A little bit of evening dew falls on the grass,
A black-browed widow is combing her hair, washing her neck.
And he does not take his dark eyes from the sky at the window,
And it flies, twisting into rings, in bright sparks of long snakes.
And it makes noise, getting closer, closer, and over the widow's yard,
Over the thatched roof crumbles with fire.
And the black-browed widow will immediately close the window;
Only kisses and words are heard in the room...
A. A. Fet, 1847

Tales and legends of many peoples of the Earth tell about various creatures that preceded man.

Indeed, when the ancestors of the first people appeared on the vastness of this planet, it was not empty. It was inhabited by many and many species of plants and animals, most of them disappeared without a trace in the fog of the past years, but there was probably SOMEONE, whose implicit appearance can still be discerned through the thick veil of legends and traditions. Today in mythology, these creatures are presented as ANCIENT, although in many legends of various peoples of the Earth they are known as Sleepers. The diversity of the ANCIENTS is so great that in this article we are forced to consider only one of their "species" - "Flyers" or "Fire Snakes".

The Fire Serpent (colloquially - Flyer) is a serpentine demon endowed with anthropomorphic features. The first mentions of these creatures known to us are reflected in a number of ancient Russian epics and incantations.

Flyers are an undoubted reality of the modern information database, and in this capacity it seems promising to study them. Moreover, as field research shows, quite material objects (such as, for example, “wedding failure”, “failure at the Christmas tree nursery”, “fire meadow”, etc.) are attributed to the deeds of this character.

The Fire Serpent is the embodiment of the element of fire; and this function of his, as well as his connection with hidden treasures and hidden riches, which he often brings to the house where he flies, brings him closer to the Firebird of East Slavic fairy tales. It also seems possible that the legends about Fire Serpents are connected with beliefs in the ancient Slavic deity Usen, represented in a number of legends in the form of the “Fire Wheel”.

Most modern researchers agree that the image of the Fire Serpent is very old. “The image of the Fire Serpent is older and more complex than the image of the devil. The idea of ​​them reflected the concepts of life-giving celestial "fiery phenomena" and of "living" shooting stars.

In folk conspiracies, the Fire Serpent is presented as a magical creature that can inspire passion in a woman. According to legend, he can marry any woman (or rapes her), after which, under certain conditions, a creature of a snake breed can be born. According to these legends, the Son of the Fire Serpent often enters into single combat with his father and defeats him (for example, the Serbian epic about Vuk the Fire Serpent).

Ancient beliefs about the Flyers were steadily preserved among Russian peasants in the 18th-20th centuries. They knew that Fire Serpents were "devils that fly and tempt women."

In the villages, such a motive of stories was widespread: the Fire Serpent, (called in the Yaroslavl region a fire snake) flies to girls and women: “Sparks scatter over the chimney, he (through the chimney) appears in the hut in the guise of a handsome guy or the deceased husband of the mistress of the house. (M.D. Chulkov, 1786).

“In the Russian folk tradition, the “flying kite” (“flyer”) was presented as a fireball, scattering sparks around itself. In the environment of the Old Believers, distinguished by the stability of the archaic, the “flyer” was presented in the form of a plume of sparks flying out of the chimney and carried high into the night sky.”

This creature has no single name. So in the Smolensk and Ryazan regions such a kite was called - Lyubak, in the Oryol region - Volokita, in the Tambov province - Lyubostai. According to the beliefs of the Yaroslavl and Vladimir regions, there is Plaque, an evil spirit in the form of a fiery broom "six arshins". He often visits people who yearn for the dead.

In the Samara Territory, a belief about "Conversing" with the Flyers has been preserved. It was well known that the Fire Serpent was attracted to the excessive grief of widows. When he flew in, you could stop and subdue him by saying: “Whoa!” In some sources, the need is added, before the arrival of the snake, to first stick three iron knives into the ground in a certain way. After that, the serpent fell into some dependence on a person, fulfilled his requests, revealed secrets - the Earth and Sky, the past and the future. When releasing the snake, it was necessary to tear his shirt down from the collar, otherwise the Serpent did not fly away, but killed the person who stopped him.

A vague belief has been preserved that in the middle of the 20th century on the Samara bow "Wonderful snakes" destroyed an entire village.

In this regard, it is interesting to note that some researchers believe that the chronicle "fire birds" of Princess Olga (about 946), which destroyed the main city of the Drevlyans, are classic flyers. Contact with whom in those days was more stable and to some extent more fruitful.

It is curious to note that such beliefs (about the possibility of using flyers) have survived to this day. So researchers in the Yaroslavl region over the past twelve years have recorded 166 stories affecting the image of the Fire Serpent. These creatures do not fly quickly, wriggling, sometimes whirling and tumbling with noise. Numerous reports of encounters with these creatures fall on 1910-1919, 1930-1939, 1940-1949. From the information they collected, it is assumed that there is a special language of the intermediary necessary for the cooperation of a person and the Fire Serpent, with the use of special very specific signs - symbols.

Encounters with Fire Serpents are rather unlikely at this time. Although, according to unverified information (personal contacts in the mid-80s of the twentieth century, Sverdlovsk), there was a belief among climbers of the former USSR about the whole “Fire Serpent Plateau”, located on the southern border of Dagestan in the Guton Peak area, the main Caucasian ridge and a lesser-known mountain tract Bochokhmeer, Bogossky Ridge.

According to other unverified information (personal correspondence 2001) “every year on the first full moon of the eleventh lunar month, on the day (which coincides with the end of the Buddhist fast), hundreds of red, pink and orange fireballs soar into the sky over the Mekong River (Indochina). This spectacle attracts huge crowds of spectators. Locals call this phenomenon "Naga fireballs".

Nag is a mythical snake lord who lives in the world dungeon.

Local scientists, without denying the very fact of such a phenomenon, use the gas hypothesis to explain it. "Methane rising from river sediments creates fireballs." But this hypothesis is not able to explain such a strange regularity of this phenomenon, which is to some extent similar to the regular convergence of the “Holy Fire” * on Orthodox Easter on the Temple Mount of Jerusalem. “Suddenly, the lid of the Coffin is covered with droplets of light Fire, similar to liquid silver. Then the "drops" change color - they become blue, then scarlet ... "

The convergence of the "Holy Fire" in itself is a rather mysterious phenomenon and for many years it was simply "hushed up" as a real one. Balls of "good fire" were demonstrated in a live television broadcast from Jerusalem NTV 04/10/2004.

How and when the image of the Fire Serpent appeared is almost impossible to say. There are very few versions on this issue and all of them are rather unconvincing. So, for example, the Samara ethnographer K.I. Serebrenite suggests that the Fire Serpents are a distorted image of a dragon.

It should be noted that in the beliefs of the Slavic peasants, Fire Serpents were only one of the varieties of the “Wonderful Serpent” - “underground serpent”, “snake snake” and “fiery serpent”. “The genesis of the mythological image of the dragon-serpent is still not fully elucidated, since its roots go back to prehistoric civilizations, about which science does not have reliable information ... South Slavic mythology has been preserved in which the “Wonderful Serpent” appears together with George the Victorious and Elijah the Prophet in the struggle against demonic creatures that send hail-bearing clouds, downpours, tornadoes and other misfortunes.

One of the modern researchers of ancient beliefs, V. Bumagin, in the article “Why the Serpent Gorynych is not alone ...” (Snakes and snake-like creatures in Slavic myths, fairy tales and beliefs), notes that the image of the “Fire Serpent”, which is in undeniable development and currently.

It is curious to note that in the mythology of other, non-Slavic peoples, this image is practically absent!

To some extent, a possible analogue of the Fire Serpent can be considered: Latin - vivus ignis ... - Living fire; Japanese “Tengu Lanterns”, the creature “Azhi-Dahak” of ancient Iranian mythology, also locally known in Europe are such creatures as the Leader in Hungarian mythology, Aitvaras in Lithuanian mythology, Fireman - “money serpent”.

Some researchers draw parallels between the images of the Fire Serpent and the Fire Salamander, but in our opinion this direction is erroneous.

It is logical to assume that the image of Fire Serpents in ancient times among most peoples of Europe and North America (if it existed) was replaced by legends about the so-called Strange fires - ignis fatuus, mysterious flying fires of various colors. Among the people they are known as "fireballs", "St. Jack's lanterns", "Monk's fires", "Candle fires", "Elven fires", on the sea "St. Elmo's fires", the Finns called such fires - "lekchio". Their characteristic location in the air, at the height of a human hand.

In ancient times, the observation of these lights was considered a manifestation of the "beyond the world." The main difference between Strange Lights and Fire Snakes is their relatively small size and usual abundance. Whereas the Flyers almost always appeared (with very rare exceptions) alone.

In Christian mythology, Strange Lights, to the greatest extent - "fireballs" were identified with "fiery demons that live in the upper layers of the air, almost never descend to earth and have nothing to do with people until the day of the Last Judgment."

Although that probably wasn't the case. The Roman historian Amin Marcellinus recorded: “In the year 252 AD. e. fireballs descended from the sky burned all the workers who were trying to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem. (This evidence is also confirmed by other authors, such as Rabbi Gedalia).

A more recent evidence of the massive appearance of special fireballs in the Eastern Hemisphere is recorded on the night of November 12-13, 1832: "... hundreds of shooting stars mixed with large and small fireballs that moved in different directions ...". In the Western Hemisphere, they appeared on the night of November 12-13, 1833: "... the whole sky was covered with dozens of bright stripes and lit by fireballs ...".

