Removal, processing and disposal of waste from 1 to 5 hazard class

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Mankind is seriously faced with the problem of waste disposal, therefore, more and more advanced methods of waste disposal are being developed all over the world.

“Recycling” is now such a fashionable foreign word. Unfortunately, it has not yet gained the desired popularity in our country. In developed countries, resource conservation is an important motivation for recycling waste.

Special landfills and engineering landfills for waste disposal have a limited area, in addition, they occupy useful land and harm the environment around them. The problem is not solved by the removal of workings at waste incineration plants. They allow you to reduce the amount of waste, but cause no less harm to the environment, poisoning the air with toxic gases.

The latest efforts of scientists are aimed at developing new schemes for waste disposal, and to introduce new processing technologies by type, hazard class and source of origin. This approach is most effective in terms of environmental protection and rational consumption of exhaustible natural resources. The importance of competent waste processing also has an economic component - it contains useful components, the secondary production of which is much cheaper than primary extraction and processing.

Garbage classification

Types of waste by source of origin

  • household
  • Organic origin
  • industrial production
  • Medical
  • radioactive waste

Types of waste by state of aggregation

  • Solid
  • Liquid
  • Pastes
  • Suspensions
  • emulsions
  • Bulk

In total, there are 5 hazard classes of waste:

  • Working off, which belong to the first class of danger, pose a threat to all life on earth. Even in small quantities, they can lead to death, disability, the birth of sick offspring. Substances such as mercury, polonium, plutonium, lead can cause a serious environmental disaster.
  • The second and third hazard classes are united by garbage, which can cause ecological imbalance, and it will take decades to restore it. These include chromium, zinc, phosphorus and chlorine compounds, arsenic.
  • Low-hazard substances of the fourth hazard class also affect the human body and living beings. The ecosystem after their impact is restored within 3 years.
  • There is a fifth class - environmentally friendly garbage, but even in large quantities it can cause damage to the surrounding space.

A variety of working off leads to the need to create progressive methods of primary waste sorting.

Methods for processing household waste

The most significant part of the garbage on earth is MSW. Their source is residential areas and social facilities. With the growth of the world's population, the volume of solid waste is also growing. Currently, there are such types of recycling as:

  • Burial at landfills
  • Natural decomposition in the natural environment
  • Thermal processing
  • Isolation of useful components and recycling


Looking at all existing methods of waste disposal, burial is the most common method. It is suitable only for garbage that is not subject to spontaneous combustion. Ordinary landfills are giving way to landfills equipped with a system of engineering structures that prevent contamination of surface and groundwater, atmospheric air, and agricultural land. In developed countries, gas traps are installed at landfills, which are formed during the decomposition process. It is used to generate electricity, space heating and water heating. In Russia, unfortunately, there is a very small number of engineering landfills for disposal.

Most of the workings are various organic residues, they quickly rot in the natural environment. In many countries of the world, household waste is sorted into fractions, their organic part is composted and valuable fertilizer is obtained. In Russia, it is customary to compost an undivided stream of MSW, so it is impossible to use decayed organic matter as a fertilizer.

Thermal processing

Thermal processing refers to the following methods:

  • Burning
  • Pyrolysis at low combustion temperatures
  • Plasma treatment (high temperature pyrolysis)

The process of thermal processing allows you to completely destroy harmful components, significantly reduce their number in burial sites, convert combustion energy into heat and electricity.

Simply incinerating garbage is a cheap way to dispose of it. In this area, proven methods of waste processing are practiced, serial equipment is produced, a high level of automation puts the process on a continuous flow. However, combustion produces a large number of harmful gases with toxic and carcinogenic properties. Gradually, the world is moving to pyrolysis.

The most effective is high-temperature pyrolysis - plasma treatment. Her virtues:

  • No need to sort leftovers
  • Getting steam and electricity
  • Obtaining a liquid residue - pyrolysis oil
  • Obtaining a harmless vitrified slag at the output, which can be used in secondary production.
  • Ecological safety for the environment and human health

Plasma waste disposal methods eliminate the need to create new landfills and landfills, and the economic benefits are expressed in millions of dollars in profit.

In recent years, waste recovery has begun to actively develop, i.e. recycling. Garbage contains many useful components that can be reused for the synthesis of new materials and the production of various goods.

