Information about what is included in the overhaul of an apartment building will be useful to all residents. Consider the main rules that apply in 2019.

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An acute question that has been facing government agencies and management companies, as well as apartment owners for many years, is how to ensure the maintenance of housing and carry out major repairs.

Citizens have a large financial burden on the maintenance of property objects, which are common houses, and the housing stock is significantly worn out.

Key Aspects

Therefore, it is important to consider the concept of "overhaul", and determine the main nuances that are associated with this.


The concept of overhaul is mentioned in. It is intended to carry out work in which:

  • change building structures and their components;
  • change or restore engineering technical communications;
  • restore or change parts of the supporting building structures.

Eliminate any malfunction of the worn-out part of the common house property. It is changed to a better one or restored.

In the presence of technical capabilities, the building is modernized, taking into account modern requirements, and improving the comfort of living.

For what purpose is

Repair can be:

Capital repairs can be scheduled and unscheduled (emergency), carried out to restore damage caused by the building structure of the facility in an emergency.

Legal grounds

It is necessary to be guided by the norms of such documents:

  1. - this (contains a list of work to be performed), etc.
  2. , in accordance with which the overhaul must be carried out by the owner of the premises.
  3. GK - for example,.

What is included in the concept of major repairs of an apartment building

The question is often asked about what exactly to attribute to a major overhaul. Therefore, we present the following information.

What does the law say

The law delimits the obligations for the overhaul of an apartment building between the owners and the regional authorities.

The territorial authorities perform an organizing and controlling function, while the owners must raise funds that will be used to pay for the work.

When the law came into force, each subject of the Russian Federation had to start preparing regulatory documents that would consider the issue of major repairs.


  • set a list of work that must be completed without fail, as well as a deadline;
  • determined regional operators;
  • adopted documents that spelled out the procedure for the work, the amount of the fee, appointed a structure that will control the process.

List of included works

In the presence of accumulations, it is possible to perform a large list of works involving installation and repair and restoration process.

We list what is included in the overhaul of the facade of an apartment building They restore the facade plaster, seal panel joints, insulate structures, change windows and balconies, repair balconies and loggias with glazing, arrange canopies over the upper floor loggia, arrange the entrance to the entrance, paint the facade, install flag holders, street signs
We also find out what is included in the overhaul of the roof of an apartment building They repair and change individual elements of the roof, carry out fire-fighting treatment from wood, restore the temperature regime, humidity in the attic, change the element of the roof and the external drain
From the side of the engineering system They repair and change the heating system, water, gas and other systems, ventilation, sewerage system, install meters, change elevators, garbage chutes. It is supposed to repair video surveillance, a subscriber device, a communication line, a low-current device
In public areas Restore lighting fixtures, seal communication joints with the foundation, eliminate flooding, arrange an entrance to the basement, equip a concierge room
When landscaping Adhere to documents that have been approved by the county architectural planning office

They also restore and improve the entrance platforms and door fillings.

They change and repair the lighting in the entrance, change the doors, strengthen, change the stairs, repair the entrance areas.

Regional authorities can expand the list:

  • wall insulation;
  • arrangement of the roof, which will be ventilated, installation of an exit to the roof;
  • equipping the house with a common house meter, another device that improves energy efficiency.

In subjects, this list can also be supplemented with the following items:

  1. Inspect the house and draw up an estimate for repairs.
  2. Conduct author's and technical supervision of the work.
  3. Conduct a technical inventory and certification, etc.

Who pays

The legislation establishes an obligation for apartment owners to finance major repairs of common house property.

To this end, citizens pay monthly contributions, which will be accumulated in the special overhaul fund, which is formed:

  • or on bank accounts of MKD;
  • or funds are accumulated in collective accounts, which are managed by regional operators involved in organizing repairs according to an established program.

How much exactly you need to pay - each subject of the Russian Federation decides for himself. The amount is set in rubles. The tariff is multiplied by the total area of ​​​​the premises that is in the possession of a citizen.

The amount of the contribution varies according to:

  • to which municipality the object belongs - in Moscow or in another region the house is located;
  • type MKD;
  • number of storeys of the house;
  • operational life of the house;
  • prices and scope of work;
  • period of use of the common brownie.

If it is planned to carry out work that is not prescribed in the residential complex, then they are paid for with funds that exceed part of the overhaul contribution.

