We publish the post of Daria Korolkova, which has thundered all over Facebook. The author, the mother of a teenage girl, decided to "dot all the i's", to outline her daughter's position in advance regarding her growing up and further independent life. The spelling has been preserved.

1. After 3 years, I can kick you out of the house. Sounds scary, right? But nonetheless. At 18, you will have 2 options for action: you enter a university, and I support you as best I can, until graduation, or until you find a job. Either you put a bolt on the university (and I will never blame you for this) and go to work. And you provide for your own needs. I will not support a non-student girl of 18+ years of age, because I think this is wrong. You have 3 years to choose...

Yes, we have already come up with a redevelopment of the apartment. Our bedroom will be in your room.

2. You are beautiful. You are beautiful. You are very smart. You are much better than me. You are wonderful. I've known you for 15 years and you're much better than I could have imagined in my wildest dreams. If someone does not understand this, it is his problem. Well, and a little more of my father, but he quickly descends down the stairs, then I'm not worried.

3. I'm not an example for you. You are a completely different, separate person, you should not love what I love, you have every right to trample on my authorities and put a bolt on my values. One caveat: you will also be responsible for your choice yourself.

4. You are free. I don't expect anything from you. You can go to janitors, manicurists, locksmiths, turners, housewives, business analysts, office managers and become a cashier in Auchan. I do not consider it possible to interfere with your choice life path. But don't forget to reread the first paragraph.

5. You don't owe me anything. I didn't raise you in debt. I'm not waiting for a glass of water, if it's bad, I don't expect you to provide me with a comfortable old age, I don't dream of your Nobel Prizes. You have the right to choose what is important and valuable to you. Or let it all go. This is your life and your choice.

6. You have a house. Whatever happens in your life, I will be there if you need it. I will support and regret, I will sympathize and try to help if you ask. But I will not intervene spontaneously.

7. I have my own life. I don't have to help on the whistle, drop what I'm doing for you. sacrifice your comfort for yours. I CAN. But I SHOULD NOT.

8. You have your own life. Whom to marry, whether to have children, whether to become a lesbian, whether to enter into United Russia You will always decide for yourself. My views, political preferences, life beliefs should not influence you in any way. You can do as your heart, conscience and self-interest tell you. It won't make you lose me, won't stop being my daughter, won't make you persona non grata.

9. No one intends to harm you. It’s not easy to understand, but it’s true: everyone thinks only of themselves. And I. Yes. Any person in any circumstances behaves as he considers right. No one (mentally healthy) worsens his life consciously. He (or she) acts like this. how (from their point of view) it will be better for them. No more. It's just that your worldviews don't match.

10. The world is unfair. There are no guaranteed ways to succeed and no guaranteed ways to avoid failure. You do not control this world. You can do everything right and get screwed. You can break everything in the world and be on a horse. The only thing you have to worry about is honesty. Don't lie to yourself. Learn to understand yourself. Be aware of your true needs and feelings. And think about how you feel better.

11. Your "good" will almost always mean someone else's "bad". You will take someone's place at the institute or at the cash desk of Auchan. You'll be dating someone's love of a lifetime or sitting in someone's favorite seat at the cinema. Do not worry. Your "bad" will always mean someone else's "Good", so you're even.

12. 100% you can only trust yourself. No, not even me, I can't get inside your head. You are sure to understate, hide and conceal. I know, I do it too. I also have a mother. Only you know EVERYTHING about yourself. Only you know what you're capable of.

13. Don't shift responsibility. You are responsible for your life from the age of 18. And no Onasuka and Onkozel have nothing to do with it. Have children if you can raise them alone. Take on a project if you can pull it off without co-workers. Emigrate if you can be alone in a foreign country. ONE. If you are lucky and there are helpers, relatives, friends, it will be easier for you. But they don't owe you. Don't count.

14. Calculate. Every action has consequences. Maybe you don't foresee everything. But try to calculate the maximum. The better you imagine the options, the smarter your behavior.

15. Don't listen to me. I dashed off 14 points that, in my opinion, will make your life better than mine. But you are not me (and there was a separate paragraph about this, by the way). Don't compare. Don't equal. Go and live. I didn't give birth to you to be my daughter. I wanted to release into the world a person who will live his life in it. own life. Go and live it.