From waste sorted:

  • Ferrous, non-ferrous and precious metals
  • glass break
  • Paper and cardboard
  • Polymer packaging
  • Rubber
  • Remains of wood
  • Food leftovers, products with expiration dates

The development of recycling in Russia is hampered by the lack of an established waste sorting system. In developed countries, containers for various types of household waste are installed in the yards, and a culture of waste management is brought up from childhood. In our country, there are collection points for metals, paper, polymer products, but they cannot seriously stimulate the opening of new recycling facilities. A gradual transition to low-waste and resource-saving production is also desirable.

Disposal of industrial waste

Industrial waste includes:

  • Remains of raw materials and materials that are used in production
  • By-products of production - garbage, liquids, gases
  • Substandard and defective products
  • Decommissioned machinery and equipment

Theoretically, any useful component from production waste can be reused. The issue rests on the availability of efficient technologies and the economic feasibility of processing. That is why among industrial wastes, secondary raw materials and irretrievable wastes are distinguished. Depending on the category, different waste processing technologies are used.

Irrevocable waste, where there are no useful components, is subjected to burial in landfills and incineration. Before burial, industrial waste, which contains toxic, chemically active and radioactive substances, must be neutralized. To do this, use specially equipped drives.

Subject to centralized collection and neutralization:

  • Toxic waste containing mercury, arsenic, lead, zinc, tin, cadmium, nickel, antimony
  • Waste from galvanic production
  • Organic varnishes, paints, solvents
  • Oil products
  • Mercury-containing waste
  • Waste containing radioactive components

Accumulators are placed in open areas or in underground structures on the territory of enterprises or beyond. For solid waste, tailing and sludge collectors are built, dumps and waste heaps are arranged for waste rocks, ash, and slag. Liquid waste is placed in ponds, settling tanks and burial grounds. After neutralization, hazardous industrial waste is buried in separate authorized landfills.

All industrial enterprises are included in the list of nature users. In this regard, they must comply with the requirements, rules and regulations for waste management, as well as safety precautions, so as not to harm the environment.

The state is trying to encourage manufacturers to introduce low-waste technologies and convert waste into secondary raw materials. So far, this area is developing poorly in Russia.

The main ways of recycling industrial waste:

  1. Separation of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, industrial alloys, such as win for the purpose of remelting.
  2. The process of making granules from polymer waste, which is used in the production of the same type of polymer or materials with different properties.
  3. Crushing rubber for use as fillers, production of building materials.
  4. Use of wood waste and shavings for the production of finishing boards and paper.
  5. Obtaining electric current and heat energy from combustible waste.

The problem of industrial waste disposal is very relevant for Russia, where the extractive industries, metallurgy, and petrochemistry are developed, forming a large amount of waste and by-products.

Medical Waste Disposal Methods

Medical waste is a special category. They are formed by medical institutions, pharmacies, pharmacological plants. Approximately 80% consists of ordinary household waste, but the rest can harm the life and health of many people.

Hazardous medical waste includes:

  • All items that have been in contact with patients with dangerous and especially dangerous diseases.
  • Remains of medicines, disinfectant liquids.
  • Remains of equipment that uses mercury salts and radioactive elements.
  • Organic waste - biomaterial from pathological and anatomical departments, operating rooms, immunoglobulins, vaccines.

In recent decades, the world has switched to the use of disposable medical instruments made of metal and various types of plastic. After disinfection, they can be sent for recycling after sorting. This judicious use of raw materials will save a significant amount of resources and reduce the cost of producing disposable instruments and patient care items.

Problems of waste disposal and recycling in Russia

The main problems of waste disposal in our country include:

  • The presence of many unauthorized dumps.
  • Combined waste, for example, mercury lamps can be disposed of like glass - according to the lowest hazard class.
  • Placement on a dump of spontaneously combustible waste.
  • Modern methods of waste disposal at waste processing plants are too expensive; they are disposed of at landfills much cheaper.
  • Weakness of the legislative framework and economic incentives for recycling enterprises. The standard is waste disposal at the enterprise.
  • Lack of infrastructure and well-established waste sorting process.

The need to maintain a healthy ecological environment will force government agencies to adopt the experience of developed countries. They will face the need to effectively solve the problems of disposal and recycling of various categories of waste, as well as switch to environmentally friendly production technologies.