First, a meeting is held where a decision is made where to store funds for major repairs.

If the owners cannot agree on exactly where to store the funds, the decision will be made by the municipal authority.

Although the amount of the contribution is set by the subjects, at the meeting the tenants can increase this figure if they wish to finance a number of additional works.

Major repairs can be carried out at the initiative of residents. At the meeting, citizens must decide what kind of work is needed.

The final authority will set the deadlines for the work and calculate the cost of repairs.

If representatives of the housing inspectorate do not agree that major repairs are necessary, or agree to limited types of work, there is another way out.

Contact an independent expert who will help justify the overhaul. Only such an examination is not free. The owner of the apartment is not the only source of capital repairs financing.

A whole scheme is prescribed in the regulatory documentation, according to which state structures of various levels also participate in financing. The state can provide support (auxiliary).

Video: contributions for the overhaul of apartment buildings

If we are talking about an apartment building, some of the apartments in which are not privatized, then the costs will be borne by the authorities of the municipal or state body.

It happens that the overhaul program was not drawn up, but an emergency situation occurred. An accident is considered a break in the water supply, sewerage, pipes of the heating system.

Repair in this case should be carried out as soon as possible at the expense of funds collected for major repairs.

So, if risers with water flow, they are changed immediately, and do not impose a large number of clamps.

When does CRC start?

It is not difficult to find out the dates when the approved overhaul program must be completed. To do this, go to the site

Follow this procedure:

  1. Enter the portal.
  2. Enter the address in the "Find your home" field. Be sure to reflect the region, street, house number.
  3. Click "Search".
  4. Follow this link.
  5. A card of the house will open, where you can see the list of works that are approved by the program.
  6. Select the section with types of work if you are interested in current and planned activities.

Select the "Passport" section if you want to find out general information:

How much money the owners raised;
what subsidies the state provides;
object area;
number of residents.

Differences from the current

It is worth knowing the differences between current and overhaul because a number of rights and obligations of the parties depend on this.

The main differences are in the purpose, frequency and scope of repair activities. The current is called preventive maintenance, which is systematic.

They are carried out in order to prevent premature wear of the design of the finish, communications.

The measures that are implemented during the current repairs are contained in the Guidelines for the maintenance of the housing stock dated April 2, 2004.

A major overhaul differs from the current one by the lack of the possibility of carrying it out so as not to tear the building away from operation.

Homeowners, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, make regular payments for the overhaul of apartment buildings. Naturally, discontent is brewing among the residents - the money is paid, but there are no workers. The explanation is simple - the work requires money, so for several years there is an accumulation of finance in a specially created overhaul fund until the approved date is reached.

What is a major overhaul

The purpose of the overhaul is to carry out a set of works, they will restore the technical condition of the MKD to the established standards, under which the building is allowed for operation. MKD is subject to overhaul if the wear of a stone residential building is in the range from 30 to 70%, and of a wooden one - up to 65%.

Major overhaul includes the following works:

  • repair or replacement of building structural elements and their components, excluding load-bearing ones;
  • ensuring the proper level of engineering and technical communications;
  • restoration of individual components of load-bearing structures;
  • diagnostics of engineering systems in order to identify faults and the presence of worn areas;

Worn-out equipment is being replaced or repair work is being carried out on damaged sections of technological equipment that is part of the common house property. Overhaul implies the modernization of the building being repaired in accordance with the requirements for the level of comfort for tenants and aimed at the economical use of the supplied resources - heat and electricity, water and gas.

After an assessment of the volumes of work to be carried out, the regoperator sums up and must decide on the types of services to be carried out. Refurbishment may include:

  • comprehensive restoration;
  • selective repairs.

The last option prevails in the case of:

  • significant wear of a residential building;
  • lack of economic feasibility of complex work;
  • if the implementation of a comprehensive repair requires partial or complete release of the building from residents for the duration of the work.

The repair work schedule includes carrying out restoration operations for:

  • technological systems that ensure the supply of heat and electricity and gas supplies;
  • hot and cold water piping systems;
  • shafts of elevators and equipment;
  • roofs, as they are an integral part of the common house property;
  • basements under the jurisdiction of the MKD;
  • facade of the building - in whole or in part;
  • foundation.

