It is not easy for people with disabilities to move in the conditions of modern realities, since a small number of entrances to structures are equipped with convenient stationary ramps for people with limited mobility.

Portable telescopic ramp - the optimal solution to the problem

It is possible to solve the problem of moving a person in a wheelchair along unequipped stairs, high curbs and other similar obstacles using a portable ramp. Accompanying persons can easily install such ramps in the required place, and after overcoming the obstacle, the ramp is very easy to dismantle and fold.

How to choose a portable ramp for the disabled to buy and not be mistaken

After deciding to purchase a portable ramp, you need not only to choose the right seller or manufacturer, but also pay attention to a number of important points. Be sure to find out the exact weight of a person with limited mobility and do not forget about adding the weight of the stroller to it. When selecting the overall dimensions of the ramps, one must proceed from the corresponding dimensions of the wheelchair. When purchasing a ramp, it is advisable to test the strength of the connection of the sections.

It is very profitable to buy portable ramps from us at retail

Our online store for a long time has been dealing with products related to the adaptation and improvement of the urban environment for categories of people who move in wheelchairs. Our specialists can help with the correct selection of the parameters and sizes of ramps, make the price of the ramp interesting for the buyer, arrange delivery and do not forget about providing a guarantee for branded products.

Modern portable ramp price must match the quality

The portable ramp is characterized by versatility of use, since it can be selected for any stroller with different dimensions, reliability in operation, since high-quality aluminum structures must withstand weight up to 350 kilograms. The use of such a ramp is extremely simple, as it can be quickly installed on any surface, and its coating prevents slipping. For the convenience of carrying the ramp, all its parts are securely fastened and form a compact design.

Buyers who decide to buy a portable ramp in Moscow in our store are always satisfied with the service, price and quality of the purchase.

Ramp for the disabled 4-section

Access ramps for the disabled

Ramp is a specialized platform, which is designed for lifting and lowering loads of various types. These units are widely used by disabled people as mobile ramps that can be used outdoors or indoors.

The design of ramps is similar to ramps. They are folding, telescopic or platform. Folding and telescopic models are optimal for outdoor use, and platform models for home use. The latter are often used for stationary installation, as they have the most stable, simple and reliable design.

Ramp features

The ramps used for the disabled are most often made of corrugated metal or using non-slip pads. They can be made in a one-piece design or in the form of two guides for each pair of wheels of a wheelchair.

Among the distinguishing features we note:

  • Manufactured from lightweight aluminum and its alloys.
  • The design provides high load capacity.
  • The ramps are equipped with elements for the safe movement of a wheelchair.
  • They are equipped with fixing elements that prevent the structure from slipping off the stairs, threshold, etc.

All products presented in the catalog are thoroughly tested in the factory. Due to the special design, high reliability and stability of the ramp is achieved, which allows you to safely overcome obstacles and move the stroller through different levels.

Scope of use

Disabled ramps are widely used as mobile And stationary ramps. These structures will help a disabled person to get into a vehicle, overcome stairs or a curb, smoothly move over a high threshold, etc.

Thanks to the corrugation of the metal and the coating of the canvas, a high degree of adhesion is achieved, which allows the stroller to freely drive onto the ramp even at a large angle. This is useful when you need to overcome steep steps or drive into a car with limited access.

A ramp is called an inclined platform, which is intended for the descent or ascent of small-sized wheeled vehicles (wheelchairs or prams). As a rule, it is installed next to the stairs and is its alternative. Thanks to this, a person with limited mobility can overcome the ascent or descent without assistance. The article will focus on the correct arrangement of the ramp.

Ramps are installed on the porch of buildings for various purposes. That is, where it is necessary to connect two horizontal platforms located at different heights and inclined paths with a flat surface are placed. Most often you can see a ramp in public organizations - hospitals, schools, kindergartens, shops and pharmacies, as well as at the entrance to the subway or underground passages, in entrances and private homes.

Ramp photo

There are several main types of ramps, which differ in appearance, and sometimes in purpose.

Types of ramps

The design of the ramp and its device are different. Depending on where they are installed and what they are intended for, they are divided into 3 main varieties and several subspecies.

Stationary ramps

  • These are designs that do not have a removable mechanism and are designed for long-term operation. Such products are installed outside buildings, for example, at the entrance to residential buildings, cinemas, hospitals, shops. The basic rule is that their design is laid down at the design stage of buildings.
  • Outwardly, they are two lanes parallel to each other at a certain angle of inclination, and are equipped with handrails. They are monolithic or in the form of the letter P. As a rule, they duplicate the stairs, but in some cases they are also installed on top of the steps. The height of the ramp depends on the overall height of the lift.
  • Most often, these ramps are made of concrete, but sometimes metal and even wood are used.