The modern world does not stand still. Every year, production volumes increase, population growth and urban expansion continue. At the same time, the problem of waste disposal has ripened. On the ground, special landfills for waste products are present in limited quantities. At the same time, the volumes entering them exceed their capacity, so the garbage mountains increase every day. Untreated heaps of waste negatively affect the ecological state of the planet. That is why there was a need to create high-quality waste processing plants. At these facilities, it is necessary to apply only modern methods of waste processing and disposal. It is worth noting that the garbage generated by mankind belongs to various hazard groups. In order for waste recycling to be effective, for each individual type it is necessary to choose its own disposal method. But first they need to be sorted.

Waste household

This number includes the remains of products associated with the life of people. It can be plastic, paper, food and other similar waste that was thrown out of institutions and homes of the population. The rubbish that we used to get rid of is found at every step. Many garbage is assigned the fifth and fourth degree of danger.

Recycling of household waste from plastic should not be done without mechanical action, i.e. grinding. Further, they are necessarily treated with chemical solutions. Often, after such a procedure, new polymeric substances are made, which are used again to create new products. Household waste such as paper or food waste can be composted and then putrefied. Subsequently, the resulting composition is suitable for use in agricultural business.

Biological decay

Biological species in nature are humans and animals. These two groups also generate a large amount of waste. A lot of this rubbish comes from veterinary clinics, sanitation organizations, catering establishments and similar businesses. Processing of biological waste is reduced to their incineration. Substances of liquid consistency are transported on special vehicles. Incineration is also used for organic waste.

Industrial waste

This type of waste is generated as a result of the functioning of production and technological activities. This includes all construction waste. It appears in the process of installation, facing, finishing and other works. For example, this category of waste includes paint and varnish residues, heat-insulating substances, wood and other industrial “trash”. Processing of industrial waste is often incinerated. Wooden remains are suitable for obtaining a certain amount of energy.

radioactive waste

Such wastes include solutions and gases that are not suitable for use. First of all, these are biological materials and objects containing radioactive components in large quantities (above the permissible norm). The degree of danger depends on the level of radiation in such waste. Such garbage is disposed of by burial, some is simply burned. A similar method of processing applies to the next group of residues of activity.

medical waste

This list contains all substances that are produced by medical institutions. Approximately 80% of waste is ordinary household waste. He is harmless. But the remaining 20% ​​are capable of causing damage to health in one way or another. In Russia, the disposal and processing of radioactive and medical waste has many prohibitions and conventions. Also, the country carefully spelled out the necessary conditions for handling this group of garbage, methods for their burial or incineration. Special repositories for liquid and solid radioactive components were created. If it is necessary to get rid of medical waste, it is put in special bags and set on fire. But this method, unfortunately, is also unsafe, especially if the drugs belong to the first or second hazard group.

Division into classes

All waste is divided depending on its state of aggregation. So, they are solid, liquid or gaseous. In addition, all garbage is classified according to the degree of danger. There are four classes in total. Garbage belonging to the first degree of danger poses the strongest threat to the planet and living organisms, including humans. These wastes can spoil the ecological system, which will lead to a catastrophe. These include the following substances: mercury, polonium, lead salts, plutonium, etc.

The second class includes residues that can cause an ecological failure that will not be able to recover for a long period (about 30 years). These are chlorine, various phosphates, arsenic, selenium and other substances. The third hazard group includes those wastes, after the impact of which the system will be able to recover in ten years. But only if the garbage no longer affects the infected object. Among them, chromium, zinc, ethyl alcohol and so on are distinguished.

Low-hazard waste - sulfates, chlorides and simazine - is assigned the fourth class. But this does not mean that they practically do not affect humans and the ecosystem. If the source is removed, the organism or nature will be able to recover only after three years. There is fifth grade trash. This means that the waste is completely safe for the environment.

The Importance of Recycling

There are several reasons why competent recycling is necessary:

  1. Getting into the environment, most substances and materials turn into pollutants (it is worth considering that our planet is already suffocating every day from the emissions of cars and factories).
  2. Many of the resources from which certain materials are created are exhausted. Their stocks are too limited, so recycling is the way out.
  3. In some cases, objects that have fulfilled their purpose turn out to be a source of substances. Moreover, they are cheaper than natural materials.

More about recycling

Recycling is a change in waste materials until they completely disappear or change the structure so that it is not possible to reuse them. But this word can have another meaning. For example, it is often used in a figurative sense.

