Documents: 17

1. Old Testament god - grandfather with a beard on the clouds. This is the nephew of Satanail, born to LILITH from Shmael-Samael. His name is Legion, including SABAOTH, YHWH, Adonai, etc. According to the number of tribes of the House of Israel, the total number of 12 to 12 is 144. His appearance, in fact, is terrible and ugly, so that even the inhabitants of HELL and FUCK cannot tolerate him next to them.

2. Almighty - Almighty God (Ramha) or as you call it The Secret Book of John - Invisible Father; The one who is above all gods. Judeo-Christian god Yahweh (Jehovah) below. He says all the time in the Old Testament of the Bible that he is the god of the Jews, and rightly so, but he is not the Most High.

6. Judaism is the monotheistic religious doctrine of the Jews, which appeared after Moishe (Biblical Moses) from the Shimotnik Jews for forty years in the desert cultivated a group of capture - the Levites - the priests of Judaism. It arose in the 1st millennium BC. in Palestine, it is based on the cult of the god Yahweh (Yamaraja). Jews (Jew) - in the concept of our ancestors "creating darkness" in contrast to the Radeev. Jews are followers of Judaism, worshiping their god Yahweh (Jehovah, Hosts). Jesus Christ, speaking to them in the synagogue on Mount Olivet, said: Your father is the devil, and you want to fulfill the desires of your father; he was a murderer from the beginning, and did not stand in the truth, for there is no truth in him; when he speaks a lie, he speaks his own, for he is a liar and the father of lies(Jo. 8.44), ... and you do what you saw with your father(Jo. 8.38), You do your father's work(Jo. 8.41).

7. A Jewish Christian is a person who calls himself a Christian but does not actually live as Christ commanded. He is a slave of the Jews and their god - Yahweh (Jehovah, Hosts). He works for the benefit of the Jews and to the detriment of all mankind (at their enterprises and under their leadership, he fulfills the laws written by them, accepts the values ​​​​imposed by them), in his prayers he calls himself "God's servant", i.e. slave of Yahweh.

8. Non-Christ - a person who does not recognize Christ as his God, but recognizes him only as the Savior of 144 thousand Jews from all the tribes of the sons of Israel. Praises the Progenitor, and not the Jewish god of Hosts-Jehovah-Yahweh; revere their ancestral gods.

9. Circumcision - removal of the foreskin of the penis to eliminate the disease "nezalupa" (Phimosis), in which the head of the male penis cannot be exposed. So Nature rejects the degenerates, thus preventing them from creating offspring. In order to hide this stigma and get the opportunity to produce others like themselves, the Jews have a covenant with Yahweh (Genesis 17:10-14), according to which everyone must be circumcised on the eighth day from birth. Few people know, but if you do the rite of circumcision according to the halakha, i.e. according to the ancient religious traditions of the Jewish community, the rabbi bites off the foreskin with his teeth (or tears it off with his nails), the blood from the wound is sucked off by the mouth, and the cut piece of flesh is thrown into a glass of wine and everyone present must drink from this glass. From such a painful shock, the baby does not develop fully, with deviations that lead to autism and other diseases, because of which he does not correctly recognize good and evil, which is what the Levites need to form biorobots to seize power.