Folding ramps

  • Outwardly, they look like stationary ramps and their purpose is almost identical. The main difference is that these designs have a folding mechanism. When assembled, the flight of stairs is released. They are used inside entrances in multi-storey buildings, as well as in private buildings. That is, where the place is limited and the use of a stationary ramp is impossible, as it would interfere with the free movement of people.

  • The folding ramp has the form of rails or platforms. On the one hand, it is attached to the wall or railing, which are located along the stairs, using special locking joints, or simple building loops and latch. The second side remains free and the structure can be lowered and raised without problems. To make an ascent or descent along such a ramp, simply open the locking mechanism and lay the platform on the flight of stairs. When the need for them disappears, they also calmly return to their place, re-securing the lock.

Removable ramps

  • Such ramps are also called portable. They are quite easy to install if necessary, and when they become irrelevant, they are also easily dismantled. At the same time, they take up little space and can be folded, which is convenient in cases of transportation. These are quite mobile and flexible designs. This is a great ramp option for prams and wheelchairs. For manufacturing, light materials are used - steel or duralumin.

There are three main subspecies of removable ramps, which differ in the type of device:

  • telescopic;
  • ramp;
  • roll.

Telescopic sliding ramps

  • They are able to move apart, thereby increasing their parameters in length. When the product is assembled, it does not take up much space, can be easily transported, and, if necessary, moved apart, becoming 2 times longer, and in some cases even more. The coating of such a ramp has an anti-slip surface to prevent the wheelchairs from rolling back during the ascent or too fast descent. It can be used for climbing stairs, overcoming parapets or moving to vehicles.

  • Outwardly, it consists of two parallel ramps. In general, the term ramp is borrowed from military affairs, where special devices are called that, which allow loading heavy equipment (cars and even tanks) for transportation in trains. Models of sliding ramps today are the most diverse, the differences between them lies in the length of the guides and in their width. The load carrying capacity of the product is also an important indicator. The approximate possible load on the assembled ramp is 400 kg.

Ramp to overcome rapids - ramp

  • This product is small in size and is used in cases where you need to move a wheelchair or carry a baby carriage over a threshold in a house or a curb on the street, as well as over other small obstacles.
  • The word "ramp" can be translated as an inclined surface. That is, in principle, the ramp is a ramp, but in Russian reality, under this name, it is precisely small platforms that are produced to overcome thresholds. The product is easy to install and disassemble. Such a ramp has a folding design made of durable material (rubber or metal).

  • As a rule, ramps allow you to overcome obstacles whose height varies from 3 to 15 cm. They are made in the form of a wedge, with a fixed height and width (the width of the ramp does not exceed the parameters of the doorway, that is, no more than 85 cm). When the curbs or threshold are in the form of a ledge, it is required to install a ramp on both sides.
  • To prevent this procedure from taking too much time, manufacturers suggest using sliding structures consisting of two wedges and a platform. The platform (middle section) is mounted on the threshold and covers it, and two wedge-shaped parts are used for descent and ascent, on each side of the center. Of course, with the constant use of such a product, there are difficulties with closing the door. That is why two-section or three-section ramps are used only when necessary.

Roll ramp

  • A modern development, a high-tech product, which consists of a large number of transverse sections connected by dividers. Sections can be removed, thereby adjusting the dimensions of the ramp. When assembled, such a product is a roll. That is, it can easily be folded up and placed, for example, in the trunk of a car. Rollopandus takes up minimal space, and is quite easy to operate.

  • Since the sections are removable, it is possible to fit it to the dimensions of any staircase, it can be easily lengthened and shortened. The product has an increased load capacity, and for its manufacture, aircraft-grade aluminum is used, which has high strength.

There are two main types of ramps according to the device - these are rails and a platform.

Ramps with rail construction

  • They are a product of two separate sections, usually made of metal. Each rail has small sides and is covered with a special anti-slip material. Such structures are considered the lightest and most mobile, but if the ascent is steep, then it is not recommended to climb it in a wheelchair on your own.

Ramp platform

  • E this is an inclined platform, the width of which can be from 60 cm to 2.5 m. Such platforms can also be portable, while they fold either horizontally or vertically. Most often, stainless steel or aluminum is used for manufacturing. They also distinguish between such a type of product as a ramp-book. That is, it has two sections that fold in half, like a book or a suitcase. Such structures are easy to carry, store, and operate.