15a. Just don't complain afterwards.

15b. And don't turn off your phone. I worry.

Cruel but very honest letter from mom to 15-year-old daughter

Some say: "Egoist!". Others - "Well, finally, the voice of reason!". A Daria Korolkova just writing a letter to his 15 year old daughter..

Listen, little one.

  1. In 3 years, I can kick you out of the house. Sounds scary, right? But nonetheless. At 18, you will have 2 options for action: you enter a university, and I support you as best I can, until graduation, or until you find a job. Either you put a bolt on the university (and I will never blame you for this) and go to work. And you provide for your own needs. I will not support an 18+ year old girl who is not studying, because I think this is wrong. You have 3 years to choose..Yes, we have already come up with a redevelopment of the apartment. Our bedroom will be in your room.
  2. You are beautiful. You are beautiful. You are very smart. You are much better than me. You are wonderful. I've known you for 15 years, and you are much better than I could have imagined in my wildest dreams. If someone does not understand this, it is his problem. Well, and a little more of my father, but he quickly descends down the stairs, then I'm not worried.
  3. I'm not your example. You are a completely different, separate person, you should not love what I love, you have every right to trample on my authorities and put a bolt on my values. One caveat: you will also be responsible for your choice yourself.
  4. You are free. I don't expect anything from you. You can go to janitors, manicurists, locksmiths, turners, housewives, business analysts, office managers and become a cashier in Auchan. I do not consider it possible to interfere with your choice of life path. But don't forget to reread the first paragraph.
  5. You don't owe me anything. I didn't raise you in debt. I'm not waiting for a glass of water, if it's bad, I don't expect you to provide me with a comfortable old age, I don't dream of your Nobel Prizes. You have the right to choose what is important and valuable to you. Or let it all go. This is your life and your choice.
  6. You have a house. Whatever happens in your life, I will be there if you need it. I will support and regret, I will sympathize and try to help if you ask. But I will not intervene spontaneously.
  7. I have my own life. I don't have to help on the whistle, drop what I'm doing for you. sacrifice your comfort for yours. I CAN. But I SHOULD NOT.
  8. You have your own life. Whom to marry, whether to have children, whether to become a lesbian, whether to join United Russia, you will always decide for yourself. My views, political preferences, life beliefs should not influence you in any way. You can do as your heart, conscience and self-interest tell you. It won't make you lose me, won't stop being my daughter, won't make you persona non grata.
  9. Nobody intends to harm you. It’s not easy to understand, but it’s true: everyone thinks only of themselves. And I. Yes. Any person in any circumstances behaves as he considers right. No one (mentally healthy) worsens his life consciously. He (or she) acts like this. how (from their point of view) it will be better for them. No more. It's just that your worldviews don't match.
  10. World is not fair. There are no guaranteed ways to succeed and no guaranteed ways to avoid failure. You do not control this world. You can do everything right and get screwed. You can break everything in the world and be on a horse. The only thing you have to worry about is honesty. Don't lie to yourself. Learn to understand yourself. Be aware of your true needs and feelings. And think about how you feel better.
  11. Your "good" will almost always mean someone else's "bad". You will take someone's place at the institute or at the cash desk of Auchan. You'll be dating someone's love of a lifetime or sitting in someone's favorite seat at the cinema. Do not worry. Your "bad" will always mean someone else's "good", so you're even.
  12. You can only trust yourself 100%. No, not even me, I can't get inside your head. You are sure to understate, hide and conceal. I know, I do it too. I also have a mother. Only you know EVERYTHING about yourself. Only you know what you're capable of.
  13. Don't shift responsibility. You are responsible for your life from the age of 18. And no Onasuka and Onkozel have nothing to do with it. Have children if you can raise them alone. Take on a project if you can pull it off without co-workers. Emigrate if you can be alone in a foreign country. ONE. If you are lucky and there are helpers, relatives, friends, it will be easier for you. But they don't owe you. Don't count.
  14. Calculate. Every action has consequences. Maybe you don't foresee everything. But try to calculate the maximum. The better you imagine the options, the smarter your behavior.
  15. Don't listen to me. I dashed off 14 points that, in my opinion, will make your life better than mine. But you are not me (and there was a separate paragraph about this, by the way). Don't compare. Don't equal. Go and live. I didn't give birth to you to be my daughter. I wanted to release into the world a man who would live his own life in it. Go and live it.