The connection of fireballs (Flyers) with the legends of modern theosophists about the first fiery races is curious. "The fiery serpents descended from heaven and taught the Fifth Race (of man)." The samizdat book "The Chalice of Fire" speaks in more detail about the first two fiery races. In the "Bowl of Fire" they are called the first - "Pitris" and "Phat", the second - "Evols".

This book, of theosophical-Arisophical content and unknown authorship, became relatively well known in the USSR approximately from the mid-1970s.

Theoretically, in the case of their real existence, both the first and second races could "give birth" to very peculiar relics, in separate (energetically active) regions of the planet capable of being preserved to this day.

The Chalice of Fire reports that “at the later stages of their evolution, the Evolas were a kind of single planetary organism, consisting of relatively independent “nests-colonies”, the latter were located in a belt of volcanic activity or drifted in the atmosphere in a zone of thunderstorm fronts. Each such "nest" was ideally adapted to the collection, accumulation and maintenance of a constant energy balance in a strictly defined area. Between themselves, the "nests" exchanged information. A decrease (possibly rapid) in the supply of cosmic energy to the Earth gradually led to the death of most of the “nesting colonies” and an intensification of the struggle for existence between those still remaining.

Not long before their “extinction”, the Evolas “brought” the Moon into outer space. Perhaps they just reached the moon? Theosophical texts are difficult to understand.

Is it possible that the modern fireballs observed today on the surface of the Moon are the distant descendants of the legendary Evals?

It is curious to note that a large number of "fireballs" were observed by pilots from Germany, Japan, the USA, and England. Most of the pilots considered these objects to be the secret weapons of the enemy and called them "ghost fighters" in their reports. After the war, reports of such sightings dwindled and steadily moved into the category of UFO stories.

A strange, very short-term wave of such observations seems to be similar to the history of fixing the mysterious radio echo of 1927-1929, the so-called Sterner's paradox, perceived by a number of researchers as signals of an alien mind.

A large number of recorded reports about "contacts" of a person and "fireballs" in the second half of the 20th century in the USSR were collected by the Siberian researcher M. Dmitriev. But after his death, these data are practically inaccessible.

Perhaps some additional information about fireballs is available in the unique database of the American researcher of the early twentieth century, Charles Fort, in his Book of the Damned. (Highly abridged version of Ch. Fort "1001 Forgotten Miracles", St. Petersburg, 1997).

At present, modern science does not deny the very fact of observing strange lights and fireballs. But he explains their origin by purely natural processes - an unusual state of the atmosphere, luminescence, combustion of swamp gases or the glow of radioactive "vapors", observation of the passage of ball lightning or traces of a collapsed fireball.

In modern mythology (its subsection of ufology, fireballs are considered as some specific vehicles, manned or unmanned aerial vehicles of a certain highly developed civilization. They are also identified with certain: "Critters" - creatures living in clouds in electric fields with a frequency of 7 - 20 Hz, sometimes they are simply called "fiery predators of the sky"; "Red ghosts", energy "birds" - living at an altitude of 30-90 km.

We consider it necessary to give another version of the appearance of fireballs: Fireballs are the creation of "skillful" people. “According to the beliefs of the inhabitants of the north-west of our country, flying fireballs are a kind of witchcraft damage. Such balls, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow, are created by sorcerers by the power of their “will”. (Here, fireballs are the product of an ancient, almost forgotten technology.) They direct it at a person and the ball, scattering on its victim, causes dangerous diseases.

The already mentioned Samara ethnographer K. I. Serebrenitsky is inclined to believe that fireballs (fire snakes) are in general some kind of secondary, rather rarely observed form of human existence. “A chain of man + something is traced, gives death in a special form, transforming a person first into a sorcerer, and then into a fireball.”

It is generally accepted that the number of sightings of Flyers (fireballs) has decreased markedly in recent years. It is likely that the last observation is correct, although not reliably accurate, due to the specifics of the change in perception. (But at least this observation is absolutely true for the manifestation of fireballs. It is difficult to say what this is connected with.) But in the case of the stories about Fire Serpents, we can deal with a vivid example of the replacement of the old image of the Flyer with a modern UFO and UFOs demonstrating classical (adjusted for the era) style of behavior.

For a number of years, the Samara group of local historians tried to collect and, if possible, verify these stories.

We did not manage to see the "fireballs" themselves, except for the observation of some mysterious "swarm". On August 15, 1990, at about 22:00 (local time), I (I. Pavlovich), as well as several of my comrades, observed a group of fireballs flying over the Zhiguli. The group flew a large single ball with a small tail, followed by nine smaller balls. They moved in a row of three, "shimmering" with bright and long tails.

Reports on the observation of this group in the interval from 22 to 24 (local time) "received" from a rather large territory, from various regions of Samara, the settlement of Ermakovo, the settlement of Novodivichye, the city of Sergeevsk, etc. What happened? Today it is impossible to say.

Most of these stories were pretty unaddressed. For example, in the second half of the 20th century, quite a lot of Fire Snakes were seen in the area of ​​the village of Askula on Samarskaya Luka. In 1974, they were even shot at with guns. “They talk about fireballs and other delusions in the village of Askuly calmly, without mystical horror and gleam in the eyes. Considering that these are all “enemies”. The stress is on the first syllable.

From the media, for example, it is known that on June 21, 2001 a large fireball was seen in the vicinity of the village. Kinel-Cherkasy, May 24, 2002 the village of Verkhniye Belozerki was "visited" by a group of fireballs. They smashed windows and set fire to trees.

More interesting for us fireballs, capable of turning into people, were seen quite often in the northeast of the Samara region.

In 1984, a group of local historians from Samara decided to test one of the stories about the Fireballs, somehow connected with the local Shikhan mountain.

Translated from Mordovian, the name Shikhan means Oath.

On that mountain there are lakes. They never, even in the greatest dry land, do not dry up. The ancient Water Spirit lives there. Having performed a certain Ritual, he can be persuaded to bring rain in a dry summer or disperse clouds in too damp.

Before the revolution, many went to those lakes - "to pray." The place where the Spirit “dwells” was marked with a “special stone”. Here they left offerings on it: bread, salt, honey. According to legend, there were some ruins near the lakes. Local residents, according to the established tradition of the Middle Volga region, called them "Stepan Razin's Dugout".

Recall that Stepan Razin in the Volga region is a collective image and has a very distant relation to his historical prototype. Stepan Razin, the leader of the uprising in the Volga region, was executed in Moscow in 1671. In the local tradition, Razin is a sorcerer, werewolf, powerful sorcerer, owner of a flying boat (hidden in one of the barrows).

After the revolution and the civil war, they practically did not go to the mountain (worthy fruits of enlightenment, prohibitions and the cultural revolution). The sacrifices stopped, and the "angry spirit" spilled the lakes, turning them into swamps. Wild pigs (boars) settled on the mountain, attacking a person disturbing their possessions.

Presumably, in the book “Legends, Traditions, Happenings” edited by the well-known researcher N. A. Krinichnaya, there is a mention of the Volga Shikhan mountain: “We heard from the old people that the Shikhan mountain is not natural, but was built by human hands from a savage stone. It's hollow inside. If you tap with a crowbar on its Side, then Shihan will hum like an empty barrel or drum, and inside it will hiss like a snake.”

On May 28, 1984, I (I. Pavlovich) and a group of my associates set out to search for this mountain. In this article, we will not specifically give precise geographic references, based on the general safety rules for “communication” of a thirsty, but unprepared public with such places.

... Steppe. The boundless steppe stretched from horizon to horizon. We were driving in a GAZ-66 car and the kilometers were merrily under the wheels. What mountain? Where is she from? We were tormented by doubts. But here is a domed vault, overgrown with forest. It seems that we have a glacial moraine in front of us. An icy tongue brought tons of stone here (a lot of fragments of quartz) and melted.

But after all, according to the views of specialists, the glacier never reached these places. The dosimeter clicked 20-30 mkt / h, almost the norm.

The legends said that Shaitan “sealed” that mountain, “closed” the caves.

Indeed, a preliminary examination suggests the presence of some large voids in the mountain. We found several rather narrow cracks in the slope of the hill filled with clay and large, as it were, melted stones.

We tried to explore the top of the mountain. Swamp. Dense thickets, traces of wild boars and flares. All this made the search difficult, and we were limited by time. Local residents (inhabitants of the surrounding villages) refused to accompany us to the mountain, referring to their (obviously exaggerated) fear of wild boars. At that time, we did not succeed in completing the entire planned research program - to go to the "prayer stone" and inspect the "ruins". They are still waiting for their "pioneers".

A survey of local residents suggested that the "Spirit" left these places. We were even told how it happened: “Shaitan has flown away! Flew away! The shape is like a man, the head is all fire, and all around there are fiery tails. Such a description of Shaitan put him on a par with the already considered Fire Serpents.

According to local legends, the “fiery shaitan”, entering into a love affair with village women, gave birth to quite a few children of the “snake breed”. And although most of these children did not live long (died in infancy), some survived to quite mature years. According to one version of local beliefs, it was they who expelled their "father" Shaitan, after which they went up the mountain, where they fell asleep ... *

It is curious to note that such "ideas" about the possible fusion of man and the fiery serpent are quite common in modern theosophical literature. Which even claims that the appearance of representatives of the Third Race - the Lemurians, occurred due to the "merger" of the last Evols and the first cold-blooded ones, the Atlanteans and modern man also appeared.

Similar stories were typical for the north-west of our region. Therefore, in 1994, we sent our next expedition to the north-west of the Samara region, where beliefs about Fire Serpents were also preserved.

On this trip, we were accompanied by a representative of the Samara Historical and Ecological Association "Volga Region" ethnographer Kirill Serebrenitsky.