10. Easter is the main Christian holiday associated with the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who was crucified on the Jewish holiday Passover as a sacrifice to their Jewish god Yahweh. It originated from the Jewish holiday Pesach, which is celebrated in honor of the exodus of the Jews from Egypt, when Yahweh killed all the firstborn, and the Jews robbed the Egyptians (Exodus 12). The main attributes of the holiday are Easter cake (paska) with white icing on top and eggs - a symbol of the male member at the time of ejaculation. These attributes came from the Egyptian cult of Isis. In myths, some of which have come down to our time in the famous retelling of Plutarch, the Egyptian goddess Isis is well known as the faithful wife of Osiris, whose body she found in her long wanderings after he was killed by his brother Seth. Putting together the fragmented remains of Osiris, except for the genitals, which she never found. Isis, with the help of the god Anubis, made the first mummy out of the remains. The part that was missing, the male population cut off for themselves and threw on the altar. Having breathed the breath of life with her wings into the embalmed corpse of Osiris for a few moments, the goddess magically conceived her son Horus from him. In the temple of Hathor in Dendera and the temple of Osiris in Abydos, relief compositions have been preserved, which show the secret act of conceiving a son by a goddess in the form of a falcon, spread over the mummy of her husband. In memory of this, Isis was often depicted as a beautiful woman with bird wings, with which she protects Osiris, the king, or simply the deceased. Isis often appears on her knees, in a white afnet bandage, mourning each deceased as she once mourned Osiris himself. Later, the barbaric rite of cutting off the genitals was replaced with a symbolic one: they made an Easter cake in the form of a phallus and chicken eggs, which are most suitable in size. Coloring eggs and knocking them came to Christianity from our Easter holiday.

11. The Psalter is part of the Bible; a book of psalms glorifying the Jewish tribal god (Sabaoth-Jehovah-Yahweh) and the victory of the Jews over the Slavs and Aryans. The daily singing of psalms by the Judeo-Christians on the Russian land is a shame for the Russian people.

12. The servant of God is the servant of Yahweh. “Servant of God” is a concept introduced to the Slavs since the time of Christianization. Christians believe that being a "servant of God" is an honor. This is nonsense, because The Slavs did not have slaves (slaves). They called themselves the descendants of the Gods. The whitewashing of the concept of "God's servant" runs counter to the commandment of Christ about the preference of friends over slaves. However, there is no "friend of God" in Christian literature, but it is full of "God's servants."

13. Hosts - (Jehovah, Yahweh) the son of Lilith, the prince of darkness, the commander-in-chief and manager of all the stellar forces of Satanael. Hosts can be seen in Christian churches. A Jewish tribal god who cares only about the Jews and instructs them to live at the expense of other peoples. In the apocrypha of John, Jesus Christ says that Sabaoth has the appearance of a dragon. The Coptic Gnostic texts "On the Origin of the World" claim that Sabaoth, who is called the "child of chaos", is also the son of Samael - the evil demiurge, planetary demon, lord of the underworld and chaos ("sava" - glory, "of" - from, outcast; i.e. devoid of glory).

14. Old Believers are people who revere Jesus of the Nazarene (Christ) and the Jewish god Jehovah-Sabaoth-Yahweh according to the Christian old rite before the Nikon reform. During the time of Nikon in 1666, persecution began against their own brothers in Christ, who did not accept the innovation. The first who refused to accept innovations was Archpriest Avakum. Everyone knows about the innovation of three fingers, instead of the two with which they were baptized (two fingers were adopted from the Old Believers). But that wasn't the point. The main trick is the destruction of the old and the introduction of a new elite, plus the substitution of the concepts of "Orthodox" for "Orthodoxy". After all, even in the Menaion of the Lord (Christian service books that existed before the appearance of the Bible, which appeared in the late 18th and early 19th centuries as a book, and before that there were the Menaia of the Lord) there is a phrase: “Thou art the land of Russia filled, and the orthodox faith is Christian” , i.e. not the Orthodox faith, but the orthodox.

17. Yahweh - (Sabaoth, Jehovah) - the Jewish god, who cares only about the Jews and instructs them to live at the expense of other peoples. Judeo-Christian god of death (read the Old Testament), "the prince of this world."

It is clear that this could take place only when the tribes began to unite.

The god of the Jewish people began to be considered Yahweh, or, as he was previously incorrectly called in the literature, Jehovah. The cult of Yahweh is of very ancient origin. It existed long before the unification of the Jewish tribes into the Israeli state. But then he was one of many cults, and Yahweh himself was considered one of the many gods worshiped by various Jewish tribes. Known, for example, are the names of the goddess Anat, the gods Bethel, Elyon, Shaddai. The influence of neighboring peoples, in particular the Phoenicians, Assyrians, Babylonians, also affected: the Jews borrowed from them the gods Tammuz, Moloch, Astarte.