Housing code on overhaul

The overhaul of common property in an apartment building must be pre-agreed by the region operator or management company with the homeowners. The procedure for performing a major overhaul is regulated by Article 189 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation No. 188-FZ dated 12/29/2004 (as amended on 04/03/2018).

Property owners convene a general meeting, which determines whether it is necessary to carry out a major overhaul. According to the Housing Code, homeowners can independently initiate the implementation of repair work by the management company or the regoperator, without waiting for an offer from these organizations.

The management company, unless otherwise stipulated by the law in force in the territory of a particular subject of the Russian Federation, organizes informing the owners of apartment property about the timing of the repair work of residential and non-residential premises no later than six months before the start of fulfillment of obligations to carry out major repairs. The LCD regulations prescribe to inform the tenants at the expense of what funds and volumes the work will be carried out.

According to the rules approved by the LCD, the owners of the premises must, within three months after receiving a notice from the management company, decide on the organization of the overhaul and approve (subject to the use of the account of the regional operator):

  • list of works to be carried out;
  • the maximum amount that will need to be spent to put in order the residential and non-residential premises of the building being repaired;
  • a responsible person who controls the quality of the work performed and is engaged in the signing of acts.

The legislation requires homeowners, subject to the use of a special account, to approve:

  • list of types of services required for overhaul;
  • the maximum possible amount required for the organization of work;
  • the period for which the overhaul must be completed;
  • source of funds;
  • an authorized person who conducts quality control and deals with the documentary issue.
  • Copies of documents evidencing the work performed must be transferred by the regional operator to the manager of the MKD no later than 10 calendar days from the moment the acceptance certificate was signed.

The difference between scheduled maintenance and overhaul

Maintenance and overhaul - activities of different levels of complexity.

The definition of current repair implies the performance of preventive work that is necessary to monitor the condition of a residential building and take place in order to prevent premature loss of performance of the elements of an apartment building:

  • building structures;
  • finishing components;
  • engineering technological networks, with the help of which energy resources are supplied to consumers;
  • carrying out minor repairs.

The list of activities included in the current repair is regulated by a document approved by the Ministry of Construction - a Methodological Guide for the maintenance and repair of the housing stock.

Overhaul of the premises - assumes that there will be a replacement or restoration of a structure that has lost its performance. While current repairs are only engaged in maintaining the working condition of structural elements.

The rules for the implementation of overhaul require that payment for work be made at the expense of the owners of residential premises. This means that property owners should know how the overhaul fund is formed and the sequence of actions for its implementation, and where the funds come from

Overhaul fee

Legislatively, the owners of apartments are obliged to contribute funds to the overhaul fund, which will occur on time. The timing is determined at a general meeting of owners, or by a local authority. Who specifically controls the deadlines and is responsible for their implementation depends on how the overhaul fund is formed.

The amount of the fee charged on the receipt depends on the size of the approved tariff and the living space occupied by the owner. The tariff rate is approved separately in each subject of the Russian Federation and depends on:

  • the location of the building in a specific area of ​​the municipality;
  • type of apartment building;
  • number of storeys of the building;
  • duration of operation of a residential building;
  • depreciation of property.

Overhaul 2019: formation of a cash fund

Apartment owners should know the procedure for organizing a major overhaul, and therefore be informed about how the overhaul fund is being formed. In the process of holding a general house meeting, homeowners must decide how the accumulation of funds will be carried out:

  • draw up a special account intended for the transfer of financial contributions of tenants to it;
  • assign the responsibility for the formation of the fund to the regional operator and transfer funds to his account.

Terms of the overhaul

The owners of a residential apartment building approve the date of commencement of work at a general meeting in case of accumulation of finances on an individual account, which is opened specifically for a residential building.

In the case of transferring funds to a regional operator, the timing of the overhaul is determined by the local authority.

How the regional program works

The rights of citizens of the Russian Federation allow you to find out the start date of capital work in the administration or through Internet resources. The information provided by the regional program is updated annually, corrected:

  • a list of houses to be overhauled;
  • estimated start and end dates of the event;
  • a list of structural elements of a residential building to be replaced or restored.

It should be noted that it is difficult to postpone the start date of work to a later date; the law provides for a certain procedure for such cases. On the contrary, you can shift the deadline forward at any time, based on the inspection of the house for its compliance with operational characteristics. Therefore, residential property owners should check each year for approved start dates for work, as they may be rescheduled.