It is hard to believe that in our industrial age, relatively close to the "ring" of large cities, a corner of wild nature has remained practically untouched. The people lovingly call it the Volga Alps. These are gloomy beautiful, truly fabulous places. Subtly mysterious and surprisingly silent, even the birds are not heard. Only owls call at night. Yes, rise to the sky, over the low hills of the rock-remnants, the legacy of bygone eras.

In the geological past, the high-water Tethys Sea raged here, and the current rocks, the most durable rocks that formed the ancient islands.

The locals have dark beliefs associated with these places. Even today they believe that these rocks, forests, swamps are inhabited by evil spirits. And although no one directly dares to admit it, they are afraid of these places and those creatures that they believe live here.

Although there is no one to “confess” to, in the nearest settlements they were organized in the 30s, following Stalin’s directives, only four houses remained residential, only eight people, all of them were Chuvash.

It is known that by their own will, in the historical past, people did not settle here. Although it is not clear why. There is plenty of game, the land is untouched, the water is healing ... (Water from this mountain range is now widely advertised and sold under the name "Palace Water").

Cyril Serebrenitsky, working with the local population, found out that almost all of them who had ever visited these swamps at night saw wandering lights - flying evil spirits. They call her Pata Kabusya.

Another sound of this name, kept by the older generation of local residents, is Patavka-bus - “flying head” or “bird-head”.

Later, returning to Samara, Kirill Serebrenitsky consulted with Cheboksary ethnographers and found out that “patavka” is a completely uncommon and incomprehensible word in the modern Chuvash language.

The closest to him is "pood" - meaning an old pood bucket. Then it turns out that Pata-Kabusya is a kind of "Flying Head" in the form of an old pood bucket. In the modern Chuvash language, the word "Patavka" is completely uncommon and little understood. The closest to him is "Pudovka". Then Patavka is a kind of “flying head” in the form of an old bucket.

In the Chuvash language "Bus" (Pus) means "source", "beginning".

According to local beliefs, Pata-Kabusya lives in a large moss swamp, a strangely preserved relic of a bygone ice age. They say that if someone died a violent death here and they were not buried according to the prescriptions of a certain rite, Pata-Kabusya could fly in: “A sheaf of fire flies in the form of a snake, the head is thick towards the tail is getting thinner. It flies straight to the village ... ”There he allegedly exalted the dead man, and then leading the deceased around the surroundings he took him to his swamp. No one else saw the deceased. “Why the ball is doing this, the locals don’t know…”

In 1997, we were told that Patavka-bus "protecting his territory" destroyed a military helicopter, three crew members died.

"MI-24" on August 3, 1997 seemed to fall into some kind of air sieve. The car lost its horizontal component of speed and fell vertically to the ground like a stone.

The impact was so strong that the seismic shock was recorded at a distance of 30-40 km from the crash site. (Analogues of such accidents throughout the world can be counted on one hand. The car was in good condition. The systems are in order. The weather is good).

While working in this area, we managed to find out a number of curious details. For example, although fireballs usually appear at night, when dry thunderstorms occur in summer, they can also appear in the midday sun. The blue ball is young. The red ball is old. The old ones are not dangerous. Balls can move hills, change the course of rivers, awaken springs. Extinguish forest fires. Sometimes two balls come together and begin to "crush" each other, sometimes they shoot with lightning.

It is curious to note that it was in these places, according to the information of an anonymous narrator, that a certain Ritual was performed that prevented the explosion of Jupiter from the impact of the debris of the Shoemaker-Levy comet. (See the newspaper "New Aquarius" N 15-16, 21, 1996) This material will be presented in more detail in the third book of the study of modern mythology "Playing Shadows".

The newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda – Samara” on 07.09.2005 published the following message: “On July 20, 2005, a red ball with a diameter of 5-6 m (approximately the size of a Kirovets tractor) flew out from the direction of the Trengalsky district of the Ulyanovsk region. Flying through an abandoned field, the UFO suddenly released a green beam. The fire started. Having destroyed the grass on the field, the flame suddenly went out ... It is assumed that the place where this ball came from is the mysterious "Skripinsky Kuchury" of the Terengulsky district of the Ulyanovsk region.

Reflecting on this message, Samara local historian Viktor Pylyavsky suggested a possible connection between this incident and the appearance on the night of July 21-22, 2005 of a mysterious geometric figure in a buckwheat field near Tolyatti.

As already mentioned, according to ancient beliefs, “children” are sometimes born from the “cohabitation” of people and Fire Serpents. (In the Volga region they are called "Takhami" or "Rakhami").

Usually they do not live long or ... become sorcerers. And if Pata-Kabusya lived in a swamp, then his “children” or “talkers” with snakes (and among them, of course, Stepan Razin was remembered) lived in the “Stone House”. Stone House - presumably this is a rock-outlier associated with an extensive system of caves stretching for tens of kilometers, overlooking the banks of the river. Volga. “The dead place. Many wanted to know what was going on down there. They descended on the reins. Those who returned frightened by passion, and those who were more stupid went into the depths - they completely turned it around. There are innumerable floors in that "House" (caves). A man will fail and there is no way out for him ... The sorcerers lived there, and maybe they still live today. We don't know for sure."

After asking the locals, we moved towards these caves. We walked for about forty minutes through an old pine forest. Soon the surface layer of the soil disappeared, exposing the bedrock. Huge cracks cut through the massif, opening access to the depths of the earth.

And again, the lack of free time did not give us the opportunity to systematically explore the entire area. We found only one deep cave, from where it felt cold air.

Having squeezed through a stone crack, we ended up in some kind of underground well, three meters deep. The further path was "blocked" by a large sharp stone. Without excavation and removal of small interfering stones, it was impossible to go further. So these caves are also waiting for their explorers.

Making our way along the breaks of these cracks, we once again felt a certain subtle spirit of lubrication. Indeed, traveling through the remains of these ancient islands, literally riddled with caves and vast underground voids, one can believe in the last representatives of a long-vanished world who have taken refuge "until the doomed hour".

And these sensations were well intertwined with the legends of the "sleepers in the hills" who once ruled these lands, which have now become swamps.

But one predestined day - so the legend tells, they will rise from these hills and again return the power over the world.

We didn't see any fireballs. But one night we witnessed a rather unusual phenomenon. In a large clearing formed between two converging ranges of hills, we saw bright blue fires burning. There were three of them in total, located in the shape of a triangle, it was clearly visible through binoculars that they had the shape of elongated rhombuses, with clearly defined ribs.

I and my other companion Andrey, we stayed on the hillside to correct the movement. And four of our comrades, armed with dosimeters, moved to the fires to try to find out their nature. And what's curious is that the closer they got to the lights, the worse they saw. We, from the hill, continued to clearly observe both the lights and the dark silhouettes of our satellites. The blue light was so bright that it made my eyes water, and I had to hand the binoculars to my partner. While I was transmitting it, our search party slipped through the lights and began to move away from them. With shouts and signals of flashlights, we deployed them. Then, lining up in a chain and turning on their flashlights, they moved back. While I was rubbing my watery eyes, this is what happened. They still didn't see the lights. My partner Andrei saw through binoculars how the beam of one of the lanterns hit one of the blue "diamonds". Andrei claims that instantly it became blacker than the darkness of the night surrounding us, as if it flashed on the contrary and the lights went out.

True, after a few minutes they or similar ones caught fire again, but much further in the hills. We once again tried to approach them, but the same story was repeated. From afar, the lights were visible perfectly, but when approaching them, they seemed to disappear.

Dosimeters showed the norm. The compass needles behaved normally. There was also no smell of swamp gas. So this mystery is still waiting for its discoverer.

Some of the results of our research were presented by us in a number of articles published in 1995-2000 in the Samara newspaper "New Aquarius", the magazine "Light" No. 1, 1997 (I. Pavlovich "Patavka-Bus. Who is he?") and the book "Legends Volga dungeons", Samara, 2001.

The closest analogue of the fabulous Fire Serpents in terms of external signs are Ball Lightnings. Ball lightning is a luminous body that usually appears in the air during a thunderstorm and reaches sizes from two to three centimeters to several meters. The properties of her behavior are so unusual that until quite recently, many scientists were inclined to think that all stories about her were fiction. But it was observed by too many - so that it had to be believed in its existence.

It is interesting to note that during Hurricane Katrina, which hit the United States in September 2005, many people observed flying fireballs. Some of them were even recorded by video cameras and shown on TV news.

It is noted that ball lightning most often appears in areas of high tectonic stresses. Professor Michael Persinger (Canada) suggests that changes in mechanical stresses in some types of rock generate an electrical current. This current ionizes the air column located above the rock and spins it around its axis. This is how ball lightning and UFOs are supposedly "born".

According to numerous eyewitness accounts, brightly luminous balls (or other objects) are often observed above the Zhiguli, the apparent diameter of which reaches the size of the full moon. They move along complex trajectories and are able to disappear instantly.

And this is not surprising, on a calm, "stable" Russian platform - this piece of land shows increased activity. And the "Volga Alps" generally tend to grow.

Perhaps the "active energy" of these places can serve as a partial explanation why by the beginning of the twentieth century, adherents and keepers of almost all the main secret and apocryphal teachings of Russia gradually gathered in these places.

Some researchers of the “unusual” end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries argued that, according to the ancient views of human evolution on Earth, several intelligent Races preceded. According to their views, the first Races did not have a solid body, but were “fiery clots”. Indeed, one can imagine the seething surface of the Earth, where clumps of ionized gas alternate and collide with speeds of hundreds of kilometers per hour. Such collisions can form complex formations consisting of various components. After some time, most of these formations will disintegrate, but not instantly, but by participating in various interactions with the environment. One can imagine the emergence of some "simple being" that is able to use planetary and cosmic energy, at first to maintain its own existence. And then, to move on to more and more orderliness.