Technical characteristics of ramps

Since this type of structure is intended for lowering or lifting people with limited motor abilities, the requirements for parameters are very high.

  • The most important characteristic is the angle of inclination of the ramp, or rather, the working surface, which is also called the march. This parameter is measured as a percentage, and it represents the ratio of the total length of the horizontal plane and the height to which you want to climb.

  • As a rule, the maximum value of the angle of inclination is a value of 8%. Moreover, if the length of the ramp is not more than 20 cm, then it is allowed to increase the angle by approximately 2% (that is, make it equal to 10%). If, with a large total length of the ramp, the angle of inclination of the platform for descent / ascent exceeds 10%, then it will simply be impossible for people in wheelchairs to climb on their own.
  • The guides of the rail ramps must freely accommodate the standard wheels of wheelchairs or prams. As a rule, platforms have a greater load capacity and rigidity than rails. There is a certain set of requirements, which is fixed in the official documentation (GOSTs, SNiPs, and so on).
  • Before and after lifting, there must be a horizontal plane that would contain the dimensions of the chair or stroller.
  • When installing a ramp on a staircase with several spans, that is, in cases where the product consists of several parts, it is necessary to have a flat plane between the parts. This is necessary to provide the ability to deploy the stroller. The dimensions of such an intermediate platform are - the width is equal to the double width of the march, and the depth is from 1.5 m.
  • When placing a ramp for one-sided ascent / descent, a width of 90 cm should be maintained. If two-way movement is required, then the width is doubled, that is, this parameter must be at least 180 cm. In addition, it is important to take into account the fact that two-way movement A person can only hold on to one side, which means that the angle of inclination of the structure should be reduced to 6%. The best option would be to have an additional handrail in the center, or to install a ramp on both sides of the stairs.
  • It is important to install ramp railings at a height of more than 15 cm, as well as in cases where the march has a length of more than 1.5 m. The railing can be designed with a double handrail. The first handrail for the ramp is located at a height of 60 cm (if children are supposed to be moving in wheelchairs, then 50 cm), and the height of the second is 80 cm.

  • Handrails, if possible, should be located on both sides and be longer than the climbing march, at least 30 cm on each side, while it is important that they are continuous throughout. The diameter of the railing can vary from 3 to 5 cm.
  • The edge of the ramp must be equipped with a small side (at least 5 cm high), which prevents the wheels of the vehicle from slipping.

These norms and rules are mandatory, as their violation can lead to a risk to life for people moving in wheelchairs, as well as for others.

Ramps can be made not only in the factory, but also independently. The materials used are metal, wood or concrete. Products are necessary not only for a person in a wheelchair, but also for pedestrians with baby carriages, and sometimes for people moving on roller skates or bicycles. There are also special ramps for cars.

Ramp example

  • As a rule, such products consist of three main elements - two horizontal platforms (at the beginning and at the end), as well as an inclined surface (march). Very often, when designing, they forget that the platforms during descent and ascent must freely accommodate a wheelchair, otherwise people with limited motor functions simply will not be able to use this product.
  • It is important that the ramps are located on those sections of the walkways or floors in various institutions where there is a height difference of 4 cm. Of course, it would be best if the ramp is installed in places with differences ranging from 1-1.5 cm, as is customary in world practice. But, unfortunately, we have not yet adopted it officially.

Nowadays, the issue of availability of wheelchair ramps in residential buildings and public institutions is extremely acute. Indeed, in order to provide free and unhindered access for people with disabilities, this element is simply necessary. Let's look at what types of ramps are and how their device differs.

Designs of ramps for the disabled

The designs of ramps for the disabled and their device vary depending on the purpose, installation location and other features of the product.


Stationary ramps for wheelchairs are designed for a long period of operation, therefore they are installed "once and for all". Most often they are placed at the entrances to buildings, descents into the subway and other public places. There are two types of ramp designs: double-span and single-span.

Despite the fact that products must correspond, first of all, to the individual characteristics of the place of operation, their manufacture and installation are strictly regulated by the state quality standard.

GOST and SNiP requirements for wheelchair ramps
Only in case of compliance with all norms, you can install the product. GOST R 51261-99 and SNiP 35-01-2001 describe in detail all the parameters (ramp handrail height, minimum width and other dimensions) that must be observed in order for the design to be completely legal and competently executed.

The presence of handrails on both sides of the guides is a prerequisite. Special requirements apply to barriers for handicapped ramps.

Most often, the railing for the ramp is made of stainless steel, and the rails are made of cheap metal or concrete.

