People familiar with foreign language and versed in pronunciation, an ordinary paper dictionary is enough to translate unfamiliar words and phrases. However, those who have just started learning the language need help in reading and understanding someone else's speech. In such cases, services that not only translate, but also voice words become indispensable. In this article, I will explain which online translators with pronunciation of words should be used.

Google's online translator is the most well-known service, which is used because of its ease of use and rather rich functionality ( Unlike most translators with pronunciation, Google Translate is able to voice not only individual words, but also phrases, and even entire texts.

The service has the following benefits:

It's easy to work with the service- you need to enter the text in the left window and select the language, after which the site will automatically translate. You can voice both the translated fragment and the original - for this you need to click on the horn icon.

The translator here is combined with the linguistic corpus - the base of texts in different languages, in which a translatable fragment is searched, after which the service shows examples of its use. This helps not only to learn the meaning of the word, but also to really understand it.

Almost a complete analogue of Google Translate is a domestic service - Yandex.Translate. You can translate text online with pronunciation in it in the same way.

Cambridge Dictionary - the online version of the highest quality British dictionary

Cambridge Dictionary is a translator for everyone famous university Cambridge. He specializes in translation from in English and vice versa, but there are other languages. The translator has been supplemented with a dictionary compiled by the most professional British linguists.

  1. To use the service with voice pronunciation, you need to follow the link and enter the text in the box on the left.
  2. The disadvantage compared to Google translator is immediately noticeable - restrictions on the volume of translation (160 characters at a time, 2000 characters per day).

In addition, the translated phrase cannot be voiced immediately. However, the service will issue a word-for-word translation, from which you can go to dictionary entries with pronunciation. They provide not only translation, but also transcription, interpretation and examples of use. Words are voiced with a British or American pronunciation to choose from.

A similar service is the Oxford Dictionary.- . It does not have a Russian version and only provides word-by-word translation from English with pronunciation, but its accuracy is the best. Its quality is evidenced by the fact that in linguistic universities, future translators are recommended to use the Oxford Dictionary.

ABBYY Lingvo - translator with pronunciation of text with the most detailed dictionary

Lingvo Online by ABBYY is an online version of one of the oldest Russian computer translators, the first version of which was released in 1990. Like other services, in addition to translation, it provides interpretations of words and examples of their use. 20 languages ​​available.

In terms of functionality, this translator is similar to the British ones. It works like this:

  1. Enter a word or phrase in the search bar.
  2. The language of the original and translation is selected.
  3. The "Translate" button is pressed.
  4. The service provides a word-by-word translation.

The pronunciation of individual English words can be reproduced in British and American versions. With other languages, the situation is worse - for example, French words are not voiced, and for some of them there is no translation at all. But the set of examples of use is rich in all cases.

In addition to examples, you can go to the "Phrases" tab. It will help deepen the knowledge of the language - it shows in which well-established phrases the search word is used. Here you can find phrasal verbs, idioms, etc. with translation.


There are other services for translating text online with speech pronunciation, but the ones described above are of the highest quality. They have different purposes - if you need to get maximum amount information about a particular word, you should use a professional translator. For fast translation of large text better fit Google translate. The latter is also ideal when translating from languages ​​that are rarely used in other dictionaries.

In contact with

In the current years, it would never occur to anyone to sit with thick paper dictionaries of foreign words. It is more convenient to open a website and use a ready-made translation service.
Somewhere already handwritten and voice input is recognized, somewhere - the text from the picture. Almost everywhere there is voice acting. It remains to choose the most suitable. But the main thing, of course, is the quality of the translation itself.

So which one of online translation chicks with better pronunciation in 2017? Let's compare.

Please note that the quality of the result still depends on the specific languages ​​for translation and on the subject matter. For testing, I took a newspaper passage in English and tried to translate it into Russian. The quality turned out to be about the same.

Google translator online with pronunciation

The listen button - loudspeaker - appears when you enter text.

Google Translator OnlineThe leading company has long maintained a high , and although they began to catch up with it, the translator is holding its own to this day. The interface is intuitive: there is a left field for entering text, a right field for the result. In the left field you insert the text, in the right field the translation instantly appears. You can select the source and target languages ​​and click the Translate button. However, the original language is also determined automatically. What to explain, it is easier to try to translate - there will be no questions about how this is done.

  • Translation quality is high among online translators.
  • Most of the languages ​​​​are already more than 120. It is unlikely that you will need all of them, but still.
  • Automatic detection of the original language. In the left field, you can enter the site address. In this case, the entire page of the site will be translated. The text size limit in the field is 5000 characters.
  • The interface is great.
  • There is a pronunciation of words.
  • There is a handwriting input of the original text. There is voice input.