Today, a large amount of waste is reused for different purposes. All garbage that is disposed of today is divided into two main groups:

  1. Solid household waste (glass, paper, plastic, food waste).
  2. Industrial waste (biological, medical, radioactive, construction waste, as well as waste from the transport complex).

Disposal can be carried out in one of several ways, which are also divided into groups. For example, the main methods include heat treatment, composting, which is a natural decomposition method, and waste disposal in special landfills. Some of these recycling methods allow you to get secondary raw materials.

Recycled materials

Usually, all the waste that remains after human production and activities is called "recyclable". But this view is not entirely correct. The fact is that not all waste should be recycled or sent to other needs. There is also a group of waste that is reused only as an energy source (after special treatment), therefore it is also not classified as a secondary raw material. Those substances that, after processing, give out energy, are called "secondary energy raw materials."

This group can include only those materials that, after a certain impact, can become suitable in the national economy. A good example is a canned food can. It can no longer be used to store food, but after being melted down, it is used to make a new food container or other metal objects. It becomes obvious: secondary raw materials are items that, after being used for their intended purpose, are resources that will be useful for further use. To get a new product or raw material, waste processing is necessary. Today, several methods are used for this, which are described below.

Natural processing

Back in the 20th century, in most cases, the processing of household waste was carried out by composting. Garbage, in particular organic, was dumped into specially dug pits and sprinkled with earth. Over time, the waste decomposed, rotted and was used as fertilizer in agriculture. But relatively recently, this method has been slightly modified. Scientists have developed hermetic installations for heating composted waste. Organic residues in this case begin to decompose faster, which results in the formation of methane, which is biogas. It was he who began to be used to create biofuels.

Specialized companies have appeared that build mobile stations for waste processing. They are used in small villages or on a farm. It was calculated that such large-scale stations intended for cities would be unprofitable to maintain. It takes a lot of time to get a decomposing product, and the resulting fertilizers still remain unused, and they also need to be disposed of somehow. In addition, there are other wastes that have nowhere to go, so they will accumulate. For example, it is plastic, construction residues, polyethylene and so on. And it is economically unprofitable for the authorities to create a specialized plant where the processing of municipal solid waste would be carried out.

Thermal disposal

Thermal processing refers to the burning of solid household waste. The process is used to reduce the amount of organic matter and render it harmless. Further, the resulting residues are disposed of or disposed of. After burning, the garbage is significantly reduced in volume, all bacteria are exterminated, and the resulting energy is able to generate electricity or heat water for the heating system. Such plants are usually arranged near large city dumps so that the processing of solid waste takes place on a conveyor. There are also nearby landfills intended for the disposal of processed residues.

It can be noted that waste incineration is divided into direct and pyrolysis. With the first method, only thermal energy can be obtained. At the same time, pyrolysis combustion makes it possible to produce liquid and gaseous fuels. But regardless of the method of thermal disposal, harmful substances are released into the atmosphere during combustion. It harms our ecology. Some people install filters. Their purpose is to retain solid volatile substances. But as practice shows, even they are not able to stop pollution.

If we talk about the technology for processing medical waste, several special furnaces have already been installed in Russia. They are equipped with gas cleaning devices. In addition, microwave, steam-thermal treatment and autoclaving have appeared in the country. These are all alternative methods of incinerating medical and other suitable waste. Residues containing mercury are processed by special thermochemical or hydrometallurgical methods.

Plasma Utilization

This method is currently the most modern way of disposal. Its action takes place in two stages:

  1. Waste is crushed and compressed under pressure. If necessary, the garbage is dried to achieve a granular structure.
  2. The resulting substances are sent to the reactor. There, the plasma flow transfers so much energy to them that they acquire a gaseous state.

To avoid ignition is obtained with the help of a special oxidizing agent. The resulting gas is similar in composition to ordinary natural gas, but it contains less energy. The finished product is sealed in containers and sent for later use. Such gas is suitable for turbines, boilers, diesel generators.

Similar processing of production waste and household waste has been used for some time in Canada and the United States. In these countries, the remains of human life are effectively disposed of, and the final product is used for good as fuel. In the West, they are already preparing to introduce this technology on an even larger scale. But since such equipment is quite expensive, it cannot be purchased by the CIS countries.

Is it possible to solve the problem of waste disposal?

