The Chilly Willy pepper variety has spread around the world from Texas and Louisiana. Few gardeners grew it, because not everyone was satisfied with its indecent appearance.

Chili pepper owes its distribution to Columbus, who brought it to the Spanish countries about five hundred years ago. The Spaniards began to grow the culture for medicinal purposes, but later firmly established itself in the kitchen as a piquant spice. It was in Spain that the vegetable was called pimiento, that is, pepper, although in its homeland it was still called chili - red.

Hot pepper is a shrub and belongs to the Solanaceae family. Scientists attribute the fruits of pepper to berries, but in the people they are called vegetables. When you first see Chilly Willy peppercorns, you involuntarily think that the variety was created artificially with the help of genetic research. But in fact, its forms were formed in the natural environment.

Chilly Willy Pepper is a rare and expensive variety, otherwise the variety is called "Penis Pepper". He was not particularly popular, because the fruits are shaped like a male reproductive organ, which was considered the height of indecency in an aristocratic society. Chilly Willy pepper gained popularity after being shown on American television.

Mature peppers can be red, orange or yellow in color.

The culture is successfully grown in open ground and as a houseplant that can bear fruit all year round. The taste characteristics of the variety are not inferior to other representatives of burning vegetables, and are highly rated on the Scoville scale. This scale measures the pungency of fruits by the concentration of capsaicin.

In addition to interesting shapes and a pronounced taste, chili peppers contain a large number of useful components, including ascorbic acid and endorphins or “happiness hormones”. Capsaicin stimulates the production of adrenaline, which helps keep the body toned and alert. Useful properties of fruits can be preserved both fresh and dried. Hot pepper serves as the basis for savory snacks such as adjika, Tabasco sauces, chili and salsa.

Peppers will grow well in fertile, moist soils in a well-lit, draft-free area. Peppers should be planted in seedlings. Seedlings are ready for planting in the ground two months after the first shoots appear.

Growing seedlings takes place in several stages:

  1. Seed preparation. To do this, the seeds are sorted out, placed in water and the specimens that have floated to the surface are removed. Seeds suitable for sowing are disinfected in a manganese solution, washed and dried.
  2. Soaking seeds. Prepared seeds are laid out on a damp cloth, wrapped in cling film and left in a warm place to swell.
  3. Sowing seeds. Planting containers are filled with nutrient soil, consisting of two parts of humus, one part of clay soil and one part of sand. Furrows up to 1 cm deep are formed in the soil, spilled with water, seeds are placed in them and sprinkled with soil on top. Crops are watered abundantly, covered with polyethylene and left to germinate.
  4. Growing seedlings. With the advent of seedlings, polyethylene is removed from the containers. Young plants need to be watered regularly and provide optimal light conditions. Daylight hours must be at least 17 hours.
  5. Seedling picking. Young peppers dive into individual containers when a pair of true leaves form on the bushes. Further care consists in regular watering and loosening the soil.
  6. Hardening off seedlings. 2-3 weeks before planting, containers with seedlings are taken out into the open air daily, gradually increasing the walking time.

When the seedlings reach a height of 16-18 cm, it can be transplanted to a permanent place. Planting of grown seedlings is carried out with the establishment of warm weather. The temperature at night should not fall below 11 degrees. High ridges are prepared for pepper, the interval between which should be at least 30 cm. The bushes are planted at a distance of 25 cm from each other. Young plantings should be mulched and covered overnight with a film before rooting. Next, provide proper care.

Chili peppers are self-pollinating crops, so you should not plant them next to bell peppers. Otherwise, the whole crop will acquire a sharp taste.

