Among the country residences located in the suburbs of Northern Palmyra, Oranienbaum stands out. Its sights are included in the art complex, created by the inspired work of famous architects, talented craftsmen, painters and masters of arts and crafts of the 18th century and occupying a special place in the history of Russian and world culture.


In 1707, the lands near the confluence of the Karasta River into the Gulf of Finland were granted by Peter I (emperor) to his associate Alexander Menshikov, who at that time was the governor of Ingermanland, which ceded to the Russian Empire at the end of the Northern War. By order of the emperor's favorite, on the coastal site opposite the architects G. Shedel and D. Fontana, the Grand Palace was erected, practically not inferior in its splendor to the emperor's palace in Peterhof. The Lower Regular Garden, one of the first in Russia, was also designed here. Around the country residence of Alexander Menshikov, which he named Oranienbaum, a palace settlement of the same name arose.

They try to explain the origin of the unusual name with different versions. One of the legends says that during the time of the favorite of Peter I there was an orange greenhouse (Oranienbaum in German means an orange tree). On the terraces and open staircases of the Grand Palace in the summer, a curiosity for the North was exhibited in tubs - evergreens of the genus citrus.

History of the residence

During its history, which has more than 300 years, the residence changed many owners, and the settlement received the status of a city.

In 1743, the residence was given as a gift to Peter III, who ascended the throne in 1761. After 1762, a palace was built for Catherine II in Oranienbaum, which was included in the "Own Dacha" complex. The buildings of his buildings became the only examples of the rococo architectural style presented in Russia.

Since 1796, the country residence was the property of the imperial family and passed on to the next generations. Before the revolution, its last owners were the Dukes of Mecklenburg-Strelitz.

After the events of 1917, part of the buildings of the historical and architectural monument were transferred to the Forest College founded on the territory of Oranienbaum. Museums were opened in some palaces, in particular in the Chinese one. In 1948 the city was renamed Lomonosov. "Oranienbaum" (as a name) was preserved only behind the historical complex. The assignment of the name of the great Russian scientist to the city did not happen by chance. Not far from here, in the village of Ust-Ruditsa, there was his estate, and a laboratory for the preparation of colored glass.

In the post-war period, Oranienbaum fell into disrepair, its serious restoration began only in the late 90s.

In 2007, the unique complex was included in the Peterhof State Museum-Reserve. It should be noted that in the suburbs of St. Petersburg the only one that was not destroyed during the Second World War and retained its historical authenticity was the historical and architectural ensemble "Oranienbaum", the sights of which complete the series of representative residences of the Peterhof road.

Architectural and landscape complex

The palaces and parks of Oranienbaum make up three artistic ensembles that were created during the 18th century. An exceptional role was played in their creation. The manner of the Italian architect was distinguished by rationalism, interspersed with conservatism. In Oranienbaum, his works are the Chinese Palace, the Opera House, the Palace of Peter III and the Rolling Hill.

All park buildings make up a peculiar composition, which is divided into the Lower Garden with the Menshikov Palace and the Upper Park with its numerous historical monuments.

Unique buildings of the Peter the Great era

The construction of the Grand Palace and the creation of the Lower Park around it, the distinctive feature of which is the architectural and artistic unity, served as the beginning of the creation of the Oranienbaum complex. The sights of this part of the architectural complex, in addition to the Menshikov Palace, include the Catherine Building, the Monplaisir Palace, the Marly Palace, the Sea Canal and the most beautiful alleys of fountains.

All of them have survived to our time. The Grand Palace itself, despite repeated alterations, has not changed its appearance much. It has always remained close to its original design, which makes it possible to rank it among the unique constructions of the Petrine era.

landscape art

In the landscape art of that time, they were already trying to deviate from the principles of regular gardening. When creating the Upper Park, Rinaldi managed to achieve a smooth transition from one of its stylistic parts to another. The talented master took into account the peculiarities of the picturesque area that distinguishes Oranienbaum. The park, consisting of the Own Dacha and the Petershtad Ensemble, has merged into one. It does not have strict lines, neatly trimmed tree crowns, characteristic of a regular layout. On the other hand, a harmonious unity is clearly felt, in which complex geometric patterns of alleys, playgrounds, a water labyrinth of ponds and artificial lakes connected by channels, a riot of wildlife and unique architecture have merged. The latter is represented by a unique combination of rococo style with elements of still emerging classicism.

Artistic design. Synthesis of beauty and expediency

An exceptional feature of the Upper Park is that its layout and the projects of all buildings in it were made by one architect. Rinaldi combined the magic of the synthesis of beauty and expediency. A mixture of different styles in decor, a combination of regular and landscape principles, equal participation of the methods of both directions distinguishes Oranienbaum, the sights of which harmoniously merged into a single whole with the landscape, striking with their beauty and grandeur.

Architectural and artistic ensembles of the park

In the depths of the Upper Park, the Chinese Palace opens up, which is part of the Own Dacha complex. Interestingly, the building was originally called the "Dutch house". The new name appeared later and was more likely due to the fashion for "Chinese". The decoration of the interiors of the palace is made in the spirit of Chinese and Japanese art.

