Of course, being in touch always and everywhere is convenient and safe. But is it safe for the body?

I go to the subway not at rush hour (yes, sometimes doctors can give themselves the pleasure of not being at work). The whole car is sitting, buried in someone’s smartphone, someone in an e-book, someone in some other unknown device. My experienced eye instantly notices something in common in this idyll and recognizes future patients. All of these people have heads bowed low and eyes focused. And, of course, a tense neck. Let's talk about her.

Once upon a time, when I was still studying at a medical institute, we, medical students, accurately identified “ours” in a crowd of passengers: we bumped into a textbook at the first opportunity. The rest of the studios were engaged in this thankless task only during the session, but we did it all the time. And many of us then complained of "falling" vision and headaches. It was believed that this was from intensive study and other delights of the student body.

Smartphone instead of rocker

And recently, the journal Surgery Technology International published an interesting article about the load on the neck of a smartphone viewer. The head of an adult human weighs 4 to 6 kg in a neutral position. When it is tilted forward 15 degrees, the load on the neck increases as if the head begins to weigh twice as much! If the head is tilted by 30 degrees, almost 20 kg begins to press on the neck, and this is practically a rocker with two full buckets of water! An inclination of 45 degrees will make the neck heavier with a yoke of 22 kg, while the maximum inclination of 60 degrees is comparable to heavyweight training - more than 27 kg on the weak and fragile neck and shoulders of a modern gadget carrier. No studies have been done on the tension in the neck muscles when you clamp the tube between your ear and shoulder to free your hands, but I think the results will be similar.

How much time do you spend on your phone or e-book? More than three hours a day? Congratulations! You are my patient!

Discomfort in the neck, heaviness in the back of the head, a “split” head, burning pains in the muscles of the shoulder girdle are your constant companions. Of course, you can, like the famous journalist Adam Clark Estes on the Gismodo blog, who first raised this issue in the media, come up with terrible diagnoses for yourself, ranging from brain cancer to Alzheimer's disease, but the reality will turn out to be much more prosaic.

Some cervical anatomy

Our neck normally has an S-shaped curve, which is called "lordosis" in medical parlance. This bend ends just with the most protruding spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra, everything below is already the thoracic spine, with its own S-shaped bend directed backward and called "kyphosis". It is this "snake" that provides us with upright posture. Nature is wise. If all these lordosis-kyphosis are already conceived, then it is not at all for people to disfigure themselves and straighten them by force. For violence, the body will not say “thank you” to its owner, as you understand. And he answers in his own way: his head hurts, his neck goes numb...

The fact is that the neck is a very important organ. No wonder she is compared to the weaker sex. As they say, where the neck turns, there and ... Many nerve pathways and blood vessels, before getting into the muscles and tissues of the outer part of the skull, instead of simply crawling out in a straight line from some hole in the skull itself, exit it through “service entrance” and are literally “on the neck”. And here they are waiting for muscles overloaded with an inclination to their favorite smartphone. Is the mechanism clear? Spasmodic muscles in themselves are a source of pain impulses, and then the nerve roots and blood vessels compressed (squeezed) by them are added. By the way, the blood supply is also significantly deteriorating.

Recently, more and more people have begun to pay attention to their workplace, take into account the ergonomics of the office space and the natural position of the body and limbs, in which fatigue accumulates much more slowly, and performance remains high throughout the working day. This is very commendable! It is worth carefully reading the recommendations of scientists about the correct location of the monitor, mouse, keyboard and chair, and not rely on cacti and amulets. But for some reason, everyone forgets about hours of vigil at the screen of a smartphone or with a phone sandwiched between their ear and shoulder, but in vain.