Criteria by which the terms of overhaul are determined

  • The criteria that the regional authorities are guided by when approving the date of the overhaul are:
  • technical condition of engineering communications of the house and individual structural components;
  • how many years have passed since the building was put into operation after the construction or after the previous overhaul.

Based on the data of the examination of the condition of residential premises, a list of houses is drawn up, which, first of all, must undergo the overhaul procedure.

If the owners of the living space use the account of the regional operator to accumulate funds, and the other, then, provided that there is enough money on it, the overhaul can be carried out ahead of schedule. The meeting of owners may require the regional operator to shift the start date of work if the account used has the required amount.

How to reschedule dates to an earlier date

If the accumulation of funds is carried out on a separate house account - there are no problems - when the required amount is reached on the account, the owners' council approves the start date of work. In the case when finances are transferred to a regional operator, the procedure becomes much more complicated. Local authorities are reluctant to meet apartment owners in the issue of postponing and speeding up the procedure for major repairs. However, competent actions of tenants can resolve the dispute in their favor. The procedure is described below.

First of all, a meeting of owners is held, at which a decision is made to postpone the start date of repair work. Based on the results of the meeting, a protocol is drawn up, to which documentary evidence of the need for an earlier overhaul is attached (photographs of worn out elements or the results of an independent examination initiated by the owners).

The next step is to transfer the collected documents, together with an application to postpone the date, to representatives of the local administration, who must convene a commission to determine the accuracy of the information provided and transfer the minutes of the meeting to the regional authorities, who consider the application and make a verdict regarding the timing of the overhaul.

In the event of a negative response from the authorities, there are two ways to solve the problem:

  • going to court is not a profitable decision, as it will entail costs for an additional examination of the technical condition of a residential building and legal costs;
  • at the general meeting, raise the issue of additional collection of money necessary for the overhaul of the house - in this case, the owners have the right not to make payments to the overhaul fund until the amount spent on urgent repairs is reached.

What is the overhaul

There are several types of overhaul, which are classified depending on the state of engineering communications of a residential building and its structural elements. Allocate overhaul:

  • complex;
  • selective;
  • emergency.

The last type of housing maintenance must be carried out in case of emergencies, or as a result of a natural disaster, terrorist attack, vandalism.

A comprehensive overhaul covers a fully residential building, all communications, equipment, structures, its implementation is aimed at eliminating the consequences of moral and physical deterioration. This type of work is carried out when the building is in a pre-emergency condition and is subject to demolition or reconstruction.

A selective overhaul is aimed at troubleshooting individual components of a residential structure, including the replacement or restoration of technical components.

The overhaul of apartment buildings today worries residents, the government, and management companies. This is a serious problem, closely related to the state of the housing stock and public interest in it. The 2014 Law on Overhaul ensured the safety and comfort of living in apartment buildings by setting deadlines for the completion of restoration work.

Who pays for the overhaul

A few words about who should pay for the overhaul of a residential building. Law on the overhaul of apartment buildings (Article 169 of the LC RF) clearly divided who and how to carry out the work. Local authorities are responsible for organizing and supervising the overhaul, and the owners collect money for it. Prior to this, the Housing and Utilities Reform Fund was in charge of financial issues, which today is working, resettling residents from emergency and dilapidated houses. The payment for the program for the overhaul of apartment buildings is included in the monthly EAP and is determined for each locality individually.

Residents are exempted from paying for major repairs:

  • emergency houses;
  • houses standing on land included in state property;
  • apartments owned by municipalities.

The amount of contributions is calculated according to average income indicators and is about 9 rubles per square meter, the amount depends on the category of the house. Residents of municipal apartments are deprived of the right to vote in the HOA (partnership of homeowners) and do not have the right to make any proposals for organizing and carrying out major repairs.

overhaul fund

Major repairs of the house should eliminate the structural shortcomings of the housing stock. Also, during the work, the properties of buildings can be improved. It is imperative to carry out periodic maintenance, which helps to eliminate minor damage and prevent wear and tear of the fund. These are usually scheduled repairs that do not require large financial costs and disconnecting the house from the hot water supply.

To carry out the work, a capital repair fund must be organized, consisting of contributions and interest on them, which is used to pay for several works. Thus, the program for the overhaul of common residential property is carried out with money from this fund. There are also possible payments on loans that were taken to provide the necessary services, and to pay the developers of project documentation. In the event of an emergency condition of housing, finances are directed to restoration work or to pay for demolition. The decision on this must be made by the owners of the apartments at the meeting. When carrying out additional work on the arrangement of the building, the HOA may establish an increased rate of contributions.