The complex of the Own Dacha also includes the famous Pergola gazebo, consisting of 54 pylons and a stone staircase descending to the water of the pond. It was created in the 19th century and is an excellent decoration of the garden and park architecture of that time. The pergola was erected on the site of the Coffee House, which was never brought to life by Rinaldi.

Attention is drawn to the Rolling Hill, which is a grandiose park structure. Here, the courtiers had fun riding down the ice slides, one after the other and making up a length of 532 meters. Traditional folk entertainment was also available in the summer.

The Stone Hall building was probably intended for concerts. Currently, there is an interactive cinema and an exhibition of interior and park sculpture.

In the Upper Park you can also see the Cavalier Corps, the Gate of Honor, the pavilion called "Chinese cuisine".

Petrovsky park

Another creation of Rinaldi. Its layout was carried out with the participation of master Lamberti. When it was created on the principle of Italian gardens, elements of a regular direction were also used. Numerous cascades, terraces are interspersed with miniature pavilions, among which are the two-story Hermitage, Solovyov's arbor, Chinese house.

Now Petrovsky Park is made in landscape style. Its compositional basis is the Karasta River, the Upper and Lower Ponds.

How to get to Oranienbaum?

Royal residences in the vicinity of St. Petersburg are included in various excursion tours. You can visit them on your own if you know in advance how to get there.

Oranienbaum is located in the city of Lomonosov, located 40 kilometers from the northern capital. The best way to get here is from the southeastern part of the city. So, you can get to the Oranienbaum railway station (in Lomonosov) from the Avtovo metro station by minibus K-424a, bus No. 200; from the station "Prospect Veteranov" - by bus number 343. Electric trains depart regularly from Baltiysky Station to Lomonosov.

Previously, it was possible to get to the museum-reserve from Kronstadt by ferry, now it is easier to get there by regular bus No. 175.

Portable guide

At the entrance to the park there is a map with key places that Oranienbaum is famous for. A photo of the plan in the future will help to plan your excursion correctly. It is worth paying attention to the instructions for downloading a portable guide to the park - this is an electronic application "Park Oranienbaum". It contains a plan, coat of arms, information about the history of the complex and a short video.

Museum-Reserve - "Oranienbaum", is known throughout the world for its rarest buildings of the 18th century, which managed to survive the bombing and preserve their authenticity.

In 1710, Prince Alexander Menshikov, an associate of Peter I, planned to build such an estate that would surpass Peterhof itself in splendor and splendor. Conceived-done! Menshikov was the owner of many villages, so there was no shortage of labor. Hundreds of serfs, soldiers and craftsmen were brought to the construction site. They dug ponds, dug deep canals, prepared a huge area for laying out a park zone. Construction work and laying the park lasted 17 years. The park was created with French brilliance, and was simply named "Lower".

The residence was named Oranienbaum. An interesting case is connected with its name. Back in 1704, a greenhouse was found on the site with savage seedlings of orange trees, which were marked with signs: Oranienbaum. From German, the word is translated as "orange tree". To Peter I, these inscriptions seemed to be an excellent sign for the name of the estate. They began to call her - Oranienbaum. Peter I liked to visit A. Menshikov when he had to go to Kronstadt.

But Prince Menshikov did not rejoice at his dacha for long. When he fell out of favor with the tsar, Oranienbaum passed to Peter III, who became the Russian emperor. As soon as he took possession of the estate, he immediately set about rebuilding it. In 1743, the construction of the Grand Palace and the arrangement of the Lower Garden began. To organize such large works, B. Rastrelli was invited, and since 1763 the construction was entrusted to arch. A. Rinaldi. He worked at the estate for 20 years. Over the years, he managed to break the Upper Park, build palaces. Especially for Peter III, he organized the amusing fortress "Peterstadt". When Oranienbaum moved to Catherine II, he created a whole ensemble called "Own Dacha". The ensemble included a pier by the pond, a roller coaster, the amazing Chinese Palace and the maid of honor's house.

Today it is the city of Lomonosov with the museum-reserve "Oranienbaum". It includes: the palaces of Peter III, A. Menshikov, the Chinese Palace, the Upper Park, the Rolling Hill and the magnificent Lower Park.

You can get from the Baltic Station by taxi 404 and train, from the Avtovo metro station by taxi 300 and 424a, and from the station. "Prospect Veterans" on the 343rd.

Attraction photo: Museum-reserve - "Oranienbaum"

Tourists from all over the world are attracted not only by St. Petersburg, but also by its suburbs. The northern capital of Russia is certainly a beauties with many famous and delightful sights. But no less than the latter can be found in its vicinity.

One of the brightest places worth visiting in the suburbs of St. Petersburg is the State Museum-Reserve Oranienbaum - a palace and park ensemble, which is located on the territory of the city of Lomonosov. By the way, until 1948 the city bore the name - Oranienbaum.

The State Museum-Reserve and the Oranienbaum Palace and Park Ensemble is part of the World Heritage Site "The Historic Center of St. Petersburg and Related Complexes of Monuments". Since 2007, the palaces and parks of Oranienbaum have been part of the Peterhof State Museum Reserve.

