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Before we move on to the principles of test development, it is necessary to make a number of remarks.

Differences between a test and tasks in a test form

In ordinary consciousness, concepts are constantly mixed up test and task systems in a test form(or pretest tasks).

As a rule, the test is developed by a team of researchers and tested over a certain period of time. After testing, adjustments are made to the test. The test consists of test tasks. In English literature, the term “Quiz” is used to refer to the test (but not “Test”!).

Thus, the teacher (teacher) cannot create tests. Instead, he develops tasks in test form, which are similar in appearance to the test, but do not pass statistical and other approbation. Such tasks can be used in the educational process to solve certain pedagogical problems.

This implies the fundamental impossibility of using a number of test characteristics. For example, the difficulty of a test task is determined experimentally, based on the results of a large sample of students. In practice, the teacher does not have both the time to conduct the experiment and the required sample size. Therefore, often the difficulty is determined "by eye".

In general, tasks in a test form (as well as test tasks) meet the following requirements:

  • brevity;
  • manufacturability;
  • goal definition;
  • the logical form of the statement;
  • definite place for answers;
  • the same rules for evaluating answers;
  • the correct location of the elements of the task;
  • the same instructions for all subjects;
  • the adequacy of the instruction to the form and content of the task.

So, brevity assignments in the test form, it is provided by a careful selection of words, symbols, graphics, allowing a minimum of means to achieve maximum clarity of the semantic content of the task.Manufacturability of tasks is defined as a property that allows the testing process to be carried out with the help of technical means, and to do this accurately, quickly, economically and objectively.Logical form of the statement It is a means of streamlining and effectively organizing the content of a task.

Forms of test tasks

In addition, the principles for developing test items (tasks in a test form) are associated with their forms. Different authors classify the forms of test items in different ways. The situation is aggravated by the fact that each automated testing system names the same forms differently. Let's generalize all variety of forms of test tasks by the following classification.

  1. True False (True or False, from English True or False)- contains a statement with which the student must either agree or disagree.

For example:

George Washington was the first President of the United States

  1. Right
  2. Wrong

In the Unified State Examination, similar tasks are found in KIMs in foreign languages ​​in listening tasks: students listen to the text, then move on to tasks like True or False.

This form of test tasks is the simplest both for the teacher to compose and for the students to answer. Such forms of assignment are characterized by a high degree of guessing the correct answer.

2. Multiple choice (tasks with the choice of one or more correct answers). This is the most common form of test tasks. It contains a statement (question) and alternative answers.

For tasks with a choice of one correct answer, at least 4 are recommended (if less, then the probability of guessing the correct answer increases) and no more than 6 (it is difficult to come up with plausible alternatives).

For tasks with multiple correct answers, at least 6 alternatives are recommended.

3. Tasks for establishing compliance. It is a set of elements in two columns - the student needs to establish a correspondence between the elements of the left and right columns. Having a heading for each set of columns is mandatory—it allows the student to skip the time summarizing the items in the columns and jump right into the exercise.


  1. a) Label
  2. b) Ulus
  3. c) Volosten
  4. d) Vice
  5. e) Plinth
  1. Wall building
  2. Brick
  3. Khan's charter
  4. Parish ruler
  5. Ownership

The same task, reformatted to suit specific requirements:

As we can see, in the second case, the task is more readable, its meaning is easily captured. Please note that, for example, the OnlineTestPad service and some others allow you to add such headers. Others (like Moodle) don't have this functionality. In this case, it is necessary to write a complete instruction, for example, "Make a correspondence between .... and ...."

In paper tests of this form of tasks for the correct answer it is proposed to fill in a special plate. The arrow option is considered less technologically advanced to check, so it should be avoided.

2 3 4

Also desirable set an odd number of elements left and right columns so that the last element is not selected by the elimination method.

Look at this assignment:

Arrange the names of Russian commanders in chronological order (in ascending order) of their activities

Dmitry Pozharsky

Alexey Ermolov

Mikhail Skobelev

Alexey Orlov

This is also a task to establish a correspondence, more precisely, its variety is a task to establish the correct sequence. A number of foreign researchers tend to such a combination. That is why, for example, in Moodle we will not find such a form. But it can easily be constructed from a matching task. For clarity, we slightly reformat the previous task:

We see the classic matching task, just the left column represents the numerical order. The student also enters the correct answers in a special table.

2 3

Sometimes the tasks described above are true-false, multiple choice and matching combine to a group of tasks of a closed type which have the following common features:

  • There is an explicit correct answer, you just need to choose it in one way or another;
  • Answers to questions can be guessed (the probability of guessing increases with a decrease in the number of alternatives);
  • Answers can be remembered
  • Answers can be chosen logically, discarding obviously wrong alternatives.

5. Addition (short answer). In these tasks, the student must complete the correct answer. Sometimes this type of task is called open tasks. Unlike the forms of test tasks discussed above, such strategies as guessing, recalling the correct answer, etc. "do not work." Therefore, this type of task is considered more difficult for students.

6. Essay- a student's short answer to the point of the question. Strictly speaking, an essay is not a form of a test task, because. it does not meet the necessary criteria for brevity, manufacturability, and so on. In our opinion, the essay was introduced to overcome the well-known difficulties in compiling typical test items, the main of which is the inability to presentthe wholeeducational material in a test form and the reproductive nature of typical test items.

Nevertheless, the essay tasks should offer (s) the standard (elements) of the optimal answer, along with standardized rules for evaluating the results of its implementation.

For what values ​​of x are the corresponding values ​​of the functions f(x)=log 2 x and g(x) = log2 (3 - x) will differ by less than 1?

Criteria for judging the correct answer

Points Assessment Criteria for Assignment 9
2 The correct sequence of solution steps is given:

1) drawing up an inequality containing a module;

2) solution of the inequality.

All transformations and calculations were carried out correctly, the correct answer was received

1 The correct sequence of solution steps is given. When solving the inequality in step 2, a typo and/or a minor computational error was made, which does not affect the correctness of the further solution. As a result of this typo and / or error, an incorrect answer may be received.
0 All cases of a decision that do not meet the above criteria for scoring 1 or 2 points

Principles for developing tasks in a test form

The next thing we should dwell on is the principles of developing tasks in a test form.