"Telephone neck"

A stabbing or throbbing headache usually starts in the back of the head and radiates up the back of the head and behind the ears. Many patients complain of pain in the scalp, forehead and behind the eyes. I diagnose some with “occipital nerve neuralgia”, but now the diagnosis “dorsopathy at the cervical level, cervicocranialgia” has become a lifesaver for neurologists. "Cervico" - because the translation from Latin is the word "neck". And "cranio" is the head. The diagnosis is about nothing, but patients like it. And so do insurance companies. Although the previously adopted term "text neck" would be clearer.

The term, by the way, was invented in the last century specifically about bookworms. But the term "computer mouse syndrome" is already a modern invention and refers to pain in the wrist. So why not come up with some kind of "smartphone neck" to make it clearer what and why gadgetaholics hurt?

And in many people, radiologists with functional tests (this is when an x-ray is taken with maximum flexion and extension of the neck) find a displacement of the cervical vertebrae. It happens that the vertebrae are displaced even more than 3 mm. And if we take into account that the vertebral artery, which feeds the cerebellum (the organ of balance) and most of the scalp (the integument of the skull), passes inside the processes of the vertebrae and is just 3 mm in diameter, then this displacement can be very catastrophic for the brain. Therefore, for dizziness and headaches, the first thing that a neurologist prescribes is not an MRI of the “whole grandmother”, but an examination of the vessels of the head and neck (rheovasography or duplex scanning - which is at hand) and radiography with functional tests.

Leave the phone, remove the pain!

Does this mean that the only way out is to get rid of gadgets like a phone, smartphone, e-books or use them less often? The latter is possible if you use them only for entertainment, but many people regularly need these devices for work.

  1. If you often talk on the phone and do something else at the same time, try to use a headset instead of clamping the phone between your head and neck. Try experimenting with different headsets in the store to see what works best for you.
  2. Learn to relax tense muscles. Various physical exercises and yoga will help with this. A few stretches never hurt anyone, but can you dedicate a few minutes a day to them?
  3. Learn to track the time spent with the gadget. Smartphone addiction, of course, has taken over the world, but we are normal people, right?
  4. See your doctor if you experience pain in your neck or back of your head. We have many ways to help the suffering.
  5. If the doctor advises wearing a special orthopedic device (Schanz splint) for a certain number of hours a day, wear it. So you can quickly unload the muscles of the neck and prolong their performance. The main thing - without fanaticism and not replace their own muscles.
  6. Rub your neck often when you are passionate. The old Russian proverb about who exactly scratches the back of the head in thought, and who scratches the forehead, has lost its relevance. Remember how beautiful heroines in foreign films helped fearless heroes to relax by gently stroking their shoulders and neck. Take an example - it is safe and very close.
  7. Tell your loved ones more often: “Raise your head and look at me! Let's talk!". Thirty seconds is enough for a look, and the muscles will have time to relax during this time.

And don't get sick!

Valentina Saratovskaya

Photo thinkstockphotos.com


Since the entry of cellular communications into human life, scientists have carried out thousands of studies in order to assess the effect of the device on the body. Experts are still not able to unequivocally answer the question of whether a phone can cause a headache. At the same time, we can definitely say that with the systematic use of the device, the body is negatively affected.

The cranium in the process of communication on the mobile absorbs up to 50% of its radiation. Sound pressure, heat, magnetic field have a direct effect on the eardrum.

The action of electromagnetic radiation

Even a switched off mobile phone is a source of disturbed electromagnetic field. A working device has a direct negative effect on the contents of the cranium. Using a headset can reduce potential risks, but this approach also has its downsides. The radiation of a mobile phone is much inferior to the same effect from a microwave oven, but the situation is aggravated by its constant presence in a person's life, proximity to the brain.

The electromagnetic field of a cell phone can cause the following consequences:

  • brain tumor - waves are absorbed by the tissues of the organ, which increases the risk of their change, degeneration, growth. The theory has not yet received practical confirmation, but scientists do not exclude such a possibility;
  • the appearance of problems with sleep - a headache against the background of using the phone is often the result of lack of sleep. It has been proven that talking on a mobile before going to bed significantly lengthens the phase of falling asleep, reducing the quality of rest;
  • increase in the reactivity of the body - studies have shown that people who speak on a cell phone in the aggregate for more than an hour a day become irritable, nervous, hysterical.