List of works on overhaul

The money contributed to the overhaul fund by the owners of MKD can be spent on many needs for the repair and restoration of housing. What is included in the renovation of an apartment building? Repair of walls and facades- This is the main work during the overhaul. They allow:

  • repair and insulate facades and plinths;
  • to produce glazing of balconies and loggias;
  • change windows and balcony blocks for greater isolation from noise;
  • replace or repair the drainage system;
  • repair house fire escapes;
  • repair or replace roofing;
  • repair house canopies;
  • repair the blind area;
  • repair the outer walls of the elevators.

Also applies to the overhaul of an apartment building work on basement and foundation restoration. To do this, money is taken from the overhaul fund to:

  • repair the foundation of the house;
  • treat the structural elements of the building with an antiseptic;
  • repair basement entrances;
  • carry out hermetic work on interpanel seams, etc.

The next step in every overhaul is restoration and restoration of the roof and attics. For this you need:

  • repair the attic and roof, carry out their fire-fighting treatment;
  • treat all wooden beams with antiseptics;
  • repair or replace pallets;
  • normalize the temperature regime;
  • carry out hermetic and repair work of ventilation systems;
  • repair or replace parapet gratings;
  • replace or repair drainpipes, etc.

The overhaul will not take place without restoration of stairs with the change of steps and railings. It is also necessary restoration of common areas in the entrance and entrance doors, these works are part of the overhaul. For this you need:

  • repair lighting in the entrance;
  • repair or replace door structures;
  • repair hatches of garbage chutes, etc.

The renovation of an apartment building includes work on the reconstruction of engineering communications. The management company must:

  • repair the ventilation system;
  • repair and replace the hot and cold water supply system;
  • repair sewer and drainage equipment;
  • to repair the general house gas supply, electrical equipment, fire-fighting system.

The work also includes: repair of garbage chutes, elevator equipment, wall and ceiling decoration in the entrances in case of damage. All of the above answers the question of what works are included in the overhaul.

Who can't pay

Having learned what is included in the list of overhaul works, it is necessary to find out who may not pay the fee. These are, first of all, tenants who do not have rights to the apartment or room in which they live. These include citizens who have entered into a lease agreement or a social contract of employment. This also includes persons sharing housing with the owner. People who own non-residential premises in the house are not exempted from paying contributions.

Payment of dues

Many doubt whether it is necessary to pay for the overhaul of residential buildings? Yes, you will have to pay anyway. If this is not done, then the accrual of penalties cannot be avoided, which can be claimed in court by the management company. The court always satisfies such claims and obliges the debtor to pay the debt.

If there are unpaid financial obligations, the defaulter may be deprived of the right to travel abroad, he is prohibited from concluding real estate transactions, and even a seizure of property may be carried out. With debts for housing and communal services, any citizen is deprived of benefits for utilities.

Funding may come from other sources as well. At the same time, funds can be used not only to pay off existing debts, but also to pay for additional work. Other sources include financial resources paid for the rent of non-residential premises and advertising placed in the building. In this case, discounts on payments for pensioners and veterans may be given.

Repair quality

The company conducting the repair work will monitor the quality in accordance with all requirements. Contractual obligations determine the overhaul standards and safe indicators corresponding to the work carried out to improve housing. The progress is monitored either by the regional operator or by the HOA. State bodies are also included in the control over the overhaul. Performing work, they are required to draw up lists of notifications and special accounts, inform residents about all the activities carried out.


Having found out what is included in the list of overhaul, we can draw some conclusions. For example, a major renovation program is funded by a special fund, partly made up of contributions from the owners. The timing of the implementation depends on the time of operation of the materials included in the housing stock. So, a slate roof will become unusable after 30 years, and a cast-iron pipeline - after 40 years. The payment of contributions is mandatory for all tenants, in case of debt on them, proceedings in court and the accrual of penalties will follow.

A wave of overhauls of dwellings swept Moscow in 2015. According to it, repairs of houses will be carried out throughout the city in order to improve living conditions. But many residents of Moscow are at a loss as to where to find the necessary information and learn everything about this process.

What is an overhaul?