Why visit Oranienbaum

Oranienbaum is located on the southern picturesque coast of the Gulf of Finland. In itself, a walk through these places is already pleasant and healthy. There is a sea port in Lomonosov.

The State Museum-Reserve is the most valuable unique monument of Russian culture and art of the 18th century. The Oranienbaum art complex, created by the inspired work of the greatest architects, painters, masters of arts and crafts and talented craftsmen of the 17th century, has a very special place in the history of Russian and world culture. Oranienbaum is included in the list of UNESCO cultural monuments.

The palace and park complex of Oranienbaum includes 3 ensembles: the Grand Palace, Peterstadt and Own Dacha with its main buildings - the Chinese Palace and the Rolling Hill Pavilion. They clearly reflect the baroque architecture of the early 18th century and the classicism of the 60-70s of the 18th century.

It is worth noting for another reason it is worth visiting Oranienbaum, for the very reason that this is the only suburb of St. Petersburg that was not catastrophically destroyed by the Nazi invaders during the Great Patriotic War. Damaged, but not destroyed during the war years, the palace-museums and parks of the city of Lomonosov have preserved in all their authenticity and originality the decorative decoration of the 18th century. Therefore, they are of great artistic value as genuine architectural monuments, acquainting Petersburgers and guests of the city with the history and art of the past.

History of Oranienbaum

Initially, the piece of land adjacent to the Teiris manor, on which Lomonosov is now located, was presented by Peter I to his comrade-in-arms and close associate, Grand Duke AD Menshikov. The statesman immediately in 1711 began the construction of a large estate with a palace near the confluence of the Karasta River into the bay, later called "Oranienbaum", which means "orange" or "orange tree", which became the main image on the coat of arms of the city.

In 1727, Oranienbaum was transferred to the office of the Chancellery from buildings, and in 1737 - to the Admiralty Board for the construction of a naval hospital in it. In 1743-1762, Oranienbaum served as the residence of Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich, the future Emperor Peter III. Especially for the royal heir, a "funny" fortress - Peterstadt - is being erected on the territory of the Upper Park.

Since then, a settlement has been created around the palace estate, which in 1780 received the status of a county town. After the overthrow of Peter III from the throne in Oranienbaum for Empress Catherine II, a private dacha was erected in the Upper Park. Its buildings are the only examples of the Rococo architectural style in Russia.

Since 1796, Oranienbaum has been owned by the future emperor - Alexander I, since 1831 - by his brother Grand Duke - Mikhail Pavlovich, later by his wife - Elena Pavlovna, after the death of the latter - by their heirs. Before the revolution, the last owners of Oranienbaum were the Dukes of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Georgy Georgievich, who was buried in the park, and his younger brother Mikhail Georgievich.

In 1918, the palace of Peter III and the Great Menshikov Palace came under the jurisdiction of the Forest College. In 1922, a museum was opened in the Chinese Palace. During the Great Patriotic War, Oranienbaum suffered much less damage than other suburbs of St. Petersburg. The explanation for this is the powerful defense on the so-called "Oranienbaum bridgehead". In 1948, Oranienbaum was renamed Lomonosov.

In 1946, the museum-reserve was slightly improved. But thorough repair and maintenance, in principle, was not particularly observed in all the post-war years. Over time, the ensemble fell into disrepair. Its major restoration was undertaken only in the late 1990s. It is currently ongoing. Nevertheless, the Oranienbaum palace and park ensemble deserves great attention, it is unique in that it has retained its historical authenticity.

Oranienbaum in the city of Lomonosov is located 40 km west of St. Petersburg. And, if you have a desire to visit this land of beautiful palaces and parks, then we will tell you how to get there.

Directions to Oranienbaum

The historical and architectural museum with the Oranienbaum palace and park ensemble, as mentioned above, is not so far from St. Petersburg - only 40 km. But in order to get into it, you need to get to the city of Lomonosov, where it is located. There are different ways to get there.

  • railway transport, trains
  • by social (city) bus or commercial minibus,
  • personal car or rented car, taxi.

Passenger traffic by rail is carried out from the Baltic Station in St. Petersburg. In the city of Lomonosov there are stations of the Oktyabrskaya railway Oranienbaum I, Oranienbaum II and platforms Martyshkino and Kronstadtskaya. The colony.

Social buses and fixed-route taxis run connecting Lomonosov with metro stations in St. Petersburg.

Express bus routes connect Lomonosov with St. Petersburg from the Avtovo metro station, the commercial route St. Petersburg - Sosnovy Bor passes through the city. Some suburban fixed-route taxis move between Lomonosov and other settlements of the Lomonosov district of the Leningrad region.

The highway St. Petersburg - Sosnovy Bor - Ruchii passes through the Lomonosov Palace Avenue. The ring road runs a few kilometers south of Lomonosov, behind the Iliki cemetery, and is connected to the city's road network through interchanges with Oranienbaumsky Prospekt in the south of the city and Krasnoflotsky Highway near the Bronka railway station and the dam.