After the seedlings take root and start growing, the pepper should be properly cared for. These activities are not difficult, but some rules should be followed in order to get a good harvest:

  • Formation of bushes. When the plants reach a height of 35-37 cm, you need to pinch the tops of the bushes. This technique stimulates the growth of side shoots that will bear fruit. And in order for the fruits of Chilly Willy to be larger, you need to remove excess flower ovaries from the bushes. 25-26 flowers are left on each bush - this is the optimal number of fruits.
  • Pollination. Chili peppers are actively pollinated at temperatures above 30 degrees. And if the summer turned out to be cool and the air temperature does not rise above 20-23 degrees, then the bushes should be helped with pollination. To do this, it is enough to lightly tap on the stems of plants and the pollen will evenly spread throughout all the flowers.
  • Irrigation. Chilly Willy pepper is very moisture-loving, but especially needs moisture during flowering, fruit formation and ripening. In summer, plantings need daily watering, and with strong heat, the procedure can be carried out twice a day. Irrigation water should be settled and not cold. Row spacing should be regularly loosened and weeds removed.
  • Application of fertilizers. At the beginning of the growing season, chili peppers need to be fed with fertilizers with a high content of phosphorus and magnesium. During the formation and development of fruits, nitrogen-containing supplements should be reduced. Balanced top dressings designed for tomatoes are well suited for peppers. And they should be made according to the instructions.

Chilly Willy pepper is recommended to shoot unripe. Peppercorns ripen at room temperature, so the period of fresh fruit storage is extended, and an additional crop can form on the bushes. When harvesting, do not pick the pepper from the bush, it is better to use a knife or scissors. This will prevent damage to the plants and minimize stress.

After harvesting, pepper bushes can be stored until spring for subsequent planting. For this, the plants are cut to a height of 12-15 cm and planted in bulk containers. Pots of pepper should be placed in a cool room. In the spring, the bushes are again planted on prepared beds. These bushes will quickly grow green mass and give an early and more abundant harvest.

Growing Chilly Willy peppers is not difficult, but every gardener may encounter some problems that you need to be aware of:

  1. Fall of flowers. In the hot and dry season, when the air temperature rises above 35 degrees, the plants may shed their flowers. This trouble can occur due to significant differences in night and day temperatures, as well as improper watering.
  2. Distortion of fruit shape. Occurs at high temperatures and low-quality pollination. To avoid such problems, peppers need to be helped during the pollination period. To do this, the bushes are periodically shaken to ensure air movement around the flowers.

Diseases can develop in violation of agricultural technology and under adverse weather conditions. Most often, pepper gets sick:

  • gray mold, which develops with high humidity. White spots form on the fruits of plants. The disease first affects the fruits located near the ground and gradually covers the entire plant.
  • tobacco mosaic virus - the leaves begin to turn yellow and eventually fall off. The danger of the disease lies in its resistance to insecticides, as well as in infectiousness - the entire plantation can suffer from one diseased bush
  • anthracnose - rounded watery spots form on the fruits, which lead to rotting of the fruits. The cause of the development of the disease is excessive watering of plants.

You can fight pests and diseases with the help of biological and chemical preparations. The former can be prepared independently, while the latter are purchased in specialized metas. Subject to all the rules of agricultural technology and maintaining the cleanliness of the garden, it is possible to avoid infection of plants.

Chilly Willy pepper is actively used in cooking for the preparation of hot sauces and as a spice. It can be used fresh, dried, salted or pickled. On the basis of hot pepper, many seasonings are prepared, which consist of several spices that complement each other. Fresh fruits are added to marinades when preserving vegetables and salads.

Pepper contains many useful components, which makes it indispensable in medicine and cosmetology.

Based on the burning fruit, compositions with warming properties are prepared. They are used to relieve pain in diseases of the bones and joints, with injuries, bronchitis and colds. Ointments, creams, patches and tinctures are used as external rubbing agents.

In cosmetology, pepper tinctures are often used. Such a tool can be rubbed into the scalp, which stimulates blood circulation and accelerates hair growth. Also, tincture is added to the composition of ointments, creams and oils, which have a strengthening effect on the skin.

Chilly Willy Pepper is often included in weight loss diets. The active components of the vegetable stimulate blood circulation, help break down fat cells and remove toxins from the large intestine. Hot pepper massage gels and patches help fight cellulite.

