Anna Mironova

Reading time: 11 minutes


One of the oldest types of non-traditional diet - vegetarianism - is followed today by more than a billion people. Disputes about its shortcomings and pluses will not subside, probably never. Some consider vegetarianism a panacea for all diseases, others consider it a mental illness. What is the truth? In what cases will vegetarianism be beneficial, and in what cases will it negatively affect health?

The essence of vegetarianism, types of vegetarianism

Contrary to the opinions of fierce opponents of vegetarianism, it is not a fashionable diet or a mental disorder - the roots of vegetarianism stretch from the distant past, and the general meaning lies in a certain philosophy and way of life . Vegetarianism is closely related to, often these philosophies merge into one lifestyle.

The essence of this system is the use of vegetable or vegetable-milk foods for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

What attracts people to vegetarianism, what does it include?

  • Deep religious and philosophical meaning.
  • Desire to get rid of certain diseases.
  • Desire to lose weight.
  • A categorical refusal to eat "our smaller brothers" .

Most fans of this nutrition system note such results as weight loss and the frequency of nervous conditions, mood improvement, disappearance of abdominal pain and normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.

The main types of vegetarianism

  • The strictest form is veganism. The bottom line is the rejection of any food of animal origin. The menu of vegans includes vegetables, cereals with nuts, fruits and products of their processing. From drinks - water, herbal teas and infusions, juices from fruits / vegetables, rarely - tea / coffee. Salt intake is limited. Alcohol and other store-bought drinks are not consumed. Sugar is replaced by jam and honey.
  • Flexitarianism- a good option. A nutrition system approved by almost all nutritionists. You can eat everything a little bit, the emphasis is on fruits / vegetables. The basis of the diet is plant foods. Once a week or two, meat and seafood are allowed, once a day - dairy. With sweets - like with meat.
  • Pescetarianism- the nutrition scheme is similar to the previous one, but fish is also present in the diet.
  • Lacto-ovo vegetarianism. The nutritional system according to the scheme is eggs, dairy and vegetable products.
  • Fruitarianism. The bottom line is eating berries, seeds, cereals, nuts, vegetables / fruits - that is, products that do not require destruction.
  • Raw food diet. In the diet - only plant foods, without any processing.

All other options, including all those that have appeared recently, are a combination of the above.

Health Benefits of Vegetarianism - Who benefits from vegetarianism?

The opinions of experts on this issue are not particularly divergent. If vegetarianism includes fish, milk and eggs, then it may well be used, but in the second half of life (from 30-40 years old) .

What diseases and who will benefit from vegetarianism (as part of the treatment, for a short time):

  • With atherosclerosis.
  • With hypertension, coronary heart disease.
  • With type 2 diabetes.
  • With arthritis, arthrosis and osteoporosis.
  • In the presence of stones in the gallbladder.
  • With obesity and poor circulation.
  • With cirrhosis of the liver and gout.
  • With pyelonephritis .

Of the indisputable advantages of vegetarianism, the following can be noted:

  • Minimum calories. That is, vegetarianism combined with fitness is the easiest way to maintain optimal weight.
  • Toxin cleansing.
  • Easy assimilation/digestion of food.
  • Normalization of cholesterol levels and strengthening immunity.
  • Strengthening blood vessels.
  • An abundance of essential vitamins and phytoncides.

Harm of vegetarianism, possible consequences of vegetarianism; Who is not allowed to be vegetarian?

The main thing to remember: strict vegetarianism is allowed only for completely healthy people. Gentle vegetarianism will only benefit with a balanced menu. Read: .

Cons and consequences of vegetarianism:

  • Risk of developing iron deficiency anemia . The reason: the iron contained in plant foods is poorly absorbed.
  • Lack of vitamin B12 in plant foods (it is found only in products of animal origin) can lead to serious disorders of the nervous system.
  • Proteins are the main building material for tissues and cells of the body. It is with their help that enzymes and hormones are produced. AND vegetable proteins (in particular, soy), of course, are inferior to animals .
  • Deficiency of vitamin D, calcium and iodine with zinc - the main problem of vegans.
  • The complete rejection of fish leads to omega-3 deficiency etc. Which, in turn, threatens the development of cataracts and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Excess fiber interferes with protein absorption.
  • The pancreas gets hit .
  • A raw food diet makes the body function in extreme conditions .
  • The risk of developing hypovitaminosis, protein deficiency and dysbiosis.

To whom is vegetarianism contraindicated?

  • First of all, children. Both meat and fish are indispensable components of the children's diet. Without them, full physical development and growth is impossible.
  • Expectant and lactating mothers. The loss of nutrients during pregnancy needs to be compensated, and the crumbs may be allergic to certain products from the list of plant foods.
  • Athletes. Their diet must be strictly balanced, and animal proteins are more valuable for the diet than vegetable proteins.
  • To old people (because of the high risk of osteoporosis).
  • Women in the postmenopausal period. In this case, the vegetarian diet does not satisfy the body's high need for calcium, which is very necessary for this period.
  • People in the postoperative period .