For a long time there was a conviction that the test itself is an objective means of control. However, then came the understanding that the test provides, first of all, procedural objectivity. To assess the quality of the test, there are a number of related areas - reliability (guarantee that there are no random errors in the test), validity (guarantee that the test measures exactly what it should measure), difficulty, etc. As we indicated above, all these parameters are developed on the basis of various mathematical models in the course of the experimental work of the team of authors and are not available to teachers and lecturers. Therefore, we will only dwell on a number of theoretical requirements for the development of tasks in a test form.

  1. Start constructing a task with the correct answer. It often happens that the task formally contains more correct answers than planned. There are also reverse cases - the task does not contain the correct answer at all.
  2. The content of the task is based on the requirements of the program and reflects the subject (meta-subject) content. Sometimes they try to include questions in the test, the correct answer to which simply does not exist.

For example:

We will study Latin because...

  1. It is spoken in many countries around the world
  2. We want to better understand our native language, as it has a lot of words borrowed from Latin
  3. We want to better understand the history and culture of the ancient world

This is a good job. But it should be used in a sociological survey, and not in assignments for checking educational achievements.

  1. The question should be aimed at identifying one element of knowledge, one complete thought. Otherwise, it is difficult to diagnose the cause of the job failure.


  1. lived in Africa
  2. lived in China
  3. was a doctor
  4. was the ruler
  5. was a philosopher

This task is aimed at identifying two elements at once - where Confucius lived and who he was. These two issues need to be separated.

  1. When compiling questions, the words “sometimes”, “often”, “always”, “little”, “more”, etc. should be avoided. Such words have a subjective meaning and may lead to erroneous answers. Test tasks (tasks in a test form) must have a clear, unambiguous answer.
  2. Avoid introductory phrases or sentences that have little connection with the main idea, do not resort to lengthy statements.

For example:

Anadyr depression. It is very flat, and Anadyr wags a huge boa constrictor along it ... “Anadyr is a yellow river,” - you can call the essay like that later. Tundra and lakes throughout the depression. It is difficult to understand what is more: either lakes or land” (O. Kuvaev). What sea does this river flow into?

  1. The correct answers should be plausible, skillfully chosen, there should not be obvious wrong answers (they are a kind of hint - this answer is definitely wrong). Incorrect answers that are very similar to correct ones are calleddistractors. For example:

Birthplace of Karl Marx:

  1. Trier
  2. Karl-Marx-Stadt
  3. Sturgard
  4. Munich

Here we can assume that the city of Karl-Marx-Stadt got its name because Karl Marx was born in it. However, the correct answer is Trier.

  1. Don't Ask Tricky Questions - most likely to be misled by the most able or knowledgeable learners who know enough to be trapped, and it also defeats the purpose of determining the level of knowledge and understanding.
  2. Longer questions and shorter answers should be used, grammatically consistent with the main part of the task. .

For example:

Which judgment is correct?

  1. Incomplete sentences are sentences in which one of the main members is missing.
  2. Incomplete sentences are sentences in which one of the minor members is missing.
  3. Incomplete sentences are sentences in which any member of the sentence is missing - the main or secondary

It is easy to see that there is a repeating phrase here, which should be included in the formulation of the task:

Incomplete sentences are sentences that are missing

  1. one of the main members
  2. one of the minor members
  3. any member of the sentence - main or secondary
  1. Don't use negation in the body of the question. First, it leads to a misunderstanding of the essence of the task. Secondly, the object of control should be elements of knowledge, not elements of ignorance.

For example:

Did these people actually live in Ancient Greece?

  1. Homer
  2. Achilles
  3. Zeus
  4. Pericles
  5. Phidias
  6. Aristotle
  7. Socrates

In this case, it is not clear how to answer - yes they lived, or yes they did not live. Therefore, the question needs to be formulated more precisely, for example: Name the mythological characters of Ancient Greece.

  1. When alternating correct answers in questions, there should not be an explicit system - for example, always only 1 options are correct, or the first, second, third, fourth options are consecutively correct. In computer testing, this problem usually does not exist, because the computer automatically shuffles the alternatives.
  2. If a quantitative question is posed, then it is necessary to indicate the sequence (from smallest to largest or vice versa) of choosing the correct answers. .

For example:

Distance from the Sun

a) Saturn

b) Mercury

c) Earth

d) Uranus

e) Venus

f) Mars

In this example, there are, as it were, two sets of correct answers - one sequence from the closest planet to the Sun, the other - from the most distant one.

  1. The question and answer should differ in font and spatial design. For example, a question (task) is highlighted in bold, the answer is normal. Additional indentation is used to record responses. But this rule applies only to paper tests - in computer automated systems, the design is set by software, which is not advisable to change.

And remember - not every task can be presented as a test control.

When writing the article, examples were used


The topic “Types of tests and forms of test tasks” is very interesting, rich, and relevant in our education today.

There are various forms of tasks in the test form.

Test tasks areopen type and closed type .

For a test taskopen type includes additional information, as well as tasks with an addition in the form of a free presentation.

Forclosed type test tasks can be presented with a choiceone correct answer; with a choice of several correct answers; with graded responses; to establish compliance; to establish the correct sequence . These tasks contain both the basis and answers, from which the subject must choose or make up the correct answer. In tasks with a choicemultiple correct answers have good protection from guessing, the subject must indicate all the correct answers, so the total score is much higher.

Tasks fromgraded responses contain answers that are possibly all correct. Answers are graded according to the degree of correctness. The test subject can receive the maximum number of points. Guessing is practically impossible.

Tasks formatching require the subject to find a match between the elements of two sets. A correspondence is established on the basis of logical conclusions or the use of semantic associations.

In assignments to establishcorrect sequence the subject must select the appropriate elements of the answer and arrange in the desired sequence, build a technological chain.

In tasks with a choiceone correct answer Several possible answers are given, one of which is correct and the rest are incorrect.A characteristic feature of tasks for the subject is: 1) the task is only the choice of one answer; 2) advantage is their manufacturability; 3) processing the results on a computer.

Flaws: 1) demonstrate incorrect answers that he can remember; 2) Guess the correct answer. In general, test tasks with a choice of one answer justify their purpose and be used in testing.

The style of assignments should be the same throughout the test. In computer testing, it is not recommended to use bright colors.

I use test tasks at all stages of the learning process . With their help, I provide preliminary, current, thematic and final control of knowledge, skills and abilities. Test control can significantly increase the efficiency of modular technology. Weighing all the pros and cons, I prefer closed-type test tasks. Open-ended quizzes eliminate guessing, but they are very difficult for students. Consequently, the proposed types and forms of test tasks give me the opportunity to maximize my mental activity in the classroom; select tasks taking into account the characteristics of the subject, the degree of preparedness and individual characteristics of students; perform the function of consolidating, deepening knowledge, skills, and saving time.