Gradually, it can learn to "think" with the help of ordered electromagnetic impulses. It is assumed that when even the simplest of such systems arise, their evolution will proceed much faster than for chemical and biological creatures.

As the Earth cools, they will find themselves in increasingly worse conditions. And perhaps Pata-Kabusya, like all Fire Snakes, are the last surviving relics of bygone eras, hiding in special energy points of the planet. Today they are limited in their capabilities and need the "help" of other intelligent beings. It is possible that it is they who indirectly "push" the development of human civilization in a strictly defined direction (for example, to the use of high energies and nuclear reactions. In our file cabinet there are many reports of observations of fireballs, as it were, "sticking" to the wires of high-voltage power lines. They are also "barge" over areas with the highest levels of contamination with radioactive waste.

Probably, for the first time after the "cooling" of the earth's crust, people managed to turn back time, as it were. For two or three decades, the brightness temperature in the meter wavelength range has increased millions of times.

It is quite possible that in the coming decades our planet as a source of radio emission feeding ball lightning will surpass the Sun!

And then people will return the Earth to the Fire Serpent again. Whether this is true or not, only further research can prove. And in this regard, the vast expanses of Russia are still in many ways “terra incognito” for an inquisitive researcher capable of painstaking work.

In conclusion, I would like to say that there is a rather large “layer of information” in which some kind of “fireballs” or unusual “luminous lights” appear, but at present it is completely impossible to say whether it is related to the topic under study. For example, the mysterious "balls of Prana" are luminous balls of various sizes, usually invisible to the naked eye, but fixed in certain shooting modes by photo, film or video equipment.

Three centuries ago, a strange epidemic struck the Balkans and Eastern Europe. After the funeral, the ghost of the deceased appeared before relatives, asked for food, and then squeezed them to death (especially children) in his arms. Relatives complained to local magistrates and the church. As a result of long ordeals, desperate people sought permission to exhume the graves and found there "dead" showing signs of life. After they were executed, the uninvited guests no longer appeared. The locals called them ghosts, but later it turned out that the Turks called the same ghosts vampires. Gradually, this word migrated to the languages ​​of Europe. It is curious that the doctors of that era considered vampirism to be a disease and assumed that the infection came to Europe just from the Turkish Sultanate.

The best minds of Europe, on behalf of the sovereigns, dealt with an unexpected misfortune, the most authoritative persons took part in the exhumations of the graves of vampires, sent to verify the authenticity of messages coming to the authorities of Austria-Hungary from various places. Many reports appeared, among them - published in 1749 "Dissertation on the Appearances of Ghosts, Vampires and Ghosts" by Abbot Augustine Calmet, "Medical Report on Vampires", made especially for the Austrian Empress Maria Therese by the head physician of Vienna, Gerard Van Swieten, the work of Pope Benoit XIV Prospero Lambertini "Vampires in the light of science" (1749) and others.

Neither priests nor scientists could explain this terrible phenomenon, which was also accompanied by a poltergeist in the homes of vampire victims. Therefore, officially everything was written off as "native superstitions of the Slavs and Greeks." But vampirism did not disappear, but continued to exist (no longer called vampirism) in various places and was observed even into the 20th century. I collected many such examples in The Book of the Vampires, where I tried for the first time in the last three centuries to investigate the phenomenon by scientific methods.


Poltergeist (from German poltern - make noise and geist - spirit) - this term refers to inexplicable, paranormal phenomena associated with noise and knocks, spontaneous movement of objects, spontaneous combustion, etc. Poltergeist, as a rule, is attached to a person, most often a child. The invasion of a person's life by forces of unknown origin is associated with material damage and psychological trauma. The poltergeist poses an unsolvable question to scientists: where does the energy expended in this phenomenon come from?


From the point of view of modern scientific ideas, a vampire is not a dead person (as was believed in the Enlightenment), but a comatose buried by mistake. The second misconception was the myth that the vampire drinks the blood of his victims. In fact, as it was said in the reports of the 18th century, specific bruises remained on the body of the victim from the embrace of a vampire - but the skin was not damaged. The blood myth arose from the fact that a vampire was found in a coffin half-filled with blood (with whitish, extremely caustic toxic secretions). However, it was the blood of the vampire himself, not his victims.

In the course of research, I came to a surprising conclusion: some imperishable saints are typical vampires. In the book "Unstainable" (1977) by American Joan Carroll Cruz, 102 cases of "miraculous incorruptibility" are described. One of the most impressive cases concerns the "beautifully preserved and bleeding body" of the Lebanese saint Harbel Machouf. This Maronite monk "died" on December 24, 1898, after a stroke of apoplexy. During his life, he observed strict bodily discipline: he wore a sackcloth, slept on the ground, ate once a day (like his other comrades).

According to the traditions of his monastery in Annai, Harbel was buried in his everyday clothes, without a coffin and, of course, not embalmed.

Many admit that they would immediately forget about him, but one very unusual phenomenon happened. For 45 nights after his burial (it is during this period that the complete decomposition of the body usually occurs), a bright glow was observed around the grave. The monastery officials asked for permission from the leaders of the Order to exhume the body. The exhumation was carried out three months later in the presence of a crowd of residents of a nearby village.

However, it is doubtful that the reason for the exhumation was a simple glow over the grave. It has been repeatedly reported in vampirology that a very specific radiance can be seen over the burial of vampires at night, which cannot be confused with any other; that must have aroused suspicion. Moreover, in this region, vampirism in those days, and even now, is quite common. It is also possible that the saint was a vampire (his condition also testified to this) and it was the statement of the people who saw the ghost that became the real reason for the exhumation.

Since the day before there had been long and heavy rains that flooded the cemetery, Saint Harbel (at that time, however, he was not a saint) was found floating in a grave full of dirty water. After the body was washed and changed, witnesses to the exhumation noticed that some kind of liquid was leaking from its pores. It was described as "a mixture of sweat and blood", that is, blood with an unknown impurity gradually left the body through the sweat channels. It had a specific pungent smell, similar to a floral aroma, which is formed during the breakdown of amino acids, which, by the way, is a sign of a living body. The flow of this fluid did not stop, as a result of which Harbel's clothes had to be changed twice a week. Pieces of clothing soaked in it were distributed as holy relics and were considered healing.

This continued until July 1927, when it was decided to place the body in a galvanized wooden coffin, and the latter in a special crypt in the prayer wall, raised on stones in order to protect it from moisture. The miracle of St. Harbel caused worship, streams of people began to arrive in Annaya. And today the pilgrimage does not stop, it has become even more massive, although since 1950 the body of Harbel has not been shown to the public. In February of that year, pilgrims noticed that liquid began to leak through the prayer wall onto the floor. This forced the monks to reopen the grave, and what they saw shocked the audience. The body looked supple, lifelike, and showed absolutely no signs of decay. At the same time, toxic substances turned the zinc coffin and the clothes of the saint into dust. The liquid flowed out in such quantity that, when dried, it formed masses of white powder, which were dismantled as a relic by pilgrims.


And now it's time to look into the archives of vampirology. Abbot Augustine Calmet writes in his treatise: “In the state reports for 1693-1694. talks about ghouls, vampires and ghosts that appear in Poland [the Commonwealth] and - more reports - in Russia. They appear at any time of the day and come to drink the blood of living people and animals - in such large quantities that sometimes it flows back through their mouths, noses and, most often, through their ears, and the corpse floats in a coffin filled with blood ... One of such vampires was buried about three years ago; above his grave, a glow was visible, similar to the light of a lamp, but less bright. The grave was opened and a man was found, intact and seemingly as healthy as any of us present. Then they took him out of the grave; the body was not truly flexible, but it was whole and completely intact; then, with something like a metal spike, round and sharp, they pierced his heart: a whitish liquid with blood flowed from there ... After that, they chopped off his head with an ax, and the same liquid with blood flowed from the body, but more abundantly than from the heart. In the end, they threw him back into the grave and covered him with quicklime to complete the job for sure.

Thus, in both cases, which are separated by 200 years, we see a glow over the grave of a vampire, a body floating in a blood-filled coffin, and a huge amount of an incomprehensible "whitish liquid". The only difference is that one comatose was brutally killed and covered with lime, and the other was made a saint. Both are vampires.

And in other cases where vampirism is clearly involved, modern scholars never use the term. For example, in the famous poltergeist that appeared in the village of Askiz of the Republic of Khakassia in 1994-1995, when several people died from it, no one recognized the typical features of this phenomenon. It was studied by a group of scientists led by Yuri Yaklichkin, with whom I subsequently discussed the vampiric nature of this phenomenon.

Vampirism is almost always accompanied by a poltergeist (including people constantly seeing clothes and things of a vampire that “move by themselves”). From the grave to the house, the vampire moves in the form of the so-called "fiery serpent" - a formation similar to ball lightning, which today many confuse with a UFO. What the vampire eats to maintain strength in his coma is unclear. This is probably some kind of hypothetical "life force" that has not yet been discovered by science. On average, a vampiric coma lasts several years, but sometimes (as in Harbel McHough and others) it lasts decades, after which the coma dies (and its remains, saturated with toxic secretions, do not decompose, but only dry out).

The ghost of a vampire is seen only by those on whom the "focus of his attention" is directed.