In history, a form of religion is known, which at the end of the 19th century was given the name of henotheism by scientists. It lies in the fact that a given people or a given tribe worship a certain god, considering him to be their supreme patron and leader: but at the same time he does not deny the existence of other gods, alien, patronizing other peoples and tribes. The worship of Yahweh was for many centuries not monotheistic, not monotheistic, but henotheistic: it did not exclude, but, on the contrary, assumed the recognition that other peoples had other gods.

Initially, Yahweh was revered by some clans and tribes of pastoral nomads as the spirit or demon of the desert. In the future, he turned into the god of the tribe of Judah. When the Jewish tribes united into the State of Israel, and the tribe of Judah played the main role in this connection, the patron god of this tribe became the patron god of the entire Jewish people and the kingdom of Israel. Its main function has also changed. Since his main task, as a patron, was to lead military operations against the Philistines, Moabites and other external enemies, he became the god of war.

Gradually, in the imagination of believers, the appearance of the god Yahweh also changed. Initially, he was depicted, probably in the form of a lion, then - in the form of a bull (calf). In the future, Yahweh acquires a human image, although in very many cases his later images retain the features of an animal.

In the view of believers, Yahweh was by no means omnipresent: he lived in a certain place. It is known that Mount Sinai has long been considered the abode of Yahweh. Its heights served as an object of worship for other gods of Palestine. When the cult of Yahweh began to acquire a predominant character, the service of Yahweh began to be performed on the same heights, and the service to other vaals (masters, gods) was performed on them until now. It was very easy to redirect worship from any Vaal to Yahweh, since the nature of this worship was the same: as a rule, it was a bloody sacrifice, accompanied by a very brief verbal appeal to God.

The question of the place of worship was considered very important. It was connected with the question of where the god lives, for he had to pray exactly where he was. Over time, the idea arose that Yahweh dwells in one specific place - in the ark. According to the biblical description, the ark was a box on a stretcher, on the lid of which were two cast gold kerubs (cherubim) (See Exodus, ch. 37). Some researchers of the Hebrew religion believe that the original ark depicted the throne of Yahweh, others believe that it contained statues of Yahweh in the form of a calf and his wife Anat-Yahu. There is also an opinion that meteorite stones were in the ark. In any case, it is noteworthy that the god Yahweh, according to biblical ideas, lived in a portable box.

As the cult of Yahweh more and more supplanted the cults of other tribal and tribal gods, the priests of this god stood out and, over time, gained more and more importance. Their main duty during this period was not sacrifice - this, according to the old tradition of tribal society, is still done by the believers themselves, mainly the heads of clans and families - but questioning the deity, asking him for predictions and advice. The priest divined with the help of pebbles or sticks called urim and tumim, as well as in other ways; Yahweh answered him flawlessly, and the believer, who turned to Yahweh's help through the priest, received an "exact" answer to the question of how he should act in this particular case. If the tsar himself addressed the question, the answer became especially important: depending on it, the tsar could, for example, start a war or not start a war. In the hands of the priests, therefore, there was an important means of influencing state policy.

There is no doubt that human sacrifices were made to the god Yahweh. The Bible has preserved many traces of this barbarism. Although the corresponding passages were written at a later time, the custom of human sacrifice is certainly of an older origin and, of course, belongs to the period we are now talking about. There were no modern Bible books during this period. There were oral traditions, legends, songs, parables and other works of folk art, of course, religiously colored.

The mighty Yahweh, whom the Orthodox Slavs usually call briefly - the Lord, is a controversial figure. Representatives of world religions and philosophies for centuries have not come to a consensus - is there only one God for representatives of such different faiths. The only thing that scientists and clergymen of the whole world agree on is that Yahweh is one of the many names under which the great being is mentioned in historical sources.