There is a seaport in the north of Lomonosov, but today it is not yet possible to get from St. Petersburg to Oranienbaum by water. Previously, the ferry St. Petersburg - Kronstadt - Lomonosov ran. Now there is a passenger ferry service with Kronstadt, there is a ferry from Kronstadt to Lomonosov, and back. For the future, there are plans to expand the port and passenger traffic between cities. A new terminal is currently under construction.

Trains on Lomonosov

The easiest, cheapest and most reliable way to get to Lomonosov is by train from the Baltic Station. It is located in the center of St. Petersburg - metro station "Baltiyskaya". You need to take the train to the station "Oranienbaum-1".

All electric trains go to Oranienbaum in the following directions: Kalishche, Gatchina-Baltic, Stroganovo, Luga-1 with an interval of movement - from 20 minutes to 1 hour. Travel time is an average of 55 - 60 minutes. The fare from the Baltic Station to Oranienbaum is 81 rubles.

Then, from the station square at the Oranienbaum-I station to the nearest entrance to the Oranienbaum park on Palace Avenue, it is easiest to walk on foot, which will take several minutes. You need to go along Peterburgskaya Street, then along Palace Avenue. Residents of Lomonosov are always happy to have guests and will be happy to tell you if anything.

Buses and fixed-route taxis to Oranienbaum

The city of Lomonosov from St. Petersburg can be reached by buses and fixed-route taxis, which depart from the metro stations "Baltiyskaya", "Avtovo", "Prospect Veteranov", "Leninsky Prospekt".

From the metro station "Baltiyskaya"

  • Shuttle taxi: T-404. Does not reach Lomonosov station and Oranienbaum park. You need to go by minibus number 404 and get off at the final stop. To the nearest entrance to the park - about 1 kilometer, then go along Aleksandrovskaya street. To be honest, not the most convenient option. In addition to walking around the place, minibus No. K-404 has the longest route, it takes 1 hour, you have to go from the very center of the city, while not counting possible traffic jams.

From the metro station "Avtovo"

  • At the Avtovo metro station, the stop is located on the opposite side of Stachek Avenue, for this you need to exit the metro and go through the underpass.
  • Social Bus: No. 200. There is a city ticket and a single fare for travel in land vehicles in the city of St. Petersburg.
  • Shuttle taxi: T-300, T-424A. Minibus number 300 makes the closest stop to the park and the shortest route around the city. Following the minibus number 424-A, you need to get off at the bus stop near Palace Avenue.
  • Routes №№ 200 and 300 routes end at Lomonosov Railway Station Square. 424A passes through Old Peterhof and stops in the center of Lomonosov.
  • Express bus: Avtovo-Lomonosov, Lomonosov-Avtovo (according to K.A.D.)

From the metro station "Prospect Veteranov"

  • Shuttle taxi: T-343, stop at Palace Avenue.

From the metro station "Leninsky Prospekt"

  • Shuttle taxi: T-696

All fixed-route taxis going to Lomonosov from St. Petersburg pass through Strelna and Peterhof. There are signs on them - Lomonosov, Strelna, Peterhof, fountains, etc. And you can always ask the driver.

The fare in minibuses to Lomonosov from St. Petersburg is within 70 rubles, travel time: 50 minutes - 1 hour, interval: 15 - 20 minutes.

Auto and taxi on Lomonosov to Oranienbaum

If you want to drive a private or rented car on your own, then to Lomonosov or Oranienbaum from St. Petersburg it is better to leave from Stachek Avenue and drive along it without turning. Progressively, the avenue passes into the Peterhof highway. Then follow the Peterhof highway. Then you go to Oranienbaum highway and Palace Avenue.

You can also drive along the Ring Road (K.A.D.) with an exit to Oranienbaumsky Prospekt or Krasnoflotskoye Highway. In Oranienbaum, on the other side of the park, there is a small free car park. Usually, there is enough space for everyone.

Of course, taxis of St. Petersburg or Peterhof taxi companies provide maximum comfort, and for a reasonable fee. At the same time, you can get to Lomonosov and Oranienbaum in 15-20-30 minutes, depending on the choice of the road and the traffic on it, on the time of day, traffic jams during peak hours.

What to see in Oranienbaum

The oldest and, perhaps, the main building of the Oranienbaum palace and park ensemble, for which many people come to Lomonosov, is the Great Menshikov Palace. It is logical, because the entire Museum-Reserve has grown from it. The palace was built according to the design of the architects F. Fontana and I. G. Shedel in 1710-1727.

The palace is located on the edge of a natural hill and divides the Oranienbaum park into 2 parts - the regular Lower Garden and the landscape Upper Park. The Upper Park, in turn, is also divided into 2 parts - Petrovsky Park, on its territory a funny fortress - Peterstadt was equipped, and there is an ensemble of Own Dacha, which includes such attractions as the Rolling Hill Pavilion and the Chinese Palace.