Of course, almost everything in this phenomenon looks strange and mysterious. But at the same time, it is the most documented anomalous phenomenon. The words of Jean-Jacques Rousseau are indicative: “If there was a true and proven history in the world, it is the history of vampires. Nothing is missing: official reports, testimonies of titled persons, surgeons, priests, judges - the evidence is complete. The phenomenon has been described in Europe for 900 years: about the ancient epidemic of typical vampirism in England in the 1190s. detailed in the chronicle of William Newburgh "History of England". It seems that in 900 years it would be possible, if not to study, then at least to recognize the existence of this phenomenon. However, not only scientists, but also many researchers of the unknown consider this phenomenon too fabulous, strange, incomprehensible. Here's the paradox...


A little bit of evening dew falls on the grass,

A black-browed widow is combing her hair, washing her neck.

And he does not take his dark eyes from the sky at the window,

And it flies, twisting into rings, in bright sparks of long snakes.

And it makes noise, getting closer, closer, and over the widow's yard,

Over the thatched roof crumbles with fire.

And the black-browed widow will immediately close the window;

Only kisses and words are heard in the room...

These poems by Athanasius Fet are an excellent presentation of the legend of the Fire Serpent or the Flyer, as he was called by the people. It is in this form that he moves from the grave to the house.

It is curious that the Fire Serpent began to appear in the villages of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine only during the spread of the epidemic of vampirism, or rather in the middle of the 17th century. The famous Murom Tale of Peter and Fevronia, which begins with a description of a typical Flyer, can also be attributed to this time. The Fire Serpent began to visit the wife of a certain prince, who, having flown into the house through the chimney, turned into a man and engaged in fornication with the princess.

In all descriptions, the phenomenon looked about the same. Shortly after a person who fell into a vampiric coma was buried, a strange glow was noted over his grave. Eyewitnesses saw a fireball, usually the size of a soccer ball, flying from the side of the cemetery towards the village, leaving behind a many-meter tail of something like a flame. The flight was silent, flowing at a low speed at a height of human height and above, up to three meters above the ground. The ball flew into the chimney of the house where the buried person lived, and there turned into his ghost, visible only to the victim. The ghost of the “dead man” sometimes made love to a widow (or widower), and more often squeezed his relatives (first of all, children) in his arms, and they began to wither and soon died. All this was usually accompanied by a poltergeist.

Ancient beliefs about the Flyers have existed in Russian villages since the 17th century. and to our days. The peasants believed that the Fire Serpents were "devils that fly and tempt women." In the villages, such a motif of stories was widespread: the Fire Serpent (called in the Yaroslavl region “a fire snake”) flies to girls and women, and, scattering sparks over a chimney, “he (through the chimney) appears in the hut in the guise of a handsome guy or the deceased husband of the hostess at home". (Mikhail Chulkov, 1786)

Vladimir Dal in the book "On beliefs, superstitions and prejudices of the Russian people" indicates that this creature does not have a single name. In the Smolensk and Ryazan regions, such a snake was called Lyubak, in the Oryol region - Volokita, in the Tambov province - Lyubostay. According to the beliefs of the Yaroslavl and Vladimir regions, there is Plaque, an evil spirit in the form of a fiery broom "six arshins". He often visits people who yearn for the dead.

The fiery serpent appears in the folklore of only those regions where there was an epidemic of vampirism 250-300 years ago, including on the territory of Serbia and its neighboring countries. For example, the Serbian epic about Vuk the Fire Serpent tells about this. By the way, the constant character of our folk tales - the Serpent Gorynych (that is, Burning) - this is the Fire Serpent, the Flyer. Today, artists and animators draw him exactly as a snake, and under the name "Gorynych" they understand his supposed ability to spew flames. In fact, this is not a snake at all, but he got his nickname from a multi-meter fiery tail, which wriggled during the flight (that's where the nickname - the Serpent came from).

In fairy tales, this Serpent strives to climb into the beauty’s room because in reality he visited widows.

There is no doubt that the Serpent Gorynych really annoyed the villagers extremely and entailed death. In this regard, cartoons about epic heroes show a true picture of how the appearance of the Serpent Gorynych caused panic among the peasants. That's just the main thing in them is not - the fact that this Serpent flew in from the cemetery.

From sunset to sunrise

Samara researcher of modern mythology Igor Pavlovich in his work "Fire snakes - who are they?" writes that "similar beliefs have survived to this day." In particular, researchers in the Yaroslavl region over the past twelve years have recorded 166 stories involving the image of the Fire Serpent. “These creatures do not fly quickly, wriggling, sometimes whirling and tumbling with noise. Numerous reports of encounters with these creatures fall on 1910-1919, 1930-1939, 1940-1949,” Pavlovich writes.

And ufologist Dmitry Kazakov collected hundreds of evidence of this strange phenomenon and identified some of its patterns:

1. It always appears after sunset or before sunrise, from somewhere from the side (not from the sky).

2. Always has the same parameters.

3. With rare exceptions, they appear over settlements. They especially gravitate towards the houses of widows, where they scatter sparks or dive into a chimney. In this case, the deceased appears in the hut (many eyewitnesses).

4. They were very common until the 1960s. Now they are extremely rare.

A typical case occurred in the summer of 1945 with a woman who refused to identify herself, who was walking from the village of Melyandy to the village of Chupraki:

“We see with a girlfriend - something similar to a fiery rye sheaf is flying, the size of a meter. He flew smoothly, just above the houses. Not fast and direct. Then he turned to a house. There was a half-withered tall spruce. The "sheaf" touched her and crumbled. And then this spruce completely dried up. And then one woman (a widow) told us that her deceased husband Stepan had “arrived”: “I am walking through the yard, and he is standing, in all white. Then I hooted, and he flew out.

And here is evidence of the return of the snake to the cemetery:

“V.F. Konovalov lived at the Gigant state farm near Kovrov. In the late autumn of 1953, when he was 8 years old, he was on his way to school. The path went past the village cemetery. Suddenly, a pink, dim ball appeared above the forest, which, thanks to its tail, looked like a “flying kite”. The ball flew slowly, and the eyewitness was able to see it well. It was about the size of a soccer ball, even a little smaller. Describing a slow arc, the ball hit the concrete slab of one of the graves. There was a silent explosion with flames in all directions. The boy rushed to the school with all his might...” (Archive of the Commission on anomalous phenomena).

There are many such testimonials. Acquaintance with them makes you take a different look at the fabulous Serpent Gorynych - he no longer seems fabulous ...

And as soon as this phenomenon is not called: a flyer, a fiery serpent, a serpent is a lyubak.
There are fairy tales about the flyer, and not only Russian ones. There are eyewitness accounts, collectors of folklore and serious scientists mention it. In the dictionary of V.I. There is a wonderful poem by A.A. Feta, written back in 1847:
A little bit of evening dew falls on the grass,
A black-browed widow is combing her hair, washing her neck.
And he does not take his dark eyes from the sky at the window,
And it flies, twisting into rings, in bright sparks of long snakes.
And it makes noise, getting closer, closer, and over the widow's yard,
Over the thatched roof crumbles with fire.
And the black-browed widow will immediately close the window;
Only kisses and words are heard in the room...
The phenomenon, in a word, is not uncommon.

Actually, I already have one story about a flyer, and there are many similar ones on the site. In hard times, this phenomenon was observed often. I repeat: fairy tales about the flyer are composed, and scientific articles have been written.
And, probably, everything has already been said on this topic, but I will tell one more story, I will share ...
It was during the difficult war years. “Funerals” flew into the houses by the thousands. Great grief covered cities and villages: women howled and lamented for their dead husbands, orphaned children wandered along the roads, asking for alms for Christ. A sea of ​​human suffering and tears! That was really where the evil spirits roam!
In the village where my father was born, the girl lived, Nastya. Seventeen years old. She got married on the eve of the war.

Good day, my dear residents of my favorite site! Do not be offended that I am so familiar - dear, but all the good words are sorted out, I just got ... dear. It was Hilda’s story that “moved me” to tell this story, I commented on it a little, but then decided to write it as a separate story. Moreover, I heard it not from the thirtieth lips, but from the second, namely from my beloved grandmother Alexandra Makarovna Strakevich, may her memory be blessed. The case took place in one of the Siberian villages, or rather, villages, because there is a church there (therefore, it is considered a village). In memory of my grandmother, I will try to tell the story on her behalf.
... No, nothing like that is happening in the village now, but during the war, and after, it was the case ... It was with Manka Evstropova, it was just after the war.


This story took place on New Year's Eve. Children merrily circled around the Christmas tree in the company of the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus. Baba Yaga and Leshy infected everyone with their incendiary dance. More and more guests arrived at the celebration, and no one noticed how the Fire Serpent slowly crept into the hall. He immediately began to make his way to the Christmas tree, along the way licking various New Year's garbage with his tongue. The hall was filled with smoke, but everyone continued to have fun. Here the long tongue of the cunning Serpent has already reached the wiring of the electric garland and got lost among the multi-colored lights. But most of all, he wanted to reach the top of the tree, where the star sparkled.

But the insidious Fire Serpent triumphed early. He did not know that young firefighters were on duty in the hall, and they had previously hidden a thick Cloth, Sand and a Fire Extinguisher under the tree. The first to smell the smoke and noticing a fiery tongue among the branches, the young firefighters boldly entered into battle with the malicious Serpent, using hidden fire extinguishers. The Fire Extinguisher was especially helpful, spitting foam at the Fire Serpent so diligently that he hissed from impotence and anger and began to slowly retreat. The Cloth and Sand did not retreat either: they attacked the Serpent from all sides. Sand climbed into his eyes, clogged his nostrils and ears. The unfortunate villain sneezed and coughed, wriggled and dodged, but, to the delight of those present, became smaller and smaller. The guests hurried to help the young firefighters: Grandmother Metelitsa waved her long sleeves, the Snow Queen breathed cold on him, and the Serpent hissed with anger with his last strength and disappeared. Only a small pile of ash and a puff of smoke remained. And the overjoyed Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden gave the young firefighters the best gifts from their bag for their courage and resourcefulness. That is how the story ends happily.