Chilly Willy peppers can be stored in several ways (the choice of a specific storage method depends on the subsequent use of the product):

  • Drying fruits. To dry the pepper, it can be strung on a strong thread by the stalks and hung in a dry, ventilated room. Or spread out on paper and periodically turn over. The main thing is that the peppercorns do not touch each other. After the process is complete, peppers can be stored in bags or crushed and used as a condiment.
  • Pickling. The fruits must be washed and cut if desired. To keep the spiciness, do not remove the seeds. Pour boiling water over vegetables and arrange in sterile jars. Preparations are poured with hot vinegar. If desired, you can add salt, sugar and spices. Banks clog and store as conservation.
  • Freezing. This method leads to the loss of some of the nutrients, but the taste and aroma are preserved. The fruits are washed well and cut into arbitrary pieces, placed for one hour in the freezer. When the vegetables are slightly frozen, they are laid out in separate bags and returned to the freezer. Chili can be frozen whole. The shelf life of blanks lasts no more than a year.
  • Oil storage. This method helps to preserve all the useful properties of the vegetable. The fruits are washed, the stalks are cut, placed in sterile jars and poured with warm vegetable oil. Such blanks should be stored in the refrigerator for six months.
  • Brine storage. The fruit is washed, laid out in jars and poured with a cold strong saline solution. Close the jars with nylon lids and place in the refrigerator. To prepare the brine, you need to dissolve enough salt in water so that the chicken egg floats on the surface.

Some storage methods help preserve the taste and characteristics of the fruit. And other methods allow not only adding pepper to dishes, but also using it as an independent snack.

Growing Chilly Willy peppers is easy, and in gratitude, the plant will give a good harvest of healthy vegetables. And when growing it on a windowsill, you can harvest throughout the year without resorting to harvesting. In addition, a fruit-bearing Chilly Willy bush in a pot can be an unforgettable fun and useful gift.

More information can be found in the video:

Peppers are very popular. These are tender annuals or perennials that belong to the Solanaceae family. Branched pepper bushes have an upright stem. The large leaves are oval in shape. Plants generally reach a height of up to 60 cm. Single flowers of this vegetable crop are shaped like an asterisk. The color of flowers in different varieties is different. They can be white, purple or grey. The value of this plant is its fruits - pods. They differ in color and taste. Vegetable culture includes two groups - these are sweet and hot peppers. Varieties are grouped according to distinctive characteristics and features.

The main types of hot pepper

The history of growing an amazing vegetable crop begins far in the past. Peppers are believed to be native to Central and South America. It is now quite popular and grown all over the world.

Pepper surprises with its variety. There are more than 3000 varieties of this crop. Plants are grouped according to characteristic features. For hot peppers, this parameter is the quality of the fruit. The classification takes into account color, shape, aroma and taste. The tests are based on determining the presence of capsaicin in the fruit, the content of which affects the spiciness of the vegetable. Measurements of this parameter are carried out on the Scoville scale. All hot peppers are otherwise called chili. They are grouped in the genus Capsicum. The plant that "bites" is the main characteristic of all the chillies included in it. The genus is a full member of the Solanaceae family. It consists of five domesticated species. You can highlight the following:

  • Capsicum annuum.
  • Capsicum chinense.
  • Capsicum baccatum.
  • Capsicum frutescens.
  • Capsicum pubescense.

In addition, twenty-six wild species are known.

The hottest peppers

Varieties belonging to the species Capsicum chinense are considered the most burning. The semantic meaning of this species is a plant "from China". However, this definition is considered unfortunate. Peppers of this species have nothing to do with China. The homeland of plants is the territory located in the Amazon basin. All varieties of this species are thermophilic and moisture-loving. They have the highest capsaicin scores on the Scoville scale. This group is quite large. Distinctive features of plants are a strongly pronounced burning taste and a characteristic fruity aroma. These qualities determined its popularity among chefs. To prepare all kinds of sauces, such hot peppers are used. Varieties of this species can be divided into several groups.

Popular habaneros

Hot peppers have been found in Mexico. The sharpness of the varieties of this group varies from one hundred thousand to one million units on the Scoville scale. They are considered record holders for burning qualities among In 2000, the Habanero Red Savina variety was included in the Guinness Book of Records. Features of the taste qualities of this group of plants is a citrus flavor. Over the years, as a result of breeding work, various varieties have been obtained, which are successfully grown in many countries of the world. When leaving, it should be noted that the plants are thermophilic and photophilous. The varieties of this family are grown in seedlings. The terms of sowing seeds to obtain planting material fall on February-March. Seedlings are planted in open ground in well-lit areas with sufficient soil fertility. When leaving, regular watering and fertilizing is necessary.

