Nervous anorexia - mental disorder, which is characterized by a disorder of food intake and distorted perception of its own physique. Women are most susceptible to him who have an unhealthy pathological propensity to a constant decrease in body weight. People suffering from nervous anorexia seems to have significant overweight, although in fact it is not at all.

Such pathology has a relatively small prevalence. It is observed not only in women, but also in men. The overwhelming majority of patients (80%), which are diagnosed with nerve anorexia - girls from 12 to 24 years old. That is why a number of doctors consider this disease to one of the women's pathologies arising in adolescence.


There are three main stages of nervous anorexia.

Domoropomanic Stage

A person has obsessive thoughts about their own inferiority. Attention is riveted to appearance, body weight, body weight. To get rid of real or illusory unnecessary kilograms, he begins to practice all the diets known to him.

Anorectic Stage

Diet get tougher. Gradually, the patient passes to full starvation. During this time, the body weight decreases by about 20 - 30%, but the patient seems to be that this is not enough. Engraded weight loss, it begins to reduce himself with too intense physical exertion. Due to the reduction of fluid level in the body, blood pressure decreases and the heart rate is reduced. The decay of the tissue begins. Appetite practically disappears.

Cachectic Stage

It usually occurs after 1.5 - 2 years of development of nervous anorexia. The patient is in a state of complete exhaustion. Shootless swelling, gradual stopping of all the functions of the body are observed. It is no longer possible to deal with the disease at this stage. The patient slowly dies.

The reasons

The unstable psychological atmosphere in the family may also provoke the development of nervous anorexia in the patient, and propaganda diet and unhealthy "beauty standards" in the media. Doctors distinguish several of the most dangerous factors that significantly increase the risk of the disease:

  • genetic features of the body. The predisposition to anorexia can be identified only after a thorough laboratory study;
  • violations of the hormonal background;
  • early puberty and overweight (in women);
  • a vivid sense of own inferiority, insecurity, a tendency to obsessive thoughts;
  • the presence in the family of a close relative, patient with nervous anorexia;
  • social influence, the popularity of hard diets and contrived standards of physique.


The main symptoms of anorexia are as follows:

  • Weight in adolescence is less than 85% of the norm.
  • Conscious restriction of yourself in food, the reception of medical drugs that help temporarily suppress appetite, attempts to cause vomiting after meals.
  • Unnecessary fear of overweight takes obsessive character. A person constantly discusses the issues of reducing body weight with other people, it is painfully reacting with thematic statements.
  • There is a violation of the urogenital system, endocrine glands, anemia of the limbs.
  • General violation of the growth and development of the body of a teenager.


Anorexia can lead to the following consequences and complications:

  • Violations of the cardiovascular system - Cardiac arrhythmia (most often Bradycardia), often leading to sudden cardiac death due to the lack of potassium and magnesium, as well as other mineral substances and a total impaired electrolyte balance; faint attacks; dizziness; Permanent feeling of the cold due to a slow pulse.
  • Skin disorders: hair loss; dry skin, skin pallor; The appearance of small hair on the face and on the back; Eden due to the lack of proteins; Violation of nail structure.
  • Disorders of the digestive system: convulsive stomach pain; chronic constipation; nausea; Eden of the abdominal cavity; Functional dyspepsia.
  • Disorders of the endocrine system, for example: lack of thyroid hormones and slowdown in metabolism, amenorrhea and inability to conceive.
  • Osteoporosis and frequent, painful bone fractures, vertebrals, reducing the mass of the brain.
  • Inability to focus; depression; obsessive compulsive disorder; Template for suicide.


Fighting the disease and its consequences are a very complex process. It involves the participation of not only the attending physician, but also families of the patient, the use of all available methods of treating anorexia. The following techniques are applied:

  • Psychotherapy of behavioral nature is aimed at adjusting the patient's edible behavior.
  • Cognitive psychotherapy - search for the causes of the patient's internal dissatisfaction with itself, the fight against complexes.
  • Family psychotherapy - the patient should feel that he loves him in the family and appreciate, ready to support and help.
  • Drug therapy - the use of preparations that increase appetite and contributing to the mass of body weight. Medical treatment is appointed by the doctor individually and is more an addition to the main psychotherapeutic methods.

To help the patient rehabilitated and again become a full-fledged member of society, a favorable psychological atmosphere is created. To establish the work of the body will help the healing nutrition, involving a gradual increase in calorie content of the patient's diet to a normal level.