  • More details in
The composition of the park ensemble consists of the following places for walking:
  • lower garden
  • Upper park
  • lower pond
  • Red (Upper) Pond
  • carpin pond
  • Chinese pond
  • U-shaped pond
  • sea ​​channel
The main places for visiting tourists in the Museum-Reserve of Oranienbaum (in their compositional sequence):
  1. Grand (Menshikov) Palace (1711-1727, F. Fontana, I. G. Shedel, I. Braunstein)
  2. Picture House (1710s - 1730s, or 1752-1754)
  3. Lower houses (1710s - 1720s, or 1749-1751)
  4. Gate of the Peterstadt fortress (1757, A. Rinaldi)
  5. Palace of Peter III (1758-1762, A. Rinaldi)
  6. Stone Hall (1749-1751, presumably B. Rastrelli)
  7. Cavalier Corps (1767, A. Rinaldi)
  8. Chinese Palace (1762-1768, A. Rinaldi)
  9. Roller Hill Pavilion (1762-1774, A. Rinaldi)
  10. Pavilion "Chinese cuisine" (1852-1853, L. Bonstedt)
  11. Pergola (1870s)

The history of this city begins in 1710. At first, it was another residence of A.D. Menshikov, the Most Serene Prince and the second person in the state (after Peter the Great). The future city received the beautiful name Oranienbaum. According to one legend, this name is due to the fact that exotic orange trees were grown in greenhouses.

Later, this village with beautiful palaces became the residence of the imperial family. By 1917, Oranienbaum was a small town. Since 1918, Soviet power has been established here.

During the Great Patriotic War, this city became the core of the bridgehead. In 1944, after a long defense, the counteroffensive of the Soviet army began from this place.

In 1948, it was decided to rename the city Oranienbaum. It received its modern name - Lomonosov, in honor of the great scientist and encyclopedist M.V. Lomonosov.

This majestic building was built on the site of a wooden church in 1913 - just at that time the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty was celebrated. The temple was consecrated the following year. Under Soviet rule, namely in 1932, the cathedral was closed, the shrines were confiscated. The restoration of the temple began in 1988.

Address: Palace Avenue - 61.

For the first time this park was created in the reign of Peter the Great and got its name in honor of the emperor. The original layout of the park was replaced in the 1830s with a modern one.

Bridges are thrown over the shallow river Karost, two of them are made in the form of ruins. Two large ponds have been built on the river, and there are also man-made waterfalls.

Address: Oranienbaum Park Ensemble.

This arched gate has a long history. During the Seven Years' War (1756 - 1763), the future Emperor Peter III created a funny fortress, it was called Pererstadt. In the central part of the structure, a parade ground was erected, as well as the Gate of Honor. Behind them was a paved area for military parades and maneuvers.

A distinctive feature of the Gate of Honor is the observation tower above the gate. Today it is a kind of observation deck, from where a beautiful view of the Lower Pond and the surroundings of the Grand Palace opens.

Usually, the stone structures of the Oranienbaum park did not retain their original appearance. But there is an exception - the palace of Peter III. This building was created as a residence for the rest of the future emperor.

The palace was created in the form of a two-story square building. After the death of the emperor and until the end of the 19th century, the building gradually fell into disrepair. After repair and restoration, the palace survived the October Revolution, the Civil War, and the Great Patriotic War. Since 1962, after the final restoration, the building has become a museum.

Address: Upper Park - 2A.

Since 1717, by order of A.D. Menshikov, the Grand Palace was being built, and a garden was being laid out at the same time. A canal was dug from the sea side, and a pier was built near the harbor. In the 20th century, the connection between the Lower Garden and the Gulf of Finland was lost.

During the Great Patriotic War, the garden was seriously damaged due to artillery shelling. After the war, the restoration of the Lower Garden began, completed by 2011. Here you can see marble statues, flower beds, and fountains.

Address: Razvodnaya street - 2.

This grandiose building began to be built in 1711 by order of A.D. Menshikov. By 1716, the central building of the palace was built, and in 1719, the construction of the side buildings of the building was completed. After the palace was built, the decoration of its rooms began, which continued until the beginning of September 1727.

The palace was being completed and renovated. He survived the fall of the Russian Empire, the birth and death of the USSR. Only in 1995 did the Great Menshikov Palace become a museum. Restoration work was completed in the summer of 2012.

Address: Upper Park - 1A.

The history of the ensemble begins in 1710, when the construction of the Great Menshikov Palace began. In 1712, the laying out of the Lower Garden began and work was carried out to improve it.

In 1756, by order of the Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich, the construction of an amusing fortress began, which was called Peterstadt. Today, only the Gate of Honor and the palace of Peter III remain from the fortress.

By the end of the 1760s, the construction of a dacha for Empress Catherine II was completed. This ensemble includes the Chinese Palace, as well as the Rolling Hill Pavilion.

Of all the suburbs of St. Petersburg, only Oranienbaum was not destroyed during the Great Patriotic War.

After Catherine II became Empress, the construction of a large structure, the Rolling Hill, began in Oranienbaum. Construction went on for 12 years.

The structure had three tracks - side tracks for lifting wheelchairs, and a central track for skiing. It turned out to be a kind of predecessor of the modern roller coaster. Moreover, such skating, both in summer and in winter, was an extreme activity.