Translation into Russian is duplicated in Latin under the right margin. This is not a transcription, but an automatic translation into Latin (see the word "katastrofa" below)
The listen button - loudspeaker - appears when you enter text.

Note that if you enter one word in the left field, then Google works like a dictionary, that is, it can offer you translation options. To do this, you need to click on the word on the right, and suggestions-variants on the topic of what this word could be will appear below.

Yandex translator online with pronunciation of words

Over the past couple of years, Yandex Translator has significantly expanded the set of languages ​​- now there are more than 90 of them. It can be seen that it is catching up with Google in all respects.

It is difficult to judge the quality of translation from English into Russian unambiguously, it depends on the specific text. In one piece of newspaper, he showed himself almost identical to Google - word for word. On another passage, the translation is different, but I would not say that it is worse.

Convenience on top, like Google. There are some small differences.

  • Same high quality translation. In any case, for the en-ru pair, Yandex caught up with Google in terms of quality.
  • Already more than 90 languages. There are Asian ones.
  • Automatic detection of the original language.
  • You can translate entire pages of websites.
  • The text size limit for a field is 10,000 characters.
  • The interface is great too.
  • There is a pronunciation of words, but only if up to 300 words are entered in the field. If more, the pronunciation button is disabled.
  • There is voice input.
  • There is a translation of the pictures. Upload a picture, its text is recognized and translated in the right field.

Bing translator online with pronunciation of words

This is also a long-standing translator - the brainchild of Microsoft. There are fewer different "chips", but the interface and quality are also quite acceptable.

  • More than 50 languages.
  • Again good quality.
  • The interface is a little worse, but nothing.
  • Text input field up to 5000 characters.
  • There is a pronunciation.
  • Unfortunately, there is no voice and handwriting input.
  • But the dictionary opens by clicking on each word - other meanings of the word from the dictionary are given.

So, we have considered three options for the translator. All of them translate approximately equally in quality, apparently due to statistical translation algorithms. Their essence is that a huge array of data is accumulated in pairs of original-translation, and the translation is taken from this array, if it is in it. So, apparently, the array is already everywhere - all translators have it. At the same time, of course, grammar rules are also used in combination with accumulated statistics.
And remember that a dictionary, unlike a translator, is always a better alternative. And if time is not running out, you need to translate with a dictionary. Now among the most complete and convenient dictionaries can be noted for quality.

Do you often turn to the help of a dictionary? Every person studying English sooner or later faces the need to find the best reference. Therefore, today we will tell you which online English dictionaries are the best so that you can choose for yourself. best option.

Recall that in the article "" we told what a high-quality reference book should contain and how to choose a dictionary depending on the level of English proficiency and the format of the dictionary. We also recommended using some of the best directories:, and And today we want to offer you some more quality resources. Perhaps you will like one of them.


On this site you will find a set of online English dictionaries.

  • Here you can use both explanatory (English-English) and translation (English-Russian) dictionaries.
  • There is a help page that lists the main abbreviations used on the site.
  • The Cambridge Dictionary gives some of the most commonly used definitions of the word, whether there is an indication, a countable noun or not.
  • Several examples of sentences are given for each word - you will understand in what context it is better to use specific vocabulary.
  • There is a record of the pronunciation of the word in the British and American versions, as well as a transcription for each of these options.
  • Collocations (expressions with this word) are given for each word, so you will understand which words the new vocabulary is combined with.
  • There is a list of idioms containing your word, you can also familiarize yourself with them.
  • A list of synonyms is also provided, as well as words related in meaning, so that you can create your own set of homogeneous vocabulary and study it.

The only negative is that the English-Russian version of the dictionary only assumes a simple translation of the word without explanation, which may be inconvenient for beginners.


This dictionary is interesting because it is not only an explanatory online dictionary of the English language, it also contains simple explanations.

  • You will be given many definitions of the word, each of which will be given several examples of use in context.
  • An interesting feature of this resource is that it has interesting articles about the origin of words.
  • The site has a recording of the pronunciation of the word.
  • Here is a list of vocabulary that rhymes with the word you are interested in.
  • A synonymous series is proposed that will be useful in teaching.
  • You can find a translation phrasal verbs and slang.

Among the minuses, we noticed that the recording of the pronunciation of the word and its transcription are given only in the American version. And it is still quite difficult to find a translation of English idioms.