You will learn about the relationship of irritability and stress with cephalalgia

It is important to understand that a person is exposed to the radiation emitted by the device not only during a conversation. The phone lying next to the bed is dangerously close to the head.

The effect of loud sound on the ear

Many people notice that after using the phone, discomfort, itching, and tingling remain in the ear. The headset does not save from these consequences, and sometimes even enhances them. This is due to the effect of loud sound on the internal parts of the hearing aid. If such manifestations are ignored, then over time a person will not only have a headache from the phone, but more serious consequences will develop.

You will learn about other causes of pain behind the ear and the possible danger of the symptom.

Auditory nerve changes

One result of exposure to the auditory nerve is an acoustic neuroma. This is a benign tumor of the nerve endings, which over time can cause deafness. Its appearance is characterized by cephalgia, dizziness, noise in the affected ear, and a decrease in the quality of hearing.

Impact on the ear of sharp piercing sounds is fraught with acute inflammation of the auditory nerve. This is a kind of acoustic trauma that occurs due to frequent or prolonged telephone conversations, using the maximum volume on the device. Already during the use of the phone, the victim will feel pain in the ear, burning, discomfort. After the end of the operation of the device, noise, ringing, pain will remain in his ear or head. There will be signs of hearing loss.

Impact on the eardrum

Although sound cannot be touched, its direct effect is physical. Under the influence of waves, the eardrum literally bends, its elasticity decreases, which affects the functionality of the formation. If you use the phone for more than 1 hour a day, then the negative impact will be pronounced, regardless of the volume of the sound. Headset or headphones do not reduce this effect.

Symptoms such as warmth in the ear during or after talking indicate problems. The auricle tingles, the tissues become numb, soreness is noted. Over time, cephalalgia, irritability, and increased blood pressure are added to these signs. Initially, manifestations accompany the use of a telephone. As the pathology progresses, they become permanent.

How to use your cell phone safely

If you want to completely avoid the harmful effects of a mobile phone, you must stop using it. Messengers, which are widely used today, are much safer in this regard. You can also try to organize basic communication via SMS, and base negotiations on personal contact.

Here are some tips to protect yourself from the negative effects of cell phones:

  • it is safest to speak on a mobile phone on the street, then the waves will not linger, negatively affecting the body - do not forget that it was for such communication that portable handsets were developed;
  • Do not hold the phone to your ear while talking. When devices are placed away from the ear, the phone's internal antenna operates normally with minimal impact on the body;
  • you can not talk on a mobile lying down, the handset should be held vertically. This has a positive effect on the orientation of the transmitting and receiving devices;
  • it is not recommended to listen to beeps or music in the handset, it is better to wait until the conversation starts;
  • with a conversation duration of less than three minutes, the negative impact of electromagnetic waves will be minimal;
  • people with neurosis, psychopathic disorders, epilepsy should keep mobile communication to a minimum. The risk group also includes the elderly, pregnant women, children;
  • the phone case should be held by the bottom part, if possible, without blocking the surface with the palm of your hand. Otherwise, the signal transmission quality will decrease, due to which the device will start working at full capacity, which will increase the amount of radiation;
  • it is not recommended to use the phone in close proximity to other sources of electromagnetic waves (almost all household appliances);
  • the break between calls on the phone must be at least 15 minutes;
  • When the signal reception quality is poor, the device's radiation strength increases, so it is better to find a place with more favorable conditions.

If you can’t do without a phone, then if possible, preference should be given to wired technologies. The level of exposure when using wireless communication is many times higher. At a minimum, this should be a home phone to which a child should be accustomed. The use of mobile communications in childhood is much more dangerous than in adults due to the growth and formation of the body.