At the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century, the Rolling Hill fell into decay. Only the Rolling Hill Pavilion has survived to this day, and the entire grandiose structure, with ruts for skiing and a colonnade, can only be seen on engravings of the 18th century.

Address: Krasnoflotskoe shosse-2.

This building was built in 1762 - 1768 by order of Empress Catherine II. Part of the palace was decorated in the then fashionable Chinese style. That is why the palace was called Chinese.

After about 90 years, one of the facades of the palace was completed (a second floor appeared). Since 1922 the building has become a museum. It survived the Great Patriotic War, was not captured by the enemy and did not suffer from artillery shelling.

Since 2007, serious restoration work has been carried out at the Chinese Palace, completed in 2011. The palace was opened to the public on the day of the 300th anniversary of the city of Lomonosov (until 1948 - Oranienbaum).

Address: Upper Park-7.

This museum contains exhibits that tell about the history of the city of Kronstadt. Here you can learn about the founding of the city during the reign of Peter the Great, about the events of the 18th - 19th centuries.

Also in the museum you can see the chronicles of the Civil War, as well as the famous uprising of the sailors. There is also a photo chronicle of the ferry service between Kronstadt, Leningrad and Lomonosov.

Address: Leningradskaya street - 2.

The construction of this fountain structure began in 1721. It was originally planned to build the Marble Cascade, but the plan had to be abandoned. In 1737, another project began to be implemented - the Dragon Mountain (the name is given because of the figures of dragons). In 1769, the slopes for draining water were painted like a chessboard, hence the name - Chessboard Mountain.

Address: Alexandria highway - 7.

By order of Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich, a farm was built in 1828-1831. There was a room for cows, utility rooms - a kitchen and pantries, as well as shepherd's rooms.

For a long twenty years, the farm was being rebuilt and turned into a two-story palace. It was then that the building got its modern name - the Farm Palace.

The building survived the fall of the Russian Empire, both revolutions of 1917, the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War, as well as the collapse of the USSR. In 2010, the restoration of the building was completed and the Farmers Palace Museum was opened to the public.

alexandria park

One of the museums in Kronstadt is visited by all radio amateurs and radio communication specialists. This museum is dedicated to the Russian inventor and scientist A.S. Popov. It was he who designed the radio receiver and lightning detector. Near the building is a gazebo where Popov conducted his experiments with radio communications.

Address: Ushakova street - house 1.

Oranienbaum is an amazing place, famous all over the world for its unique architectural and historical monuments. Many objects miraculously survived the war, so everyone can see the decor and decoration of the Petrine era in its original form. This is one of the most picturesque palace and park complexes located in the suburbs of St. Petersburg.

The sights of "Oranienbaum" were created by the hands of talented and famous painters, architects and masters of arts and crafts. Before embarking on a journey through the beautiful parks and surroundings of Oranienbaum, you should get acquainted with its main attractions, and useful recommendations will help you quickly get to it and not get lost among the variety of wonderful objects.

"Oranienbaum": historical background

40 km from St. Petersburg on the coast of the Gulf of Finland is the city of Lomonosov, or as it was called before - Oranienbaum. The last name is translated from German as "orange tree". It is on the territory of this suburb that a wonderful museum-reserve is located, which stores masterpieces of the 18th century.

Name M.V. Lomonosov - a talented Russian educator, scientist and poet - the city received in 1948. They renamed it in memory of the fact that the estate of the scientist Ust-Ruditsa was located nearby, where he was engaged in experimental work in his workshops.

The development of the picturesque area was started by an associate of Peter the Great, Alexander Danilovich Menshikov, who decided to build a country residence. This is how the Grand Palace appeared, and then the Lower Garden. Interestingly, the laying and construction of the park lasted 17 years, but Menshikov himself did not enjoy the beautiful views for long - soon after the death of his friend Emperor Peter the Great, he fell out of favor and went into exile, and all his property and real estate went into the royal treasury.

Large-scale construction work at Oranienbaum began after Empress Elizaveta Petrovna transferred possession to Peter III. The new owner erected a palace and a fortress called Peterstadt on the estate.

Further improvement of the territory was already taken up by Catherine II, who made Oranienbaum her summer residence. During her reign, many remarkable objects were built. Merchants especially appreciated the favorable location of the city near the royal residence, as well as its location on the way from Kronstadt to St. Petersburg, so a large number of taverns, shops and tenement houses were built on the territory.

The settlement received city status only in 1780. Until 1917, it was the residence of the royal family, and after the revolution it turned into a museum.

Currently, “Oranienbaum” is the name of the palace and park complex, consisting of buildings of the 18th century, which includes the Menshikov Palace, Rolling Hill, Lower Park, Chinese Palace and other objects. On the territory of the museum there are two parks, five ponds, a sea channel and several pavilions. Since 1946, the museum complex has been included in the list of UNESCO cultural heritage sites.

Sights of "Oranienbaum"

The museum complex "Oranienbaum" includes three ensembles. These are Petershtadt, the ensemble of the Grand Palace and the Own Dacha with the Rolling Hill Pavilion and the Chinese Palace. All objects are made in the style of baroque and classicism. The territory has a conditional division into the Lower and Upper Gardens.