It is test control that increases motivation, develops personality, independence. The task of the teacher already in elementary school is to form certain skills in working with test tasks in the USE format. The use of tests in the classroom requires the teacher to transitionfrom the usual role of a mentor and controller to the position of an observant assistant who teaches and educates less, and more helps children learn on their own, fix and analyze the individual trajectory of each child's learning, along which each student advances in the educational process.

However, the purpose of tests is not only and even not so much the control and assessment of knowledge and skills, but rather the diagnosis of problems that students have at each stage of studying the program material. Test technology acts as a modern health-saving technology for monitoring the quality of students' educational achievements, reduces the level of psychological anxiety and stress. Purposeful work to prepare elementary school students for successful final testing in all subjects must begin from the first grade. The task of the teacher is to help students learn the algorithm of actions, to gradually prepare the child for the test form of work in all subject lessons. At the beginning of work on familiarization with tests, there is no need to prepare test tasks for each student, on the contrary, teamwork during this period will be more productive. In the future, it is desirable for each student to prepare assignments. In order for the process of assimilation of the work algorithm to be more efficient, it is necessary to use a value judgment. The task of the teacher at this stage is to teach the child to evaluate his actions, the results of his progress.

The presence of answers in tests will help them objectively evaluate their actions, see mistakes. Comparing your result with the correct answer becomes a tool for analyzing the error, its causes, and the difficulties that have arisen. Thus, test tasks are for the student not only training practical work, but also as an object of knowledge.

When testing knowledge on the subject "The world around» to determine, based on the results of testing, the completeness of reproduction, effectiveness and consistency of knowledgeIt is useful to divide the tasks included in the test into the following groups:

1. Tasks that require the reproduction of the studied material.

2. Establishment of causal relationships.

3.Practical use of knowledge.

4.Non-standard, creative assignments.

On lessonsin elementary school I use the following types of tasks in a test form: closed , open

Closed type tasks

1. Tasks of alternative answers.

Task form: approval. Only two answers are given. The student must choose one of them -“yes” - “no”, “correct” - “incorrect” and etc.

2. Multiple choice tasks.

This is the main type of tasks used in testing and most often used by me in the classroom. These tasks assume the presence of variability in the choice. Students must choose one of the options provided. The optimal number of options is 3-4 (up to 5). Two options contribute to guessing, and more than five will take too long to read. There may be several correct answers, in which case this should be indicated in the instructions.

3. Task to restore compliance.

These tasks, in which it is necessary to find or equate parts, elements, concepts - with constructions, figures, statements; restore the correspondence between the elements of two lists (draw arrows from the elements of the first list to the second, connect the corresponding concepts with arrows). To prevent guessing, there can be more elements in the left column than in the right one, or vice versa.

4. Tasks to establish the correct sequence.

These tasks are unfairly rarely used. In fact, this is a very high-quality form of test tasks, which has great advantages: brevity, ease of verification, extremely low probability of guessing the correct answer.

Tasks of this kind are important when checking the assimilation of biological and ecological features that make up the ordinal scale, when restoring the chronology of events.

In tasks of this type, there is no primitive recognition, it is required to perform several logical operations: classify objects according to a given attribute, compare objects in pairs, and select from the list those pairs in which the specified criterion is met. When performing such tasks, it is also necessary to show a high level of attention, without which errors are inevitable.

Open type tasks

1. Tasks of free presentation. They assume students' free answers on the assignment (only one correct answer).

2. Tasks-additions (with a limited answer).

In these tasks, students must independently give answers to questions, but their possibilities are limited (the wording of the answer should enable unambiguous assessment). Instructions for such tasks: instead of each ellipsis, enter only one word (symbol, sign, etc.). In addition to the above types of test tasks to test students' knowledge, it is convenient to useprogrammed tasks.

Programming cards with tasks allow for a short time (5-15 minutes) to identify the assimilation of educational material. This type of survey is convenient to conduct in lessons that require more time to explain new material, during practical work. Questions in the cards should be clearly, clearly, understandably formulated, without prompting. The student is involved in a creative search: he thinks, analyzes, compares.

Types of programmed tasks: graphic, digital and abstract tasks.

Graphic programming include up to 10 sentences. Some of them are true, others are false. Students in notebooks draw a segment 10 cm long (the length of the segment is equal to the number of questions). The segment is divided into centimeters. Under them indicate the serial number of the question. One division is the answer to the question. The teacher reads out the statements - the children graphically mark their answer on the segment (an incorrect statement - put a dash “-“, if the statement is correct - “+”).Answer: To check the assignment, the teacher can prepare a template with a symmetrical image of the answers. Substituting it to the work of each student, the teacher quickly checks the correctness of the answers.

Digital dictation . In programmed cards, objects of nature are listed under serial numbers. Further, groups are compiled into which the objects listed above can be divided. You can invite students to ungroup these objects themselves and indicate the names of these groups - writing in notebooks the names of groups and the numbers of objects belonging to these groups.

Tasks of a thesis nature . The task consists of 8-10 abstracts that talk about an object of nature: its properties are listed, its appearance and habits are described. These objects are listed below. By reading and analyzing them, students should find out who or what they are talking about. The task of the guys is to arrange the numbers of the corresponding abstracts. Properties should be familiar to children.

As a final test work, students can be offeredcombined type tests (tasks with choice and input of the correct answer).

The teacher must remember that there isrequirements for the structure of the test, for a set of tasks that will be included in it .

In custody It should be noted that the tests will help teachers in the classroom, carry out prompt diagnostics of the level of mastery of educational material on certain topics by each student, save study time when testing knowledge and evaluating results. When compiling test tasks, it is necessary to take into account the advantages and disadvantages of testing, as well as clearly outline the requirements for a separate test or their system. Theoretical and practical results of the test control of students' knowledge made it possible tofollowing conclusions.

Using a test form of control provides:

High level of educational achievements in subjects of primary education;

Cultivates a value attitude to educational activities;

Develops memory, logical thinking;

The ability to make the right choice;

Reduces the level of anxiety;

Helps the teacher to correct knowledge in a timely manner.

However, along with the advantages over traditional methods of testing knowledge, skills and abilities, testing is accompanied bycertain disadvantages:

There is an element of randomness in testing.

High probability of choosing answers at random;

It is impossible to trace the logic of the student.