Of course, for the processing of solid waste and hazardous waste to be carried out at the highest level, a lot of financial investments are required. Political circles should also be interested in this. But for now, we have to make do with obsolete equipment for recycling. According to the authorities, the existing factories cope with the problem, so there is no need to reconstruct and re-equip them. Only an ecological catastrophe can serve as an impetus for this.

Although the problem is vast, it is still possible to solve or reduce its size. The situation requires an integrated approach on the part of society and the authorities. It is good if everyone thinks about what he personally can do. The simplest thing a person can do is start sorting the garbage that he generates. After all, the one who throws away waste knows where he has plastic, paper, glass or food. If it becomes a habit to sort the remains of life, then such garbage will become easier and faster to process.

A person needs to be regularly reminded of the importance of proper waste disposal, sorting and respect for the natural resources that he owns. If the authorities do not take measures, conduct motivational campaigns, simple enthusiasm will not be enough. Therefore, the problem of waste disposal will remain in our country at a “primitive” level.

Proper disposal of waste is a huge step towards improving the environment.

There is more than one way to recycle waste.

The main task of each of the methods is to complete the task, preventing the spread of harmful bacteria and microorganisms. At the same time, it is necessary to minimize the harmful substances released during the disposal itself.

Consider the options for the destruction of waste and evaluate how effective each of them is.

Waste disposal at landfills

Landfills serve for the collection and processing of waste in a natural way. Many of them practice a very simple and understandable disposal system: as soon as a certain amount of garbage is collected, it is buried. Not only is this method outdated, it is a ticking time bomb, because there are materials that do not decompose for decades.

Those few landfills that have workshops at their disposal work as follows: arriving cars are registered at the checkpoint. The volume of the body is also measured there to determine the cost of disposal; the level of radiation is measured. If it exceeds the allowable limits, the car is not allowed to pass.

From the checkpoint, the car goes to the waste sorting shop. Sorting takes place manually: the machine feeds the garbage onto the conveyor belt, and the workers choose bottles, paper, etc. from there. The sorted materials are put into containers without a bottom, from which the garbage immediately enters the cage and under the press. When the process is completed, the remaining waste (not included in any of the categories) is also compressed and taken directly to the landfill. Since long-decomposing materials are sorted out, the remaining garbage can be covered with earth.

Plastic bottles, cardboard and some other waste are bought by enterprises for production. For example, nets for vegetables are made from plastic bottles and containers, new products are made from glass bottles and fragments, and toilet paper is made from cardboard.

Materials accepted at landfills:

  • Household waste from residential buildings, institutions, enterprises engaged in the trade of industrial and food products.
  • Waste from construction organizations that can be equated to municipal solid waste.
  • Industrial waste of the 4th hazard class can be accepted if their amount does not exceed one third of the accepted waste.

Waste, the import of which is prohibited to the landfill:

  • Construction waste of the 4th hazard class, which contains asbestos, ash, and slag.
  • Industrial waste 1, 2, 3 hazard class.
  • radioactive waste.
  • Landfills are arranged according to strict sanitary standards and only in those areas where the risk of human infection with bacteria through air or water is minimized. The occupied area is designed for approximately 20 years.


This processing method is familiar to gardeners who use decayed organic materials to fertilize plants. Waste composting is a disposal method based on the natural decomposition of organic materials.

Today, a method is known for composting even an unsorted stream of household waste.

It is quite possible to get compost from garbage, which could later be used in agriculture. Many factories were built in the USSR, but they stopped functioning due to the large amount of heavy metals in the garbage.

Today, composting technologies in Russia are reduced to the fermentation of unsorted waste in bioreactors.

The resulting product cannot be used in agriculture, so it finds application right there, in landfills - they are covered with waste.

This disposal method is considered effective provided that the plant is equipped with high-tech equipment. Metals, batteries, and plastics are first removed from the waste.

Advantages of incineration:

  • less unpleasant odors;
  • the number of harmful bacteria, emissions decreases;
  • the resulting mass does not attract rodents and birds;
  • it is possible to obtain energy (thermal and electrical) during combustion.


  • expensive construction and operation of waste incineration plants;
  • construction takes at least 5 years;
  • when waste is burned, harmful substances enter the atmosphere;
  • incineration ash is toxic and cannot be stored in conventional landfills. This requires special storage.

Due to the lack of city budgets, inconsistency with waste processing companies and for other reasons, the production of waste incineration plants has not yet been established in Russia.