Interesting information! In the summer, Nekrasov, Turgenev, Tolstoy and even Alexander Dumas rested at Oranienbaum. Famous artists also worked in the city: Shishkin, Levitan, Kramskoy and Savrasov.

Grand (Menshikov) Palace

The Menshikov Palace is the oldest building of the museum-reserve. The building rises above the coast of the Gulf of Finland. It is made in accordance with the style of Peter the Great Baroque. The building includes a two-story complex and adjoining galleries with the Church and Japanese pavilions. The length of the facade of the building is about 210 meters.

The interior design was done with stucco paintings, Dutch and German tiles, and marble. The floors are covered with precious wood parquet, the ceiling is decorated with stucco and plafonds, and the walls are decorated with Chinese silk and leather wallpaper.

With its luxurious and expensive decoration at one time, the Menshikov Palace surpassed even the palace complex in.

Outstanding architects of that time took part in the construction of the colossal structure: Johann Braunstein, Giovanni Fontana and Andreas Schlüter.

For your information: The palace is closed to the public on Tuesdays and on the last Wednesday of the month. Tours can be booked at the box office.

picture house

The Picture House was erected by order of Emperor Peter III. This building housed:

  • library;
  • cabinet of curiosities;
  • opera hall;
  • Art Gallery.

The Picture House housed a private collection of art objects. Peter III loved not only military affairs, he also adored painting and music. Since all the paintings did not fit in the Menshikov Palace, the emperor decided to create this building. Currently, the Picture House houses a museum where you can see works of art by masters of the 16th-18th centuries.

Note: You can not visit the building on Monday and the last month of Tuesday.

Chinese palace

The Chinese Palace can be called a real treasure of the park area in Oranienbaum. The building appeared in the 18th century, when all of Europe showed interest in the art of the Middle Kingdom. Several halls in the palace are decorated in the chinoiserie style and with oriental motifs. Work on the exterior and interior decoration belongs to the Italian architect Antonio Rinaldi. The palace is made in the rococo style, it was created for the rest and entertainment of Catherine II and her entourage.

Chinese Palace in Oranienbaum.

The building consists of the following parts:

  1. The front suite is a complex of the Lilac Drawing Room, the Great Hall, the Bugle Cabinet, the Large and Small Chinese Cabinet.
  2. In the eastern wing were located the chambers of Prince Pavel Petrovich, including a boudoir, an office, a damask bedchamber and a Pink drawing room.
  3. In the western wing were the chambers of Catherine II, including the Chinese bedchamber, Portrait, Dressing and Kameryungferskaya.

To decorate the halls in the oriental style, many items were brought from Japan and China. The most original is the Bugle Cabinet, it is decorated with panels embroidered with glass beads.

For your information: The palace is open to the public only during the summer months. Weekends are on Mondays and the last Tuesday of the month.

Pavilion "Chinese cuisine"

During the creation of the Chinese Palace, the pavilion of Chinese cuisine was also erected. Initially, the Fraulein House was built on the shore of the pond, and in the middle of the 19th century, the architect Ludwig Bronstedt rebuilt the building into a kitchen, where all the auxiliary and main services for cooking were located.

There were certain rooms in the building:

  1. In the central hall there are Dutch stoves, skewers for roasting meat and Russian stoves with a chimney.
  2. The house housed Skaternaya and Confectionery.
  3. Buffet and Service - for preparing dishes.
  4. Kofishenskaya was used to make coffee, tea and chocolate.
  5. Bathroom for washing dishes.
  6. The staff lived on the second floor.
  7. There was a wine cellar and a glacier nearby.

Palace of Peter III

For the rest of the emperor, the palace of Peter III was created. It was erected on the territory of the Amusing Fortress Peterstadt. The miniature palace was built by the architect Antonio Rinaldi. The building was made in the Rococo style. Utility rooms were located on the first floor, and the Picture Hall, Study, Bedroom, Boudoir and pantry were located on the second. The interior decor was elegant and sophisticated.

The premises are worth considering in more detail:

  1. The main decoration of the lobby was parquet with drawings by Antonio Rinaldi.
  2. The pantry is decorated with porcelain figurines.
  3. There are more than 60 paintings in the picture room.
  4. The office is decorated with fine workmanship in oriental style.
  5. The bedroom is decorated with red shades. The bureau and an unusual chandelier deserve special attention.
  6. The boudoir is decorated with a variety of stucco. The ceiling depicts scenes from the history of the Peterstadt fortress.

Roller Hill Pavilion

One of the most beautiful buildings of "Oranienbaum" is Katalnaya Gorka. The construction was carried out according to the project of Antonio Rinaldi, using the calculations of the talented Russian inventor and mechanic Andrei Konstantinovich Nartov. The rolling mountains included galleries and slopes. At a height of 20 meters there was a descent platform, and 4 slopes departed from it. Riding took place on special carriages in the form of gondolas, chariots and animals. Of the entire huge ensemble, today only the pavilion can be seen, the rest of the objects were dismantled.

The Rolling Hill Pavilion at Oranienbaum.