According to statistics, without treatment, the mortality of patients with nervous anorexia is 5-10%. Death occurs due to irreversible changes in the internal organs.

Yours faithfully,

Many people look at the worst person and are surprised: "How does he not be able to gain weight if it is so hard to throw it?" In fact, everything is not as simple as it may seem at first glance, because the metabolism of each has its own, in addition, the weight categories are often determined by genes.

However, if we use hard restrictive diet for a long time, refusing to themselves in everything, exhausting themselves with heavy physical exertion, then certain difficulties occur in the body weight set.

Why so hard to recover?

It would seem, to resume the normal reception of food and the case with the end, but not so simple. Often after receiving a large number of food, people suffering starting to sick, incidentally occur, etc. Why is this happening?

There are several reasons:

  • Reduction of body weight and organs;
  • the inability to allocate the desired amount of enzymes, for normal learning;
  • the body is not ready to take a lot of food at a time, because Cancer from her;
  • lack of appetite.
So, after a long period of exhausting diets, nerve stresses, etc. The body is depleted. In this regard, the allocation of enzymes, the food necessary for normal digestion and the absorption of food decreases dramatically. Therefore, eating food in normal quantity is no longer obtained.

In addition, the body will perceive food as a foreign body, and simply cease to take it, and therefore even the most delicious dishes may seem tasteless. In order for the food to be normally normal, it is important to create a person, a patient anorexia atmosphere in which he will be able to move to normal nutrition to dial the necessary weight.

How to get out of the hunger strike for a week and a half?

So, it's time to understand how to get out of the hunger strike in just ten days, sometimes it seems unreal. Everything is real, if you act according to a specific scheme, which will be presented below.

In the first day, it is necessary to stretch the power for the whole day, feeding every two hours with small portions. We should not ship the body with second dishes, sandwiches, etc., it is better to start with chicken broth, which will contribute to the development of intestinal microflora. If you wish in a broth, you can add some cereals. For afternoon, fermented dairy products are perfect. Before leaving to sleep, a cup of kefir should also drink, this process should be repeated during the entire treatment period.

On another day, the regularity of nutrition remains the same, but you can add different broths, excluding fish, and soups. It is important to ensure that they are not very thick, otherwise it may well affect the body. It is important to include in the diet and dairy products, especially cottage cheese.

On the third day, when the sick stomach is already slowly getting used to the right nutrition, you can enter second dishes in the menu. For them, carefully welded cereals and meat products cooked in a double boiler are suitable. When choosing liquid dishes, it is important to give preference to mature. Also do not forget about cottage cheese who contribute to the best work of the stomach. The principle of food reception remains the same: often and gradually.

On the fourth day, you can replace the broths and the fierce soups to simple first dishes, excluding the borsch and soup from the menu. Second dishes remain the same. It should be regularly - once every two or three hours, but the amount of food should be increased by a quarter. Efficiency products must be the basis of the diet.

On the fifth day, which is the most important, there is a relative adaptation to the common nutrition, and therefore you can enter more severe food in the menu.

You can have breakfast can already be sandwiches with butter and cheese with strong sweet tea. For lunch, besides a liquid dish, you can enter potato sideworms and meat dishes, prepared, as before, in a double boiler. Equality products should be administered from the calculation of 100-150 grams per reception. For dinner, you can serve and vegetables cooked in a double boiler, as well as various vegetable casseroles. It should deteriorate products from the legume family.

If, after the introduction of coarse food, there was no problem with digestion, it is important for the sixth day to increase heavy foods. So, you can already have breakfast, you can already have an egg welded by screwing and a circle of cottage cheese with sour cream.

For lunch, it is important to use the first and second dish, which can serve as any side dish, besides pasta, and meat, cooked or in a double boiler or extinguishing method. Well, if the meat pieces will be with a gravy or broth. After dinner sleep, you can already use cottage cheesecakes and puddings in combination with various fruits. For dinner to porridge and potato puree, you can also add raw vegetables.

On the seventh day you can breakfast with various porridge cooked on milk. It is better to use rice and semolina. At lunch, you can eat soups, both on meat and fish broth, and pasta can be used on the second in the form of a side dish. In the afternooner you should prepare cheesery on butter and fruits. For dinner, in this case, you should prepare a potato roll with rugged meat.