Origin story

The cult of Yahweh originates in the land of Egypt. Initially, the Jewish god was of secondary importance in the diverse pantheon of creatures worshiped by nomads and pastoralists. Moreover, Yahweh was revered as a demon of the desert.

Over time, representatives of the tribe - a tribe that considered itself the descendants of the son of Jacob - proclaimed God the protector and patron of their ancestral branch. After the unification of many tribes into the State of Israel, Yahweh became a deity influencing the entire people of Israel.

With the growth of status, the meaning of the idol also changed. The Israelites, embroiled in military conflicts with the Philistines and Moabites, proclaimed Yahweh the god of war. The man, who was previously depicted in the form of a lion or a bull, acquired human features, but did not completely lose his animal appearance, retaining cruelty and bloodthirstiness in character.

The sharp spread of the cult of Yahweh is associated with. The Old Testament states that on Mount Sinai, where the Jewish prophet ascended to receive the commandments, the god whom Moses asked for a name called himself Yahweh. By the way, in the Old Testament this name of the deity occurs about 7000 times.

During the formation of the monotheistic trend (belief in a single God), the inconspicuous Yahweh took a leading position in the system of values ​​of the Israelis. Now the name of the great patron of the ancient people was pronounced only by the high priest during traditional sacrifices. The ceremony took place during the holiday "Day of Atonement".

In the Middle Ages, due to an error in interpretation, Yahweh received the name Jehovah. And later, in the synodal translation of the Bible into Russian, the deity began to be designated by the name Lord. However, like most theological disputes, the story of the origin of Yahweh has a shaky system of evidence.

Yahweh in world religions

Information about Yahweh is found in most religious movements known to modern man. For the first time the name of the deity is mentioned in the Torah "Genesis" 2:4:

“This is the origin of heaven and earth, at their creation, at the time when the Lord (Yahweh) God created the earth and heaven.”

Yahweh in Judaism is the unpronounceable name of God, the meaning of which comes from the verb "to be, to live." The law of reading the Torah indicates that the name of Yahweh should be replaced with "Anodai" when pronouncing sacred texts, so the worshipers of Yahweh do not violate the commandment that Moses lowered from the mountain.

Christianity defines Yahweh as the Son of God, who, after incarnation on Earth, began to bear the name. Remarkably, the Bible also calls Yahweh the Creator, that is, the creator of the earth and sky. A similar interpretation is characteristic of Orthodoxy.

The debate about whether Allah is considered an image (or another name) of Yahweh has not subsided for centuries. There is no such word in the Quran. Adherents of Islam believe that the name Yahweh is the result of mankind's attempts to explain or simplify the image of a single god, who is outside of time and space familiar to people.

The international organization Jehovah's Witnesses, banned in Russia, has built its own hierarchy of values ​​based on a mistake that has crept into the translation of the word Yahweh:

“Later, the conditional Masoretic spelling was read literally by European scholars - hence the incorrect form “Jehovah”, which does not correspond to either ancient or later traditional reading.

The textbook of the Hebrew language claims that among the sectarians, the same Yahweh, only in the wrong reading, is the only true god, containing the Christian trinity.

Among agnostics and original theologians, the theory is popular that Yahweh is not at all a virtuous deity and patron of mankind. The etiologist argues that Yahweh is not the highest good at all. Yahweh is a dark god who was distinguished by vindictiveness and love of deceit.

One of the confirmations of the theory that Yahweh is the devil, the scientist found in the New Testament in the speeches of Christ:

“Your father is the devil; and you want to do the desires of your father.”

At the same time, an explanation is made that by Yahweh, researchers do not mean the One Creator, but another deity, to whom the clergy mistakenly attributed the creation of the world. However, the image of God is found not only in religion. Mentions of a great being are also found among pagan peoples. True, in such cultures, the character is known under the name Java.

