Objectives of the event: every year the school holds the week "The World around", which makes it possible to increase the interest of students in the subjects of the natural science cycle, including biology, allows you to identify children who show a special interest in the subject, capable of research, creative work. Such activities contribute to the expansion of the horizons of students, educate curiosity.

The biological block of the game by stations consists of three stages: an entertaining Olympiad for students in grades 5–6, a game “Classification”, an entertaining quiz “In the world of interesting things”.

Entertaining Olympiad in biology for 5-6 grades.

The Olympiad is held directly during the game. Each team (class) sends one or two “erudite” to the Olympiad. The duration of the Olympiad is 35 minutes.

1. Questions.

  1. The largest bird.
  2. Which tree blooms the latest?
  3. What wood are matches made from?
  4. What is the name of the area where crops are grown?
  5. What is artificial grass cover called?
  6. Does a chick breathe in an egg?
  7. Why do ducks swim?
  8. What is the name of the climbing and climbing plant.
  9. What must a tree lose to be considered a bush?
  10. Water in solid state.
  11. The tallest animal
  12. Respiratory organs in humans.
  13. Lower limbs in humans.
  14. Who wrote the story "The Ugly Duckling"?
  15. Gas released during photosynthesis?
  16. What kind of firewood gives the most heat?
  17. Where do crayfish hibernate?
  18. What is the dried grape called?
  19. In dried form, it is called dried apricots, but in fresh?
  20. Do mushrooms have chlorophyll?
  21. What is the name of the part of the mushroom that people eat?
  22. What is Hercules porridge made of?

2. Biological problems.

  1. From the proposed plants, select cultivated:
    Dandelion, millet, apple tree, linden, sedge, plantain, wheat,
    succession, reeds, meadow timothy grass, rye, oats, mountain ash, viburnum.
  2. From the proposed names of mushrooms, select edible and poisonous:
    Boletus, fly agaric, russula, morel, wavelet, pale
    toadstool, butterdish, false mushrooms, grandfather's tobacco, green toadstool.
  3. How many kilograms of rose petals should be collected to get 1 kg. rose oil? If you need 50 kg to prepare 100 g of oil. Lepestkov.
  4. This early spring plant first blooms, spreading its bright yellow baskets, and only then the leaves appear on it, which served as the reason for the name of this plant. His name……..?

3. Riddles.

  1. A rope is twisted at the end of the head.
  2. These forest dwellers are skillful builders; they build housing for themselves with the whole artel.
  3. Whose head has no legs?
  4. Under the ground, the bird made a nest, inflicted babies.
  5. Fire burns underground, and a green vortex sticks out above the ground.
  6. The name of the bird and fruit.
  7. With the letter "s" I live in a pond,
    All anglers know me
    With the letter "f" for beauty
    I'm hot - they call me a bird
  8. Not the sea, but worried.
  9. To the names of non-existent plants that are directly opposite in meaning, choose the names of plants well known to you:
    Father and stepfather - coltsfoot
    big head -
    Hare's bast -
    Animal-lover -
    Vasily da Olga -
    Marya coffee -
    Fly-lover -
    Late bloom -
  10. There is a large skin - all in holes.
  11. I walked past
    I saw a wonder
    hanging in the sky
    Golden cauldron.
  12. The main thing that distinguishes the Earth from other planets is the presence of:
    A) the atmosphere
    B) life;
    B) satellites
    D) liquid water;
    D) everything is correct.
  13. Closest to the Sun is:
    A) Mars
    B) Mercury;
    B) earth
    D) Venus.


Each correct answer to a question is worth 1 point.
For each biological task, 3 points are assigned.
1 point for each correctly guessed riddle.
The maximum number of points is 52 points.

Answers to the questions of the Olympiad for grades 5-6.

1. Ostrich 8. Liana. 15. Oxygen.
2. Linden. 9. Barrel. 16. Oak.
3. Aspen. 10. Ice. 17. In holes under water.
4. Field. 11. Giraffe. 18. Raisin.
5. Lawn. 12. Lungs. 19. Apricot.
6. Yes. 13. Legs. 20. No.
7. From the shore. 14. Andersen. 21. Fruit body.
22. Oats.

Answers to biological problems.

  1. Millet, apple tree, wheat, rye, oats.
  2. Boletus, russula, morel, volnushka, oiler - edible.
  3. 500 kg.
  4. Coltsfoot.

Answers to riddles.

A game: "Classification

Using cards with the names of plants, sort them into families.