Pyrolysis, its types and advantages

Pyrolysis is the burning of garbage in special chambers that prevent the access of oxygen.. There are two kinds:

  • High temperature - combustion temperature in the furnace over 900°C.
  • Low temperature - from 450 to 900°C.

When comparing conventional incineration as a waste disposal method and low-temperature pyrolysis, the following advantages of the second method can be distinguished:

  • obtaining pyrolysis oils, which are subsequently used in the production of plastics;
  • the release of pyrolysis gas, which is obtained in sufficient quantities to ensure the production of energy carriers;
  • the minimum amount of harmful substances is released;
  • pyrolysis plants process almost all types of household waste, but the waste must first be sorted.

High-temperature pyrolysis, in turn, has advantages over low-temperature pyrolysis:

  • no need to sort waste;
  • the mass of the ash residue is much less, and it can be used for industrial and construction purposes;
  • at a combustion temperature above 900 ° C, hazardous substances decompose without getting into the environment;
  • the resulting pyrolysis oils do not require purification, as they have a sufficient degree of purity.

Each of the waste recycling methods has advantages, but everything depends on the cost of installations: the more efficient and profitable the disposal method, the more expensive its installation and the longer the payback period. Despite these shortcomings, the state is striving to implement projects for efficient and safe waste processing, realizing that these technologies are the future.

In our world, due to the fact that the population is constantly increasing, the consumption of resources is also steadily increasing. And the consumption of renewable resources and non-renewable resources is accompanied by an increase in the amount of waste. Garbage dumps, pollution of water bodies - this is all that human life leads to.

And it is logical that without the use of innovative methods of waste processing, there is a high probability of turning the planet into one huge dump. And it is not surprising that scientists are constantly inventing and putting into practice new ways of processing solid waste. What methods are used today?

1. Waste disposal at landfills. These include

  • earthen backfill

2. Natural methods of MSW decomposition. This includes

  • Composting

3. Thermal processing of MSW. This includes

  • Burning
  • low temperature pyrolysis,
  • High temperature pyrolysis (plasma processing)

Let's talk about everything briefly.

Landfilling is the most common waste disposal method in the world today. This method applies to non-combustible wastes and to those wastes that release toxic substances during combustion.

Waste landfill (MSW) is not an ordinary landfill. Modern landfills for disposal are complex engineering structures equipped with systems to combat pollution of groundwater and atmospheric air. Some landfills are able to process the gas generated during the decay of waste gas into electricity and heat. Unfortunately, today this applies to a greater extent to European countries, since in Russia a very small percentage of landfills meet these characteristics.

The main disadvantage of traditional waste disposal is that even with the use of numerous purification systems and filters, this type of disposal does not make it possible to completely get rid of such negative effects of waste decomposition as rotting and fermentation, which pollute the air and water. Therefore, although compared to other methods of disposal, MSW disposal is quite cheap, environmentalists recommend recycling waste, thereby minimizing the risks of environmental pollution.

Composting is a waste processing technology based on their natural biodegradation. For this reason, composting is widely used to process organic waste. Today, there are technologies for composting both food waste and undivided MSW.

In our country, composting has not become widespread enough, and it is usually used by the population in individual houses or garden plots. However, the composting process can also be centralized and carried out at special sites, which are a processing plant (MSW) of organic waste. The end product of this process is compost, which can be used in various agricultural applications.

Since household waste contains a fairly high percentage of the organic fraction, thermal methods are often used to process MSW. Thermal processing of waste (MSW) is a set of processes of thermal impact on waste, necessary to reduce their volume and mass, neutralize, and obtain energy carriers and inert materials (with the possibility of recycling).

Important advantages of modern thermal processing methods are:

  • effective disposal of waste (complete destruction of pathogenic microflora).
  • reduction of waste volume up to 10 times.
  • use of the energy potential of organic waste.

Of all the variety that MSW processing methods can boast of, incineration is the most common. The main advantages of incineration are:

  • high level of technology testing
  • mass-produced equipment.
  • long warranty period
  • high level of automation.

The main trend in the development of waste incineration is the transition from direct waste incineration to optimized combustion of the fuel fraction obtained from MSW and a smooth transition from incineration as a waste elimination process to incineration as a process that provides additional generation of electrical and thermal energy. And the most promising today is the use of plasma technologies, which provide a temperature higher than the melting temperature of the slag, which makes it possible to obtain a harmless vitrified product and useful energy at the output.