Disputes about the dangers of cellular communications have recently flared up more and more often.

Cellular communications have firmly entered our lives. The number of happy owners of "mobile phones" is growing by leaps and bounds. Four years ago there were "only" a billion of them (or us). Today, according to research companies Informa Telecoms & Media and Miniwatts Marketing Group, there are 3.3 billion cellular subscribers in the world. If we take into account that the population of the Earth is about 6.6 billion people, then we can conclude that every second inhabitant of the planet uses a cell phone. The amenities are undeniable. Communication is not only a joy, but also a necessity.

Ten years without the risk of getting sick
Since the advent of mobile phones, disputes have not subsided: is their constant use harmful or not for human health? Opinions on this matter differ. Representatives of cellular companies claim that there is no harm and cannot be, and if there is, then no more than from a conventional household electrical appliance. Supporters of this opinion refer to the absence of any long-term studies in this regard. In any case, they argue, for ten years you can safely talk on the phone without the risk of getting sick.
Mobile phones emit electromagnetic waves - it is known, logical and indisputable, otherwise it would be impossible to carry out the communication process itself. The proven effect of radio frequency waves above 1 MHz is tissue heating. But according to the World Health Organization, the heating caused by RF fields with the intensity that is officially allowed by international standards for cell phones and base stations is not dangerous for humans: it is neutralized due to the normal thermoregulation of the body and cannot cause health problems.
Experiments on cats and rabbits have shown that low-intensity RF fields, without causing tissue overheating, are capable of making minor changes in nerve cells. The described effects have been studied in animals for more than half a century, but their consequences for human health remain unclear. Representatives of the World Health Organization say that there is still no reliable evidence of the harmful effects of mobile communications on human health.

The smaller the child, the greater the danger
Particular passions flare up around the question of how sensitive children are to mobile phone radiation. It is known that children's bones, including cranial ones, are thinner and reduce harmful effects to a lesser extent. Scientists pre-
Warning: Children who use mobile phones are at increased risk of memory and sleep disorders. Dr. Gerard Hyland of the University of Warwick says the reason is low-intensity electromagnetic radiation that can penetrate a child's less massive and thinner skull. This radiation affects brain rhythms, can harm the immune system, which is in the process of development in children. The effect of electromagnetic radiation is similar to radio interference, the radiation disrupts the stability of the body's cells, the functioning of the nervous system, causing headaches, memory loss and sleep disorders. Professor William Stewart, Chairman of the UK National Radiation Protection Council, has led the Mobile Communications and Health Expert Group since 1999. “We have reason to believe that harm from mobile phones is very real. There are already studies on the impact of talking on a mobile phone on brain function, the development of an auditory nerve tumor and ear diseases. The influence of cellular communications is especially harmful for a growing organism. The smaller the child, the higher the danger,” he notes.

Scientists warn: children who use mobile phones are at increased risk of memory and sleep disorders.

> In the car, microwave radiation is re-reflected from the metal body, and its harmful effect is greatly enhanced. The use of an external antenna is recommended.
> In conditions of unstable reception, the power of the device is automatically increased to the maximum value. It is recommended either to refrain from lengthy negotiations, or to find a place with a stable reception.
> If you have a dacha or a country house, then the best solution would be to use a stationary external antenna with a circular orientation (for example, a car) or a special directional antenna.
> Repeaters of providers also pose a considerable danger. The antenna of such a repeater constantly emits a sufficiently powerful signal, and in all directions. How to deal with it? Or move away from the antenna, or live in a panel house. Panel fittings shield your apartment somewhat. The metal mesh on the windows helps. Cell size - no more than 10 centimeters.
> The use of Mini Hands Free kits reduces radiation exposure to the head and redistributes it to the entire body. But the wire of the kit works as a reradiating antenna.
> Do not damage the phone's antenna. Changing its geometric dimensions, bending, twisting inevitably worsen the reception conditions, and the transmitter power inevitably increases.
> When choosing a phone model, give preference to devices with external antennas and good sensitivity declared in the specifications.