You have 7 minutes to complete the task.

  1. Cruciferous:
    Horseradish is ordinary.
  2. Rosaceae:
    Rose hip;
    Apple tree;
  3. Nightshade:
  4. Compositae:
  5. Legumes:
  6. Cereals:
    Sugar cane;
  7. Lily:
    Lily of the valley;

Evaluation: for each correctly identified plant - 1 point.

Maximum points: 18.

Questions for the quiz "In the world of interesting".

Quiz questions are printed on separate cards and each team draws any five. For each correct answer - 1 point.

  1. Plant science.
  2. Cellular organelles that synthesize proteins.
  3. What birds can't fly?
  4. Do our birds build nests in distant lands?
  5. Continuous and irreversible process of historical development.
  6. What birds arrive to us the very first?
  7. Branch of biology that studies the embryonic period of development?
  8. What wood are matches made from?
  9. Climbing and climbing plant.
  10. The science that studies the cell.
  11. Carrier of hereditary information.
  12. Are ostriches bred in our country?
  13. The largest artery
  14. The science that studies animals.
  15. The area of ​​distribution of any systematic group of organisms.
  16. The number of chromosomes in humans.
  17. Pigment in plant cells that takes part in photosynthesis.
  18. The science of maintaining and strengthening health.
  19. Sweat glands refer to glands of internal or external secretion.
  20. What are the movable joints of bones called?
  21. Free audio device.
  22. Australia has the largest number of pets in the world, bringing in between 4 and 6 kg. Wool a year, not counting meat. What are these beings?
  23. What is the thinnest thread in nature?
  24. What does a grasshopper have on its leg, if we can only see it in ourselves with the help of a mirror?
  25. The eyes of which animal can look in different directions independently of each other?

Answers to the questions of the quiz "In the world of interesting"

Summing up the biological block of the game by stations

The maximum number of points a team can receive per game in these stages is 75.


  1. Anashkina E.N. “Funny botany. Quizzes, puzzles, crossword puzzles”. Yaroslavl. “Academy of Development” 1998
  2. Golubeva E.B. “Entertaining natural history. Boring textbook” St. Petersburg. Trigon 1997
  3. Zhukova T.I. "Hours of Entertaining Zoology". M., Enlightenment. 1989
  4. Parfilova L.D. “Botany themed games. Methods of conducting games: scenarios, questions, tasks”. M., Creative center "Sphere" 2003
  5. Plant world. Children's encyclopedia in questions and answers. Smolensk "Rusich". 2000

hole in the skin

Alternative descriptions

People say: "Time is not precious, but..."

Time, period, term, length of time

Excretory opening of sweat glands on papillary lines

There is in the original autumn sad, but marvelous ... (F. I. Tyutchev)

. "dismal..., eyes charm"

Micro hole cleaned with scrub

. "borehole" of the skin

Hole in the surface of the skin

time, period, term

skin hole

. "cold winter..."

The time has come

skin hole

Shouldn't... take a rest?

Hole of sweat glands

. "... on the road"

Skin "nostril"

It's about time

Time, term

The skin breathes through it

Scrub Hole

. "... and an honor to know!" (of an unwanted guest)

Sweat gland opening

Song of the group "Kino"

Hole in the skin

skin micro hole


Micro hole in the skin

Hole in the skin

. "autumn..., eyes charm"

term, period

smallest hole

Song of Viktor Tsoi

. "... between the wolf and the dog"

hole in the epithelium

Time, period

A tiny hole in the surface of the skin or mucous membrane

length of time, period, duration

I round. Warm up.
List the constellations you know
(Virgo, Pisces, Libra, Lyra, Cygnus, Leo, Giraffe, Hercules, Perseus, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Milky Way, etc.).
The team that names the last constellation wins. You cannot name the same constellation twice. You can invite teams to write down all the constellations they know, and then read them out. To avoid misunderstandings, the jury must have a complete list of all constellations.

II round. "Drawing".
It is necessary to determine the name of the proposed constellations.
According to the number of points earned, the teams begin to complete the task (you can offer the winner to choose the number of his participation in the game).