15a. Just don't complain afterwards.

15b. And don't turn off your phone. I worry.

Announcement photo: Shutterstock

Yes, everything is fine .... Reconcile. Got the daughter's mother. It will pass. She said: "I'm worried." Conflict between fathers and children. This too shall pass..
This is a post by Daria Korolkova, which has thundered all over Facebook. The author, the mother of a teenage girl, decided to "dot all the i's", to outline her daughter's position in advance regarding her growing up and further independent life. The spelling has been preserved.

1. After 3 years, I can kick you out of the house. Sounds scary, right? But nonetheless. At 18, you will have 2 options for action: you enter a university, and I support you as best I can, until graduation, or until you find a job. Either you put a bolt on the university (and I will never blame you for this) and go to work. And you provide for your own needs. I will not support a non-student girl aged 18+, because I think this is wrong. You have 3 years to choose...

Yes, we have already come up with a redevelopment of the apartment. Our bedroom will be in your room.

2. You are beautiful. You are beautiful. You are very smart. You are much better than me. You are wonderful. I've known you for 15 years and you're much better than I could have imagined in my wildest dreams. If someone does not understand this, it is his problem. Well, and a little more of my father, but he quickly descends down the stairs, then I'm not worried.

3. I'm not an example for you. You are a completely different, separate person, you should not love what I love, you have every right to trample on my authorities and put a bolt on my values. One caveat: you will also be responsible for your choice yourself.

4. You are free. I don't expect anything from you. You can go to janitors, manicurists, locksmiths, turners, housewives, business analysts, office managers and become a cashier in Auchan. I do not consider it possible to interfere with your choice of life path. But don't forget to reread the first paragraph.

5. You don't owe me anything. I didn't raise you in debt. I'm not waiting for a glass of water, if it's bad, I don't expect you to provide me with a comfortable old age, I don't dream of your Nobel Prizes. You have the right to choose what is important and valuable to you. Or let it all go. This is your life and your choice.

6. You have a house. Whatever happens in your life, I will be there if you need it. I will support and regret, I will sympathize and try to help if you ask. But I will not intervene spontaneously.

7. I have my own life. I don't have to help on the whistle, drop what I'm doing for you. sacrifice your comfort for yours. I CAN. But I SHOULD NOT.

8. You have your own life. Whom to marry, whether to have children, whether to become a lesbian, whether to join United Russia, you will always decide for yourself. My views, political preferences, life beliefs should not influence you in any way. You can do as your heart, conscience and self-interest tell you. It won't make you lose me, won't stop being my daughter, won't make you persona non grata.

9. No one intends to harm you. It’s not easy to understand, but it’s true: everyone thinks only of themselves. And I. Yes. Any person in any circumstances behaves as he considers right. No one (mentally healthy) worsens his life consciously. He (or she) acts like this. how (from their point of view) it will be better for them. No more. It's just that your worldviews don't match.

10. The world is unfair. There are no guaranteed ways to succeed and no guaranteed ways to avoid failure. You do not control this world. You can do everything right and get screwed. You can break everything in the world and be on a horse. The only thing you have to worry about is honesty. Don't lie to yourself. Learn to understand yourself. Be aware of your true needs and feelings. And think about how you feel better.

11. Your "good" will almost always mean someone else's "bad". You will take someone's place at the institute or at the cash desk of Auchan. You'll be dating someone's love of a lifetime or sitting in someone's favorite seat at the cinema. Do not worry. Your "bad" will always mean someone else's "Good", so you're even.

12. 100% you can only trust yourself. No, not even me, I can't get inside your head. You are sure to understate, hide and conceal. I know, I do it too. I also have a mother. Only you know EVERYTHING about yourself. Only you know what you're capable of.

13. Don't shift responsibility. You are responsible for your life from the age of 18. And no Onasuka and Onkozel have nothing to do with it. Have children if you can raise them alone. Take on a project if you can pull it off without co-workers. Emigrate if you can be alone in a foreign country. ONE. If you are lucky and there are helpers, relatives, friends, it will be easier for you. But they don't owe you. Don't count.