After seven days, the breakfast can consist of a dairy cereal in combination with a boiled egg or sandwiches with cheese. At lunch, you can use densely, welded soups with large vegetables and fish, and on the second you can eat potato mashed potatoes with a piece of roasted fish. Preference, as a rule, is given to fish with white meat. Dinner is cut down thick soups, and a potato mashed potatoes and fried fish are served on the second dish. Preference is worth paying fish with white meat. Fruits, kislets and dry biscuits like Galet are suitable for afternoon. The dinner serves a garnish from buckwheat porridge and fried catlet.

On the ninth day to improve the appetite, ocked vitamins and better digestion it is important to use as much fruit and vegetable salads as possible. All products are allowed, except for fatty varieties of meat and dishes prepared with high spices.

On the last day, a diet aimed at restoring a depleted organism takes place to go to the usual nutrition, which must be balanced.

It is important to remember that during rehabilitation after problems with digestion associated with long-term exhausting diets and hunger strikes, it is impossible to do without special vitamin complexes that help to recover all the functions of the body much faster. This is only the basis for which the diet itself, a diet, aimed at rehabilitation creates and corrects only a doctor based on those diseases that accompany anorexia.

Anorexia is nothing more than a loss of appetite. Usually, anorexia is a symptom accompanying any diseases after curing the disease disappears and anorexia. Less often, anorexia develops as an independent state - as a result of failures in the functioning of the stomach, pancreas, etc., as a result of the wrong diet, the wrong lifestyle (insufficient physical activity, no walks, etc.). In some cases, the cause of the development of anorexia can be nervous breakdowns, stress.

Eliminating the cause of the phenomenon, as a rule, entails the elimination of the phenomenon itself. Improve, if necessary, appetite will help some recommendations:

How to return your appetite?

To begin with, you can skip one or two meals - a little cheerful. Sometimes only this happens enough to restore appetite. You can take a rule: it is not, until the appetite comes (some people who eat strictly by the hour, take food barely come for this time

You should not be afraid to skip one reception - it will not be a big violation of the power mode, but the benefit can bring tangible)

It should not be forced every time you have to go, "before the dump" (because of the table you need to go out, and not fall off from it)

Staying a little hungry at the end of the meal - hardly. Not "golden" rule for every person, but especially for those who suffer anorexia, who has overweight and digestive problems

It is necessary to think over (better with the participation of the doctor) the power mode and further strictly comply with this mode

Give their organism a moderate physical activity

Make regular outdoor walks

Consume more products containing fiber - vegetables, fruits, berries. Not digestible coarse fiber, moving through the gastrointestinal tract, irritates mechanically its mucous membrane, causes an increased reflector separation of digestive juices, contributes to the speedy passage of the food lump through the intestine. Such an active impact on the process of digestion cannot but affect positively on appetite

It is known that vegetables, fruits and berries contain many vitamins - especially vitamin C. And one of the important properties of vitamins is the ability to increase appetite. Oranges and lemons used in food regularly act stimulating to the process of selection of gastric juice, as a result of which food is digested faster and appetite is enhanced. Toning acts on the stomach, and therefore eliminates anorexia, grapes (to improve appetite it is recommended to use acid grapes).

Improves digestion and enhances appetite constant inclusion in the apple menu. The mechanism of influence of apples on the intensity of the digestive process is simple: the substances contained in the apples stimulate the production in the stomach of pepsin - an enzyme that cleaves proteins on peptones and albumose. With an increase in the concentration of pepsin in the gastric juice, the process of digestion is naturally intensified

A very effective means for improving appetite - garlic (better in raw form). It stimulates the production of gastric and intestinal digestive juices, in addition, garlic has a pronounced choleretic effect. Thanks to these properties, the product helps to quickly get rid of the manifestations of anorexia

Restore appetite will help periodic cleaning of the digestive tract. The cleansing of the intestine contributes to the large amounts of fresh vegetable and fruit juices (up to a juice diet for two or three days), the greens of dill and parsley. From time to time it is recommended to use the laxatives, to make cleansing enemas (especially the elderly people who have a tone of the intestine much weaker than the young people in the intestines of older people are sometimes required to help)

Eliminate the phenomena of anorexia also will also help the table setting.