III round. Quiz "To distant planets"

Questions for the 1st team

1. How many planets are there in the solar system?

2. Name the planet closest to the sun.

3. How many stars can be seen in the sky with the naked eye?
(About 3,000).

4. Name one of the main characteristics of a star that is responsible for its brightness.

5. What is the name of the thirteenth zodiac constellation?

6. What is at the center of the celestial sphere?

7. What is the name of the moment when a star passes through the celestial meridian?

8. What is the name of the border of day and night on the moon?

9. Who first used a telescope to observe the sky?
(Galileo Galilei).

Questions for the 2nd team

1. How many constellations are there in the starry sky?

2. Name the largest satellite in the solar system.
(Ganymede, moon of Jupiter).

3. What is the distance from the Earth to the Sun?
(About 150 million km).

4. Name the brightest star.

5. What is measured in light years?

6. What are the names of the constellations along which the Sun moves?

7. Who formulated the law of planetary motion?
(Johannes Kepler).

8. Which star points to the North Pole of the Earth?

9. Name the largest planet.

Questions for the 3rd team

1. How many constellations are visible in the Northern Hemisphere?
(32 constellations).

2. In what phase is the Moon not visible from the Earth?
(New moon).

3. What is the radius of the Earth?
(6,400 km).

4. What is the name of the apparent path of the Sun against the background of distant stars?

5. Name the brightest planet in the solar system.

6. Who introduced the magnitude scale?

7. What is the name of the only satellite with a significant atmosphere?
(Titan, satellite of Saturn).

8. What is the name of the point on the celestial sphere, located directly above the observer's head?

9. Name the hottest planet in the solar system.

IV round. "Song Contest"

It is necessary to recall songs in which astronomical terms are found (for example, star, Earth, Sun, Moon, etc.).
Named song - 1 point, sung - 2 points.

V round. "Myths of the Starry Sky"
Working with cards

Card for the 1st team
It is known that various arts in mythology have patron goddesses, who are called muses. Over time, nine muses were determined. In the visual arts, the Muses are presented as young women with beautiful spiritual faces, with attributes corresponding to this type of art. Of the nine muses, two are the patrons of the sciences - astronomy and history. What is the name of the muse of astronomy?

Card for the 2nd team
In the post-Homer legends, in the underworld beyond the river Styx, Charon transported the souls of the dead to the gates of Hades (the kingdom of the dead). According to the funeral image, the ancient Greeks put a small coin in the mouth of the deceased to pay Charon for transportation. What space object is named after Charon?
(Satellite of Pluto).

Card for the 3rd team
It is known that the Greek gods lived on Mount Olympus in Thessaly. The main god Zeus shared dominance over the world with the brothers Poseidon and Hades. To himself he took supreme power over the gods. He made Poseidon the god of the seas and the underwater kingdom, and appointed Hades the ruler of the underworld and the kingdom of the dead. The Greek gods passed to the Romans, but received other names: Zeus among the Romans - Jupiter, Hades - Pluto. The planets of the solar system are named after Roman gods. What is the name of the planet named after Poseidon?

VI round. "Riddle Contest"

Riddles for the 1st team:
There is a large skin, all in holes.

The edge is visible, but you won’t reach it.

Now full, now slender,
She does not sleep at night.

The grain crumbled by night,
Looked in the morning - there is nothing.
Riddles for the 2nd team:

Late at night when it's dark
The sky is full of sugar
What kind of sugar glows
There, visiting the moon?

Sparks burn the sky
And they don't reach us.

Everyone loves him
And look at him -
So everyone frowns.

Now he is a pancake, then he is a wedge,
Alone in the sky at night.

Riddles for the 3rd team:
There is a nest on a tree, twelve eggs in a nest.

From which bucket
Don't drink, don't eat
Do they just look at him?
(Big Dipper).

Now I am a dish, then a horn,
Do you recognize me, friend?

If you go out on a clear night,
Above you you will see
That road. By day she
Not visible.
(Milky Way).

VII round. Captains Competition "Great Minds"

Questions for the 1st team
The scientist, who, under the threat of his life, was forced to renounce his teaching, but, according to legend, already leaving the courtroom, uttered the historical phrase: “But it still spins!” Who is he?
(Galileo Galilei).

The author of the work “Almagest” wrote as an epigraph: “I know that I am mortal and created for a short time. But when I explore the stellar multitudes, my feet no longer rest on the Earth, I stand next to Zeus, eat the food of the gods and feel like a god. Who is the author of this work?
(Claudius Ptolemy).
Questions for the 2nd team

They said about him: "He stopped the Sun and moved the Earth." Who are we talking about?
(Nicholas Copernicus).