Variety Habanero Chocolate (Congo Black)

A powerful strongly branched plant has large oval leaves and reaches a height of 120 cm.

Unripe fruits are dark green in color. Gradually, as it matures, the color changes. Peppers turn chocolate brown. Their dimensions are: width - 3 cm; length - 6 cm.

The period of reaching the fruits of technical maturity is 100 days. Ripe fruits are quite fleshy. They have a special fruity aroma and a fairly high sharpness. It is 425 thousand units on the Scoville scale.

Grade Habanero Orange

Large branched bushes reach a height of 90 centimeters. However, orange fruits are quite small and thin-walled. They grow up to 4 cm long and 3 cm wide.

The wrinkled pod has an oval shape. Differs in early terms of maturing. Until the technical maturity of the fetus, 85-95 days are needed. Has a pungent taste. The severity on the Scoville scale is 325 thousand units.

Exquisite aromatic chili

Hot peppers, varieties of which are united by the Trinidad family, have a pleasant sharpness and original appearance. All plants surprise with the unusual shape of the pod. Chili of this family have a characteristic burning taste and persistent fruity aroma. Grow seedlings. Peppers are very demanding on light. Some varieties of this series are suitable for growing in greenhouse conditions. In this case, artificial pollination of plants is used.

Trinidad Small Cherry

The variety is early maturing. It will take 70 to 80 days for the fruit to reach technical ripeness. It looks like a pretty nice plant. A powerful strongly branched bush reaches a height of 50 to 90 cm. It is strewn with many bright orange or red fruits.

Their dimensions do not exceed 2.5 cm in diameter. However, this feature does not diminish the dignity of the variety. The pod is quite juicy and soft. The highlight of the variety is the characteristic cherry aroma. Small fruits are similar in size and shape to a cherry. The sharpness of this pepper on the Scoville scale is 160 thousand units.

Noteworthy are the late-ripening varieties of this series Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Red, Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Yellow.

Family 7 Pot

This series includes mainly late-ripening chili varieties. The period of obtaining fruits of technical maturity is 120 days.

They are distinguished by a rather unusual shape of the fetus, as well as a high content of capsaicin. These hot peppers are quite hot in taste. Varieties of this family are close relatives of Trinidad scorpions. The main similarity is the unusual shape of the fruit and the characteristic fruity aroma.

Like all plants of this species, chili of this family is grown in seedlings. When planting in open ground, attention should be paid to soil fertility. For the normal development of the plant, heat, good lighting and regular soil moisture, timely fertilization are necessary.

Pepper 7 Pot Primo

This variety is called the "fire demon". The unusual shape of the fruit resembles a scorpion. Bright fruits are red.

At the end of each pod is a process resembling the sting of a scorpion. Exotic external data is combined with a pleasant fruity aroma. This variety is considered the record holder for pungency. The content of capsaicin on the Scoville scale ranges from eight hundred thousand to one million units. A tall, strongly branched powerful plant can reach a height of up to 1.3 meters.

Grade 7 Pot Gigantic (Giant)

Pepper will pleasantly surprise you not only with its burning taste, but also with the large size of the fruit. Red pods are not inferior in size to bell peppers. At the same time, in open ground conditions, the bushes reach a height of 15 to 30 cm. The sharpness on the Scoville scale is from eight hundred thousand to one million units.

Varieties of the species Capsicum annuum

Annual plants - the semantic meaning of this species. But this definition is not entirely correct. Chili of this species are perennial plants of the Solanaceae family. However, they are mostly grown as annuals or biennials. Chile is a tropical plant. Perennial cultivation is possible in suitable growing conditions or in closed ground conditions.