Consequently, tests are one of the forms of control and assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities, which can and should be used in combination with other forms and methods of control and assessment.

car aggregates »

Course II semester I

Discipline: Informatics

Option 1

  1. What is called an algorithm?
  1. What characterizes a variable?
  1. Name, type, value.
  2. Name, value.
  3. Value, type.
  1. How is the output statement written?
  1. writeln()
  2. readkey()
  3. readln()
  1. a:=1;
  2. a=1;
  3. a=:1;
  1. There is a conditional operator:
  1. The format of the complete branch statement is as follows:
  1. if else;
  2. If then else ;
  3. If then ;
  1. What is called an array?
  1. under the array
  2. under the array
  3. under the array
  1. Specify a valid array description.

BUT. Var a: array of integers;


B. Var A: ARRAY ;

  1. A, B.
  2. B, V.
  3. A, V.
  1. Which of the following lines describes a boolean variable in Pascal:
  1. varx: integer;
  2. varx: Boolean;
  3. varx: real;

X = 17 mod 4

  1. 4.25;

Evaluation criteria

car aggregates »

Course II semester I

Discipline: Informatics

Option 2

Note: Each question has only one correct answer.

1. What is called an algorithm?

  1. Algorithm - a description of the sequence of actions (plan), the strict execution of which leads to the solution of the problem in a finite number of steps.
  2. Algorithm - a description of the sequence of actions (plan) to solve the problem.
  3. An algorithm is an approximate plan for solving a problem.

2. In which section is the description of variables?

  1. Const;
  2. Var;
  3. Vag.

3. What characterizes the variable?

  1. Name, type, value.
  2. Name, value.
  3. Value, type.

4. How does the program end?

  1. END;
  2. Clrscr;
  3. Readln.

5. How is the output statement written?

  1. writeln()
  2. readkey()
  3. readln()
  1. writeln()
  2. readkey()
  3. readln()
  1. How is the assignment operator written?
  1. a:=1;
  2. a=1;
  3. a=:1;

8. Write the following expression in Turbo Pascal 7.0:;

  1. Y:=5*x*x-10*x+2
  2. Y:=5*x*x+10x+2
  3. Y:=5x*x+10x+2
  1. There is a conditional operator:

If D10 Then writeln('Hurrah') Else writeln('Bad...');

Is it possible to replace it with the following statements:

  1. If D10 Then writeln('Bad...') Else writeln('Hurrah');
  2. If Not(D=10) Then writeln('Bad...') Else writeln('Hurrah');
  3. If Not(D10) Then writeln('Bad...') Else writeln('Hurrah');

Lecturer: _ Rozhkova S.V. __/ /

Evaluation criteria

GBU PO RM "RZhPT im. A.P. Baikuzov"

Test tasks for checking residual knowledge

Specialty 23.02.01 "Organization of transportation and transport management (by type)"

23.02.06 "Technical operation of the rolling stock of railways"

23.02.07 "Maintenance and repair of engines, systems and car aggregates »

Course II semester I

Discipline: Informatics

Option 3

Note: Each question has only one correct answer.

1. What characterizes the variable?

  1. a) Name, type, value.
  2. b) Name, value.
  3. c) Value, type.

2. How does the program end?

  1. END;
  2. Clrscr;
  3. Readln.

3. How is the assignment operator written?

  1. a:=1;
  2. a=1;
  3. a=:1;

4. Write the following expression in Turbo Pascal 7.0:;

  1. Y:=5*x*x-10*x+2
  2. Y:=5*x*x+10x+2
  3. Y:=5x*x+10x+2

5. What is called an algorithm?

  1. Algorithm - a description of the sequence of actions (plan), the strict execution of which leads to the solution of the problem in a finite number of steps.
  2. Algorithm - a description of the sequence of actions (plan) to solve the problem.
  3. An algorithm is an approximate plan for solving a problem.
  1. writeln()
  2. readkey()
  3. readln()

7. How is the input statement written?

  1. writeln()
  2. readkey()
  3. readln()

8. IF D 10 Then writeln ('Hurrah') Else writeln ('Bad...');

Is it possible to replace it with the following statements:

  1. If D10 Then writeln('Bad...') Else writeln('Hurrah');
  2. If Not(D=10) Then writeln('Bad...') Else writeln('Hurrah');
  3. If Not(D10) Then writeln('Bad...') Else writeln('Hurrah');

9. As written in Pascal, a simple condition ≠:

10. The format of the complete branch operator is as follows:

  1. if else;
  2. If then else ;
  3. If then ;

Lecturer: _ Rozhkova S.V. __/ /

Evaluation criteria

GBU PO RM "RZhPT im. A.P. Baikuzov"

Test tasks for checking residual knowledge

Specialty 23.02.01 "Organization of transportation and transport management (by type)"

23.02.06 "Technical operation of the rolling stock of railways"

23.02.07 "Maintenance and repair of engines, systems and car aggregates »

Course II semester I

Discipline: Informatics

Option 4

Note: Each question has only one correct answer.

  1. What is called an algorithm?
  1. Algorithm - a description of the sequence of actions (plan), the strict execution of which leads to the solution of the problem in a finite number of steps.
  2. Algorithm - a description of the sequence of actions (plan) to solve the problem.
  3. An algorithm is an approximate plan for solving a problem.
  1. How does the program end?
  1. END;
  2. Clrscr;
  3. Readln.
  1. How is the assignment operator written?
  1. a:=1;
  2. a=1;
  3. a=:1;

4. How is the simple condition ≠ written in Pascal:

5 . What is called an array?

  1. under the array is understood as a collection of a finite number of data of various types.
  2. under the array is understood as a collection of a finite number of data of the same type.
  3. under the array is understood as a collection of an infinite number of data of the same type.

6. How is the output statement written?

  1. writeln()
  2. readkey()
  3. readln()

7 . What value will the variable X take after the execution of the statement

X = 17 mod 4

  1. 4.25;

Var A, B, C: integer;




If B>2*A Then A:=2;


If B=2*A Then A:=B-A;


WriteIn('C=', C);


9. An operator for organizing a dialogue with a user in programming languages ​​is ...

GBU PO RM "RZhPT im. A.P. Baikuzov"

Test tasks for checking residual knowledge

Specialty 23.02.01 "Organization of transportation and transport management (by type)"

23.02.06 "Technical operation of the rolling stock of railways"

02/23/07 "Maintenance and repair of engines, systems and car aggregates »

Course II semester I

Discipline: Informatics

Option 5

Note: Each question has only one correct answer.