It seems that Hollywood stars do not care about the dangers of cell phones. Paris Hilton literally does not let go of her cell phone.

SAR - Specific Absorption Rate
There is a special parameter in the world that determines the security of cell phones. This is the SAR (Spe-
cific Absorption Rates - specific absorption rate), which is measured in watts per kilogram. This value determines the energy of the electromagnetic field released in the tissues in one second.
In Europe, the permitted radiation value is 2 W/kg. In the US, the restrictions are more stringent: the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) certifies only those cellular devices whose SAR does not exceed 1.6 W / kg. This level of radiation does not lead to significant tissue heating, according to experts from the Finnish Center for Radiation and Nuclear Safety. A study conducted at this scientific institute showed that the SAR level of 28 tested phone models ranged from 0.45 to 1.12 W / kg.
But the most interesting thing is different: a study conducted by Finnish scientists showed that the radiation of the most popular mobile phones in the world today is approximately the same as the level declared by the manufacturers, and even much lower than the permissible limits.
The radiation of all mobile phone models reviewed by the testers was significantly below the allowable SAR value, which in Europe is 2 W/kg. This level of radiation does not lead to significant tissue heating or any other negative consequences for human health.

Scientists are against...

The first person to sue Mobil manufacturers was American David Reynard. Back in 1992, he believed that cell phone radiation was the cause of his wife's cancer. Despite the publicity, the court suspended the proceedings for lack of scientific evidence. Subsequently, the American Health Foundation at the end of 2003, on the basis of studies conducted at the expense of mobile phone companies, established that the deterioration in health is not associated with radiation.
A little later, a group of scientists from the University of Essen in Germany reported that their studies of patients with one type of eye cancer show that patients used cellular services much more often than other people. The authors of studies in the UK claim that the constant use of cellular communications increases the risk of brain cancer by 2.5 times.
The studies of employees of the Minsk Medical University are also curious. They found that even a minute conversation on a mobile phone causes changes in the electrophysiological activity of the brain and blood pressure.
In the late spring of this year, the Internet stirred up a message: Italian scientists came to the conclusion that the radiation of mobile phones stimulates the cerebral cortex, but it is still unclear how harmful this is. 15 volunteers spoke on a GSM 900 mobile phone for 45 minutes. In 12 cases, the cells of the motor cortex showed signs of excitability during a conversation, but within an hour the indicators returned to normal. Experts stressed that they do not want to say that the use of cell phones is bad for the brain, but people with diseases such as epilepsy (it is associated with the excitability of brain cells) could theoretically suffer.
All of this research provides a new way to look at claims about the dangers of mobile phones: the developers of new models have taken care of this. Well, one more thing: no one measures the total radiation - from computers, microwaves, TVs ... Who knows, perhaps a mobile phone is only a small part of the electronic-magnetic garbage that we have to take out on ourselves.
The most important thing is this: despite all these threats, it is unlikely that users will give up mobile phones. As long as people are guided by the principle “To live is harmful because they die from it”, everything that makes life easier and simpler will have every right to exist. After all, televisions, computers and other devices have not disappeared, the harmfulness of which has been talked about a lot.
In any case, there is no indisputable evidence of the harm of cellular communications, therefore it is up to us to decide whether or not to use a mobile phone. And for sure, many with very great confidence and responsibility can say: “We, immersed in the ocean of electromagnetic radiation, do not have to be particularly afraid to use a mobile phone. But still, you should not talk about it too much and too often. And then your head hurts."