The Phoenicians, for example, glorified Java as a deity whose powers came from water. The image of a man coincides with the hero of the Sumerian legends, the god Ea, who caused the flood. In the Mediterranean, Yammu (one of the versions of the name Yahweh) was revered as the god of the sea, who was defeated by the supreme god.

  • According to the statement of the "Mirror of Sacred Texts and Pictures" society, he encrypted the image of Yahweh in a sketch depicting St. Anna, Mary and. If you bring a mirror in a specific way, then the face of the child will turn into the face of God.

  • There is a theory that the cult of Yahweh originated from the idolatry of the Egyptian god.
  • The name Yahweh is the four consonant letters of the Hebrew language: Yod, Hey, Vav, Hey.
(20 votes : 4.6 out of 5 )
  • priest Afanasy Gumerov
  • prof.
  • A.S. Cerebral
  • archbishop Feofan Poltava
  • Brockhaus Bible Encyclopedia

Yahweh- one of the first encountered in.
The name Yahweh was revealed to the children of Israel through Moses. The text of the Book of Exodus makes it possible to explain the name of Yahweh. In it, the Divine name is connected with the verb haya(h) - to be. The construction used in the construction ehye(h) aser ehye(h) is translated as God's testimony about Himself: "I AM WHO I AM", abbreviated as "I AM" (in Russian translation: "EXISTING"). The name "Yahweh" is, as it were, a response (He is Existing), repeated by people in the third person, to the Revelation expressed by God in the first person about Himself. The name Yahweh contains a mystery and a gift. It is not a simple pronoun, noun or adjective, but contains a verb and is therefore perceived as a mysterious refusal of God to fit into human ideas. At the same time, the verb in the name points to the fact of living existence, always present and always active, testifies to God as a Personal Being entering into communion with a person. The name Yahweh was considered as the proper name of God, so over time it ceased to be pronounced and was only written with 4 consonants YHWH.

“God in the Old Testament also has a proper name - Yahweh, which was depicted in writing with consonant letters Y-X-V-X. Because of the fear of violating the third commandment, it was read as if it were the word adonai - "Lord." In accordance with this, the Septuagint, and with it most translations of the Bible, such a reading "Lord" [Greek. curios] also transfers to writing, so, for example, to the Synod. per. instead of "Yahweh" there is the word "Lord". When later the Hebrew alphabet was supplemented with signs of vowel sounds (Masoretic text) and vowels from the word adonai were added to the consonants Y-X-V-X (moreover, according to the rules of the Hebrew language, the first a began to be pronounced as e), then instead of "Yahweh" ( solely as a result of the incompetence of medieval translators) the reading and writing of "Y-e-X-o-V-a-X" or "Jehovah" arose. Such an incorrect transmission of the Divine name is still found in some churches. chants and in obsolete translations. As a result of the fact that the name Yahweh was hidden under the conditional name "Lord", in cases where in Heb. the text is “Lord Yahweh”, translators, in order to avoid duplication – “Lord Lord” – have to resort to various methods (see in Gen.15:2: “Lord Lord”; Zech.9:14: “Lord God”, etc. ). For the same reason, the Synod. per. the word "Lord"

(18 votes : 4.7 out of 5 )


Please tell me, director Ivanov - is “director” a name or position? And Mr. Ivanov - "Mr." Is this a title or a name? So how do you say God and Lord is the name? God has a name, and you cite the tetragrammaton YHWH, which occurs over 7,000 times in the Bible. Throughout the world, his reading is reported as Jehovah or Yahweh, so why don't you finish this in your answer and don't quote Exodus 3:15? Let's honestly insert this Tetragrammaton in all the places in the Bible where it appears in the original texts. I do not hope for your answer, but I am glad that there are still people who read the Bible and meditate. Goodbye.