14. Calculate. Every action has consequences. Maybe you don't foresee everything. But try to calculate the maximum. The better you imagine the options, the smarter your behavior.

15. Don't listen to me. I dashed off 14 points that, in my opinion, will make your life better than mine. But you are not me (and there was a separate paragraph about this, by the way). Don't compare. Don't equal. Go and live. I didn't give birth to you to be my daughter. I wanted to release into the world a man who would live his own life in it. Go and live it.

15a. Just don't complain afterwards.

15b. And don't turn off your phone. I worry.

“Every mother is given to know about her children something that is inaccessible to anyone else. This is how a mother’s heart works - it knows everything about children ...

When the noise around the woman who has just given birth subsides, when the mother is left alone with the one who lived under her heart for nine whole months, a real sacrament of the meeting takes place. There are those who have known each other for a long time, who listened and heard each other every second, who caught the slightest movement of mood and listened to every beat of the heart. Only two people in this world can know each other like that: a mother and her child.

Mom, exhausted after the happy pain of the birth of a baby, lies motionless and looks at her little treasure, which sweetly snores, wrapped in the caring hands of a midwife in a funny official blanket.

Wow, what eyebrows you have ... And what a funny forehead! .. Nose ... Button ... And lips ... Like painted ...

So I looked at you the same way ... I looked and could not believe that I was the mother of my daughter.
Daughter... Daughter... Daughter...

It’s somehow arranged in life that, along with a special trepidation in relation to her daughter, the expectation “she will cope with what I didn’t succeed” lives in my mother’s soul. Whoever, whatever they say around - it's true.

It is then that life puts everything in its place and, growing up, the daughter explains to her mother that she has completely different plans for her future and for her happiness. It is important that the mother hears everything in time and accepts her daughter as she came to this world.

In the meantime, in the postpartum ward, the mother looks at her daughter and tries to get used to her happiness. But how can you get used to it, to such happiness? This is now a surprise for the rest of your life: I am the mother of a daughter.

I remember well that our meeting ... I still couldn’t wait for your dad to open his arms and put you in a cradle next to me. From the moment the doctor gave him a small bundle under the name Marusya, he somehow pressed himself against you and whispered and whispered something for a long time ...

After all, even now he whispers only your words to you ... How does he know them? How did you find it? It’s also a mystery to me… And you listen and listen. And which of you is gaining more strength at this time? My good...

And then, in the maternity hospital, he first whispered to you, and then, just like that, without letting go of you, he began to call everyone, everyone ... the whole world!


He called and called ... And he didn’t let you go ... And I lay, listened and patiently endured the way he wiped my tears with a gauze napkin ... Our daughter was born! My little rush... Earlier for a whole month!..

And yet they all parted ways. We were left alone with you. How long did this meeting last? 10 minutes? Two hours? Don't know…

I could and can look at you endlessly. To peer into your extraordinary features, to wonder what you are thinking about, to be surprised at such an exquisite movement of thought ...
Yes, Marusya, you, like me, have everything written on your face. Since birth. My beauty ... clever ...

“Come on, little one! Your mommy needs to rest,” the nurse suddenly said and took you away. I was transferred to the intensive care unit from the operating room, attached to a million of some units, and my “rest” began ...

You are 14 today. You are extraordinary! The best daughter in the world! Smart, wise beyond her years, very beautiful, brave, courageous, honest, incredibly tender. You are Love itself! And it's so good!.. It's such a happiness that you have a Gift - to love people. It was given to you from above, and also because more than one generation of women in our Family possessed it. You know all our stories… There were a lot of tears, a lot of pain, but more joy and happiness! And from all this the triumph of Love was born ...

Be worthy of this Gift. Keep Love and believe it.

A must read for every mother! I 100% agree with every word in the post! Yes and yes again!

I have adult daughter, far from a teenager ... But it was useful for me to re-read these lines. Sometimes I treat her like she's still 12. Forgive me, daughter! I love you very much, you are the most precious thing I have!

The author, Daria Korolkova, the mother of a teenage girl, decided to "dot all the i's", to outline in advance her daughter's position on her growing up and further independent life. The spelling has been preserved.