Vegetarianism is also contraindicated in:

  • Asthenic syndrome.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Diabetes mellitus type 1.
  • Systemic diseases.
  • Colitis.
  • Chronic and acute pancreatitis.
  • cholecystitis.
  • Gastritis, peptic ulcer and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Gout.

All people are different. Vegetarianism will benefit someone, for someone it may not turn out to be the most pleasant consequences. Therefore, the choice in this matter is an individual matter, requiring a clear balance, and in some cases - doctor's control.

The site site warns: all the information provided is for informational purposes only, and is not a medical recommendation. Before you make vegetarianism your diet, be sure to consult your doctor!

Adherents of strict vegetarianism argue that the exclusion from the diet of meat and other products of animal origin does not adversely affect either the well-being or the state of the body as a whole. However, science has proven that a person is neither a herbivore nor exclusively a predator - the whole complex of substances necessary for health can only be obtained if a balanced, organized diet is included with the inclusion of all useful products.

With vegetarianism, this balance is slightly disturbed, so this system, with its undoubted benefits, also has disadvantages, and in some cases can seriously harm health.


Harm of vegetarianism

The disadvantages of giving up animal food are primarily due to the fact that it contains trace elements and vitamins that are absent in vegetables, cereals and fruits. Lack of these substances in the diet can lead to metabolic disorders and, as a result, harm health.

  • Iron is one of the most important trace elements that primarily affects the composition of the blood. The maximum of iron is absorbed precisely from the liver, meat and fish rejected by vegetarians. Some of them may object that there is iron in nuts and fruits, but at the same time, plant foods contain tannins, phytates, calcium - everything that can prevent the full absorption of the trace element. From greens, legumes and cereals (spinach, soybeans, rice), a maximum of 7% of iron enters the human body, which is much less than the required intake rate - its deficiency can cause weakness, dizziness, anemia and a general loss of vital energy.
  • Protein is essential for maintaining normal muscle function and connective tissue structure. Contrary to popular belief that legumes contain enough protein and can satisfy the needs of the body in full, it has been found that it is absorbed worse from plant foods (from potatoes - by 65%, from buckwheat - by 60%, from millet - 45%, although animal protein is digested almost completely).
  • Calcium is an extremely important trace element for hair, nails and skeleton. It is believed that it is absorbed better from leafy vegetables than from milk or cottage cheese, but strict vegetarians often have dangerously low levels of calcium.
  • Vitamin B12 - is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. No herbal product can satisfy the need for it in full.

In addition, proper healthy vegetarianism is a rather costly food system. To provide the body with all the necessary substances, the diet must be varied and of high quality, and fruits, vegetables, nuts and cereals are not available to everyone.

Observations of scientists confirm that if the principles of vegetarianism are observed for more than 7 years, there is a significant decrease in immunity and disturbances in the psycho-emotional state, which are expressed in fanatical adherence to one's beliefs and a sharp condemnation of those who do not share them.

And finally, vegetarianism is harmful:

  • People with weakened immune systems.
  • Persons recovering from illness.
  • Children.
  • Pregnant and lactating.
  • People with anemia, osteoporosis, joint diseases, visual impairment.


Benefits of Vegetarianism

However, the rejection of meat also has positive aspects - it is not for nothing that this is not only a nutrition system, but a whole philosophy, the origins of which go back to ancient times. Proponents of vegetarianism note the following advantages:

  • Vegetables, fruits and cereals have a low energy value - they are low in calories, but at the same time healthy and very nutritious. Therefore, their use helps to avoid excess weight and maintain a figure.
  • The high fiber content in vegetarian products has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines and stomach, normalizing and stabilizing all metabolic processes.
  • This nutrition system has an extremely high cleansing potential: toxins and toxins are removed from the body, resistance to diseases is significantly increased.
  • Vegetarianism helps maintain optimal levels of cholesterol and sugar: people with atherosclerosis, cancer, heart disease and diabetes are almost never found among vegetarians.
  • Antioxidants contained in vegetables and fruits maintain skin tone and keep it youthful.
  • Complex carbohydrates, for which vegetables and grains are famous, support excellent energy levels and contribute to an active lifestyle and longevity.
  • A balanced intake of salt, common to all vegetarians, helps maintain vascular health.

In addition, vegetarianism helps to realize oneself as a part of nature and the surrounding world, while feeling harmony - the rejection of meat is nothing but the acceptance of living beings in the most humane way. This approach brings balance and peace of mind.

Safe transition to vegetarianism

Refusal of meat and the transition to plant foods is quite a serious stress for the body, so the adoption of vegetarianism should be approached very thoughtfully.