Proverbs and sayings:

Fire is born from a spark.

Don't play with fire, you might get burned.

Matches do not touch the fire in them.

A small match burns down a large forest and a house.

A match is invisible and fire is a giant.

If you let the fire go, you won't put it out.

Who plays with fire, he burns in the fire.

The traveler must have bread, and the shepherd must have fire.

Smart fire - heat, stupid - burn.

Fire does not believe in tears.

Don't touch the fire - you won't burn your hand.

Don't play with fire, don't start a fire.

You can't argue with fire and water.

Fire never saturates.

Fire is both friend and foe.

Fire is not water - it will cover you, you won’t swim out, your belongings won’t float.

Smoke is worse than fire.

They run away from the fire, and suffocate from the smoke.

The ax cuts, but the fire burns down with the root.

Beware, don't get burned!

Relay game "Fire Shield".

(shield layout)

Remember the names, purpose, order of objects on the shield.

Consolidate knowledge "What to do in case of fire"

1st relay "Fire equipment in place"

At the start there is a different inventory. Each participant in the game in turn chooses an object that should be on the shield. When reaching the finish line, he tries to place it correctly on the board.

2nd relay race "Extinguish the fire"

At the finish line there are red balloons symbolizing fire. Each player takes fire equipment, runs to the finish line, simulates extinguishing, takes a ball, brings it to the start. When the last ball is brought to the start, the fire is extinguished.

3rd relay "Rescuers"

Evacuation of dolls from the fire zone. It is necessary to crawl, “escaping from the smoke”, under the tables to the “place of fire”, carefully pick up the doll and “take it out of the fire”. Recall the rules of behavior in a fire, that it is unacceptable to hide under the bed, in the closet and other places.

4th relay "Fire number - 01"

You need to run to the phone, dial the fire department and report a fire, give the address.

5th relay race "The crew is one family"

The captain of the team begins the “departure to the fire”, holding a hoop in front of him - an improvised steering wheel of a fire truck. He runs around the obstacle at the finish line, returns to the start, captures one participant with fire equipment in the “fire truck”. Children should hold on to the hoop with one hand. It is important not only to come to the start, but so that no one falls, falls behind, or loses equipment. Then one by one leave in place and put the inventory in place.

Story-conversation, reading "Fire" S.Ya.Marshak.

A long time ago, man made fire. Years passed, thousands of years and people gradually learned to use the power of fire to keep warm, cook food, make machines work ... but at the same time they learned the destructive power of fire: people died in the flames, houses, crops, livestock, forests, entire villages and even cities.

Fire from a good servant of man could turn into a harsh judge of people's carelessness. Therefore, it is necessary that each person be careful in handling fire, be careful near electric heaters, fireplaces and stoves. Pranks with matches, lighters, candles are dangerous. Often, misfortune can happen at the New Year tree, if you use candles or sparklers instead of electric garlands, arrange fireworks in the apartment.

If you are left alone at home, then when smoke or fire appears, you must either call the fire brigade yourself by phone, wait for an answer and tell your address or contact your apartment neighbors on the landing. It is unacceptable to hide in secluded places in the apartment. Better run out of the apartment.


  1. What does the poet tell us in this poem? (about the fire in the house, ...)

  2. What caused the fire? (Lena dropped the coal on the floor, ..)

  3. Who came to help? What is the name of the profession of people who put out fires? (firefighters)

  4. Who else was saved by firefighter Kuzma (cat)

  5. What else can cause a fire in an apartment? (from matches that fell on the floor, from the iron, if they forgot to turn it off, if they didn’t turn off the gas, and then lit a match or just turned on the light, then there will even be an explosion, ....)
S.Ya. Marshak


On the market square

At the fire station

All day long

There is a soldier at the booth.

Looks around -

On North,

To the west,

To the East, -

Do you see smoke?
Mother went to the market

Daughter Lena said:

"Don't touch the stove, Lenochka.

It burns, Lenochka, fire!"
Only mother came down from the porch,

Lena sat down in front of the stove,

Looks into the red crack,

And the fire sings - hums:

"Today there is little space in the stove,

There was nowhere to roam!

Mom, Lenochka, do not believe.

Open the door a little!"
Lena opened the door.

The fire jumped from the log,

Burned the floor in front of the stove

Climb up the tablecloth on the table,

Ran over the chairs with a bang,

Crawled up the curtains

The walls were covered in smoke

Licks the floor and ceiling.
Poor Lena became scared.

Lena ran out into the hallway,

The door closed behind you

And the fire roars: "Open!"

He blew smoke through the crack in the door,

He stuck his hand into the hole.

Lena rushed into the yard,

From the yard - through the fence ...

And the fire is getting higher and higher.

The cat rushes about on the roof.
From neighboring gates

People run out

Who is with a jug, who is with a bucket -

Pour a burning house.

Fire! Fire!

From the window to the pavement

A featherbed falls into a puddle,

Armchair, stove and picture,

Gramophone and samovar...

Guard! Fire! Fire!
On the market square

On the fire tower -

Ding dong, ding dong

There is a loud chime.

The work starts

The gates open

convoy is gathering,

They pull a ladder, a pump.

From the gate without a wire

Barrels come out with a crash.

Here is the first horse

Jumped over the pavement.
And behind him a squad of firefighters

In radiant copper helmets

Flew through the market

On the way to the fire...
And the fire is higher, higher,

Coming out from under the roof

Looks around,

Waving red sleeve.

"Who took it!" - shouts to the people, -

Break the glass! Pour water!

I'll run across the rooftops

I'll set fire to the whole city!"
But it's close on the road

Drogs rush in a string.

Leaping ahead

Out of breath trumpeter.

In front of the house in clouds of dust

The horses were stopped.
Sleeve turned up

Clamping his copper mouth.

The elastic sleeve hissed,

All shook from the strain

And when the faucet was turned on

The fountain went up high.

Hey, brigade, don't yawn!

Download, download!
Evil fire roars and blazes,

He threw two firefighters off the roof

And the axeman Kuzma

I wanted to suffocate in smoke.

But Kuzma is an old firefighter,

Fighting fires for twenty years

Saved forty souls from death

Fell off the roof ten times.

He's not afraid of anything

He beats the fire with his mitten,

Boldly climbs the wall.

The helmet glows on fire.
Suddenly on the roof from under the Beam

Someone's cry was heard pitiful,

And across the fire

Kuzma climbed into the attic.

He stuck his head out the window.

I looked ... Yes, it's a cat!

"You'll be lost here in the fire.

Get in my pocket!"
Flames rage wide.

Scattered with tongues

Licks nearby houses...

Kuzma fights back.

Looking for a way in n name,

Calls the younger ones for help.

And rush to his call

Ten brave fellows.
They destroy the beams with axes,

Fires are extinguished from hoses.

thick black cloud

Smoke follows them...

The flame rushes about and gets angry,

Running away like a fox.

A fire gut

Chases the beast from the attic.
Here the logs have turned black ...

Evil fire hisses from the crack:

"Spare me, Kuzma,

I won't burn houses!"
"Shut up, insidious fire! -

The fireman tells him:

You will remember Kuzma!

I will put you in jail.

You will live only in the oven,

Only in a lamp and on a candle!"
Here is the fire for the last time

Angry - and went out.
On the panel at the gate

The people are waiting for saviors.
Just saw Kuzma,

With a cry they rushed to him -

They hug, they ask for a visit,

They bring him pies.

"Oh, Kuzma, you are our Kuzma,

Saved us today at home!

Dear firefighter,

We are forever grateful!"
On the bench at the gate

Lena sheds bitter tears.

Poor Lena's house burned down -

Ceilings, floors and walls,

Cat, doll and bed.

There will be nowhere to sleep at night.

And in addition to her for the prank

Got it from parents.
The girl is crying sobbing.

And Kuzma says to her:

"Crying, young lady, it's not worth it,

A new house will be built for you.

Your cat has been saved.

Admire - here it is!"
Lena tightly squeezed the cat

And calmed down a bit.
From the gate on the pavement

The rider departs.

And behind him a squad of firefighters

In radiant copper helmets

Drives slowly back.

Barrels, jumping, rattle.

Here is Kuzma sitting on the droges.

He's got burnt face

Bloody forehead, black eye.

It's not the first time for him!

He worked hard -

Handled the fire well!

Diagnostics of the level of knowledge of children

for fire safety
Pedagogical diagnostics is the determination of the quality, productivity of the educational process, its state and results, the analysis of cause-and-effect relationships and the assessment, according to certain criteria and indicators, of the degree of achievement of the goals and objectives of teaching and educating children.

As a result of a qualitative and quantitative analysis of pedagogical facts and phenomena, one can draw a conclusion about the causes of a particular state of the pedagogical process, give recommendations for its correction.

The main method for diagnosing children's knowledge of fire safety is observation and conversation with children.

Diagnostic material M. N. Sosunkevich

Diagnostic material for educators to determine the level of knowledge of older preschool children about fire safety rules

Test number 1. "Isolation of the essential"

Instruction: a phrase and a number of words are proposed: it is necessary to highlight two words that are most significant for the phrase.