Anorexia -deadly dangerous disease, developing due to a standard diet and consciously abandoning food. Most often, anorexia is suffering from aged 12 to 25 years old, having a pathological propensity to a constant decrease in body weight. Certain with the desire to get an unattractive anorexic body or overcome unhealthy preferences in food will help the following steps:

1. Awareness of the seriousness of the question.

A person faces anorexia for various reasons and in various forms, resorting to the reception of the laxative or strict restriction of calories. Some people thanks to this feel beyond certain standards, others thus want to control their own lives. There may be a lot of reasons. However, all these categories of people must necessarily be aware of the seriousness of the situation and seek appropriate help.

  • if an obsessive idea to lose weight by any paths does not leave you for a long time, consult a psychologist or mentor for advice with whom you can openly discuss this problem;
  • if you suffer from anorexia at the moment, you should apply for professional help - therapeutic therapy or hospitalization, which will help you get rid of this disease once and for all.

2. Discussion of a problem with a close person.

3. Clarification of information on therapeutic methods to prevent anorexic behavior.

In the case of switching to poor nutrition, with the absence of the necessary organisms of vitamins and trace elements, you may need reception of mineral additives, polyvitamins and intravenous meals. The attending therapist will recommend a system of proper diet, the scheme for performing suitable exercise, and a psychotherapist's doctor will define the root cause of this disease, recommended visits to specialized support groups and appointed reception of drugs. Also with the doctor, the optimal range of healthy weight for your sex, age and growth, to which it is necessary to strive for recovery.

4. Creating a structured plan to get rid of anorexia and building a better vision of your own body.

A good way to distract from slimming and nutrition problems is the classes of various daily activities, a favorite hobby - fitness, yoga, photography, volunteering, painting, etc.

  • Adhere to a clear power plan, namely: three or four healthy food techniques and promise yourself a remuneration for the successful performance of the task;
  • create yourself a clear internal installation that you will pronounce every morning dedicated to a healthy vision of your body, the real run of your size, proper nutrition and weight.
  • track your progress in promoting a healthy lifestyle using regular records.

5. Changing thinking and awareness of control over their emotions without the help of diets.

The main problem of people suffering from anorexia is the error that the hard and extreme diet will help to solve the accumulated internal problems, will make them happier and fulfill the most intimate desires. Instead, to look inside and analyze which emotions - "depression", "stress" or, maybe "loneliness" are the root cause of unhealthy desire to lose weight by anything.

Work on your own self-esteem, strive to gain control over your feelings and emotions, try to overcome the feeling of inferiority and helplessness without the help of diets.

6. Improving the vision of its own body and the search for positive samples for imitation in life.

Look around and evaluate your surroundings - friends, family, colleagues. Please note how happy they are in their healthy body and are free from anorexia problems. Avoid current talk shows on TV, magazines and websites on the Internet, promoting unhealthy, anorexic bodies as an embodiment of ideals. More often attend cultural events: exhibitions, theaters, concerts with the presence of genuine, real people.

7. Communication with friends, valuable healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.

Try to communicate with friends and peers with a positive self-esteem and a healthy approach to food, nutrition and weight. After all, it is such communication can significantly affect the change in your views relative to the figure and nutrition. If your loved ones are concerned about your wool, you should not express your irritation. After all, so they express their concern about you.

8. Acceptance of drugs.

Substantial assistance in the fight against anorexia can have timely appeal to the doctor for the appointment of appropriate treatment and the reception of modern and efficient drugs. Surely the Doctor will appoint you a drug from the group of prokinthics, which contributes to the activation of the motor skills of the entire gastrointestinal tract, including the stomach, and the acceleration of its emptying process, and also has a controversial action. Moreover, it is noticed that the sooner the treatment has begun, the faster the positive effect is achieved.

So, the knowledge of these important factors to prevent anorexia and a timely visit to the doctor will help you on the development of a healthy lifestyle and a balanced power system to achieve a realistic body size.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 7 minutes


The main thing is that the success of treatment is determined - this is the rate of diagnosis. The faster it will be put, the greater the chances of restoring the functions of the body and recovery. What is the treatment of this disease, and what are the forecasts of experts?

How and where the anorexia is treated - is it possible to treat anorexia at home?

In very rare cases, anorexia treatment is carried out in the home walls. Because the patient with this diagnosis is usually required for urgent medical and, most importantly, psychological assistance. How is the treatment of the disease, and what are the features of this process?