The poems of this wonderful poet, translated into all languages ​​of the world, are still known and loved by the peoples of the Earth. However, he was not only a poet, but also an outstanding Tajik astronomer, mathematician and philosopher. Under his leadership, an exceptionally accurate calendar was developed. His mistake was only one day in five thousand years! “In order to live life wisely, you need to know a lot!” Who is the author of these lines?
(Omar Khayyam).
Questions for the 3rd team

Who owns the saying: "Plato is my friend, but the truth is dearer"?

Name the author of the following lines:
“Two astronomers happened together at a feast
And they argued quite among themselves in the heat.
One kept repeating: the Earth, spinning, the circle of the Sun walks;
The other is that the Sun takes all the planets with it.
One was Copernicus, the other was known as Ptolemy.
Here the cook settled the dispute with his grin.
The owner asked: “Do you know the course of the stars?
Tell me, how do you talk about this doubt?
He gave the following answer: “What is Copernicus right in that,
I will prove the truth, I have not been to the Sun.
Who has seen such a simpleton from cooks,
Who would turn the hearth around the roast?
(M.V. Lomonosov).

VIII round. Summing up, awarding.

Magazine "Read, learn, play" No. 10/2007. Page 69-71.
N.N. Korchagin (adjusted), Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region.

When a fire happens
they always hit him
And it's immediately clear to everyone
What trouble has come to us.

He is a set of items.
Do you know this term?

Such a roof on pillars
You often see in the yards.
It's good to hide underneath.
From sun, snow and rain.

This temporary roof
Can be done in two steps:
On the pillars that are higher than us,
Let's put on a tarpaulin roof.


On your pillow
I'll sew a cover now,
Decorate with bright embroidery
And it will not be more beautiful!

You tell me quickly what it is
Is it on a pillow?
I found the answer in a moment
And he called such a cover.

We do not count the pillows,
Everyone has their own cape.
The name of that cover
I couldn't remember right away.

To catch fish with a fishing rod,
They need something to lure.
Friends, could you call me
Bait on a fish hook?

The young lady hurries to a friend,
Here is the gate.
On her shoulders lies
Thin …

The name of which European city should be read
from right to left to get the name of the fish?

I'm hiding at the bottom of the river,
I am mustachioed, but not catfish.
We are similar to each other
But don't confuse me with him.
See the spots on the skin?
So this is me...


The mesh is strong
The dog's mouth closes;
And one of the passers-by
She won't be able to bite.

foxglove purple

Flowers - purple handfuls,
They are called - "witch thimbles"
Diseases are healed forever
Especially the heart ones.
(Alexander Denisov)


There is a pig from St. Petersburg,
All torn.

A small head sits on a finger,
Hundreds of eyes looking in all directions.

One hole has a hundred holes.

On one finger
Put on upside down.

On one finger
Bucket upside down.

I sew, and I have a finger
Forged "hat" - armor,
And protect from a needle,
Even if it looks very strange.

In the sea, he is a unicorn.
Could you name him?
I easily recognized him
That animal is….

Here you must write
Population of the country
And the foundation of the state
Though republics, though kingdoms.

He put on a yellow mask
And he invites us to the ball in a fairy tale.
head bowed down,
Greetings to all….

Love's high ideal
The handsome flower rejected ...
He gave us a life lesson:
Whoever is selfish is lonely.
(Alexander Denisov)

Kvokhchet, kohchet,
calls the children
He takes everyone under his wings.
“Ko-ko-ko,” the bird will tell us, -
I laid an egg for you
I peck the grains, baby.
What is my name? ….

She sits on white pebbles.
Don't get close, she'll scream.


Offensive joke, mockery,
When a person is uncomfortable.

Suddenly the wheel came off.
I thought, "That's it!"
To pump up the wheels
What will you have to take in hand?

He pumps water from the pond
Provides moisture to the beds.
And the soccer ball inflates.
And who will name the device?

It was difficult to go through the forest,
In addition, the wheel came off.
I took the tool from the bag,
They quickly pumped up the tire.

I ask for old friendship
Tell me what I need
To pump up the wheels.
How should I name the device?

Snow fell, slightly frozen.
Do not overtake us -
We rush on skis, even if it's frosty
Made a crust - ... .

During the day, the snow melts a little,
At night it freezes over.
Give me a simple name
Snow with an ice crust.

Crust snow covered in winter.
I went and... failed.
Then the friend ran -
He's as light as fluff.

Thaw. Then frost.
Only the top of the snow is frozen.
Ice crust us
Holds firmly. This …

It snowed, but it's warm
For a short moment it came to us.
And the soft snow changed
Suddenly covered with a thin crust.

Melted snow, it happens
Frosted on top.
This crust of ice
I ask you to guess.