The capsicum annuum vegetable capsicum is a branched shrub reaching a height of 30 to 50 cm. The fruits of such chili are quite fleshy and have a pleasant taste. Unlike the previous species, they are less sharp and have a different shape and color. Varieties of this species are characterized by early ripening. The period for obtaining fruits of technical ripeness ranges from 70 to 80 days.

Grown mainly by seedlings. The main requirements are the fertility and looseness of the soil. For cultivation, well-lit, draft-protected areas are suitable. During the period of growth and ripening of fruits, regular watering and fertilizing are necessary. These are quite common, popular hot peppers. The species Capsicum annuum is represented by five domesticated groups, such as:

  • cherry pepper - Cerasiforme;
  • cone-shaped peppers - Conoides;
  • red cone-shaped peppers - Fasciculatum;
  • call, or sweet peppers - Grossum;
  • chili, or cayenne pepper - Longum.

Numerous detachment of plants are represented by hot peppers. Varieties belong to families such as Jalapeno and Cayenne pepper.

mexican chili jalapeno

Heat-loving is grown as a perennial crop in Mexico and the southern United States. In countries with a cold climate, most often these plants are grown in closed ground conditions. Greenhouses or greenhouses are suitable for this. Chili data feel good on the windows of city apartments. The fruits of the varieties of this family are elongated pods.

They have a green color, which changes to red or yellow when ripe. The sharpness of the fruit is not very hot. The flowering period lasts from spring to the end of the summer period. This contributes to the conveyor ripening of fruits. This characteristic feature makes the plants quite attractive when grown at home. With beautiful flowering and numerous burning fruits, hot room pepper will delight. Varieties suitable for growing at home can be found in the Jalapeno family.

Jalapeno Yellow Mexican Pepper

An early ripe beautiful plant has small yellow elongated fruits. They have a pleasant, slightly sour, spicy taste.

It is used fresh. Also, this pepper is used to prepare sauces and marinades.

cayenne peppers

Unlike the Jalapeno group, these are quite hot peppers. The fruits of this family are characterized by a high content of capsaicin. Undersized bushes have elongated pods, reaching a length of 8 to 15 cm. They are painted red or yellow. The varieties are high yielding. The best varieties of hot pepper will provide ripening per season up to 40 fruits. Among them, noteworthy are such chili as Cayenne yellow candle, Little Cayenne gold, Cayenne red.

Chile Capsicum baccatum

The rainforests of Brazil are considered to be the birthplace of these unusual peppers. These are "berry-like", rather powerful plants. They reach a height of up to 1.5 meters. A distinctive feature of this species is the unusual color of flowers, the corollas of which have yellow or brown spots. The taste of fruits of an unusual shape can be slightly sharp or burning.

There is a pleasant fruity aroma. Among the plants noteworthy are hot peppers of the Aji Orchid variety. Also popular are peppers called Bishop's Crown and Baccatum. They are suitable for growing at home.

Peppers of the species Capsicum frutescens

Shrub plants is the main meaning of the name of this group. It is less popular than the previous ones. This species is represented by well-known varieties of Tabasco and Malaga. Peppers grow in compact bushes. The fruits are elongated and red in color. They differ in small sizes. The length of the pod does not exceed 4 cm. The advantage of Tabasco is the juiciness of the fruit, which has a moderate sharpness. On the Scoville scale, it ranges from 30 to 50 thousand units. Varieties suitable for growing in containers.

hairy peppers

Capsicum Pubescens is a type of chilli that is not very popular. It is represented by varieties Rokoto and Manzano.

Peter Pepper is an absolute newcomer in the world of peppers. In addition to the unusual appearance, this chili has a very pleasant taste and medium spiciness. The plant is also known under the names Penis Peter and Chili Willy. As they mature, the pods change their color from green to bright red, their length ranges from 7 to 16 cm, width 2-3 cm.

This variety is native to northern Mexico, Texas and Louisiana. It is bright red in color, with a unique and savory shape, when fully grown and ripe, this chili's pod looks like a miniature penis! Such a funny pepper!

Pods, in the process of maturation, change color from grassy to red. When a 'penis pepper' bush grows in a vegetable garden or in a greenhouse, it can grow up to 50 to 70 cm tall and you need to provide plenty of fresh chili during the season, which lasts about 4 to 6 months, to provide the bush with supports.