  1. In which section is the declaration of variables?
  1. Const;
  2. Var;
  3. Vag.
  1. How does the program end?
  1. END;
  2. Clrscr;
  3. Readln.
  1. How is the input statement written?
  1. writeln()
  2. readkey()
  3. readln()
  1. Y:=5*x*x-10*x+2
  2. Y:=5*x*x+10x+2
  3. Y:=5x*x+10x+2
  1. As the simple condition ≠ is written in Pascal:
  1. The precondition loop statement in Pascal has the following format:
  1. Write do ;
  2. Writeln go ;
  3. while do ;
  1. How to run a random number generator?
  1. Random[(x)]
  2. Randomize
  3. ROUND
  1. Specify the condition for choosing numbers that are multiples of 3 but not multiples of 6:
  1. (X mod 3=0);
  2. (X mod 3=0) or (X mod 60);
  3. (X mod 3=0) and (X mod 60);
  1. Which operator allows you to calculate the square root of a number?
  1. SQR;
  2. ABS;
  3. SQRT.
  1. What value will the variable C take as a result of the execution of the program:

Var A, B, C: integer;




If B>2*A Then A:=2;


If B=2*A Then A:=B-A;


WriteIn('C=', C);

There are two types of test tasks, which combine seven types of test tasks. Types and types of test tasks are presented in the diagram:

Test tasks

open type

closed type


free presentation

multiple choice


alternative answers


with one correct answer

multiple correct answers

There are two types of tasks of the open type - tasks of addition and tasks of free presentation. Their distinguishing feature is that in order to complete them, the student himself needs to write down one or more words (numbers, letters, possibly phrases or even sentences). This type of task does not have distractors and options for correct answers. A distractor in the American test literature is an incorrect but plausible answer, from the English verb "to distract" - to distract.

Closed-type tasks include tasks of five types: alternative answers, multiple choice with one correct answer, multiple choice with several correct answers, tasks for matching and for restoring sequence. Closed-type test items involve various options for answering a task, for example, choosing one or more correct answers from a number of proposed options, choosing the correct elements of a list, establishing the correct sequence, etc. These are always tasks with prescribed answers, which implies a number of pre-designed options answers .

Open type tasks

The tasks of the open type include tasks of two types - tasks of addition and tasks of free presentation.

AT add-on tasks test-takers must independently answer questions, but their abilities are limited. In the tasks of the addition, it is determined in advance which answer is considered unambiguously correct, and the degree of completeness of its presentation is set. The answer should be short, should not exceed 2-3 words, more often - one word, number, symbol. Restrictions in the tasks of the supplement ensure the objectivity of the assessment of the result of the task, and the wording of the answer should enable unambiguous assessment.

A distinctive feature of the add-on tasks is that they should form only one correct answer planned by the developer. Despite the fact that outwardly the creation of tasks of this type looks quite simple, it can be quite difficult even for experienced creators of open test tasks to ensure that students use exactly the option planned by the developers as an answer.

In the system of psychological preparation of the EMERCOM of Russia, open-type tasks are not used, however, if our colleagues need to include open-type tasks for addition to the test, we recommend using the following scheme for their development.

First, it is recommended to formulate a question containing no more than 7-8 words, then write down an answer to the question posed, representing some statement of the same length. Further, from the resulting statement, exclude the keyword (number, symbol) and put a dash in its place. Then you need to change the word order in the statement so that the dash moves to the end of the sentence.

For example:

Question: What is the name of the non-specific reaction of the body to any demand made to it?

Answer: The non-specific reaction of the body to any demand made to it is called stress

Supplement task: The body's non-specific response to any demand placed on it is called __________

We also note the general rules for developing tasks for the addition:

1. Each task should be aimed at only one addition, the place for which is indicated by a dash or dots.

2. A dash is placed in place of the key element, the knowledge of which is the most essential for the controlled material;

3. All dashes in open tasks for one test are recommended to be of the same length;

4. Additions are best placed at the end of the task or as close to the end as possible.

5. After the dash, if necessary, put the units of measurement.

6. The text of the task must have an extremely simple syntactic construction and contain the minimum amount of information that is necessary for the correct completion of the task.

7. The text of the task should not contain repetitions and double negations.

Free presentation tasks imply free answers of the tested in essence of the task. To complete them, the test person needs to write down one or more words (numbers, letters, possibly phrases, or sentences) himself. There are no restrictions on answers to tasks of free presentation. However, the wording of the tasks should ensure that there is only one correct answer.

From the point of view of composition, tasks of an open type must contain the following mandatory elements:

    Instructions for test takers.

Instructions for addition tasks: instead of each dash, enter only one word (symbol, sign, etc.).

Instructions for free presentation tasks: complete the sentence (phrase); write the correct answer instead of a dash; complete the definition by writing the answer on the form, etc.

Examples of assignments for addition:

A set of measures carried out in crowded places and aimed at preventing mass negative reactions is ____________ (accompaniment of mass events)

Examples of free presentation tasks:

The tasks of psychological service specialists in providing EPC in emergency mode are ____________

The main rules for providing EPC to victims with ASD are ____________

3. Answers toassignments.

In any test task, it is determined in advance what is unambiguously considered the correct answer to the question asked. The task is considered completed correctly if the test subject's answer matches the provided standard, prescribed in the evaluation scheme. Therefore, as standards, it is necessary to provide for all synonyms.

The advantages of well-written complement and free presentation tasks are:

1) brevity and unambiguity of answers;

2) the need to reproduce the answer from memory;

3) no need to look for several answers;

4) ease of wording questions;

5) ease of verification;

6) the inability to guess the answer.

The impossibility of guessing the answer is the main advantage of open type tasks, and the main disadvantage is the difficulty of formalizing the correct answer.

Closed type tasks

Alternative answer tasks

In the content of all academic disciplines there are many such elements of knowledge, which are called dichotomous. This is knowledge that allows you to determine the correctness or incorrectness of facts, methods, processes; knowledge of what is good, what is bad, what can and cannot be done under any circumstances. To test such knowledge, test tasks with two answers are used.

For each task of alternative answers, only two answers are given. The test taker must choose one of them: yes - no, true - false, etc. .