> The Russian National Committee for Protection against Non-Ionizing Radiation recommends that you talk on a cell phone for no longer than three minutes, with breaks between calls of at least 15 minutes.

chief specialist of the department of motor insurance of the branch of LLC "RGS-Siberia" - "Main Department for the Krasnoyarsk Territory":

- The main potential harm of mobile phones is related to the electromagnetic field they create. People who are in an electromagnetic field for a long time complain of weakness, irritability, fatigue, headache and pressure drops. When we hold the receiver next to our ear, the head and phone form a single electromagnetic system, the effect on the brain is very strong. And the cerebral cortex is an organ that reacts especially sharply to electromagnetic fields. It is better to use a hands free headset. This is not only safer for your own health, but it will also protect you while driving in a car from a warning or a fine of 300 rubles (p. hands"). Meanwhile, the use of hands-free mobile phones while driving will increase road safety, as many studies have found that the use of mobile phones while driving makes drivers distracted from driving, which is increasingly causing serious accidents.

Alexey NEYMAN,
Head of the Department for Organization of the Excelent VIP Club of the Bobrovy Log Fan Park:

- I think that the search for harm to cellular communications is just our fears. I'm not sure that this is completely stupid, but still ... As for me, it is very rare that I feel harm from talking on the phone on myself. It happens that the mobile is torn, you have to talk a lot, and then shoot in the ear. But this is rare. I used to forget my phone at home. Then I feel uncomfortable without him, the discomfort is great. So there really is a psychological dependence. It seems that you are in the stone age, if there is no telephone at hand, there is no connection. I have to return home, because all business contacts are recorded in the mobile. I do not want the working day to fall out due to the lack of mobile communications. I turned off the sms service so that no one writes to me and I was not forced to answer. I explained to all my friends: “If a person writes a message, it means he expects a quick response. So it’s better to call and talk directly.” If there is any question, problem, you need to call and discuss.

Angelica SURKOVA,
Business lady:

- Cellular communication, no doubt, has its advantages. It is accessibility and connection with the world. The only worry is that there is no rest twenty-four hours a day. Sometimes I have to turn off the phone, because the mobile affects my nervous system. In addition, for example, I have a very bad attitude to talking on the phone while driving a car. You can't talk while driving. Therefore, I try not to do this - most often I simply do not answer calls so as not to be distracted from the road, and I am going to buy a hands free device. But when I forget my phone at home, I feel cut off from the world. It seems that someone will definitely call, and I will miss an important call, valuable information. I almost never post. It's easier to call. In any case, cellular communication is an integral part of our life. You can't argue with that. Although I remember that there were no mobile phones before, not everyone even had home phones. Somehow they lived and managed. But now life is moving forward, so without mobile communications we are nowhere.

sales representative of the Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche:

- It should have been clear to all thinking people that, carrying portable emitters near their ears, they gradually heat their brains to a state of warm jelly. But all the inquiries and doubts of the public have so far stumbled upon the thoughtful calculations of representatives of cellular communication corporations about the lack of objective scientific research on the evidence of the harm of radiation. Now there is such a study. And his main conclusion - there is a clear and undeniable link between the use of cell phones and cancer. This topic is not new and periodically pops up again and again. Once, I remember, they shouted that cell phones “fry” the brain like a microwave, to which my then boss said that he would have been “fried” long ago, since for the past five years he has been talking on the cell for six or seven hours a day. However, I'm more interested in what effect cell phones have on the front of the torso below the belt. And then, you see, I don’t talk much on a cellular phone, but I wear it on my belt all the time, plus I constantly use cellular modems and Wi-Fi, often holding a laptop on my lap.

Alexander DYGALO,
psychotherapist of the highest category:

- Of course, we are not going anywhere from cell phones. Their brains really boil. But it's more of a psychological addiction that many people are prone to. Despite this, there are no disorders from mobile phones at the gene or molecular level. So it's all in the head. Personally, I don't depend on a cell phone. If they call me, I answer. But I don’t always look at the phone: I just don’t have time, I work. If I forget my phone at home, I can only find it by accident. It all depends on what you're in the mood for. If you are focused on work, you will work and not be distracted. If you are not focused on work, then you will turn to the phone again and again. The same with the computer. These dependencies are about the same. About 15-20 percent of the population is addicted to gambling, computer or telephone.

    the nature of the pain - dull, cutting, pressing, aching, constant or finding attacks;

    the presence of additional symptoms - dizziness, nausea, vomiting;

    the place of concentration of pain - temples, forehead, back of the head;

    what was the impetus for the onset of the attack - the weather, stress, hunger, excessive mental stress, or something else.