  • Treatment at home is possible. But only provided constant close cooperation with doctors Compliance with all recommendations and exhaustion at the initial level. Read:
  • The main component of treatment is psychotherapy (group or individual), which is a very long and challenging work. And even after stabilization of the weight, the psychological problems of many patients remain unchanged.
  • As for drug therapy, those drugs are usually used, the effectiveness of which has been proved by many years of experience - metabolic Tools, Lithium Carbonate, Antidepressants etc.
  • Independently cure anorexia almost impossible - Without the help of specialists in a close bundle with the family, do not do.
  • Treatment is integrated And necessarily includes psychological correction. Especially for "heavy" patients who, even at risk, the deadly outcome do not want to realize that they are sick.
  • In severe cases, treatment suggests proteid food In addition to food, certain additives (minerals, vitamins) are introduced.
  • Considering that the basis of the disease is the complex of inferiority, the best the prevention of anorexia is education in children and in itself the right adequate self-esteem and placed priorities.

Features and rules for an anorexia; What to do to cure anorexia?

Key principles of treating anorexia is psychotherapy, regulation of edible behavior and training. And of course, constant medical monitoring and monitoring of the patient's weight. If the approach to treatment is timely and correct, then in most cases it is quite possible to fully restore the body.

What is the process of treating anorexia?

  • Permanent observation nutrition, psychotherapist and other specialists.
  • Strict adherence to all recommendations.
  • Intravenous administration of those nutrients without which it is impossible to restore the functions of organs and systems.
  • In severe individual situations, shown treatment in a psychiatric clinic until the appearance of the patient an adequate perception of his body.
  • Obligatory bed regime at the initial stage of treatment (physical activity is the cause of rapid loss of forces).
  • After evaluating the "fatness" (state state) is assigned somatic comprehensive examination, ECG monitoring and consulting specialists When detected serious deviations.
  • The amount of power shown by the patient is perhaps limited and its the increase occurs gradually .
  • Recommended body weight gain - from 0.5 to 1 kg weekly for stationary patients, for outpatient - no more than 0.5 kg .
  • A special diet of the patient anorexia is frequent and high calorie for rapid restoration of lost kilograms. It is based on a combination of those dishes that will not be overhaul for the body. The dosage of food and calorie increases, respectively, the treatment stage.
  • At the first stage ensured Regularity of food with the exception of its rejection - Only soft products that will not become irritants for the stomach. Food is exclusively gentle and careful, in order to avoid recurrence.
  • Meals expands after 1-2 weeks of treatment . When recurring, treatment begins first - with the exception (again) of all products, except for soft and safe.
  • It is important to learn to relax. With the help of the technique that is most suitable for the patient - yoga, meditation, etc.

Is it possible to complete recovery after anorexia - opinions and recommendations of doctors

Not every patient anorexia is able to assess the seriousness of the disease and death risk, subject to the lack of competent treatment. Important - in a timely manner to understand that it is almost impossible to recover from the disease. The books and the Internet give only the theory, in practice, patients only in rare cases are able to adjust their actions and find a solution suitable for their situation.

What do specialists say about the possibility of restoring after anorexia and the chances of full recovery?

  • The process of treating anorexia is purely individual. The factors on which it depends, a set - the age of the patient, the term and severity of the disease, etc. Regardless of these factors, the minimum term of treatment is from six months to 3 years.
  • The danger of anorexia consists in an irreversible violation of the natural functions of the body and fatal exodus (suicide, full exhaustion, gap of internal organs, etc.).
  • Even with a serious duration of the disease, the hope of a complete recovery is still there. Success will depend on the competent approach to treatment, the main tasks of which are the elimination of psychological prerequisites for the usual food behavior and the treatment of physiological tendency to such behavior.
  • One of the main tasks of psychotherapy is the elimination of fear of weight control loss. In fact, the brain in the process of restoring the body itself captures the lack of weight and allows you to score exactly so much kg as the body is required for the natural work of all organs and systems. The task of the psychotherapist is to help the patient to realize this and control its body in terms of rationality.
  • Complete recovery - the process is very long. It needs to be understood and the patient and his loved ones. But it is impossible to stop and lowering hands even during relapses - you need to be patient and go to success.

In the absence of serious pathologies, treatment in the hospital can be replaced by home, but - doctor control still needed!