Examples of alternative answer questions can be:

The personal characteristics of a rescuer affect the successful performance of professional activities:

Emergency specialists involved in the elimination of the consequences of emergencies belong to the following groups of victims:

Questions of alternative answers are the simplest and therefore not the most common when compiling tests. This is mainly due to the specificity of the material to which this form of tasks is more appropriate. Questions of alternative answers are used to evaluate one element of knowledge. Using multiple choice items as a separate question generally results in trivial testing and is not desirable for use. The recommendations of the Dutch Institute for Educational Evaluation (CITO) also speak of the same: “Questions of alternative answers offer only one alternative, which the test-taker either accepts as correct or rejects.” Thus, the test-takers have the opportunity to guess the correct answer to the question by 50%. Therefore, it is advisable to apply these tasks in series to one element of knowledge. It must be borne in mind that the chance to guess 10 such questions is 0.00098.

The CITO instructions say: “Individually, questions of alternative answers are not very effective, but long series of such questions have certain advantages. Answering them usually does not take much time, and it is possible to cover all the material on the subject by asking as many questions about it as possible.

There are a number of tasks when alternative answers are most appropriate to apply. This applies to large definitions, complex processes, graphs, charts, tables, those elements of knowledge that can be structured or broken down into smaller parts. For example, about some complex object or phenomenon, you can create a series of questions that fully reveal its properties.

The symptoms of PTSD that are grouped under avoidance symptoms include:

memory impairment, inability to remember important episodes of an event, place, people


impoverishment of the senses

loss of access to the resources of the past, lack of orientation to the future

dreams associated with the event

"flashback episodes", sudden actions and feelings as if the event was happening now

avoidance of thoughts, activities, and feelings associated with the event

feelings of detachment and alienation from others

Instruction: Here is a statement that must be continued with the alternatives given in the table. From the given alternatives, you need to choose those that correctly complete the above statement. In the event that you agree with the above alternative, circle the answer “yes” in the table. In the event that you do not agree with the given alternative, circle the answer “no” in the table.

The key points in providing emergency psychological assistance to a person with acute stress reactions are:

don't leave a person alone

give a sense of greater security;

protect from strangers

leave a person alone with his experiences

create the feeling that a person is not left alone with his misfortune

use clear short phrases with an affirmative intonation

reassuring the victim with phrases that everything will be fine

try to reduce the reaction to crying

surround the victim with more attention by gathering a crowd around him

A feature of the tasks of alternative answers is that the question must be formulated in the form of a statement, since it implies agreement or disagreement, which can be attributed to the statement.

Multiple Choice Jobs

Multiple choice tasks are the main type of tasks used in pedagogical tests. Such tasks suggest the presence of variability in the choice. The test-taker must choose among the proposed answers the correct option or options - depending on what kind of task it is - involving the choice of one correct answer or the choice of several correct answers.

The optimal number of answer options for multiple choice tasks with one correct answer is 3-4. It is usually difficult to find more than 4 interesting and original alternatives, and it will take the test-taker more time to read them. Probably the minimum number of possible alternatives is 3, the maximum number of alternatives will depend on the length of the text of the proposed answers. In the event that these are numerical expressions, then 5-6 options cannot be too long to read, and then 5 alternative answers can be considered the optimal number.

As we have already said, in addition to multiple choice tasks with one correct answer, there are multiple choice tasks with several correct answers. A feature of tasks with several correct answers is that the testee needs not only to find the correct answers, but also to determine the completeness of his answer. Accordingly, these tasks are more difficult than tasks with one correct answer.

The optimal number of answer options for multiple choice tasks with several correct answers is 5-7. This raises the question of the optimal proportion of the number of correct and incorrect answers. It is not necessary to achieve equality in the number of correct and incorrect answers in each task, because the test-takers must be prepared for the fact that in any task there may be any number of correct answers.

Examples of multiple choice items with one correct answer include:

Number of the order "On approval of the procedure for providing emergency psychological assistance to the affected population in emergency zones and in case of fires":

    691 order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated 11/14/2008

    682 order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated 11/11/2008

    525 order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated 20.09.2011

    500 order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated 25.09.2007

Instructions: Choose one correct answer.

An active learning method based on the clarification and operationalization of goals, objectives, solutions, forms of encouragement and control using algorithms:

    problem learning

    programmed learning

    interactive learning

Examples of multiple choice questions with multiple correct answers include:

EPP appears to be:

    TV viewers

    victims of emergency

    relatives and friends of the dead and injured as a result of the emergency

    relatives of specialists involved in the elimination of emergencies

    professionals working in emergency situations

Instructions: Choose several correct answers.

Actions to provide emergency psychological assistance to a victim with an acute stress reaction of aggression:

    give the victim the opportunity to be alone with his emotions

    maintain emotional stability, speak calmly with the victim, gradually reducing the pace and volume of speech

    minimize the number of

    give the opportunity to "let off steam";

    entrust work associated with high physical activity;

    Shake victim vigorously by the shoulders for 1 minute

    if necessary, involve law enforcement officers

It should be borne in mind that when conducting computer testing, an important aspect is the graphic design of places for answers to multiple choice tasks with one correct answer and with several correct answers. So in the AIS "Psychologist" the place for tasks with one correct answer is presented in the form of a circle, and for tasks with several correct answers - a square.

When compiling multiple choice tasks, it is useful to be guided by several principles, namely: the principle of homogeneity and the principle of facet content of the task.

The principle of homogeneity lies in the fact that such answers are selected that belong to the same genus, species, reflect the main sides, facets of the phenomenon.

When creating tasks based on the principle of homogeneity, a significant factor in enhancing their effectiveness is the use of letters, numbers, signs, words or phrases that are similar in spelling or sound. This allows you to make answers plausible, logically flawless.

For example:

Instructions: Choose one correct answer.

Stress leading to the depletion of the internal reserves of the body:





The principle of homogeneity often makes it possible to create a complete system of answers, to which there is nothing to add.

For example:

Instructions: Choose one correct answer.

Acute stress reaction, the symptoms of which are muscle tension (especially facial), rapid shallow breathing, reduced control of one's own behavior, strong heartbeat:



    motor excitation

  1. nervous trembling

    hysteroid reaction

The principle of faceting the content of a task is reduced to a certain form of recording several variants of the same task - a facet. The set of words and phrases that form a facet is placed in curly brackets. Namely:

Instructions: Choose several correct answers.

A crowd of people (aspiring to destruction, destruction, murder) is called:








In such tasks, you can change the names, characteristics of an object/phenomenon, numerical parameters, etc. This is clearly reflected in the example, where curly brackets highlight the part that can be replaced, thus creating another task.