How hot is Peter Pepper?

Its pungency fits well into the medium-hot zone of the Scoville scale - 10,000 to 23,000 Scoville units can accumulate in each peppercorn, depending on the soil and the presence of the sun. The amount of hotness is nine times that of jalapenos, depending on the hotness of each measured pepper. But, it is fair to say that the softest pepper Peter always ahead of the hottest possible jalapeño.

So the shape...

Yes. She cannot be ignored. peter pepper aptly named, with a long conical shape and a bulbous end that forms an unusual resemblance to the male penis. The pepper grows to 10 to 15 centimeters in length, which also matches the average length of a typical penis. It matures to a bright red color, adding even more attention to this nature's greatest joke.

It is believed that Red Peter originally from Mexico.

What does Peter pepper taste like?

Cutting pepper-jokes, you can already feel their sharpness. Ah, it tastes like the bright, crunchy taste of a jalapeno, just sweeter. Peter Red can easily replace jalapenos - in any dish if you want to "turn up the heat" or feel like a Mexican. This variety is even better than the "Serrano" variety, and can serve as a substitute for this pepper, given that both pepper varieties have the same heat coefficients.

What can you do with these chillies?

Application in the kitchen Peter Red versatile, like jalapeno. But it's especially amazing with "salsa chili." It can also be dried in the shade to make a great chili powder, and just about any dish that calls for a jalapeno or serrano can be sprinkled with Peter's pepper powder. It is hotter than Jalapeno and can replace the popular Serrano peppers in cooking. You can use this pepper fresh, of course, but dried or ground, it is no less tasty and spicy. The heat level of this chili is spicy, so children and pregnant women should not be given dishes peppered with Peter the Red! It would be good to use it in Mexican and Indian salads, great to “powder” it on a sandwich or under a shawarma wrap, or in any Mexican recipe when cooking that needs some nice red color for appearance and a fair level of peppery bite.

Where can I buy Peter Red Pepper?

These peppers are actually quite rare to find anywhere. Many people grow Peter peppers from commercial seeds, but for obvious reasons, they are not usually taken to the market, as these chilies are too frank to be sold openly.

But if you really want to grow a pepper Peter Red then pepper seeds Peter Red always available in our online seed shop.

How to grow?

If you want to have your own harvest peter pepper, you need to have either a large flower pot or a warm and ventilated area.

Try planting in a spot with other chili peppers that like to enjoy full sun and “drink” water sparingly. When boarding, keep in mind that Red Peter considered to be of little hardiness, so it will need protection during the cold season. The winter hardiness of the Red Peter is not great, so at +12 it gets cold, and at +4 it stops growing altogether.

Ideal planting in loamy or sandy soil. And try to keep the pH of your soil between 7.0 and 8.5 because the variety Red Peter likes to be in neutral soil to slightly alkaline soil.

Growing Red Peter from Seeds

According to our calculations, you should get pepper shoots red peter, for seedlings, 38 days before planting the finished seedlings for "permanent residence" in the garden.

It is necessary to sow the prepared pepper seeds on the floor a centimeter deep and ensure a gap between the seeds of at least 2-3 cm. And the line of seeds from the line should be at least 5 cm. The soil temperature must be above +18°C. But not more than +26°C!

And in order to ensure good germination, the lower soil, when sowing, is wet, and the soil on which the pepper seeds are sprinkled is dry.

Growing the seedling itself is unremarkable and similar to growing any variety of "chili".

Transplanting seedlings of Red Peter

Before planting seedlings Peter make sure that the temperature outside the window is above +18°C and all chances of frost are zero, as Red Peter- This plant is Mexican, that is, thermophilic.

Harvesting Red Peter

chili pepper Red Peter collected when the peppercorns themselves are fully ripe, with the help of scissors.

This pepper produces pods that resemble a "purely male part", and therefore is widely known in the United States as "Chili penis", "penis-pepper". This is a very extravagant gift for gardeners with a good sense of humor. But in the Russian Federation it is not correctly translated as "pepper Peter's Finger."