  • For each word, the most common definitions and dozens of examples of the use of vocabulary in context are given.
  • There is a recording of the American and British pronunciations of each word, as well as a transcription for each of these options.
  • There is an indication whether the word can be counted or not (countable or not).
  • A list of idioms containing the requested word is proposed, each of them is given an explanation and an example of use.
  • Frequently used collocations and vocabulary related to the concept you are interested in are indicated.
  • The resource provides a fairly wide range of synonyms for the word.
  • You can find translations of slang expressions, idioms and phrasal verbs.


  • Several common definitions of the word are given.
  • There is a recording of the pronunciation of the word, as well as a transcription to it.
  • There is a history of the origin of each word.
  • A number of synonyms for the word of interest are given.
  • A list of idioms is proposed that includes the word being studied.
  • A separate block highlights the slang meanings of the word.
  • Given wise quotes that use the word you are interested in.

Among the negative features of this service, we note the absence of the British pronunciation of the word, only the transcription is given. A rather narrow vocabulary of idioms is also presented.


This online English dictionary offers several versions of the interpretation of the word: more difficult for native speakers and easier for English learners.

  • Several definitions of the word are given.
  • Specifies whether the word is countable or not.
  • There are examples of using vocabulary in context.
  • Translations of the word into several languages ​​(including Russian) are given.
  • There is a recording of the pronunciation in the British and American voiceovers, and a transcription is attached to them.
  • Provided interesting statistics use of the word over the past 10 years - you will find out how popular it is with native speakers.
  • There is a translation of idioms, slang, phrasal verbs.

The disadvantages we would include the lack of a number of synonyms for each word. Also, there are no idioms associated with the search word, and few examples of the use of vocabulary.

We have presented you the best English explanatory online dictionaries. Look through them all, re-read our article on choosing a dictionary, which we provided a link to at the beginning of the publication, and choose the best option for you. It is best to use 2 dictionaries: one from this list and a translation one, for example, Multitran. So you can get the maximum information about the studied vocabulary.

We want to English-Russian dictionary was the best online dictionary. English-Russian Dictionary makes translation from English to English fast, free and efficient. English translation and dictionary needs your help. Our users contribute new translation and vote for or against. All this is completely free! English online translation may differ in different contexts. It is our duty to improve the English-Russian dictionary in order to make the English-Russian translation as efficient as possible.
Register and become a part big family Today. Each user introduces new words into the English-Russian dictionary. In addition, you have the opportunity to appear in the world rankings. Compete and make our English vocabulary better. Suggest English version translation. The English language has many faces, it is extremely important to add all the meanings, and make English translation the richest. If you are not sure about the correct translation from English, use our English forum. Discuss translation from English, an English-Russian online dictionary, and alternative English-Russian vocabulary, as well as topics related to the English language. You can also discuss English and the intricacies of learning it.

Online pronunciation of words in English with transcription. Audio recording of English words made by a native speaker with British accent. You can listen and remember English words. For convenience, all material is divided into categories.

Online pronunciation of letters of the English alphabet. You can also see the English alphabet with transcription and pronunciation in Russian letters. The English alphabet is based on the Latin alphabet and consists of 26 letters. 6 letters represent vowel sounds. 21 letters represent consonants. The letter "Y" stands for both consonant and vowel sounds.

Online pronunciation of seasons, names of months, days of the week and parts of the day in English with transcription and translation into Russian. The delicate balance between the warmth of the ocean and the cold of arctic cyclones, rainy and sunny days often disturbed by the unpredictability of the climate in all seasons of the year in Britain, summer can sometimes upset total absence warm, and the winter to be extremely warm, with no snow at all.

Russian letters

English words in Russian letters. The pronunciation of English words and phrases is given in Russian letters without the introduction of special transcription marks. Russian english phrasebook contains the most necessary words and phrases in English with transcription in Russian letters

Daily routine in English

Online pronunciation words and phrases in English on the topic - "Daily routine". In addition, you can look at the "Daily Schedule" page with phrases in English and pronunciation in Russian letters or listen to words and phrases on the topic "His daily life" Listen to audio pronunciation and learn English.

English lessons

English lessons for beginners learning the alphabet, grammar basics, pronunciation rules and much more. Each lesson contains audio materials and a test that assesses how well you remember the lesson material on a five-point scale.

English prepositions

Learning English prepositions. What are the meanings of English prepositions? In what cases, what preposition to use and how to correctly translate into Russian. Presented audio recording of the pronunciation of all prepositions and the cases of using each preposition with examples are considered.