According to the legislatively approved document, since the middle of 2015, the cost of capital repairs of houses will be transferred entirely to Muscovites. Each house - or rather, its residents - has the right to choose where the collected money will be stored until they are needed. You can save them on a specially created account at home, or you can transfer them directly to the city fund. Finances are transferred to the main fund within three months from the moment of their accumulation in full.

Regardless of the storage location, when it comes time for a major home renovation, the money goes to purchase the necessary materials. Today, the concept of "overhaul" is divided into two components:

The first is the specific positions of what is being repaired in the house. It can be roofs, water or heating pipes, or all at once.

The second is how this repair is carried out. Workers should never repair "something now, and something later" without objective reasons. According to the program, all systems that require repair are repaired at the same time in one house.

It is important to know: Suppose an unforeseen situation nevertheless happened, and the builders postponed some part of the repair for several weeks. In this case, before the next stage of repair, specialists must come to the building to check its condition: whether anything has worsened during the absence of workers. If the builders started the second repair without expert examination, this is a violation.

What is being repaired?

Builders are not engaged in updating the appearance of the facades or painting the walls of the entrance. Their job is to change poorly functioning engineering systems. And if the facade is being repaired, it means that it is emergency and poses a threat to the health or even the life of the inhabitants of the house.

Other aspects of repairs that a home might hypothetically need include:

  • renovation of water pipes;
  • replacement of gas pipes;
  • strengthening or complete replacement of roof decking;
  • work in basements, elimination of foundation cracks;
  • fixing electrical networks.

On an individual basis, other home maintenance problems can be found that also need to be addressed.

What houses are not included in the overhaul program?

The program is designed for 30 years, so every year there are more and more new buildings to be repaired. At the same time, the list cannot be supplemented by houses that:

  • are subject to resettlement and demolition according to the renovation program;
  • will be demolished in the near future due to the emergency situation;
  • will be reconstructed;
  • consist of one or two apartments.

If your home does not meet any of these requirements, but still has not appeared in the renovation queue, you need to be patient. In the first half of 2017, the list was replenished with three hundred buildings, and this is not the limit.

How do I track the status of my home's renovations?

In order to find your home and find out all the information about planned or ongoing repairs, there is no need to call any institutions or go to the housing and communal services with questions. It is enough to go to the site This is a special site created by the office of the mayor of Moscow to monitor the situation in the city.

Here you can find out if the house is included in the renovation program, complain about the noise during work and, of course, check the status of the renovation of your house.

The guide to action is as follows:

1. We go to the site and see a redirect to this page:

2. Since we are looking for information about housing, you need to click on the item “Housing, housing and communal services, courtyard”. The menu will change to this:

3. Now you should select the item "Apartment building and yard":

4. Here you can check the list of houses included in the renovation program, and thus make sure that if your house is in poor condition and requires the replacement of some structures, then it will not be demolished in the near future - accordingly, you can wait in line for a major overhaul. We are mainly interested in the line “Learn everything about the overhaul”, which will redirect to this page:

5. By clicking on the item “When and what work is carried out on the overhaul”, you will find yourself on a page with information, among which these lines are most of all interested:

Thus, at your disposal will be a complete list of addresses of houses that should be completely renovated by the end of 2017.

What to do if the repair is carried out poorly or not on time?

If the public services website claims that work should be carried out on your territory, but there are no builders.

Or if they have already left, and the repaired systems have broken again, you must file a complaint. There are many authorities that you can contact, but the most effective among them is the website of the Capital Repair Fund of the City of Moscow.

In order for the appeal to be recorded and sent to the address, a number of requirements must be met: indicate the correct full name and the correct e-mail address. It is also forbidden to use obscene language or threats in the direction of anyone.

The answer can be expected both by e-mail and by postal address, if the latter is indicated in the appeal. You can support the letter with documents, but in an amount not more than ten pieces.

The overhaul of an apartment building includes a set of repairs aimed at eliminating significant shortcomings of the building, including in order to prevent possible negative consequences. Since 2014, the state has actually relieved itself of responsibility for the implementation of these measures, now this responsibility has been assigned to the owners of residential and non-residential premises of the house.