Fire truck (wheel, steering wheel, pump, man, tank)

Pump, cistern

Fire department (commander, house, dispatcher, gate, car)

Dispatcher, Commander

Fire shield (crowbar, ladder, gaff, helmet, fire extinguisher)

Scrap, gaff

Fire-retardant suit (helmet, gas mask, raincoat, tarpaulin, sleeve)

Helmet, gas mask

Communication means (walkie-talkie, letter, telephone, telegram, signal)

Phone, walkie-talkie

Causes of fire (matches, water, earth, electrical appliance, children)

Matches, electrical appliance

Firemen's assistants (human, fire, dog, car, earth)

man, dog

Processing of the received results

Children who correctly completed the tasks have the ability to highlight the essential features of objects, have knowledge about the work of firefighters. For each correctly completed task - 1 point. Additional information (about color, quality of the subject on the topic) - 2 points.

Test number 2. "Awareness."

Instruction: it is proposed to complete the unfinished sentence.

Work in the fire department (who?) ... (firefighters, dispatcher, squad leader ...)

The work of firefighters (what?) ... (difficult, necessary, dangerous, interesting ...)

Firefighters should be (what?) ... (strong, courageous, dexterous, courageous, resourceful ...)

Firefighters save from fire (what? who?) ... (houses, forests, people, farms, animals ...)

Firefighters put on (what?) ... (fire-retardant suit, hard hat, gas mask ...)

The fire truck is equipped with (what?)… (cistern, mechanical ladder, pump, walkie-talkie, signal lights, horn, fire hoses with barrels…)

To report a fire, you need (what to do?) ... (call "01", give the address ...)

On the fire shield there is (what?) ... (crowbar, hook, bucket, ax, fire extinguisher ...)

Fires happen if people (what do they do?) ... (play with matches, leave electrical appliances, a gas stove unattended, do not follow fire safety rules ...)

People who especially distinguished themselves in extinguishing a fire are awarded (what?) ... (medal "For Courage in a Fire" ...)

For each complete and correct answer - 2 points, for the correct answer - 1 point

Test number 3. "Generalization"

Instruction: it is proposed to generalize objects on any basis.

Matches, fire, electrical appliances are the culprits of (what?) (fire)

Pump, tank, walkie-talkie - this is equipment (for what?) (of a fire engine)

A bucket, a hook, an ax - this is (what?) (items for a fire shield, for extinguishing a fire)

Helmet, gas mask, flame retardant suit - this is (what?) (firefighters clothing)

Commander, dispatcher, fireman - this is (who?) (fire department workers)

Processing of the received results.

For each correct answer - 1 point.

Painting by A. Fantalov. "Fire Serpent".

The collector and researcher of Russian folklore Ivan Petrovich Sakharov (1807-1863), who published three volumes of Tales of the Russian People about the Family Life of Their Ancestors, wrote: “Everyone in Russia knows what a marvel is - a fiery serpent. Everyone knows why he is flying and where he flies, but no one dares to talk about it out loud. The fire serpent is not his brother, he has no mercy: certain death from one blow. And what to expect from evil spirits! It would seem that he has no reason to fly to the red maidens, but the villagers know why he flies, and they say that if the fiery serpent loves the maiden, then his sweetheart is incurable forever. No one undertakes to scold or dissuade such a sweetheart ... "

The transformation of a fiery serpent into a man, according to Sakharov, occurs as follows: “Everyone sees how a fiery serpent flies through the air and burns with unquenchable fire, and not everyone knows that as soon as he descends into the chimney, he will find himself in the hut a young man of unspeakable strength. Not loving, you will love, not praising, you will praise, the old women say, when a girl envies such a fine fellow. He knows how to fool, the villain, the soul of the red maiden with greetings. He, the destroyer, will delight the young woman with a speech. He will play, ruthless, with a zealous girlish heart, he will melt, barbarian, scarlet lips on honey, on sugar. From his kisses, the red maiden burns with a ruddy dawn; from his greetings, the red maiden blooms with a red sun! Villagers often noticed those huts where fiery snakes fly, and suspect women of carnal cohabitation with a demon.

But people also noticed something else - the consequences of sinful relationships with the undead, when women became pregnant from such intercourses and even gave birth to someone unknown ...

Here is what I. P. Sakharov writes about this: “He dries, he chills the red girl to the point of languor. Whether from that unclean force, an unclean offspring is born in the girl (unclean, devilish, satanic, worthless - according to the dictionary of Vl. Dahl). From anguish, from grief, the heart of the father and mother is tearing, which was born in the red maiden, the offspring of an ugly one. They curse, scold the brainchild of a nekosh with a great oath: do not live in this world, do not be like a human being! It would burn his century in seething resin, in unquenchable fire! With that oath, then the child, cursed, without time without time, disappears from the womb. And he, the accursed one, is carried away by the unclean to far away lands, to the farthest kingdom. And there, too, the cursed brainchild is called Kikimora exactly in seven weeks. Kikimora lives, grows with a magician in the stone mountains ... "

Now, in hindsight, we ufologists-researchers already know that some of the types of aliens use earthly women as surrogate mothers or some kind of incubators and after about three months the embryo is removed from the woman’s uterus so that the cultivation can be continued in special laboratories with the creation of all the necessary physiological conditions for growth. But now we know something. From eyewitnesses, from doctors, according to hypnosis, according to ultrasound ... However, to read about the same in the testimonies of our ancestors ... This fact leads to difficult thoughts. And conspiracies and oaths were, most likely, nothing to do with it: this is just the technology for growing hybrids - they, as it now becomes clear, are brought to light exactly three months old. _

Sometimes, folklore testifies, “children not born” were born with their own eyes. They were supposedly with a big head and a big belly, ugly, stupid, unsociable and usually disappeared somewhere in the forest.

Don't those old stories remind us of the situation with the birth of a baby by Valya Nightingale from Kazakhstan? After all, according to the testimony of the woman in labor, “the aliens took him,” and the young woman does not even remember under what circumstances this happened.

In Russian settlements, in addition to the "fiery serpent", the same phenomenon was often also called the "Maniac". "The maniac has flown!" - said the then peasants, seeing the fireball. “This is how the villagers call shooting stars…” Sakharov explains. - Our villagers tell different legends about Maniac. Some say that the Maniac always falls from the sky into the yard where the girl lost her innocence. Others claim that unclean spirits fly in his form, visiting lonely women when their husbands set off on a long journey to earn money. Then, at the sight of the Maniac, they say: “Amen, crumble!” Still others assured with fear that it was the damned people who were wandering and that they were wandering from place to place until they were forgiven ... "

Another famous Russian collector of fairy tales and legends, A. Afanasiev, did not pass by this topic either. He writes: “The serpent, the commoners say, flies through the heavens, breathing flames; above the familiar hut, he crumbles with sparks and through the pipe appears in front of his chosen friend and turns into a fine fellow ... The fruit of the ties of wives with snakes are extraordinary children, and heroes are sorcerers and kikimors.

My colleague in research on the anomalous, Aleksey Konstantinovich Priyma, believes that the legendary fiery snakes are nothing more than modern UFOs, and the “red fellow” is the “flying saucer” operator, or enlonaut (11). In her book “Meetings with Inhumans”, Priyma cites a story that was told by the inhabitants of the village of Peshkovo, Chita Region, to the folklorist Zinoviev in the sixties of the last XX century. Allegedly, the fiery serpent flew to their fellow villager Lydia, and she, by the way, did not renounce this fact, and before that, during the Second World War, he also visited a woman named Pasha. The stranger appeared to her in the guise of her husband Yakov, who had gone to fight the Nazis.

Pasha was very afraid that her husband would die in the war, she cried every day, she was killed for her husband. And soon, according to local residents, "the kite began to fly towards her." Lzheyakov appeared only at night. He lay down next to Pasha. and demanded feminine caresses.

At first, Pasha was overjoyed at the return of her husband. She decided that he had deserted and was hiding in the taiga from the authorities. But then she got suspicious. Once she was stroking her “husband” on the head and found many large bumps on it. She even told her Lzheyakov about it, but he kept silent. And the woman remembered the stories of her compatriots that they saw the flights of a fiery serpent over the village, and just recently ...

Alarmed, Pasha told his brother's wife, Elizaveta Maksimovna, about everything. She agreed to spend the night in her hut to make sure that what was happening was real. And now both women, having put Pasha's three young children to bed, themselves settled down on the Russian stove. After some time, a bright flash illuminated the hut, and Lzheyakov appeared before the women. Paying no attention to Lizaveta Maksimovna, the demon began to reprimand Yakov's wife with the strongest words: they say, it was impossible to tell anyone about his visits to her, he de sternly warned about this ... Having yelled and raged, the stranger suddenly disappeared - melted into the air.

And the women heard a terrible roar in the passage ... In the morning, as soon as dawn broke, they realized that they could not leave the hut: the door did not open. They raised a cry, Yakov’s brother Ivan, other neighbors came running ... And they were amazed: a huge pile of firewood, piled near the hut under a canopy, turned out to be all in the hallway, to the last log ... So the whole village found out about this event, there were a lot of witnesses of what happened.

PhD in History Lyudmila Lavrenieva and Tatyana Shchepanskaya, employees of the Moscow Academy of Ethnography of the Russian Academy of Sciences (20), have undertaken their own investigation of the legendary legends about the fiery serpent - Zmeya Zmeevich.

This character of folk demonology, it turns out, is very common in Russian villages from the Volga region to Polissya, as well as in other parts of the country, right up to Siberia. It is said that this undead flies in, scattering sparks, to lonely women yearning for a husband or lover. Pelageya Mikhailovna, a resident of the Vyatka village of Vorobyeva Gora, told the folklorist-researcher Tatyana Shchepanskaya that she herself observed, when she left the hut in winter, how “the fire flies like a sheaf, and suddenly crumbles, sparks fly out ... and another time I saw the same thing when I threshed bread".