Folding ramps for wheelchairs

These platforms differ from stationary ones in that, even if they are fixed, they can be folded and moved away at a time when their participation in the process of ascent or descent is not required. Usually, folding ramps for wheelchairs are installed in the entrances of multi-storey residential buildings - where a permanent element could restrict the movement of other people.

The device of such a ramp involves fixing on a wall or railing with the help of special high-strength loops. The guides must be fastened together.

In order to use the wheelchair ramp, simply fold it down and place it on the stairs. After use, the flight of stairs can be released by simply lifting the fixture back and securing it with the latches.

Video: automatic folding ramp

Folding ramps with a modified design are used in some types of public transport. For example, buses and trolleybuses are equipped with modern models that help to greatly facilitate the process of boarding and disembarking passengers with disabilities.

Removable ramps for the disabled

  • roll ramps;
  • sliding telescopic;
  • ramps to overcome thresholds.

Roll ramps

The roll ramp rolls up like a regular rug, which can be seen in any living room. Due to its compactness in assembled form, the product is easy to transport from one place to another.

Sliding and telescopic ramps

Telescopic ramps for wheelchairs are a universal design that is suitable for absolutely any flight of stairs. The use of removable sliding ramps is especially important in places where it is impossible to equip the span with stationary equipment or it will significantly interfere with the movement of other people.

The product is a retractable platform, which unfolds to the required length. In order to overcome a small staircase, the structure can be used when folded. In this case, the ramp is capable of bearing weight up to 400 kilograms.

Video: telescopic ramp

Wheelchair ramps are relatively small in size, unlike other types of products. As a rule, it is placed so that a person with disabilities can move in a wheelchair over a curb, threshold, or any other area characterized by sharp elevation changes. Thanks to its compact size and low weight, installation can be done in a matter of minutes.

Nowadays, it is folding wheelchair ramps that are becoming increasingly popular, the dimensions of which allow you to easily transport the product with you. You can use them even in public places, without restricting pedestrians.

What to consider when choosing a ramp

In order to place a stationary or folding ramp for the disabled in the entrance, you must obtain official permission from the person who is responsible for the maintenance of the residential building. Otherwise, the owner of the device may be held liable.

First of all, you need to choose the right design. It should not infringe on the freedom of movement or the convenience of other residents, and must also comply with GOST.

A few points to consider when choosing a ramp:

  • Different models of strollers have a different number of wheels (usually from 3 to 8), as well as their thickness, height and distance between them. It is by these criteria that it is possible to determine what type the structure should be and what the width of the wheelchair ramp should be. However, this is relevant only if the site is operated by only one person.
  • An important point is the presence of connecting partitions between the skids, along which the carriage is moved. They must be installed in such a way that they do not interfere with pedestrians. If someone trips, gets hurt or damages property, the responsibility for what happened will lie with the owner of the ramp.
  • Fasteners protruding from railings or walls can cause a lot of unpleasant situations. That is why homemade ramps for wheelchairs are very dangerous. Photos of such "handicraft" products can be found on the Internet to make sure that they pose a serious danger.
  • Keep in mind, if the installation is made of expensive material, then it can be easily stolen. Especially if the structure is not stationary and does not have reliable fasteners.
  • Separately, it is worth considering the weight characteristics of the product, for example, it is not advisable to install metal ramps on wooden stairs, because the heavy weight of the structure can ruin the sheathing of the steps.
  • The modern device of the ramp assumes the presence of a rubber coating, the task of which is to prevent slipping. Its absence significantly complicates the process of lowering and lifting the stroller.
  • The device must be equipped with special dampers, which make the operation silent and give the design shock-absorbing qualities.

The fencing of the ramp for the disabled is necessary, first of all, in order to provide a person with disabilities with comfort and safety of movement.

The main criteria that quality handrails for ramps meet:

  • made exclusively of reliable, safe and wear-resistant materials that do not lose their technical features for many years;
  • the surface is smooth and continuous along the entire length of the handrail;
  • have a well-thought-out shape that makes the process of moving up the flight of stairs in a wheelchair as convenient as possible;
  • comply with all GOST standards and do not interfere with pedestrians;
  • have a rounding at the ends, and the edge goes in the opposite direction from the person, ideally, it is securely mounted in the wall;
  • does not have sharp corners and protruding small elements that can catch a person's bag or clothing;
  • has a round or oval section, with a diameter of 30 to 60 mm, which allows for a tight grip and, accordingly, stability.