If we replace in the previous example the part that is highlighted with curly brackets, then we can get a number of tasks, among them there may be, for example, the following:

A crowd of people (chanting slogans at rallies, rhythmically expressing this or that emotion ...) is called:








One job can have not one, but several facets:

An emergency in which from (50 to 500) people suffered, or living conditions (500 - 1000) people were violated; emergency zone (covers the territory of two) constituent entities of the Russian Federation:


  1. Territorial




Compliance tasks

In assignments for restoration of correspondence, it is necessary to find a correspondence (equate parts, elements, concepts) - between elements of two lists, two sets. This form of tasks is quite diverse and can be successfully used in all academic disciplines and subject areas.

In any academic subject, there is educational information in which the studied objects (concepts, quantities, etc.) are divided into types, classes, types, etc. For each of these types, there are many properties and characteristics, principles, rules and norms use, so that it is possible to draw up assignments to establish the correspondence of these terms to their characteristics. Moreover, tasks for establishing correspondence in this case will be more rational than tasks with the choice of the correct answer.

Matching tasks allow you to check the so-called associative knowledge that exists in each academic discipline. This is knowledge about the relationship between definitions and facts, authors and their works, forms and content, essence and phenomena, about the relationship between various objects, properties, laws, formulas, dates.

Usually, a matching task consists of two columns: in the first - questions, statements, facts, concepts, etc., in the second - a list of statements, properties of objects that must be matched with the elements of the first column. It is desirable that in one column the elements of the list are indicated by letters, and in the other column by numbers. This will help avoid confusion when performing these tasks.

Instructions for tasks of this type are formulated as follows: Match what is written in columns 1 and 2. Write down the numbers from column 2 that correspond to the statements from column 1 in the answer table.

For example:

Column 1: stages of professional development

Column 2: characteristics of stages

    Stage of formation of professional intentions

    Achievement by a specialist of professional excellence, authority in his professional circle and, possibly, beyond it, the formation of a circle of like-minded people

    Stage of vocational training

    building plans for the future profession, conscious preparation for a future career in the chosen profession

    Stage of professional adaptation

    adaptation of a young specialist in a professional environment; possessing sufficient experience for independent and effective solution of professional tasks

    The stage of personality realization in professional work

    mastering the special knowledge and skills necessary for successful professional development

In the considered form of presentation of tasks for restoring compliance, in addition to two columns containing elements that need to be aligned, there is a special plate for entering the results into it.

Some authors propose to represent tasks of this type in the form of two columns containing, respectively, two lists of statements that must be correlated with each other using arrows. In our opinion, this method of marking has significant drawbacks. First, there may be problems in interpreting the test results due to the ambiguity in the placement of arrows between elements of two sets. Secondly, the complexity of checking the test results, especially in the case of a large number of test takers.

One of the formal requirements for matching assignments is the unequal number of elements in the right and left columns. Redundant (plausible but incorrect) answers are in only one column. They act as distractors. If the number of elements in the columns were the same, then the last pair would be selected automatically by the test subjects using the sequential elimination method.

For example:

Instruction: Match what is written in columns 1 and 2. Write down in the answer table the numbers from column 2 that correspond to the statements from column 1. At the same time, there are more elements in column 2 than in column 1. You need to understand which elements of column 2 are superfluous.

Column 1: OSR

Column 2: Symptoms

1. strong trembling of the whole body or its individual parts


2. excessive excitement, many movements, theatrical poses, emotionally rich, fast speech, screaming, sobbing

    Hysteroid reaction

3. irresistible fatigue, complete indifference and indifference

4. trembling of the lips, a feeling of depression, in contrast to hysteria - lack of excitement in behavior

5. delusions, auditory hallucinations and thinking disorders

    psychomotor agitation

6. muscle tension (especially facial), rapid shallow breathing, reduced control of one's own behavior, strong heartbeat

7. sudden movements, aimless and meaningless actions, abnormally loud speech

    nervous trembling

8. lack of reactions to external stimuli, "freezing" in a certain position, numbness, a state of complete immobility

9. irritation, dissatisfaction, anger, verbal abuse, abuse

10. pessimism; feelings of guilt, worthlessness, anxiety and fear; low self-esteem; thoughts about death; disturbed sleep

This task is better than the previous one in that the list from which answers are selected is longer, which significantly reduces the likelihood of guessing. So, if the test-taker knows 7 out of 8 answers in lists of the same length, then the eighth one will inevitably be correct.

It is important to remember that in cases where the length of the lists does not match, this must be indicated in the instructions for the test tasks.

In addition, I would like to note that there are different points of view regarding the maximum number of elements in one list. An analysis of various works devoted to the problem of pedagogical tests showed that there is no unity among the opinions of the authors who dealt with this problem. A number of authors believe that the number of elements of one list should not exceed 5-6. Others say that the length of one list should not exceed 10 elements. It seems to us that the second option is optimal, which is due to the peculiarities of our educational material.

The main advantages of compliance tasks are the ability to quickly assess the level of knowledge in a particular area of ​​knowledge, and the cost-effectiveness of placing tasks in the test. For example, from several monotonous tasks with the choice of one correct answer, it is more rational to make one task to establish correspondence.

Unfortunately, due to the difficulties regarding the technical design of this type of tasks in the AIS-Psychologist, these tasks are not used in the system of psychological training of the EMERCOM of Russia.

Tasks to restore the sequence.

Resequencing tasks can be viewed as a variant of matching tasks when one of the series is time, distance, or some other continuum that is meant to be a series. Since this type of task requires special instructions, we have singled out its consideration in a separate subsection.

The peculiarity of the instruction for assignments for the sequence is that it is necessary to indicate in which sequence the elements should be placed - from larger to smaller, in alphabetical, chronological order, etc. .

The form of presentation of sequencing items that is recommended in most pedagogical test development publications is as follows:

Set the correct sequence of stages in the development of the general adaptation syndrome (G. Selye). Put the corresponding letters in the answer column.

Due to the difficulties in the technical design of this type of tasks in the AIS "Psychologist", we present tasks of this type as follows:

Set the correct sequence of stages in the development of the general adaptation syndrome (G. Selye):

    resistance, exhaustion, anxiety

    anxiety, exhaustion, resistance

    anxiety, resistance, exhaustion

    exhaustion resistance, anxiety

Thus, in terms of appearance, this is a task of a multiple type with one correct answer, and in terms of content, this is a task for establishing a sequence.