In the morning the sun will warm
Everything around is getting warmer.
The snow will soften and melt,
Will sparkle and play.
He will luxuriate in the rays,
In gardens, in fields.
Santa Claus comes out at night
And he enters his orders:
The cold blew, blazed -
The snow fell asleep from the cold,
Doesn't understand anything
And slowly freezes.
Look, he's covered with a crust
And I didn't wake up from my sleep!
Took the fortress from the frost
And he became just as strong.
Can handle us
It's called….
(Galina Oshanina)

I found out from my dad
What a crust of snow forged.
Bobik runs on it
ahead of my sleigh.


Coach or teacher...
I couldn't remember the words.
Who is young after year
Does he transfer all knowledge?

Cuckoo wall clock

Who does not build a nest for himself,
Ripe grains do not peck,
From a carved window
Does he sing around the clock?
(Belozerov T.)

Sodium chloride

Of course, I'm very needed.
You can't cook dinner without me
Don't pickle the cucumber
Don't make cold.
But not only in the water.
If a tear falls from the eye
You will remember my taste right away.
Who is smart says:
This - … .

Still life

If you see in the picture
Samovar you are on the table
Or grapes in a basket
Or a rose in crystal
Or a bronze vase
Or a pear, or a cake,
Or all items at once -
Know what it is...

If you see in the picture
A cup of coffee on the table
Or juice in a large decanter,
Or a rose in crystal
Or a bronze vase
Or a pear, or a cake,
Or all items at once,
Know what it is...

draw for the kids
Vase, fruit, chocolate,
Also a bouquet and a cake.
It will be … .


Riddle on the sea theme,
Think better and don't be afraid:
Captain Nemo's submarine
And exotic shellfish.

Start of Christmas time

Winter is cold, and the man is for the holidays.

Hanging ceiling - all in patches.

High above the clouds
The "field" is blue above us.
Do not grow on the field of bread.
What is it called?..

Above the forest, above the mountains
The carpet unfolds.
He is always, always scattered
Above you and above me
He's gray, he's blue
He is bright blue.

blue tent
The whole world covered.

It's a pity that in airplanes
I have never been
I want to fly
In blue ... .

The sea is blue above us.
The sea is air, not water.
shoals of clouds
Vessels float in it.

On it, like herds,
The wind drives the clouds
Well, at night, like eyes,
The stars twinkle.

The blue coat covered the whole world.

The little blue fur coat enveloped the whole world.

The little blue fur coat covered the whole world.

The house stands without any support.
What is this ceiling?
He is low
That is high.
Then he is gray
That is whitish
It's a little blue.
And sometimes
So beautiful -
Lace and blue-blue!

Man from a long time ago
Blue space beckons.
Where the cloud floats
And the flight of birds is free.

Sky, stars

In a blue bag
Full of white buttons.

untrodden path
Sprinkled with peas.

Sky, stars, rain, month

I will spread the matting,
sprinkle peas,
I will put a tub of kvass
I'll put a loaf of bread.

Sky, stars, moon, sun

What one always sees
And what can you never get?

Sky, stars, moon

Great Romanovo field,
many cattle
hid behind a willow bush.

I look out the window:
Worth a turnip basket,
I'll look elsewhere:
It is worth a whip with an arc.

Father's horse cannot be caught.

On the Italian field
a lot of Belyansky cattle;
one is a shepherd -
like a poured berry.

Pancakes all over the pan
loaf in the middle.

The field is not measured, the sheep are not counted,
shepherd horned.

Oven full of pies
soft in the middle.

Full of baking pies
and in the middle - a loaf.

I will lay down the matting
I will sow peas
I'll put a kalach
no one to take.

I spread the matting,
sprinkle peas,
I'll put a loaf of bread.

Sky, stars, moon, sun

What one always sees
So what
can never get?

Sky and stars

Sheep were running
along the Kalinovy ​​Bridge,
saw the dawn
swept into the water.

In a blue bag
full of white buttons.

blue field
strewn with silver.

What field will you not plow
And you can't count the stones?

I have a carpet - you can’t shake it out,
I have gold - you can't count it.

There is a big skin
All holes.

Letter written
on blue velvet
not read
this charter
no priests, no deacons,
nor smart men.

untrodden path
sprinkled with peas.

On the blue canopy
golden millet scattered.

crumbled peas
for seventy roads,
no one to collect -
no priests
nor the devils
not us fools.

crumbled peas
along a hundred roads,
no one will pick it up.
neither king nor queen
nor the red maiden,
not a white fish.

blue ceilings
golden nails

blue hat
all in paychecks.

calyx peas
scattered on the path.