Priest Afanasy Gumerov, a resident of the Sretensky Monastery, answers:

The question of the names of God is resolved in ancient and late patristics, as well as in biblical science. Both representatives of patristic theology and scholars in the field of biblical science are unanimous in their opinion that the Holy Scripture reveals to us several Divine names. This is disputed only by representatives of some sects, in particular, "Jehovah's Witnesses". They claim that there is only one hidden name (Jehovah) that they revere. Everything else, they say, titles. This statement is completely contrary to the sacred texts.

Sacred writers use the word shem (name). It applies not only to God, but also to people. It is present in the book of Exodus (3:13-15). Prophet Moses asks: And they will say to me: what is His name? God said to Moses: I am who I am. The Hebrew text contains a four-letter word: yod, r(x)e, vav, r(x)e (YHWH). This word was called tetragrammaton (tetra - four; gramma - letter). The Jews have not pronounced this name for some time. One of the Jewish traditions dates the beginning of this prohibition to the time of the high priest Simon the Righteous (3rd century BC), after whose death the priests stopped using the tetragram even in worship. Therefore, another name was placed next to the tetragram, also consisting of four letters: Aleph, Dalet, Nun, Yod. It was pronounced instead of a tetragram - Adonai. Unlike the royal title adoni (lord, master), Adonai (my Lord) in the Bible refers only to God. In a number of places, this name as an appeal is already found in ancient texts:; ; Tue 9:26; etc. The Hebrew alphabet consists of only 22 consonants. Around the 6th century A.D. there appeared a system of vocalizations (nekudot), masoretes (Heb. mazar - legend), i.e. the keepers of the legend, deliberately transferred the vowel sounds from the name Adonai to the tetragram. Medieval European scholars did not notice this convention and mistook the spelling of these vowels for their own tetragram vowels. Therefore, for several centuries, the tetragram was pronounced incorrectly - Jehovah. However, already in the 16th - 17th centuries, a number of prominent Hebraic scholars (Buxtrophy, Drusius, Capell, Althingius) objected to such a reading. Since the exact pronunciation was not offered in return, it continued to be the same - Jehovah. In the first half of the 19th century, the German scholar Ewald proposed another reading - Jahvah (Yahvah). This proposal was not accepted immediately, but only after the support of such prominent researchers as Genstenberg and Reinke. The reading proposed by Ewald is not the discovery of the true name. It was obtained by the philological method. Therefore, two options are possible: Jahvah and Jahveh. Based on historical data, our distinguished researcher, the archbishop, considered the pronunciation Jahveh (Yahweh) to be the most plausible.

Despite the exact data of biblical science, representatives of the sect "Jehovah's Witnesses" built their "dogmatics" on the basis of an erroneous reading of the tetragram. The author of the letter does not talk about his religious affiliation, but his pathos is not accidental. “All over the world, his reading is transmitted as Jehovah or Yahweh…”. First of all, we must ask: what is the name? Jehovah or Yahweh? After all, they are completely different. Secondly, is the “reading given as Jehovah” all over the world, or among members of a sect? I will cite the opinion of not an Orthodox theologian, but a modern Hebraist professor at Harvard University, Thomas O. Lambdin, about the name contained in the tetragram: “Initially, it was most likely pronounced as Yahwe. Then, out of pious motives, they stopped saying it, replacing it with Adonay (Lord) when reading aloud. This custom, which arose already several centuries BC. and reflected the Masoretes in their punctuation, transferring the vocalization of the word Adonay to the letters standing in the biblical text [the author has a tetragram in the text in Hebrew script - yod, g(x)e, vav, g(x)e]. Thus was born a "hybrid" spelling that did not reflect any real pronunciation. Later, the conditional Masoretic spelling was read literally by European scholars - hence the incorrect form “Jehovah” that does not correspond to either ancient or later traditional reading ”(Thomas O. Lambdin. Textbook of the Hebrew language, translated from English, M., 1998, p. 117). Concerning the pronunciation of Yahweh, the learned Hebraist writes only presumably: "it was most likely pronounced as Yahwe." In modern Western theological literature, Yahweh is encountered quite often, but is it possible to prayerfully invoke a name if it is not revealed to us, but obtained through linguistic research. Is it possible to include it in prayers if the scientists themselves are not completely sure of its accuracy?