Sequence recovery tasks are rarely used in tests, which is undeserved. In fact, this is a very high-quality form of test items, which has significant advantages: brevity and ease of verification. It is suitable for any academic discipline in which there is an algorithmic activity or temporal events.

Summarizing the consideration of tasks of a closed type, we note that the main difficulty in the development of such tasks is the search for plausible distractors. While the advantages of closed type assignments are:

    reliability of assignments, since there are no factors associated with subjective assessments that reduce reliability;

    assessment of tasks is completely objective: there can be no differences between the assessments of different assessors;

    ease of processing tasks of multiple choice, speed of testing;

    a simple filling algorithm that reduces the number of random errors and typos;

    the ability to cover large areas of knowledge, which is especially important for achievement tests;

    the possibility of automatic processing of responses;

    low probability of guessing the correct answers;

    learners do not need to be able to formulate answers well;

    the possibility of obtaining an accurate assessment of the content of the test, which is especially important for determining the compliance of the test with the objectives of the study.

It should be noted that each of the considered types of tasks allows you to test specific types of knowledge. The choice of the type of task depends on the purpose of testing and the content of the test, on the characteristics of the audience, on the technical capabilities and level of preparedness of the developer in the field of theory and methods of controlling the level of knowledge.

It is desirable that the tasks in the test be as diverse as possible; three significant arguments can be made in favor of this.

1. Tasks of different types make testing more diverse, from the point of view of the test-takers. More varied activities allow you to push back the threshold for fatigue and, as a result, allow more time for testing. Having a larger margin of time, we have the opportunity to put more tasks into the test and, as a result, get a more reliable tool.

2. Having a test consisting of tasks of the same type, we always have a real danger of getting the ability of students to work only with this type of tasks as a component of the final score. Those who will adapt to them faster, those for whom they will be most comfortable, will benefit. This can be avoided by using different types of tasks.

3. Different types of tasks are suitable for different elements of the content of the educational material. For example, for complex definitions, checking the understanding of factual material, the most convenient are the tasks of alternative answers. To test knowledge of temporal or spatial phenomena, tasks for restoring sequences, etc., are more suitable. Therefore, trying to reduce all the variety of educational material to one type, we deliberately make a test in which the content does not correspond to the form and, as a result, it will be less quality. Based on these considerations, tests should include tasks of various types.

In the system of psychological training of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, it is mandatory to use tasks of the closed type of the following types: multiple choice tasks, suggesting one correct answer and multiple choice tasks, suggesting several correct answers. The use of sequencing tasks is desirable. The development of other types and types of tasks is optional and is done at the discretion of the developer.

The use of these types of tasks in the system of psychological training of the EMERCOM of Russia is due to the peculiarities of our educational material, technical capabilities, as well as the specifics of the professional contingents with which we work. For example, the performance of tasks of an open type, in our opinion, may cause more resistance among the professional contingents of the EMERCOM of Russia than the performance of tasks of a closed type. In addition, based on the experience of conducting tests in psychology for professional contingents of the EMERCOM of Russia, we have formed an assumption that they may have difficulty in formulating the correct answer to open-ended tasks. Quite often, in psychology tests, experts from the EMERCOM of Russia explain the answers to questions “in their own words”, relying on their life and professional experience, bypassing psychological terms. Speaking “in different languages” will greatly complicate the procedure for formalizing the correct answer. Our task is not to force specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia to learn psychological terminology, but to help them understand it, give them knowledge, tools that will allow them to optimize their mental state and more effectively perform their professional duties.

It is easy to find out what exactly is called a test of numerical information, the network is full of all kinds of explanations and examples, and in short - these are the tasks for which you should use math skills. There is no need to worry about your abilities: the tasks are simple, they correspond approximately to the level of high school.

In the tasks you need to find:

  • interest;
  • shares;
  • relations,

while using:

  • data analysis;
  • graphic interpretation.

Examples include graphs, tables, or bar charts, and such conditions become a challenge for some examinees. There is no purely textual information, as in our school textbooks: “the train left somewhere, there is another train to meet it, when will they meet?”. The numerical ability test consists of graphic data, and you need to prepare only for similar examples.

Why do employers use numerical tests?

The point of checking with verbal and numerical tests is to understand how well challenger copes with logical, mathematical tasks in conditions of temporary shortage. It is clear that every literate person will solve a simple example with percentages, give him 10-15 minutes, but when the counter counts down 60 seconds, and maybe less, the process of finding a solution is difficult.

Employers use numeric answer tests to evaluate applicants, testing their ability to process large amounts of numerical information under stressful conditions. With the help of tasks, it becomes possible measure performance potential, understand whether the candidate is ready to solve complex issues, quickly analyze data already at the workplace.

What level of knowledge of mathematics should the candidate have?

It will not be possible to pass a numerical test without mastering the mathematical discipline, however, the level of knowledge does not have to be high, on the contrary, theoretical knowledge of higher mathematics will not help much in solving problems. Examples developed by companies SHL or talent Q, require other skills, including high reading speed, highlighting the main information. Most of the tasks are easier to solve in your head, using an occasional calculator, and it won’t work to pick up the answers - the developers took care of this.

Of course, it is easier for “techies”, graduates of technical universities to prepare, solve problems, but “humanities” are also able to gain solving skills, they just need to practice.

How to choose the answer to the numerical test?

Numerical tests online it is convenient to rent, you can organize a suitable atmosphere, remove sources of noise from the office or sit down with a laptop in your favorite cafe, but all these moments will not guarantee a successful passage. Only hundreds of solved problems, the use of mathematical expressions of this type will give an experience that will become a skill over time.

It makes no sense to choose an answer offhand, you need to solve the problem, after which it will be easy to mark the correct option. Usually, developers of numerical tasks give answers with a small step, that is, they are similar, differ by one or one hundredth, which does not allow you to count on luck.

How to pass the high score numerical test?

The main advice is practice, the more you work with training numerical tests, the faster, more accurately and more confidently you will answer questions. Simple numerical tests are distributed free of charge on the net, they are easy to find, look at, solve, but such examples are only suitable for familiarization. There will be tasks with answers, but the level of these tasks is low, and it will not be possible to get a sufficient solution skill with their help.

To count on a high score, you should answer several hundred tasks, and it is better to solve it in the most difficult conditions, for example, by limiting the time not to a minute, but to 40-45 seconds. Numerical tests in different companies are complex, and it will be useful to have some time.