  1. It is necessary to consult a general practitioner, a gastroenterologist, a nutritionist and a psychologist, take tests and go through all the prescribed examinations to identify diseases in which vegetarianism is contraindicated: these include gastritis and pre-ulcerative conditions of the stomach, colitis, hemoglobin deficiency, pancreatitis. If any of the diseases was detected, it is necessary to be treated before changing the diet, i.e. prepare for this in advance - get rid of existing diseases.
  2. When switching to plant foods, a favorable psycho-emotional background is extremely important: during depression, stress or nervous exhaustion, vegetarianism can only aggravate the harm to the body. The best time to give up meat is a period of calm and well-being, without worries and serious shocks.
  3. You should master the new nutrition system smoothly and gradually, while making the diet as diverse as possible: if legumes - then peas, chickpeas, beans and lentils in turn, if vegetables - then different colors, if dairy products - then curds, and natural yogurts. Step by step, food variety can easily replace the usual meat.
  4. Vegetarianism denies alcohol and smoking: the rejection of bad habits in this case is required.
  5. With such a diet, it is necessary to take vitamins B12 and D, as well as calcium supplements.
  6. And, finally, for everyone who adheres to this nutrition system, regular testing is recommended.

The slightest signs of deterioration in health or well-being require a transition to a more sparing vegetarian diet or a return to the usual food system.


Types of Vegetarianism

To people who are not too familiar with this philosophy, vegetarianism is seen simply as the rejection of animal products. In fact, this power system is divided into several types:

  • Veganism is a complete rejection of animal food in favor of plant food, eating exclusively vegetables, fruits, and cereals.
  • Raw-mono diet - involves the same strict approach to the choice of food as veganism, but at the same time any food subjected to heat treatment is rejected.
  • Fruitarianism is a deeply philosophical approach to nutrition based on the belief that plants can also experience pain. Therefore, fruitarians use only what can be obtained without damaging the plant - fruits, berries, nuts, even excluding root crops.
  • Su vegetarianism - the exclusion of all animal foods and strongly smelling vegetable products (onion, garlic, durian).
  • Sprautarianism is a food system based on the use of germinated grains and legumes.
  • Lacto-ovo vegetarianism is a diet that allows the use of dairy products, eggs and honey.
  • Lacto-vegetarianism - when eating plant foods, both dairy products and honey are acceptable.
  • Ovo-vegetarianism - plant foods, eggs, honey are acceptable.
  • Semi-vegetarianism - allows the use of all products except red meat, fish and poultry are allowed. This system is often referred to as vegetarian-type diets.
  • Pesko-vegetarianism - in addition to plant foods, the use of fish and seafood is allowed.
  • Macrobiotic diet - based on the consumption of legumes, grains, fruits and vegetables, with particular preference for seaweed and daikon.

Of all the above areas, nutritionists most welcome lacto-ovo-vegetarianism, lacto-vegetarianism, pesco-vegetarianism and semi-vegetarianism - according to experts, these food systems can be considered the most balanced: the use of plant, dairy foods and seafood can satisfy the human body's need for vitamins and minerals almost completely.

Veganism, a raw food diet and fruitarianism, on the contrary, are marked by rather harsh criticism: nutritionists are sure that eating according to these systems can lead to a deficiency of many important trace elements, and, as a result, health problems.

Many people do not eat meat, considering vegetarianism to be healthy. The benefits and harms of such nutrition require careful consideration. By completely forbidding oneself to eat meat protein, a person risks making his diet unbalanced. Supporters of this nutrition system believe that only vegetarianism can restore and preserve people's health. Its benefits and harms have been studied for many years, which allows us to draw some conclusions.

Often people come to the rejection of meat, not wanting to eat living beings. Vegetable food also makes it softer, because the nature of nutrition affects not only health, but also its behavior. Moreover, vegetarians believe that meat products contain substances that have an exciting effect on the psyche, leading to conflicts, and are addictive, being a kind of drug. For an experienced vegetarian, a meat dish has an effect similar to that of alcohol. This fact is noted by scientists who study how vegetarianism, the benefits or harms of which cause so much controversy, affects the health of its adherents. At the same time, people who have begun to eat purely plant foods stop complaining about nervousness and notice an improvement in mood.

Vegetarians are less at risk of hypertension, atherosclerosis, diseases of the digestive system. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates from plant foods are less digestible than from animal foods, so a person feels full faster. This allows you to avoid excess calories and problems with being overweight. Vegetarianism, the benefits and harms of which are actively discussed by supporters and opponents of this nutrition system, is one of the steps towards longevity.

At the same time, it is believed that strict adherents of plant foods impoverish their diet, which lacks or contains insufficient amounts of certain amino acids, vitamins, calcium, zinc, iron, copper and selenium. However, a number of studies show that the body can adapt to a change in diet. For example, insufficient intake of zinc with food is compensated by its absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.

The content of selenium and vitamin B12 in the blood of vegetarians and meat eaters is approximately equal, that is, the body synthesizes the missing vitamin on its own. And yet, the benefits and harms of vegetarianism cannot be considered sufficiently studied, since research data can only be applied to healthy adults.

Strict vegetarianism can have a negative impact on people's health during growth, pregnancy, acute illnesses, when the body's ability to adapt is limited. Older people need to be careful about changing their diet, at least do not exclude dairy products and eggs from the diet. And most importantly, when switching to vegetarianism, the benefits and harms of such a diet should be assessed by a doctor who will take into account the characteristics of the body and the presence of diseases in which vegetarianism is contraindicated.