The bush grows good crops of peppercorns from 5 to 9 cm long and up to 2 cm wide, they themselves are twisted and crumpled in shape, most resembling a finger or penis.

The pepper is moderately hot and changes color from grassy to orange when fully ripe. This plant has green leaves, green stems and white flowers.

Myself PETER PEPPER ORANGE hotter than Jalapeño, its bitterness has been measured at levels ranging from 10,000 to 23,000 Scoville units, and can replace the popular Serrano peppers in cooking.

How to successfully grow PETER PEPPER ORANGE peppers in the garden or at home?

Preparation, sowing, growing seedlings

There are a number of differences between growing hot peppers and other vegetables, and what works on cabbages or carrots will not necessarily work on hot peppers.

To begin with, a plastic container for seedlings must be provided with good drainage, but do not take peat pots, granules or agrogel products. For this type of container will retain too much moisture, which is dangerous for this variety of hot peppers.

Instead of soil, it is better to use a light starter soil mix, as it has the right mixture of "slow release fertilizer", which is ideal for seed germination.

Store-bought seedling soil is intended for plants that have already completed the delicate seedling stage and have entered the seedling stage.

If you use clay pots, then be sure to soak them for ten minutes in a 10% bleach solution, or in a pure peroxide solution to kill mold, disease spores that may be on the pots.

Pepper seeds should be planted twice as deep as the size of the seeds, so the pepper seed is sown 1.5 cm deep. Planting deeper than indicated may interfere with germination and the seeds will rot rather than germinate.

When seeds are sown for seedlings, a tray is used, not a pot. But in order to prevent tangling of the roots of pepper seedlings growing together, and not to cause a problem when they need to be replanted, seeds should be placed at a distance of at least 4 cm seed from seed. If you are planting multiple varieties, make sure you have labels for each one to avoid confusion later.

After sowing the seeds, water everything with warm water to start the growth process. Be careful not to flood with water - the soil should feel wet to the touch, not waterlogged!

Keep in mind that germination can be irregular and take a long time, so be patient. Once the seeds PETER PEPPER ORANGE sprouted, you can lower the temperature to + 20ºС. Watering, for seedlings, without overflow, the surface of the soil should dry out slightly between waterings!

Once the seeds germinate and the cotyledon leaves begin to grow upwards, the seedlings are placed under lamps for 10-16 hours of light each day.

Growing and transplanting seedlings of pepper PETER PEPPER ORANGE

When the seedlings have reached a height of 4-6 cm, it is time to start feeding. Start with a weak solution of liquid seedling fertilizer or compost tea once a week until the plants are 8-11 cm tall, at which time you can switch to a full dose of liquid fertilizer or start fertilizing with Humisol.

Once the plants are 8-12 cm tall, it's time to plant them in individual pots. And when the seedlings grow to 20-28cm, you should move them to the garden or to permanent containers.

If planting outside, wait at least two weeks after the last frost date in the area to prevent loss of plants from sudden cold weather.

Seedlings should be planted from each other at a distance of half a meter to a meter if it is south and 45-67cm if it is a greenhouse to provide plenty of space for both the roots and the bush.

If you plant in a container, and there is a desire to use the one that is at hand, it is necessary that it be at least 5-9 liters in capacity so that there is enough space for the root system.

When transplanting into the soil, be sure to add lime, bone meal, as plants PETER PEPPER ORANGE require a lot of calcium during the growth period.

Fertilize with an organic fertilizer when the peppers start to form.

Cover the ground around the bush with mulch to prevent weeds.

As a rule, pepper plants consume a lot of calcium and phosphorus during the growing season, so bone meal should be added to the soil surface every four weeks and this should be done every two weeks if the plants begin to form flowers and fruits.

Ash or ashes can be added to the topping, if you can find a lot, to achieve the same results, but do not forget - use only natural log ash for this!

In peppers that do not have enough calcium, as a rule, rot develops at the end of the peppercorns, and the fruit becomes inedible.

Cleaning and storage

In matters of cleaning and storage, this variety does not stand out in any way. Collected and stored in the same way as other varieties of hot peppers.