Heaven and earth

Two bulls butting
They won't get along together.

Vito sieve,
covered with a sieve.

Heaven and earth, sun and moon, day and night

Two are standing
two walk,
two between them
watch guard.

Two are standing
Two are running
Two change.

Heaven and earth, sun and moon, fire and water

two standing
yes two bedridden
two bums,
two robbers

sky and moon

Mother's tablecloth cannot be collected,
Father's horse cannot be caught.

In the blue meadow
a gray horse grazes.

On the high road
there goes a bull-horned bull.

In the midst of the Polish
tuft of hay.

sky and snow

Large sieve, blue sieve,
Sows-breathes white fluff
To forests, houses, meadows.

sky and sun

Wandering lonely
fire eye,
Everywhere that happens
Looks warm.

The red maiden got up early,
Got up white and blush.
Washed with clear dew,
Curled with a golden scythe.
She herself, kind, looks at everyone,
And he does not order himself.

blue handkerchief,
Red gingerbread man
Riding on a scarf
People smile.


Everyone has seen it in movies
The house is large multi-storey.
If he gets a little taller,
That will reach the cloud.

I'll ask a friend for sure
He knows the names of different rivers:
"What is the name of the one that shores
Washes along the northern capital?


Here is the matryoshka's girlfriend,
A very durable toy.
I push, it won't fall
It just wobbles back and forth.

This fat toy
Don't put it on a pillow.
Day and night the poor thing stands -
Doesn't want to sleep...

She is getting married today.
What is that girl's name?
Who is in a white lace dress
Standing arm in arm with the groom?

The old man threw a net into the sea,
Caught only one fish.
Turned out to be gold!
What kind of network was this?

Have you read Pushkin's fairy tales?
The old man caught that net
Goldfish in the sea.
Do you know, brother, such a tackle?

Seine with fish

Dragging along the bottom
Caftan perforated
And in every hole
By the plug of the tail.
(T. Belozerov)

When my mother and I walked home,
We met a passerby
In everything the same as we are with you,
But only black.


He sees well, but he is blind.

You will not find changes in it,
It's been running for seven days in a row.
Can't take a look -
Sunday is right here!

week and days
There are seven brothers:
Years equal,
The names are different.

You know, there are exactly seven of them.
It's easy to name everything.
The days have passed, but I do not believe:
A whole pass….

In this word - a bad harvest.
If you know, please answer quickly.

This word means
Contents of the Earth
Below the surface of the planet.
Were you able to recognize him?


I go, I go through the meadows,
And they're all underfoot...
Look how many there are
Turquoise blue!

I've always been inconspicuous
And Flora almost forgot about me.
But she gave me such a name -
I resurrected their human memory.
(Alexander Denisov)


Take a look: on the bake
Don't count them
And who invented such
Azure blue.
Must have been torn off
A piece from the sky
Slightly conjured
And they made a flower.

Hedgehog in a grove, near a tussock
Mishutka says:
“See the blue flowers?
This - … .

The meadow seems to be in blue dots,
In delicate little flowers.
Like Anyutka's eyes,
We are blinking ... .

Like blue eyes
Forest flowers in the meadows.
It's on a sunny day


Who does not know - let him guess
And who knows, he will say: “Well!
This is the guy that flies
On a rocket to the moon!
About me my friends
They say: "Clever!"
And in stories about me
I'm called...

About this little guy
They know everything in the world.
Know even on the moon
Adults and children.
poet, musician,
He was an artist.
But just for some reason
Nobody praised him.

I can't draw, I can't heal,
Even the vacuum cleaner, guys, I don’t know how to turn it on.
Therefore, I envy Znaika a little,
All my friends call me, of course, ...

Bad weather

It happens, brothers, in nature
Such a period of bad weather.
But the consolation is that, fortunately,
Not all year round reigns ... .

A fish with a red stripe
Don't chase you!
Shining blue from above
Which one of you recognizes her?


She is a young princess
Beauty, mind shines,
But with just one flaw:
She is a princess...

Won't run without her
No taxi, no motorbike
The rocket will not rise.
Guess what it is?

Stones, crushed the soil
Special drill -
A fountain gushed out of the ground
Oiler and drill.
The one that is in this fountain,
Everyone needs winter and summer.
Then they will find gasoline in it,
Both oil and kerosene.