How do Orthodox Christians pronounce the biblical outline of the tetragram? In full agreement with the Old Testament temple tradition. Since Adonai (Lord) was read in the Temple, 72 Jewish interpreters, when translated into Greek in the 3rd century BC. Curios (Lord) was placed in place of the tetragram. The holy apostles turned to the Greek Bible. This is proved by the analysis of the text of the Gospel. Following them, we pronounce - the Lord.

Let us consider another fundamental question: is there one name of God, or are there several of them? Let's turn to the Holy Scriptures.

1. The same word shem (name), as in Exodus (3:13-15), also stands in those places where there is no tetragram: “You must not worship a god other than the Lord; because his name is jealous; He is a jealous God "(). In the Hebrew Bible it stands: Shemo El-Kanna (the name God is jealous).

2. In the book of Isaiah we read: “Our Redeemer is the Lord of Hosts, His name is the Holy One of Israel” (). In Heb. Text: Shemo Kedosh Yisrael. Should we trust our own preconceived notions or the prophet Isaiah? In his book, the name of God, the Holy One of Israel, occurs 25 times (1:4; 5:19, 24; 10:20; 12:6; 17:7; 29:19; 30:11-12, 15; 31:1; 37 :23; 41:14, 16, 20; 43:3, 14; 45:11; 47:4; 48:17; 49:7; 54:5; 60:9, 14). It is quite clear from the context that the Holy One of Israel is used as the name of God. It is enough to take those places where it is quite synonymous with the tetragram. For example, "they will put their trust in the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, wholeheartedly" (10:20). In the first part of this verse there is a tetragram.

3. “Only You are our Father; for Abraham does not recognize us, and Israel does not recognize us as their own; You, Lord, our Father, from time immemorial Your name: "Our Redeemer" ”(). Again in the Hebrew text there is the same word as in Exodus 3:13-15) - shemo (name). Goel (Redeemer) as the name of God is also found in other places of Holy Scripture.

4. The Lord of hosts is His name "(). Another name is indicated here - Sabaoth (Heb. Tsevaot; from the creatures. Tsava - army). We also meet other prophets about this: “The Lord God of Hosts is His name” (); “Your name is called on me, Lord, God of Hosts” ().

5. Other names were also used: El (Strong, Strong), Elohim (in the Greek Bible - Theos; in the Slavic and Russian - God), El-Shaddai (in the Greek Bible - Pantokrator; in the Slavic and Russian Bibles - Almighty), etc. The prayerful mention of any of them meant invoking the name of the Lord.

The opinion that there are several divine names in the Old Testament is not only the opinion of Orthodox theology, as the author of the letter claims. I will again cite the opinion of a non-Orthodox learned Hebraist. Thomas O. Lambdin in the Hebrew Textbook highlighted a special paragraph “Excursus: the names of God in the Old Testament”: “Most often God in the Old Testament is called by the names Elohim and YHWH ... The addition of the prepositions be, le and ke to the names Elohim and Adonay has one peculiarity: the initial aleph in pronunciation is lost along with the vowel following it” (p. 117-18).

Our discussion is not an academic theological debate, but is of fundamental importance. The position expressed in the letter is directed against the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. To this end, the Deity of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit is denied. In order to avoid dangerous mistakes and delusions, it is necessary to get rid of narrow ideas that bind the mind and spiritual eyes. The revelation about the Holy Trinity is given in the New Testament. In the Gospel of Matthew, our Lord Jesus Christ, sending disciples, says: “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” (28:19). It is impossible to know the Father without believing in the divinity of the Son: “We also know that the Son of God came and gave us light and understanding, so that we may know the true God and be in His true Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life.