Plasma processing of waste (MSW), in essence, is nothing more than a procedure for the gasification of waste. The technological scheme of this method involves the production of gas from the biological component of waste gas in order to use it to produce steam and electricity. An integral part of the plasma processing process are solid products in the form of non-pyrolyzable residues or slag.

A clear advantage of high-temperature pyrolysis is that this technique makes it possible to process and destroy a wide variety of household waste in an environmentally friendly and relatively simple manner from the technical point of view without the need for their preliminary preparation, i.e. drying, sorting, etc. And of course, the use of this technique today is more profitable from an economic point of view than the use of other, more outdated methods.

In addition, when using this technology, the resulting slag is a completely safe product, and it can be used subsequently for a variety of purposes.

  • Thursday, 16 April 2015 4:55
  • romario
  • Waste disposal is perhaps the main problem of modern mankind. Every day we produce so much garbage that would be enough for the whole city of the past.

    The ecological situation is so acute that scientists are literally screaming about the need to take control of this sphere of human life.

    Unfortunately, the current methods of waste disposal are often inefficient and do not result in the expected effect - the cleanliness of the environment.

    Nevertheless, according to experts, improvements in this area are observed. At the same time, today, ordinary people are beginning to comprehend the need for sorting and recycling waste so that in the future their descendants do not drown in garbage.

    Residents of civilized European countries are accustomed from childhood to sort and throw away garbage exclusively in the places designated for this.

    A significant plus of this behavior is the regular processing and recycling of garbage that has already been in use once.

    Unfortunately, in our country, such benefits of civilization are just emerging. Waste sorting and its further processing is rather an exception to the rule than the norm.

    If you live in a suburban village and it is customary for you to sort your garbage by type and throw it into separate bins, you are a happy person.

    You can also organize the recycling of existing garbage with your own hands by putting into use several garbage cans for waste of a different nature.

    By organizing the removal of food waste and other garbage, you are helping to prevent an environmental disaster that has been looming for a long time.

    Try to start small. On average, one house in a medium-budget cottage village produces a large bag of garbage per day.

    All garbage ends up in a landfill, where, at best, it is recycled, and at worst, it is left for further independent decomposition.

    Waste disposal methods today

    There are several ways to dispose of waste, which are successfully used in Russia.

    • Waste disposal.
    • Garbage burning.
    • Composting.
    • Low and high temperature pyrolysis.

    Around each of the listed methods there are disputes about its effectiveness, efficiency and speed of work.

    The oldest method of getting rid of household and food waste is its burial. It is also the most dangerous and ineffective.

    Even food waste buried in a quarry or pit can accumulate a huge amount of decomposition and decay products, which can cause groundwater or air poisoning.

    What can we say about solid waste, the disposal of which in other ways leads to the release of toxic gases into the atmosphere. Special landfills are equipped for the disposal of hazardous waste.

    They, as people believe, are able to protect against the release of toxic substances into the soil, water and air that can poison all living things within a radius of several kilometers.

    However, time proves the inefficiency of this method of disposal and even its danger.

    Another recycling method that is not widely used in our country is composting. It is found in private households when disposing of food waste, but is much less commonly used in mass waste processing.

    However, composting is an efficient recycling method that results in compost that can be used in agriculture.

    Compost can be created both from purely food waste and from a stream of unseparated garbage. If you do this processing centrally, you can get good results.

    If we talk about the effective reduction of waste, then heat treatment shows itself most effectively. It allows you to neutralize most of the waste, while reducing their volume at times.

    Modern disposal by incineration also involves the use of combustion energy. This trend is spreading more and more, giving new opportunities in the future.

    Waste incineration in order to obtain heat and electricity is a method that can turn landfills into an energy source for the operation of central heating systems and various industries.

    A step above this method is plasma recycling of waste - a phenomenon in our country is so rare that it is hard to believe in it.

    Plasma recycling is the disposal of waste, which results in gas from organic compounds and slag from solid waste.

    When processed in this way, energy can be used for peaceful purposes, which is what happens in more developed countries in this regard.

    If the disposal of your own waste is important to you, try to find an organization in your area that sorts and recycles waste.

    In this case, the most that is required of you is to independently sort the waste into separate containers and order the waste collection regularly.