This is the fuel
They shake from the ground.
"Black gold"
People praise.

Not the sea, but worried.

Field with golden rye
We will see before us.
At night we will dream again ...
The one that thrashes.

I ask you to fulfill my will:
Name the sown field.


Holland is the land of flowers;
Tulips - thousands of varieties,
There are more tulips than forests
Tulips - billions ...
But somehow it's all
It's called...

not at all
(Stupid, stupid Kondrat!
He alone and walked to Leningrad,
And the guys with the bows,
With mice and cats
Walked towards him
to Kostroma)

Shel Kondrat
to Leningrad,
And towards - twelve guys.
Each has three baskets,
In each basket - a cat,
Each cat has twelve kittens.
Every kitten
There are four mice in the teeth.
And Kondrat thought:
How many mice and kittens
The guys are in Leningrad?
(K. Chukovsky)

Hurry for a needle -
The sweater will be sewn up in an instant.

This yarn is not easy
Insert into the eye of a needle.
But you need to try, learn,
After all, the skill is useful in life.

My puppy is playing with a ball
It rolls back and forth.
From resentment will howl,
What doesn't listen...

Large hole in the wall
I ask you to call now
What serves us to accommodate
Cabinets, sofas, statues, vases.

"Transport" aliens
See people from different countries.

Christmas tree

What a beauty
Worth it, shining brightly?
How beautifully trimmed...
Tell me who is she?
(Elena Blaginina)

The word that is hidden in the task
Fresh news title.

New Year

Twelve months will pass
He will visit us again.
The tree is waiting for everyone and Santa Claus,
A whole bunch of different gifts
In winter, when there is snow and ice.
Who comes to us?
(Tamara Burtseva)

Christmas tree with toys,
Clowns with crackers.
All the people are having fun!
What holiday? - ... .

Both a toddler and a fifth grader
They love this holiday very much.
They love to decorate the Christmas tree
Kindergarten, decorate the school.
And in a fancy dress
Waiting for Santa Claus.

Who is never late for anything?

Outside, the frost is getting stronger,
The nose blushes, the cheeks burn,
And we meet here

He comes on a winter evening
Light candles on the tree
He starts a round dance.
This is a holiday...

Came for the day
And he left after a year.

Playing with children in the snow
Noisy leads a round dance.
Brightly lights the Christmas trees.
What holiday?

The windows shine brightly
The house smells of tangerines,
The Christmas tree is coming to visit us -
This is a holiday...

We go camping with friends
We chose the route ourselves.
But the road is so long
What hurts already...!

All my life they go in overtaking,
but they cannot overtake each other.

There aren't really two brothers in the world.

We stand on them and dance.
Well, if we tell them
They run us.
Tell me, what are their names?

Let's get straight to the point:
What parts of the body
Pair of wool socks
Could you put on for warmth?

horse legs

Two brothers run ahead
two - they are catching up from behind.

Four brothers
back beard.

Coloring in the summer
Flowerbeds, parks, flower beds
We are with our carrot color,
And let's call….

No arms, no legs
Crumbles noodles.

Mushroom pickers really need it,
You can't cook dinner without it
You won't go hunting
What is this? This... .

For housewives for a long time
He is a special device.
Why is there a rattle in the kitchen?
He's cutting carrots.

If well sharpened,
Everything is easy, he cuts very -
Bread, potatoes, beets, meat,
Fish, apples and butter.

little man -
bone handle.

Can you peel potatoes?
Cut greens for okroshka,
Chop something up,
Sharpen the pencil.

I have a blade
Sharp, iron
Handle with care
Because they can cut themselves.

Walking from end to end
Cuts loaf.

Two brothers boast to each other.

two brothers,
And the heart is one.

Two ends, two rings
Nail in the middle.

Two rings, two ends
Carnations in the middle.

Two ends, two rings
Carnations in the middle.

experienced tool,
Not big, not small.
He's full of worries
He cuts and shears.

Well, who's ready with his two swords
Cross over a piece of paper?

Look, we've opened our mouths
You can put paper in it:
Paper in our mouth
Will be divided into parts.

Here is a simple riddle:
The file is narrow manual.
I cut branches for her.
The tool is...

I'll put a cross or something,
If a friend puts ... .
But it's time for me to confess
That the game is lost.

Friends, you know him
By itself, it is "nothing".
Add one on the left
And he will turn into a top ten!
Understand the essence of the explanation
And name this number.

Round, but not a fool, with a hole, but not a bagel. What is this?