Eyewitnesses usually testify that IT looks like a sheaf, a bunch, a broom, a fireball or a snake with a tail of golden sparks. As a rule, they saw him flying into the chimney and, for some reason, it was precisely in the houses where single women who were left without a husband lived (he died, went to work, went into the army, and disappeared without making himself known for a long time). They tell the same story in different places: “And people see how the fiery serpent flies across the sky - and right into the chimney. And she will go down to the house and introduce herself as a man, like her husband ... ”As if he goes into the upper room, hugs, kisses a woman who has been waiting for, lies down with her in bed, treats her with gingerbread ... Such visits could, according to legend, have a tragic outcome: one Vyatka young woman is fiery the guest, they say, took her to the bathhouse and put her on a hot stove, after which she died. The other lost weight and languished for a long time, abandoned the house, the children ran around the village ragged and dirty, begging in other people's houses. After a while there was a fire, and she herself burned down in the house. For this reason, in some places in the villages, single women were looked after and, if they noticed something was wrong, they performed a ceremony to ward off an intruder.

People also noticed that fire flyers were especially active during the period of Stalinist repressions. The arrested peasants perished in the Gulag camps, leaving their young wives to yearn. “My sister-in-law lived,” says Pelageya Yakovlevna from the same Vyatka village. - They took a peasant from her - a Trotskyist, or something? .. And she became homesick: she would go into the fence, sit ... They ask her: “Why did you go there?” And she says: “Yakov came. He gave me a present, biscuits...“ Slowly she began to go crazy. Then, - the narrator continues, - my husband says: “It’s not Yakov who comes to you, long-haired (as the goblin was called in those places for his tall stature) goes.” They began to convince her not to go into the fence. They guarded her, they didn’t let her in ... ”Sometimes this guest showed himself too materially for a ghost: either he ate pancakes baked in the evening by the hostess, then in the morning after his visit, the neighbors saw bruises on her arm. At night, she drove the children away from her so that they would sleep separately, and the children would hear their mother talking to someone at night, laughing, whispering. In Polissya, the birth of illegitimate children is still sometimes explained by the visits of the fiery undead, and therefore they are not too surprised at the disappearance of such children, who should, apparently, be ghostly, like their parent.

To ward off the enchanting guest, relatives and neighbors performed various magical actions: they stuck rowan branches at the door (there seem to be crosses on rowan berries that scare away evil spirits), they nailed a collar and a horseshoe, drew crosses with charcoal ... In the old book "Abevega of Russian Superstitions", published in 1786, its author M. D. Chulkov wrote that in the beliefs of the 18th century, fiery snakes are “devils that fly and tempt women.” It is believed that this creature is much older and more complex than, say, the image of the same devil ...

Folk mythology is, in fact, the testimony of eyewitnesses who encountered inexplicable things and interpreted what was happening in their own way. However, it is not necessary to brush aside, to deny some events, albeit incredible from a modern point of view. We ourselves are now confronted with phenomena even more striking and mysterious, leaving quite material traces. And the reader in the future will have the opportunity to verify that on the facts of this study.

It is not worth saying that, perhaps, it is no coincidence that in fairy tales quite often snakes kidnap princesses and “red maidens”, that good fellows and the same princes fight with them. Apparently, something like that was noticed by people. Even in serious literary works that have been left to us as a legacy from the XIV-XV centuries, they speak of something similar, but not in a fabulous form, but in the form of a legend, historical evidence. Such, for example, is "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom" - a literary monument of Ancient Russia (21).

The story begins like this: “Behold, in the Russian land, there is a city called Moore. In it, there was no autocratic and noble prince, as if I would tell, by the name of Paul. From time immemorial, hating the good of the human race, the devil instilled the hostile flying serpent to the wife of that prince for fornication.

If we translate into modern language the story of the serpent, which is difficult to read because of the antiquity of the language, it turns out that the serpent took the form of the husband of an unfortunate woman and performed intercourse with her. But the princess suspected something in this situation and told her lawful spouse everything. By order of Paul, Fevronia managed to cunningly extort the secret of the death of the serpent from the "hostile charmer", and he "speak the secret to her, saying": "My death is from Peter's shoulder, from Agrikov's sword!" Agrik in Russia was called a fabulous hero, who possessed a myriad of weapons, among which was a sword-treasurer. Since Prince Peter was Pavel's brother, and the miraculous Agrikov's sword was immured in the wall of the Vozdvizhensky Monastery, everything was decided simply. Peter got the treasured sword and waylaid the serpent, chopping it to pieces. But ... he was spattered with the blood of a serpent and covered with scabs and ulcers, from which he could not heal for a long time.

The narrative ends with the message that both Peter and Fevronia, after all these upheavals, went to the monastery, putting on “monastic robes”. “And the blessed Prince Peter was named David in the monastic rank, and the venerable Princess Fevronia was named Euphrosyne in the monastic rank.”

Interestingly, the legend told in the story of Peter and Fevronia has similar plots in Western European literature. Researchers find much in common in the Russian story with the song about the battle of Sigurd with the snake Fafnar and about the union of this hero with the things of the maiden. There is especially much in common in individual episodes and the storyline in the story of Tristan and Isolde, which gave opera and theatrical action known to the world. In the later records of folklore collectors, an oral tradition about Fevronia was preserved, but not from Murom, but from the village of Laskovo, Ryazan Region. Researchers have suggested that the name of Peter should mean Prince David Yuryevich, who reigned in Murom from 1204 to 1228. However, there is another opinion - that the prototype of Peter was Prince Peter of Murom, who lived at the beginning of the XIV century, the founder of the boyars Ovtsyn and Volodimerov.

But I'm thinking: what to do with the snake, or rather, with persistent stories about this creature? Already a very common, quite recognizable image is guessed behind him. Why are the folklore of different countries, myths, fairy tales, and finally, the Bible replete with episodes with giant snakes? Why has this strange character been accompanying humanity since time immemorial?

After all, many now admit that any myths, traditions and legends often had a very real basis, only slightly altered, half-forgotten in some details ...

Without delving deeply into the essence of the issue, I easily found some works related to the hypothesis of the possible existence of a serpentoid civilization that preceded the human one. The possible existence of a reptile civilization is directly indicated by the chapter of the Mahabharata - "Burning snakes." There we are talking about the existence of a snake power. It is possible, as follows from the Mahabharata, that the civilization of snakes could fly in unusual ways beyond the control of man. For example, when the serpent Takshaka, as follows from the description of the Mahabharata, killed the king of the people Parikshit with his bite, he flew into the sky, leaving a trail of reverse jet, like jet aircraft:

Then the mighty Takshaka soared into the sky,

Like a living fire-breathing cloud

And the lotus is reminiscent of color,

Behind him the strip stretched straight,

Similar to a woman's hair parting ...

And, punishing for the death of his father, his son Janamejaya performs the sacrificial burning of snakes.

In Greek mythology, images of snakes and snake-like ones are also found - for example, gigantomachias. Suffice it to recall the famous sculptural group "Laocoon", created by ancient masters in the period BC based on ancient Greek myths.

The biblical evidence speaks of the intelligence and cunning of the tempting serpent: “The serpent was more cunning than all the beasts of the field that the Lord God had made” (Genesis 3:1). Apparently, for a man created by God, the serpentoid civilization was hostile, and people entered into a fight with giant snakes.

In connection with the persistent mention of snakes in many myths and religions, the Russian researcher Anatoly Stegalin put forward a hypothesis about the existence of a snake-like civilization in the distant past of the Earth. At the same time, according to Stegalin, the main tool of labor for snakes was not a stone and a stick, but ... extrasensory abilities. For millions of years of its existence, such a creature could master the possibility of superfine manipulation of the consciousness of lower animals. It is not without reason that the hypnotizing gaze of snakes is everywhere spoken of, especially such large ones as, for example, a boa constrictor.

It is likely that, giving way to man, the serpentoid race passed into another dimension, and the memory of it remained in myths, legends, tales and in the Bible. But it is possible that serpentoids, if desired, can also appear in our three-dimensional world.

Traces of the serpentoid activity can be traced in mythology on all continents. Everywhere you can find mention of snakes, dragons, creatures both good and evil, but in any case very wise and long-lived. Their list is impressive: the feathered serpent of the Aztecs, the fiery serpent of the Russians, Chinese dragons, European dragons that abducted beauties, and finally the well-known biblical serpent.

In Russian folklore there is also a snake named Gorynych, who left a deep mark in the memory of the people through poetic tales and legends.

If you take the book by M. Zabelin “Russian people. His customs, rituals, legends, superstitions and poetry ”(22), then among the prayers and conspiracies there is also“ A conspiracy from a serpent flying into houses ”. "... You, Lord, from the servant of God (name) and from her house drive away the flying serpent of fire and the spirit of the unclean touching day, night, noon and morning, and evening, hour and minute, all the unclean power, turn him away from all her thoughts and thoughts, visions and dreams, actions and wills ... "- appears in that conspiracy.

If it was read, passed on among the people from generation to generation, then there were facts! But it seems that there was also help from prayers, otherwise they would have been forgotten as ineffective.

By the way, there are legends about snakes in almost all European countries. In Bulgaria, in the village of Zmeyovo, not far from the city of Stara Zagora, local residents claim that their ancestors were people of “sazhen height”, that is, 2.13 meters, because in the old days one woman from the village married a snake. They called her the Snake for this. Moreover, it was believed that it was easy to find out when a woman conceived "from a snake": she carries the fetus not for 9, but for 10 or even 11 months!

Belimov G.S. Proximity with aliens. Secrets of contacts of the 6th kind