What it is

The definition of overhaul and related work is regulated in civil law, and the features of carrying out similar activities with residential real estate are disclosed in the norms of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and other acts of the housing sector. As a general rule, the overhaul of a property includes:

  • a set of works related to the replacement or restoration of individual parts and elements of load-bearing building structures and ceilings;
  • similar work on building structures or parts thereof that are not included in the list of load-bearing structures;
  • restoration, or full or partial replacement of engineering and technical communications of an apartment building.

With regard to the overhaul of the housing stock, these general areas of construction work will be disclosed in the list of common house property of a particular house to be replaced or restored.

Based on the characteristics of the housing stock, major repairs can be carried out in the form of planned or emergency works. Unscheduled works are ordered in the following cases:

  1. if the current state of structures can lead to significant damage or destruction of the object;
  2. if the impact of force majeure circumstances of a spontaneous and sudden nature is determined (for example, destructive natural phenomena);
  3. if the condition of individual load-bearing or other building structures interferes with the main purpose of the multi-apartment building - the safe living of citizens.

The law allows repairs to buildings officially recognized as emergency only to eliminate the threat to the safety of residents until other residential premises are allocated to them.

Carrying out scheduled repairs is carried out by including multi-apartment buildings in regional lists (registries) maintained by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The compilation of these lists is one of the elements of the mechanism for reforming the housing stock, since funds for the next stage of overhaul are accumulated through transfers (contributions) from homeowners.

The specified list provides for the assignment of the overhaul of each house to a certain calendar period - a year. Since the lists are approved at the regional level and are made publicly available, interested persons have the opportunity to determine at any time whether their house is included in the register for overhaul, and in what year the planned work will be carried out.

With the introduction of the Housing and Utilities Reform Fund, the formation of a list of necessary overhaul works is carried out in two stages:

  • a mandatory regulated list of works approved at the federal level (it cannot be changed even by decision of the owners of residential premises);
  • an additional set of works, the list of which can be determined by the residents of an apartment building at their own decision of the owners of residential premises.

An additional list of construction works will be limited only by the amount of contributions collected and accumulated by citizens at the time of the conclusion of the contract. Moreover, if these funds are not enough for the planned repair purposes, they can apply for a loan in banking institutions.

The federal list of works on the overhaul of multi-apartment buildings includes:

  1. engineering communications located within the building and included in the common property - elements of water supply and sanitation; heating system; electrical communications; gas supply system (the list also provides for the replacement of stove heating with central heating, if the design features of the building allow it);
  2. elevator maintenance system (restoration or replacement of individual elements or the entire system);
  3. repair and restoration work on the roof of the building;
  4. performance of construction work on the elements of the foundation or basement;
  5. carrying out repair and restoration work on the facade of the building.

It should be borne in mind that this federal list can be expanded at the level of subjects of the Russian Federation. It depends on the features of the operation of the housing stock, the degree of deterioration of multi-apartment buildings, the financial possibilities of the budget and the size of the contribution of residents. In particular, the overhaul works include insulation of interpanel seams and facades of the building, installation of energy meters, etc.

If the owners of residential premises decide to open a special account for the collection and management of overhaul contributions, they can simultaneously set an increased amount of payments with an expansion of the list of works. This decision should be communicated to the regional operator, and overhaul using special account funds should be carried out no later than the regulated deadlines.

Carrying out a regulated and additional list of overhaul works will be carried out under the contract. If the management of citizens' contributions is carried out by a regional operator, an open competition will be held for the right to carry out a major overhaul. For this, information from the list of multi-apartment buildings will be used, including when determining the timing of work. Accordingly, if, by decision of the homeowners, the overhaul is carried out earlier than the deadlines specified in the regional list, additional types of work will be included in the contract.

For the actual performance of work on the overhaul of the housing stock, regional authorities can finance the following list of related services at the expense of citizens' contributions:

  • carrying out activities for the inspection of an apartment building or its individual structures, as well as the preparation of estimate documentation;
  • ordering author's architectural design documentation;
  • inspection of engineering and technical communications;
  • carrying out inventory measures to determine the normative and actual depreciation of an apartment building.

Based on the collected information about the condition of the house, a comprehensive or selective overhaul will be carried out. In selective repairs, only individual building structures and elements of the building are subject to replacement and restoration, while complex work will be aimed at eliminating the shortcomings of the whole building.

Thus, the owners of residential premises can determine in advance the list of mandatory works that will be performed on their apartment building. If necessary, this list can be expanded in a timely manner by increasing the amount of citizens' contributions.