I do not look like a penny,
Doesn't look like a bagel.
I am round, but not a fool,
With a hole, but not a donut.

He doesn't mean anything!
But it may be otherwise.
Assign a unit
The number will turn into ten.

I want to call a friend
But I don't know what to do:
He ... gave me his in the morning,
And I didn't write it down.

I give you food for thought:
Get to know the underground dwelling
Mice, foxes or moles.
Well, my friend, the answer is ready?

Five fox cubs walked in the forest
And they played in the sun.
Night is coming, it's time to go home -
Waiting for them warm ...

The mouse dug a house for himself -
There is a closet and a bedroom in it!

At the old pine between roots and grass
You will see the entrance to this dwelling.
There the gray mouse lives and lives,
He drags nuts from the cones to the pantry.

What kind of animal
Tell me brothers
Can he climb into himself?

This little animal
Not a marten, not a ferret.
The body is long and the fur
Conquers fashionistas of all!

There was a little puppy
He couldn't even bark.
Now he's grown up a little.
And everywhere he puts his ... .

Here is a mountain, and near the mountain
Two deep holes.
In these burrows the air roams,
It comes in, it goes out.

Two stoves -
One towel.

Easy task:
Olfactory organ.
Can anyone beat him
Ile poke into someone else's secret.

Between two lights
I am alone in the middle.

A frog sits on a rock
And he can't jump.

Our kitten was born
Curious as a child.
And until he grows up
He is everywhere his ... vanity.

Prow of the ship

In the old days they decorated it with carvings,
Anyone knows his name.
Wherever the wind takes the ship,
There will always be ahead...


Lie down in your pocket and watch
Roaring, crying and dirty,
They will wipe away the streams of tears,
Don't forget about the nose.
(K. Chukovsky)

There are many very horny
Both in the zoo and in the forest.
All have horns on their heads
One has only one on the nose.

Who alone has a horn?
Guess! ...

He is not a deer and not a bull,
Used to sleep in hot countries.
Has a horn on the nose.
Who is this?..

In appearance, this beast is formidable,
But he's not evil, believe me.
On the nose is a huge horn.
Who is this? ….

I alone have a horn
I'm called...


They walk in herds like cows
Only more severe.
Each animal is serious, strict,
On the nose is a dangerous horn.

That icon is like a cipher
In a book where there are no letters and numbers.
The musician understands everything -
How nice to play romance!

I saw in the score, friend,
How is pure sound defined?
His violinist drew with a pen.
And I forgot the name!

Musician them in order
Arranged in his notebook,
To live without worries
Seven sisters - seven different ...
(Nelli Khokhlova)

On thin perches
The girls sat down
They waved their hands
As if with wings
There are seven of them here
They sit and sing.

On a piece of paper, on a page -
Either dots or birds.
Everyone sits on the ladder
And chirping songs.

On five wires
A flock of birds is resting.

Five steps -
On the stairs -
(T. Belozerov)

Seven guys on the ladder
They played songs.

These black icons are
Not random hooks.
Standing on lines
And keep the melody.
Music alphabet
Unusual to us.

It will glow in the evening.
What if it comes in handy by chance?
From the bed if you get up
There will be no darkness in the house.

I look out the window
A black cat is walking.

What a queen
Dressed in black?
The bird flapped its wings
And covered the whole world with one feather.

The eagle bird is flying
She waved her wing, closed the whole world.

The bird flapped its wings
and covered the whole world with one feather.

Nothing was visible
Like someone with a blanket
Wrapped up our heads.
What time of day is this?

Look out the window -
There is a black cat walking around.

Began to approach the house -
The sun has been stolen from the sky.

blue dress,
Yellow brooch -
The guest looked into my window.
Silently made me yawn sweetly
Silently she put me to bed.
(T. Belozerov)

old grandmother
the whole earth
covered with a black veil,
put to sleep.

The black cow conquered the whole world.

The black cat is licking the window.

Day and night

A black swan across the sky
Scattered miracle seeds.
Black called white
White grain pecked.

The wolf has come
All the people are silent
The clear falcon has come
All the people went.

Sister visits brother
and he hides from her.

The field became black and white:
It's raining, it's snowing,
And it got colder
Ice bound the waters of the rivers.
Winter rye freezes in the field.
What month - tell me.

The apple fell from above
Got into math.
gravity law
Easily opened...

Here is the new task:
Dog sense of smell.
The dog feels his lunch
Or takes the thieves trail.

She must, like her mother,
Look after the babies in the nursery.