Types of painkillers for headaches

    non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - usually relief after taking them comes in half an hour or an hour, and the effect lasts 4-6 hours. Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Aspirin, Diclofenac, Ketoprofen;

    antispasmodics - best taken with non-steroidal drugs and better within two days. Papaverine, No-shpa, Buscopan, Drotaverine;

    with vascular headache - it arises from excessive narrowing or expansion of brain vessels and, accordingly, therapy here is aimed at lowering or raising blood pressure. Analgin, Baralgin, Nebagin, Piretin, Ronalgin, Spazdolzin, Minalgin;

    with liquorodynamic pain - it is bursting and intense, aggravated by coughing. If you have experienced similar feelings. You need to see a specialist immediately!

    during pregnancy and lactation, uncontrolled intake of any medication is prohibited. With the permission of the doctor, you can take Citramon, No-shpu, Paracetamol.

After a hangover, you can take Ketorol, Ibuprofen, Citramon P, belonging to the group of non-steroidal analgesics. They quickly relieve painful spasms.

In osteochondrosis, anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Dolobid, Naproxen) and painkillers (Sirdalud, Melliktin), muscle relaxants (Mydocalm) are used.

The range of prices for headache tablets can reach several hundred rubles, depending on the quality and quantity of the active substance.

04/11/2019: In comments appeared examples from life about salivary gland cancer and not only.

Mobile phone radiation has an impact on health.
But the pipe will not cause harm if you follow the six safety rules.

These tips are quite simple, and if you follow them, the harm from cell phone microwave radiation will be minimized. And the hypotheses of some researchers that smartphones can cause cancerous tumors and Alzheimer's disease will no longer cause panic fear and a desire to immediately get rid of the annoyingly “beeping” device in your pocket.

To minimize the risk possible harmful effects of radiation waves from a working cell phone, you should, if possible:

1 – Limit time and frequency phone use. Still, you need to remember that a smartphone is not a fixed, secure phone that you could talk on for hours. More 2-3 minutes per call and more than 10-15 minutes a day you should not talk on a mobile phone.

2 - Try your best do not use the phone in places where there is poor reception(elevator, underground premises, transport, etc.), because with poor reception, the mobile phone tries to find the transmitter antenna, and because of this, its radiation (the properties and effects of which on humans have not yet been fully studied ) is multiplied.

The same, by the way, applies to rural areas, where, far from the antennas, poor mobile reception is also often observed.

3 – less frequently used mobile phone indoors(car, house), since the waves emitted by it can be reflected by walls and coatings, which increases the exposure several times.

4 - Keep in mind that Bluetooth wireless data transmission adds to the mobile phone additional radiation power. Therefore, use a wired headset.

5 – Don't apply smartphone to ear while he is in the process of searching for a network operator(this happens when the phone is turned on and with very poor reception). At this moment, he radiates the most, harms, so to speak, to the maximum.

6 - And, finally, rid yourself of the addiction of sleeping next to a cell phone, and even more so - putting a switched on, working (and, therefore, constantly emitting!) mobile phone under the pillow! Be sure to turn it off before going to bed or unplug its transmitter!

Also, if you are used to using your mobile phone as an alarm clock, you can postpone him away from you. This will not only greatly reduce the risk of phone exposure during undisturbed sleep, but also greatly increase the likelihood of your successful awakening. After all, in order to turn off the alarm clock, you will definitely have to get out of bed.

Write additions in the comments!