities of the family.
Didactic plan
New philosophy of family interaction and pre-school institution
Psychological and pedagogical foundations of the interaction of the family and pre-school educational institution
The interaction of kindergarten and family at the present stage
School and family interaction at the present stage
Features of the interaction of pre-school institutions with some types of families
Preparation of a child for a preschool institution
Features of the interaction of the family and pre-school institution in foreign countries
Specificity of pedagogical activities of a home teacher in the conditions of modern Russia
Interaction of a family teacher with parents
Social teacher of family type
Historical aspects of the formation of pedagogical culture from parents
Pedagogical culture of parents as a component of educational potential of the family