1. After 3 years, I can kick you out of the house. Sounds scary, right? But nonetheless. At 18 you will have 2 options:

You enter a university, and I support you as much as I can, until you graduate, or until you find a job. Either you put a bolt on the university (and I will never blame you for this) and go to work. And you provide for your own needs. I will not support a non-student girl aged 18+, because I think this is wrong. You have 3 years to choose...

Yes, we have already come up with a redevelopment of the apartment. Our bedroom will be in your room.

2. You are beautiful. You are beautiful. You are very smart. You are much better than me. You are wonderful. I've known you for 15 years and you're much better than I could have imagined in my wildest dreams. If someone does not understand this, it is his problem. Well, and a little more of my father, but he quickly descends down the stairs, then I'm not worried.

3. I'm not an example for you. You are a completely different, separate person, you should not love what I love, you have every right to trample on my authorities and put a bolt on my values. One caveat: you will also be responsible for your choice yourself.

4. You are free. I don't expect anything from you. You can go to janitors, manicurists, locksmiths, turners, housewives, business analysts, office managers and become a cashier in Auchan. I do not consider it possible to interfere with your choice of life path. But don't forget to reread the first paragraph.

5. You don't owe me anything. I didn't raise you in debt. I'm not waiting for a glass of water, if it's bad, I don't expect you to provide me with a comfortable old age, I don't dream of your Nobel Prizes. You have the right to choose what is important and valuable to you. Or let it all go. This is your life and your choice.

6. You have a house. Whatever happens in your life, I will be there if you need it. I will support and regret, I will sympathize and try to help if you ask. But I will not intervene spontaneously.

7. I have my own life. I don't have to help on the whistle, drop what I'm doing for you. sacrifice your comfort for yours. I CAN. But I SHOULD NOT.

8. You have your own life. Whom to marry, whether to have children, whether to become a lesbian, whether to join United Russia, you will always decide for yourself. My views, political preferences, life beliefs should not influence you in any way. You can do as your heart, conscience and self-interest tell you. It won't make you lose me, won't stop being my daughter, won't make you persona non grata.

9. No one intends to harm you. It’s not easy to understand, but it’s true: everyone thinks only of themselves. And I. Yes. Any person in any circumstances behaves as he considers right. No one (mentally healthy) worsens his life consciously. He (or she) acts like this. how (from their point of view) it will be better for them. No more. It's just that your worldviews don't match.

10. The world is unfair. There are no guaranteed ways to succeed and no guaranteed ways to avoid failure. You do not control this world. You can do everything right and get screwed. You can break everything in the world and be on a horse. The only thing you have to worry about is honesty. Don't lie to yourself. Learn to understand yourself. Be aware of your true needs and feelings. And think about how you feel better.

11. Your "good" will almost always mean someone else's "bad". You will take someone's place at the institute or at the cash desk of Auchan. You'll be dating someone's love of a lifetime or sitting in someone's favorite seat at the cinema. Do not worry. Your "bad" will always mean someone else's "Good", so you're even.

12. 100% you can only trust yourself. No, not even me, I can't get inside your head. You are sure to understate, hide and conceal. I know, I do it too. I also have a mother. Only you know EVERYTHING about yourself. Only you know what you're capable of.

13. Don't shift responsibility. You are responsible for your life from the age of 18. And no Onasuka and Onkozel have nothing to do with it. Have children if you can raise them alone. Take on a project if you can pull it off without co-workers. Emigrate if you can be alone in a foreign country. ONE. If you are lucky and there are helpers, relatives, friends, it will be easier for you. But they don't owe you. Don't count.

14. Calculate. Every action has consequences. Maybe you don't foresee everything. But try to calculate the maximum. The better you imagine the options, the smarter your behavior.

15. Don't listen to me. I dashed off 14 points that, in my opinion, will make your life better than mine. But you are not me (and there was a separate paragraph about this, by the way). Don't compare. Don't equal. Go and live. I didn't give birth to you to be my daughter. I wanted to release into the world a man who would live his own life in it. Go and live it.

15a. Just don't complain afterwards.

15b. And don't turn off your phone. I worry.