It is worth noting that it is necessary to think about the need to install a railing for a ramp at the very beginning of product design. Thus, we can correctly select the ratio of the size of the sites and the fence.

How to make a ramp with your own hands

  1. All necessary measurements are made. According to construction standards (SNiP), the difference in levels at the entrances to buildings and pedestrian crossings must be at least 4 centimeters, because otherwise the installation of the structure is considered unjustified;
  2. We carry out the calculation of the ramp - the flight of stairs is measured: length, height, width. We calculate the slope of the structure. If the angle of inclination exceeds 20 degrees, then the disabled person will need outside help to descend;
  3. If the staircase has several flights, intermediate platforms should be considered, the width of which should not be less than 180 centimeters.
  4. A detailed drawing of the ramp is made, which provides for the presence and exact location of the fasteners;
  5. The side edges of the work surfaces must have special bumpers to prevent slipping. If they are missing or the edges are too small, then it needs to be redone in such a way that the side height becomes at least 5 centimeters;
  6. An anti-slip coating for the ramp is selected;
  7. Assembly of the product and installation at the place of operation.

Of course, making a ramp with your own hands is quite difficult. This is a process that requires not only attentiveness, but also precise engineering calculations.

If the installation of bulky stationary structures is not necessary or impossible, as an alternative, consider removable wheelchair ramps that you can carry with you.

Regardless of which model you choose, follow the requirements of GOST and SNiP to avoid fines and ensure the safety of people operating the product.

Ramps are a must for wheelchair users. People with disabilities, without their help, cannot go down or up stairs, overcome high thresholds and curbs. The installation of ramps for wheelchair users is necessary both in commercial and residential real estate, and in every social infrastructure facility. For these purposes, standard designs are predominantly used, which are suitable for wheelchairs and prams.

Stationary ramps

The type of ramp you always need. Usually it is installed on the elevations of the entrance groups. Tiflocentre presents its own ramp "Designer", which is characterized by increased ergonomics and quick installation that does not require additional permits.

Ramp "Constructor" - an improved development of the Tiflocenter "Vertical". Unlike a stationary ramp, this model does not need to be coordinated with the installation and is very easy to assemble. Complete installation of the structure does not require more than 1 working day. Ramp "Designer" can be installed on any surface: asphalt, concrete slabs, tiles.

Portable ramps

Ramps for temporary use. Installation and dismantling does not require time. They are good to use when overcoming small and temporary obstacles for a wheelchair user. Among portable ramps, there are: dummy, erratic, ramps (ramp).

Rolling ramps for disabled people with impaired musculoskeletal system are the ideal solution for overcoming thresholds...

These ramps have a simple design, but at the same time perform their main function of organizing an "accessible environment" ...

Ramps are used to overcome high obstacles and in cases where the car is not equipped with special wheelchair lifts ...

Folding ramps

It consists of two ramps (inclined platforms), which, if necessary, can be installed on the stairs when a wheelchair user is moving, and then easily lifted. Thus, they do not impede the movement of other passers-by.

Folding ramps can be vertically fixed to the walls of stairwells and, if necessary, lean back onto the steps of the stairs...

Accessories for ramps and ramps

Thanks to the automated process in the production of handrails, Tiflocenter "Vertical" can offer these products at the lowest prices in Russia...

What are the ramps for the disabled?

Quite high requirements are put forward for the quality of auxiliary elements. In our company, the manufacture of ramps is carried out in accordance with GOST 56305-2014. We use high-quality material and technical standards fixed in official documents (SNiP, GOST).

Types of ramps for wheelchair users

  • Rolling - designed for people with dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system. They are installed on high thresholds of more than 4 cm and have a high load capacity (at least 250 kg).
  • Stand-alone adjustable - used to move wheelchairs between surfaces of different heights (curbs, thresholds).
  • Reinforced dummy - structures equipped with a transport fuse. With their help, sections with a single height difference (ledges, one-sided thresholds) are overcome.
  • Portable ramps - are used exclusively in the presence of high obstacles, mainly when a stroller enters a car.
  • Folding - fixed to the walls on the stairwells in a vertical position. If necessary, these structures recline on the steps.

Ramps for wheelchair users with a height of more than 1.5 cm are installed together with handrails, the quality of which must also comply with the standards. The cost of additional designs is low, as we sell goods at wholesale prices.

Specialists working in Tiflotsentr "Vertical" make ramps in the shortest possible time. We care about the safety and comfort of people with limited mobility by creating auxiliary structures (ramps, ramps, railings) that meet their requirements.

Prices for ramps, portable ramps

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