It is worth noting the front rooms of the pavilion:

  1. The round hall is decorated with paintings, gilding and stucco. The patterns of the marble floor are combined with the patterns of the dome and walls.
  2. The Porcelain Cabinet contains valuable porcelain items.
  3. Panels and hunting attributes are hung on the walls of the Hunting Room.

Pavilion "Stone Hall"

In the upper park you can find the "Stone Hall". This building was completed in the 18th century and was intended for concerts and celebrations.

Pavilion "Stone Hall".

Later, the building was converted into a Lutheran church, for which a stone bell tower was added. But in 1967, the building was returned to its original form.

Lower Garden and Upper Park

The lower park is the first regular garden in Russia (note: a park that has a geometrically correct layout, usually with pronounced symmetry and regular composition). It is located in front of the Grand Palace. The park is made in the form of a trapezoid, its area is 4.8 hectares. In the center is the main alley, on the sides of which there are figures of trimmed maples, firs and lindens. Three fountains, gilded statues and several dozen wooden statues were installed on the territory of the Lower Garden. Later, wooden sculptures were replaced by marble ones. Then two more fountains appeared.

Lower Garden and Upper Park from a bird's eye view.

In the southwestern part of the Grand Palace is the Upper Park, which has an area of ​​160 hectares. On its territory there are various alleys, canals, bridges and ponds. This park is often referred to as Northern Switzerland. Its territory is divided into two parts by the Karasta River. To the west of the riverbed is Petrovsky Park with the Peterstadt fortress. From the fortress to this day, only the gate and the palace remained. And to the east of the channel, the Own Dacha ensemble was built. All pavilions have been preserved in this complex.

Interesting information! According to many historical sources, CatherineII was a difficult character, and she often ordered the elimination of all objectionable. Because of this, there is a legend that the ghosts of these people roam the park and are occasionally encountered by visitors.

Cavalry Corps

The Cavalier Corps is located in the Upper Park. On the side of the courtyard is the Menagerie, where deer, hares, foxes, fallow deer and peacocks live.

Antonio Rinaldi was responsible for the construction of the Cavalier Corps. This building was originally used as a kitchen building. The building has a simple rectangular shape with a courtyard and outbuildings. It housed the kitchen and suite of the Empress. After reconstruction in 1807, ladies-in-waiting settled on the second floor, and the building became known as the Kavalersky. At different times the building was rebuilt and performed different functions. In the 19th century, it housed a hospital, and in Soviet times - a school.

What else can you see in Oranienbaum

One of the most remarkable places in the Upper Park is the Ruin Bridge. After the death of Alexander I, the estate was owned by his brothers, who continued further development. The three-arched Petrovsky Bridge and the two-arched Ruinny Bridge were thrown across the Karasta River. It was the latter building that began to be called the "Bridge of Sighs", as magnificent landscapes opened from it.

Peter III was a hunting lover, so a menagerie park was created near the Lower Pond. With the death of the emperor, hunting fun was abandoned. Only recently the menagerie was completely restored.

The pergola, located next to the Chinese Palace, also deserves attention. A marble pier and a stone staircase were also erected here. The pergola consists of 54 stone pylons with a height of more than 2.5 meters. From above they are connected by wooden paving stones. There is also a magnificent flower garden on the shore of the pond, inside which you can find a bronze sculpture, which is an exact copy of an ancient Greek statue. Various sculptures are located along the banks of the reservoir.

Interactive tour of Oranienbaum

How to use the interactive tour window:
by short pressing the left mouse button on any of the white arrows in the tour window, you will move in the corresponding direction (left, right, forward, etc.), by pressing and holding the left button, turn the mouse in different directions: you can look around without moving from its place. By clicking on the black square in the upper right corner of the interactive tour window, you will be taken to the full screen view mode.

1. Menshikov Palace and Upper Park.

2. Menshikov Palace and the Lower Garden.

How to get to Oranienbaum

There are many ways to get to the city of Lomonosov. Let's consider several options:

  1. Shuttle buses run from the Baltiyskaya, Prospekt Veteranov and Avtovo metro stations to Lomonosov. Travel time is about 50-60 minutes. Minibuses stay at the station square of the city. The park is a 5 minute walk from here. You need to go along Peterburgskaya Street, and then along Palace Avenue.
  2. An electric train departs from the Baltiyskaya station to Lomonosov. Travel time is about 1 hour.
  3. You can buy a tour from the center of St. Petersburg (on Nevsky Prospekt, near Gostiny Dvor). This is where the tour buses depart from.
  4. Alternatively, you can take a ferry from St. Petersburg to Kronstadt and then to Lomonosov.
  5. By car, you can drive along the Ring Road along the Peterhof highway.

The park is open every day from 9 am to 8 pm. Entrance to the territory is free. It is not allowed to enter the Museum Reserve with dogs or bicycles.

Traveling through the park and sightseeing of the museum complex will bring a lot of positive emotions and pleasant impressions. A preliminary acquaintance with the main cultural and historical sites will allow you to make your own plan for visiting all interesting places. We wish you a pleasant stay!